Chapter 13.1

The Alarm went off and jarred mom, grandma and I wide awake. Ma and I headed out for the morning workout while my grandmother went through her series of yoga poses. The three of us then tossed down some breakfast before Mom gave me a ride to school.

On the way to school, Mom again pulled over and we swapped out. She had me get in the driver's seat and then had me head for another detour up into the canyon; her head bobbing in my lap executing a wickedly sloppy blowjob as I drove. I came five minutes into the drive and then executed a U-turn as Mom swallowed my boy-batter and rose up to check her makeup in the visor mirror. When we arrived at school we parked and as I got out of the still running car, Mom walked around and got in. She pulled me into the open window for a quick kiss saying,

"This is for luck lover! Don't say anything to blow it with Michelle. Remember tonight is the big night and I want to taste that girl's pussy juices on that cock of yours when your big date is over!"

"Don't worry Mom," I reassured her, "I got it covered!" And I did; I really did! The events of the week had all come together and jelled my confidence for me. I wasn't the same guy who'd been caught by his mother a week before jacking off in the pool and smoking her weed. No... not by a long-shot! The rest of the day seemed to be a testimonial supporting that fact.

I hit the school building and again people walked-up the hallway and hit my hand in what seemed like an endless stream of "Hi -Fives!" I had the glowering stare of the "holier than thou" lunch lady follow me around the cafeteria like a judgmental heat-ray (which only served to cultivate my esteem even further). I had my buddies at lunch all joking in hushed tones about what was coming tonight. I even had a wonderful hand-holding session with Michelle as soon as she walked into the lunch room (late as always), and motioned her girlfriend strap-hangers away so that I could move over and sit with her.

It wasn't as much hand-holding as it was her and me holding hands for about two seconds while we ate before her hand left mine and wandered over to my inner thigh. I mirrored her movements as we made small-talk for several minutes and she made big beautiful cow-eyes at me; wrinkling her nose as she spoke. Teenage pheromones, hormones, smells, and juices were wafting all around us it seemed. Again just like before; when my confidence flagged a little bit, BOOM - into my head popped my inner monologue with George Clooney's confident devil-may-care voice ready to coach me!

"OK KID!" George shouted inside my skull, "What we got here... WHOAH! she's got a hand on your inner thigh... good job kid! Now don't for Chrissake get nervous... This is not the first time a chick has grabbed your thigh... just the first time for this one. GOT IT?" I stayed calm. Michelle spoke.

"I can't wait until tonight," she said giving my hand a squeeze, "I got so ...freaky excited last night that I got out online!" She had a little quiver in her voice that sounded all bubbly; like she'd been rolling in a basket of puppies all morning. She definitely didn't sound like the uber-cool chick I normally saw who thought everyone was so tragically lame. She was giddy. George broke into my head again and told me he'd answer for me and to just let him drive the boat for a bit as my mouth said his words with,

"Yeah, so what did you see?"

"A bunch of nasty inspirational stuff," she whispered at me biting her lip and wrinkling that nose again while her hand kneaded my thigh like a loaf of rye. Her hand slipped a little closer down my thigh towards the rest o' me, (if you get my meaning).

"Really" George in my head answered, "and what kind of nasty stuff was that?"

"MMMMnnn," she giggled, "some online stories; stories of guys and chicks doing things to each other. I read for a while, then I slipped my jeans off!" My leg got another squeeze and her hand again slid a fraction of an inch closer to "me." George gave me a nudge and I gave her thigh a squeeze too. I slid my hand down her thigh about the same distance of travel has her hand had just done. George kept talking.

"So then what did you do then Miss naughty-girl?" He said in a tone that dripped with mockery; like she needed a good bare-assed spanking. She pouted her lips and batted her eyes at me saying,

"Hmmm well... I seem to remember streaming a couple of videos of naked people doing all kinds of things to each other,"

"Did you?" George said as I raised my eyes pretending to be surprised and shocked.

"...and I got into my bed with my computer," she said with a naughty little puppy-whine. Her hand squeezed me again and slid a little further. So did mine along that thigh of hers.

"Oh I take it you didn't work on your homework?" George asked as I cocked one eyebrow up at her and did my best smirk.

"No, my hands were too... BUSY! (giggle) I got all freaky nasty with myself," she whispered.

"Really," George said playing stupid," and where did you get nasty with yourself, bad-girl?"

