Chapter 03
I woke to Ann's long theatrical yawn. Quite naked, she was standing and stretching. The boys were dead asleep. I expected they'd be out awhile. Annie gestured with her head and I followed her to the kitchen where she suggested a run on the beach. I was stiff and a bit sore from the day before. It sounded like the perfect way to work out the kinks.
It wasn't til I got outside that I realized how early it was. All four of us, sexually satiated, had passed out around 8:00 P.M. Now it was a few minutes before 6:00 A.M. The sun was barely over the horizon. We headed east so we could watch the sunrise. We'd been going at it awhile when Annie asked, "Any regrets?"
I turned the question around in my head. Regrets? Taking her son, my son, as lovers? Well, it was certainly different, but the happy warm feeling between my legs let me know I'd adjust. "I'm not sure," I answered. "You?"
"Well if the boys will keep it a secret, and I think they will - who'd want to give up two cunts as hot as ours - no. I plan on balling those kids as much as possible. They know how to fuck. I've given it a lot of thought these past months. You and I tried the loyal conventional monogamous wife thing; we were good at it. It didn't work. Maybe we should try something new."
It was the middle of the week; there was little sign of human occupation. We saw several dolphin swimming off shore, accompanying us up the beach. Inspired, we ran further than normal before turning around. As we approached our cabin I heard laughter and saw the twins emerging from the water. They were naked. Cindy waved and, without apparent embarrassment, walked towards us. Lisa detoured towards the house, where there were towels draped over two Adirondack chairs.
I knew I shouldn't stare, but I examined their bodies anyway. Nicely built, a bit of fat stored in their butts and thighs. Not curvy and voluptuous like me, not well-muscled like Ann, they occupied a middle ground: hips and buttocks slightly wider than busts and with that short hair, a little boyish, but still, quite attractive. As Cindy got closer I noted her pubic hair; it was dense and thick; she was au natural. Then I noticed her areolas and nipples, thick, dark, and distended; they were like small tits perched on top of tits.
"Some early morning skinny dipping?" Ann said.
"Yeah, we didn't think anyone would be up this early. It's a great way to start the day. Care to join us?"
By this time Lisa had arrived. She handed her sister a towel and Cindy, nonchalantly, wrapped it around her waist, leaving those remarkable breasts exposed. Before Annie could reply Lisa said, "Hey sis, we've got to meet the club for the ride."
Cindy took her sister's hand in her own, the affection between them palpable. "That's my sister, gotta plan everything, even on vacation. Perhaps another day."
The four of us headed back to the cabins. The twins briefly recounted their experience spreading their parents' ashes along the coast the day before. I only half-listened, my mind focused on what the twins thought of us. We hadn't left the cabin yesterday. How do you explain a beach vacation in which no one goes outdoors? Did they think we were howlingly lazy mothers and sons? More likely they considered us cougars and cougar bait. We and the boys better synchronize our stories.
Annie gave each a hug and we headed upstairs where we each grabbed a shower. I put on a light blue sack dress. Ann was already in the kitchen, wearing one of my flannel shirts which, because of her short stature, reached half way down her thighs. She was making smoothies and brewing coffee. Combined with the ocean air, the smell was intoxicating.
"Hey slowpoke. Meet me on the porch. I'll be ready in a moment."
Seconds later she joined me. The smoothie was lime, among my favorites.
Annie sat down. "I noticed you're waking a bit gingerly. You okay?"
"Yeah, my feet are sore. I guess its running on the sand without shoes. I'm not used to it."
"Don't worry, I got something for what ails you."
Annie disappeared into the house and then reappeared with a bowl, two clean white towels, and lotion. She put the bowl on the floor. Half a lime was floating in it.
"Soak your feet honey."
I did. The waster was nice and warm.
We chatted awhile and then she sat on the floor, cradling a foot in her hand. She looked it over, then laughed. "The bottom of each toe has a tiny black and blue mark on it. Don't worry, Annie will take care of you."
She gently rubbed the bottom of each foot with the lime, then used it as a scrubber. After she finished both feet she soaked a hand towel in the footbath and held it above each knee, letting the water trickle down my calf and foot. After several repetitions she patted each leg dry with the other towel.
Gently, she held each foot in her strong hands, rotating my ankles clockwise, then counterclockwise. She gave each toe the same treatment, then tugged on each one. She rubbed lotion into my feet.
