Chapter 15

Jen and Luke watched ESPN, laughing and joking with one another as I cleaned up from the night before. I made a mental note to rent a carpet cleaner for the couch. The unfortunate thing looked like it had been in a porn studio after our antics the night before. I scrubbed it clean with carpet cleaner and covered it with a beautiful blanket for now.

Saturday evening Jen and I had a fundraiser for a local charity that we were throwing. It was a party we threw every year, so we were well prepared for it. When noon came around, Luke headed out, saying he was going to the batting cages with a couple of friends, and Jen and I got to work.

The fundraiser is for a local animal shelter, and Jen and I volunteer our time and services to help with the fundraiser every year. It was a wonderful time, as always. We got their early, and a few other volunteers were there to help us set up. We had the appetizers all plated up and ready for servers in plenty of time and were able to enjoy the evening stress-free.

Throughout the night, Jen and I kept catching each other’s eyes at random times. That's all it took was one glance, and we were both blushing furiously as we remembered the craziness from the night before and that morning. We found ourselves sitting alone for the first time near the end of the evening, enjoying a glass of wine.

“Do you have any regrets?” Jen asked, her voice a touch nervous.

“No!” I said, “Honestly, last night was one of the best of my life. Do you?”

“Not at all,” Jen said with a little grin, “I feel closer to you now more than ever… I don’t know how this is going to work out… I can’t give Luke up… I won’t give him up.”

“I know you care about him,” I said, “and if he and I being together is a problem for you, please let me know. I don’t ever want to cause problems between us. I couldn’t live with that.”

“No!” Jen said, “I'd have said it was crazy two weeks ago, but honestly, I don’t think I could handle that boy alone. Jesus, he can go all night!"

“I know,” I said, pausing I gathered up the courage to go on with what I wanted to get out, “Speaking of which there was something else I wanted to run by you.”

“Laurie?" Jen asked, meeting my eyes with a mischievous little grin.

“Yea,” I said, blowing out a deep breath, “You already know what I’m thinking, don't you?”

“I support it,” she said, nodding, "That boy has the potential to make the majors if he keeps playing like he did yesterday. I don’t know the woman well, but I know Luke cares for her deeply, and that's enough for me. She would make sure he stays focused on his true goal, like you and I. But she is very cold and religious; you think she will go along with all of this?”

“I plan to find out tomorrow,” I said with a sigh, “I think there are hidden depths to the woman. I told you how she opened up to me. I suspect she wants the boy, but her manner is very odd."

“She’s coming over tomorrow morning, right?”

“Yea," I said, nodding, "She’ll be by for a few hours before she takes Luke to church at eleven.”

“How about I come by just before they leave?” Jen asked, and I could see her devious little mind was at work.

“What are you thinking?” I asked excitedly.

“I’m not sure yet,” she said, “but perhaps the woman just needs a little push, a little competition to realize what she’s missing.”

“You're so bad!" I said, laughing.

“Me?” The pretty blond said with a grin, “Who’s the woman pimping her son out to her friends?”

"Quiet!" I said, blushing and glancing around us, “Let's start breaking things down, looks like the fundraiser will be over soon.”

We went back to work, giggling and whispering to one another about our wicked plans for the boy. We dropped the equipment off at the offices, and it was late by the time I got home. I was exhausted from the night before and such a long day, but I felt wonderful as I curled up under my covers. As I thought about it, I realized this was the first night in months that I felt utterly hopeful about the future.

I woke the next morning later than usual, but still far earlier than Luke would on a Sunday. I took my time getting out of bed and ready, it is my lazy day, and I wasn't going to rush for anyone. I was just making a pot of coffee when I saw Laurie pull up in her Porsche SUV. I hadn’t expected her for a couple of hours, so I was surprised.

The woman hopped out of her car wearing a trench coat and carrying a Nordstrom’s shopping bag and a pair of tall black heels. I could tell she had spent a lot of time getting ready that morning. Her dark hair had a bright shine and hung flat-iron straight, and giant dark sunglasses hid her face. She hurried up to the house, and I let her in.

The woman was blushing furiously when she got inside, head tilted down and glasses still on, unable to meet my eyes. Nervousness and shame were written plain as day in her, and I felt for the woman right then. I knew something of what she was feeling, but for the most part, the woman was a cipher to me.

“Morning Laurie,” I said warmly, “would you like a cup of coffee? Luke probably won’t be up for another hour or so. You're a bit early.”

“I would have texted you,” she said, her typically icy manners a little awkward as she apologized, “but I was just so nervous I didn’t think about it… sorry.”

"No need to apologize," I said, taking her arm to draw her into the kitchen, she resisted me though and held up the bag in her hand.

“I was thinking about what you said… so I went out and bought another dress.”

“For me?” I asked with a grin taking the bag from her.

“Yes, and a matching set of heels,” she took her glasses off, and her pale blue eyes met mine, her gaze a touch nervous, then I saw her take a deep breath firming as she stood taller, “I was thinking about it, and if you’re serious about this, then you should join me.”

“Oh, I’m serious,” I said, almost laughing as the absurdity of it, “and I’d love to join you. I’m curious though, how does this all work… between you and Luke?”

“Let’s get you changed,” the woman said, ignoring my question and taking my hand in hers.

She led me up and into my room, closing the door behind herself and setting down the bag and her heels. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I could tell by her manner that she was working up to say something difficult for her, so I sat on the edge of my bed and waited.

“I wasn’t entirely honest with you before when I told you about what… happened. God, give me strength, I had this all planned out earlier, but now my minds a jumble!"

“Come here,” I said gently, patting the spot next to me on the bed, “sit down, you can tell me anything, Laurie.”

She walked over and sat down; the trench coat still wrapped around herself. My curiosity was burning in me, but I just rested a comforting hand on her back and rubbed it gently. I could smell a delicate floral perfume wafting up from her, and it smelled amazing.

“Caleb was so difficult back then, so harsh and demanding. He was putting so much pressure on the boy constantly. That combined with school and athletics, and the loss of his mother and the boy was going downhill fast. He was miserable, becoming introverted, and getting into trouble in school, bullying other kids.

“It started like I told you, I was trying on a… dress and Luke caught me. He… told me to do things, gave me commands. Just as if I was a… maid in the house. The work needed to get done anyway, and the boy seemed happy to have an outlet where he had some control. I think he needed that… we both did." The last she said in a near whisper, and I began to have a tingling suspicion about the woman.

“It was always innocent,” she blushed, “or so I always told myself. But when you brought it up the other day… and I imagined doing those things again, now that Luke has grown up to be such a wonderful young man… I can’t help but think there might be something… something wrong about it.”

“I don’t see anything wrong about it,” I said with a warm smile, pulling her into a small hug, “you love Luke just like I do, and you want the best for him. If it makes you happy, and it makes him happy, then how can it be wrong?”

“Do you really think that?” She asked me, her face scrunched up with anxiety and a touch of self-loathing.

“I do,” I said with a grin, then I plucked at the front of her coat and said, “Now let’s see this dress that Luke likes so much.”

Her face blushed a deep red, but she stood slowly and began to undo the belt slowly.

“Oh God," she muttered; her eyes pressed shut, "this is so embarrassing."

As the trench coat fell to the ground in a dull thud, I suddenly realized what the woman meant. Laurie stood before me in a small French maids’ outfit, complete with a short lacy skirt and neckline that showed a touch of cleavage. It didn’t reveal as much skin or hug as tight as a cocktail dress, but for the first time ever, I saw the woman’s full curves.​
Next page: Chapter 16
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