Chapter 17
“Let me see how you’re doing,” Luke said, his voice quiet but firm with command.
Both Laurie and I went to move back, our legs had been stretched out, but as we did, our vulvas rubbed along the hard line of his shin. I sighed in pleasure as I felt him flex his legs, and without thinking, I gyrated my hips, grinding my clit on his leg. My eyes flashed open, and I looked at Laurie, face on fire. I hadn’t meant to do that, but I was so turned on my body had just responded.
Laurie was staring at me, the wide pale blue orbs looked so innocent, and her face was white as a sheet. The tip of her tongue slipped out of her mouth and touched the tip of her tongue, and I saw a look of sublime pleasure steal over her face for one second as she rocked her hips just as I had.
“Mmmhmmmmm…” Laurie moaned; her eyes locked on mine.
“Unnghhhh!” I moaned as well as I ground my pussy on his powerful leg.
“Looking good,” Luke said, his voice just above us, making us freeze, "now get back to it, I'll check again in five minutes."
For some reason, this small thing was the most erotica and forbidden feeling moment of my life. When he stepped away from us, I found myself sagging heaving deep lungful’s of air, Laurie doing the same beside me. We slowly went back to scrubbing, but I could see she wore a troubled expression, but her cheeks were still blooming red with desire.
She glanced at me, and I met her eyes, flashing her a small tight smile. Her own grin was slow in forming, but I was pleased to see the troubled expression fade as she focused on her work.
Luke didn't announce himself this time. Suddenly he was looming over us, his dark shadow covering us once more as he stepped between our legs — his shin pressing firmly into our folds this time. Laurie and I had moved closer together as we’d cleaned, until out hips were pressed together, and our shoulders touched.
I could feel the heat radiating off her, and I was close enough to hear her whisper to herself when Luke touched her.
"Dear God give me strength," she whispered.
Luke said nothing. He just stood there. A long-frozen moment and then I felt his leg flex. I don’t know how he did it, but the muscle of his calm dug into my lips, and I rubbed my clit against him hard before I could stop myself again. Looking at Laurie, she had her eyes closed shut tight and was biting her bottom lip. There was no hesitation this time as she rocked her hips just as I had, face flushed.
“Ooooooohhhh,” Laurie moaned out low and throat, then she froze. Shame washing over her as she sucked in her bottom lip.
“Don’t stop,” Luke commanded, his voice a little husky, “until you’re finished.”
I stifled a whimper of pleasure as I felt my self about to cum just from his wicked command. Glancing over, I saw Laurie’s face lose all of its shame and hesitation. She relaxed and smiled a small little grin as she began to grind herself on him.
The last hour had been the most intense foreplay I realized and without any touching. I was soaking wet and primed to explode. I lost all sense of myself, of where I was and who I was with, as I followed his command. My whole world shrank down to Luke pressed against my wet sex, and the feeling of him towering over me, powerful and watching as I came with a shuddering orgasm.
Panting, I felt worry replace my pleasure as I realize who I was with. Looking over at Laurie, I saw her face was soft and relaxed, eyes dreams as she looked at me. We shared a secret little smile then. I saw a truth about her as she relaxed her guard with me right then. She was deeply ashamed of her submissiveness and her other kinks and was doubly embarrassed to have gotten off just now with Luke. More than all of that, though, she was grateful to have found a sister who shared at least some of her fetishes and this precious moment. The woman was just one surprise after another.
“Good work today,” Luke said, and I couldn’t help glancing up at him. Oh, how I ached to feel him inside me right then. But he was in charge right now, and I saw satisfaction filling his face as he gazed down at is.
“You could both be sisters,” he said with a shake of his head as he stepped back.
Laurie and I glanced at one another, and the woman gave me one of her rare smiles.
“We are,” we both said it at the same time and smiled at one another, the tension broke between us.