"Feeling better?"
"Yeah, thanks."
"Oh honey, we're just gettin' started."
She took a foot in both hands and walked her thumbs back and forth over the sole, pushing deep, working the pressure points. When she got to the ball of my foot she moved her thumbs in semicircles, back and forth. It felt great. She placed a thumb on each side of my foot and slid it to the opposite side, moved slightly down, and repeated the process until reaching my heel.
After she did the same to my other foot she interlaced her fingers, resting them on the top of my foot, her thumbs on my sole, and applied pressure with her thumbs while sliding her hands up and down my foot. Next she worked her fingertips between the bones running from my toes to my leg. Finally, applying slight pressure, she massaged the muscle running from my ankle to my calf.
"Feel better."
I held up my leg, turning my ankle, stretching my foot. I certainly did. "Yes, thanks."
Annie joined me on the couch. Soon we were talking and laughing and, I realized, that
despite the extraordinary events of the past two days our friendship was unaffected. We had fallen back into old patterns. I loved Ann.
The revelry was briefly interrupted by the twins. Wearing the skin tight clothes of serious cyclists they yelled hello as they mounted their bicycles and headed for the road.
As Annie watched them leave she said, "There is something very sexy about those girls. I mean they're attractive, but something else going on there. I can't put my finger on it."
The remark surprised me. Ann noticed.
"Well, don't go all jealous on me. You are still the hottest bitch I know. Watching you go at it with the guys yesterday was something else."
I looked at my friend. Her unkempt hair fluttered in the ocean breeze. And, even with that breeze pouring over us, she smelled of sex. There was a libidinous undertone to her stare, a hint of bedroom eyes. Already turned on? Was she preparing for another marathon fuck session? Its then that I noticed three buttons of her flannel shirt were open, permitting a view of her impressive chest. Despite the fact that she and I had spent much of yesterday naked together, I found myself peeking. She placed a foot on the edge of her chair, letting the shirt slide up her leg, exposing a hint of pubic hair.
I looked back to her face. She smirked; she knew exactly where I'd been looking. I had a strong reaction, but not one I could define. I needed a second to think. Her coffee cup was empty. Mine too.
I stood, "Need a refill?"
"Yes honey, thanks."
I returned and handed it to her. She smiled, took a sip and leaned back, closing her eyes. I studied my friend's body, thinking about sharing our sons the day before. She said she enjoyed watching me. I thought about it. Yeah, I had to admit, watching her with the boys was hot.
Ann opened her eyes. I looked away, uncomfortable with the notion that Ann might catch me staring.
She leaned forward. Was another button undone? The shirt opened up further. I could see her impressive breasts and nipples. I chided myself, but still I glanced. I had seen her topless hundreds of times. Why was this peep show suddenly so compelling?
Ann sat back and swivelled towards me. A breast worked itself against her shirt so that a nipple was visible. Discreetly, I watched it. Ann took another sip of coffee.
What was going on? I had known this woman for decades. I had long appreciated her beauty. Why this sudden fascination with her tits? Is this what guys fixated on? Ann moved again. Her breasts swayed in her shirt; her nipple disappeared from view. I willed myself to return my gaze to Ann's face. She was looking right at me. She knew what I'd been doing. A knot formed in my stomach.
"Honey, if you want to see 'em just ask. Hell, I've worked hard to keep them in shape and with our neighbors gone, we've got privacy."
Ann undid the remaining buttons on her shirt and took it off; her big fat beautiful breasts were open to the sun.
"Honey, toss me the sun block."
I did.
"Thanks." She squirted lotion into a hand and worked it into her chest.
I was horny and uncomfortable at the same time. I thought about heading upstairs to wake the boys; Annie's hand touched mine.
"Hey honey, we're not going to get total seclusion on the beach all that often. Let's take advantage. I showed you mine, show me yours."
I looked at Ann. I wasn't sure what to do, so I took the path of least resistance. I pushed the straps of my dress off my shoulders. Annie reached over and pulled the dress down over my breasts; it settled at my waist.
