Chapter 13

The next few days were a blur of study and loaded looks passed around between the women in my life. Liz came over on Tuesday, and we got to studying, but my sister or mom would interrupt us at least a couple times each hour. Either with a question, comment, or just flouncing by dressing in skimpy and revealing clothes.

My sister Rachel was almost obsessed with Liz, and the smaller Asian woman used it to full advantage. Making sure to wear tiny schoolgirl skirts nearly every day with tight sweaters or short shirts. Whenever my sister would walk behind Liz, she would bend over the table, exposing a healthy amount of smooth thighs and tight round butt cheeks.

I saw Rachels's eyes tracking Liz's every movement. Mom was little better. She would pass behind Liz and give me exaggerated winks or checking if we wanted to just study in my room, and that it would be fine if we kept the door shut. My face was beet red with embarrassment whenever she was that obvious, but Liz just chuckled and said the dining room was perfect, that she liked the space to spread out.

I picked Liz up each morning and drove her home and got a kiss or a long make-out session each time for my trouble. We never went farther than that, there is little time, and since it was always daylighted out when I picked her up or dropped her off, we never felt safe enough to fool around in the car, we came close though a few times. Her little body felt so good it was hard to keep my hands off her.

My mom posed another problem when that Wednesday, she came through the dining room headed out to lounge by the pool with my sister. She was wearing a tiny red string bikini, and Liz's eyes nearly popped out of her skull when she saw mom's massive tits on such impressive display. Liz glanced from her big bouncing boobies to me and back again, and as mom slipped out into the backyard, she gave me a considering look.

“Hey, can I see that photo again?” Liz asked, and I felt like a rock had been dropped on my stomach. Panic filled me, and I felt my face heating up.

“Oh, I deleted it,” I said lamely.

“Really?” Liz asked with an expression that said she didn’t believe me.

“No,” I said glumly, and I pulled out my phone and let her see the photo.

“Who did you say this was again?” She asked after she had stared at it for long moments.

“I didn’t,” I said, and her answering smile was big and confident, “What?” I asked her already nervous.

“Nothing,” She said with a small secret smile, “let’s get back to studying.”

The whole week I was on pins and needles, getting knowing looks from my sister and Liz, but not knowing for sure if they had put two and two together. Finally, Friday came, and I was nervous and excited when Liz showed up. I had told her I wanted to study as much as possible for the test and couldn’t drive her that morning, but she had made me agree to take her out to dinner that night, and I had been all too happy to.

I tried hard not to get distracted by Liz and our date that night or my deal with my mom and how nervous and excited I was for that. Finally, I had the packet of papers in front of Liz, and I started the timer.

My confidence soared as I began reading through the questions, realizing I was more than prepared for the test. I flew through it, and going back had a chance to review my answers before the time was up. Liz pulled the packet before her and got out the answer sheet and her red pen.

“Let’s see how you did their smart guy,” she said with a little grin. I watched with growing confidence as she turned page after page, and the red pen never touched the paper. I was just beginning to sigh in relief when she was on the last page, certain I had done it when she said, “Ugh oh!” and checked off an answer with the pen.

“Which question?” I asked, feeling a crushing sensation of loss as I realized I had failed.

“This one here,” she said, pointing to it.

“But I’m certain I’m right!” I said, pulling over a book, “I just read that last night it’s here… somewhere.” I began furiously flipping through the book, my face red with embarrassment when I heard Liz cackling with laughter.

“I’m just fucking with you, Jake, you didn’t miss anything,” looking down at the test, she shook her head, “You got another perfect score, pretty impressive.”

“Don’t do that!” I said with a big exhalation of breath, “nearly gave me a heart attack!”

“Why do you care so much about getting perfect scores anyway?” Liz asked curiously, “It’s not like these tests matter.”

"He has a bet with me," came a soft and seductive voice from the kitchen and turning I saw my mom standing there leaning on the door frame, a big grin spreading across her face, "You did it, Jake," she said her cheeks flush with pride, "I'm so proud of you."

“What was the bet for?” Liz asked, glancing from my stacked stepmom and back to me.

“Just something he’s wanted for a long time,” mom said with a small smile, “Something I’ve been dreaming of giving him.”

“Well, he has certainly earned it,” Liz said with her own grin. “Are we still on for tonight?”

“Of course!” I said.

“Good, you can pick me up at seven if that works,” she said, avoiding my mom’s inquisitive stare.

