Page 02
"I know." Cassie said, grabbing her backpack and stomping away.
Garrett couldn't help but stare at his mom's silky tan legs as he watched her talk to his father on the phone.
"I know honey and I knew you wouldn't like it, but Doug it's just the way it has to be right now. I'm sorry," she said, then turned towards her son, leaning back against the sink.
"Anyway, I gotta go...poor Garrett's been sitting here waiting patiently. I'll call you this you too...bye."
Kristen smiled and strolled towards her son. "Well that went over like I thought it would."
"Mom, I've been and Dad's bed is huge. Is it even gonna fit in my room?" Garrett asked.
Kristen smiled and brushed bangs out of his eyes with her nails. "Well, it might be ALL bed in there when we're finished, but we'll make it way or another."
A little while later Garrett and Kristen wrestled the giant top mattress down to their tiny bedroom.
The big busted mom giggled as she nearly fell over maneuvering it onto the box spring. Once in place she fell back onto the mattress with a big SIGH.
"My God this bed is a monster," she said, crawling to the center of the mattress.
"I still can't believe we got it in here." Garrett said.
Kristen padded the bed beside her. "Come rest with me a minute."
"Sounds good to me." Garret said, crawling onto the mattress and sprawling out onto his back.
Kristen nuzzled close, draping an arm and legs across him. Garrett let out a tired breath and his mom lifted her head to look at him.
"You okay?" She asked.
"Yeah, why?"
She got a playful smile. "Just making sure. Last time we were like this you were sprouting quite the piss hard-on," she said with a little grin.
"Jeez, Mom," he blushed.
"Well, you were...then you were trying to act like I couldn't see it."
"I'm just happens."
Kristen burst out giggling. "I'm just teasing you, sweetheart. It really doesn't bother me. Erections are a natural function of a boys body and remember, we're roommates now, so I don't want you too feel like you have to hide it every time it happens okay?"
Garrett nodded, still a tad embarrassed.
"Hey..." Kristen said, gazing down at him with those brilliant green eyes. "I mean it...we're sharing a bedroom, sweetie, which means we're gonna see things. Things that we probably wouldn't normally see. Just promise me you won't be embarrassed when it happens okay?"
Garrett nodded with a smile. "Okay."
"Good, cuz if you do get embarrassed...I'm gonna TICKLE you," she said, then dug into her son's ribs.
Garrett laughed and flopped around, trying to escape his mom's fingers.
Kristen pulled him back down onto his back, then threw her leg across his lap and mounted him. Garrett thrust his hips over and over, trying to buck her off.
Kristen giggled as she rode his teenaged loins. Her big mature tits jumped up and down under the tube top. The hem crept down and her jugs nearly spilt out.
Garrett stopped bucking and had an astounded smile. "Mom, you're gonna lose your top."
She didn't pull it up, but grabbed his hands and pinned them back against the mattress. "That IS a possibility."
With his Mom leaning forward Garrett was exposed to an obscene amount of cleavage. "What's that suppose to mean?"
Kristen gazed down into his eyes with a quirky little smile. "This is my bedroom too remember? So if my boobs fall out of my top while I'm tickling you...then I guess you're just gonna have to deal with it."
"Deal with this," he said, quickly rolling his mom over onto her back.
Kristen let out a playful SCREAM and found her son on top of her. She immediately brought her naked legs up and wrapped them around him.
When they both stopped giggling they found themselves sharing a prolonged gaze. The seeds of forbidden desire were just starting to sprout and they were both feeling it.
Being this close and flirty with his own voluptuous middle-aged mom was an absolute rush for young Garrett.
For Kristen, having her own innocent teenaged son between her legs was absolutely exhilarating.
Garrett slowly pried himself out from between his mom's legs and off the bed, trying his best to conceal his growing erection. "I guess we should get back to work huh?"
Kristen rose up, resting on one elbow and stared at him with a naughty little smile. "Get back here," she said softly, beckoning him with her finger.
Garrett gazed a her a second. Her long luscious legs were stretched out and her tube top pulled nearly off, revealing the tops of her enormous breasts.
Garrett crawled back onto the mattress and Kristen guided him back down between her silky legs. Again she threw them up around him, this time criss-crossing her ankles together above his ass, locking him in.
She could feel the obvious bulge resting against her. "We're not gonna be embarrassed, remember?"
"Yeah, yeah...I remember." Garrett said, still somewhat timidly.
