Chapter 02

Mom and I had just a few days to revel in our new, unrestrained relationship before Uncle Tom and Aunt Beth arrived. I guess I should say Aunt Elizabeth which is what I had learned the hard way to call Dad's younger sister in her presence.

Aunt Elizabeth was slim, pretty and uptight. She was a top legal secretary when Uncle Tom arrived at a neighboring firm in the building where she worked. Securing a date with my aunt was a local challenge for the young lawyers working in the building and, even if won, getting anywhere was an impossible task. However, Uncle Tom managed a date in his first week and married my aunt within three months, proving that he was a whiz kid in more than the law.

Uncle Tom didn't want Aunt Elizabeth to work so she retired within the year and led the life of a young lawyer's wife who was on the fast track to partnership. It was a blur of fancy lunches with other lawyers' wives, shopping, holidays, golf and, of course, partying. They bought an expensive house with a large mortgage and two cars—his racy and hers showy—that they couldn't really afford, but Uncle Tom's compensation package was increasing by twenty percent each year so they didn't worry about their debt.

Then everything changed. Uncle Tom was fired almost a year ago. Mom and Dad didn't know the details except that he hadn't been able to secure a new position and was looking for something in a smaller town like ours.

Almost a year without work.

"Thank goodness he made so much money for so many years," Mom commented.

My aunt and uncle's arrival in a low-end Chevy rental car hinted that things were perhaps a little tougher than Mom thought. They had visited us several times before and Uncle Tom always rented a BMW, Mercedes, or Lexus.

Nevertheless, Uncle Tom appeared to be the same affable and outwardly confident person I had always known. Aunt Elizabeth looked the same too, getting out of the car in her usual uniform, a dark blazer over a white blouse, well-filled for her small frame, and a black skirt. The only variations I had ever seen on Aunt Elizabeth were black pants in place of the skirt, or a black dress. She was wearing the same lipstick that was too red for her pale face and her black hair was swept up in a tight fold behind her head. Her legs were just as shapely as I remembered and covered by black stockings, as usual—something that had always made me wonder if she had varicose veins or some other blemish to hide. Aunt Elizabeth was a woman who could always be recognized by her clothes alone. Once she had found the look she desired, she stuck with it.

Uncle Tom did look older and after a while the affability seemed a little strained. For her part, Aunt Elizabeth was distracted and subdued. She normally ran the show and Uncle Tom was always game to get away with Dad for a game of golf, fishing, or whatever. That hadn't changed. In fact, Uncle Tom seemed more eager than usual and in less than a hour Dad made an excuse for he and my uncle to get away. Mom and I were left alone with Aunt Elizabeth.

The two women were quite different in looks and personality. Mom has a soft body encapsulated within an average build. She is attractive rather than beautiful, with a face that always draws second looks, and is laid back. Aunt Elizabeth was lean and edgy and, although she was pretty, there was a plastic feel about her. With her, you didn't get the impression there was much under the outer shell and wouldn't bother to get to know her. Perhaps that's why she carried an invisible 'back-off' aura, a defense mechanism for being cast aside once people found little inside to interest them. On the other hand, sensitive people were often intrigued by Mom and some tried hard to get to know her with equally little success.

Mom and Aunt Elizabeth's relationship was based on tolerance. She was Dad's spoiled younger sister and Mom had been a barely tolerated intrusion just as my aunt reached puberty. Often, Aunt Elizabeth made an excuse shortly after the men left to visit a friend on her own. Mom suspected she didn't have any friends in town but was relieved to be spared the awkwardness of her sister-in-law's presence. Neither woman brought up my aunt's visit with her supposed friend in Uncle Tom's presence. They had an understanding.

This time, however, things were different. Aunt Elizabeth hung around and seemed to want to talk. Mom asked her if she wanted some tea but she declined.

"How about coffee?"

"Do you have something to drink?"

"Uh, sure. What would you like?"

"Vodka, gin…whatever. Do you have any scotch?"


"Neat," Aunt Elizabeth said when Mom opened the freezer to get some ice.

Mom delivered two glasses to the kitchen table and glanced at me as if to say buzz off.

"I better study for my math exam," I said.

Mom smiled. "Okay Curtis. You've done your duty. You can go play your game now."

I laughed and Aunt Elizabeth managed a smile. I went upstairs and played a game on the computer, leaving the door open and turning the sound up to support Mom's reason for dismissing me. After a while Aunt Elizabeth's odd demeanor nagged at me. I sneaked to the top of the stairs and heard Mom and my aunt's muffled voices deep in conversation—an oddity in itself—so I crept down a few steps to listen.

