Chapter 01

Before it blew up my life had been comfortable and easy. I lived in Mountain Brook, a tony suburb of Birmingham, Alabama, in a big house. I drove an expensive car. I wore beautiful clothes. I entertained extravagantly. My biggest complaint was that I spent too much time car pooling.

My name is Sharon. Ann was and is my best friend. Our husbands were best friends and partners in a financial advisor firm that made oodles of money. Our sons, Steven and Andrew, were best friends. We had been two inseparable couples

Then one night our husbands came home and announced they'd fallen in love with two young cuties from the office.

After several alcohol soaked weeks Annie and I opted for a measure of revenge. We fired our friendly neighborhood lawyer and hired one from Birmingham; the kind whose nickname is Mad Dog. We hit the gym. Our husbands' girl friends/fiances were young and beautiful; we'd never match their thick youthful silken brown hair or the strength and elasticity of their wrinkle-free skin, but come the wedding day we'd, at least, have better bods. We had kept in shape and still elicited second glances from the guys, but over the next months we were fixtures at the gym. On the date our husbands remarried we checked each other out in the mirror. Damn we looked good; at least that mission was accomplished

Of the two of us, Ann was the pixie. Five feet one inch tall, she kept her blonde hair cropped short to emphasize her round face, emerald eyes, high cheekbones, and generous full lips. She loved showing off the new look, wearing tight tops, short shorts, and work-out clothes that bordered on a second skin.

I'm seven inches taller than Ann. Unlike her, I keep my blonde hair long and wavy, it runs past my shoulders and compliments, I hope, my long face, wide symmetrical cheekbones, and full prominent lips. I'm more modest than my friend, although I do enjoy a slit skirt to show off a leg or a tank top to emphasize my full round breasts.

Our transformation was getting us more than our share of attention and Ann and I were hot-to-trot – it had been awhile – but Mad Dog had strict orders: no fooling around. Until the property was divided he wanted us loyal wives abandoned by middle-aged men chasing pre-pubescent tail. In this regard he was not entirely pleased by our new look. We were too attractive, not quite right for the role of the aging housewives dumped for young hotties. Nonetheless, he summoned us to his office for more consultations than necessary and his stares left little doubt what was on his mind. Ann, as always, was not above a little flirting to make sure our case remained foremost on his mind.
* * * *​

Each July the two couples had rented a cabin on the Gulf of Mexico near Gulf Shores. Ann and I decided to continue the tradition. We loved the beach, didn't want our husbands to think we'd change our routine for them, and, to be honest, desperately wanted to get away; our divorces became final in June. Our husbands, I mean ex-husbands, had immediately remarried.

We also had an ulterior motive. The last few summers the boys had complained about the trip; they were of an age where they were more interested in hanging with friends than sitting at the beach with the parental units. So we figured when the boys complained we'd, after a mild protest, leave them behind. Annie and I could get out of town for a week. Mad Dog be damned, no one would know. Two horny hot unattached girls at the sea shore! We would have ourselves some fun.

Thus, we were not entirely happy when the boys said they were eager to go. We recognized the absurdity of our position: we complained when they didn't want to go and complained when they did, but still we complained.

Which is how we found ourselves sitting on the beach with our sons. Ann was laying on her back in a tiny red bikini. I studied her through my sunglasses. When we started reworking our bodies Ann wanted a six pack and to turn her belly button into an outie. She had achieved both goals; she was sleek, muscled, fit, magnificent. Her firm C breasts, which spilled out of her bathing suit, sat high on her chest.

I was in a one piece suit. I was curvier than Ann. My body was not susceptible to her kind of conditioning. After spending years trying to tighten my butt I had finally given up. I always retained some fat, but men seemed to like the gentle jiggle when I walked by.

Annie rolled over and sucked down the last of her daiquiri. I had finished mine and wanted another, but was too loose and lazy to get it. When the boys heard Annie's final slurp they offered to fetch us another. When I pointed out that they were 18, too young to buy alcohol, they guaranteed they'd be able to do so. We consented and Ann, sitting up on her elbows, watched the boys head for the cabana.

"Look at the girls checking out our kids, it seems they've turned into quite the hunks."

I surveyed the crowd. Ann was right. Lots of eyes were following our sons. "I can still she them as little kids, hanging together, scurrying in and out of our houses."

"Yeah whenever I laid down the law mine would threaten to run away to live with Aunt Sharon."

