Page 02
There was a long pause, the only noise, the scratching of the occasional note by Doctor Deschane and Mom's heavy breathing. The doctor looked up and smiled, first at me and then at Mom. "You're doing wonderfully, Cassie -- so honest. John, are you you need a break?"
My eyes were on Mom -- amazed that I was seeing her in such an aroused state -- my thoughts of the sexy looking doctor forgotten. My own cock was now throbbing in my slacks and I was sorely tempted to find a Men's room and jack off, but this wasn't about me -- this was about my mother and getting her the help she needed. The crazy, nasty stuff running around inside my head could wait until another day. Idly I wondered if Doctor Deschane gave family discounts. I shook my head in the negative. "I'm fine -- whatever Mom wants me to do."
The psychiatrist glanced over at Dad, his face now a deep crimson and clenching his jaw so hard, I could hear his teeth grinding together. His hands were gripping the wooden ends of the armrest of his chair so tightly, I thought they might snap off in his fingers. When the doctor asked him, "Mister Hunter, would you like a break?" he gave a harsh shake of his head, conveying his anger and contempt without even speaking.
Both Mom and the psychiatrist exchanged glances and then smiles and the doctor replied, "Very well -- Cassie, please continue."
Mom nodded and said, "Sex...orgasms, became my life. It was my life. Darren never really bothered with me if sex wasn't involved. I was his pet -- his toy and all I wanted to do was pleasure him and be pleasured in return." Mom smiled at me. "I know that sounds crazy, but Darren was my world. After months went by, I knew I wasn't going to be rescued and part of me expected Darren to come in and kill me at any moment, but every minute he was torturing me or fucking me was a minute I was still alive. Every moment Darren had his cock in me was a moment I wasn't alone. Telling me to tongue his asshole was precious because I was being spoken to and I was happy to do it. I enjoyed obeying his every command."
Mom's eyes took on a distant look. "I never knew a person could get so lonely -- constantly alone for hours or even days on end. My heart ached for the sight of Darren -- I was thrilled to get a word from him and when he was with me, I loved knowing that he was completely focused on me...that for the time he was with me, I was his world too."
"Did you come to fall in love with Darren Jones?" Doctor Deschanes asked.
Mom reddened and was a long time in answering. "I many ways that yes, I loved Darren. Even knowing he was the one who took me -- I counted the seconds from one visit to the next, my heart nearly bursting with joy when I heard the bolts being undone and him walking in. I loved the feeling he awoke in me, the knowledge of pleasures I never dreamed existed."
"I have never in my life heard such a crock of shit!" Dad said, standing up, his face red with anger. "You call this helping her?" he snarled at the psychiatrist. "He screwed up her head -- that's why she keeps sleeping around like a dog in heat. "You should be helping her -- not letting her relive what that sonofabitch did to her!"
Doctor Deschane sat up, her face serious, yet trying to be understanding. "Yes, I agree that Jones has messed with Cassie -- brainwashed her to some extent as happens with kidnap victims, but Mister Hunter, you also need to understand that for good or bad, have opened up whole new realms of experiences and emotions for Cassie -- emotions and desires that have been suppressed or denied her whole life. The purpose of being here today is for you...and your son to understand that -- to see Cassie through fresh eyes to understand her better so that your whole family can heal and move on."
Dad's eyes became narrow slits as he angrily stared at the psychiatrist and muttered, "Bullshit. I'm out of here. C'mon, John, lets go. If Cassie wants to come home and be a good wife and mother, I'm there, otherwise let her go out and sell her whoring ass on the street for all I care."
Mom's eyes were wide in alarm. "Please, Joseph..." She stopped as he waved a hand at her dismissively. Mom looked at me, her eyes full of fear and need.
I swallowed, my mouth suddenly bone dry and rasped, "I'm not going, Dad. I'm staying."
Dad turned my way, his hand balling into a fist. "You're my son and I said we're leaving!"
I stood up, scarcely realizing that my hands had formed fists too. "I'm Mom's son, too and I'm nearly nineteen. She needs our help and I'm staying."
The room became deathly silent as Dad and I took our measure of each other. I'd never taken such a stand before, but I needed to do this. Mom needed me to do this and I wasn't going to back off. "Mom needs us, Dad." I said more urgently.
I'm pretty sure I couldn't take Dad in a fight, but maybe he thought I could. He tried staring me down for a long minute and then nodded and frowned. All of a sudden, he seemed old, worn down from anger. "Fine, the hell with both of you!" he snapped at us and spinning on his heel, stalked out of the room.