Aunt Elizabeth was angry; her cracked voice testified that she was very upset and had likely been crying. Aunt Elizabeth, crying, displaying a human emotion other than steel determination and superiority? Never.

But it was so.

"And now the bastard wants me to go back to work." A gurgle of scotch was followed by the slam of a glass on the table. "Another."

"Do you think you should?" Mom asked. "You've had five already.

"Please," Aunt Elizabeth pleaded.

This was great. Stiff Aunt Elizabeth was getting drunk!

I sat down on the step, heard the clink of a bottle on glass, liquor pouring, a pause and more pouring, and then the bottle being set on the table. A gurgle and a swallow, then Aunt Elizabeth continued speaking.

"All these years I've worn these fucking padded bras so he can look like he's got the big prize and what do I get for it? The fucking prick! Every party, he gets drunk and stares at any woman with big knockers."

Gurgle and a swallow.

"Do you know what a target that made me for all his so-called colleagues? They're always trying to fuck each other's wives, you know. The big competition. Only the new ones chase the secretaries. The older ones know fucking one of those gold-diggers can get them in trouble if they if they trespass on a partner's territory."

I covered my mouth to avoid giving myself away. That was rich, coming from Aunt Elizabeth. This shit was great. I had never even heard my aunt swear before.

"Nope," Aunt Elizabeth slurred. "The wives are the real trophies."

Another gurgle and a glass slamming on the table.

"Then the new partner arrives from another firm. Nobody moves up, so everyone hates him. Not that the chickenshit pricks let on, but they're all pissed. Especially Tom, who should have been next in line. God knows, he's paid his dues."

Gurgle and slam.

"So what does he do?"

"I don't know, Beth. What did he do?"

Wow. Mom called Aunt Elizabeth Beth.


"I have no idea."

"He went after her."


"The new partner's wife. As soon as he saw the hooters on her, he was onto her like that."

There was a loud snap of fingers.

"Beth, are you sure?"

"He tried. She egged him on at parties, of course. The bitch liked the attention, but it was just a game to her and Tom thought it was for real. Probably thought she'd put in a good word for him. Then someone saw them at a restaurant—one of the new secretaries that didn't know enough to keep her mouth shut—so the bitch burned Tom; told her husband he came on to her and she arranged a meet to tell him to stop. And that was that."

Gurgle and slam. "Another."

Mom didn't protest. A glass was filled, then another. I guess Mom was more or less keeping up.

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know."

"Are you thinking of a divorce?"

"Oh, God no. We can't afford that. No, but I'm not wearing these fucking things anymore."

I heard rustling, then a popping sound followed immediately by something small clattering on the table and then the floor. Further rustling.

"God damned things."

Something soft landed on the floor and a bit of it became visible in the doorway—half a bra with an empty cup! Well, not quite empty. It was stuffed with foam.

"I'm not dressing like a pumped-up doll for him anymore. He can get a job, any job, even if it isn't as a lawyer. Even better if it isn't as a lawyer."

"It's tough out there, Beth. It might be harder for Tom here than in the city."

"He dug his own hole, now he can get out of it."

That was more like the Aunt Elizabeth I knew.

"Oh, Beth."

Crying. A chair was pushed back, then I heard scuffling footsteps. I pictured Mom coming around the kitchen table to hug her sister-in-law. I wish I could have seen that.

"There, there. Why don't we run a nice hot bath for you?"

Someone tried to get up but stumbled. Aunt Elizabeth appeared in the doorway and hit the far door jamb. Mom grabbed her and I stood up just before she turned, arm around Aunt Elizabeth, and saw me. I walked down the stairs as if I'd already been coming but Mom frowned; she didn't buy it.

"Help me get your aunt upstairs," she said.

"Sure, Mom. What happened?"

Mom gave me a dirty look. "You know what happened."

I was surprised that Aunt Elizabeth looked so woozy and barely conscious when she had been speaking so clearly a minute before. Slurring, sure, but awake. Now she looked ready for bed rather than a bath. I got to the bottom of the stairs and put my arm around Aunt Elizabeth's waist, taking most of her light weight.

"Wait," Mom said.