I laid back down, closed my eyes, and was rolling the memory around my skull when a shadow drifted across my face. It was Andrew; he sat down next to me. "Your drink mi'lady." My son, Steven, was handing a drink to Ann.

"Thanks. How did you guys pull this off, fake id's?"

"Nah," Steven replied, "All the bartender wanted to know was how Andy and I scored such hot chicks."

That got Ann's attention. "What did you tell him?"

"I said we're really good kissers."

I was now sitting up. "Have you boys been telling people we're your dates?"

"Well, it'd be more accurate to say people assume you're our dates and we haven't corrected them. It's doing wonders for our reputations. Why are you surprised? You girls look ten years younger than you are and are fricking spectacular in those bathing suits. Guys have been staring at you all day. Every dude our age wants a hot older chick. Everyone's thinking we're two lucky guys livin' the dream.

I folded my arms across my chest. "I don't believe you."

Steven, a devilish look in his eyes, replied. "I'll prove it. I'll kiss Mrs. Rocke. Mom, you scan the crowd. See what people do. If people think I'm makin' out with my mom there'll be some kind of reaction."

I was about to tell my son he was out of his mind when Ann jumped in. "Sure, I'll bite. But remember, you've got a reputation as a good kisser."

She straightened her sun glasses and faced my son. He put his hand on her leg and leaned towards her.

I'm not sure what I expected, but I didn't expect this. Steven kissed her nose, her forehead, and then, in a series of little pecks, covered her face – everywhere except her lips. Ann was basking in the attention, her countenance happy. While my boy was taking the lead, Ann certainly was responsive. He, with the tip of his tongue, traced the outline of Ann's mouth. She moaned and when he opened his mouth, she opened hers. They worked their lips against each other. Initially, when Steven tried to slip his tongue inside her mouth Ann pulled away, but only for a moment. She quickly returned, her mouth open. Steven captured her upper lip between his, pulling it into his mouth. Ann leaned forward, running her hand up his leg to his swim trunks.

Its hard to describe the effect this was having on me. Part of me was stunned; my best friend was making out with my son. She was old enough to be his mother. This was a crowded beach. There were hundreds of witnesses. Then I remembered the boys' challenge. I scanned the crowd. Some people were watching, but no one look horrified, some look aroused. A few men and women reached for each other, touching and caressing. The boys were not only pulling off this charade, they were inspiring the crowd.

I looked back to Steven and Ann. She was nibbling on his lower lip.

Andrew's hand snaked around my shoulder.

"They're hot, aren't they."

"Well, I mean, it's just...."

He took my chin in his hand, turned my head, shushed me, smiled, and brought his mouth to mine. When his tongue brushed across them, my lips parted, seemingly on their own, and without hesitation he entered my mouth. The kiss lasted only a few seconds; he pulled back to return his attention to Ann and Steven, but in those few seconds I felt a wave of desire between my legs. It had been a long time, I needed to get laid.

Ann and Steven were still going at it. His tongue was aggressive, playing with hers, exploring the interior of her mouth. Ann was compliant, hungry for him to continue. When he stopped she, without hesitation, pushed her tongue into his mouth; their tongues dueled, then he gently sucked on hers. Her hand was on his hip. He snaked his hand behind her head. Her tongue swirled around his mouth, claiming possession. They were breathing heavily and Ann's grip on his body tightened. Finally Ann backed off, her face flushed. I looked at Steven. He seemed as aroused as she.

Ann caught he breath, looked at me, and said, "Steven's right, he's a good kisser."

She scanned the crowd; no one was running for the police. "The boys are right again. People think were couples, two very hot couples I suspect, not mothers and sons. Now where did you learn to kiss like that?"

Steven looked bashful. "A gentlemen never tells."

"Good," Ann replied, "since I'd prefer you keep what happened here between," she looked at the crowd, "well, between the four of us and everyone else watching."

I wanted to be the responsible one. "Am I the only person here who thinks this is nuts?"

Ann was unperturbed. "Nuts? Yeah, but fun. Don't knock it til you try it. He's a hell of a kisser."

Exasperated, I lay down.

