Chapter 04

It was late afternoon when the boys announced they were hungry. As they said it I realized I was also. Annie and I hadn't eaten since breakfast; the boys hadn't eaten all day. Four naked bodies headed for the kitchen. Unfortunately, except for a few condiments and a half-empty box of Wheaties, the refrigerator and cabinets were empty. Ann, her hand on my son's shoulder, said, "Well, we've barely been outside for two days. I guess this is what you get."

The boys volunteered for a supermarket run. There was a grill under the cabin, so we decided on steaks, asparagus, and potatoes for dinner. Ann and I made a list of what else we needed and the boys headed out. We heard them talking to the twins and then their car pulled away. I put on a white tube top and cargo pants; Annie wore a loose fitting striped sleeveless sun dress. My hair was a mess. I pulled it into a pony tail. We went downstairs and opened the grill; it was rusted, useless.

"Damn," Annie said.

"Something wrong?" one of the twins said. She was wearing cut offs and a tee shirt that ended just beneath her breasts. The outline of her thick nipples was evident. I checked the tattoo. It was Lisa.

"Yeah," Annie replied. "We were going to grill, but this thing's only good for scrap."

"Feel free to use ours," Cindy said. "We cooked on it last night."

Before I could say, "No, we don't want to be a nuisance," Annie said, "Well that's mighty kind. Do you girls have any plans tonight?"

"No, just hangin'."

"Well, why don't you join us and the guys. I'll text them and let them know to pick up food for two more."

"No, we don't want to be any trouble," Lisa said.

"Oh no, no trouble at all. The four of us have barely gotten outside the last two days, just being lazy on vacation I suppose. It's time we were better neighbors," Annie responded.

I wanted to say, "Are you nuts? We don't have a cover story." What did the girls think we were? Mothers and sons? Sex-crazed cougars? If the former, how would we explain why we'd barely been outside the last two days? Before I could think of what to say Cindy replied, "Well thank you, we'd like that."

I looked at Lisa, hoping for a different response. She was staring at her sister, a slight displeasure reflected on her tanned face. Cindy noticed it also. She stepped to her sister and laid a comforting hand on her shoulder.

I took a deep breath and told myself that if the girls had a nefarious view of what was happening next door, they'd shown no sign of it. In fact, they'd been nothing but affable and sweet. There was no need to worry.

Annie and Cindy volunteered to clean the grill; Lisa and I went upstairs for supplies. By the time we returned Annie and Cindy were chattering away like old friends. Helped along by a bottle of pretty good wine, Lisa and I soon joined them. When the boys returned Annie introduced them as our sons. Good, I thought, at least I know not to play the cougar. I relaxed and the six of us enjoyed a long overdue meal. At its conclusion the boys volunteered to clean up while the ladies retired to the porch and glasses of wine.

The boys joined us just as darkness descended. Steven sat next to me and ran his hand up my leg. I initially froze, but a quick glance around – no one could see what he was doing – and the wine loosened me up. When he moved my hand to his erection I started thinking it was time to end the party. Mommy needed her baby boy's cock. I was trying to frame an excuse to get out of there – how about I had too much wine and needed to lie down – when I realized the conversation had turned to the twins' service for their parents. I couldn't beg leave in the middle of that topic.

Cindy was saying they'd performed a short memorial service on one of the offshore islands they had often visited with their parents, then took to the boat to release their parent's remains along a long swath of coastline. When Lisa mentioned that they had recorded the service for some family members, Annie asked if she could see it.

What the fuck I thought, Annie was hornier than any of us. If I was ready for some serious son-fucking, she certainly was. I turned to my boy, squeezed his cock, looking for support. Surprisingly, he echoed Annie's sentiments.

Well, it looked like home move night.

The living room was dominated by an eighty inch flat screen television. Two couches were pushed against the wall, large pillows were scattered on the floor. Steven and Andrew joined me on a couch. Annie and the twins set up the television and headed for the kitchen to refill their wine glasses. As soon as they left Steven pushed his tongue into my mouth and Andrew placed my hand on his erection. Part of me was in panic – what if the girls returned? – but mostly I was very turned on.

Andrew gave the word and Steven ended the kiss just as the ladies returned.

All lights were turned off, leaving the room pitch black, and the recording started. Annie comfortably cuddled with the girls on the floor. The boys took advantage: running their hands over my body, playing with my breasts, pushing their hands inside my pants.

The screen showed Cindy, wearing a tee shirt and shorts, standing ankle deep in a lagoon on a picture-post-card-lovely island. She talked about her parents, how much they'd done for her, what they'd meant to her, how much she missed and loved them. Lisa went next, recounting her memories.

