Chapter 02.2

"I don't care what you think. Just don't mention it again. Carol is very suggestive and Beth is not stupid. She'll put two and two together."

I could see the sense in Mom's words and said as much. She looked relieved.

"I'm just saying you have to be careful around your aunt. She's mixed up, vulnerable, and angry with Tom. She's unpredictable, to say the least."

"You're the one that mentioned Carol and agreed to go to Milo's for dinner, and then belly danced in front of her."

"I know. I slipped up. We were having such a good time watching movies. I've never been close to her before. She's always been a bit of a bitch but she was being so nice and…I guess I wanted to do something to pick her up. She's had such a rough time lately."

"Well, you certainly did that."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know. She seemed pleased, is all."

"She did seem to like it, didn't she?"

"Yeah. I never liked her before but I sure do now. I get the sense she's more like who she really is."

"Yes, I think you're right."

"It's too bad she'll be going home soon. She needs a son of her own."

Mom had started to say something but then stared at me in shock.

"Curtis, don't you even hint about our relationship around your aunt."

"Okay, okay."

"Haven't you listened to a word I've said?"

"Yeah, Mom. Don't have a cow."

"And watch the way you look at me."

"You're the one that put the costume on. How can I help the way I look at you."

"Yes, well that was a mistake, and I'm talking about the way you've been looking at me before. Sons don't look at their mothers like that. Make sure Beth doesn't se you, or God forbid, Dad or Tom."

A car door closed. Aunt Beth was back with Mom's car. She had gone to two job interviews, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, which had given Mom and I a chance to talk after school. The door opened and Aunt Beth came in.

"How did it go?" Mom called.

"Well, if I can still read men, I haven't got a chance."

Aunt Beth hung up her coat and joined us in the kitchen. I got up to put the kettle on for more tea and she took my chair. She was wearing the silky blouse she had worn on the weekend and a knee-length, pleated black skirt. The black stockings had been replaced with long black boots that clung to her legs like skin.

"Why do you say that?"

"First of all, I was the oldest woman they interviewed, and second, I was by far the least endowed."

Aunt Beth laughed and waved her hand down across the front of her chest. She wasn't wearing the enhancers. My gazed followed behind her hand and I liked what I saw. I would have hired her in a flash.

"Surely, they didn't day anything?" Mom said.

"No, but they were indifferent, which is quite noticeable when you're used to them fussing around you."

"Yes, I guess it would be," Mom mused.

"Well, I think they're stupid," I said.

Aunt Beth laughed. "Yay for the peanut gallery."

The kettle boiled and I filled the teapot. Aunt Beth turned sideways in the chair and leaned over to unzip her right boot, which immediately grabbed my attention. The sound of the zipper sliding down the inside of her calf was overloud in my ear. As the zipper lost its grip, the leather peeled back, exposing one of the perfect, creamy white legs I had seen in the laundry room.

"Ow," I cried, shaking my hand.

Watching Aunt Beth instead of what I was doing, I had managed to pour boiling hot water from the kettle onto my hand and overflowed the teapot to boot.


Mom met me at the sink where I turned the cold water on and ran it over my hand. She offered me a dish towel which I wrapped around my hand as she grabbed a cloth to mop up the spilled water.

"Are you okay?" Aunt Beth asked.


Aunt Beth pulled the boot off her foot, stretched out a leg, and ran her hands along it to refresh the skin. Her hands switched to the left boot and started to drag the zipper down. The left calf became exposed and I watched her refresh that leg too, noticing from the corner of my eye that Mom was watching too. It was a weird scene, Aunt Beth massaging her calf and both Mom and I mesmerized by that simple, supposedly nonerotic act.

Oblivious of her audience, Aunt Beth stood, picked up her boots, and carried them out to the closet by the front door. Mom and I watched, both of us looking at her smooth, nicely shaped legs—very nice ones with nary a blemish to hide. Why Aunt Beth chose to cover such beautiful legs all the time was a mystery.

When she returned, Aunt Beth smiled at us and said, "Too bad we don't have time for a movie…or a dance."

We all laughed, Mom and I a little nervously.

"Yes, but the men would come home and ruin it anyway."

"But the weekend's so far away," Aunt Beth lamented.

"We could watch one tomorrow," I suggested.

"Yes, Curtis has Tuesday and Thursday afternoons off."

Aunt Beth looked pleased. "Perfect. I can hardly wait."