Ten minutes later Andrew, noting the sweat running down my back, offered to re-apply my sun block. I assented. His strong hands turned the process into a massage. I knew he was having fun, reinforcing the charade that he and I were a couple, but I let him go on; his hands felt good, I had a daiquiri and a half inside me, I was enjoying myself. It was nice having a handsome young man pay attention to me, take care of me, even if he was my son's best friend, even if I had known him his entire life, even if he was practically family. When done Andrew lay next to me, sharing my blanket. Ann and Steven were doing the same, jabbering and laughing. Andrew and I were quiet. When his leg drifted over to touch mine, I welcomed it. We may not actually be with these young hunks, but Ann was right, it felt good to pretend.

About an hour later we heard the sound of a band, sponsored by one of the local hotels, setting up. We packed up our stuff and wandered over, grabbing a spot under a tree. The band was pretty good, mostly playing stuff from the 80's, the music I grew up with. When Andrew saw me moving to the music he asked me to dance. I jumped at the opportunity. He was a good dancer and we had a great time. When the band announced it would play a slow tune to end the set I thought nothing about melting into his arms.

We moved gracefully together. His body was strong and firm. When had our boys grown up? How had I missed that they were no longer kids, but sexy young men? The alcohol, the moment, his arms around me. I hadn't been laid in more than six months; I was getting very turned-on. When the song ended I looked at Andrew. Would he kiss me? He did, a short sweet peck on the lips.

Then, his arm around my waist, we headed back. Steven was leaning against the tree, his arms wrapped around Ann. Her body was turned into his. They were making out like horny teenagers.

"You two need to get a room," Andrew quipped.

Ann looked over her shoulder, "We might be able to arrange that."

The four of us listened to a few songs from the second set, but the boys were fidgety and when Ann suggested we return to the cabin to catch the sunset, no one objected. While Ann and I normally sat in the front, when we got to the car Ann opened the back door and gestured for Steven to get in. She followed. Andrew sat next to me.

We were staying in a rented cabin, one of many that ran along the beach about fifteen miles west of town. I looked in the rear view mirror. Ann and my son were making out. Andrew saw me check the mirror. Leaning towards me he said, "Eyes on the road," and placed a hand on my thigh. It was calming. I obeyed.

When we arrived there was a car parked at the adjoining cabin and twin girls, probably in their mid-twenties, unpacking. They were moderately built – they probably played sports – were evenly and deeply tanned, sported several tattoos, and had short black hair which stopped at their necklines in the back and hung in bangs across the front. They wore, at first glance, no make-up and with their tans and even symmetrical features required none. Our boys, being gentlemen, told us they'd join us on the porch and helped the girls unload.

Upon their return Steven made a bee line for the lounger on which Ann sat. Andrew climbed onto the couch next to me. I, sipping a pina colada, slipped into his strong arms and watched the sun go down. It was beautiful. It felt good to be held by a man.

Night took over. It was quiet. I enjoyed the dark, the stars, the smell of the sea, and snuggling up to Andrew's body. Ann and Steve were also cuddled up, but they were kissing and caressing each other, no longer anxious desperate teenagers, but experienced lovers warming up for the main event. I knew I should say something, but I was enjoying the moment; I was too selfish to say anything that might disrupt it.

Finally Ann said, "I need to wash this lotion off. Steve, honey, could you help me with my back." She grabbed his hand and led him from the porch up the stairs to the top floor bedroom and shower.

I was now free to say what I had been thinking. "Andy, doesn't this bother you, your best friend and your Mom, canoodling?"

His hand ran down my spine, sending chills through my body. "No, they're both adults and Steve's had a thing for my Mom for years."

"Isn't that a bit weird?"

Andrew's hand kept roving over my body, tripping lightly across my skin. It felt so damn good.

"I hope not. I have a thing for his."

There was no authority in my voice when I said, "Andrew, I've known you since you were a baby. You practically grew up in my house. It borders on incest."

"Well, we'll get to incest later. Mrs. K, I've wanted you forever. I intend to have you. Tonight."

I tried to keep the effect his hand was having on me out of my voice. "Do I get to say no?"

He was confident, respectful, but he noted my body tremble at his touch. He and Stephen dated a lot, they knew their way around women. He knew what I was feeling. "Of course, if you say no, I'll stop."

He leaned in and kissed me. I loved the feeling of his strong face.

"But I don't want you to say no."

He kissed me again. My lips puckered and moved against his.

"Mrs. K, your lips, they're as soft and sweet and wonderful as I've dreamed.

I was quivering in his arms; my stomach was doing cart wheels.