"Right where you want to fucking slide your hand right now bad-boy! (giggle) I want to roll you up in a fucking ball and have you for lunch and dinner right now, - lean closer!" I did. She sniffed me and closed her eyes like she was smelling fresh bread. I'd seen Mom and my other female relatives huff in my scent like this; she was revving herself up. She continued with,

"You know what? I want your fucking hand up there too, along with the rest of you!" With that; her hand moved down the rest of the distance and her fingertips brushed the seam of my blue jeans. She gave my dick and balls a squeeze under the table! Without waiting for release authorization from George, I reciprocated and slid my hand down the rest of the way to the crotch seam of her jeans and pressed and groped against her puss-mound through the denim. HER EYES WENT WIDE AND HER MOUTH DROPPED OPEN! George immediately shouted in my head,

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT KID? I DIDN'T SAY 'ENGAGE CLEARED HOT'; ABORT! ABORT! ABORT! ALL UNITS PULL BACK OFF THE TARGET!' WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? Kid back that fucking hand out of there NOW!" I yanked my hand out of the way. A second later the bell rang for class with its loud and jarring BBBBBBRRRRRIIINNNNNNGGGGG!

"Ok kid look, you proceeded without being told to do so and you probably frightened this one off, but there are gonna be other girls and ya got college next year... lots of girls there away from home with daddy issues who'll be happy to let you wear 'em like a sweater around your neck so don't worry an.."

George's conciliatory pep talk was interrupted as Michelle sprang to her feet. She pressed her body next to mine and kissed me hard on the lips with everybody but the janitor watching! Before she stepped off to class she gasped at me,

"Six O'clock at my house! You got condoms?... Oh don't worry, I've been on the pill for two years now! I just want to see you tonight. I JUST GOTTA IAN!" and she was gone. The rest of the day went slow for me. Too fucking slow; every minute of school seeming to hang like cookie batter to the bottom of the bowl and not NEARLY moving fast enough for me!

I walked home. My phone buzzed in my pants while I walked. It was Mom.

"I have a surprise for you sweetie!" her voice rang out.

"Mah?" I replied.

"Hi little brother! You have been SUCH A BAD BOY! You've got some explaining to do!" It was my sister Linda. I took longer and quicker steps the rest of the way home.

Back at the house I got a rather warm reception. When I pushed open the front door and tossed my book bag down, Mom Grandma and my sister Linda were waiting for me in the front den on the sofa! They all got up at once, (apparently laughing off a good joke that one of them had just told). My sister shot across the room (half hopping and half skipping like a nubile little pixie in her spanky pants, cutoff t-shirt and bare feet). She squealed and threw her arms around me saying,

"IAN! Awww little brother - I missed you so bad!" She squeezed me tight like she was going to hug the stuffing out of me; continuing with, "Mom and Grandma told me everything; every ... last .. thing, and I think that is so cool! WELCOME TO THIS THING OF OURS LITTLE BROTHER! Yaaaaay!!"

She hopped up and down with excitement and continued to hug and squeeze me like she was having a sugar fit! I looked at her. She hadn't changed at all. She was the same ole' "big sister Linda" who I'd grown up with; always hugging people and always excited and happy.

She also was just as pretty as ever; what with her short brown hair, her hazel eyes and high cheekbones; all set above a slender five foot four slightly curvy ballerina body that was accentuated with her smallish 34C boobs. She kissed me on the cheek and then she did something unexpected as I hugged back; she raked her tongue with its metal tongue-stud up and down my neck, causing my cock to rush with blood. I soooo wanted to feel that stud raking up and down my cock!

I turned to her, somewhat surprised. She simply smiled her little pixie smile dropped her hand down to the package in my jeans; giving my junk a good hard squeeze. Her lips swallowed mine next before I could say anything and her tongue darted deep into my mouth; attempting to give me a dental exam apparently! Mom and Grandma back at the couch howled with laughter, clapping their hands.

At first I tensed up but then I just gave in. I dropped my hands to my sister's ass clutched and at her rump cheeks. I kissed back, pushing against her tongue with my own. Her hand came up from the bulge in my jeans and underneath my shirt, groping my chest. We broke our sibling smooch and Linda stared into my eyes saying,

"Like I said, they told me EVERYTHING! I think it's so FUCKING HOT! C'mon dear little brother, I want to sit down at the couch and catch up on... things!"

She took me by the hand and we sat on the sofa in between Mom and Grandma. We talked about me heading off to University that fall and how she was so excited she'd be going to ASU with me! She was happy that nearly all of her freshman year credits had transferred.

She also said with a quick wink to Mom and Grandma that it be so good being able to "watch over her little brother" and "look out for me!" More snickering from Ma and Grandma followed. The whole conversation she snuggled me up close and tight; her arm around me and her other hand groping my knee and leg while she fucked me hard with her eyes. Yep, it was clear to me that Mom and Grandma had told her the whole damn thing; the sexual hijinks over the weekend at the pool, the swing club on Saturday, the swing party on Sunday, (hell they'd even spilled the beans about my website and my foray into the adult film industry.

"I have a ton of ideas for your website idea little brother," Linda told me as she stroked her hand up and down my inner thigh, "and of course just like the rest of the women in this tribe; I want in! I want to be able to post some of the freaky shit I've done and some of the nasty pics and films I've have. It's gonna be awesome!"