Despite my throbbing cunt, I was drawn into their story. The girls were genuine; the respect and love in their eyes and in the subsequent shots of them scattering their parents' ashes affirmed how much they had honored and loved their mother and father.

The video ended. Annie said, "That was beautiful," and stroked Cindy's hair, kissing her cheek. She did the same to Lisa. Then, lightening the mood, she said to the boys, "Now, your Mom and I expect the same from you."

Andrew, his arm across my shoulder, his hand having just left my thigh, said, "Yes Mom."

The film had been moving, but I needed my pussy pounded. Now it was Andy who seemed determined to keep us there.

"Do you have any video of your parents? I'd love to see them."

Cindy replied, "We do, from years ago. We took some whenever we visited the beach. But we haven't edited it, some of its pretty raw."

Annie replied. "I'd love to see it too, if you don't mind?"

Lisa started to indicate she didn't think we'd be interested it, but Cindy, her voice confident, overruled her sister and pressed a few buttons on the controller. Two new people filled the screen.

The woman was wearing a one piece blue bathing suit that emphasized her bosom. Like the girls she was a brunette, although her hair was several shades lighter than the twins. While the twins had a cute, pixie-like quality, this woman was sexy and sultry, very sexy and sultry. Her breasts were large and her curves had curves. Like the twins she had dark skin, but her features were more pronounced: wide face, large dark eyes, thick lips. She waved at the camera and said, "Hi." She sounded South American.

The man, wearing blue and yellow slim trunks, was distinguished, silver haired and in excellent shape. He had clear blue eyes and a gravitas that projected onto the screen. He kissed his wife on the cheek, took her hand in his. They looked at each other, love and desire evident in their eyes.

"That's Mom and Dad," Lisa said.

"They're frickin' gorgeous," Annie said.

"Yeah, our guy friends would come over, hang around, flirt with her. She loved the attention and flirted right back. They'd talk about how sexy she was. They'd tell Lisa and I we were cute, which was just as good as sexy, but they didn't look at us the way they looked at her."

Annie's hands were resting on the girls' knees. "Well, your Mom was hot, but you two lack for nothing in the looks department. Whatta ya think boys?"

Our sons affirmed Annie's opinion. I reached between their legs to two very hard cocks. Home movies were great, but I needed to be fucked.

Cindy continued. "Dad was different. Our girl friends would hang around and flirt. He was always respectful, but never flirted back. He adored Mom, and us."

Annie piped in. "I would have flirted with him too. He's beautiful." She squeezed Cindy's hand.

"Thanks," Cindy said. She brought their joined hands to her mouth to kiss them.

The next several minutes were of the family hanging at the beach, laughing, having a wonderful time. Lisa and Cindy looked to be eleven, maybe twelve, years old.

With everyone's focus on the screen, the boys took advantage; each cupped a breast, sending electric shocks through my body. I suppressed the desire to moan like a bitch dog in heat and thought two could play this game. I placed my hands on their thighs, occasionally pressing my thumbs to their erections, keeping them just short of baying like hounds. Lisa and Cindy seemed like real nice people, but I needed to get back to the cabin.

My attention refocused on the screen when Lisa said, with some strain to her voice, "Cindy, I think we've shown them enough. We'll start to bore these nice people."

I looked to the floor. Lisa was sitting upright; Annie and Cindy were slumped against each other, their arms over each other's shoulder. Annie's leg lay across Cindy's.

I thought Lisa's comment was our opportunity to escape, but Annie, stubbornly, said, "No, its not boring at all. I'd like to see more."

Lisa gave her sister a look that said, "Stop this now," but Cindy pushed her body tighter to Annie and replied, "Of course, we'd love to, although it gets a bit more personal."

Still, it seemed like an out to me. I started, "Well, if....," but Annie was faster. She said, "No, I love watching you and your parents. Having just gone through a divorce, its great to see a family that hung together."

Cindy pressed some buttons. I recognized the locale; it was the lagoon where Lisa and Cindy held the memorial for their parents. There was a sailboat in the background; in the foreground were Lisa and Cindy, the water up to their waists. They were topless; their full round breasts made it clear this video was taken years after the one we'd just watched; the girls had become women. The boys' hands on my breasts froze.

The camera scanned to their parents. They were standing on the beach, naked. The boys and I leaned forward.