"Honey, yours are spectacular." She shifted her position, sitting between me and the sun, and squirted sun block into her hands. She worked the lotion into my breasts; they swelled with blood; my nipples stood at attention
"The girls are responsive this morning," Ann quipped as she stroked my nipples with her fingers. Then her tone turned unusually sober. "Watching you over these past months whip yourself back into shape, it inspired me. It's helped me reclaim my life. I couldn't have made it without you. We've been best friends forever, but I've never felt closer to you."
Ann, I knew, was not serious all that often. I slid forward; our knees touched. Her fingers on my breasts. My guard temporarily down, I felt a sudden heat between my legs.
"Oh Annie, I couldn't have made it without you."
She wrapped her arms around me, our bodies pressed together, our oily breasts slid against each other. Annie told me she loved me; I told her I loved her. She tilted her head, moved her mouth to mine. Our lips met in a quick kiss. She kissed my cheek. Her hand ran down the side of my body and we kissed again. However, what started as a peck became soft and tender. Ann's mouth glided across mine; her hand settled on my thigh; her tongue traced the outline of my mouth. My pussy tingled, moistened.
When our lips parted I was panting, breathing heavily, my mind a muddle of confusion, fear, and lust. I looked into my friend's eyes, searching for answers. Ann was, as always, loquacious.
"Yesterday, when the four of us were in bed, I kept looking at you, thinking how sexy you are. I imagined pushing the boys out of the way and burying my head between your legs. I've been having these thoughts for awhile, but haven't acknowledged them. So whatta ya think? Am I a perv?"
My lame response: "I've never done anything like that before."
"Don't worry honey," she replied, "I have."
She kissed my nose and forehead, kissed my eyes and cheeks, and our love for each other seemed liked it had substance, like it was sitting on the porch with us.
When her tongue returned to my lips, I opened my mouth, extending my tongue to meet hers. Our tongues slid against each other. Annie slipped hers inside my mouth, ran it over my teeth and around my lips. I moaned. I placed a hand on her well-muscled arm. The softness of her lips and tongue, contrasted with the strength of her body, excited me. She pressed herself to me. Ann's mouth was tender and wanting; it sent chills down my spine. The kiss seemed to last ten minutes.
My pussy was aching.
Ann sensed by acceptance, my surrender. The hand on my thigh moved to my back. She wrapped her arms around me. I returned the embrace. We moved our bodies from side to side, enjoying the soft friction. After more minutes of increasingly passionate kissing Ann moved her mouth to my ear.
"I believe the downstairs bedroom is unoccupied."
Not waiting for an answer, she took my hand and led me inside. As I followed her lust collided with trepidation. Was I ready for this? Was I ready for same-sex love? How would I feel about this tomorrow? First Andrew, then my son, now Ann, what was I becoming?
Still, I followed. Once in the bedroom she turned back to me, kissed me several more times, then sensed my concern. "Do you mind if I finish that massage I started outside?"
"That would be nice," my voice hoarse, happy for the momentary reprieve.
Ann circled behind me and pulled my dress, which remained bunched at my waist, over the curve of my ass and to the floor. Taking hold of my hips, she turned me around, and, looking up at me, placing her hand on my chest, above my breasts.
"You're such a lovely woman."
My nipples grew tight at her unembarrassed admiration.
I took a second. I studied her perfect form.
"Thank you. So are you."
Ann guided me to the bed. I lay on my stomach and Ann, kneeling next to me, massaged my shoulders and neck. The hundreds of hours we'd spent in the gym were evident in her powerful arms and fingers; she emphasized her deep strong work on my muscles by occasionally lightly drifting her fingers over my shoulders and upper back. Next she moved to my lower back and then ran her fingers over my butt and down my legs to my feet. Here she took her time, rubbing the bottom of my feet, massaging each toe, then taking it in her mouth and sucking on it. I squealed in delight. She moved up my legs, working the muscles, stopping short of my pussy.
I couldn't disguise the effect her touch had on me; my moans became increasingly sexual. No one could help but notice the unmistakable scent of my pussy heating up.
Ann's fingers next found my backside. She massaged my butt, soft and wiggly compared to her hard ass. Occasionally she dipped a finger between my legs, not touching my pussy, but getting closer and closer. Under her expert care, my consternation about what was about to happen receded, pushed back by the pang in my loins and the growing realization that my life would never be the same again. The beach was giving birth to a new me.
And all the while Ann's hands were driving me wild with anticipation. I wanted her to touch my cunt.