I told Linda sure thing and that I'd love to see her ideas. She also mentioned it would be a fun project for us this summer (once we didn't have to worry about school anymore). Mom and Grandma agreed.

In the back of my head I couldn't believe it. I mean; here I was sitting on the sofa (talking to my sister Linda about a porn website I was developing as she felt me up), and all THIS with my Mom and Grandma sitting to either side nodding about what a great idea it was! It funny how a week of weed, booze, and absolutely nasty incestuous relationships can turn reality on its ear! It was so fucking weird on so many levels...and so fuckinghot!

"I also heard," said Linda sliding her fingertips up to my zipper, "that SOMEBODY has a date with Michelle Nicoletti tonight!" I nodded.

There was a vigorous tug of her fingers and my fly went ZZZZIP! My sister's hand burrowed into my jeans straight through to the hole in my boxers; finding my cock. She held it and grinned at me.

I still remember how freaky it felt! The girl whom I'd called "Sis" and fought with for all those years now had her hand upon my dong. She ran her hand up and down the shaft before taking it up the bell of my cockhead; sliding around a little bit of my pre-ejaculate with her thumb and driving me crazy! She kept her eyes locked on mine with a twisted mischievous smile on her face. She pulled her hand from my pants and sucked my pre-cum from her thumb.

"MMMMMM... Mom n' Grandma!" she said looking at them both after savoring the little clear dribble of sibling syrup on her tongue, "you were both right; he's yummy!"

She was met with giggles an nods from the other two women. It didn't hurt that Mom and Grandma were both high; apparently having blazed up some weed with my sister when she'd arrived through the door earlier. Mom had left work early specifically to be here when my sister came through the door. This was so fucked up but so hot n' horny in a sick perverted way!

"So little brother," my big sis said to me, "as long as you are dating Michelle I thought you should know something." I raised my head to show Linda I was all ears.

"I've had her older, sister Amy," Linda announced as calmly and matter of factly as if she was mentioning the traffic had been thick down the interstate for the drive home today.

"You did?" I asked.

Amy was Michelle's big sister. She was Linda's age and they'd been in the same grade and classes in high school. Amy was now a freshman at ASU where I and Linda would both be going to in the fall.

"Yeah," Linda said leaning close to me and grabbing my belt buckle, "and after tonight if all goes well; we'll have both had one of those sisters! I did Amy my senior you are going to nail her lil' sis Michelle; just like it's a family tradition or something! The thing is - we gotta ensure that Michelle has a good date tonight! You know what that means?" I played stupid and shook my head but I knew damn well. Linda giggled and told me anyway,

"You need to blow your load a few times before hand so you don't cum too fast with her!"

"And we," said Mom, "are just the three broads to take care of that problem! Linda drop your brother's pants down to his ankles and get down on your knees between his legs."

Linda had my belt buckle undone and popped my jeans open in no time! In one fluid movement she then yanked my jeans and boxers down from my ass to my sneakers with a wicked grin on her face. She then took up a position down between my legs, pushing my bare knees apart; obviously no beginner at such things! Mom and Grandma moved to either side of me and started fondling my dick and balls; cupping and tugging away just inches from Linda's smiling kisser.

I just leaned back against the sofa cushions, just relaxing and taking my medicine. Mom and Grandma both caught little droplets of pre-cum on the tips of their fingers and stuck them in their mouths like they were "licking the bowl." They cooed and whispered sweet filthy nothings to me; tickling and raking their nails upon me and making me squirm hot as hell.

At last Linda became impatient. She told the other two harpies to push off and let her in as they'd both had me for days and she was just dying with curiosity to see what I was like! My big sister seized my cock in her hands and leaned her head forward into my lap.

There is that wonderful moment of excitement with a girl who is about to give you head for the first time. You remember it; how it felt and what the mood and energy of the event was. I can recall what happened next just like it happened five minutes ago. Linda brought my cock up to her face; slapping my dong against her cheeks and chin, teasing me and making me want desperately for her to suck on it as Mom and Grandma's hands stroked my flanks, belly and balls.

Sis then puckered her lips and drummed on her mouth with my dick; making popping sounds; like I was some bizarre toy she'd pulled from the package. Her pierced studded tongue shot out of her lips and she touched the underside of mushroom head of my cock with the tip; scooping up a slimy glob of pre-cum and pulling it back in her mouth before running her tongue out again to lick up and down my shaft like her little brother was an all-day sucker. She brought the end of my knob to her chin and looked up directly into my eyes as her mouth opened. A second later she sucked me into her greedy kisser in one big gluttonous gulp!

My ass actually left the sofa cushion slightly; it felt so fucking good! I let out a loud AAAHHHHHHH! OOOOHHH! as Mom and Grandma smiled at me with unblinking eyes; continuing to rub my flanks and tummy as my sister used my dong to test her gag reflex. Linda bobbed her head up and down like she was absolutely ravenous; slamming me deep into her throat and making wet shloshy sucking sounds as she played bumper pool with her tonsils. I could feel her tongue stud raking up and down the underside of my cock and it felt abso-fucking-lutely AWESOME!