What I had seen earlier was confirmed; the mother was trim, sexy. She had an hour glass figure and an impressive pair of boobs that showed little sag. Like her daughters she had tumescent thick nipples and dense bushy pubic hair. The dad was, as in the earlier video, lean and well-muscled. It was his penis, however, that caught my eye. Even flaccid he was huge. If Cindy and Lisa's friends had known about that thing they'd never have stopped flirting.

Annie said what I was thinking. "God, your parents are stunning and your Dad, he was hung."

"Yes, he was," replied Cindy. There was no embarrassment or shame in her voice.

And then, ohmigod, one of twins walked up to her parents, kissed her mother – it was not a mother-daughter kiss – and reached for her father's penis, wrapping her fingers around a rapidly hardening cock.

The three of us on the couch were speechless. I looked to the floor. Annie was french kissing Cindy. Lisa stared at them, then turned to me.

"Well, I hope my crazy-ass sister is right and you're cool with this."

I and Andrew did nothing. Steven stood, said, "Very cool," and pulled her to her feet. They stared intently at each other and Steven kissed Lisa, long and hard and deep. She kissed him back, her tongue forcing it's way into his mouth.

The sudden burst of passion was spell-binding. Andrew and I just watched. Annie and Cindy did the same. It was Andy who finally broke the ice; he put his arm around my neck and pulled my face to his. I parted my lips and we were soon immersed in a kiss that rivaled what was going on between Steven and Lisa. Over the last three days I had learned to love the strength of Andrew's lips, the insistent probing of his tongue, his warm wet mouth.

The kiss continued and I felt movement on the couch. A hand grasped my pony tail, turning my head. I opened my eyes to Cindy's smiling face. She was naked.

She kissed my lips, leaving a trail of soft gentle caresses across the length of my mouth. Cindy then slipped her tongue inside. It felt nice; I hugged her. Even through the tube top I felt her hard nipples as my breasts enveloped hers. I compared the sensation to Annie's boobs. Cindy's nipples were more pronounced, her breasts smaller, softer, more supple.

Distracted by a groan I looked to the floor. Annie had joined Steven and Lisa. They were stroking his dick; his jeans were at his ankles. I reached behind me and wrapped my fingers around Andrew's tool. One of his hands settled between my legs, the other groped my full warm breasts. I sighed at the touch, a thrill coursing through me. His fingers worked my nipples into hard points; his fingers teased the lips of my swollen pussy. I turned my head to kiss him while taking hold of my breast and rubbing my nipple against Cindy's. Cindy did the same. We engaged in gentle swordplay, our clashing nipples sending shivers of delight through our bodies.

Finally, Cindy sighed, embraced me, pressed her body to mine. We began kissing. I ran my hands up and down her flanks, along her back, to her butt; her soft skin was delightful, inviting. Cindy ended our kiss, pulled my head to the side, and whispered in my ear, "You're so beautiful. We're going to have fun." My moist cunt lubricated further at the joys this beautiful young woman promised. I ran my tongue along the curves and crevices of her ear.

Across the room I saw Annie, in apparent imitation of Cindy and I, rubbing her firm dark nipples against Lisa's elongated brown ones. Steven was behind Annie, his erection pressed into her back, his face buried in her neck, his hand exploring the hairy grotto between her legs.

Andrew pushed two fingers into my snatch, twisting, twirling, massaging my g-spot. I let go of his penis and took his ball sac into my hand, enjoying its heft and weight, and massaged his testicles. Cindy ducked her head to suck my breasts, aggressively using her teeth, biting my inflamed nipples.

Then I noticed the television. The video was still playing. The family had relocated to the deck of the sailboat. On screen were the twins, licking their father's cock. He was enormous; I thought of Annie's purple dildo. His wife had straddled his head and was rubbing her pussy on his face while squeezing her mammoth tits, the look on her face one of holy joy.

I was insane with need. I held Cindy's head to my breast as she hungrily sucked on my nipples..

"Oh geez, that feels so good baby. Lick lick suck suck. Oh fuck, oh fuck, that feels so nice. Andy your cock's so hard, your cock's so soft. I love it, let me masturbate you. I love your fat dick. Oh it's so hard. I want it. Are you gonna spurt?"

Andrew was running his index finger up and down the groove of my labia, its soft moist lips parting before him. Then he found the opening to my vagina and slid a finger inside.

It was wonderful. I went on. "Oh my god! That feels so good. It's so good, so good."

Cindy spit out my breasts, looked into my emerald eyes, and kissed me. She moved her mouth to my ear. "You are one hot sexy horny incestuous bitch."

