Page 04
Kate and Ashley strolled into the room and Kate swung the door almost all the way closed behind them.
Ashley knelt down on the bed. "Look at these two gorgous hunks in here trying to ignore us."
Kate followed, sitting down and curling her sexy legs up on the bed in front of them. "You boys don't care if we lay in here and watch, do you?"
Both boys muttered "NO," slightly distracted, as the two Moms sprawled out on their tummies. Kate and Ashley stretched their long legs out behind them and propped themselves up on their elbows, watching the TV screen.
Over the roar of machine guns the two Moms began to talk about hairstyles, as if they were alone in the room.
The women's legs were slightly spread and Kate kicked one of hers up, flexing her sexy bare foot as she just sort of waved it around a little, which she knew would command her son's attention.
Alec glaced down to the site just in front of him. His Moms dress had bunched up so much that he could even see the backs of her silky thighs.
He tried to focus on the game, then found himself glancing over at Tim's Mom, who now had both legs bent at the knee, kicked up and flexing her little feet. Like his own Moms, Ashley's legs looked strong tan and silky-smooth.
Alec and Tim both sensed that the other was gawking and they gave each other a quick look, both smiling excitedly.
Keeping one leg kicked up, Kate brought the other down and began to gently rub her soft bare foot against Alec's calf.
"Oh, dude, my guy's getting his ass kicked," Tim said.
Alec tore his eyes away from his Mom's legs. "So's mine."
Ashley rolled slightly sideways, looking back at them. "I'm sorry boys, are we distracting you?"
Kate rolled over onto her back, gazing back at her son. "I don't know how we could be...we're just laying here."
Ashley joined Kate on her back. She tucked her dress down into her crotch, leaving almost all her naked legs exposed and her knees scissored apart. "Oh but you know how boys are Kate...there's certain things that can always make their eyes wander."
Kate turned her head and her and Ashley looked at each other as they lay a few feet apart. "You mean like Mom's sooooft smoooooth legs?"
Kate extended one leg straight out and slowly slid the tiny little bare foot of her other leg across the top of it.
Ashley slipped one of her feet up the leg of Tim's shorts. "That's exactly what I mean."
Kate drew her knees back, brought them together, then parted them again, widening her spread. "They'll pretend like they're not, but we Moms know better."
Like magnets, Alec's eyes were drawn away fron the screen and down between his Mom's legs. The dress was now bunched up at her waist and he drew in a sharp breath as he caught site of Kate's panty covered crotch.
The gorgeous Mom had on a pair white sheer V string panties. Her pussy was almost completely shaven and a big strip of labial meat pressed up against the nylon fabric.
"Holy shit!" Alec thought.
His eyes traveled up to his Mom's face to find her staring back at him. She fed him that naughty little smile and gave him a cute little wink.
"They'll pretend like they wanna sit there and sneak little peaks at our legs..." Ashley said, sitting up and grabbing her son by the shirt.
She pulled Tim down on top of her. "...When where they really wanna be while they play is down here between them."
"Mom!!" Tim giggled, still struggling with the game controller as he now lay against his Ashley's soft chest.
Ashley wrapped her strong mommy-legs up around him, criss-crossing her little feet, right above his ass.
Kate sat up, just in front of her son. "Is that so?"
"Well then I guess we better not disappoint them," she said, then grabbed Alec by the shirt and pulled him down on top of her.
Alec giggled as he struggled to continue playing with his hands up above Kate's head. Her big titties bobbled against his chest and like Ashley, Kate brought her naked legs up and wrapped them around her son.
Outside, Tom and Jim still stood at the grill.
"Well, I'd say these burgers are just about done," Tom said.
Jim looked over at Claire who sat in a lawn chair flipping through a glam magazine. "Hun, why don't go inside...let everyone know it's chow time."
"Tuh!" Clair rose in a tiff, then went into the RV.
She strode down the hallway and heard her mom and Ashley giggling from behind the door, which was cracked open slightly.
Without opening it, Claire peeked inside. What she saw was quite a site...two middle-aged Moms laying side by side, clutching their teenaged Sons between their strong tan legs.
The Boys snickered as they continued playing the game, all the while Kate and Ashley had their faces buried in the boys necks, giving them wet kisses and flailing their experienced tongues against muscles in their necks.
"Fuck me!" Claire whispered to herself.
Flabbergasted, she watched as her Mom kissed up Alec's chin, running her long nails through the back of his hair. Kate tilted his head down and they started to kiss.
Their kisses became longer...more intense, until finally their tongues began to duel.