The silence continued for several seconds and then Mom burst out crying and I was suddenly kneeling beside her, letting her throw her arms around me and hug me tight as she sobbed. Part of me ached for Mom's pain and desired to end her suffering. Part of me continued to be aroused by this woman I found myself sexually attracted to. My erection had never gone down -- sustained by the prospect of a fight and now sustained by the close presence -- the touch of my mother who I found so sexy and desirable. Part of me felt the eyes of Doctor Deschane studying us both carefully.
I continued to embrace Mom long after her sobs faded away and her hitched breathing eased up. Finally, the doctor said in a soft voice. "Cassie, can you continue or do we need to meet again later?"
I felt Mom hug me a little tighter, her breasts shuddering a bit against my face before she answered. "I can go on...if John is willing."
I hugged Mom back, looking up into her face and then raising up enough to kiss the corner of her mouth. "I'm fine, Mom. I'm willing to do anything to help you. I love you, Mom.
My mother's eyes filled with tears again and she mouthed the words, "I love you too, son," before returning my kiss which despite being chaste, sent tremors racing through me to make my cock throb even more. I stood up and then pulled Dad's chair closer to her so I could sit there and we could hold hands. Mom looked at Doctor Deschane and said in a husky voice, "I'm ready to go on."
The doctor smiled and said, "Fine, remember that you are a strong woman, Cassie and you're reclaiming your life." She turned and smiled at me, her eyes seeming to strip away my flesh to peer into my soul. "John, you have no idea how much your support means to your mother." She nodded to Mom to begin again. "You were speaking of whether or not you came to love Darren Jones."
Mom licked her lips and again said, "I suppose it was love...maybe not the love a wife has for her husband, at least not exactly." Mom's brow wrinkled as she concentrated on the right words. "Maybe it was that type of love, but with more layers...more complicated. In some ways, maybe Joseph is right. I was like a bitch in heat -- a dog that would do anything to please her master."
"You're talking about taking pleasure from being submissive to him?" asked Doctor Deschane.
Mom shivered and said. "Yes. I've always been sort of submissive...raised that way to be subservient to my husband and I never minded that, but..." Again, her eyes got a little dreamy as she paused to consider her experiences. "But, Darren showed me how more satisfying it was when he made being sexually submissive a part of my life. I never dreamed how much a person could get pleasure from giving pleasure to someone else. My god, I had orgasms just from sucking his cock!" Mom's face turned redder as she gave me a sidelong glance to see how I reacted and her hand squeezed mine tightly.
Doctor Deschane shifted in her seat, uncrossing and then crossing her legs again as she turned to me and said, "I know this is all bizarre to you, John, but do you understand what your mother is talking about when she says she takes pleasure from being submissive?"
I shifted in my seat, still trying to conceal my obvious erection and after a moment's hesitation, replied, "I guess so. Darren controlling her, making her do what he wanted made Mom was part of what made her like the sex between them so much. I guess part of that was her knowing that if she pleased him, she was going to, fucked and, the orgasms she was loving."
The doctor smiled approvingly at me. "Very perceptive, John. There are many people who find assuming a sexually submissive role in a relationship to be arousing and fulfilling." The psychiatrist turned her attention back to my mother. "Cassie, since you've returned, would you say in your, ah...extramarital affairs, are you submissive as well?"
Mom looked over at me, an expression of mild embarrassment on her face as she replied, "I was...yes, once I had flirted or offered myself to a man...I would do whatever he wanted." She looked at me and I knew she was recalling that last time at the Stay-Eez Inn and said, "Whatever he wanted or if there was more than one, I just did my utmost to please them all."
"Do you find that degrading, Cassie?" Doctor Deschane leaned forward, her eyes intently focused on Mom.
My mother pursed her lips and seemed to reflect for a moment. "I suppose I do, but..." Something powerful and primal seemed to flicker behind Mom's eyes as she continued, "But that's a part of what's so exciting too! It's like Darren opened up this secret part of me that was sleeping, that didn't know how good it could feel to be his sex slave -- to do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted, no matter how perverted I might have thought it was before. He showed me how sexy it made me feel being submissive." Mom paused again, her face growing thoughtful. "Do you think Darren taught me a truth about myself or was that brainwashing?"
Doctor Deschane smiled and shook her head. "I think that is something that you have to answer for yourself, Cassie. You've already said you've always been submissive, just not as least sexually. In the end, I suspect it doesn't matter as much as whether from here on out it's something you view as positive or negative."
