Chapter 01

There is nothing more annoying than sitting around on summer break without anything to do. That’s where I found myself the summer after graduation. My dad was in China for an extended work trip, and my older sister Rachel was always busy with friends and her summer waitressing job. My best friends Earnest and Jason were in Europe for a few weeks with their family on vacation. The house was usually empty and boring save for my stepmom Julia and me.

Earnest and Jason would both be going to the state college in the fall, along with most of our D&D group. Everything was changing, and I hated it. My other friends were either working already, taking apprenticeships with electricians or other trades, or heading to the local community college.

It was the first week of summer vacation, and I had procrastinated so much on picking a college and been given so many extensions to decide. The truth was I was nearly overwhelmed with panic at having to choose something so significant about my life. But my dad was adamant that it was my decision, and a man picks his future. My dad and stepmom had agreed to give me this week and the next to decide, but then if I still hadn't settled on a school, he was going to kick me out, and I would have to get a full-time job and pay rent somewhere.

In truth, the thought of moving out and being on my own was appealing. My high school life had been buried in books, and the only times I got away from studying was when I went over to Jason and Earnest's for our weekly Dungeons and Dragons sessions. I was the Dungeon Master, and my favorite thing in the world was designing the next week's encounters and storylines for the party of four to five people to adventure through. My dad had always made fun of my hobby, and I was forced to hide my rulebooks from him after he had thrown out two sets of Dungeon Masters Guide and Monsters Manual. Part of the idea of why living on my own was so enticing: my own space to play games and live life how I wanted.

My singular focus on studying was the major reason for my current predicament. I had been accepted to all seven of my top choices, and I couldn't decide where to go. My dad was pushing for me to be prelaw, or go for an MBA like he did, but most of my friends planned to be either philosophy majors or to study literature.

I had always loved to read and thought the life of a lit student might be romantic, sitting around with pretty girls, reading and discussing the classics. Considering how little action I had in high school, I could use all the help I could get, I thought. The problem for me was always my shyness and awkwardness around girls. More often than not, I would freeze up on a date or hanging out with a girl, right at the moment when I should have tried to kiss her or make a move. Things inevitably grew strained and weird between us. Then I would seek solace in books and studying.

Usually, I would be at my summer job tutoring, or the community pool, but my dad had insisted that until I returned an acceptance letter, I was stuck at the house. So, I sat in my bedroom playing some World of Warcraft Classic, whacking mobs and grinding those final few levels to 60, doing my best to ignore the future. That’s when the knock at my door sounded that would change my life forever.

I knew it was my stepmom because only she employed an overly loud and sharp knock while waiting silently for a long time before trying again. If it were my sister or dad, they would have just knocked and burst in. My stepmom had given me a lot of space ever since she walked on me in a compromising position one time in my early teenage years, just after my dad had married her. We’d both been so awkward and embarrassed that we avoided each other for days. Things went back to normal, and in a way, we were closer than ever after she didn't tell my dad, sharing a secret never spoken between us.

“Come in!” I called once I heard her knock.

She opened the door, and I turned in my computer chair, kicking a small pile of dirty clothes aside as I did. She glanced around my messy room and frowned slightly, wrinkling her nose.

Julia is what you might call a trophy wife. My dad divorced from my mom when I was young, and she disappeared to Italy with some singer, never to be heard from except the occasional Christmas card, arriving in March or May. Julia was the perfect answer for a senior corporate executive in need of attractive accompaniment. He met her at a country club function, the daughter of a wealthy and conservative Jewish family. They were married quickly, and before my sister and I knew it, we had a young mom who was more comfortable throwing dinner parties than attending PTA meetings.

Since then, with the amount of work my dad does, we have mostly been left to ourselves. My sister chose to go the party route, staying out late and rebelling. She was a constant headache for my dad and stepmom. Eventually, they gave up after dozens of screaming and crying fights. A stand-off of some kind exists between the women now, and Rachel still lives at home but is rarely here.

