Page 02

"Is this what Carol feels like when she plays with Benny?" Amanda asked herself silently.

She drove her fingers into her channel firm and steady for a long while, but then brought her other hand down to rub her clit at the same time. The fresh memory of the touch and feel of Kyle's cock set her on edge like never before. Seeing and touching that beautiful pole through his underwear wasn't enough. She needed more. She needed to feel the heat of his swollen man flesh. She needed to taste it and feel it forcing its way into the depths of her churning cunt. And these were the sordid, filthy visions flowing through her mind as her pleasure built and overflowed until a powerful climax overtook her helpless body.

"Holy fuck," the beautiful brunette sighed aloud. "Did I really just masturbate to my own son? My beautiful Kyle?"

With her fingers still wet with the juices of her climax, Amanda brought her hands up her toned, slender body and under her top. She languidly rubbed her firm, C cup sized tits. Her nipples were still hard and swollen. She thought of how those nipples had been in her son's mouth countless times as a baby. If he could suck them now it would be a completely different experience for both of them.

But that was something she could never allow happen no matter how much she thought she wanted it. She could never touch that magnificent cock she dared to chance a quick feel through his underwear. Some things were better off kept locked away in the inner recesses of her confused mind. She wasn't like Carol. Imagining herself in the other mother's shoes had proven that to her. As for Kyle, he was certainly nothing like Benny. Kyle would never dream of defiling his own mother with perverted lust.

As Amanda drifted closer and closer to sleep, she felt so grateful for the close, healthy relationship she had with her son. Carol and Benny were just different kinds of people. Their behavior was shocking, but Amanda could understand them, at least. Benny seemed a bit arrogant, to say the least, considering the way he'd groped Amanda's ass on the way out of their house. Yet he seemed perfectly polite and charming otherwise. He was almost as handsome as Kyle, and he did seem to treat his mother with love and respect aside from the fact that he'd made her suck his cock during a dinner with guests. Amanda's mind was overloaded with unanswered questions and fatigue. She was asleep before she knew it.

Waking up later than usual, she laughed at herself for how silly and irrational she'd been the night before. She still felt a sense of shock about what she'd seen at Carol's house, but now she felt like she could just laugh it off and not take it too seriously. The other woman had a right to make her own choices, and Benny was an eighteen year old young man who could do the same. Knowing about their forbidden relationship took some getting used to, but Amanda could at least understand it, even if she didn't think it was exactly normal. Even so, she didn't plan to accept any more dinner invitations from them.

Kyle was already downstairs when his mother got out of bed. She went into the bathroom to brush her teeth and hair. Then she threw on a short, thin robe, barely closing it in front when she tied the string. Kyle would be leaving for school soon and she wanted to see him before he left. It wouldn't be long before graduation. The eighteen year old had been accepted to three different colleges already, and he was still deciding on which one he wanted to go to. Obviously, Amanda had too many important things on her mind to let herself be distracted by weird sexual thoughts she couldn't control.

"Hey Mom," Kyle said when she entered the kitchen.

Amanda caught the way her son's eyes lit up at the way she was barely covered. He couldn't see her panties unless she turned the right way, but the way her bulbous tits were pushing at her thin top protruded through the wide gap at the top of her robe. The dents of his mother's aroused nipples were easily visible, and Amanda felt her breath catch as the boy stared at them. She didn't want to embarrass him by saying anything so she just let him keep looking. Besides, she couldn't remember when anyone looked at her tits with such an adoring gaze. It made her feel good. Probably too good. And as much as she didn't want to keep thinking about Carol and her son, she couldn't help thinking this must be the same way Benny looked at Carol when she wasn't decently dressed.

"Good morning, handsome," Amanda said, greeting him with the same compliment she did every morning. "How did you sleep?"

"Great," he replied simply. But his mother could see the color rise in his cheeks before he turned away. "How about you?"

"Same here," she lied.

Amanda noticed her son was wearing different briefs than the ones he'd been wearing when she snuck into his room. Those were white. The ones he was wearing now were navy blue and even tighter than the white ones. Taking a deep breath, Amanda poured herself some coffee and started cooking scrambled eggs. She knew her back was now turned to Kyle and wondered if he was looking at her the same way from behind. Her legs were toned and shapely, and if she bent forward just a little the bottom of her robe would lift enough to reveal the thumbnail curves at the base of her ass.

