Chapter 03

I fell back on my bed, staring up at my ceiling. My mind was whirling, going over everything that had just happened. I couldn’t believe it. Seriously I really couldn’t believe it. I pinched myself, and reaching down felt my dick hard as a rock once more, still wet from my last orgasm.

Crawling back under my comforter, I spent the next couple hours jacking off to the image of my mom’s perfect tits in my hand and the sight of my cum splattering across them, and the look of rare desire on her face as she begged for it.

I guess I’m going to Stanford, I thought to myself, drifting off to sleep.

To be honest, I felt a great sense of peace at finally having the decision made, and I'd never considered medicine before, not seriously. I was looking forward to physics and chemistry, but to be honest, I was freaked out by the prospect of anatomy class, and just the thought of a cadaver made me ill. Those would be worries for another time.

One benefit of going to Stanford was that it was only on the other side of the bay. I could come home on weekends and over breaks easily. The truth was we lived about 90 miles from the university, but it was through Bay Area traffic, so it was a three to five-hour drive most days.

One thing that was interesting: I never once considered not going premed once I’d given mom my word.

I was ready for things to be awkward the next day when I went down for breakfast, but mom acted almost entirely normal. If anything, she was extra chipper and excited. Throughout breakfast, I kept stealing glances at her t-shirt, clad breasts. She wasn't wearing a bra, which was very unlike her, and they swung and jiggled so wonderfully as she moved around the kitchen.

Once done eating, I ran back upstairs and jerked off to visions of her lovely tits. Then I sat at my desk and filled out the acceptance letter. I felt a real sense of purpose as I did so. I looked through the school brochure and was starting to get excited about the school. I had never wanted to stay near home, hoping to go far away and escape my empty house. But now I could think of one or two reasons I didn't want to go.

When I went to the kitchen to look for a stamp, mom had her MacBook out and was searching through websites and taking notes in her day planner. I rooted around in a drawer and came up with a packet of stamps and was just about to head back upstairs when mom called me over to her.

"Jake, I have been researching how to make sure you are a good candidate for medical school throughout premed, and the requirements are tough," her voice sounded almost distressed.

“I could have told you that,” I said wryly.

"I want to get you a tutor for the summer. One for biology, anatomy, chemistry, and physics. That should prepare you for your first year." She noted down a tutor's name and number as she spoke.

"What?" I said, annoyance creeping into my voice, "I didn't realize I was giving up my summer too! I planned to get a job and hang out with my friend." I sounded whiney even to myself but couldn't manage to keep it from my voice. Mom looked at me, her eyes softening into a compassionate smile.

“I know it’s going to be tough honey,” She reached out and took one of my hands in hers, “but mommy will be here to help you every step of the way. Whatever it takes to help you be successful.”

"Thanks, mom," I said, and I forced the perverted thoughts out of my head, "It's just biology I'm not looking forward to, I've always hated that subject."

"Well," she said, her cheeks coloring deep red, "I may know a way to help you keep focused." I wanted to ask what she meant, but she continued quickly, "you run off now and go play your games, I'm going to call around and see if I can find a good tutor for you, one who will work through the school year as well.”

“Ok,” I said, turning and heading back upstairs. I was still annoyed that it turned out I was losing most of my summer to more schoolwork, not that I minded studying terribly, but I still would have enjoyed the break. I got upstairs and plopped down in my computer chair, realizing that my stepmom had gotten by far the better end of the deal. I got to stare at her perfect tits and jack off to them once, and she got me to agree to 8-10 years of brutally hard work.

I fired up my computer and logged into the game. Just as I was about to take a flight point, I heard the garage door open, and my mom's Range Rover start up and drive away. Smiling to myself, I ran into the backyard and took a few tokes from my vape pen. This modern world is such a wonder.

I had been drunk a few times at parties or with friends, and the beautiful thing was it reduced my social anxiety, and I was able to speak to girls for the first time in my life. However, I rarely stopped after 2-3 beers and would soon be so wasted I'd be puking all over the place. Then I would be sick for days afterward. I never really enjoyed the experience.