"You don't want to say no. Why waste this opportunity? All alone, with people you love, no restrictions, no one to object or judge. You're safe. Tonight I want you to be a naughty girl, my naughty girl. There will never be a better time."

He cupped my breast through my swim suit. It filled with blood and swelled; there was no mistaking the heat pouring from it. My nipple was distended, hard. He kissed my forehead; he kissed my cheek.

"No's an unhappy word and I want you to be happy. If you say yes your body will be my playground. I'll lick every square inch of you, explore every nook, every cranny, suck and coddle your breasts, taste your pussy. Smell you, listen to you groan, bury my face in your hair, feel your sweat when we move together. I'll make love to you like you should be made love to. I'll enter you, feel the warm wet tightness of your cunt as it envelops my cock. I'll make sweet love to you; I'll make nasty love to you; I'll make you cum until you beg me to stop. I want to be inside you Mrs. K, I want to be your lover; I always have."

When he kissed me this time I opened my mouth, letting his tongue inside. His cock, already thick with blood, stiffened, pressing against my hip.

"Can you feel it? You make me hard. Here let me show you."

He held my hand to his penis. I didn't object, but when he removed his hand from mine I let go. Still, it was warm and hard and big.

Gently, he touched my face.

"Is there a spot where, when a guy touches you, you swoon, you surrender? Where is it? Is it your neck?"

He kissed my neck, his lips sensual, strong.

"Your ear?"

The tip of his tongue explored the crevices and turns of my very sensitive ear.

I knew Steven and Ann were not coming back. I didn't have the strength to stop them. I didn't have the strength to stop myself.

"The back of my neck."

"Would you like it if I kissed you there?"

I nodded yes.

He leaned me forward and ran the tip of his tongue up the back of my neck, along the center, and then planted kisses over the entire surface. He blew air over the wet skin, sending tingles through my body.

No one had ever talked to me like this, touched me like this. I was helpless and when his hand tugged the straps of my swim suit off my shoulder I offered no resistance. My heavy breasts fell free, open to the ocean's breeze. I groaned.

He stood and offered me his hand. There was no uncertainty in his eyes; he knew I wouldn't refuse him. I took his hand, looking at him through half-closed eyes, my mouth ajar, breathing heavily. I followed him into the house. As we passed the stairs to the upstairs bedroom I heard low sensual moans and bodies moving together, the unmistakable sound of two people making love. Ann had gone ahead; she was in bed with my son; now I would go to bed with hers.

Andrew heard it also. He smiled and opened the bedroom door for me. Once inside I turned to face him, placing my hands on the muscles of his chest. "Are you sure about this?"

"Yes," he answered, his tone confident, comfortable.

"Isn't it, at least a little bit, odd. I've known you since you were a child. You used to call me Aunt Sharon."

The use of my old nickname only served to reinforce our intimacy. He stroked the side of my face, brushing my hair back. "A little, maybe. But I want you. I've wanted you for years. And you want me. Why deny ourselves Aunt Sharon?"

I did want him. I wanted to be made love to. I'm didn't know how'd I feel about it in the morning, but that night I wanted to be made love to by a man, a man who had wanted me for years, who craved me. I wanted to feel his strong body against mine, longed for his masculine smell, to feel him inside me. My surrender must have been written all over my face. Andrew dropped his head and kissed me. My mouth was open and welcoming. When his tongue touched my lips I sucked it inside. I crushed my body to his and wrapped my arms around his neck. My breasts flattened against his chest. Desire surged through me; by the time we ended the kiss I was panting.

He must have known that right then and there, he could have turned me around and taken me, but he was a cooler customer than that. He slipped his hand into mine, our fingers intertwining, and led me to the bathroom and its two person shower. I stood behind him, admiring his body as he turned on the water and adjusted the temperature. When satisfied he opened the door and followed me inside.

Standing behind me, he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close. A tiny involuntary moan escaped my lips as I felt his hardness against my backside. Any lingering doubt as to whether this boy could want a woman twice his age was replaced by a more carnal thought: this beautiful young man was hung like a horse. I turned my head to kiss him, twisting my butt, rubbing my butt on his cock.

Deepening the kiss, I turned in his arms until I faced him. He peeled my bathing suit off, letting it fall to the shower floor. I stepped back; he stared at my naked body. His wide-eyed look required no confirmation; he liked what he saw. He ran his hand along the side of my body and breasts. His tone reverent, he looked in my eyes and said ,"My god, you're beautiful." Then he looked at my breasts, his thumbs stroked my nipples, "They're beautiful."