She realized she would've been disappointed if Kyle wasn't looking. Why shouldn't her son look at her the way his friend looked at Carol? Just looking didn't seem so bad. Was it possible Benny loved his mother more than Kyle loved her? She decided it wasn't. Sex wasn't always about love, and what she could tell from her observation of Benny was that he was just a lust-crazed pervert. Kyle wasn't like that. He was a good boy, loving and respectful.

But when Amanda finished the scrambled eggs and set two plates on the table, she found Kyle was already sitting down trying to hide the stirring erection in his briefs. As she sat down across from him she couldn't see his cock bulge, but it made her smile just to know it was there. In fact it made her more than just smile. It made the lips of her heated pussy quiver and flush with dew.

Amanda and Kyle made it through breakfast with harmless small talk about their plans for the day. He was going to school, and she was planning on some housework, grocery shopping, maybe a trip to the gym, and to spend some time in her home office on her investments. She'd gotten a large amount of money in her divorce settlement, and ever since she'd been a studious buyer and seller of stocks, having already doubled what she got from her ex.

Kyle finished eating first and got up to go. He turned away from the table quickly, attempting to keep the erection in his briefs hidden from his mother. It was bigger and harder than it was when Amanda saw it before sitting down, which made her feel as proud of herself as her beautifully hung son. Then Kyle paused in the doorway, but he didn't turn around and just spoke to his mother over his shoulder.

"Mom? Did you come into my room at all last night?" he asked curiously.

"No, sweetie. Why would I do that?" Her heart sped up as she hoped he wouldn't catch her in a lie.

"I dunno. No reason. I was just curious."

Kyle went back upstairs, leaving his mother feeling relieved. She finished eating and then busied herself in the kitchen while her son showered and dressed for school. He finally left, driving their second car. Amanda was almost relieved he was gone. She needed the time to get her head screwed back on. She thought she'd been doing pretty well, but their encounter at breakfast still left her with an ache in her panties that had her whole sense of logic flipped upside down.

No sooner than Kyle pulled out of the driveway his mother sat back down in one of the kitchen chairs and stuck her hand in her panties. She sighed with pleasure as she indulged the private luxury of rubbing her recently shaven pussy. She finally managed to rid her mind of Carol or Benny as she thought only of her son and that mouthwatering bulge in his briefs. She gasped when she remembered how good it felt those few seconds she got to touch it. Her clit was so hard now, and her fingers were smearing her flowing sauce everywhere she rubbed. She needed to cum just as badly as she had the night before after being in Kyle's room. But then, just as she was getting ready to plunge her fingers into her hole, the doorbell rang.

Amanda grumbled in frustration. She quickly pulled her robe closed, assuming it was a delivery. She'd get rid of whoever it was as quickly as possible. Yet her state of arousal left her feeling emboldened and playful so she loosened the front of her robe so it was as wide open as it had been when she first came down to meet Kyle. It was the first time she'd ever tried anything like it, but she was in a rare mood. Hopefully it would be a delivery guy and not a girl, and as soon as she made his eyes pop out of his head she'd get rid of him and rush upstairs to finish what she started in the kitchen.

But Amanda was in for a surprise when she opened the door to find Benny standing there. He was the last person she expected, and she was too surprised to remember that her insufficiently covered tits were bulging through the gap in the top of her robe.

"Hey, Mrs. Jensen," he said, grinning when he saw how the woman of the house was dressed.

He spent far too much time checking out her boldly featured tits, but she couldn't say she minded the attention. Still, she was caught off guard and didn't know why he was there or what she should say.

"Oh, uh, Benny," she said haltingly. "Kyle already left for school."

"I know. I actually came to see you."

Amanda was surprised, to say the least. "Don't you have to be at school, too?" she asked.

Benny grinned deviously. "I'm taking a day off."

Amanda looked at him skeptically while the boy just kept grinning back at her. He made no effort to hide that he was fully enjoying the sight of her big, braless tits stretching the fabric of her top. She knew she should've pulled her robe closed, but she found she liked the way he was looking despite the feeling of disapproval coming from the more rational side of her mind. It was the same feeling she had the night before when he touched her ass. She probably should have slapped his hand, but it had been so long since she'd felt a large, male hand on her ass.

