Page 03
Sean was again drawn into the debate. While he was so engaged, I allowed my fingers, under the pretense of adjusting my napkin, pull my skirt higher up my leg. Nobody was paying any attention to me now since I hadn't been involved in the discussion for some time.
Sean drew back and let the conversation continue. He glanced my way and smiled, then quickly turned back to watch the others. I felt that flicker of disappointment spread through my chest again. It was quite depressing. I scratched the skirt higher and gazed steadily at my son. Eventually, he looked my way, smiling again. But he didn't look down.
I smoothed my skirt. Enough of this nonsense.
It was another hour and a half before they finished and left. Evidently, Sean was to be the figurehead of a new coalition, one that could win the support of the younger generation, spark their interest like no one had been able to do for almost twenty years. Tom's son was the new star of the movement. Under the coalition's guidance, of course.
I don't think any of them would have concurred with my view that they wouldn't be able to control him. Not Tom's son. Once in the public eye, Sean would be the center of attention; he would become the true leader. Tom hadn't foreseen this. Why would he? Sean was so young, but he hadn't been much older when he'd taken the helm. I was pleased. This was much better for the organization than me taking over for Tom.
I said my goodbyes at the door and closed it softly but firmly behind John and Tessa, then turned to rejoin Sean in the living room. He wasn't there. I heard dishes clanking in the kitchen. What a son. He was already cleaning up. I walked through the doorway and stopped.
Sean was standing in the kitchen, his jeans in a puddle at his feet, that strange look from the night before glinting in his eyes. The sound I'd heard was his buckle hitting the floor. He stood there in his green t-shirt, thick, stubby cock protruding, aiming right at me.
"Yes, mother?" he smiled.
I backed slowly away. John and Tessa were still outside. I had heard their car doors closing but hadn't heard the car start. They could walk in any moment, which would be disastrous, or I could simply turn and run out the door. Except I was confronting an aroused puma and turning to run was exactly the wrong thing to do.
"Your aunt and uncle are right outside," I cried.
"Are they?" he smiled, lifting his t-shirt over his head and tossing it aside. He stepped toward me.
To hell with logic, I paid heed to my instincts. I turned and bolted out of the kitchen. I ran to the door and yanked it open. John and Tessa were had backed out of the driveway and were just moving forward, curving across to straighten out on the street. Tessa looked, I waved, and shut the door.
Swiveling on my bare heel, I faced my son. He hadn't moved but still displayed the confident but wary smile as he stood naked in the kitchen, now even more aroused. I stepped toward him.
"Sean, that's enough. Put your clothes back on, right now!"
I stopped at the doorway, the stairs to my right. Sean dropped his right hand to his thick tool and grinned. He began moving toward me.
I panicked and ran up the stairs. Turning at the top, I saw him exit the kitchen and start up after me, his hand still holding his cock. I shrieked and ran to my room where I came to my senses and spun around, ready to face my son down.
I waited, breathing in small gasps, each breath timed with the heavy fall of his foot on a stair. As he quietly tread down the hallway, I couldn't breathe. He turned and was facing me, not two feet away.
"Sean, ..."
"Run, Mother."
Fear and exhilaration overwhelmed me. I ran. First, to the side of my bed, onto the thick fluffy white area carpet covering the hardwood floor. This wasn't a good place to be. Sean had only followed me two steps inside the door so I ran to the other side where, of course, the matching carpet adorned Tom's side of the bed.
Sean was at the end of the bed, coming around the corner. I held my hand out, fingers splayed apart. My legs felt weak. Trembling, I sank to the floor, one arm stretched behind me to break my fall and the other still reaching out to block my son.
Sean stood above me, his eyes, as I looked up, glinting strangely behind his imposing manhood. My hand fell and I leaned back onto my elbows. Sean watched me but didn't move. I looked up, trying to project defiance as he simply stared down. Neither of us moved until I, unbelievably, turned onto my side and then rolled onto my tummy. Sean's foot brushed against mine and I opened my legs.
It was deafening.
I tucked my hands by my sides. More seconds passed. My fingers began scrunching my skirt up my legs until the hem was dragging over my bottom. There was a thump as Sean's knees fell to the floor between my legs. I bent my elbows and pressed my hands flat against the rug, and pushed, lifting my rear end into the air.
His hands were sliding under my skirt, grasping my panties. There was a loud rip and I felt my shredded underwear being pulled away from my legs. Then he was there. His thick shaft pressing between my legs, rubbing my pussy, nudging but not attempting entry.
Several minutes passed. I kept my position, wantonly presenting myself to my son, but made no further move. Sean kept his thick cock nudging my portal but didn't try to get inside me. It was a standoff. I turned my head, pulling my face out of the rug onto its side so I could see him behind me.
My bottom betrayed me. It pressed back, ever so slightly, and received a tiny nudge in return. Don't! I screamed to myself, holding myself rigid, but a few seconds later, I did it again. A minute later, we were alternately pressing to and fro until finally, as he'd told me I would, I cocked my pelvis and twisted my pussy toward him.
His tip slipped inside me but didn't stop. He kept pressing on, parting my clinging, welcoming walls. So thick, so hard, so good. I knew he was much shorter than his Dad but it still felt like he was shoving is for so long.
"Oh, Mother," he cried in a muted gasp when he was fully inside.
Then he stopped.
Again, we were at an impasse. I had lost it already and though I couldn't bring myself to pull off of him, I was damned if I going to do it all. If he wanted to fuck me so badly, I'd let him do it one more time, but he had to do it himself.
I waited. And waited.
Oh, God. What's wrong with me?
I pulled my clasping pussy down his burly shaft.
That's it. Get off of him. End this now.
When I felt my lips stretching to accommodate his thick head, I stopped... and pushed my self back onto his hard cock.
Oh Marina. You're lost.
I slid all the way back to his root, squeezed hard, and dragged my slickness down his shaft again. Then back.
"Ah, Mom. That's so good."
Another stroke.
"Oh, Mom. Yeah, like that. Fuck me."
I fucked him. I fucked my son. He held firm above me as I worked up and down on his stout stalactite, so slowly at first, then faster and faster. I fucked and fucked him, working hard to thrust my pussy onto his pole, almost frantic to make him come, until at last he pushed me flat to the floor and began humping me madly, screaming my name.
"Mom... Mom... Marina..."
I'd made him lose it. I'd wrested control just as I always had with Tom. I was ecstatic, thrilled to the core, even before my son's seed burst into me for the second day in a row. He was lying on top of me, holding my hands above my head, gasping and moaning in my ear, his thigh muscles scrunching with the huge effort required to squeeze all of his seed up his shaft and into my pussy, still milking his cock, eagerly awaiting the signal of his defeat.
Later, lying atop my back, still inside me, Sean whispered his love and then began telling me how he would capture me tomorrow. He didn't rush. He told me in great detail how the story would play out. He paused, lifting his head from my sweaty hair, to kiss my neck and ears. How did he know how much I loved that? I couldn't help myself. As the story progressed, Sean stiffened inside me and I responded, squeezing, pressing, pulling.
"Of course," he whispered. "That's for tomorrow, and this," he thrust against my fleshy cheeks, bulging his cock into me from behind, "is for tonight. Once more, here," he gasped with another thrust, "and then onto the bed. All night."
"You trapped me tonight," I countered, "but you'll never catch me tomorrow."
"We'll see," he replied.
I relaxed on the rug, closed my eyes and pictured the next day. I was looking forward to the morning.