He kissed my lips, a short peck, and drizzled bath oil onto my wet scalp. He kneaded it into my hair, more a massage than anything else. It felt wonderful. I had not known I was tense, but now I felt the tension flow from my body.

After rinsing out my blonde tresses, he scrubbed my body, working from my shoulders down to my feet. I wasn't familiar with the product he was using, but it had a light scent and a delicate trail of suds dripped down my physique. He focused on my shoulders, breasts, bottom, and thighs. His touch was gentle, but strong. I felt secure and safe and loved.

When done he stood to my side, drenched a hand with the oil, and covered my pussy, moving his hand in a circular motion. His other hand went to my bottom. He increased the pressure on my vagina. I sighed and laid my head on his shoulder. His hand slid down to my thigh until his forearm, moving up and down, was rubbing my vulva.

"Mrs. K, you're an incredibly sexy lady. You turn me on."


"I'm going to make you feel so good."

"Unnnnnhhhhhh, unnnnnnnhhhhhhh."

I rocked against his arm, finding just the right pace and pressure. Andrew paid careful attention, adjusting his motions to mine.

"I've wanted you for so long. Years of longing. Tonight I'll have you; tonight you'll me mine; tonight you belong to me."

"Unnnhhhhh, unnnhhhhhhhhhh, uunnnhhhhhhhhhh."

My knees grew weak, but Andrew's hand on my rump compensated, supporting me while I ground myself into his forearm. I placed a hand on his back for support. God he was well built, his body strong and muscular. I started shaking, my body was a spring tightened beyond its capacity. The pressure was building; I was ready to explode. It had been so long; I needed to come. Andrew knew it. He pushed my rump into his arm.

"Surrender to me. Tonight your body is mine; your pussy is mine. Tonight you belong to me. Tonight the only reason you exist is to feel pleasure, to take my dick inside you, to be fucked like the hot sexy bitch you are."

I was lost in the heat that burned between my legs, in the feel of his strong body against mine, and in his voice, sexy, self-assured, certain. And then it, all if it, exploded; lights flashed in my head and I was consumed by a gut-wrenching powerful overwhelming orgasm.

"Yeaahhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhh, ffuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkk, yeahhhhhhhh."

Andrew turned me into him and ran his arms down my side. His hands grasped my butt, holding me up. I buried my face on his chest.

Several minutes later, when finally able, I said, "That was wonderful."

Then I kissed him, repeatedly, joyfully. I ran my hands over his body. I took the bottle of oil and attended to his beautiful body. We made silly jokes; he had a nice laugh, a sweet infectious laugh. And although I skipped nothing, I did not give him the same thorough scrubbing he had given me. I had something else in mind. Something I thought he would like. I cleaned his cock, wrapped my hand around it, and gently frigged.

"Andy, I can't believe I'm doing this. You're magnificent."

As his cock twitched in my hands, his hands glided over my wet body, toying with my full breasts, grazing my nipples, touching my hips. Eventually a hand covered an ass cheek, another my pussy mound. He rested the heel of his hand on my pubic bone, touching my clit ever so lightly. His fingers gently, teasingly, stroked my pussy lips. He pressed his fingertips against the opening of my vagina. I took a deep breath and squeezed his cock. He pushed two fingers inside me; his palm worked my clit. I was on fire.

It was too much. I let go of his erection and leaned against the shower wall, pushing against his hand. His fingers were deep inside me; my cunt was burning up. I had just cum. How had I gotten this hot this fast? I tried to regain my composure, but Andrew was enjoying himself, taking control of Aunt Sharon. He sank his fingers into me just a tiny bit more and, ever so slightly, wiggled them.

My toes curled. My back arched. I gasped in the heavy steam-laden air and Andrew rotated me, aligning me so the shower head sprayed on my clit.

I pushed against his hand. It felt so good.

"Unnnnggghhhhhhh, my god, so good, what are you doing to me?"

He brought his mouth to my ear, "Do you like it Ms. K? Do you like my fingers inside you?"

"Ohhhhhhh!" was my response; my body jerked against his hand.

Slowly, gently, he rocked his hand. "I couldn't make that out. What did you say?"

"God! Yes. Ohhh, you feel so good. Mmmmm, please. Fuck me with your hands. Make me come on your fingers."