Claire's eyes traveled to Tim and his Mom who were already making out like a horny young couple.
Aghast, Claire noticed her brothers hips rocking slowly, dry humping his rock hard erection against Kate's genitals. She could see her Mom's heels digging into his ass, the muscles in those smooth dark tan legs flexing as they clutched and pulled.
"OH MY GOD!" Claire muttered under her breath, backing away from the door.
Ashley turned her head toward the door and noticed a shadow disappear from the doorway.
Claire stomped from the RV up to her father. "You don't fucking believe me...go in there and see for yourself."
"Believe you? What are you talking about?" Jim asked.
"They're down in the bedroom making out Dad...all of them!"
Jim ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "Claire, gotta stop this!"
"STOP THIS?? OH MY GOD, YOU ARE SOO PATHETIC!" Claire shouted as she turned and marched towards their RV.
Jim fed Tom an embarrassed glance. "I'll go see what the hell she's talking about."
By the time Jim got in the trailer Kate and Ashley were standing in the kitchen innocently munching on chips.
"I keep telling Tom we need two trips like this a year...not just one long one in the summer," Ashley said.
Jim gazed down the hall and saw the Boys sitting against the headboard playing, just as before.
Kate turned towards him. "Hey sweetie, how are those burgers coming?"
"Good uhh, everything's ready," he muttered.
"Perfect. Boy's dinner," Ashley announced as she moved out the door.
Kate moved towards her husband and tenderly rubbed his cheek. "You okay?"
"We really need to have a talk with Claire," he said.
"Oh no...what this time?"
Jim shook his head, clearly frustrated. "These stories...they're just getting outta hand."
"I'll go talk to her," Kate said.
"Maybe I should come too."
"I can handle and Alec stay and eat. We don't wanna be rude," Kate said.
Claire sat on the couch inside the RV sulking. The door opened and Kate stepped inside and sat down next to her daughter.
Claire gazed hatefully. "What do you want?"
"To talk," Kate answered.
"About I'm making shit up?"
Kate kept her cool. "No. I wanna talk about what you saw...about what you've been seeing."
"All just innocent affection between mother and son right?"
"If you wanna keep acting like a child...I'll keep talking to you like a child," Kate said sternly.
"I'm not a child, Mom...I'm almost twenty."
"So then you want me to talk to you like a grown woman?" Kate asked.
Kate took her daughter's hand. "Grown women can share secrets. Are you sure you're ready for that?"
Claire thought for a moment, then looked trustingly back at her mother. "I am."
"Okay then...what do you wanna know?" Kate asked.
"What's going on with you and Alec?"
Kate didn't hesitate to answer. "We flirt. We fool around. It hasn't gone any further than that yet."
"Yet?...Are you gonna have sex with him?"
Kate looked down at her lap for a moment, then back up at her daughter. "Yes."
Claire wasn't angry, but curiosity. "Why?"
"Because we're both sexually attracted to each other. " Kate said.
"But Mom, it's Alec...he's your Son."
Kate smiled. "Don't you think I know that?"
"I mean, I've heard that sometimes guys have those thoughts about their Moms, but..."
"But what? Moms can't have those thoughts about their Sons?" Kate asked.
Claire thought it through for a moment. "Well I guess, but...but what about Dad?"
"Well if it weren't for you, young lady, your Dad would be oblivious to everything that's going on between Alec and I. And what your father doesn't know won't hurt him."
Claire got a sad expression. "But don't you feel bad at all? He's your husband."
Kate giggled and moved in closer to her daughter, squeezing her hand. "Honey...if a wife is attracted to her Son, then she cheats on her's just what we women do."
"But I thought it was wrong to cheat."
"When if it's with another grown man yes...maybe...but this is different. A Mother and Son have a unique bond, that your Father could never understand. Someday...when you have a'll understand what I mean." Kate explained.
"So you think I'll be attracted to my you and Ashley are to yours?"
Kate smiled and nodded. "Yes I do...but whether you decide to act on it will be completely up to you."
Claire appeared in deep reflection...almost smiling at thought. "Well if I feel the same way about my Son as you do Alex...I probably will."
Kate got a quirky little smile. "You have to admit...your bother IS a hottie."
Ashley giggled. "Well, all the girls at school certainly think so."
Kate squeezed her hand. "And what do you think?"
"Yeah, he's cute...I guess," Claire muttered.
"Took all you have to admit that..didn't it?" Kate smiled.
Claire got a bashful expression. "Okay fine...he's a hottie okay?"