Mom now set her hand on top of Linda's head. She grabbed my big sister's short brown locks and made her daughter's sucking warm mouth run up 'n down my shaft. Soon dribblings of her saliva began to trickle down and collect around my balls. My mouth hung open and all I could do was gasp and moan as that lovely mouth of my sister with that wicked metal tongue stud brought me closer and closer to cumming with each tugging wet slurp!

Mom seized my chin in her free hand now while Grandma fondled my nuts and my sister blew me. She kissed me deeply and then stared into my eyes; grinning like a fox. I could tell this was as exciting for her as it was for me as she spoke,

"There there Ian! That feels good doesn't it? Oh yeah baby it does. It feels so fucking wonderful to have your sister do this too you... and you know what else?" I shook my head.

"Linda and you are going to do oh so much more! We already talked and she'd ready to take you tonight as soon as you're back from your date... does that sound good? Would you enjoy lying with your sister and making another wife for your harem tonight honey?" I nodded as I moaned and gasped.

"Of course you would honey," Mom said, "she wants it too; just as much as your Grandma and I want it from you baby! We are going to have absolutely yummy times together as a family!"

Grandma took over from Mom and placed her hand on Linda's bobbing noggin as my sister sucked and slurped me closer and closer. It was like Mom and now Grandma were jacking me off using the head of my sister, (and the image is stuck in my mind to this day)! Mom started kissing my neck and Grandma took my chin her free hand and kissed me hard before saying,

"You of course know this is not your only sister right Ian?"

"Well yeah," I answered, "there is Claire and Courtney and ..."

"No not from this side of the fence," Grandma said giggling and shaking her head.

"I didn't tell him," my mother confided with my grandma before resuming her hickey attack on my jugular and Adam's apple while Linda's head bobbed in my lap and Grandma came in for another kiss.

"Okay," said Grandma pulling away after lip wrestling with me for a moment, " I guess what's one more shock for you? You know how your father and his family lived up the road from me, your mother, your uncle, and all your horny aunts when they were growing up?" I nodded.

"And you know how your mom here started dating your father because he and his sisters started showing up at our farm and mixing it up with my kids who were just on the eve of college or in college at the time?" I nodded.

"Well," Grandma explained as Linda continued to suck me and Mom continued to kiss my neck and ears, "your grandma on your dad's side, Eliza worked with me at the University when I was doing my early research on human sexuality and sensuality. We knew about the kids getting together like they were doing and we didn't stop it... hell we encouraged it. We were just a pair of horny hippy ladies who were widowed and both left with a big brood of kids."

"So you knew my other grandma early on," I asked.

"Oh yes," Grandma said with her hand still pumping Linda's head up and down in my lap, "we even hooked up and dated. Your grandmother Eliza eats pussy like a champ. She's as good at munching on pussy as she is at sucking a cock." I listened intently as Mom's hands began cupping and fondling my balls. Grandma continued.

"Well," she said, "your Nana Eliza and I stayed quite close over the years. She told me a great many things. When her husband died just shortly before your father's eighteenth birthday, your dad had to become the man of the house. He took care of things all over the farm and eventually; what with him being a legal adult and all, your grandmother allowed him to "take care of her too," plus all his older sisters (your aunts)." I simply sat spellbound and dumbstruck as she spoke.

"Anyhow," Grandma went on, "your father was apparently quite the Cock o' the Walk it seems with the women in his immediate family and it continued on even after he married your mother."

"Ok," I said, "so what does all..." I started to ask before Grandma interrupted.

"It means that your father rutting around up on that hippy farm of your Nana Eliza's started fertilizing some eggs here and there; first with his oldest sister Margery. He got her pregnant. You know your cousin Tiffany?"

"Cousin Tiff?" I asked.

"Yep," Grandma grinned, "she is really your half-sister with your Aunt Margie and your father!"

"Next came the second oldest sister of your father's Maggie. She got pregnant and gave birth to your half-sister Samantha."

"Cousin Sam?"

"No," Grandma corrected, "your half-sister Sam!" She continued.

"Then came the third oldest sister of your father's Maureen." She gave birth to two fraternal twin girls, your half-sisters Kristi and Tara." I sat there with a mind being blown just as hard as my dick was being blown by my sister!

"So I have four sisters by my father and his three big sisters?" I asked.

"Five," Grandma said calmly.


"You know your Aunt Mirabel?" I nodded. Mirabel came late in the family. My grandmother Eliza had her much later on (so much so that she was actually a year older than me). I just had assumed her father was one of the many boyfriends my grandmother had over the years.

"Your Grandmother like me wanted a baby later on and she had your father knock her up to put it bluntly. No harm done. He gave you your sister Mira by way of your Nana Eliza!"