She was right. That's what I was. The lust building within me ran through my loins, circled around my clit, burst in internal fireworks of pleasure. I looked down, at Andy's fingers in my cunt, at Cindy's sex. Her labia, framed by the dark hair of her bushy cunt, gaped open. I lay my hand on her mons: she jumped, parted her legs, groaned. I teased her open labia, approached her clit, stroked back down to her vagina. When I pushed a finger inside, she gasped. I could smell the arousal wafting up between our bodies.

I returned to jerking Andrew's cock. His fingers left my cunt – replaced by Cindy's – and he grabbed my shoulders. He moved his hips in time with my hand, emitting a sharp grunt each time I fisted the cockhead. I knew that noise; he was about to come. I tightened my grip on his dick and felt his semen course by and spurt all over my back. I kept working his cock, coaxing from him every drop of his sperm.

Cindy, meanwhile, had turned her attention to my clit. Her thumb stroked the sensitive hard bud as she sawed two fingers in and out of my snatch and pressed her palm to my labia's wet lips. As Andy's cum slid down my back Cindy leaned forward, rammed her tongue into my mouth, taking possession of it. I came, bucking through an intense wonderful orgasm.

I leaned back and Andrew gently lowered me to the couch. I looked to the floor. Annie was on all fours. My son was fucking her from behind; her face was buried in Lisa's cunt. Lisa was on her back, eyes closed, mouth slightly parted. She was breathing heavily; the look on her face one of ecstatic pleasure. I understood; I knew all about Annie's talented mouth. Lisa pinched her nipples between her fingers. The muscles of her arms strained, she arched her back, and shouted, "I'm cumming, cumming, fucking cummmiiinnngggg." Her body vibrated to the pleasure exploding within her; Annie feasted on the cunt cream gushing from Lisa's pussy.

Annie lifted her head. Lisa's juice covered her face. She started pile driving herself into my son's cock. I glanced at the television screen. The twin's father was taking their mother doggie style while she feasted on one of the girl's cunts.

Annie started yelping. "Shit! Fuck me Steven! That's it! Work it in and out. Faster baby! I need cock. Cock is what I want, cock is what I need, big fat hard cock, your big fat hard cock. Cock, cock, cock. Fuck me faster, harder!"

Steven was up to the task and Annie moans grew louder, less coherent. Her full breasts swung under her body.

"Oh gawd! Your dick is so big in my cunt!"

Steven thrust into her. Annie, the months in the gym evident in her straining muscles, leveraged back into him. Annie's eyes closed, the core of her existence reduced to her cunt and the hard dick filling it. Her animal mutterings gave way to a primal scream and she bellowed, "I'm gonna cum." Her body convulsed and shook, rocking violently as an orgasm invaded and consumed her consciousness. Letting out a sharp, "AAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHH," she sank to the floor, whimpered, rolled onto her side, moaning, "That's it, that's fucking it." Spit dripped from the corner of her mouth. Her pussy lips quivered.

Through this carnal theater Andrew sat on the end of the couch. Cindy had moved to the floor in front of him, fiddling with his half erect penis. Now she reached for Steven's hard cock, shiny with Annie's pussy juice, and said, "Steven, sit next to your friend," pulling on his manhood to guide him. I slid to the other end of the couch to make room. Steven sat next to Andy. Cindy, kneeling before both lads, took hold of their tools.

"You're such beautiful boys. Cindy's gonna make you feel good. I know exactly what you need."

She began jerking them off, moving her hands up and down in a corkscrew manner, occasionally leaning forward to kiss the dick-heads. The boys slumped back. Cindy, her face shining with joy, continued, sometimes sucking one of the boy's testicles into her mouth while she jerked off the other. Beads of sweat rolled down their flanks. She cupped their balls, assessing their cum-filled weight, caressing the globes, running her fingertips along the wrinkled sacs, returning to stroking the thick shafts. Their cock veins were engorged with blood, the prick heads shiny and flushed a deep red. Each penis, I thought, was a sculptured piece of art.

Annie, now partially recovered, crawled behind Cindy and reached around to tweak her nipples between thumb and forefinger. Cindy bent forward. Her tongue darted out, circled one cockhead, then the other. She took hold of the shafts, pulled down, stretching the skin away from the cockheads, and, with the piss slits open, drilled her tongue-tip into each, eliciting deep-throated moans. She took the upper half of my son's cock in her mouth while jerking on Andrew's impressive member. He gasped, watching Cindy suck his best friend's dick. Saliva oozed from the corner of her mouth.

Annie's hand was now between Cindy's legs, buried in her crotch. Andrew was entranced by the show. Steven was more vocal, "Suck my fucking cock, you sweet bitch, suck it. Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES, YES, AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!"