We sat down to have our tea and were soon talking and laughing like old friends. I found myself wishing Aunt Beth would never go instead of wondering when she and Uncle Tom would be leaving. Mom had said to be wary but I wished we could find a way to bring her into our secret world. I guess in way we were, just not in a sexual way. We were becoming a trio and I decided then to stop my ridiculous, fumbling advances before I wrecked everything. If Mom was right, and I knew in my heart she was, I needed to make sure I didn't do anything to ruin the budding friendship between her and Aunt Beth, and me.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

That night at dinner Uncle Tom made an unkind remark. The only way I could make sense of it was that the financial strain, and his own lack of success in finding a new position, was getting to him.

"Well, if you dressed properly you probably would have got the job," he burst out while Aunt Beth was in the middle of describing her own lack of success seeking employment.

Everyone knew Uncle Tom was referring to the fact that Aunt Beth wasn't wearing falsies. Sitting at the ends of the table, Mom and Dad took a sudden interest in the food on their plates,and proceeded to demonstrate fine-grained skills in fork-handling. Uncle Tom, sitting across from his wife, blanched when he heard the words come out of his mouth, surprised that had voiced his thoughts, and immediately began to bluster an apology which quickly dwindled to a mumble as he cast his eyes down to his own plate, embarrassed and mortified.

Sitting beside me, Aunt Beth was at first shocked, looked down but then held her head high and glared at her husband, which is the point at which his outburst fizzled and he looked down. Her firmly-set jaw trembled with anger and the veins stood out on her neck, her face as red as her husband's was white. Just as she was about to speak, I reached for her left hand, which was resting on her thigh, and squeezed it gently. She remained rigid for a few seconds, then relaxed slightly and looked at me, the only one other than herself who wasn't looking at a plate. Aunt Beth didn't smile but the anger drained from her face and the flint in her eye receded. She looked at her plate and calmly speared a piece of broccoli and raised it to her mouth. I did the same and, gradually, everyone started to eat again. A deeper crisis had been averted.

Uncle Tom went to bed early that night, as did Dad. Aunt Beth, Mom and I stayed up and watched a couple of shows. Mom suggested we watch a movie but Aunt Beth said she would rather watch it when the three of us were alone and free from interruptions. I couldn't agree more.

Before we went to bed, Mom gave Aunt Beth a comforting hug and said, "Things will get better."

"I know they will," Aunt Beth replied. "Maybe I should put those silly things back on, just to get some work."

"Not on your life," Mom objected. "If you do that, you'll feel compelled to keep wearing them. You're much more attractive as yourself, anyway. Any real man can see that."

"Hear, hear," I chipped in.

Aunt Beth laughed, hugged Mom and gave her a kiss on the cheek, which took the latter by surprise. They really were becoming friends. She turned to me then and also caught me off guard by throwing her arms around me and lifting herself onto her toes to give me a kiss on my cheek. She settled back on her heels and slid her right hand up my arm to cup the side of my face in her palm and stretched her left out to place it on Mom's cheek.

"I love you both," she whispered.

With that, Aunt Beth turned and ran to the stairs. Mom and I looked at each other as her footsteps faded away. We walked toward each other until we were in each other's arms but didn't kiss for several minutes, and then it didn't become passionate. We simply held each other. After a whispered goodnight at the bottom of the stairs, I followed Mom up, wondering why, as the sway of her hips held my attention, I had passed up the opportunity to make love to her. My resolution not to mess things up by messing around with Aunt Beth was renewed; the last thing I wanted to do was lose what I already had.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

Everybody had left the next morning by the time I got up. I heard Dad leave early and after that Uncle Tom and Aunt Beth argued for a while. It sounded quite tense so I stayed upstairs until I was sure they had both left. I expected to see Mom downstairs but she was gone too so I couldn't ask her what was going on.

Wanting to know what had happened, I arrived home early that afternoon to ask Mom

just as Aunt Beth pulled into the driveway in Mom's car. The door opened and Aunt Beth swung her legs out, clad in the same long boots she had worn the day before. A different pleated black skirt adorned her hips and the same blazer covered her shoulders but underneath it, instead of a white blouse, Aunt Beth wore a delicately woven white sweater.

I was relieved to see she was genuinely pleased to see me. I had been worrying all day that I was part of the reason she had been arguing with Uncle Tom—aren't we all self-centered sometimes? It seemed that the interview must have gone well, so I asked, but regretted it when the pleasure drained from her face.