Mom nodded and glancing at me, replied, "I know I think it can be either. I feel like I have so much to offer a much pleasure I can give him. I think if Joseph had accepted that...had taken advantage of that, we both could have been so happy. It's something I need to express and I guess that's why I looked elsewhere..." She looked at me and then looked away. "Not much of an excuse for being a whoring wife and mother, is it?"
Doctor Deschane started to reply, but I beat her to the punch by exclaiming, "No! I get it, Mom! Everyone has...well, needs. We'd all go crazy if they weren't satisfied." Mom smiled happily at my response and mouthed the words, "Thank you." I blushed, pleased that I had made Mom maybe feel better. I then looked at Doctor Deschane who was looking pleased as well. "Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt," I said.
"No need for apologies, John. Nothing makes me happier than to see someone supporting a loved one so passionately!"
A small timer went off on a table next to her chair, pinging softly. Doctor Deschane frowned and after glancing down at the little device, said, "I'm afraid our time is up for today." She beamed at us both and said, "I think we've made wonderful progress today. Cassie, take heart -- you have a wonderfully supportive son and I think with his help, all will be better soon."
Mom looked at me with a very loving and somehow unsettling expression and said softly, "I am very lucky."
Doctor Deschane stood up and a bit reluctantly, I stood up as well, my hands feathering back and forth near my waist, wanting so bad to hide my obvious erection and knowing that I would simply be drawing attention to it if I did so. The doctor nodded again towards Mom and said, "Cassie, if you would, please set up our next group session with my receptionist." She turned to me and said, "John, if you could remain behind a moment, I'd like a moment's private conversation."
Mom nodded and said rather meekly, "Of course, Doctor." She headed for the door, looking back at us with a bit of uncertainty, but then nodded again, more than a little submissively I realized with a start and was gone.
I turned to look at the doctor who was studying me intently. "A lot happened today, John," she said. "Are you okay?"
"Yes, ma'am," I replied. Then I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Sorry about my Dad. Maybe he'll understand eventually."
Doctor Deschane gave me a bit of a smirk and shaking her head, making her red auburn tresses dance, replied. "I believe in honesty, John. I think your parents' marriage is dead. Your father simply doesn't have it within him to help your mother. Your mother and I had already discussed that at length and his reaction wasn't entirely unexpected." She paused and tilting her head a little, added, "But, I think you might be different. You love your mother and I suspect you'll do whatever is necessary to help Cassie."
I nodded vigorously. "Absolutely, I want to make Mom happy."
A long silence followed as Mom's psychiatrist studied me intently. Finally she said, "I believe you do and I think you can be the key to your mother's happiness. Your mother and I have discussed that as well and your sticking up for your mother was something she has hoped and prayed for. I think all along we both expected you to be the man who would be there for her when this day was over."
Doctor Deschane stepped up close to me until only a few inches separated us. I became acutely aware of how her full breasts jutted out, almost brushing my chest. I suddenly had a better view down her blouse, seeing an amazing part of her breasts swelling out of light blue bra cups. Her voice became lower, huskier. "Can you be that strong for your mother, John? Can you as her son, take control of the situation?"
She took a step closer to me, her body now pressing into mine and my mouth hung open in shock and I almost jumped out of my shoes as she pressed a warm palm against my crotch. "Do you think you can take control of your mother, John? Can you be that brave...that daring?"
", Doctor, mean..." I was stunned, unable to speak as I tried to believe that I understood what Doctor Deschane was saying to me.
The psychiatrist moved her head towards mine until we were almost kissing. "What happened to your mother is outside normal experience, John. The remedy must by necessity, be outside normal treatment procedures. You know what she needs!" Doctor Deschane gave the bulge in my pants a gentle squeeze. "You have what she needs, John, you are what she needs. Be strong for her, be the strong man she needs...the strong son she needs you to be." I could feel her lips barely brushing mine. "Do we understand each other, John?"
I slowly nodded, still unable to speak. Doctor Deschane kissed me, her tongue darting into my mouth for several sweet seconds. Then she patted my throbbing bulge again and whispered, "I wish you luck, John. Make me proud, be the strong, loving son your mother wants and requires to make a recovery."
As I continued to try and find my voice, Doctor Deschane took me by the arm and led me out the door, acting if she hadn't just made such an incredible request of me, waving at Mom and as I looked from on to the other, the doctor seemed to be looking at my mother with an expression akin to envy. I joined Mom to walk towards the elevator, she taking my arm as the doctor had and leaning in to buss me on the cheek and saying, "Thank you, son, for coming with me. It means so much to me!"