I gloried in the sensations, but there was something else I wanted. And then I said it, something that would have been unimaginable the day before, but I needed it and I knew this young man knew how to do it.

"Fuck me Andy, please fuck me."

He licked up my neck and brushed his lips against my ear. "Your wish is my command." I spread my legs and he stepped back, angling his cock between them. I reached for it, hands shaking, and directed it to my cunt hole. I placed my hands on the shower wall.

And then, in one long steady motion, not fast, not slow, hard cock filled my cunt. He was big and it had been a long time, but I was dripping juice and whatever discomfort I felt was brushed aside by what we both knew was true: I needed to be fucked.

He held it inside me, letting me adjust, letting me savor the divine feeling of being stuffed with a man's meat. One hand massaged the skin around my clit; the other settled on my breasts. My nipples jumped to attention; my tits swelled. He nibbled my ear lobe; his tongue explored its turns and crevices. He rotated his hips in a circle, his cock moving around within me.

I placed my forearms on the shower wall and moved my ass in an oval, matching my movements to his. His cock repeatedly ran across my g-spot.


"Are you ready Mrs. K? Ready to be fucked? I want to watch you cum. I want to fuck you hard, watch you come, see you shake. I'm going to dick you, make you my cock-whore."

"Oh god fucking yes, fuck me, take me, fuck me, take me, fuck me."

Andrew began thrusting, his cock slicing into my pussy. I couldn't match his power, but still I shoved back into him. God I needed this, wanted it. I'd been craving a hard fuck for so long. Why had I wasted so much time.

Yessssss," I practically hissed. "Fuck me faster. I love your dick, I love your fingers. Oh, please. You're so fucking gooood."

He kissed my neck and throat, but rough, like an animal, throwing in small bites and nibbles. His hand left my breasts and tangled in my wet hair, twisting my head so he could kiss me. His tongue took control of my mouth. His fingers moved across my clit.

I had never been fucked like this before. I couldn't take any more. My gut was wound so tight I was afraid I might explode. He was pounding my cunt, pile driving into me. I yanked my head away. "FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUCK ME!!!!"

He replied in a voice preternaturally calm, the sound of one completely in control. "Come for me, Mrs. K, I want to watch you come. Squeeze my cock with your cunt and come for me you filthy hot bitch."

My body convulsed; the spring unhinged; the pressure rocketed through me. I was afraid my fingers would explode at the force of my orgasm. I screamed; my eyes snapped open; my pussy spasmed and repeatedly clamped down on his cock with all the strength and power the past months in the gym had produced. He grunted and jerked and then filled my hungry pussy with cum. Shaking, I collapsed into him. He held me upright and tenderly ran his thumb across my clit, sending me into a sweet subtle fulfilling second orgasm. Compared to the first it was gentle, almost spiritual. I kissed his sweet lips.

We stepped out of the shower and dried each other. Laughing, I crawled into bed and laid languidly in his arms. After he blew dried my hair I pulled it into a pony tail. We said little, I still wasn't sure what to make of this turn of events: this boy, half my age, the son of my best friend, my son's best friend, was my new lover. It half-felt like I was screwing my own son.

So we stroked each other's skin, kissed, nuzzled. I could hear Annie and my son upstairs, talking, laughing, carrying on, and then the sound was replaced by that of two people making love. Andy's cock was erect, pressed against my leg. It was warm and big and hard as iron. And I was greedy. I knew there'd be consequences, but fuck, I'd deal with the consequences tomorrow. Right now I wanted more.

"Lay down stud, make yourself comfortable."

He did so. I looked at him. He was beautiful, his body firm and muscular, his stomach flat. His skin was flawless and, except for his penis, devoid of hair. His dick was not porn star sized, but it was big and thick. Its skin, like all his skin, was light in tone, which emphasized the blue and red blood vessels running up its side. The head was rosy in color. He was, I realized, the best-looking, best-hung man, I'd been with.

"You made me feel very good," indicating the shower with a motion of my head, my ponytail swinging behind me, "Mind if I return the favor?"

"I'm all yours."

He meant it; his eyes were needy; his desire for me manifest. I placed my hand on his shoulder and dragged my tongue through the light beard on his neck and jaw. When my mouth reached his ear I whispered, "Aunt Sharon is going to take care of you."

