Chapter 09

As I was slipping into the kitchen, I saw my sister with her arms crossed and one eyebrow raised looking from the vape pen in my hand to me. I felt instant fear and paranoia rush through me, but Rachel just smiled slyly and winked, then took a beer out of the fridge and went down to her room.

I walked my paranoid ass up to my room, expecting my sister to start screaming at my moment. I stashed the vape pen and pulled my headphones on, trying to lose myself in the game and ignore the whirling emotions inside me. An hour later, I was coming down from my high, and there was a knock at my door when I opened it, I found my sister standing there with a smirk on her face.

“Mom went to go get takeout,” she hooked her head behind her, “come on, we don’t have long.”

“What?” I asked dumbly.

She held up a slim black rectangular cartridge before her and winked at me, slowly understanding dawned, and I smiled and dug out my little vape pen. We slipped out to the backyard and passed each others pens taking small tokes.

“I had no idea you smoked,” Rachel said as she exhaled her first hit.

“I didn’t know you smoked either,” I said as I let my hit out.

“Well, grab me next time you slip out here,” she said with a big grin, “nice to know my little brother isn’t a total nerd. Why are you studying like crazy so much this summer? You should be out partying and chasing girls.”

“Mom made me promise to go premed. She has me working with a tutor,” I said, shrugging, “I was pretty annoyed at first, but it’s not that bad. Actually, I’m even starting to enjoy the bio work.”

“I guess it doesn’t hurt your tutor is a cute little Asian girl, eh?” she said with a sly grin as she slipped her vape back into a pocket in her purse that was nearly invisible.

“That’s pretty cool,” I said, pointing at her purse, “yea, it doesn't hurt," I said, laughing as we went inside my brain pretty fuzzy.

“Look at you, dude,” my sister said, punching my shoulder, “I guess you’re having an ok summer then.”

“Going out with her Sunday,” I said, feeling full of myself.

“Don’t tell me you invited her to play D&D…” When I just stood there, she laughed hard, “oh god, baby bro, you’re hopeless! Dude, with that kind of game, you’re never gonna get a girl willing to touch your dick, let alone look at it.”

“Who said that’s all I was interested in?” I said indignant and embarrassed, “Besides, she likes to play.”

"Wait, she told you she likes to play D&D?" My sister said incredulously as she opened the fridge to pull out a bottle of juice.

“Yea, she said she used to play with her ex.” I was digging in the cupboard and perked up when I found the box of fruit roll-ups.

Fuck, I love these! I thought to my stoner self as I pulled them out and began to unroll one slowly, pulling the paperback from my face. My sister turned with the juice in her hand and cracked up with laughter at the sight of me.

She walked over to me and pulled the other end of the fruit roll-up tearing it in half and stuffing the big wad of candy into her mouth. As I was still sucking on my and savoring it, she had chewed hers down and swallowed it.

“If she mentioned her ex and that she likes playing D&D then you are gonna get laid little brother,” she said with a big grin, before shrugging and saying, “unless you royally fuck it up that is.”

“Wait, how do you know?” I asked her, pulling out another fruit roll-up, cherry this time, and sucking on one end.

“Girls just know these things,” Rachel said as she came over and took the other end of the fruit roll-up once again, tearing half free and stuffing it in her mouth.

“Hey,” I said, laughing, “there is a whole box. You can have your own!”

“That’s no fun, though,” Rachel said as she laughed and plopped down on the couch. We flipped on the TV and found a dumb movie to make fun of together. That’s where we were when my mom came home and found us laughing together. We all ate some ice cream and watched a movie before passing out. It was one of the most delightful evenings we had ever had as a family.

Saturday passed in a blur, and before I knew it found myself heading out to meet Liz at the local coffee shop with rulebooks and dice in hand. She was a sight in her short green plaid skirt and tight blacktop.

"I'm Slytherin," she confided in me when I complimented her on her clothes. Soon we were geeking out on making her character. Occasionally her arm would brush against mine and wonder of wonders I didn’t feel awkward or nervous in the slightest. In fact, at one point, I felt the tension growing between us, and I just leaned back in my chair and gave her a warm and confident smile. My mom had given me a new measure of confidence in myself, and I was employing it now.