There were so many things I wanted to say, but all I managed to croak was, "I love you, Mom."
Downstairs, we discovered that Dad had indeed left, taking the car and driving off. After I failed to raise him on my cell phone, I called us a taxi and while we were waiting for it and then during the ride home, Mom and I remained silent, barely speaking, although Mom kept her arm hooked through mine all the way home, her presence both comforting and arousing at the same time.
Once home, we discovered Dad had really left -- most of his clothes, his toiletries and his bible gone and a single, quickly scrawled note that repeated his earlier statement, "To Hell With Both of You!" I held Mom in my arms as she had another good cry and then afterwards, while she showered and laid down for a nap, I kept trying to get Dad on the phone, my head spinning as the world I knew and understood kept falling down around me.
Dad finally picked up and it was with some ironic amusement that he told me he would be staying at the Stay-Eez Inn for the moment and that "my whore of a mother" would be hearing from his lawyer. We exchanged angry words that culminated in promises to "kick each other's ass" in the near future and I felt both sadness and a curious contentment that he was now suddenly and maybe irrevocably out of our lives.
I peeked in on Mom and saw her sleeping restlessly in her bed, wearing a purple baby-doll nightie that had pulled up around her thighs, revealing her clean shaven pussy. I felt a little dizzy as my erection throbbed painfully in my pants, the psychiatrist's words still echoing in my head...her sultry voice whispering, "Be the strong son your mother needs you to be."
I retreated to my bedroom and tried to get some sleep, resisting with some difficulty the urge to masturbate. Mom's story of her captivity ran through my mind -- images of Mom submissively, willingly performing all sorts of acts for Darren Jones -- happily, joyously cumming for him, being an absolute slut and as I drifted off to sleep, I began erasing Jones from the images and replacing him with myself, Doctor Deschane's words echoing around us.
When I awoke, it was dark. The illuminated clock on my bedroom dresser telling me it was nearly 8:00 P.M. I got up, painfully erect and changed clothes, dressing in a pair of gym shorts and a tank top. Again, the day's events played through my head, but the confusion I had been feeling seemed to have dissipated. Everything seemed clear to me now.
I made my way downstairs, following the wonderful smell of one of Mom's secret casseroles baking in the oven. Mom was at the sink, washing dishes and I wasn't really surprised to see her still in her little purple negligee, now complemented by a pair of backless pumps with high, narrow heels, making Mom's legs look longer and shapelier than ever. The gauzy material of her nightie made it clear that she wasn't wearing panties...her buttocks looking full and inviting.
"Mom," I said, standing at the kitchen door. "Are you okay?"
Mom looked over her shoulder at me, her eyes a bit red from crying and gave me a smile. "Getting there, John. You going with me today and standing up for me helped." She returned to her dishes as I stood in the doorway and admired her lush, nearly naked body, feeling my cock throb and ache at the sight of her. Finally, Mom looked over her shoulder again and said, "Are you hungry? Supper's about thirty minutes away if you can wait."
I moved into the kitchen towards my mother. "I'm hungry alright," I said sort of nonchalantly.
Mom finished her washing and drying her hands on a dish towel, turned to face me, starting a bit as I was now only inches away from her. "I can fix you a snack to tide you over, son." She started to say more, but stopped when I gently placed my finger over her lips.
"I'm hungry, Mom, but not for food."
Mom's eyes grew wide and as she began to blush, she stammered, "I...I what do you mean?"
"Dad's gone, Mom."
Mom licked her lips and nodding, replied, "I know that."
"And he's not coming back. He's gone for good."
Mom looked up into my eyes, her lovely blues red and watery -- another crying bout looming close. "I know that too, John, but..."
Interrupting her, I said, "I'm the man of the house now, Mom. I'm your man."
Mom shivered, making her mostly visible breasts shake in the most delightful way. Her body seemed to stiffen and grow more erect. "What are you saying, son?" she said in a tight, almost frightened voice.
I reached up and took Mom by the shoulders, squeezing them gently as I replied, "Things are going to change from now on, Mom. No more going out and finding some stranger to fuck you."
Mom licked her lips again and said meekly, "John?"
I pulled her to me, pressing her body against mine as I said, "If you're horny -- if you need cock -- if you need to please somebody, you come to me and I'll be happy to let you please me...your son...your man."