"Marginally better," was all she said.

Mom read Aunt Beth's mood as soon as she saw her. She had already made tea and snacks—biscuits, smoked salmon and sandwiches sliced into fingers—that were set out and waiting on the coffee table. Aunt Beth didn't say anything but the depth of appreciation conveyed in the look my aunt directed at Mom was considerable. These two women, once estranged, had quickly become good friends. My own relationship with my aunt had changed markedly in a short period of time—I guess I should say it had sprung into being since I one hadn't really existed before—strange though it was, and its destination yet unknown. But that between Mom and Aunt Beth was obviously more advanced.

I wasn't so rattled not to notice that when Aunt Beth removed her blazer before sitting down, she paused with outstretched arms as she struggled to retrieve her hands from the sleeves. These inadvertent poses show-cased my aunt's sexy upper body clad in the fine-mesh sweater. And that made it hard to comply with my twenty-four-hour-old resolution not to mess things up any more than I already had. But boy, if I was in a position to hire someone that looked like that, there wouldn't be a need for further interviews.

We sat in our previous positions on the couch with me on one end, Aunt Beth in the middle, and Mom on the other. Mom sat so close to Aunt Beth there was room for a fourth person on her other side. Still wearing her knee-length black boots, Aunt Beth put her feet up on the edge of the coffee table and Mom didn't even flinch. The pleated skirt slid a ways down my aunt's legs but not enough to reveal any bare thigh because she was wearing her signature black stockings. I thanked the Lord above for that because my conviction to be good was definitely waning.

Mom started a movie she had saved earlier on the PVR. During a particularly exciting scene, Mom put her arm around Aunt Beth's shoulders, and she slouched down to make it less awkward for Mom to keep it there, thus triggering a further slip of the pleated skirt sufficient to bare a sliver of thigh above the lacy band at the top of her stockings. When the commercials started Mom commented on the stockings.

"Those are pretty. Do you always wear such pretty ones?"

"Not always," Aunt Beth replied. "I just felt like it today for some reason."

I was going to fast-forward through the commercials but didn't when Aunt Beth lifted the hem of her skirt to examine the lacy borders of the stockings. Instead, I let them run so I could inspect Aunt Beth's thighs in detail. Mom had made them the topic of discussion, so why shouldn't I look too? With an extended index finger, Aunt Beth traced the lacy band as it curled around one sexy upper thigh, her flesh depressing as the finger dragged along.

"They are pretty, aren't they?"

"Have you ever tried different colors?" Mom asked.

I could have kissed Mom for dragging this out.

"Not really. I like white and black."

I pictured Aunt Beth's thighs encased in white stockings and almost groaned. My resolution was barely afloat and I didn't care much for saving it at that moment.

"What colors do you have in mind?"

"Oh, a nice, silky blue, maybe," Mom mused.

"Yeah, that would probably look nice."

"The movie's started," Mom announced.

Aunt Beth dropped the hem of her skirt and it landed closer to her knees, completely covering the black band of lace and the sliver of bare skin. I concentrated on the screen but, as before, my attention soon strayed from the movie to focus on Aunt Beth's legs. Gradually, slight movements caused the skirt to recede, at first re-exposing part of the lacy band and then more and more, until the full width was revealed on each thigh and a narrow slice of bare leg to boot.

Aunt Beth leaned toward Mom. As she cradled my aunt close, Mom's hand dangled over Aunt Beth's shoulder and her fingers grazed the upper right arm near the side of my aunt's breast.

"You had a hard morning, didn't you?" Mom asked quietly.

Aunt Beth nodded but didn't say anything.

"Just relax, sweetie. You're with your family now."

As if she had been awaiting permission, Aunt Beth closed her eyes, sighed, and sank deeper into the couch, despite the fact that the movie was far from finished. As the fingers on Mom's right hand brushed back and forth across Aunt Beth's upper arm, she squirmed and made herself more comfortable within Mom's embrace. The skirt slid farther up her thighs.

"Why don't you take your aunt's boots off for her?" Mom whispered, as if Aunt Beth was almost asleep and shouldn't be disturbed.