My son and I had been lovers for only a few days, but I recognized that noise. As I thought, "He's about to come....," he jerked, grunted, and Cindy's cheeks exploded as he fired his cum into her mouth.

That was all Andrew needed. Cindy had never stopped jacking him off and as drops of Steven's cum seeped from her lips, Andrew shouted, "I'm cumming! Oh GOD! AHHHHHHH! SHIIIIIT! I'M GONNA CUM! UHHHH! OH FFFUUUUUCCCKKKKINNG GGGODDDDDDDDDD!" A string of jism geysered from his cock, arching, landing on Cindy's arm and hair. Andy's first shot was joined by a second, then a third.

The boys sank into the couch. Annie, with her hands on Cindy's shoulders, turned her around. Annie leaned forward, joining her mouth to Cindy's. The women shared my son's sperm, shoveling it back and forth with their tongues.

My cunt was aching; I wanted hard dick, but none was available; even our boys needed time to recover. I looked to Lisa; she was sitting on the floor fingering her pussy; her eyes, as had been mine, focused on the libidinous display before us. I sank to the floor and slithered towards her on my hands and knees. I gave her a soft sweet kiss. Her mouth was pliant, supple, inviting. I sat up, draped my leg over hers. Her hand ran up my leg, coming to rest on my thigh.

Lisa became the aggressor, her kisses firm, deep, probing. Despite her relative youth, I realized, she had far more experience with lesbian love than I. Her hands explored the curves of my body; her touch enflamed me. My heart was pounding like a jackhammer.

Lisa's small hands went to my breasts, kneading, squeezing. Her tongue insistently explored my mouth. I pushed myself closer and wrapped a leg around her hip. Lisa rose to her knees, straddled my leg, and lowered her pussy to my thigh, grinding herself on my leg. I moaned into her mouth and reached for her breasts, captured her large distended nipples and areolas with my fingers, squeezed them, pulled on them.

Lisa, rutting on my leg, moaned, "Oh fuck." She was panting heavily. I pushed my leg into her cunt, increasing the pressure on her sex. She wrapped her arms around my neck. Her pussy flow coated my leg, lessening the friction; she ran her cunt faster and harder. Finally, her skin flushed and she whimpered, "Ohhhh, ooohhhhh, oooohhhhhhh, yeah, yeahhhh, yeahhhhhhh, unhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," as her body shook and she rode out the waves of an orgasm. Exhausted, she slumped into my body and whispered in my ear, "Very nice, very nice, ooohhhhh very nice."

I stroked her hair and face as she wallowed in the afterglow of her orgasm. After several minutes she kissed me, took my breasts in her hands, and said, "I've got a confession, I've been admiring these big titties since you got here. Do you mind if I play?" She didn't wait for an answer, but leaned into me, forcing me back to the floor, settling on top of me.

When both horizontal she looked across the room. "My sister, your friend, seem to be getting along."

She was right. Ann's interlaced fingers were holding Cindy tight to Ann's fat breasts. Cindy was sucking with the intensity of a starving child. The boys sat on the couch, enjoying the Sapphic show. I glanced at the television. One of the twins and her mother was engaging in a passionate 69, feasting on each other's cunts.

Lisa reached for my breasts, covering what she could with her hands, leaving most of the warm soft tit-flesh spilling to the sides. She squeezed my nipples. She knew what she was doing; I moaned loudly. I looked down, entranced by the sight of her tanned hand on my milky white breasts. After she finished with my breasts, Lisa ran her fingers along my biceps, stroked my abdominals, kissed my hands, and said, "I love your body, so strong and powerful, but so feminine."

Then we were both distracted. Accompanied by a sharp groan and grunt, Annie stood. Cindy's legs were wrapped around Annie's waist and Annie was holding her up. She walked across the room and pinned Cindy to the wall, grinding their cunts together in a short sharp up and down motion.

I continued to watch while Lisa bowed her head and delivered small kisses across my breasts before burying her face in my cleavage. Tenderly, softly, she kissed my tit-flesh in a circle, from top to bottom, then back to the top, between kisses trailing her tongue on my skin. The wet spots she left with each kiss tingled when the cool air struck them. I moaned at the heat and gasped at the cold.

Lisa pushed her knee against my sex and I rolled my cunt on it, putting direct pressure on my clit. I was panting uncontrollably, my release was lurking around the corner. I was desperate to get there.