I kissed his ear, smiled, kissed his lips. I had just lived through the most explosive orgasms I could recall, but a new hunger was growing in me. My kisses became forceful, hungry. Our tongues twisted and tangled together and then I pulled away, sucking his lower lip between mine.

I sat back up, grinding my sex against his crotch, my mood playful. "And how did you know I was such a naughty girl? I thought I had everyone convinced I was a conservative little housewife."

His dick, hard and hot, slid against my wet sex. He squeezed a handful of my breasts.

"Hard to miss Mrs. K., you walk like a naughty girl, you're built like a naughty girl, and you stink of sex. Ever since I've wanted women, I've wanted you."

He pinched my nipples. I bit down on my lip, suppressing a squeal. When he let up the pressure I fell on top of him, kissing his neck and his chest, loving the taste of his flesh.

"Let's see if I was worth the wait."

I flicked his nipple with my tongue and clamped my lips around it. I looked into his eyes. Andy's jaw set and he let out an earthy masculine groan. I circled the small pink areola with the tip of her tongue. I dragged my tongue across his chest, lapping to the other nipple and pressing the flat of my tongue against it. I reached for his penis, running my fingertips up its thick length. I sucked his hard wet nipple into my mouth and wrapped my fingers around his ball sac. He caressed the side of my body.

In my most sultry tone I said, "This old lady is gonna worship your cock."

I moved back down, sitting on his calf. My pussy lips spread and I began to hump his leg. At the same time I stroked his hot hard cock, smearing pre-cum down its side, tracking the course of a vein with a finger. Andy, except for his heavy breathing, was quiet, his chest silently rising and falling. I slid a hand across a broad shoulder and down his arm. He leaned forward and kissed my lips, running his hand down my side.

I kissed the tip of his nose, then his cheek, then sat back up on my knees, displaying my body. I played with his chest. My touch was light, the pressure gentle. Andrew's eyes flicked about, taking in my tits, my face, my belly, my arms. I loved the desperate needy look in his eyes.

"Relax dear boy, Aunt Sharon's going to make you feel real good."

He stuffed some pillows behind his head, his hands on his chest. I continued dragging my pussy on his leg and leaned forward, my heavy breasts dangling underneath me. They grazed his stiff pole.

"Aunt Sharon is going to give you everything you want."

I held his cock in my hand and followed the veins of his shaft with my tongue. He moaned. I brushed my soft full lips on the dick-flesh, coating the shaft with saliva. I curled my tongue around his length, tracing every vein and ridge. I cupped the side of his organ with my palm and kissed down its length. My eyes never left his.

Andrew tasted so good. I opened my mouth, licked my lips, and dragged my tongue up his shaft, warming the spittle with my hot breath.

"Feels so frigging good, Mrs. K."

This was heaven. I spit onto my hand, folded my fingers around him, licked his ball sac, and sucked a testicle into my mouth, rolling the orb on my tongue. Pre-cum leaked out. I worked it and my saliva into his blood filled cock.

Andrew's legs tensed, his toes curled. I switched testicles, sucking the other between my lips. I moaned, transmitting the vibrations to his pole. He panted, struggling to breath. I popped his balls from my mouth and greedily lapped the wrinkled sac.

My pussy was on fire, but I was determined to go on. After what Andy had done to me in the shower, he deserved the most exquisite treatment. I slithered my tongue around and behind his balls, tickling the sensitive skin, pushed my nose into the sticky sac, and curled my fingers over the dick-head, massaging him as my tongue continued its exploration.

"Good god, Mrs. K, you're incredible."

"Aunt Sharon, call me Aunt Sharon."

When I kissed the center of his balls he dug his fingers into the comforter. I slowly opened my mouth, stretching his skin, and pressed the flat of my tongue against his flesh.

Andrew mumbled and groaned. I clamped my fist around the base of his cock and, with a light touch, circled the blood-engorged head – it looked like a mushroom – and probed his cockslit with my tongue.

"Do you want Aunt Sharon to suck your cock?"

Andrew looked down, his eyes on my wet lips and tongue. "Yes, Aunt Sharon, suck my cock, suck my cock you sweet sexy bitch."

I kissed the head. "How bad do you want it?"

"Fucking bad, auntie, please suck my big hard dick."

"Like this?" I lowered my face, my eyes on his, and lashed my tongue against his length. His cock disappeared between my lips. I sealed my lips on his tool.

"Oh fuck yes, just like that."