She didn't. She rolled me onto my back and sucked a nipple into her mouth, circling her tongue around the hard point. I let out a long groan. She drew a path with lips, tongue, and teeth, to the other nipple, stuck out her tongue and, in my full view, dragged it across my trembling areola, covering it with spittle. My pussy walls quivered; somehow, instinctively, she knew when and how to touch me.
After one last hard lick, my tit bouncing in response, Ann moved down my body, softly licking and kissing my stomach. I spread my legs, anticipating, wanting Ann's hot mouth and tongue on my pussy. Annie dragged her heavy tits over my cunt; it spasmed.
Ann stopped when her mouth was inches from my cunt. She paused, looked at my face, which was framed between my fat tits. I puckered my lips, blew her a kiss. She grinned. I spread my legs wide, providing her the full tableau: a horny swollen cunt glistening with cunt cream. Ann inhaled, savoring the musky scent, blew a stream of air over my clit, and lowered her head. After the masterful teasing she had given my tits, I craved her mouth on my pussy. I wasn't disappointed.
Ann's tongue found my clitoris.
"Ohh, fuck yes."
Ann's tongue, lips, and a little suction soon reduced me to a wild frenzy. With my husband I had never been particularly vocal during sex, but now I couldn't stop talking. She was driving me wild. She shifted her attention to my cunt, fucking me with her strong tongue. I repeated, "Fuck me, that feels oh so fucking good," over and over. With supernatural determination Ann relentlessly drove her tongue in and out of my soaked pussy.
She replaced her tongue with two fingers and, knowing the answer, asked, "You like?"
"Oh god yes."
"Do you want to cum for me?"
"Oh yes, I want to cum on your face. Please baby, please Annie, make me cum."
She resumed fucking me with her tongue. She moved to my clit, bitch slapped it. A finger went inside me, effortlessly locating my g-spot. It was wonderful, it was intense, it was magic, and then it was all over. I pushed my hips into her face, gasped, "Ohhh fuckinh god," and an orgasm struck me with full force.
Buffeted by the explosion, I howled like a dog in heat, writhing under Ann's expert tonguing. Annie continued teasing my clit, drawing out my orgasm, and then gradually decreasing the intensity, bringing me down ever so slowly. When my orgasm passed and my body went limp, she turned to my pussy, lazily slurping down every drop of my cum.
I lay there, in a state of pure bliss, floating on a post-orgasmic high, running my fingertips over Annie's shoulder as she licked me, purring, "That feels so good." Ann continued to softly graze, slurping for several long happy minutes before she crawled up on top of me, her body covering mine. We kissed deeply, our tongues swirling back and forth. I loved the womanly softness of her lips and face; I loved the taste of my juice on her face and tongue.
I most definitely had to give her to the same treatment she'd given me.
We continued our kiss, but, at my instigation, rolled over so I was on top. After our lips parted Ann looked into my eyes. Her tone, both a request and a command, she said, "Fuck me."
I felt some trepidation. As I said, I'd never done this before. I wasn't sure what to do. Ann understood. "Babe, don't worry. You already know. Do what feels natural."
Was she right? I moved my mouth to Ann's neck and bathed it and her shoulders with soft kisses and gentle licks. Ann moaned and sighed: I felt encouraged. I continued my tender exploration and Ann started squirming. Her warm full fat breasts were pressed against my chest. I licked down to those titties, kissed each quickly, and massaged them with my hands. Ann groaned.
"Oh baby, that feels go good. You know just how to love my boobies."
I could see why guys loved playing with these things.
Feeling new confidence, I became more aggressive, more sure of myself. I ran my tongue around and around the soft skin of Ann's full beasts, my kisses, licks, and nips becoming more forceful. Her breasts were, like her, strong and powerful. I was not going to hurt them. Maybe Annie was right, maybe I already knew what to do.
Ann groaned and started dragging her wet sex up and down my thigh. I brought my mouth to her nipples, sucking on the large distended dark-brown areolas, licking her hard chocolate nipples. They became harder and tighter. I took her boobs into my hands, pressed them together, switching from mound to mound, latching my mouth onto them like a desperate child. Annie clamped her hands to my back. She humped my leg.
Then, panting with need, Ann suddenly exclaimed, in a moan of half desperation, half command, "Fuck me Sharon. Lick my pussy."