When Lisa captured a nipple between her teeth, biting down on it my moans transmogrified to a near shriek. I kicked out hard and knocked over a small table. A bowl crashed to the ground. Lisa, startled, turned her head. I followed her gaze, but was distracted by the television screen. There was one of the twins, bent over the side of the sailboat, being taken from behind by her father.

Lisa saw where my eyes had landed. "That's me. My father was a wonderful fuck."

She resumed her assault on my tits, sucking hard on one, squeezing the other. She licked my nipple with her tongue, grazed it with her teeth, and stuffed it and as much of my tit flesh into her mouth as she could. I moaned with every move; the girl's lips and tongue were unworldly. The thought brought a shiver. What could they do elsewhere?

At the moment, however, Lisa was content with my boobs. She'd suck one breast, grope the other, then switched. Lisa pulled her knee from my cunt, covering my snatch with a hand. There was no teasing, no tantalizing, no slow motion, she slid two fingers inside me.

"Oh fuck," I cried, spreading my legs, providing her ready access. I held her head to my quivering aching tits; I rolled my hips, fucking myself on her fingers, squeezing my cunt muscles on the digits. My hot dripping cunt offered no impediment to her rapid plunges and withdrawals.

I was heading over the edge. My gut tightened, my anus snapped shut, my pussy spasmed, and sweat suddenly drenched my body. When Lisa's thumb brushed against my clit I came, squealing, "Oh sweet Jesus, oh Christ, oh fuck, oh fuck, fuckity-fuck, FUCK!" The orgasm had no origin point. It was a total complete mind-numbing release of gratification and bliss. I contracted, I quivered, I tensed, and then a massive wave of soothing relief washed over me, my screams devolving into whimpers of happy gratitude. She kissed my heaving breasts, replacing the intense bites of a few moments before with soft, sweet, angelic kisses.

My senses slowly returned and I said, "That. Was. Wonderful." Lisa kissed my lips and lay next to me, placing her small hand on my stomach. She softly kissed my neck. We kissed again, a sweet delicate kiss. Then we kissed again; I worked my tongue along the inside of her lips and the edge of her mouth. When next we brought our mouths together our kiss was more intense. I nipped at Lisa's bottom lip with my teeth and ran my hands across her youthful flesh, enjoying her sweet form. I kissed the nape of her neck, then along the smooth skin of her shoulders. I rolled on top of her, kissing the sides of her breasts.

Lisa had given me an exquisite orgasm. It was time to reciprocate. I leaned forward, mashing my large breasts to my lover's smaller ones. I liked that feeling. Maintaining the contact, I kissed her shoulders and pushed my tongue into her ear, drawing a high pitched whine of delight. I leaned back and kissed her breasts, sucked and gently bit her nipples. Tits were great, I thought, no wonder guys can't get enough of them. I could spend the rest of the day with this pair, but Lisa was squirming and whimpering; she was ready.

I slid off her body and kneeled between her thighs. I didn't have much experience eating pussy. Ann had been my only other partner and that over-sexed bitch seemed easy to please. Some doubt must have crossed my face, for Lisa stroked my hair.

"Go with what feels right, you'll do fine."

I stared at Lisa's cunt. Annie kept hers neatly trimmed. Lisa's was thick and bushy, the hair dark and dense. It had a stronger, more musky, odor than Annie's. I had a silly thought, it would be like kissing a man with a beard.

I kissed the slick lips of her vagina, eliciting a small soft moan. I licked the length of her sex, inspiring a shudder and groan. Another kiss, this time with my tongue, brought a whimper. Lisa had an earthy taste, different from Annie's sweet light fresh pussy. I swirled my tongue inside her, licking deeply, tasting her depths. The wall of her cunt vibrated. She placed her legs on my back, her pussy tightened around my tongue.

"Oh god, it's good," she moaned. "It's really fucking good."

If my face had not been mashed to her sex, I would have smiled. Maybe I was a natural-born pussy eater. I slid a hand under Lisa, grabbed her jiggly ass cheeks, squeezed them, pushed her snatch to my mouth. I began tonguing her deeper, more insistently. I reached for a breast, squeezing the thick nipple. During intermittent breaks for air I nibbled on her thighs. Lisa moaned and humped in pleasure. I looked up and caught her staring at me. She smiled. I clamped my lips around her small hard clit, licking, sucking, kissing.

Jolts of electricity flowed from this most sensitive of spots. She exclaimed, "Fuck yes, fuck fuck fuck, fuck yes."

I kept at it and Lisa kept up a steady chorus of grunts and groans. It took a few minutes to realize there was a word buried in her jabbering. I listened harder. "Fu, fu, fu f-fingers."