I was completely stunned. I just stared for a moment as my sister continued to suck me and my grandma and mom studied my face. I knew it was odd that my aunts on Dad's side of the family never married (despite having kids) and they never moved off that hippy farm of my Grandma Liza's, (or Liz as we called her). It was a little strange but in a pervy kind of way, given the rest of this incestuous fuck tribe I belonged to; it now made much more sense.

"So what do you think Ian," Mom asked me with Grandma looking on and my sister Linda actually stopping her blowjob to see my response.

"I think," I replied, "I wanna cum in my sister's Linda's mouth and give her a little brotherly protein shake! Then I wanna go on this date. Then I wanna fuck the three of you silly tonight. Eventually I wanna go to Grandma Liz's farm and pick up where Pops left off!"

"That's the spirit Ian!" Grandma said punching me in the arm, "you are most definitely a member of this tribe! This THING!"

With that Grandma and Mom kissed me and then Linda came up for a kiss before diving back down. She resumed her blowjob with new intensity. Soon I could now feel that all too familiar tickle in my balls. Linda could tell I was close and so could Mom and Grandma (who kept stroking their fingertips up and down my stomach and flanks).

Linda began jamming me hard against the back of her throat in stroke after pounding throat-fucking stroke! She was gonna do it; my big sister was going to get me off! I lasted another twenty seconds and my nuts exploded.

AAAAAARGGGHHH I roared as I blew great thick clotted ropes of brother batter into my sister's greedy mouth. She wolfed down the salty warm contents of my balls and I thrashed my head. Mom and Grandma now held my hands; the orgasm was just so intense!

I finally stopped spooging and Linda popped up with just a little bit of my cum in her mouth. She kissed Grandma, giving her some and then she leaned over and then she kissed Mom; providing her with a taste of brother batter. I'd just had my first blowjob from my sister but it was only the beginning!

Linda then turned to me. She high-fived me. She fucking high-fived me and did a fist bump. What normally happens after having sex of any kind with a woman? Intimacy, sweet nothing, pillow talk and snuggles. With Linda? Nope! Its knuckle bumps and high-high fives!

We paused a bit and the three of us talked about what had happened; relaxing on the couch and laughing through jokes and stories. As we chatted my sister, mother and grandma took turns rubbing and sucking my erection back to life.

When I finally had something stiff, Mom shucked off her panties and had me do her doggy-style on the couch as the other two women watched. We fucked for about ten minutes until we both came. We then resumed the four way cuddle chat on the couch, complete with cock pulls, dick sucks, and highly inappropriate touches!

Upon the return of my hard-on, it was Grandma's turn. She hoisted up her hippy moo-moo dress revealing no underwear underneath. She knelt over the couch for me. I fucked her pussy hard for five minutes before I then pulled out and stuck my cock up her asshole for another five as Mom and Sis cheered me on!

Finally Grandma let out and happy sob of joy and I roared; sending a hot load of salty grandson-goo up her rectum. After this it was decided my balls were empty enough for my first date. I headed upstairs for a quick shower as Mom, Grandma and Linda sat on the couch, joking and cackling!

I showered, shaved and dressed for my date. I then took that expensive stink-water cologne and did just like Mom showed me; spritzed myself before standing over in the window by the laundry room where it was nice and hot (to let a little bit of perspiration interact with the cologne). Five minutes later and I was good. I had the three cackling harpies in the kitchen give me a quick look and a whiff just to make sure I was ready.

"Mmmmm," said Linda, "yep you smell good enough to fuck right here on kitchen table! Your shirt and pants are good... the cowboy boots are a nice touch and the belt goes with everything."

"Yep," Mom agreed, "he's fuckable!"

"Couldn't agree more," said Grandma who was rummaging through her purse. Her eyes lit up when she saw what she was looking for. She pulled out two gold coin condoms and handed them to me.

"Remember," Grandma said, "no girl ever got pregnant from a blowjob or from a butt fuck but if you have to nut in her pussy... be prepared if she isn't on the pill!"

I told Grandma that Michelle had been on the pill for a couple of years but she gave me a hug and a kiss and told me to hang onto those Gold Coin rubbers anyhow just the same. Then Mom and Linda did the same. About that time Mom put something else in the hand... the keys to her car.

"Another thing to remember Ian," she said, "the point of the evening is to smash with Michelle... not my Volvo!"

"Got it Mom," I replied, "it'll be fine!"

"That's my boy," Mom said, "now get out there and get some! I wanna be able to taste her pussy juices on your fingers, lips, and cock when this date is over! Oh.. .and don't forget you'll have three women wanting to get laid when you get home... there's some weed in it for you so don't completely drain those balls of yours!"

"Ok Mom," I answered. With that she gave me another deep kiss and a grab of my package before she swatted me on the ass and pushed me out the door with Linda and Grandma waiving behind her. I was on my way!