After all her warnings, Mom was sure making it hard for me to maintain a platonic perspective. Whatever. I found the zipper on the inside of Aunt Beth's left boot and dragged it down. Lifting her foot from the edge of the table, I removed the boot in one careful, smooth motion so as not to 'awaken' my aunt. As soon as I started to undo the zipper on the right boot, which was closest to me, I noted that the pressure pushed her leg toward me. I paused halfway down, realizing that the same thing had happened with the other leg.

Aunt Beth's knees had been close together but were now parted, forcing the pleated skirt to pile up on her upper thighs. Between them, I could see a hint of black panties within the shadow of the remaining skirt covering her legs. I jerked my eyes away, it suddenly dawning on me that while Aunt Beth had closed her eyes, Mom hadn't. She was looking right at me with the same smoldering eyes I had first witnessed in her bedroom during the early days of our affair, just scant weeks ago.

Disconcerted, I looked away and my eyes landed between Aunt Beth's legs again. It's amazing how captivating a pair of parted female thighs can be, especially when the sweet spot is just out of sight, concealed in shadows, yet framed by a pair of sexy, lace-topped stockings. I knew what was under there, just out of view, and imagined it pulsing, eagerly waiting for me.

Mom broke my reverie. "Don't stop," she whispered.

I re-started the zipper on its downward track but didn't watch its progress. Instead, I shifted my gaze to Mom and kept it there except for a single glance back into Aunt Beth's skirt. That was interrupted when, out of the corner of my eye, I noted that Mom's dangling fingers had failed to return along the two-way path they were grazing across Aunt Beth's upper arm. I found Mom's fingers reaching around to the inside of my aunt's upper arm, which was squeezed against her side, next to the side of the muted mound under her sweater. My eyes widened and my hand halted, stuck holding the zipper on the inside of Aunt Beth's ankle, while I watched Moms fingers rub back and forth several more times before scraping onto the top of my Aunt Beth's sweater, just above her right breast.

I looked into Mom's coal-black eyes. Slowly, my eyes never leaving Mom's, I pulled off the right boot and placed Aunt Beth's foot back on the edge of the coffee table, for some reason became fascinated by the way her foot curled to fit over the edge. I kept her knee close to me and looked deep into her skirt.

"Why don't you take your aunt's stockings off for her?" Mom whispered.

I stared at Mom, seeking more than oral confirmation that this was really what she wanted me to do, but I found no answer in her expressionless face or those unfathomable eyes. My fingertips found the lacy band atop Aunt Beth's left thigh, trailed along its edge a ways, and then dug underneath so I could peel it off her leg.

"Gently," Mom whispered. "Don't wake her."

As if she was actually asleep.

Very slowly, I tugged the stocking down Aunt Beth's leg, afraid that she might open her eyes to accuse me of an outrageous transgression despite the permission granted by my mother sitting next to her. The bare skin on her left thigh was incredibly soft and my cock lurched in my pants as the tactile sensations shivered up my arms into my brain.

It seemed like I was in a wonderful dream and, at the same time, enduring an ordeal. The thrill of discovery as Aunt Beth's bare flesh was revealed amid the fear of retribution that would follow if she opened her eyes and saw how much I wanted to fuck her. My cock was rock hard and I found it hard to breathe normally.

Mom's fingers continued to trail back and forth on the sweater above Aunt Beth's right breast and the hard nub that had arisen on top was witness to the effectiveness of the caress. Mom's left hand curled around Aunt Beth's other upper arm and the back of her fingers flicked out to press directly against the side of that breast. Mom watched Aunt Beth's face closely, seeking a reaction.

The stocking was down to Aunt Beth's knee. I peeled it to her ankle, gently lifted her foot from the edge of the coffee table, and slipped it off. Replacing her foot, I paused for a minute to seek Mom's permission to continue with the right leg nearest me. However, she was too busy watching Aunt Beth's face, her fingers barely grazing the sweater, one set caressing the right breast and the other flicking out to press into the side of the left.

Mom closed her eyes and started to hum a lullaby.

I nudged the hem of Aunt Beth's skirt back to make it easier to grasp the lacy band around the top of the stocking. The skin at the top of her inner thigh was also incredibly soft and I couldn't resist exploring it with my fingertips even before removing the stocking. I was much closer to Aunt Beth's panties and she became restless.

"Shhhhh," Mom whispered. "It's alright."

As Aunt Beth relaxed, the memory of the first brief encounter with Mom's panties that night in the car popped into my head. The next thing I knew the back of my knuckles were brushing against my aunt's panties but I quickly withdrew as soon as I realized what I had done. Luckily, neither woman seemed to have noticed the transgression.

