Chapter 03
I switched off the burners and wiped down the counter, taking a deep drink of my wine glass to steady my nerves and pausing before the hall mirror and touched up my eye make-up. My heart was racing as I looked myself over. I’d always been a little self-conscious of my thin frame and limbs, no matter what I ate, or did I stay tiny. All the weight seemed just to make my boobs grow bigger. They sagged a little now, but still looked a little obscene on my small body. I gave my nipples a final pinch, hardening them against the thin bra I wore and then slipped upstairs.
Luke’s door was open, and I found him sitting on his bed, toying with his phone. He set it aside when I stepped in, face red as he gazed up at me. He opened his mouth to speak but lost what he was going to say, mouth closing.
“This is just to help you focus,” I said, my voice sounding far more confident than I felt, “and it has to stay a secret between you and me.”
“I promise,” he said, eyes tracing the lines of my face and dropping down to stare at my chest, widening to saucers, “I won’t tell a soul.”
“Tonight is just to prove to you how serious I am,” my hands and knees were trembling as I sank down before him, looking up I caught his eyes and felt wanton as I went on, “If you pass your test tomorrow, and prove how serious you are about this, then… there is more we can do… for now, let mommy help you release your stress.”
My fingers still trembled as I slid them up his thighs and to the buckle of his pants. He moved to help, but I pushed his hands away gently, taking the initiative for this first illicit encounter. My mind didn’t want to comprehend what was pressed against the fabric of his pants, but I couldn’t deny it as I drew the jeans down his thighs and saw the massive tent in his boxers. I couldn't help but stare as I pulled the pants off his ankles. My jaw was hanging open, heart racing as I realized I was about to do this.
“I know it's gross," he said, and the raw emotion in his voice made me drag my eyes away from the behemoth between his legs. His face twisted in shame, eyes looking away, hands gripping the mattress in white-knuckled fists, "the guys always make fun of me, and Tara is the only girl who's ever been willing to… Anyway, I know it’s gross, so you don't need to say anything."
“Luke, no!” Putting more passion in it than I’d meant to let out.
I reached up and ripped down his boxers, the giant thick log of cock rolling free. I wasn’t fully hard, but it was already far longer and thicker than any cock I'd ever seen, outside of maybe a porn video I’d watched with my husband.
“Honey, those boys were just jealous, trust me! There is nothing gross about you… oh, no baby, just the opposite," my mouth was watering as I stared at the thick veiny cock. I ran my hands up his thighs and let my fingers graze along its length. His heavy balls tightened, and the beast pulsed as it began to fill with blood.
“And those poor little girls will regret not taking advantage of this gorgeous dick.”
I felt Luke's eyes on me and sensed his amazement at my reaction, but I was wholly absorbed in the most magnificent organ I'd ever seen. It grew in my hand's thickening and lengthening as my gentle fingers played along its length. Without thinking, I spat on my hand and brought it up to his cock.
“Oh, fuck mom,” Luke moaned, and I remembered where I was and who I was with.
I looked up and felt pleasure wash through me as bliss stole over his handsome face. Watching his reaction, I wrapped both my hands around his massive cock and worked them up and down, twisting them in opposite directions as I did. I couldn’t help but imagine what this thing would do to my insides, how it would feel sliding into me, his young hard body above pounding.
Lost in the thoughts, I didn't notice his heavy balls tighten up, but I felt his cock pulsing beneath my hands.
“I’m cumming!”
He announced it not a second before thick streams of pearly white jizz shot out of his cock, coating my dress top. I flinched back and let go of his cock, and it slapped back into his hard stomach. I sat back on my heels, panting as I looked down at my plastered dress. My white bra could be seen beneath, and my nipples stood out hard and firm against the material.
Looking up at Luke, our eyes locked, and for one powerfully charged moment, we both sat there. I wanted him to rip my clothes off and take me there. My pussy ached to feel him within me. He wanted it too, and his cock was still rock hard, but he hesitated. The moment passed, and I let out a long breath, standing slowly.
“I can… I can get another handjob if I pass the test tomorrow?” Luke asked, a little out of breath as he sat up and rested his elbows on his knees.
“You pass your test and give your all at practice, and you'll get more than that," I said with a slow seductive smile as I stepped to the door, “Now get some studying done, I’ll have dinner heated and ready in twenty minutes.”
With that, I slipped down the stairs, leaving him staring after me with a silly grin on his handsome face. When I got to the kitchen, I turned the oven back on and slipped into the pantry. I moved a hand down into my underwear and found it a mess of wetness. Slowly rubbing my clit with the image of that spewing beast of my stepson’s filling my mind.
One hand cupped one of my massive breasts and drew the wet fabric of my top up to my lips. My tongue slid out and tasted the salty cum of my son, and right then, I was overcome with one of the biggest orgasms of my life. Knees were bending and back bowing over as it ripped through me. Finally, I stood panting and shaky, wiping the sweat from my brow, and only then slipped up to my room and changed my dress.
I stared at myself in the mirror before heading back downstairs. I was disbelieving at what I’d just done, but as I looked at myself, I found a grin forming on my lips, and knew I couldn’t wait to do it again.
I practically skipped downstairs and refilled my wine glass. I popped on the burner and gave the green a few tosses to warm then pulled out the chicken and potatoes. I filled two plates with the warm food just as Luke was getting downstairs.
He was awkward at first, but I kept things normal, just asking about their next game and what his exam was on. In a couple of minutes, he relaxed, and we had a wonderful meal. He tried to help me clean-up, which is very unlike him. It was amazing seeing him so sweet and attentive, but I told him to study, giving him a wink and a mischievous smile.
I cleaned up the kitchen and did the dishes, then lay on the couch for a couple hours and watched reality TV. I kept thinking Luke might wander in and try to finagle another handjob or more from me, but to my disappointment, he never came out of his room. When I went to bed around eleven, his desk light was still on, and he was busy reviewing his books.
I woke in the morning, and he was gone for the day already. I got showered and got ready and was just brewing a pot of coffee when Jen came over. We run a catering and party planning company together. We had an office and kitchen space where we stored most of our tables, chairs, and the catering equipment, but we did most of the planning and organizing from my office downstairs.
“Morning, Dawn!" She said as she breezed in, heading to the office to drop her jacket and bag.
Over the past couple of months, she'd taken to just walking in, and I'd never bothered to correct her of it. Jen has been my best friend since grade school; she's practically a sister. After my husband passed, she had been there for me, taking more than her share of the business work and listening to me cry late into the night on multiple occasions.
I was just wiping the last few slices of avocado on two large pieces of toast when she came into the kitchen to pour a cup of coffee.
“How you doing this morning?” She asked me with concern.
“I feel wonderful,” I said, realizing it was true.
“You look good,” she said with an approving nod, “did you get that business with Luke all cleared up?”
"Yes," I said, turning and pulling the mil out for her, feeling my cheeks heat as I said, “I think we have a good understanding now. We will see after his exam today, but he was up late last night studying, so if nothing else, I can't fault him for not trying."
“That’s great,” Jen said with a sigh of relief, she took a sip of her coffee, “if he can focus just a little, he could have a decent career in the minors, I keep telling him he has to get his pitches in and that temper of his under control. If he can do that, he has a shot at a real career.”