I picked up Michelle at her house. We headed to the very same mall where my crazy Aunt Sharon had taken me earlier that week and we did dinner at the food court, holding hands, making mushy-dreamy eyes at each other getting all touchy feeling; the way teens do on a date. So far so good.

About the time we were finishing our pizza Michelle asked me what we were going to see at the multiplex theatre. I told her I was going to let her choose. About that time, my George Clooney monologue showed up and began speaking in my ear.

"Good call kid," George said in the back of my mind, "now let's see what she wants."

It was just as I feared. She wanted to go to that uber-sensitive dripping with estrogen chick-flick that I'd seen three nights before with my Aunt Sharon. We got our tickets and popcorn and went inside. About the time we got into the theatre George was back in my head saying,

"Alright kid, look all the way up to the back row where you sat with your Aunt Sharon from three nights back... yep there it is and its clear! Sheeze kid; you're in luck! Nobody in here but two old people with hearing-aids ten rows down! Okay - now get Michelle up in that back row and grab that piece of real estate!"

I did as my inner monologue told me and led Michelle up into the back row and then down to the corner. We now had a piece of "cinema turf" in the most secluded portion of the theatre. Michelle and I did not have much time before the lights went down for trailers and the opening credits. A few more people came in but they sat further down towards the front...the coast was clear!

Michelle's hand left mine and immediately went down to the bulge in my jeans where she gave my junk a squeeze through the denim. In the flickering light of the movie screen, she stared into my eyes before closing hers slightly. She turned her head to an angle and leaned into my space. I turned my head to hers and we opened our mouths for a first kiss. George was right there in my head shouting,

"Beautiful kid; you gotta LIVE one there! Now keep calm with the kiss and go forceful but not too forceful, mushy but not too mushy...and ... aw hell, just keep it just like you did with all those other women this week!" Needless to say... all those kissy-fucks and boink boinks with Mom and the rest of the MILFs and sluts in the family had a huge pay-off for me right there and then!

Again I obeyed my inner "George Clooney" and I pushed against her lips with mine; flicking my tongue in her mouth a little but not trying to choke her with it. Michelle kept squeezing my junk aggressively and I could feel the end of my cock beginning to "dew-up" in my pants. She had on a lovely sweet perfume that tickled my nostrils and made me want to rip her clothes off right there. She pulled up from our kiss and whispered in my ear,

"I've been waiting for this. You made the front of my panties wet in the cafeteria today when you touched me between my legs! I haven't been able to think about anything else. You know I think this movie is total bogus shit... I just picked it because hardly anyone would be in this place and we could be alone in the dark!"

With that I got brave. George in my head started to say something but I JUST WASN'T FUCKING LISTENING! I leaned forward with a big grin on my face that screamed confidence and kissed her again, only this time I leaned into my kiss; hell I put my back into it! My hand came up and I reached into her jacket finding her blouse. I grabbed her tit through the material. Michelle didn't wince she, she didn't flinch, and she didn't grab my hand!

Instead she leaned into the kiss even harder than I was and brought her deft finger up to unbutton a bit of her blouse! Before you could say "titty twister" my hand was inside her blouse and up underneath her bra cup. I held her lovely 34C boob in my hand and groped as I began to get bolder with my tongue down her throat. George was right there again whispering in the back of my head,

"Ok kid, you got your hand on her tit; just go easy on that nipple! Just nice little brushes with your thumb. See... you're making her whine and sigh... good! See... she just gave your balls an appreciative squeeze-back! She likes what you're doin! Just go easy."

The next thing Michelle did surprised BOTH me and George. She let-go of my cock and unsnapped her pants. She then grabbed my hand and pulled it off her tit; placing it down to the waistband of her panties. My fingers slid in and made themselves comfortable. I'd finger fucked a few girls before in my time so this was not new territory- it was just that it was so quick on a date with the damned opening credits not done yet. Well that was one for the books!

"Touch me THERE Ian," Michelle whispered in my ear, "I want you to rub me just like I rubbed myself in bed thinking of you last night!" She gave my earlobe a playful nibble and tug with her teeth to emphasize her sense of urgency. I felt her warm breath in my earhole.

"Go for it kid!" George screamed in my head, "you just got cleared-hot to arm the device!"

I began to stroke and finger away at her pussy. Michelle seized up my face in both hands as I diddled at her clit for a bit, then ran my fingers down to her puss-hole, testing things out to see how her lubrication was coming along. She was slick. It was like putting a finger in a warm bowl of chili down there! I pushed my finger in deeper and hooked it, finding her g-spot and giving it a diddling stroke.

Michelle hopped a little in her seat and exhaled through her nostrils with a little yelpy whine. I started to pull my hand away but she grabbed it and put it back "down there." As a little added encouragement, she grabbed my forearm and with her hand jerked it up n' down to make me hit the pace and pressure she wanted; all while kissing me and chewing at my lips while she whined softly like she had a bellyache! I decided to let my fingers "go to town!"