"You better come in," she told him, realizing she didn't want any of the neighbors to spot her talking to one of her son's high school friends while she wasn't fully dressed.

Amanda walked back to the kitchen, acutely aware of the boy's stare at her long, toned legs from behind. It was so inappropriate, but she couldn't resist giving him a little extra sway in her hips as she walked. It didn't help that Benny's arrival had interrupted what would've been a sorely needed orgasm, or that the single mother's pussy was still aching from teasing her own son. Maybe if she wasn't still thinking about the way Kyle's cock had gotten so hard in his briefs she could keep her mind focused on something else.

Benny had been in Amanda's house a few times already, so he was at ease when he leaned against the kitchen counter while she refilled her coffee cup. She didn't know exactly why Benny had blown off school and come to see her while Kyle was out of the house, but there were only a couple of logical reasons.

"You look really nice this morning, Mrs. J," he said, taking an obvious look at her protruding tits before lifting his eyes to her face.

"Oh, but I'm not even dressed," she replied, ashamed to catch herself blushing.

"Yeah, I like that," the audacious boy said with a suggestive leer. "You've got the hottest body of any of the mothers of the guys on our wrestling team. All the boys say so."

Amanda should've been shocked and offended, but her gut response was a brief chuckle, and she enjoyed the unexpected compliment in spite of herself. "I'm sure you're exaggerating," she said.

"Nope. Not in the least. Kyle hates it when the guys talk about you like that. I hated it, too, when they talked about my mother the same way, but for some weird reason I started to like it after me and Mom got closer." He emphasized the last word just to make sure the brunette knew he meant their incestuous affair.

"I guess that's not so weird," Amanda admitted. "Under the circumstances." If it weren't for the gooey ache in her pussy she probably wouldn't have asked the next question. "Do any of the guys know about you and your mom?"

Benny shook his head. "You're the only one who knows anything. Dad is totally oblivious."

"Does your mother know you're here?" she asked.

"Yes. Actually, it was her idea for me to come over."

Amanda's curiosity was piqued. It was hard not to feel a little suspicious, too. "Oh, really?"

"Yeah, well, we both know you saw us last night. I could see you in the mirror. I told Mom before we went back to dinner."

Amanda wasn't surprised, but she didn't know how to react. It was the kind of thing she hoped everyone could just go on pretending never happened. All she could do now was wish she'd been more careful about spying.

"I'm sorry about that. I was looking for the bathroom and, well, it was hard to miss."

"It's alright. We don't mind that you saw us."

Amanda felt her nipples tingle hard. She was shocked once again to know that Carol and Benny weren't bothered by being discovered.

"Mom likes taking risks," Benny went on. "I do, too, but she's the one who showed me how much fun it can be. But last night was my idea. I really needed it," he chuckled devilishly.

"That was a pretty big risk," Amanda said softly, recalling how he'd practically begged his mother to suck him off before they got caught.

"That's what Mom said, too. She thought I should come see you in case there's anything I can do to make sure you don't tell anyone."

"I'm not going to say anything to anyone. Why would I? You're eighteen and obviously old enough to make your own decisions. What you and your mother do is no one's business."

Benny cracked an evil grin. "You liked making it your business, too, didn't you? Why else would you stay there and watch as long as you did?"

"I was just surprised," Amanda sputtered. "It's not every day you see, well, something like that."

"You mean a mother on her knees with her son's cock in her mouth?" Benny was grinning wickedly, clearly quite proud of himself for his shocking language.

"I guess, if you put it that way," Amanda said shyly. Her nipples were so erect they couldn't be ignored, and Benny wasn't even trying to ignore them. She hated herself for it, but his lustful stares were only making her pussy churn and ache even more. If it weren't for her totally inappropriate response to Kyle she wouldn't be in this vulnerable condition. She took a seat at the table, eager to get off her feet before she started trembling in front of Benny. She crossed her legs to keep too much of her panties showing from the bottom of her robe, not to mention the wet spot she knew was there.