I dug my fingers under Aunt Beth's stocking and drew it down her right leg. This time, I let the fingertips of my right hand splay out and dragged them all along the underside of her tender inner thigh. I reached the knee and proceeded down to her foot where I paused to let the stocking bunch up around my aunt's ankle. Gently, I raised her foot and slipped the stocking off, then dropped it to the floor.

I wasn't sure about what to do next. I waited, watching Mom hum the lullaby, and was surprised a moment or two later to see that I was still holding my aunt's right ankle. I set her foot on the edge of the coffee table and slid my hand up the underside of her calf, crossed over to the top of her knee, and continued along the inside of her thigh, as if refreshing the skin the way I had seen her do in the laundry room.

I reached the hem of the skirt but Mom's eyes were still closed so I carried on inside the skirt and didn't stop until I started refreshing the tender skin where the top of the stocking had been. A moment later, I moved on even higher, until the edge of my index finger made contact with Aunt Beth's panties and, for a second time, she drew in her breath, became restless, and started to mumble.

"Oh, no…the movie, I don't…"

"Shhhhh," Mom whispered. "Just lie still."

I pressed the edge of my finger onto Aunt Beth's panties where it found a compatible topological feature to lodge into. Aunt Beth became more restless and, incredibly, Mom twisted toward her, shushed her, and then brushed her lips against my aunt's cheek, whispering to calm her down, but couldn't until Mom's mouth slid to the corner of my aunt's mouth.

Aunt Beth sucked in her breath and went very still. Mom's mouth moved right onto her lips and my aunt's thighs tensed up and her calf muscles became rigid. I stared, fascinated that my two favorite women, lips pressed together but unmoving, were on the verge of a taboo new beginning, or ending, of their recently evolving relationship. The moment hung in the air for several tense seconds, then Aunt Beth relaxed, and Mom's lips pressed more firmly against hers. They kissed.

I waited several more long seconds until I knew the kiss wasn't going to end quickly, then wiggled my finger within its lodging. As the kiss continued I rubbed the finger, now securely embedded, up and down—more an intention than a real move but Aunt Beth responded nevertheless. She moaned and sighed into Mom's mouth which energized the meshing of their lips.

Mom's left hand moved from the side onto Aunt Beth's breast and closed over it. Her fingers squeezed and her palm pressed in before rotating back and forth in a twisting motion over the nipple. When Mom withdrew her hand briefly, I witnessed the rapid response and put my own left hand underneath the shallow rise of the other breast that Mom's dangling fingers were still teasing. I lifted the small mound of flesh until the bump under the sweater came into direct contact with Mom's fingers and watched it react in the same manner as the other had done.

Fucking awesome!

I pressed the length of my finger deeper into the groove in Aunt Beth's panties and wiggled it vigorously, my cock reacting to the damp heat I felt there. Swiveling my thumb above, I swept it across the top of Aunt Beth's mound several times before pressing down on the notch at the top of the groove. Keeping my thumb in place, I pulled my finger out of the groove, curled all of them inwards, and brushed my knuckles firmly across the swollen lips pressing against the inside of my aunt's panties. Back and forth, pressing, then replacing my index finger in the groove and jiggling it hard, producing a set of short gasps and long sighs that sent further tingles through my cock.

She was going to let me do it! Mom was going to let me do her!

Then the phone rang.

Aw shit! Fucking shit! Ignore it! Let it ring!

But Mom stopped humming and opened her eyes. She pulled back and Aunt Beth, eyes still closed, stretched to maintain contact, lips searching, but Mom's hands fell away and I reluctantly pulled my own out of Aunt Beth's skirt. Mom got up and stepped around the coffee table, then made her way into the kitchen to answer the phone. Aunt Beth slumped into the couch, eyes still closed. I sat frozen, my right hand holding her leg inside the right knee and the left still lying against her abdomen, just under her right breast with its stiff nipple poking up through the sweater.

"Hello," Mom said.

There was a brief pause.

"Where are you?"

"Uh huh. … You're not driving are you?…He did? That's wonderful. Yes, I understand you want to celebrate but you know you won't have just one…I know you better than that, Ted. Promise me you won't drive. When you're ready to come home, phone me and we'll come down to get you guys and your car…Promise…Okay, have a good time. Uh huh. Bye."

