Chapter 10

The next morning was Thursday and I got out of bed before the sun rose. Thursday, Jen and I have a standing brunch for the senior management at a large corporation in town, so I was busy. I met Jen at our offices, and we packed up the cars and headed over to pick up the food. The morning went smoothly as it always did, and poor Jen had to deflect the unwanted attentions of several executives. Her charming blond beauty is the type that draws men to her like flies.

I was just getting home around one in the afternoon and was making a shopping list when the doorbell rang. I ran over and opened the door and found Laurie standing there in an immaculate cream-colored top and long skirt.

"Welcome!" I said as I let her in, "It's so good to see you, Laurie.”

"How are you doing, Gwen?" Laurie asked with her typical concern, reaching out and resting a warm hand on my arm, “You look good, happy.”

“I feel good,” I said with a smile drawing her into the kitchen.

“Is Luke here?” Laurie asked, craning her neck as she looked for the young man, I saw a slight reddening of her cheeks when she asked, and I grew curious.

"No," I said, "He's meeting with a therapist friend of mine today for a couple of hours."

“Therapy?” Laurie said with a frown, “I’m not sure that’s the best thing for the boy.

“We’ll see. Things were getting bad,” I said, and I told her about the coaches call and how Luke had nearly failed out of college.

"I'm not sure therapy is the best thing for him either," I said with a sigh when I was done, "but at this point, I'm willing to try anything."

“The boy needs distractions,” Laurie said with a little frown, “Hopefully you can keep him away from that girl, she sounds like a bad influence.”

“I agree,” I said, “He passed his big exam earlier this week and has another test today. I think he’ll do good. He was up late studying last night. I have some hope that he is starting to dig out of it.”

“That’s wonderful news!” Laurie beamed, reaching out and gripping my hands in hers. “He’s such a special young man, so talented and handsome. But he needs something to keep him focused and motivated.”

“Oh?” I asked.

“He’s always been that way ever since I’ve known him," she said, leaning back and staring off into space in remembrance, "I was a young woman without any experience with a child, suddenly given a middle-school-age boy to raise. He's always been a good boy, but those were tough times. He was dealing with the death of his mother then. He started making trouble in class, for attention I figured out." The woman laughed and reached up and touched the cross hanging outside her conservative top.

"So, how did you motivate him?" I asked her, drawing her out of her reverie with a start. The woman blushed, and I was struck more by how beautiful her delicate featured face was.

“Oh… well… that was about the time I started taking him to church with me.” She smiled, her face turning a deeper shade of red as she went on, “I found ways to motivate him around the house… letting him watch me clean while he studied… or setting aside an hour to swim together every day. Things like that.”

“Letting him watch you clean?” I asked with a curious grin, “If that’s all it take’s to keep Luke focused on school and ball, then I'll happily do it."

She looked at me, eyes intense and a little troubled, but when she saw only curiosity and excitement on my face, she softened her expression.

"You understand I did it for the boys benefit," her voice was soft as she went on, looking down at her hands as she spoke, "It was a joke the first time, but he smiled for the first time in months, and it broke my heart to find I could help him. So, I kept doing it when I cleaned the house in the afternoons."

“Kept doing what?” I asked, my attention wholly wrapped up in her story now.

“It’s so embarrassing to say,” Laurie said with a laugh and a shake of her head, “I can’t believe I’m admitting this!”

“This is a safe space,” I said, “We’re like sisters Laurie, I hope you know you can tell me anything, and I won't judge you."

“I wasn’t working back then and had a lot of free time on my hands in the afternoon. One day I decided to dress up just for fun. I put on a tiny black cocktail dress I’d never had the nerve to wear out and did my makeup and hair. I thought maybe I would surprise Luke’s father when he got home, but Luke was the first through the door. I… this might be terrible to admit, but I'd never felt as beautiful as I did when he looked at me that day.

"He watched me clean up in the kitchen, studying like crazy the whole time, and I heard from his teacher the next day that he showed a lot of improvement. For the next few weeks, I dressed up every time I cleaned the house, and then I found out about his dad and the secretary. And well, the rest is history."

She trailed off, and I saw she was tense, waiting for my reaction. I was amazed to learn the woman had this in her and felt closer to her than ever. She had felt beautiful, and given the boy something fascinating to look at, there was no harm in that. I felt a kinship with her and was grateful she had opened up to me.

I took her in again as I hadn't done in years. Luke's father, Caleb, defiantly had a type: diminutive brunettes with large breasts. She has pale, milk-white skin with a flawless complexion that makes her look years younger than she is. She was almost willow thin with narrow shoulders and hips, which only made her massive 'E' cup breasts all the more obscene on her body.

Laurie had dressed conservatively ever since I'd known her, preferring loose blouses and sweaters that extended up to her neck and long skirts or dresses. But now that I thought about it, she was always made up to perfection with hair, nails, and makeup when she was going to be seeing Luke that day.

The moment had dragged on, and I could see Laurie shift uncomfortably. Finally, she looked up through her lashes to check my expression. Her worry and shame melted away when she saw my grin.

"Do you still have the dress?" I asked her, as I stood and pulled down two wine glasses and poured us each a healthy drink. She took it gratefully and downed half the contents in one giant sip.

“Thank you,” she said, her pale cheeks had small spots of red in them when she looked up from the glass grinning, "And yes, I still have it."

“Maybe I could borrow it from you,” I said with a grin, I caught the faint flush of jealousy cross her features then said quickly, “or if you wanted to come over some afternoon I would love help… cleaning.”

“Yes! Your serious?” Laurie asked with a mixture of surprise and excitement, "I mean if you think it would help, then, of course, I would be willing to." She finished with a deep blush, trying to cover her evident excitement.

I saw the woman’s big nipples harden, even though her thick bra, and I found my self wondering just how much the woman like being watched. After the night before, I could understand the thrill, but Laurie seemed to be on a whole other level.

We planned for her to come over Sunday morning and help me clean. We finished our wine, gossiping about the other mothers from Luke's team for a couple of minutes, and then she headed out, with a final promise to be there Sunday. The woman seemed more than a little excited as she walked out to her car, her narrow hips swaying.​
Next page: Chapter 11
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