"He's king of the hotties, sweatheart...he's an absolute hunk."
Claire excitedly gazed at her Mom. "I guess if I'm honest, I did get sort of a thrill when he took his shirt off at the pool."
"Oh, I know, wasn't he gorgeous?! Those strong arms...that lean chest...that bulge in his shorts...Mmmmm, yummy!!" Kate said bringing her knees together and fanning herself with her free hand.
Both her and her daughter started giggling, like young girls giddy over the cute guy in school.
"Damn, Mom!" Claire exclaimed.
"What, I can't help it...I'm in love with him, alright...and it's not the innocent motherly kind of love either. "
"Well one thing's for sure...he has a big dick," Claire said, making her Mom burst out laughing.
Kate's face was aglow. "Yes, your brother has a very large penis."
"Mom, I'm a woman, remember? You don't have to use little girl words."
"You're right...I'm sorry. Your bother is hung like a fucking stallion...that better?" Kate exclaimed.
Claire laughed. "So you were letting him stroke it...out by the pool?"
"Yes, but after YOU ruined our special moment, we forced into the clubhouse...and had to finish off in the girls bathroom."
"What do you mean finish off?" Claire asked.
"Well your brother needed to stroke himself to an orgasm. A boy Alec's age needs to masturbate his cock at least three to four times a day...sometimes more," Kate explained.
"Really? That much...I mean, I know Alec masturbates...but..."
"Your brother's balls are constantly producing sperm and if he doesn't get relief he'll devolop something called blue balls," Kate said.
Claire shared her Mom's look of concern. "I've heard of that. Lots of girls joke about it at school."
"Well, it's no joke," Kate said.
"I is that what you and him did in the RV, when we stopped at the station?"
"No," Kate giggled.
"Well what then? You guys had the door locked. You must have been doing something."
Kate smiled a little in reflection. "Your brother wanted to see my boobs....and...I wanted to see his cock and balls."
Claire's eyes got big. "Ohh...well, you must have been surprised to see how big it was huh? I know I was."
"Alec is a very lucky boy. Most grown men wish they had a cock that big," Kate said.
"I thought my boyfriend was big, but Alec's cock looks way bigger."
"He's bigger than your father too...much bigger." Kate said.
Claire's face filled with excited wonder. " How big do you think Alec's cock is, Mom?"
"Well, I don't know...but I'm guessing close to ten inches."
"Wow! My friend Melissa got fucked by a guy that big. She said size does matter," Claire said.
"Well your friend Melissa is right...a big cock makes a huge difference and boys like Alec with the big dicks usually get all the pussies they want."
"Yeah, even their Moms pussies," Claire smiled.
Kate smiled back, squeezing her daughters hand. "Yup, even Moms pussy."
Jim opened the door and stepped inside. "Everything alright in here?"
"Yup, we're fact, there's something Claire would like to tell you," Kate said, looking at her daughter.
Claire looked at her mom questioningly for a moment, then remembered all they had talked about. "Dad I...I'm sorry. I was upset at Alec and umm...I made all that stuff up about him and Mom."
"Well, I hope you've learned your lesson young lady."
Claire squeezed her Mom's hand. "I have. I definitely have."
"Sweet, now the two of you better get out here before Tom and I finish off these burgers," Jim said.
Alec and Tim moved along a wooded trail near the park. The sun had just gone down and Tim's flashlight was all that lit the way in front of them.
"So how much farther to this campsite?" Alec asked.
Tim was carrying two sleeping bags. "It's right up here."
Alec was hauling a tent and a small ice chest with soda and snacks.
Arriving at a primitive camp site the boys began setting up their tent.
"Bet you'll be glad you don't have to sleep in the RV around your cock-bag sister," Tim said.
"That's for sure...although, this IS kinda weird dude. You're not gonna go Brokeback Mountain or anything on me, are you?"
Tim burst out laughing. "Oh my God, no way bro...I'm not a queer...hell no! This was my Mom's idea actually."
"Your Mom's idea??"
"Yeah, she's contantly thinking of ways that her and I can get away from my Dad. She's coming up here with your mom in a bit, so we gotta get this shit set up," Tim said.
Alec looked surprised. "They're coming up here?"
"Yeah, your Mom didn't tell you?"
Alec shook his head, confused.
"Yeah dude, they're gonna be up in a little bit to suck on our dicks," Tim said, matter-of-factly.
Alec's heart began to thump hard in his chest. "Are you serious?"