"So," Benny went on, "Mom thought it would be nice to make a sort of peace offering."

"A peace offering? Or did she really mean a bribe to keep me silent?"

"Same thing, right?"

Before Amanda could respond, Benny unzipped his pants and took out his semi-erect cock. The brunette couldn't believe how easy and casual he made it look. He started stroking his flesh right in front of her like it was something he did all the time. And his impressive meat kept swelling and hardening until he was fully aroused.

"Benny!" Amanda cried. "Just what do you think you're doing?"

"Don't blame me. This was Mom's idea. She thought it would be a good peace offering."

"Your ... penis?"

"Mhmm," he nodded. "She figured you probably haven't been getting much dick lately, and I didn't exactly complain about the idea when she brought it up. You're really hot, Mrs. J."

Amanda was stunned. It had also been much too long since she'd seen a hard cock and she was pretty much mesmerized by the sight before her. Benny took a few steps closer from his place at the counter. Now he was standing right next to her chair, bringing his large, fully excited cock within inches of her face.

"Uh, ummm, thank you, Benny. But this ... is just so inappropriate."

Despite what she said, Amanda couldn't take her eyes off the hard, swollen, young cock in front of her face. Her ex-husband would never dream of touching his own cock in front of her, yet she found watching Benny stroke his rod was one of the most arousing things she'd ever seen. She practically memorized every stroke of his large hand.

"Is it as inappropriate as watching my mother suck my dick?" he asked haughtily.

"Even worse," the single mother replied, still gazing steadily at his stroking fist, knowing he wasn't about to stop. He already knew she didn't want him to.

"Taste it, Mrs. Jensen," he said. "I know you want to. You can see why my mom likes it, too."

Amanda was momentarily terrified. Here was her son's friend stroking his swollen prick right in her face and telling her to put her mouth on it. What would Kyle think of her? Would he be jealous the way she would be if she knew some other slut was pleasing his beautiful dick? Would he hate her for being a slut with no self-control? Deep in her heart she knew Kyle was the one she really wanted, but that was out of the question. He was her son. She could never be like Carol. Yet she couldn't escape the fact that she was following in the blonde's footprints as she obediently leaned forward and licked the tip of Benny's cock while he held it steady in his hand.

"Oh, yeah, that's it, Mrs. J," he moaned. "Taste that young dick. Take it in your mouth."

Amanda couldn't believe she was doing what Benny said, licking all around his cock head. She slurped up his precum while it seemed like twice as much oozed out. Then she took the whole, big round head between her lips and suckled his flesh. Her pulse raced while her pussy felt like it was on fire. The way he moaned and sighed as she sucked him deeper was quickly making her forget all the reasons she shouldn't be sucking this boy's excited cock. Yet he tasted so good, and she'd always enjoyed sucking cock almost as much as being fucked.

Benny took his hand away from his shaft, letting Amanda grip and stroke the part that wasn't going into her mouth. She worked his pulsing shaft with her lips and hand together, making him moan and breathe deeper every second.

"Fuck," Benny groaned. "I told my mother your mouth was gonna feel good."

Amanda tried not to think about the fact that Carol knew exactly what she was doing with Benny at that very moment. She couldn't imagine ever sending Kyle off to be pleased by another woman, as crazy as that seemed. But as she sat there with Benny's hard on slipping in and out of her mouth, she started to understand the reason mothers and sons might need each other sexually. As kinky and sordid as the scene was from the night before, there was also something so loving and nurturing in the way Benny's mother pleased his cock. Like it was the most natural thing in the world. Suddenly, all the social taboos against incest seemed so idiotic.

However, what she was doing with Benny was nothing but pure lust. His cock was throbbing obscenely, and yet she savored the heat and flavor of his lust. Her panties were soaking wet as she caressed his balls and stroked her moist lips along the girth of his sturdy shaft. His grunts and moans for more reassured her she was pleasing him. She felt so out of practice, but she wanted it to be good, especially since she was completely sure he was going to go back and tell his mother about everything they did.

Amanda pulled off the boy's cock, letting his spit-covered shaft swagger before her. She untied the sash on her robe and let it fall open. Then she pulled her tank top up above her tits, pleased to see the excited look in Benny's eyes.​
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