I pushed two, then three fingers into her, fucking her with gusto and force. Her fuck tunnel was soft and firm, wet and warn. I knew how to do this, I'd done it to myself. The difference between fingering myself and Lisa was simply the angle. I quickened the pace. Lisa bucked. I didn't want her to cum yet; I wanted it to last all night, so I varied the pace, alternating intense finger-fucking with slower corkscrew thrusts, but Lisa started bucking into my hand, demanding that I fuck her harder.

Who was I to argue? I took her clit between my lips, applied gentle sucking pressure, and angled my fingers to penetrate her as deep as I could.

"Oh yeah girl, make me cum for you, I gonna cum for my girl, I'm your slut, feels so fucking good."

It didn't take long. I felt her muscles tense, then tighten, then shiver, then she came. Hard. Her pussy spasmed and body cramped as she rode out her orgasm, her copious flow soaking my fingers and hand. I pulled my fingers from her and covered her vagina with my mouth, licking and sucking, drawing out her orgasm, not stopping until her savage bucks and moans turned to tiny jolts and heavy breathing.

I sat up, my back against the couch, and took Lisa's hand in mine. Temporarily satiated, I looked across the room. Cindy was lying on her back on a small table. Ann was also on the table, straddling Cindy's face, her cunt fixed to Cindy's mouth. Andrew was standing between Cindy's legs fucking her. Steven was standing behind Annie, his dick in her asshole.

Lisa swung her body around and rested her head on my leg. The better to watch the show.

Annie was grinding her pussy into Cindy's face, unconcerned for the girl's comfort. She had also trapped Cindy's clit between her fingers; the attack on the nub hard, nearing brutal. Cindy seemed to love it; she was pulling and twisting her own nipples.

"C'mon, cunt," Annie demanded, "Eat me bitch. Make me cum."

The two boys were pounding their women, their balls swinging wildly. There was noting gentle about these fucks. My body shivered as I imagined what the women were feeling.

Lisa sat up and kissed me. "My sister likes 'em big and hard. Dad was some hung. She's having the time of her life."

Annie started jabbering, "Fuh-fuck, fuckity fuck fuck." Her large breasts bounced; her bright green eyes sparkled; her tongue rolled across her thin lips. My son reached around to those tits, kneading them, tugging on the nipples. Annie moaned and leaned forward, letting my son drive his tool deeper into her asshole while she dragged her pussy over Cindy's face, matching her movements to the cock plundering the depths of her asshole.

Cindy wrapped her legs around Andy's waist, absorbing each of his thrusts, grinding her cunt into him. Andy fucked her harder and harder and ever eager Cindy rolled her hips, welcoming each jab.

These were four superbly conditioned fuck-machines. It was Annie who went off first. She shouted, "Oh fuck, yes," Steven's fingers dug into her flanks, and her face flushed a bright red. She pushed hard onto Steve's cock, jerked, and squirted onto Cindy's face. Then, unbelievably, she sat right back down, demanding another orgasm.

Steve taunted her. "You like that? You like being ass-fucked Mrs. R.? You like a girl eating your cunt? You like watching your son fuck another woman? You like being a whore, a slut, a cunt, a piece of fuck-meat?"

The look on Annie's face – pleasure shone on her countenance – left no doubt as to the answer. My son, with all the strength he could muster, continued plundering her asshole while Cindy expertly tongued her clit. Annie moaned, "Fuck, fuck, fuck," clamped her ass muscles on Steven's cock, and pushed into Cindy's face. Steven's face contorted and the room was filled with his bestial bellow, "AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRH...AHAHAHAHAHAH!" as he dumped his load into Annie's asshole. Under the combined influence of the cum pouring into her butt and Cindy's relentless tongue, Annie started shaking; halfway between screaming and passing out as she rode out a powerful orgasm. Pussy juice ran down the side of Cindy's face and pooled on the table by her head.

Annie slumped forward, supported only by Steven's arms, who staggered back to the couch, pulling Annie with him. There Annie cuddled in his lap, her arms around his neck, her head on his shoulder, cum dripping from her backside.

That left Andrew slamming his cock into Cindy. Lisa, the dutiful sister, said "Let's give 'em a hand." I followed her to the table where Lisa directed me to Cindy's bouncing tits. I sucked them into my hungry mouth. Lisa lay her head on Cindy's stomach. Each time Steven pulled his cock out of her sister, Lisa swiped her tongue across the exposed hard clit.

Cindy was appreciative. "Oh thank you, you fucking foxy bitches."