Before I knew it, we had to head over to the twins. We stopped off at a store on the way over, and I picked up a box of Mt Dew and a bag of chips. It was great seeing Jason and Earnest again, and they were excited to meet Liz. The fraternal twins falling over themselves to each show the pretty older girl a good time. We had an excellent session, picking up right where we had left off, but this time with a dangerous ( and slightly evil) rogue with us. Liz proved her command of the game, even digging through the rulebook to argue with the DM a couple of times, as any good player should.

We left as late as possible for the clinic, and when we arrived, it was a madhouse there. It turned out that Liz volunteered at a free clinic, and Sundays were one of their busiest times, most people being free from work. She slipped right into her role, and I was handed off to a nurse. I felt overwhelmed at once as the nurse went from patient to patient, performing tasks so quickly I could barely keep up. But as the hours wore on, I began to get a feel for the rhythm of the clinic. It was awe-inspiring seeing how much of an impact the nurses and doctors were able to have.

About halfway through the shift Liz came to find me to check how I was doing, but I barely had time to say hi, I was so wrapped up in helping the nurse settle a man who was having back spasms, I had a hand on the spasming vertebra and while I kept pressure just so the nurse was able to slip the needle into his arm without him flopping around in pain. Then we were seeing the final patient, and an exhausted nurse turned to look at me and, with a warm smile, finally introduced herself. We shook hands and were both knuckling our lower backs when Liz found me.

“That’s was amazing,” I said, staring out the window on the drive back to my house.

“I’m glad you liked it,” She said, “same time next week if you’re down.”

“Oh, I am,” I said, “Thanks again for inviting me.”

“Of course, but don’t think I’m going to go easy on you on next week’s test!” she said, teasing.

“Don’t remind me,” I groaned out.

I slept like the dead that night and woke early in the morning, heading downstairs to get a cup of coffee and finding my mom once again up reading the news on her iPad. I got a cup and sat down across from her. Enjoying the relaxing morning routine, we had to go. I was scrolling through twitter, seeing what madness had happened over the weekend. Mom set her iPad down after a few minutes, and took a sip of her coffee, gazing at me with a warm, loving smile.

“How did it go at the clinic last night?” She asked once I had finished reading and set my phone down.

“It went really well,” I said, “It’s crazy how fast the time goes by there. I felt completely useless, but it was pretty inspiring, seeing how many patients they were able to help.”

“And Liz?” She asked with a raised eyebrow and smile, “anything to report?”

"Jeez, mom!" I said, "no, nothing like that."

“Just thought I’d ask,” she said placatingly, “I have an intuition about her.”

“You and Rachel keep saying the same thing, but I don’t see it,” I grumbled.

“We’re often blind to our effect on those around us,” mom said, and as I looked at her, I couldn’t help my glance that raked down over her massive breasts and rounded form. She caught my look, and I saw her shift slightly in her chair, her big wide inverted nipples drawing in and pressing ever so slightly on her loose t-shirt.

“Mom,” I said as my eyes locked back onto hers. The tension was suddenly thick between us.

“Yes, baby,” Mom breathed out, the hint of a smile on her face, cheeks flush.

“Do you think,” Moms eyes flicked to the doorway to the kitchen, and I saw them tense, and I cut my words off. A second later, I hear my sisters shuffling footsteps enter the kitchen.

“There any coffee?” She asked even as she grabbed a cup and filled it. Turning to go, she paused and glanced at us sitting there, frozen in mid-sentence.

“What’re you talking about?” Rachel asked.

"Jake’s dentist appointment this morning," mom said smoothly as she picked up her iPad.

“I didn’t know he had an appointment,” she said before turning to go.

“Why would you?” Mom asked, barely paying attention to her words, and my sister just laughed once before she was gone. Mom looked at me and gave me a wink. Then she stood slowly, letting one hand trail along her stomach and up into her shirt, massaging one large breast beneath the shirt.

“Go get ready, Jake,” mom said with a hint of heat in her soft voice, “we have to be back before Liz arrives.”​
Next page: Chapter 10
Previous page: Chapter 08
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