Mom moaned and said, "Oh...but I'm your mother, we can't...I know Doctor Deshcane thinks..." Again, I reached out with my right hand and pressed a finger against her lips.
"You are my mother and I'm your son and I'm telling you how life is going to be from now on. You're my woman now, Mom. You're my sexy, submissive mother slut and your only purpose in life from here out is to please your loving son." I ran my finger across her lips and then shifted, exchanging my forefinger for my thumb and running it back and forth across her lips, pressing it between them.
A shudder went through Mom's body as she slowly parted her lips, letting me slip the tip of my thumb between them, feeling the wetness of her mouth and then the tip of her tongue brushing against it.
"I love you, Mom and I know you love me. It's time for you to show me what that means on this first day of our new life together." Mom's eyes were full of tears and I prayed that they were tears of gratitude as she began to suck on my thumb, her hands coming up to cup my hand as she began to work my thumb back and forth.
My free hand came up and cupped her meaty breast through the gauzy material of her negligee, tweaking the very long and very hard nipple trying to poke through the thin nightie. I let her tit go and returned my hand to her shoulder. Firmly, I began to press down, saying to my mother, "Show me how much you love me, Mom. Show me how well you can please your only son."
Mom seemed to resist for a moment before letting my thumb slip from between her lips and yielding to the pressure of my hand. Slowly, Mom dropped down, going to her knees until she was kneeling before me, her face scant inches from the massive bulge in the front of my shorts. Hesitantly, Mom reached out with one hand, pulling it back several times before finally rubbing her palm up and down my front, feeling the massive erection lurking there.
Mom looked up at me, still some doubt in her eyes, but also hunger. "This is so wrong, John," she whispered. "I'm your mother." Then Mom reached out and hooked her fingers into the waistband of my gym shorts and yanked them down hard, releasing my long, thick and very hard cock, letting it slap her in the face.
Mom's hands flew back up to wrap around my long shaft and again a powerful shudder ran through her as she moaned, "I love you, son. I...I...oh, God, I've missed this!" Mom pressed her head into my crotch, her lips showering my cock with loving kisses and then her lips were stretching around the head and I was in her mouth, wet and warm and her soft, moist tongue was doing things I had only dreamed of.
Maybe it was the intensity of Mom's knowledgeable cocksucking that made my head swim to the point I had to reach out and steady myself against the sink counter or maybe it was simply the realization that I was standing in my kitchen with my nearly naked mother kneeling in front of me lovingly sucking my cock. I reached out with my free hand and gently stroked my fingers through Mom's dark, gray streaked hair, enjoying its softness along with the wet softness of her tongue washing over the head of my cock as she sucked and licked, her lovely blue eyes never looking away from my face as they flashed with a joyous intensity.
Mom's face had an expression of contentment and of joy that I had seen rarely since her return and then only those few times I had gone to retrieve her at motels after she'd been fucked almost into unconsciousness. It was both exciting and disturbing to see her so completely absorbed in pleasuring me. Equally arousing and disturbing was the sudden sense of power and satisfaction I was getting from seeing my own mother submitting to my commands. I had an unexpected flash of insight into the twisted nature of Mom's kidnapper.
Thankfully I had little time to dwell on my troubling thoughts as the need to cum rose to dominate everything. My near constant erections all day had left me with a hair trigger and while I yearned to let Mom's loving blowjob go on for hours, my need to ejaculate was too strong.
I had never experienced a woman actually swallowing my sperm, the few blowjobs I'd received from dates had always ended with them stroking me off with their hand, but now I was faced with a new dilemma -- let Mom swallow or cum in her face. In my head came the voice of Doctor Deschane, urging me to take control of Mom and with that insight, I yanked Mom's head back, her tongue and teeth and lips sliding over my cock and with a primal yowl, I exploded, aiming streamer after streamer of hot, white semen to splash over Mom's face.
Mom responded automatically, moaning, "Oh God, yessss!" as she opened her mouth wide and extended her tongue out, trying to catch some of my spewing jism as it splattered across her nose and cheeks, then her forehead and then as I aimed better, directly onto her tongue -- stroking the last streamers onto her extended digit, letting the thick, white goo to pool there.
I staggered back, the room swirling about me, to lean against the kitchen table, my cock twitching and tingling as I watched my mother frantically using her fingers to scoop and direct my semen into her mouth, smacking her lips and sucking furiously at her fingers as she savored each thick glob of my seed. My cock which had began to shrink a bit, was suddenly jerking and bouncing as blood engorged it again, the sight of my wanton mother, sluttishly eating my spunk, making my cock so hard, it slapped against my belly.
