Chapter 01.6

I was too wrecked to have Mom a second time. By the time the thought occurred to me, she was gone.
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The next day was Sunday. I woke up to Dad's yell to get up. I wandered down to breakfast to find Dad alone.

"Where's Mom?"

"She isn't feeling well. You don't look so hot yourself."

"Yeah, I don't feel very good."

"Maybe you got food poisoning from that Greek place," Dad said, looking almost pleased by the suggestion.

"Yeah, maybe. I don't think I can eat. Maybe I'll just go back to bed, like Mom."

"Take that up to her then," Dad said, nodding at a mug of coffee. "I'm going out to the shop."

I took the mug upstairs, acting sick until I was out of Dad's sight. I wondered if Mom was really feeling sick or if she was just tired, or maybe feeling too guilty about last night and wanted to avoid me again.

I peeked in Mom's room before entering. She was lying on the bed, facing away. I bumped the door open wider with the mug and quietly approached her but she heard me and stirred. She raised her head and half-looked behind her, smiled when she saw it was me, and pushed the covers down to her hips. I was relieved but almost spilled the coffee when I noticed how narrow Mom's waist looked compared to the inviting, upward jut of her hips.

"You better put that down," Mom laughed.

I did.

"Where's your father?"

"Downstairs. He said he's going out to the shop."

Mom pushed the covers over her hips, revealing a nightgown bunched up above her hips. I stared at Mom's bare bottom. Her eyes met mine and then she turned flat onto the bed and slid her right knee up, parting her thighs. I climbed onto the bed, turned to look back at the open door, then pushed my pajamas down and fed my hardening cock into Mom's waiting, aready moist slit.

"Slowly, baby, until we know he's out in his shop."

"Okay, Mom."

We fucked slow and easy for a while. It was the hardest thing I had ever done, to not let myself go, but Mom seemed to love it.

"It feels good slow," she murmured.

When a saw finally started up in Dad's shop, I urged Mom completely onto her tummy and straddled her thighs, kicking her legs together with my feet, and sat upon her, my cock buried to the hilt and my hands grasping her cheeks. Mom let me position her however I wanted, as long as it was from behind, and seemed to love it fast or slow, rough or gentle, whatever I wanted to do.

I pushed down on Mom's back, lifted her hips off the bed and crouched over her, got her up onto hands and knees, pushed her flat on the bed, pulled her head up by her hair, pushed fingers into her mouth—anything I could think of, went. I especially liked holding her little waist in both hands, emphasizing the flare of her ass and hips. In the end, I sat astride her thighs, watching my shaft slowly appear and disappear, until the urge overcame me and I rode her hard and fast, bucking furiously and rocking the bed noisily. I finished her slowly, letting my cum ooze into her like a tidal pool filling before a surging tide.

I later found out Mom loved it best when I bent her legs way back and squatted over lewdly upturned haunches. On that afternoon, hearing Dad's tools still buzzing in his workshop, I flipped Mom over and did her a second time just like that.

When we finished, Mom whispered, "Like I tried to tell you last night, I'm not dancing for you after school anymore."

"No?" I responded, too exhausted to argue.

"No." Mom confirmed. "We won't have time."

I laughed with her.

"Now go away and let me rest. You've worn me out and I might not be up to more hijinks this week anyway."

Yeah sure. Late that night, after falling asleep and sure in the knowledge I would never want to make love to any other woman, Mom woke me up. Seems she wanted to be on top. I loved the sound of her soft laughter and tongue in my ear as she worked her hips up and down, ensconcing my shaft with her clasping tunnel.

"I love you, Mom."

"Of course you do."

Her tongue slipped into my ear and she gripped me tight. I was coming again but I knew she wasn't finished and would soon have me hard again. I almost hoped she would dance for me again. I needed the break. However, I was disappointed when the opportunity for a break presented itself within two weeks.

"Your aunt and uncle are coming to visit for a few weeks," Mom announced at breakfast one morning.

Mom almost laughed outright when she saw the disappointment oozing from my face. How could we be together with Dad's sister around the house. Not only that, how would I be able to hide my new feelings around another woman? As Mom saw the fear rising in my eyes, and realized what it was, her expression became less amused. She knew she could hide her feelings from Dad's sister, but could I?

I liked Uncle Tom and Aunt Beth. She was a lot like my father. His kid sister was stiff and proper just like he was but she was quite attractive in her own way. She ran the show at home and her affable husband pretty much knew it. If the past was any guide, he would want Dad to take him fishing and golfing, anything to get away, and that would leave Aunt Beth at home with us. I was looking at a sexual desert for the duration of their stay.
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I couldn't have been more wrong.​
Next page: Chapter 02
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