I rubbed and fingered that puss-hole of hers like with deep pushing strokes; grinding the heel of my hand against her clit and every now and again while bringing soaked fingers up to tease and diddle at her fleshy started button. Her mouth left mine and her lips found my ear; licking and chewing at it before going down my neck. I kept up the pace; finger blasting her while making her sigh and whimper softly.

Over the next three minutes as I fingered away at her, she now put her face against my neck; kissing me and whimpering softly. The whole time she kept her hand on my forearm; not wanting me to stop (regardless of how intense this was for her). Her hips bucked against my hand and I felt her warm quim became wetter with each stroke of my digits.

At last it all came to a boil inside her and she began to shudder and quake. Her face turned into my shoulder and she let out a silent little mouse-squeak like she was suppressing a sneeze. At the same moment I coughed loudly to muffle any sound of her climax. When she came up from my shoulder for air she was all bliss and loving cow-eyes for me. I pulled up my fingers from her pubes and they were all slippery; coated with fragrant warm dew!

"Oh Ian!" Michelle whispered in my ear happily, "I have never cummed like that... EVER!" She took my chin in her hands and kissed me hard out of gratitude for the lovely finger blasting she'd just received. Her lips then found my ear and in between kisses and tugs of my earlobe she whispered,

"Scrunch down low in your seat. It's time for me to make YOU feel special!"

With that I felt her hands on my belt buckle. A couple of seconds later and she'd silently opened my pants. I then did a quick look around the theater. All eyes were focused on the screen of this incredibly boring artsy-fartsy chick flick. A moment later and my cock was sheathed in the warm damp comforting snugness of Michelle's mouth as her teeth, lips, and tongue began to work my knob!

My hand found the top of her head and her hand rooted around a bit until she was cupping my balls. I ran my fingers in and out of her dirty blonde mane of shoulder length hair as her free hand and mine locked fingers in little grips and squeezes. I simply relaxed and let her take over with that lovely mouth of hers until after about four minutes I felt a rumble in my balls and a surge up through my cock.

This time it was my turn to act like I was suppressing a sneeze and I let out a meek whiny HMMMpfffff while pretending to blow my nose into a napkin. My balls launched jet after hot salty jet of "boy-butter" into Michelle's pucker and she gulped it down like it was the sweetest custard! A couple seconds later she came up and snatched my napkin from my hand; not to wipe her mouth but to instead clean up the end of my cock. What a girl!

I buttoned my pants back up. She leaned in close and snuggled up to me. Her lips found my ear again and she whispered to me,

"My lips aren't the only thing that really BLOWS in this theater; this movie sucks dude!"

"You wanna get out of here?" I asked.

"Yeah," she answered with a wink, "and I need to get laid!" I nodded back to her. George was back in my head screaming,


With that both our rear-ends were up out of our seats and down the stairs to the exit. We were out the door of the multiplex, out of the mall, and across the parking lot as fast as our hormones could carry us! The next thing we knew... we were slamming the doors shut on Mom's Volvo and I was screeching out of the parking space. Aunt Sharon's training from Tuesday night with Claudia had paid off! Now I was going to call upon everything I'd learned from Auntie Maria on Monday and Aunt Becky on Wednesday.

"Do you know where to go where it's a little more private?" Michelle asked.

"GIRL DO I EVER! HANG ON!" came my reply.

Thirty minutes later we were finishing the switchback turns up to the cliffs. We came right to the spot where Auntie Maria and I had stopped Monday night; arriving just as the sun was dipping below the horizon and the stars were out in the sky twinkling at us. We pulled into the parking spot down over the hill away from the road.

In a flash Michelle and I kissed then moved around to the back seat. Our clothes flew all over the inside of the car as we hurried to get out of them. We were now all hormones and anticipation!

Once in our birthday suits we crashed our bodies together in a frantic kissing embrace; complete with hands attempting to paw and grope everywhere over one another at once! It was like we didn't know where to grab, kiss, grope, or bite first! I had a wickedly stiff bouncy boinger of a boner and Michelle was sporting two gumdrop sized titty hard-ons. We stopped in mid kissy-grope and Michelle said to me breathlessly,

"Wait... EAT ME! I need you to eat me!"

She lay back against the seat of the Volvo and I knelt and scrunched myself best I could; my prize being none other than her steaming pussy. She hung one leg over the backseat up in the window and her other leg rested on the carpeted floorboards as I dove down beneath her furry pubic mound and found her pink snatch with my gobbler. I set myself to the task. everything I had learned about eating a pussy in the past week was coming to a head right there in the back of Mom's Volvo!

She was pretty down there below her thick patch of dirty blonde pubic tendrils. That pussy was a delicate pink orchid and I was awestruck by it! It had lovely hanging "meat-curtain" labia lips which I splayed back with my fingers; giving her sex blossom several licks and making her sigh hard. I moved my lips and tongue up to her pink lentil of a clitoris; pushing back the hood to suck her bean. Her hips rose off the back seat and pushed against my mouth as she moaned,

"Oh yeah Ian... that's the spot!"