Our gazes locked again and for a moment we didn't move and then I sprung at my mother like a cat taking its prey -- dragging her to her feet and slinging her towards the kitchen table. As I pushed Mom down onto the table with one hand, I ripped her filmy negligee away, leaving her wearing only those sexy, backless heels. Her legs were straight and quivering as I bent her over, my hands spreading and lifting her asscheeks, revealing her bald cunt -- labia wet, glistening and spread wide, ready for me...ready for her son.
"I'm going to fuck you, Mom," I snarled, my voice tight and urgent. Almost out of control, I thrust at her backside -- my erection sliding up and down her labia.
"Oh yessss, John!" Mom sobbed. "I've been dreaming of this since I came home...since I saw my son wasn't a boy anymore, but a man, a big dicked man!" Mom twisted her hips just slightly and the head of my cock slipped inside her creamy heat. "Fuck me, John, please! Fuck Mommy! Please fuck me and let me show how much I love my son!"
And then I was sliding inside her, sinking my long, hard cock deep into my mother's hot cunt, savoring her silky tightness. My hands went to her waist and like a male dog in rut, I began to frantically hump my cock into Mom's pussy, thrusting hard and fast -- making the kitchen table scoot slightly with each thrust. Mom writhed on the table -- her arms flailing away, knocking the napkin holder and salt and pepper shakers onto the floor, fingernails scraping over the wood surface -- her heels scratching along the surface of the floor as she sought purchase and leverage to fling herself back to meet my thrusts.
I fucked Mom hard, making her squall with pleasure as I buried myself in her again and again, grinding my wiry pubic hair into her bald, wet mound again and again. Then Mom was screaming my name as her cunt walls tightened around my cock and bathed my hard penis in fiery juices as I gave my mother her first son induced orgasm. Her pussy held my cock so tightly in its grip, all I could do was hunch against Mom's hips, making my erection move only minutely inside her, but making her sob with ecstatic.
As her orgasm waned, I started fucking her hard again, Mom sagging back against me as her legs turned rubbery. I stepped back, my cock sliding from Mom's pussy, dripping with her hot juices. Mom wailed plaintively as I withdrew and turned and at the sight of my cream covered cock, again fell to her knees and took me into her mouth as I bumped up against the counter. It was my turn to groan as Mom's tongue slathered up and down my cock, lapping up her own juices.
Then I was pulling Mom back onto her feet, breasts bouncing as I walked her backwards and then lifting her up onto the table and spreading her legs and then yanking her so that she was dangling off the edge of the table and then as she hissed with excitement, I slammed my cock back into her wet and open pussy.
Mom sobbed, "I love you, John! Fuck me hard, son!" as she wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her lips against mine as I sank my throbbing penis deep into her womb. Mouths open and tongues frantically dancing, I could taste my semen and Mom's pussy as we kissed. Our mingled flavors seemed to fuel our passions and we began fucking feverishly, Mom's legs rising up to wrap around my hips, tightening with each thrust, kicking to urge me a little deeper with each hard thrust.
My experience with sex at age eighteen was pretty limited to a few willing, but equally inexperienced girls I'd dated, but with Mom everything seemed to come to me by instinct. I seemed to know what a certain roll of my hips or the intensity of a thrust would do to Mom, sending her nearly out of control in a paroxysm of ecstatic pleasure. More than even taking a dominant role in our, our fucking, was the knowledge that this was my mother -- that we were blood kin, sharing flesh and spit and sweat and lust in the most primal of all acts.
In committing incest with my mother, I felt more alive than at any other moment in my life and from the way she was responding, trying to meet my thrusts, her pussy walls gripping at my cock, trying to please me and consume me at the same time, I was positive that she felt the same way. It gave me great pleasure imagining that I was taking my mother to a greater plateau of sexual pleasure and experience than even her kidnapper had. I was fucking my mom and I reveled in it -- already knowing that I would never be able to get enough of her and thrilled that Mom would be devoted to sating my incestuous hungers for the rest of our lives!
Our fucking became more ardent...almost violent in its intensity as we kissed and bit each other -- me leaning Mom onto her back and ducking my head to suck and bite her swollen nipples while her fingernails tore bloody tracks down my back, my pelvis slamming into hers with loud, wet slaps as we fucked ourselves closer to a mutual orgasm. When I lifted my head, we stared at each other, the only noises whimpers and snarls as we fucked. Mom's breasts bounced and rolled and her lower lip hung open in an expression of incestuous rapture while her eyes blazed with a sexual fury that I could feel deep inside me, racing to the very tip of my cock as it burrowed ever deeper into her sodden cunt.