My cheeks concave, I swirled my tongue around his flesh. He melted into the mattress, forgetting everything but my mouth. I bobbed my head up and down. I felt his heartbeat in his throbbing tool. I pushed my face down, swallowing as much of him as possible. I felt powerful, reducing this gorgeous young man to a mass of nerve endings, unable to focus on anything but what I gave him. I had forgotten how much I loved sucking cock, taming a man with my mouth. I loved the adoring expression on his face. I moaned into his flesh.

"Aunt Sharon, you're so fucking good, what a hungry hot cock-sucking bitch you are."

I was intent on devouring him. I reared up, spit on his cock, and dove back down, filling my mouth with man-meat.

Andrews clawed the bedspread.

My soppy wet groin burned as if on fire. His calf was covered with fuck juice as I continued to glide my steaming hot fuck box up on the hard bone and muscle. I spit on his cock again and pushed the spittle down the shaft with my tongue. I licked him like a desperate whore. I swallowed him again. Drool ran down his length. I bobbed up and down, suctioning him. His balls retracted. I ripped my mouth from his cock.

"Am I doing a good job?"

Andy looked at my cheeks and mouth, dripping with saliva and pre-cum.

"Fricking incredible."

I smiled and pressed my chest to his shaft, squeezing the sides of my tits around his fuckstick. It was engulfed in warm soft tit-flesh. He moaned at the sight of his cock sliding between the mounds of flesh, the head emerging with each stroke. My ponytail bounced on my shoulders.

I dropped a fresh string of spit into my cleavage. "Do I make you feel good?"

"Oh god yes, Auntie. All the years of wanting to fuck you. It's heaven."

"Did you and my Steven talk about it, talk about fucking each other's mothers. Did Steven want to shove his cock between your mother's tits, fuck Annie's cunt."

He groaned, "Yes."

"Did you two jerk off? Jerk off while thinking about fucking us. Did you dream about turning your moms into fuck-toys."

I slid his shaft faster between my tits, rubbed my cunt harder on his leg.

"Fuck yes."

His body trembled; he was approaching a climax. I thought about letting his spray his cum on my chest and face. I imagined the look on his face as his jism slid down my smiling face and onto my fat tits. It was a wonderful idea for another day, but right now there was another place I wanted him. I straddled him and took his man meat back inside me.

I wanted it to last. I started slowly. Andy understood. At first he was gentle, perfect, varying his motions. It was exquisite; I came three times. They were not the kind of orgasms that make you feel like you've been knocked over by an ocean wave, not the kind that make you scream and shout and shake. They were the kind that envelop you like an indefatigable tide, the kind that fill you completely, the kind that make you hiss and shudder and crave another. And so, after the third, still burning with need, I reached for his fat testicles.

"Okay stud, I got one more in me. Come with me this time. Fill Auntie Sharon with your cum."

I squeezed his cock tight, drawing a moan. He picked up the pace; I gasped with each powerful thrust, pushing hard against him. I leaned forward. He took a nipple in his mouth, rolling it between his teeth The jolts of pleasure merged with the fire in my cunt.

I looked him in the eye. "I'm so close, come with me."

I closed my eyes, flexing my powerful cunt muscles, massaging his meat while he moved in and out of me. I took his testicles in my hand. Sweat dripped down my body, drops followed the swell of my breasts.

"Fill me with your cum, honey. Fill me."

His face scrunched up. He was gasping, groaning. He grabbed my hip, taking control of my movements. I surrendered, letting him dictate what I did, happy, for the moment, to be a fuck-toy. His breaths were eruptions from deep within his solar plexus.

"Fuck Aunt Sharon, your pussy's so fucking hot, fuck yes, fuck, fuck bitch, tight, yes, fuck, yes, uuuunnnnnnnnhhhhhhhh."

His cock pulsed, he squealed, he deluged my cunt with cum. I grabbed my tits and, impulsively, twisted the nipples. The sudden sharp intense pain emphasized the glorious joy in my twat and I came again.

"Andy darling, it's soooooo fuuuccckkkiiinnnnnnggggg ggoooooooooooooddd."

I shook several times and collapsed in exhaustion, falling onto his body.

I cuddled up next to him and, my voice interspersed with desperate breaths, said, "Oh Andy darling, that was amazing. I hope I passed the audition."

Andy tightened his arms around me. "Sure did, pretty lady, sure did."​
Next page: Chapter 02