Mom hung the phone up and returned to take her place next to Aunt Beth but didn't put her arm around her.

"Tom got a job," she said.

Aunt Beth nodded but didn't open her eyes.

"Did you hear me?" Mom asked.

"Mmmhhmmmm," Aunt Beth mumbled.

She opened her eyes and looked directly at me. I felt suddenly uncomfortable, holding her leg in such an intimate fashion but she turned to look at Mom and I didn't retract my hand.

"It doesn't change anything," Aunt Beth said.

She twisted toward Mom, her leg pulling away as her back turned to face me, swinging her arm up so she could grasp Mom's shoulder. She paused and they looked at each other, eyes flickering over each other's faces. Then Mom closed her eyes and Aunt Beth moved closer. They kissed again.

I watched, enthralled, as the kiss intensified, quickly surpassing the ardor of the last. Mom's arms closed around Aunt Beth's slighter frame. Within a minute, she had urged my aunt to straddle her thighs until she hovered over her lap, lips still locked together. Mom's hands slid down Aunt Beth's back onto her ass and each clutched a handful of skirt. Seconds later, Mom pulled the skirt up, exposing the type of panties that bury themselves between a woman's cheeks.

A strange feeling pulled my attention away from Aunt Beth's ass. Mom was still engrossed, kissing Aunt Beth, but her eyes suddenly opened and she looked right at me. I knew then what I was supposed to do, at least, what Mom wanted me to do.

I stood and calmly removed my shirt, unbuckled my belt and pushed my pants down my legs, then lifted each foot clear. I even took the time to take my socks off. Mom watched me undress, kissing Aunt Beth ardently the whole time, perhaps to keep her busy while I stripped.

Naked, I stepped behind Aunt Beth who was still fervently returning Mom's kiss, her own hands now exploring Mom's larger breasts. I cupped my hands around the sides of her cheeks to take the measure of her taut behind, slid them up to her hips and then back down, stretched my fingers toward the center, near the divide, and pulled my aunt's pretty little pears apart.

I knelt onto the couch, knees on either side of Mom's, and lined up my cock. I slid my hands up to Aunt Beth's hips and gently pulled her ass toward me, giving her every opportunity to object, but no protest ensued. I nudged the excited tip of my cock between my her cheeks and felt the rubbery resistance of her dampened skin. I slid my right thumb into the crevice to scoop out the rear thong of her panties, pulled it aside, and pushed forward.

My cock skidded along her wetness, coating the top of my shaft. I pulled back, ducked lower to get a better angle, and rose slowly until my tip felt the mushiness of her nether lips, wiggled to gain a hint of insertion, and then shoved, pushing in, attaining entry, warm, wet, glorious closure over the entire helmet of my cock.

I paused to let the feeling sweep through me, steadied myself by bracing my feet on the floor, then fed the rest of my pole into my aunt, thrilling to the feel of her walls closing over it, gripping yet failing to hold, resisting so sweetly, until I was all the way in.

I thrust upward, lifting Aunt Beth another inch or two above Mom and she adjusted, bending down to keep her lips on Mom's while simultaneously raising her ass to ease my attack. She moaned and in reaction my cock lurched within her.

She was so fucking hot and felt almost as good as Mom, tight and squeezing on my cock instead of wholesome and milking. I withdrew slowly and shoved back in, more quickly and forcefully than I intended, and pushed Aunt Beth's face off Mom's.

"Gently, Curtis. There's lots of time," Mom admonished.

The next few thrusts complied with her instructions. I tugged Aunt Beth's sweater out of her skirt and slipped my hands inside to cup her little tits and groaned when her nipples stabbed into my palms and slid up to slip through my fingers. I closed them, pinching the little stems, and triggered a cry that transmuted into a low moan. I thrust harder, rocking my aunt's ass forward, and Mom didn't complain.

Aunt Beth arched her back to keep her ass more firmly against me, or to receive my shaft more comfortably, or perhaps to maximize its contact with the inner parts that craved the most stimulation. As I thrust in and out, she twisted about, rolling her hips and maximizing the sensations for both of us. She seemed to be really into it, as if she had waiting for me to fuck her all along.

That's why I was surprised when she suddenly pulled away and climbed up from her knees to half crouch on the couch. In her absence, my deserted cock felt orphaned and cold. Aunt Beth leaned forward, bracing her knees against the back of the couch on either side of Mom's head. If she had been a man, she would be in perfect position to feed her cock into Mom's mouth. It was obvious, really, what she was doing but I didn't clue in until Mom's hands cupped the pears of Aunt Beth's ass and pulled it onto her willing face.