By now I knew I could. I moved between Ann's legs and studied my best friend's sex. I had never seen a woman's pussy spread open. It was, I thought, quite beautiful. It glistened; her light blonde hair was soaked with the juice leaking from her. Larger and thicker than my own, her dark red clit was erect; it had pushed aside its hood and stood tall and free. Her vagina was swollen and open; the soft pink interior lips blossoming like a flower.
I lowered my mouth and teased the lips and folds of Ann's pussy. It was new and incredibly exciting. I sucked and licked along her labia, ran the flat of my tongue along the outer lips of her vagina, visited and played with her clit. I may have been a rookie, but Ann seemed to love it, wriggling on the bed and moaning in wicked delight. Her response gave me confidence; I bathed Ann's pussy with my tongue.
Finally Annie groaned, with an urgent need that overrode any objection, "I can't take any more, Sharon honey, make me cum."
I didn't have a plan, but I was determined. I licked Ann's musky wet hole and drove my tongue inside her pussy. Ann's breathing became erratic. She pushed her pussy into me; her juice covered my face and seeped into my nose. I continued the tongue fucking, gluing my mouth to her honeyed opening. Ann humped my face, forcing my tongue deeper into her. I wiggled it. Ann groaned, "Oh, fuck," shuddered, and then with a short high pitched yelp, exploded. Her pussy twitched and shook around my tongue. I kept it buried deep inside her, waggling it, waiting for her orgasm to pass. When it did I tenderly kissed and licked Ann's dripping sex, filling my mouth with pussy juice. I crawled up next to her and we kissed. I lay my head on her shoulder. She wrapped an arm around me. I ran my hand over her body, enjoying the soft smoothness of her skin.
I hadn't been sure about this experiment when it started, but I was sure now. I loved it. I'd be spending a lot of time between my best friend's legs, teasing and pleasuring my newest lover.
Annie was thinking the same way. After taking a few moments to recover, she leapt from the bed, said, "I need to show you my new toy," and scurried out the door, returning with a satchel. From it she pulled a dildo and tossed it to me. I caught it. It was pink, flexible, and maybe seven inches long and an inch in diameter. Smaller than our sons' cocks, but still ample.
"I've never used one of these," I said.
"Really honey? They're great. How have you gotten through these last months?"
"Fingers mostly."
Annie got back on the bed, said, "Well, there is nothing wrong with fingers," and planted a big sloppy wet kiss on my mouth. Moving with me she pushed me onto my back, keeping our mouths locked together. Three fingers briefly probed my snatch. Then, full breasts bouncing, she sat up, her knees between my spread legs. She reached for the dildo.
"Well honey, do you think your ready to try this," she drewing out the next word, "small," and finished, "dildo?" She handed it to me. "Touch it, feel it. Whatta ya think?"
I took the pink phallus. It was softer than I imagined, warmer too. It felt nice.
"Okay, I'll take a shot, you slut."
"Excellent. I'm gonna make you feel wonderful. I guarantee it."
She dropped her body to mine. Our breasts, then our cunts, ground together. She kissed me, her tongue explored my mouth. Her fingers were active, running up and down my body, visiting the sides of my breasts and then forcing their way between us to fondle my boobs. She began a humping motion as if fucking me. I moaned; my pussy swelled. Annie slid off of me and, giggling, placed the head on the dildo to my vagina, rolling it there, coating it with my lubrication. Once it was throughly wet she ran its head up my labia to my clit, stroking my love bud with the toy. My breathing grew deep and ragged. Annie's mouth moved to my tits, suckling on the flushed hot mounds.
Annie eased the toy inside me. There was little resistance, I was wet and my cunt had been well used over the last few days. The experience was somewhat surprising. I guess I'd thought it would feel like a man's penis, but it was different. It filled me up nicely, but didn't pulse, quake, shake like a man's penis. It didn't have that same soft but hard feeling.
"Well?" Annie asked.
"Nice, but not quite a cock."
"Ain't any fake ones gonna compare to what Andy and Steven are packing, but still, let's see what I can do."