"You're not gonna try and hide it anymore, right?"
Garrett nodded.
Kristen giggled, lifted her head and planted a quick kiss on his lips "Thank you," she whispered, then unlocked her legs and watched the cute teen squirm away.
Before noon Kristen and Garrett were able to get most of her things moved out of the master bedroom, but their new bedroom was now a disorganized mess.
Garrett came down with one of the final boxes from his mom's closet. "Hey Mom, what's this? It's a box that says 'honeymoon' on it."
Garrett handed her the box. Kristen placed it on the bed and opened it. "Oh, these are things from the honeymoon your father and I took to Mexico."
"Oh, like stuff you guys bought there?"
"Yup" she answered, thumbing through the items.
"That looks like a bikini." Garrett said.
Kristen lifted a skimpy pink string bikini from the box. "It's the one I wore on the beach practically the entire time we were down there."
Garrett stared at the tiny patches of fabric. "No way that thing's a bikini," he said jokingly.
"Do I have to prove it?"
Garrett knew his answer, but he didn't wanna seem too excited. "If you want to I guess."
"Well if I try it on I'm gonna have to do it before your sister gets home. It's not the kinda thing I'd want her seeing me in."
"I was just kidding, Mom. You don't really have to. " Garrett said, a little surprised that his Mom took his joke so serious.
"No, I don't mind. I've been wanting to try it on again anyway. Just do me a favor and lower the shades. We don't need the nieghbors seeing me parade around in this thing." Kristen said with a giggle.
Garrett's heart was racing. "Naw, I guess that wouldn't be good."
Kristen carried the bikini out of the room. "Back in a few minutes."
It was longest few minutes of Garrett's life. Finally, he heard his mom stepping up the hallway.
"Just remember, I'm a little chunkier now than I was at 18," he heard his mom say as she approached.
As Kristen rounded the corner and into the bedroom, Garrett literally felt his mouth fall open.
The skimpy two-piece barely covered her. Huge rolls of tit-flesh were spilling out everywhere. The bikini fit snug around her curvaceous middle-aged body and the bottoms were so tight that they literally molded around the grooves of her snatch. Her dark tan against the pink nylon fabric looked stunning.
With one leg cocked out in front of her, Kristen placed her hands on her hips and fed her son a playful smile. "Well, what do you think?"
Garrett could hardly speak. "I see now why you wanted to close the shades."
Kristen giggled, then turned, displaying her backside for the captivated teen.
"Oh wow." Garrett muttered.
They weren't g-string bottoms, but they were far from modest. Kristen's meaty ass cheeks literally spilt out from under them and put on display the type of ass that boy's Garrett's age dream about.
"Well, definitely more snug than it used to be." she said.
"Anybody home?" Came a female voice from the front door.
The voice startled Garrett, but Kristen seemed unphased as she looked out the door into the hallway. "Down here Momma."
Garrett gazed at his mom like she was insane. She smiled back reassuringly. "It's's just Grandma."
Dolores stepped into the doorway with a huge smile. She was a gorgeous 57 year old. An older version of Kristen, big tits and all.
"Well, look at you two. Having a fashion show in here are we?" Dolores said.
Kristen kissed and hugged her mom. "I was just trying on old bikini for Garrett."
"God, I haven't seen you in that since we shopped before your wedding. Honey, you look stunning."
"Thanks, Momma," Kristen smiled.
"And I'm sure my Grandson more than agrees, don't you handsome?" Dolores, asked as she stepped over and hugged Garrett.
"Yeah, hi Grandma."
Dolores eye-balled the huge bed that filled the room. "I was just on my way over to say hi to Doug, thought I'd stop by and see how the new bedroom was coming along."
"Well, everything of mine is moved out of Doug's room, now I just have to start organizing." Kristen said.
"Oh I think this room is going to be sooo perfect for the two of you...I really do." Dolores said, feeding her daughter a warm meaningful smile.
Kristen smiled in return. "I do to."
Dolores turned towards her Grandson. "And sharing that big fluffy bed with such a beautiful mother. How exciting."
This made Garrett smile and glance at Kristen, who fed him a loving wink.
Dolores glanced at her daughter's huge tits. "Honey, I hate to say it but if those boobs get any bigger, you're gonna topple right over."
Kristen's breasts jiggled as she laughed. "That's ok...I have a nice strong roommate to catch me if I do," she said, leaning against her son.
"Well remind me the next time you're over. I have a bunch of satin bras that are all 44 triple-d's. I never wear them and they might actually fit you now."