I licked back and forth between her pussy and her clit; throwing my fingers into her pink poke-hole and hooking them back to find her g-spot. My lips soon wrapped around her hooded bean like I was nursing from a nipple and my digits began to stroke and inside at her swollen little juice trigger. She responded with a torrent of curses and sighs as her hips thrashed. Both her hands clenched and unclenched my hair as her head shook from the intense sensations. After about a couple of minutes of her mewing and whimpering about all the filthy things she wanted me to do to her this summer she decided she needed something different. She gasped at me to with a rasp in her voice,

"Ian, sixty-nine me! I have always wanted to do it like that!"

I didn't have to be told twice but I realized we were in too cramped a space to do it properly, (even with the doors opened). I looked out the back window and saw the stone picnic table. At the moment, it looked like a king-sized bed in a Ramada Inn! I noted we had not seen headlights coming up the mountain for a while on the switchback road (as everyone seemed to be partying that Friday night down in Phoenix proper). I turned back to her and said simply,

"Move to the table!"

We were again like a flash out of the car; horniness and youth combining into blinding speed. No sooner had I laid down upon the molded concrete table than Michelle was atop me and throwing her leg over my head like I was a bicycle seat! The next thing I knew she was lowering her pussy down to my face as her mouth wrapped around my cock for a ravenous deep-throating; her hands cupping and fiddling my testicles. We began to suck eat slurp and gobble like we'd skipped dinner!

Again I found her clit with my mouth and resumed sucking her clit like I was trying to give it a hickey. Meanwhile my fingers probed into her cunt-hole; hooking pushing and digging until they hit g-spot! About this time, George Clooney resumed his pep talk inside my head with,

"Hey Ian how we doi... WHOA! ...SIXTY-NINE ON A PICNIC TABLE ON A FIRST DATE? FOR REAL? Ian...I gotta tell Brad Pitt about you next time we play golf...JEEZUS IAN! Ok...take it slow and not too rough; you are not trying to pull her apart with those lips ok? Go slow and easy with those fingers too... this is not a CIA interrogation!"

Presently something inspired me. With my free hand I wiggled a finger up between the ass-cheeks above me and circled Michele's pink puckered butthole with it. She tensed up for half a second and George Shouted,

"IAN WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? THIS IS A FIRST DATE! You don't mess with a butthole on a first date! That is leaning too far forward over the line! ABORT ABORT ABORT!" About that time Michelle stopped sucking for a moment and groaned at me,

"MMMMnnn OHHH IAN THAT FEELS SO GOOD! (giggle) Keep doing that with your finger back there!" She then went back to sucking me with renewed vigor and enthusiasm.

George immediately rescinded his "abort" order and I munched and fingered Michelle's g-spot while my other finger diddled away at her naughty little anus. She responded with pelvis bounces on my face; making her rump cheeks twerk up and down delightfully! She moaned into my cock like she had a belly-ache and I knew I was now on the right track.

I got bolder with my finger on the rim of her pink rose-hole; pushing it against the center her "no-no pucker." Her tight little bottom surprisingly gave way quite easily and seemed to suck my digit in up to the second knuckle in her warm nastiness. She let out another deep moan and then attempted to impale the back of her throat upon my dong-head out of appreciation. She was letting me know that this was not only ok; it was something highly desirable to her! I found out later that Michelle absolutely adores bottom fucking; she'd later joked that she must have a clit in her colon the way she likes it so much!

She began to "dew-up" more and more against over the next few minutes; going from a couple of drops to a light trickle and finally to what I would simply call a seep. Things were getting quite agitated for her to say the least! As I licked sucked and fingered; her moans of hers became whines.

Her head began to move faster and faster on my shaft. Her hands clenched my balls tightly. Her hips again began bouncing frantically again and suddenly a shudder ripped through her body. Then it happened for her.

She screamed hard; gagged by my cock but vocalizing loudly nonetheless! Instinctively I moved my mouth down to the opening of puss-hole and caught a piping-hot gush of her broth just as her body let go of it! At the same time I pushed my finger deep into her nasty anus and stroked approximately where I guessed her g-spot should be from the backside; well inside her rectum. It was like triggered a detonator cap inside her!

A second orgasm (much stronger than the first), exploded deep inside her very core. She whipped her face up off my cock and screamed EEEEE- AAAYYYAGGGGHHHHHHHHH as her hips bucked and her cunt gushed like a broken hot-water pipe all over my face! I put my mouth to her splattering pussy; slurping and chugging as much as my mouth could gulp down! She thrashed, gushed, and sobbed with joy for several seconds until her splatter-gasm subsided.​
Next page: Chapter 13.2
Previous page: Chapter 12.6