She turned around and bent down to retrieve something from the kitchen floor. It was Aunt Elizabeth's bra, white and thickly padded—falsies. I looked down at my buxom aunt, or should I say, formerly buxom aunt. Through the lapels of her blouse, flapping open in the absence of two missing buttons, I saw her small breasts, each a small palm-full and no more, capped by normal-sized nipples that looked slightly out of place.

"Take her up to my room and put her on my bed," Mom instructed.

I walked Aunt Elizabeth up the stairs and Mom passed by us. She was already running the water when I reached her room with Aunt Elizabeth. I sat her on the bed. She mumbled thanks as I pushed her onto her back and swung her feet up on the bed. Her left hand strayed up to cross over her forehead, covering her eyes, and she sighed heavily.

I looked down at Aunt Elizabeth's deflated chest. It looked odd, out of sync with all my memories. I focused on the place where the formerly prominent breasts had been and noticed only a pair of slight swellings with bumps that had to be nipples poking through the cotton blouse. Fuck me, they might be small but Aunt Elizabeth had hot little tits. I pushed her blouse apart with a tentative finger.


My hand jerked hand back and I looked up at Mom's angry face.

"She's out, Mom. No need for the bath."

Mom walked around the bed, pushed me aside, and confirmed my assessment. Then she leaned down and gently closed Aunt Elizabeth's blouse.

"Get a blanket," she said.

I got a blanket from the closet and Mom covered my aunt, then stood and surveyed her.

"Wow, she doesn't hold her liquor very well," I said.

"I'm don't think she's used to it…yet."

"Sounds like she has lots to drink about."

"I knew you were listening."

"Do you think they're going to split?" I asked, ignoring the accusation.

"I don't know. If they do, your Dad will want his sister to stay with us."

I looked down at Aunt Elizabeth. She had pushed the blanket off her chest and the blouse was parted again. Her nipples poked against the cotton.

"Jesus, Curtis," Mom jabbed me with her elbow.

I jumped away, moved behind Mom, and grabbed her arms. I only meant to restrain her to protect myself but pulling her arms back thrust her breasts against her chest. I nuzzled her neck and pushed my groin against her bottom.

"Maybe it would be good for Aunt Elizabeth to have someone around who appreciates her the way she is."


"Mom, she's passed out."

"I don't care."

I rolled my hardon against Mom's ass.

"She's got little ones, but they're nice."

"Curtis, for Christ's sake."

"Okay, okay," I whispered.

I slipped my hands around to grasp the front of Mom's blouse.

"Her nipples aren't so little, though."

"Stop it, Curtis."

"Well, they aren't."

Mom looked closer and I pushed Aunt Beth's blouse apart.


"Let's peek inside."

"Good God, don't be ridiculous."

I got another of Mom's buttons undone and slid my hands inside her blouse to grasp her breasts outside her bra. I massaged her tits and felt her respond. Despite her disapproval, she was aroused.

"Stop it. She might wake up."

"No she won't. Come on, let's see what Little Miss Uppity's got," I said, playing into all the times Mom had to hold her tongue in Aunt Elizabeth's haughty presence.

"Just a quick peek," I urged.

I rubbed my thumbs across Mom's bra-encased nipples and felt them harden so I squeezed her breasts and massaged them through the bra.

"Come on, Mom," I whispered. "Let me look."

My thighs pressed into the back of Mom's and my bulge nudged a slot into her skirt. I breathed onto the nape of her neck and kissed it, nibbling with my lips before pulling away to whisper in her ear.

"We could go to my room instead."

I was sure she would decline the offer with Aunt Elizabeth in the house so I was surprised when Mom pushed her backside against me and said, "Okay."

I flipped Mom's bra up to free her tits and grabbed them, capturing her stiff nipples between thumbs and fingers. "Let's look first."

"Do you have to?" Mom whispered, rubbing her skirt on me.

"Yes," I breathed thickly into her ear.

"Go ahead, then, if you have to, but be careful."

"Maybe you should do it."

I squeezed Mom's tits for emphasis and shoved my cock into her ass. Incredibly, Mom leaned forward, hovered over Aunt Elizabeth, and deftly slipped another button undone. She delicately parted the blouse to one side and revealed Aunt Elizabeth's left tit. When she straightened up, I undid another of her buttons.

"Stop it. Ok, you've had your look. Now let's go."

"I want to show her what real tits look like," I whispered.

I pulled Mom's blouse apart.

"Curtis! This is crazy."

Mom complained but her nipples were harder than I had ever felt them. I wondered if she felt a rare sense of superiority over her sister-in-law, with her more substantial breasts or was she, like me, just getting off on the danger of what we were doing?