"Of course I'm serious. That's why we....wait a minute, has your Mom even given you head before?"
"No...we only just started messing around about a week ago. The only thing I've really done is jerked off in front of her," Alec said.
Tim continued working on the tent. "Wow, tonight is definitely your lucky night bro! I mean, your Mom is smokin' hot. I thought my Mom's tits were big."
Alec started helping him. "So how long have you and your Mom been fooling around?"
"Since right after I turned 18. She started wearing less and less around the house, especially when my Dad wasn't around."
"So what's it like...having sex with your Mom?" Alec asked.
Tim fed him a beaming smile and shook his head. "Out of this world dude!"
Back at the trailer camp Jim and Tom sat around the fire having beers and sharing exaggerated fishing stories. The women sat inside the RV chatting.
"I wonder how those boys are coming along?" Ashley said.
Kate eagerly stood up. "Shall we go check on them?"
"Definitely, but we'll have to be careful. The last time I gave Tim a blowjob Tom nearly walked in on us. What a site that would have been."
"Well, you don't think they'll come up the trail looking for us do you?" Kate asked.
"Well, I certainly hope not. If we're in the tent sucking on the boys dicks we'll never be able to hear our husbands coming."
Kate gazed in at her daughter, who sat in on the bed texting. "I think I have an idea."
A short time later Kate, Ashley and Claire arrived at the boys camp.
Ashley hit the tent with the beam from her flashlight. "There they are."
"Mom, is that you?" Came Tim's voice from inside the tent.
"Yes sweetie, it's us."
Kate turned towards her daughter, as her and Ashley tied their hair back in a ponytail. Claire knew why they were doing this. She often did it herself before giving her boyfriend head.
"We'll be just a little bit. Remember if you hear or see anyone coming up the trail..."
Claire had an unhappy look. "Mom, I don't wanna stay out here with the fucking bugs. Just let me go inside and peek out the tent. I won't watch you guys."
Kate looked at Ashley, who smiled back. "I'm fine with it, but it's really up to you Kate."
"Please, Mom. Little girls wait outside, but you were gonna start treating me like a woman...remember?" Claire said.
Kate looked at her daughter with wonder. "Wow, look at you. You went from tattle-tail to moms little side-kick, just like that."
"Are you proud of me?"
"You bet I am. Come on." Kate said, then the three of them strode towards the tent.
Tim and Alec were lounging on their sleeping bags. Both rose eagerly onto their elbows as the tent unzipped and Ashley and Kate climbed inside.
"Well what have we here? If it isn't a couple of gorgeous teenaged boys." Kate said.
As the ladies crawled towards them Alec saw his sister climb in behind them and zip the door closed. "What the hell's she doing here?"
"It's okay, sweetie. Claire and I had a chat and she's not gonna act like a little girl anymore."
"I'm here for mom and be their lookout...and don't worry, I'm not gonna watch," Claire said.
Alec still looked concerned. "But mom, she could tell dad."
"Were you not listening to what Mom said, dweeb? Mom explained to me what's going on between her and you and I'm on her side now. Got it?"
Alec gave his Mom another baffled look and she gave a him a nodding smile in return. "Ok I guess."
Claire peeked out a little slit she left unzipped. "Good, so your thing and I'll watch the trail."
Ashley turned the flashlight off, leaving the tent barely illuminated from the moonlight outside. Claire heard the Boys and Moms start to kiss and MOAN.
Alec sighed as he was smothered by his Mom's voluptuous body. He felt the spongy softness of her braless tits flatten against his chest as they began to make out like horny newlyweds.
This was new and exciting territory for Alec and Kate, but Ashley and Tim were in their already in their established element. Their tongues rolled and twisted together wildly as Tim rolled his mom over onto her back, the sizeable bulge in his shorts settling down between her legs.
Claire knew she promised not to look, but couldn't help but take a peek. Besides, she knew it was dark and they wouldn't know if she was watching.
Against the side of the tent, she could see the sillouttes of their bodies, entwined with lust. She could see the shadow of her Mom's head bury itself into Alec's neck and heard her bother GASP as Kate began to flail her strong experienced tongue against his flesh.
Claire saw the silloutte of Ashley's naked legs as they slid up and wrapped tightly around her Son's frame, clutching him as their bodies rocked, grinding their genitals.
"Holy shit!" Claire thought, as her heart began to thump with unexpected excitement.
After their five minute dry-humping makeout session the two Moms slid beside their Sons and pulled their shorts off. Their big jutting dicks sprung free and stuck straight up long and proud.