Julia stood now in my doorway and took my breath away with her appearance. She was always dressed well, in designer clothes and shoes. Now though, she looked nothing like how I was used to seeing her, wearing a small white button-up halter that showed off her smooth stomach and little blue booty shorts. I felt myself staring and had to force my eyes to meet hers.

She was a taller woman, with thick dark hair, styled artfully to accentuate her graceful neck and shoulders. Her face was beautiful, with high cheekbones and delicate features. Her dark eyes were always alluring, and the long lashes and perfectly sculpted brows could capture the attention of a room with but a look.

Her most impressive aspect was her body, kept in shape through daily workouts and yoga, her breasts were large and heavy, swaying whenever she moved and bouncing enough to draw stares from every direction. While her waist was narrow, her hips flared out wide to the firm swell of plump ass and tapering down to long graceful legs. I had blown so many loads in my early teenage years into her bra's that I knew she was a 36E. She smiled at me now, with some emotion in her eyes I had never seen before. I felt myself getting awkward and anxious for no reason.

“Jake, I wanted to check on you, see how you’re doing,” Her voice was comforting, and she picked her way across the room carefully, her bare feet stepping delicately to avoid the clutter.

“Sorry for the mess. I'll clean it up," I said in embarrassment, "I'm doing ok." I said, and then feeling my tongue loosen with honest words continued, "I'm thinking of taking the state school letter, go hang out with Earnest and Jason." The decision had been sitting in the back of my mind for a while. I still wasn't sure how I felt about settling on my last pick even if my friends were there.

“I thought that’s what you might decide,” she said, her voice a touch sad before it picked up slightly, “I know it’s your decision, but I think State would be a mistake. It’s so far away, and they lack specialization. I wanted to come and speak with you about maybe thinking of medical school.”

“Medical School?” I said, confused.

"Yes, I think it would be the wisest thing for you, for your future, I mean, and you were accepted into both Johns Hopkins and Stanford Universities with full-ride scholarships." She sounded earnest, and her voice was almost imploring as she spoke, "they both have excellent pre-med programs. I think if you went, you would find that you loved it."

“I’ve never thought of being a doctor,” I said in all honesty, “sounds like a lot of work. Plus, couldn’t I make more money like dad does with an MBA?”

Her face grew pained, and she nodded slightly before speaking, "That's true, but think of your love of studying, and how focused you are at it, that is a rare talent and would be valuable in medical school. Also, think of the prestige of being a doctor. There is more to life than just money Jake."

“I know, mom,” I said, trying to placate her, “I’ll think about it.”

“Good,” she said, smiling at me.

I felt my insides go buttery soft at her smiles; her eyes always lite up so beautifully. She leaned forward and kissed me on the forehead, something I never remembered her doing before. As I sat frozen awkwardly, feeling her thick, soft lips touching my skin, I happened to glance down and saw on full display her bra clad breasts as they hung down, their soft weight cupped by the white material as they were held up in perfect round glory.

Then she was leaning back, her eyes twinkling down at me as she turned on her toes, her ass flexing perfectly before my face, the smooth tan skin of her legs flashing as she walked out of the room. Pausing at the door, she turned to glance back at me, catching me as I stared at her ass, with a wink and a grin she slipped out of the room.

I leaned back in my chair and breathing heavily, thought to myself, What the hell was that?

Turning back to my computer, I tabbed out of WoW Classic and pulled up my browser. I fired up a search for the hottest stepmom porn I could find and was soon stroking my massive boner to thoughts of my stepmoms crazy hot body. Remembering times by the pool or at the beach, when she was in a bikini, her massive breasts and round ass drawing the eyes of every man around.

The woman on the screen was blowing the guy POV, and I couldn't help but imagine my stepmoms thick lips wrapped around my cock, then I was cumming. Once I had cum, I felt instant shame and cursed myself for being a perv. I went outside and took a few secret tokes from my little weed vape pen. Then happily ignoring my predilections to pervert, I went back to playing video games, forgetting about most of it as quickly as possible.​
Next page: Chapter 02
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