"Thanks, after I gave birth to Cassie I think I left Double-D land for good." Kristen said.
Dolores pulled a photograph out of the honeymoon box. It was a picture of Doug and Kristen, newly married and on a beach in Mexico. Doug was holding Kristen piggy-back style, her big bikini-clad tits were flattened against his back.
"What a happy memory." Dolores said.
Kristen smiled, gazing at the picture. "You should take it with you and show Doug. I don't think he's seen that picture in years."
"Wonderful idea, darling. I better head over there now and let you two love-birds get back to work."
Kristen walked with her Mom to front door. "Love you, Momma. Tell Doug I'll give him a call a little later ok."
Dolores left and Kristen sashayed back into her and her son's bedroom. "Well, I better get out of this bikini before your sister gets home. Will you do me a huge favor?" Kristen asked, batting her eyelashes.
"Sure Mom."
Kristen stopped in front of him and rubbed his shoulder tenderly. "Will you take your sister to ballet while your mom stays here and works her magic on our bedroom?"
"No problem, Mom."
She gazed up at him with love in her eyes. "You're so good to me. You know, with everything that's happened...I'd be completely lost without you."
For the second time that day they shared a deep passionate gaze. Kristen stood up on her cute little tip toes and brought her lips to her sons. "Thank you," she whispered.
She gave him a peck on the lips...then another...then another, gazing into his eyes and savoring his innocence.
They heard the SCREECH of breaks outside and Garrett's eyes got big. "School bus!"
Kristen gave him another quick peck. "Shit!" she giggled.
She started to leave, but then rushed back and gave her son more kisses, like a playful little schoolgirl. Both of them were laughing at this point.
"Geez, Mom."
Garrett watched her gracefully trot out of the bedroom, her big fleshy tits bobbling wildy under the flimsy bikini sling.
"Well, you look chipper today, son-in-law of mine." Dolores said as she entered Doug's hospital room.
"Chipper as one can be under the circumstances I guess." He smiled.
Dolores stepped over and sat on his bedside. "Well I just came from your place, Garrett and Kristen's room is looking wonderful. You should see them...they're so young newlyweds setting up their new bedroom together."
"I still don't think it's necessary," he said, shaking his head.
"You should be thankful. They're working their asses off today to make sure you have a comfortable room at home. I hope you appreciate the sacrifice that they're making."
"I'd appreciate being able to share a room with my wife."
Dolores glared at him. "Well, sweetheart, maybe you should have thought about these things before you went and played soldier and got yourself all banged up."
"Oh I'm sorry Dolores, I was out defending my country. What was I thinking," he answered sarcastically.
Dolores reached in her purse and pulled out the photograph. "Oh, before I forget I told Kristen I'd bring this over for you to look at."
Doug smiled when he saw the picture. He and his wife looked so young and happy in it. "It's our honeymoon. I haven't seen this picture in years."
Dolores gazed at her daughter in the picture. "Wasn't she beautiful and she still looks just as dazling in that little pink bikini. She was modeling it for Garrett when I got to the house."
"She was wearing that bikini? In front of Garrett?" Doug asked.
"Well Doug, maybe you've been too busy to notice, but Garrett isn't a little boy anymore. He's more than old enough to handle seeing a gorgeous big breasted woman in a skimpy bikini."
"Well yeah, but when the gorgeous women is his mother, then that's a different story."
"Well darling let's be realistic, Kristen may be his mother, but they're sharing a bedroom now. Garrett's probably going to be seeing her in all sorts of skimpy things and chances are there will be times he even sees her completely naked." Dolores explained.
"No, you're wrong. Kristen would never let that happen."
"Oh sweetie, I wouldn't be so sure about that. You and I both know that Kristen is completely comfortable with her body. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if young Garrett has already seen her in the nude."
Doug was getting a tad bit irritated at this point. "That may be the case, but I think she has a bit more modesty around her son than that."
"Well, I can tell you one thing for sure...that bikini she was wearing for him today sure wasn't covering much." Dolores countered.
"Yeah well, I guess I'll have to talk to her about that." Doug said.
Dolores giggled and rubbed her son-in-law's shoulder. "You do that, darling."
Late that afternoon Garrett arrived back at the house after taking his sister to ballet. He and Cassie entered the bedroom to find his mom straightening out one of her drawers. Other than that the room was finished.