"I'll be there," I said. Liz was packing her books away, and I stood to walk her out. At the door, she turned and pulled me into a big hug and kissed me deeply. I felt slightly awkward as this was the first time I had kissed her in the house.

“Remember to take another picture of those big tits for me,” she whispered in my ear just as she was slipping out the door.

“What do you mean?” I asked a touch nervously.

Liz just glanced back at me as she walked to her car and threw me a wink. I watched her go, staring at her tiny firm ass as it bounced back and forth. Then I felt a warm hand settle on my shoulder and something firm and soft at once, graze my back.

“You two are cute together,” mom said with a smile and a wave after Liz.

“Thanks,” I said, “I’m not sure what’s going on really, but we have a date tonight.”

“I happy for you,” mom said with a warm smile, then as she glanced at me I saw her cheeks redden and eyes shift side to side nervously, “I’m also so proud of you for how much hard work and study you have done this past month Jake. Its’ been so amazing to see.”

"It's nothing," I said, feeling awkward under her praise, "I have to thank you," I said as we headed back into the house and I began cleaning up my books, "I’ve enjoyed the clinical work and even the biology studying, I think medicine is a good fit for me, and you pushed me towards it. I might not have done this without you… help."

“You have no idea how much it warms my heart to hear you say that,” mom said, and I saw her eyes dampen with emotion, and she pulled me into a fierce embrace, “you’ve grown into such a fine young man, Jake.” She whispered the words into my ears, and I could feel her body pressed to mine, sending shockwaves of pleasure through me.

“You have a reward coming to you,” mom said with a shy smile as she pulled back and looked me in the eyes, “would you like it now?” I could see mom was nervous herself, and her hips shifted side to side as if there was an itch she couldn’t scratch.

"Yes!" I said, feeling a rush of desire flood me. I'd avoided thinking about her promise because it seemed almost too good to be real.

"Your sister shouldn't be home for a few hours, so we have time," She smiled and stroked my cheek with one warm hand, "Head up to your room, and I'll go get ready."

"Ok," I said, and on impulse, I leaned forward and planted a kiss on moms' lips before dashing upstairs, the surge of desire and emotion when our lips met, nearly caused us both to get carried away.

I felt mom's hands sliding down my back to the waistband of my pants, and my hand slid down and over her firm ass, then I pulled away with ragged breath and our eyes locked, unspoken desire raging between us. Then I ran up the stairs, tearing myself away from the gorgeous woman.

I was cleaning up the little bit of mess that I had left in the room when I heard my mom exit her room and walk down the hall to mine. I felt my stomach roiling with nervousness, but the moment I saw mom step into the doorway, and I saw her soft loving eyes and smile, all my nerves disappeared. Then I noticed what she was wearing, and all thought left my mind.

Mom had on a sheer black top that clung to her curves and lifted her breasts most spectacularly. She was wearing matching sheer panties, and I could make out the dark-V of her sex between her legs. My breath finally came back, and as I took in her gorgeous face, our eyes met, and I saw a desire and hunger in her features, I’d only glimpsed before.

“Do you like it?” She asked, her shy smile turning mischievous as she cocked one leg and placed a hand on her hip, twisting sexily.

“You look amazing,” I breathed as I stood there awestruck.

“I am so proud of you, Jake,” Mom said as she walked up to me, placing a warm hand on my chest. I could feel her body heat radiating out from her, she was that close, and as I glanced down, I saw her large soft inverted nipples tightening ever so slightly, “and you have no idea how happy I am, that I get to do this for you.”

“Really?” I asked as I looked up into her beautiful eyes, “Because I’ve been fantasizing about this for weeks now.”

“I know you have baby,” Mom said as she pressed me back down into a seated position on my bed. Bending down her large, massive breasts hung deliciously before me, and she caught me staring with a wicked grin, “Just sit back and let mommy take care of everything.”

At her taboo words, I felt my cock firm up even more, and I saw her eyes flash with intense desire. I leaned back, and mom smiling slid her hands down my chest and stomach until she was undoing the buttons on my jeans. Her hands were confident and sure as she stropped my clothes off me. Soon I was completely nude and feeling vulnerable before her, but mom's sincere regard for me dashed away my nerves.

“God, you are beautiful, Jake,” Mom said as she knelt between my legs, her hands resting on my thighs. My might cock rising up between us.