Aunt Beth ground her pussy on Mom for about a minute. I looked ruefully down at my jilted cock, slick with my aunt's juice. It looked pathetic and lonely. I stepped onto the couch and crouched behind Aunt Beth, lowered my hips, and nudged the tip of my cock between her cheeks, and Mom's hands.

Although I didn't touch Mom, she sensed my presence and spread my aunt's cheeks for me, parting her puffy lips to make it easier for me to enter. I slid into Aunt Beth's cunt and pushed deep, quite easily this time, despite how tight she had been at first. Perhaps I had broken the trail but I suspected the ease of my entry had more to do with the magic of Mom's lips and tongue, the latter of which I could feel on the bottom of my shaft from the second I slipped through my aunt's now frothy entrance.

So the three of us fucked on the couch. Mom ate Aunt Beth and licked the underside of my shaft while I slowly plied her pussy and played with her tits. Mom was the great giver. Aunt Beth became a little unsteady, which I wrote off to Mom's ministrations until I realized it was partly because my aunt had shifted one foot between Mom's legs and had a bare foot buried deep within her skirt. I don't know what was going on in there but Mom's hips were moving in rhythmic reaction.

I felt an incredible urge to start slamming against Aunt Beth's cute little butt but fear of hurting Mom kept me back. My orgasm therefore grew slowly, increasing steadily, helped along by the encouraging love mewlings, sighs and gasps emitted by both women. When my aunt's hands desperately grasped Mom's head, I knew the end was near. I could hardly hear Mom over Aunt Beth's moans, interspersed by ragged breaths and the occasional gasp. Her hips were jerking spasmodically on Mom's face and the frequency and unpredictability of her motions brought me along like a freight train. When Aunt Beth finally cried out and went rigid, I instantly spilled my seed within her.

I thought about pulling out before unloading but reasoned that, at Aunt Beth's age—at least fifteen or sixteen years older than me—she was probably fixed; otherwise, why let me inside bareback in the first place? Anyway, Mom never worried about me being bareback, so I figured Aunt Beth had taken care of business just like Mom did, or maybe she couldn't have kids since she and Uncle Tom haven't had any after all these years of being married. So, while Aunt Beth shivered through her orgasm, I let my cock empty its cargo inside her, squeezing out more with each shudder from my aunt until I had no more to give.

I crouched over Aunt Beth, no longer stimulating her nipples but simply holding her breasts and trying to cuddle close to her while she stroked Mom's hair. I shuddered a few more times myself, squeezing more of my spend into my aunts slick heat but, eventually, my cock softened and slipped out so I stepped back and off the couch. Aunt Beth sank onto Mom's lap and started stroking her face, presumably trying to clean her juices from Mom's face. She kissed her every few seconds, gentle caresses that were more loving than passionate.

When Aunt Beth finally tried to lift herself off, Mom slid sideways on the couch and twisted onto her back, head landing on the inside of the couch's arm and hands holding my aunt's, preventing her escape.

"My turn," she whispered, pulling on Aunt Beth's captured wrists.

Aunt Beth followed Mom down, twisting to kneel over her and bending with her knees between Mom's legs to kiss the band of bare belly exposed under the blouse that had been torn out of her skirt. Mom's knees rose and the skirt slid down her legs but my aunt had already reached inside and was pulling her panties down her thighs. She slipped them over Mom's knees and somehow got them off her feet without looking awkward. As soon as they were out of the way, Aunt Beth buried her face within the depths of Mom's skirt and she in turn leaned her head back, closed her eyes, and sighed loudly.

"Oh yesss. It's been so long since I've had a woman do this for me."

I was shocked. I mean, I had just watched Mom eat out my aunt and thought nothing of it but to hear her admit she'd done it before with a woman really took me by surprise.

"Oh yeah, baby. Like that&helllip;Ooohhh, yessss."

There didn't seem to be a place for me so I started to withdraw but as soon as I did Mom's head turned sideways on the couch and her eyes opened. She smiled, a very pleased and satisfied smile.

"Come here, son," she whispered.

I approached Mom but she straightened her head and rolled her eyes upward.

"Behind me."

I walked around the end of the couch and Mom reached over her head to find and grasp my cock.