Mom's eyes widened suddenly and she gave out a dog like bark -- a passionate yip and then her body began to convulse in a powerful sexual seizure as her orgasm crashed down on her like a tidal wave. Her sweet, furnace like pussy clamped tight around my deeply buried cock, her cunt flesh rippling and writhing along my shaft and I was past the moment of no return as well and roared, "I fucking love you, Mom!" as I felt my balls bounce and dance as I began to pump fresh, hot semen into her womb.
Our lips found each other again and our tongues engaged in another frenetic dance as we clung together -- my hands firmly gripping Mom's hips and pulling her into me, going as deep inside her motherly cunt as possible. For one almost indescribable moment, it seemed as if our mutual orgasm would never end -- sweet pleasure etched on Mom's face as the intensity of my orgasm almost made me fall to my knees.
As we finally began to come down, Mom burst into tears, hugging me and then showering my face with kisses before sobbing in a voice full of heartfelt love, "I love you, son. Oh, how I needed this!"
At the end -- we burned the casserole, but ate it anyway -- our appetites spurred by the fuck of a lifetime. We sat there, Mom, naked and in my lap as she spoon fed me the pasta and burger combination, laughing and giggling as she squirmed on my lap, legs dangling on either side of me, her bare pussy leaking semen and rubbing so wetly and deliciously against my semi-erect cock until I was once again erect -- my long hard pole sticking up between us, smearing her tummy with precum as she hunched against me.
Food was forgotten as our lust kicked in once again and with her lower lip pooched out in a sexual pout and looking at me with utter lust, Mom rose up and impaled herself on my cock. As her arms came around me, I cupped her ass cheeks and with a grunt, stood up. Mom wrapped her legs tight around my hips and, joined cock and pussy -- I walked us upstairs to her bedroom.
I had been heading towards my room when Mom looked at me with her eyes hooded sluttishly and hissed. "Fuck me in my bed, John. I've waited my entire married life to be given an orgasm in my marriage bed and if my husband can't do it, I know my son can!"
So it was that I came to lay my mother back on the bed she had shared with Dad for nearly two decades and with her legs wrapped around my back, fucked her amidst the wreckage of their marriage -- things he had discarded in his rush to leave lying on the floor and the smell of his old aftershave -- English Leather, still evident on the room and I felt proud that I had taken his place -- all the grief I had felt at Mom's disappearance and my dismay and anger as I saw Dad ignore her obvious need for help being wiped away with every stroke of my cock into Mom's hot and tight pussy.
Each kiss my mother and I shared as our bodies came together in soul shaking thrusts seemed to reshape and rebuild who we were -- redefining our mother and son relationship and expanding it to incorporate the reality that we were lovers, our incestuous lovemaking healing Mom's troubled heart and making mine complete. We writhed and rolled about on the bed, insatiable in our desires to feel and experience each other -- fucking as if we'd been joined cock and pussy for ages, seeming to know each other's needs and desires on an instinctual level -- our relationship as mother and son making our relationship as lovers that much more wonderful.
Mom's screams of orgasm became more cries of pure pleasure and happiness rather than sobs of pure sexual needs. When I began to cum in Mom's pussy again, we were both weeping with absolute joy -- intoxicated in the knowledge that we had in becoming lovers, found our purpose in life...our place in the universe.
As we fell asleep in the aftermath of a wonderful night of incestuous fucking, arms and legs still wrapped tightly around each other, we slipped into slumber feeling utterly safe and loved as we had never felt before.
We strolled into the office building of Doctor Deschane's offices were, hand in hand, Mom's face holding a glowing smile that made her seem more lovely than might seem possible. I was very much aware that many men's heads turned as we passed, dazzled at the beautiful, sexually radiant woman that was my mother.
It had been a good morning, started with an exiquisite bout of sixty-nine that had begun when Mom woke up to discover me licking her pussy and evolved into her climbing atop me, her dripping wet cunt grinding into my face while her lips slid up and down my throbbing cock, her tongue an insanely sweet torture as it writhed around the head of my swollen penis.