Steven grabbed Cindy's thighs, holding her steady as he pounded her pussy. I rolled her nipples between my fingers and kissed Cindy hard on the lips. Our tongues, nearing exhaustion, dueled sloppily in her mouth. Cindy's body shifted; Andy had moved her legs to his shoulders, fully opening her cunt. I watched his well-defined abs flex; he employed all his strength to deliver this mind-blowing fuck.

Three people were devoting their attention to Cindy's body, battering her capacity to accept pleasure, threatening to tear her apart at the seams.

Still, Cindy wanted more. "Oh Christ, it's so good, so fucking good. Fuck me."

Andrew, almost cruelly, decided to prolong the show. He pulled out of Cindy, effortlessly picked her up, lay her on the floor, and in a voice that brooked no contradiction, said, "Hands and knees, get on your hands and knees slut."

Cindy assumed the position and looked over her shoulder. "Face down, ass up, that's the way you like to fuck? Come get some."

Andrew knelt behind her, took hold of her ass, and entered her, fucking her with inhuman force and passion. The slapping of their bodies, mixed with Cindy's impassioned screams, reverberated through the room.

"Fuck me, take me, fuck me."

At first Lisa and I were mesmerized. Then Lisa looked at me, winked, flopped onto her back, slid under Cindy's body, and licked her clit while reaching between Cindy's legs for Andrew's ball.

It seemed a good idea. I did the same, crawling under Cindy to tongue her swinging tits.

Distracted by Lisa and I, Andrew reduced the pace of his fuck. Cindy was having none of it. In a voice both frantic plea and insistent demand, she said, "Don't you fucking dare slow down. Fuck me."

Andy obeyed. And for the moment words ended, replaced by screams and grunts, squawks and squeaks. Cindy's body quaked and shuddered as she rocked back and forth impaling herself on Andy's cock. Andrew picked up the pace and Cindy came; then came again, then again; her orgasms continuing until they became seamless. It was impossible to tell when one started or ended, there was just one long earth-shattering joy that reduced Cindy's mind to rubble.

Andrew kept going. It was as if he knew there was one orgasm left in her, one to complete the rest. And then Cindy said it, softly at first, then louder. "Fu-fu-fu-fuck me, Daddy, fuck me, Daddy. FUCK ME DADDY."

Andrew found his last ounce of strength and powered into her, jolting Cindy's body forward. Cindy went over the edge: first there was a scream, then a shriek so high it was almost noiseless. Her body pulsed; she squirted, spraying cunt juice onto her sister's face. Lisa and I scooted out from under her just as she collapsed to the floor, squirming as the orgasm rippled through her core. Drool ran from the corner of her mouth.

That left Andy and his erection. To his credit he had resisted coming as he drove Cindy through orgasm to orgasm to orgasm. His dick was hard as steel, swinging free, and covered in cunt juice. Lisa and I both wanted it, but she was closer. She wrapped a hand around it, jerking him off while looking him in the eye.

"C'mon baby, give me your cum. Cum on me hunk. Give me a face full."

I laid my head on Cindy's ass, which was rising up and down with her breathing, and watched.

"You want to come on my face, don't you? Cover me with your seed. Mark me as your slut, your fuck, your bitch."

Andrew was groaning; he wasn't going to last much longer.

"Your Mama's watching. Sharon's watching. Steve's watching. Watching me frig your big fat dick. They want to see how well you come. They want to see you spray my face, cover me with cum, drown me in cum. Spray it baby, spray your juice all over my tits, all over my face."

She squeezed his balls.

"FFUUUCCCKKKK." His cum shot in an arc, splattering on Lisa's nose and splashing across her eyes. The second load did not have quite the same propulsion; it drenched Lisa's breasts. The third seeped out onto Lisa's hand. As Andy sunk to the floor I slid over and licked his jism from Lisa's tits, face, and hand before stuffing Andy's shrinking cock in my mouth to clean off what was left.

We were all, for the moment, spent. Anne and Steven headed for the kitchen and returned with bottled water. The five of us, soon joined by Cindy, who had briefly fallen asleep, chatted. I rested my head on my son's thigh and idly toyed with his cock. Annie sat with her son, running her hand up and down his dick. Their penises soon began to return to their natural state: thick and turgid. Cindy cleared her throat.

"I have a request, if I may."

We nodded our permission.

"It's been awhile since I got to watch a parent and child fuck. I like to watch. If you boys are up to it and you moms willing, would you guys mind balling your foxy mothers?"

No one minded. I mounted my son, Annie's hers, and we fucked them silly.​
Next page: Chapter 05
Previous page: Chapter 03