Chapter 14

I was sitting on my bed, fear and worry coursing through me at what might happen now that my sister, who had always been a bitch to me, knew about me and my stepmom's relationship. I was just wondering if I could cancel my date with Liz when my phone buzzed.

I can’t wait to go to dinner! Especially for after! The text was from Liz, followed by a few devils and fire emojis. I was just about to send her some made-up excuse for why I couldn’t go, feeling my stomach doing somersaults in my guts when another notification popped up.

Don't even think of canceling! The message was followed by a short video showing me with my head thrown back and my mom’s head bobbing over my crotch, her naked body on display, and a hand working furiously between her legs. I felt my cock grow hard at the video in spite of myself and then felt a chill at the next message.

You will do whatever I say, or I send this to dad, and your life and moms are ruined

Helpless rage swept through me, and I felt fury at my sister. She had always been a bitch to me, but I thought we had finally been getting along. In my bitterness, it was hard not to see that she had been manipulating me this whole time, but I knew that was absurd.

Fuming and trying to figure a way out of this situation, I started to get dressed, putting on a nice shirt, slacks, and a good pair of shoes. I was just styling my hair back from my face when my sister barged into my room, seeing me in front of the mirror, she smiled slyly.

“Don’t worry about your looks too much killer,” she said with a wink, “you’ve already trapped your prize.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” I asked, my fury at her bubbling up, “Rachel, what are you going to do with that video?”

"Nothing so long as you do everything I say," she said standing up straight and getting serious, her voice had the firm whipcord of command in it that surprised me, "now get your ass down those stairs, now!" I found myself leaping to obey.

As I hurried down the steps, I caught my mom peeking out of her room, eyes tear-stained, and face red. I paused to speak, but my sister slapped her hands together right next to my ear, "Now! And you! Get yourself washed up and dressed. You look like a mess!"

I heard mom’s door slam shut, and the water in the shower turn on, just as we walked into the garage. Rachel had a smirk on her face as she opened the driver’s side of the range rover and said, “Get in.” I paused with the door open, unable to let this madness go on.

“No!” My voice was so loud and forceful I surprised myself and saw Rachel tilt her head and look at me with slightly new eyes, “I’m not going to let you mess with Liz too, if you want to punish mom and I or if you’re going to tell dad then just do it.” Rachels's face softened and smiling; she shook her head slightly.

"Get in Jake," her voice had lost all of its earlier commands, and its easy comfort caught me so off guard I found myself getting in the seat, even more confused than I was before.

“I’m sorry if I was a bitch at home. It's just that's the best way to get anything done with mom, and I always thought you were like that too," she pulled out of the driveway and shrugged.

“What way?” I asked.

“Submissive,” she said, “so you’re not?”

"No," I said, shaking my head, "I don't think so, I don't have a preference one way or the other, I guess. What does this have to do with everything?"

“Shit… A lot of stuff is making sense now then… I guess you kind of hated me growing up.”

“You told people I was gay when I wasn’t,” I said, “not that it’s bad if I was, but you shouldn’t be the one to out me.”

“I didn’t tell anyone you were gay!” Rachel said, “What are you talking about?”

"Heather Dennison, sophomore year told practically my whole grade that you said I was gay," I said, crossing my arms, feeling the old anger rise.

“Heather Dennison came up to me in volleyball practice and told me she thought you were hot, and she was going to take you out, I told that slut she wasn’t good enough for you and that if she did, I’d tell the whole school about her giving chlamydia to the soccer team. She said that?! Fucking bitch!”

“You told her what?” I said, my mind spinning, “Wait, you’re serious?" Rachel pulled over to the side of the road and turned in her seat to look at me.

"You thought I'd do something that fucked up to you?” Her face was a mixture of sadness and dawning understanding, “And I guess if you aren’t into power play on top of that, then you hated me. Oh man, I'm sorry, Jake," she reached out and gripped my hand her voice and face sincere, then she chuckled, "you have to admit that it’s kind of funny.”

“It wasn’t funny to me at the time!” I said, still somewhat angry, although I wasn’t sure exactly why. Perhaps it was that I still felt hurt but didn’t have anywhere to direct it anymore, not if I was going to believe Rachel. “Why did you think I was a sub, or into… power play?”

"Well… I guess I have to tell you now; honestly, I thought you already knew." Rachel sat back in the seat and looked up, thinking to herself, then she began to speak quietly, opening up to me in a way she never had before, “You have to remember I was just a confused kid, figuring out my sexuality. I guess I never really thought there was anything outside of what I was into. With mom gone, and dad an absentee father, I learned on my own, and that came from observing others around me through the prism of my desires.

“You see, I knew early on that I enjoyed being in control. I saw all of life as a power struggle and sex more than anything. It didn’t matter if it was a man or a woman. I just enjoy being in control. I found Julia’s collection of straps and harnesses early on.”

“What?” I asked in surprise, interrupting her.

“Oh yea,” Rachel said, giving me a wink, “our stepmom secretly collects BDSM gear and toys. She has never acted out on it, near as I can tell, or at least not in years. She never takes it, but the porn movies are often watched.”

"Porn?" I said, hating how strained and immature my voice sounded and resolving to stop asking silly questions.

“You know the shoe rack she had built into her closet years back?” Rachel asked.


“Well, if you pull that out, there’s a large storage area hidden behind it, and it's filled with all sorts of things. Straps, buckles, bindings… dildoes… vibrators. Everything you can imagine. There's also a massive porn collection, but it's all BDSM videos. Nothing too hardcore, just some tying up and spanking, lots of anal videos. LOTS of anal videos."

“Dude, what the fuck?” I said, amazed, “that was in mom and dad’s room? And I never knew?! You sure it’s not dads?”

“Positive, I found out dads' fetish early on, and he is so gross he keeps that shit on lockdown. Honestly, I think that's why he lives in Asia now. Julia’s stuff never got moved more than a little bit here and there if she cleaned up. At first, I thought she was like me and was into dominating, but she is super submissive and seems to delight in being ordered around or yelled at, although she tries to hide it. So, I kind of got away with mur*er growing up,” Rachel said with an embarrassed shrug.

“So, wait,” I said, letting a lot of pieces fall into place in my head, and trying to fill in the gaps, “are you a lesbian? Because you seemed super into Liz.”

"I don't like labels," Rachel said with an offhand wave of her hand and a sniff. I was reassured to see she was still my sister, and things made a lot more sense now, "but I've learned to sniff out someone who is the perfect sub over the years, and that little minx is just waiting for a collar."

“You were wrong about me,” I said, “you could be about her too.”

“Yea, I was,” she said, “but you have to forgive me that, I saw how obsessed you were with Julia growing up, and I just assumed. I’m not wrong about Liz though, that girl has a freak lurking within her, dying to get out.” I couldn’t argue with that.

"I had you wrong all along with little brother," Rachel said, turning back in her seat and starting the car again, "but don't worry, I'll make it all up to you."

“How are you going to do that?” I asked, curious, and a little nervous at the same time.

“Just you wait and see,” Rachel said with a sly grin.

No matter how I asked, she wouldn’t tell me about what she was planning. She was all too happy to tell me about her exploits over the years, of the girls and guys who she had tried to dominate and how it had worked out, or more often didn’t work out. It wasn’t until she found a weak-willed professor all too willing to be tied up spanked by a gorgeous young co-ed that she had finally been able to explore her fantasies a bit. That relationship had ended quickly once she got over the rush of finally living out her fantasy in full and realized the man was shallow, ugly, and not even really into being a sub. Just willing to do whatever he had to touch her.​
Next page: Chapter 15
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