It had gotten better when the lawyer my employer, Tony Giatano, had helped us retain, called to report his meeting with Dad and his lawyer had left my father shaking and appalled and conceding defeat on most of his plans to take everything he and Mom had owned. It seems after our lawyer painted a vivid picture of how he'd portray Dad as an unsympathetic bastard who'd refused to help his deeply troubled wife after her awful ordeal, Dad's lawyer threatened to abandon the case unless Dad caved in. Mom didn't want to take Dad to the cleaners, but she did want some she would now have.
We walked into Doctor Deschane's office -- our smiles testifying to how happy we were in taking her advice. Mom's psychiatrist looked as stunning as ever, today wearing a burgundy sweater dress that rode high on her thighs and clung to every curve, emphasizing her luscious breasts and figure. She was wearing her glorious hair down, framing her lovely face -- green eyes almost glowing with pleasure.
Doctor Deschane noted our joined hands and the smiles on our faces and said, "So, I see that John has taken control of the situation and the healing has begun."
Mom blushed as she nodded and said, "My son is a wonderful man. He's a wonderful lover and if might call him so, a wonderful master!"
"I'm so happy for you both," replied Doctor Deschane. She focused on me. "Any guilt or reservations about the role you've taken on as your mother's lover, John?"
I felt my face begin to burn...after all, it wasn't everyday you were able to talk with another person about fucking your mother. "No...still seems almost like a dream, but a great one." I squeezed Mom's hand, my cock stirring as she gave me a motherly, loving smile in return. "Mom's seems so happy and the last few days have been almost heaven."
Doctor Deschane seemed pleased as she responded, "A most therapeutic solution, albeit extreme. Your mother and I had talked at length about her experience and her desires and while she yearned for your father to be understanding and step up and be there for her, there was also her constant referral to you as more understanding and loving and she faced down her fear and confusion as well as all the societal taboos to bravely confess her attraction to her son and how her urges for you were almost as strong a motivator as to continue the sexual pleasure she learned while the captive of Darren Jones." She gave us both a big smile as she said, "Incest isn't the normal avenue for any psychiatric treatment, but in this case, I think it is the correct one.
"Yes!" Mom and I replied together before we all shared a laugh. I leaned over in my chair and kissed Mom, allowing Doctor Deschane to see our obvious love for each other as our tongues darted and danced for several seconds.
When we were finally sitting back in our chairs, our smiles a mixture of embarrassment and happiness, Doctor Deschane studied us for several seconds -- obviously aroused, her breasts heaving enticingly under her sweater dress, - thick and erect nipples pressing boldly against the jersey cotton material. "I confess a bit of envy at your relationship," she began. "And I envy the road that I have faith that you two will travel as we continue to help Cassie recover."
I think I might have looked a little surprised at her statement and the doctor looked at me with a keen and mysterious expression. "Yes, John...your mother's recovery is just beginning. We have much still to cover about what your mother endured in her captivity." She turned her gaze to Mom and said, "Isn't that correct, Cassie?"
Mom licked her lips and said softly, "Oh yes. Where should I begin?"
Doctor Deschane looked down at her notes and then looking up at us both, smiled somewhat evilly and replied, "Why don't you discuss how Darren Jones shared you with some acquaintances?"
That stunned me -- the first time I had had any inkling that in the years she'd been gone, there might have been more than one person involved. Certainly I'd never even heard a hint of it from Dad or the authorities. "Mom?" I asked, the surprise evident in my voice.
Mom shivered, her hand tightening around mine as she began, "I'm not sure how long I'd been Darren's love slave -- many months I guess, but one day he'd had me on the A-Frame and he brought in a woman -- tall and big, like an Amazon, naked, her big breasts like massive gourds sitting upright on her chest and such a hairy pussy. She had a handsome face, so much like that Greek woman reporter on the cable news. Darren said it was time for me to learn to enjoy the touch and taste of a woman." She stopped and shivered, her free hand sliding down between her legs, unthinkingly tugging at her skirt as if she was trying to get to her panty-less pussy.
In the gap of silence that ensued, Doctor Deschane leaned forward, her breasts straining against her thin, jersey list and said huskily, "And did you? Do you enjoy the touch and taste of pussy?"
Mom squeezed my hand and with difficulty, I shifted my gaze from my mother, her hand rubbing her exposed and very wet cunt, to see the hungry gleam in Doctor Deschane's eyes and I realized that the doctor was quite correct. Mom's recovery was just beginning and my part in it was going to be an exciting journey. I beat my mother's psychiatrist to the punch and said, "Tell me about it, Mom. Tell me everything."
The End