Kristen turned towards her son with a smile. "Tah-dah!" She said proudly.
The bedroom was bright and feminine. There were a few floral arrangements here and there and big fluffy white down on the bed, with delicate lace.
"Wow, this looks great, Mom." Garrett said.
"You think so?"
Again, Cassie stuck out her bottom lip. "Noo fair, I want mom to share my room with meeee."
"Speaking of your room, it's a disaster, young lady...let's get it clean okay?"
"Can you help me?" Cassie pleaded.
"Go in and get started, I'll be in a few minutes to check up on you."
Cassie hung her head low and marched to her own bedroom. Grinning from ear to ear, Kristen motioned for her son to follow her to the closet. In the front half hung all of her clothing, but the back half, separated by a semi-transparent curtain divider, was Garrett's retreat.
"As promised, I left you a little man-cave," she said with a giggle.
"Sweet," he smiled, pulling back the curtain to see his little space, which was just big enough for his swing chair and a few other things.
"Guess what?" Kristen asked him, seeming anxious.
"Your Grandma offered to take Cassie for the night so you and I can go on a date."
Garrett gave her a strange smile. "A date?"
"Yeah, you know...dinner, maybe a walk along the beach. Come on, it's Friday'll be fun."
Garrett giggled a little and nodded. "Okay I guess."
Later that evening Dolores came to get Cassie and Kristen and Garrett got dressed up to go out. Since it was still warm out Garrett decided on a pair of khaki shorts and a polo.
Cassie rushed out the front door. "I'll be in the car Grandma."
"Okay, Pumpkin." Dolores said.
Dolores stepped up to her Grandson. "I think you've really made an impression on your mother here lately," she said, straightening his collar. "Boys who make an impression on their mother can sometimes find themselves on the receiving end of something very special."
Dolores gave him a smiling wink. "Have fun tonight...and don't be afraid to romance her."
Garrett was watching baseball in the living room when he heard the click of his mom's heels coming down the hallway.
"Ready to hit the town, handsome?" She asked.
Kristen sashayed towards her son in a black knit, stretch-fit mini-dress, which had a sleeveless, tie-back halter top. It looked as though it were sculpted around her curves. She had on a little make-up, but didn't need much. Her feet were arched in a dainty pair of black mini-platform leather sandals, with 4 ½ inch spiked heels.
Garrett's heart beat heavy as his eyes traveled from her sexy little feet up her smooth luscious legs.
"Wow, you look great, Mom."
She fed him a flirty little smile, raising one eyebrow. "You look pretty good yourself, Romeo."
Kristen took her son to a nice restaurant. A hot middle-aged mom out with an attractive teenaged boy resulted in more than a few whispers amoung other patrons.
"I saw them setting up for the tri-city carnival over at the fairgrounds today." Garrett said as they ate.
"Mmm, I love that fair. We should go this year." Kristen answered.
"Dad hates that fair. He says he doesn't trust all those creepy carny people that put those rides together."
Kristen took a sip up wine. "Well then your dad can stay home and you and I'll go."
Garrett chuckled. "And I'm sure Cassie will want to tag along."
"Well too bad. I'm sure she'll be going with her friends like she did last year. I refuse to listen to her or you dad whine every time you and I want to spend time alone together."
Kristen cell phone went off and she looked at it. "Speaking of your father...shit, I forgot to call him before we left."
Kristen answered and Garrett listened to her conversation while he ate.
"Hey, honey...yeah I'm sorry...things just got really busy. How are you doing?"
Doug sat in his hospital bed on the phone with the ballgame on. "Ready to get out of this damn hospital and eat some real food."
"I bet. Did they say what time they're bringing you home tomorrow?"
"No, they just said sometime in the morning. What are you guys up to tonight?" Doug asked.
"Well, right now Garrett and I are out to dinner at Seasons. Mom took Cassie for the night."
Doug seemed surprised. "Seasons huh, pretty expensive night out."
"Yeah well, Garrett's been a big help lately. I wanted to take him somewhere special."
Doug glanced down at the honeymoon photograph on his lap. "Well I heard he got to see his mom in a pretty provocative bikini today...wasn't that special enough?"
"Well I don't know...I guess you'd have to ask him how special it was." Kristen said, looking across the table and giving her son a wink.
Garrett took a bite of his dinner and seemed confused. "How special what was?"
Doug didn't seem amused. "Come on Kristen, do you really think that's something you should be wearing around him? I mean it's hardly modest even by today's standards."