She began, rhythmically, to thrust the toy in and out of my snatch while biting my boobs and nipples, moving up for a long deep kiss, returning to my tits. Oh yes, this was better. I ran my fingers through her short blonde hair and began to lose myself in the experience. My muscles quivered and my pelvis, seemingly on its own, humped against the pink intruder. I started mewling. Annie, gauging my reaction, stroked my clit with her thumb, sucked hard on my nipples, and thrust the dildo deeper into my pussy, twisting it around. The dildo's flexibility allowed it to bend within me as no man's cock could; I felt sensations in my pussy I had not known before. Yeah, I thought, I could get used to this.
Annie knew It was time. She slid down my body, planted her mouth over my clit, trapped it between her lips, and attacked the head with her tongue. She jammed a finger in my asshole. She twisted and turned the dildo in my pussy. I was on fire.
"Oohhh, God, Yes, YES, YESSSSS, AAHHHH, Brraaa, Ooohhh, Fuckinnggg, Oooooo, NOOO, YESSSSS, Nurfmmm."
My muscles tensed, then froze, then unleashed. Shaking uncontrollably, I rocked my hips back and forth against the toy and then, screaming, "OH FUCK YES," I came, shaking through an intense sweet orgasm.
Annie kept moving the tool inside me.
I kept coming. "Oh yeah; oh, yeah; oh Annie, yes, yes; oh, god, yes, Yes, OH YES!"
I convulsed and twitched, my hips humped spasmodically. When I started to come down Annie got to her knees, surveying my prostrate form. She had let go of the dildo and my convulsing pussy clamped down on it, pushing it out of my body. I lay still, trying to catch my breath.
Annie was delighted. She jumped from the bed, said, "Damn girl, its time for stage two," and reached into her bag. She pulled out another dildo. It was purple. It was immense. I was dumbstruck.
Annie filled the silence. "This is a two header, one end for you, one end for me. I've been dying to try it."
"Whatthefuck Annie, its huge."
"That's why we share it."
"It's still huge."
She held it dangling in front of her face, as if inspecting it for the first time. "Well, it is big."
"It's bigger than the boys."
"Well, you may be right. Let's see." She pressed the mushroom shaped head to her bright pink labia and rolled her hips, slowly working the enormous crown between her pussy-lips. I watched in fascination as those lips parted, embracing the first couple of inches of the massive fuck-toy. She stopped for a second and winked. "I think you're right, its bigger than the boys.' Then she started pushing it in again. I looked at her face. Her eyes were closed; she was focused on the gigantic prick stretching her fuck hole. She gasped, her ample breasts heaved, her heart was racing. Then she stopped, taking a moment, seeming to savor the feeling. She rocked her hips against the invader.
Then, after a brief pause, she let out a long exhalation of air, said, "Oooohhhhhhhhh yyeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssss," and, using both hands, resumed, slowly, insistently, driving the dildo into her snatch, gasping as her vagina's walls molded themselves to its inhuman girth. She had a prodigious flow of pussy juice, I could see it seep from the edges of her pussy and drip down her legs. She flexed her pussy walls, using them to help drag the plastic cock inside her.
"Oh god, it's big," she groaned.
Then, to my amazement, she started to rotate her hips, twisting the cock around inside her. The muscles on the insides of her thighs twitched, she breathed rapidly, her lush breasts rose and fell with each ragged breath. One hand let go of the dildo and went to her breasts, squeezing them, then lifting a tit to her mouth, where she chewed on her nipple.
Then, oh my god, it was all the way in. I could see her work her cunt muscles, squeezing the plastic prick. Drops of sweat appeared on her forehead and neck, then flowed across her breasts. She groaned around the tit stuffed in her mouth and started bouncing on the balls of her feet, using the downward motion to drive the dildo deeper inside herself. Her skin flushed, she jerked her head up - her breast fell free - and she shouted, "OHHHHHH FUCKINGGGGGGGG GODDDDDDDDD," as she came, shaking spasmodically as a blistering climax shot through her body. She staggered forward, leaning on the bed for support.
There was a beatific smile on her face when she opened her eyes.
"Spread 'em honey."
"Annie, I'm not sure."
"Honey, I'm sure enough for both of us."
Annie was not to be denied. She crawled between my legs, tossed the pink dildo to the side, and placed the new dildo's large bulbous head at the opening to my cunt. She took hold of the shaft, rubbing it all over my sex before centering in between my pussy lips. Then she thrust forward, driving the head of the purple giant into me. As she pressed down on the rubber penis she bent over, her sweaty body sliding over mine, and kissed me. I was concerned about taking the giant tool inside me, but I was drenched with juice. The first two inches slid in easily. Then it got uncomfortable.