“I’m beautiful?!” I said incredulously, “Just look at you mom, you’re a goddess.”

"You have no idea the effect you have on women, baby," mom said, smiling and shaking her head slightly, "smart, handsome, funny and kind… you’re the perfect package for any woman. And this,” mom grinned even wider as she slid her hands up my thighs and dragged gentle fingertips up the sides of my shaft, “You have the perfect cock baby. Long and thick, with just the perfect amount of veiny ridges to make a woman… mmhmm, Mommy is going to enjoy this.”

“Oh god, that feels amazing,” I moaned out as her fingers closed around my cock.

We both watched as her slender hand slid up and down the thick shaft. Then she released my cock, causing me to moan out in despair, only to groan in pleasure as she popped the small beaded buttons holding her top together and let her massive breasts swing free.

She watched me as I drank in the sight of her, obviously pleased with my love of her body. Then she took my cock back in a two-handed grip and began to slide her hands up and down it once more.

"Oh fuck," I said as her hands milked my cock, pleasure radiated out from her gentle but firm fingers were like a fire burning through my balls and up my spine. "That feels so good… I think…"

"Not yet baby," mom said releasing my cock just moments before I got too close to cumming, "mommy is going to savor this," she said, her eyes full of passion and her smile wanton as she peeled off her panties, now completely naked before my eyes. Knees spread, she leaned back and began to touch herself, "watch me, Jake, watch mommy cum for you."

"Holy fuck…" I breathed out my mind exploding at the perfect sight of her, one hand behind her holding her up, as the other rubbed her clit in fast little motions, her tits swaying and jiggling with the movements. In seconds I saw her stomach muscles tensing, and then she leaned forward, suddenly taking my cock in her free hand.

"Forgive me, baby, mommy needs to feel you in her mouth," my mouth opened wide as before I could say anything, I felt her hot breath and wet sucking mouth close over my cock.

"Ohhh… Mmmmm… Ohhhh!" I moaned out, and moms' eyes flew open, smiling as she saw my look of pure bliss. She sucked hard, her tongue sliding around and over my cock head, and then she was clamping down on it like a vise, as her whole body shuddered and convulsed in orgasm.

Calming down, mom closed her eyes. Her hands coming up to my cock, wrapping around the long shaft, her whole body in the motions as she slobbered all down my shaft, coating her hands in saliva. The sensation was incredible, but the sight was just too much for me. I watched her lifting up and lowering herself, hoovering my dick deeper into her mouth each time, her massive tits swaying and the room full of the scents and sounds of our passion.

“Mom,” I said, my voice strained with the effort of prolonging this pleasure as long as possible, “I’m going to cum.”

My stepmoms’ eyes flew open, and she smiled at me around the dick in her mouth, and nodding slightly kept up her heavenly ministrations. When it hit me, it was so powerful that I felt my eyes rolling back in my head, my toes curling, and even my fingers twitching as I lost control of myself. Mom had her lips wrapped tightly around the head of my cock, swallowing the pearly goodness that shot powerfully into her mouth and down her throat. A few dribbles made their way down her chin as she sat back, her hands still stroking me with tenderness as she sucked in her lips, savoring each bit of my cum.

“Oh baby, it’s been so long since I got to do that,” she looked at me, panting there on the bed and said, “thank you.”

“Jesus, mom,” I said in wonder, trying to catch my breath, “don’t thank me. Thank you! That was… I can’t even find the words…”

"That was fucking insane." Came a loud voice from the doorway cutting through the perfect mood. Moms' face turned white, and I felt my fear choke my throat as I looked over and saw Rachel standing in the doorway, an evil little grin on her face.

“Oh god!” mom cried, grabbing up her clothes and pressing them to her nakedness, she dashed out and down the hall, slamming her bedroom door behind her.

I sat there stunned on the bed naked and with my still hard cock lying across my stomach. My brain was racing about the possibilities of us getting caught. Since that first week, I hadn't worried about it.

“Don’t worry, Jake,” Rachel said with a smirk, “I’m not going to tell dad, that is so long as you do what I tell you to.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, covering myself with a blanket.

"You'll find out tonight when we pick up Liz and bring her back here," with a final wink, she closed my bedroom door and left me wide-eyed, scared, and more than a little aroused.​
Next page: Chapter 14
Previous page: Chapter 12
Next article in the series 'MILF Harem': Mother-In-Law Saved My Marriage
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