"Curtis, really. We have to go."

Belying her anxiety, Mom arched her back and proudly thrust her tits outward.

"Okay, do her up then," I said, managing to work a disappointment I didn't feel into my voice.

I released Mom and went into the bathroom to shut off the water which was still running in the tub. When I returned, Mom had pulled the blanket up to cover Aunt Elizabeth and had presumably rebuttoned her blouse. She pulled the bra over her own breasts and started to button her blouse just as I stepped behind her. I stayed back a bit so she wouldn't know what I was doing until it was too late. She had only one more button to do when she felt me raising her skirt.

"Curtis, no!"

"Come on, Mom. We'll laugh about it after."

Struggling, Mom nevertheless let me pull her skirt up to her hips. She protested half-heartedly as I pushed her panties down in the back to the top of her thighs, baring her ass. Quickly, I put my arms around her belly, squatted down a little, and brought myself close. In one swift motion, I brought my bare cock up between her legs, angled them over the waistband of her panties, and pushed in, striking the bulls eye and slipping inside an inch or so before Mom could react.


Mom hadn't whispered and Aunt Elizabeth groaned and turned halfway over.

"Shhhhh," I cautioned.

Mom tried to push my arms down and away but I held her firmly and shoved my cock deeper. I straightened up and lifted Mom up onto her tippy-toes.

I groaned. "I've missed you so much."

Mom relaxed her grip on my arms.

"Me too," she whispered. "But we can't do it here. It's too dangerous."

"If she starts to wake up, I'll just slip out," I panted. "You're still dressed so she'll never know."

I didn't mention that I would be caught with my pants around my ankles.

"Let's do it," I grinned into Mom's neck, pulling almost all the way out and thrusting slowly back in. "Right under her snooty nose."

"Don't be mean, baby. She's hurting inside."

I didn't answer. Instead, I thrust in and out of Mom several more times. She wasn't fighting me anymore and I think she was resigned to the fact that it would cause less of a disturbance to let me fuck her right there in front of Dad's passed out sister. I pushed my hands up under Mom's blouse and grabbed her tits again.

"I love you, Mom," I moaned, moving steadily in and out of her.

I leaned forward, hugging her to get better penetration, and slipped my hands down to her hips. Mom gave way and as she bent forward I stepped back, pulling her hips tight against me so she her hair wouldn't fall over Aunt Elizabeth. After a few more strokes, my legs started to tremble and I stepped back again. Mom's shoulders dropped closer to the floor but my grip on her hips kept her close. Mom was almost doubled over now, hands pressing on the rug to brace herself, while I banged into her with a steady rhythm.

Aunt Elizabeth was forgotten now. Mom and I hadn't made love for several days and we missed each other. It didn't take long us to come. I came first and that seemed to trigger her release. Afterward, we retired to my room where we cuddled, whispered and laughed until we heard Dad and Uncle Tom arriving home.

Mom had been quite turned on by fucking in front of Aunt Elizabeth and getting away with it. Of course, she was a little tipsy herself which reminded me of Dad giving me extra money to make sure she had lots of wine for dinner. I'm pretty sure Mom wouldn't have done it if she hadn't been loosened up by a few drinks. I shelved that bit of knowledge for future reference.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

The rest of the week went by without incident. Aunt Elizabeth showed up every morning with her falsies back in place. When she was around, I couldn't help focusing on the starched white blouse or light sweater, always pulled tightly into her black skirt or pants. I tried not to look because I knew that women are aware when you're looking at them that way but I couldn't help it.

I hadn't had a chance to get together with Mom, mostly, I suspected, because she avoided me when whenever there was an opportunity to be alone. I don't think she was punishing me. I think she just didn't want to risk getting caught and didn't trust herself not to let her guard down after what had happened in her room.

Uncle Tom and Aunt Elizabeth were having little success in their job search and the tension between them began to surface, not outright, but visible nonetheless in needlessly terse communications. The angst spread to me when Dad announced on Saturday morning that, due to their lack of progress on the job front, Uncle Tom and Aunt Elizabeth would be staying for at least another week and probably two or three. After assuring Dad that was fine with her, Mom glowered at the disappointment plainly displayed on my face, but when Dad looked away, her expression became more sympathetic and she shrugged in empathy. I held my hand out to my side, palm up, looked at it, and shrugged back. Mom burst out laughing.​
Next page: Chapter 02.1
Previous page: Chapter 01.6