I found myself hanging onto the woman, hugging her tight. When I relaxed my grip, she leaned back a tight smile on her face for a second as she wiped away a couple of tears. Luke left us there, saying he had to get ready for church.
Laurie’s reserved mask slowly slipped back into place as we made our way downstairs and put the cleaning supplies away.
“Thank you so much for this,” she said when we were alone in the kitchen, “I… I don’t think there’s anyone else in my life I could have confided this part of myself to… let alone experience it.”
“Something tells me this is just the beginning,” I said with a grin, “Tell me, is this how you imagined it going?”
“I don’t know what I imagined…" she said it simply and continued when she saw my puzzled expression, “Luke is a good young man, a great man… I’ve always cared for him deeply. But what I saw today… Have you ever seen anything like it?” She gazed at me with an almost stricken expression, and I knew exactly what she was talking about.
“Never on another man,” I said.
“He is a man of… power… This may have all started out as a bit of whimsy and fancy, or to get him to straighten up, what I didn’t realize until today is that if he commands me to do anything… anything… I’ll do it.”
She held herself perfectly still, hands clasped before her waist, face frozen, twisted in shame, as she waited for my wrathful judgment to fall upon her. When she finally glanced up to see my reaction, she shoulders relaxed ever so slightly when she saw my answering grin.
“Then you are going to fit in perfectly,” Her puzzled expression causing me to grin all the wider.
Just then, the doorbell rang. I went and answered it and found Jen standing outside. She wore a loose beach shirt and had on a red string bikini beneath. Laurie had her bag with her ready to go home and get ready for church, and she froze when she saw Jen.
“Hey,” Jen said giving me a big hug, “I hope it’s ok I come over, I thought we could hang out by the pool, it’s such a lovely day.”
“That sounds wonderful,” I said, “just let me get ready, and I'll join you out there in a bit. Luke, Jen's here!"
The young man ran down the stairs, his slacks on, but his button-up shirt undone. The boy hadn’t bothered to handle his massive erection, and it flopped around in his pants obscenely as he ran down the stairs. Jen, Laurie, and I couldn't help but stare. I saw Jen grin as he pulled her into a tight embrace.
“Someone sure is happy to see me,” Jen said, winking at Laurie and me over the boy’s shoulder. Laurie blushed a furious shade of red and glanced from the woman to my eyes widening. "Hurry back from church so you can come swimming with us.”
“I will,” Luke said with a grin as he set the woman down, “Laurie, you want to come over as well?"
"I'm not sure," she said, glancing from Jen's exposed flesh to me, her face a picture of suppressed desire and worry, “if you would like it, then I could.”
“You will come over,” Luke said, his voice taking on that tone of command, “and wear a bikini like Jen and mom will be. The smaller, the better."
"As you wish," the woman said, and once more, the worry left her face instantly, and I saw happy subservience fill it. "I will need to stop by a store. I don't own anything that but full piece suits.”
“I have one you can borrow,” I said, ignoring the curious look Jen was shooting at Laurie and me, her eyes finally taking in the French maids outfits and widening.
“Sounds perfect,” Luke said, “I’ll finish getting ready!” He ran up the stairs and left the three of us standing around.
“It looks like you ladies had an interesting morning,” Jen said with a little grin she crossed her arms beneath her breasts. “I just want to say, Laurie," she went on her voice more serious, causing the other woman to stiffen at first as though she expected to be castigated for her slutty clothes, “I think it’s really amazing that your willing to be there for Luke. He’s such a special young man, he really deserves only the best, from those of us… who love him.”
Laurie relaxed, and her face softened from its severe mask, and she offered the woman a slight smile.
“Luke is a true MAN… those are a rare breed, and it's only fitting that he is given all he needs by those who love him. I’m grateful that you both feel the same way. Its been… difficult living with my shame alone.”
“There is no shame in love,” I said, holding the woman close with one arm. She nodded gently, then shook herself and made her apologies as she headed out to her car. She still had to head home and change before she went to church with Luke.