"Soft already?" she laughed. "We'll have to fix that."

Mom tipped her head back and opened her mouth.

"Slip it in," she said.

I crouched and lowered myself until my floppy cock dangled over Mom's nose and bumped against her lips. It slithered down the right cheek and I pushed it back onto her mouth. Her tongue shot out and tickled the underside of the tip and I immediately started to lengthen. A minute of licks later, I had a hard time keeping my cock on Mom's lips because it was too hard so I pushed it down with my hand, angled myself above her by stretching my right foot around to the front of the couch, and slipped my cock into Mom's inviting mouth.

I slipped in and out for a minute, then reached down and tried to undo Mom's blouse but the buttons resisted. Impatiently, I ripped it apart and tore the bra open too. I felt Mom laugh through the various parts of her mouth massaging my cock.

After playing with Mom's tits and teasing her nipples for several minutes, I grabbed Aunt Beth's hands and pulled them up to place them on Mom's tits. A muffled groan of pleasure sounded from deep within Mom's skirt as my aunt realized what I had done. Her hands and fingers plied Mom's breasts more delicately than I could so I straightened up to concentrate on satisfying myself in Mom's mouth.

We continued like that until Mom arched her back and tipped her head up, face contorting. I pulled my cock out until Mom had peaked and then pushed it back inside her mouth. My beautiful mother eagerly sucked my cock but it wasn't until Aunt Beth pulled her head out of Mom's skirt, and sat up to watch me pushing my cock in and out of Mom's mouth, that I started to come.

I didn't have as much left in me, not nearly as much, but I still managed to fill Mom's mouth and spill some onto her chin and upper lip, at least enough to drip down her right cheek. Aunt Beth reached out to take my cock in her right hand and stroked and squeezed until no more came out. She looked into Mom's eyes and they both giggled.

It was strange after that. Mom sat up and suggested she and Aunt Beth get a shower before driving down to the pub to fetch their husbands. Nobody worried about me. I tidied up the living room while they straightened their clothes and quietly disappeared in different directions to clean up. I went upstairs to have my own shower and, when I was done, came downstairs to find them gone. I returned to my room. I didn't want to be there when Dad and Uncle Tom got home.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

I didn't see anyone but Mom the next morning. Dad and Uncle Tom had slept in and Aunt Beth had already left for an early interview.

"I called in sick for your father," Mom said as I fetched the cereal from the cupboard.

"Oh yeah? How about Aunt Beth?" I asked.

"What about her?" Mom countered, looking up from the paper to look at me, chin on hand and an amused expression on her face.

"How was she dressed?" I asked.

"Very nicely," Mom answered. "I think you'd have liked what she was wearing, had you been up in time to appreciate it."

"Yeah?" I filled my bowl and put the cereal back in the cupboard, as I had been trained to do. I had opened the fridge before Mom responded, seemingly more intent on the paper than what she was saying.

"She wore a blazer over a plain white blouse and a nice black skirt."

"Ahh. The uniform, sans battlements, I presume?" I poured milk on my cereal.

Mom laughed and confirmed, "No enhanced defense works. I think that may be a thing of the past."

"Thank God for that."

"She did wear the boots, but no black stockings."

I perked up and turned to face Mom.

"But she might wear them tomorrow," Mom added.

"Why do you think that?"

"Oh, she might want someone to take them off for her."

Mom's smile widened and I nodded, then jerked the milk carton up.

"I think she rather enjoyed that," Mom continued, obviously tickled that I was so distracted as to overfill my bowl. "The blouse was plain, but the way she wore it…well, let's just say I'd be surprised if she didn't get an offer today."

There was a stirring in my groin and I was unable to walk straight when I crossed the floor to take a seat. Mom smiled, knowing exactly what was going on. Reading the paper again, she casually unbuttoned two buttons on her own blouse, in addition to the two that were already undone. She wasn't wearing a bra underneath and the inner swells of her breasts were clearly visible, as were the enticing creases where her tits swept away from her chest, my favorite part.

"Did you get an offer this morning?" I asked, getting up.

At first, Mom looked confused, then answered, "I did, but declined, though I can't remember when I've had such a lovely parting kiss."

I guess we weren't going to discuss what had happened. We were just going to accept it as part of our life, just as we had our new relationship. I got up and stood behind her, putting my hands on her shoulders.​
Next page: Chapter 02.3
Previous page: Chapter 02.1