My friend Jason had taken me for a hike two years back and smoked me out for the first time. It had been a revelation. No hangover, no sickness, no loss of control, I just felt terrific and slightly stupid; able to turn my brain off for a bit and just relax for the first time in my life.

He bought me a little vape pen as a graduation present, and I was loving being able to sneak into the backyard and take a toke or two and slip back in and play some videogames, read comics or watch some anime. Jason had gotten me some powerful Sativa shit, Jack Herer. I noticed that if I took 1-2 tokes, I felt happy and super focused, but if I took any more than that, I would sit in my chair, staring at my computer screen stuck and useless.

I stayed in my room all day, fielding messages from friends when they saw the Insta post that I had accepted Stanford and grinding out my final couple levels in WoW. I spent a few hours in the groove gaming, zoning out and killing mobs, music playing in the background. I came out of my daze and felt my stomach rumbling, so I headed downstairs to get a bite of food. I had my head in the fridge when my stepmom poked her head into the kitchen.

“I’m glad I caught you,” she said, “make sure you’re here Monday, I found you a biology tutor!”

“I really have to start studying this summer?” I asked.

"Yes," mom was dressed in tight blue yoga pants and a loose workout shirt and sports bra, and I couldn't help my stare as I took her in, "but as I said, I am working on something to help focus you.” She took a seat on one of the bar stools and began to go through the pile of mail on the counter.

“What do you mean help me focus?” I asked her. Mom sure was acting weird again, and I tried not to get my hopes up. Finally, she looked up and met my eyes, her cheeks coloring.

“Liz, that’s your tutor, will be giving you a test each week,” mom said.

“Are you serious?” I complained.

"Don't interrupt," she said, "just hear me out." I remained silent, and she paused for a second gathering her will before going on, "As I said she will be here starting on Monday, three days a week and each Friday she will give you a test on the stuff you've covered. If you get a passing grade… Oh my god, I can't believe I'm doing this… If you get a passing score, we will do the… thing… from earlier again."

I felt a tingling energy in my fingers and toes as what I had been secretly hoping for happened. I fought to remain calm, though, as I replied to her.

“What do I get if I get a perfect score?” I asked, hating the lack of confidence in my voice. I nearly pissed myself in fear at pressing my luck.

“Jake don’t be silly, Liz was recommended as the best and hardest tutors in the area, I don’t think that’s going to be happening.” She replied.

“But if it does?” I asked, my cock already hard as I slipped behind the counter, my hunger forgotten.

“I’ll tell you what,” mom said with a smirk, “if you manage to get a perfect score on each test, Liz gives you, then I’ll finish you off myself.” She said, at once joking and disbelieving of her own words.

"Deal!" I said happily.

I'd never had a better incentive to study, even if it was biology, my mind was whirling with the possibility, and I felt myself growing awkward around mom as she got up from her stool, putting the bills away and trash in the bin

“Are you hungry?” Mom asked, her voice at once so ordinary and kind I felt all the tension and awkwardness disappear as if it were a bubble that had popped. I felt my shoulders relax, and my stomach grumble.

“Oh yea,” I said, rubbing my stomach, “I’m starving.”

“Sit down, and I’ll heat you a plate of lasagna.” She said as she got out the Pyrex dish and loaded a plate with a heaping portion.

"Thanks, mom," I said, "I love you."

The words just came out natural and easy, and I didn't think anything of it as I was scrolling through my phone, but as mom brought over the plate she had tears in her smiling eyes and as she placed the plate down she hugged my head close to her midriff and kissed the top warmly. I inhaled the scent of her, clean and floral, with the hint of sweat from her workout earlier.

“I love you too, baby,” she said as she walked briskly out of the kitchen. I heard her head upstairs, and start taking a shower.

I finished the lasagna and washed my plate. Usually, I would just leave the dish in the sink, but the image of my mom having to scrub the plate after the cheese, pasta, and sauce had dried on it didn't sit right with me. So, I cleaned it, feeling good about myself, and went back upstairs to my room.

Slipping on my headphones, I buried myself in the game until late in the night. Finally, crawling into bed exhausted and content, passing out to the flickering lights of my screen saver and dreams filled with gorgeous stacked MILFs.​
Next page: Chapter 04
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