I winced. "Ohmigod, Annie that's a big fucking cunt-filler."
Ann was unperturbed. "That it is. And you're gonna learn to love it slut." She kissed me and continued to press her pelvis down, driving the dildo deeper into my cunt. I grunted, my mind wholly focused on the thick phallus jammed in my pussy, stretching it, opening it in a way I had not known since the birth of my son. While pushing the oversized cock into my body, forcing me to yield to this unworldly sex-toy, Annie continued kissing me, exploring my mouth with her tongue.
It hurt. At least Steven had given me time to adjust when he had filled my asshole with his dick, but this was Annie. Resistance was futile. I wiggled my hips and rocked my pelvis as she worked the rubber phallus deeper inside me. My cunt expanded, then gave way, then clasped tightly to the brutal intruder burrowing its way to my core. Thankfully, my cunt poured out juice, paving the way to my womb, allowing Annie to go deeper and deeper.
I thrashed on the bed, impaled mercilessly on this enormous artificial dick, its ungodly thickness drilling into me. I glanced down. Shit, there were several inches to go.
Annie followed my eyes. "I'm gonna make you come with this honey," she said, and drew her hips back and then flexed forward.
"OH FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK," I moaned, my head flopping up and down on the bed. I was afraid I might split wide open.
Annie was indefatigable. She grabbed the bed frame and drove the final inch of the toy into me, its knob crashing into my cervix. I flopped on the bed like a rag doll, trying to adjust to being impaled on this monster. Annie humped into me in short motions, her erection knocking on the door to my womb.
I groaned in pain, but I also knew I could handle it. I grabbed Annie's ass and held her still while I bucked and humped, taking the time to get used to the colossal double-dong. Finally I released her ass and ran my fingertips along the sides of her body, signaling that I was ready. Annie started fucking me. While throwing in short chopping hunches and pressing her body to mine so we could rub our clitties together, she gradually increased the length and power of her thrusts.
Soon I was moving with her. It was still uncomfortable, but I loved being stuffed with cock and the feeling of my friends powerful feminine body against my own. Then Annie did the most amazing thing. She reached under the dildo and, I suppose, flicked a switch. It started to vibrate. Ohmigod, I had never imagined such sensations. My remaining apprehension evaporated in the face of this new reality. I wrapped my arms around her, pressed my breasts to hers. We were belly-to-belly, our legs spread wide. She grabbed my hair, yanked my mouth to hers and we sucked, kissed, licked each other. We pulled our hips apart until our pussies were only half-filled and slammed them back together, sending shock waves through our bodies. We did it again and again; the motion becoming violent as we drove the phallus deep into our bodies.
It didn't take long. In a few minutes I felt it, I needed to cum. The sweat forming on Annie's body confirmed she felt the same. A glow spread from my cunt to my ass and up to my tits. Our desires were raw, rooted in the most primitive animalistic part of our brains. The mutual pounding became frenetic, we were bucking wildly, moaning, cursing, howling.
It was coming. I pulled Annie's head to mine and kissed her. There was no sweetness in my kiss; I claimed her mouth as my own. Annie reared back, leaving only the head of the dildo inside me, and crashed back, striking me with the force of a pile driver. It was here; I was caught in the violent wave of an orgasm. We both left this world, going to the place where pleasure was pure and perfect and overwhelming, where even pain was pleasure. We ground our bodies into each other, the dildo twisting around inside us, moaning into each other's neck. Finally it was over. I was done; I was spent. I held my dearest friend, whimpered, our shared phallus buried in both of us.
"My god, that was hot." It was my son.
Ann slowly rolled off me. The dildo pulled out from her vagina and protruded from mine, nine inches of purple plastic dick dangling between my legs. Andy and Steven, wearing boxers and holding cups of coffee, stared.
Annie took hold of the dildo, frigging it. "Hey guys, two horny ladies looking for some real cock. Know anyone who can help?"
We spent the rest of the morning and that afternoon screwing. The boys, being boys, were happy to celebrate their mothers' newfound lesbian inclinations, insisting we eat each other while they fucked us from behind. My initial trepidation at girl-on-girl love dissipated. I was already in the midst of a three day mother-son orgy, what was the big deal about some carpet munching between friends?