Page 01
Moms Tag Along
"YOU WHAT?" Scott's mouth dropped open as he turned upon his friend.
If he didn't feel stupid already, Lenny certainly did now. "Well, she really wanted to go so I said I'd take it up with the other guys."
"I don't fuckin' believe it!" Scott yelled. "You fuckin' moron!"
"Hey, take it easy. I'll tell her she can't come."
"Fat lot of good that will do."
"Tommy and Erik can't go so their Moms won't want to either."
"Yeah, and that means their kayaks are free too, pee brain, so your Mom will ask their Moms if she can borrow them for you and her."
"But I was going to use your Mom's."
"Not now. She'll want to use it herself so she can keep your Mom company."
"Yeah, Genius. Oh, YEAH!"
"Your Mom's not bad. I don't know why you're so pissed at her all the time."
"I told you I want to get away from her for a while."
"It's not her fault your old man left. Anyway, Mom said they'll probably get back together."
"You don't know fuck all about it!"
"They've been friends since high school and…"
"Fuck, Lenny!"
Scott gritted his teeth and looked skyward. Lenny cringed, realizing how pissed his friend was.
"Sorry, Scott. I guess I wasn't thinking. Mom was just so excited and, you know…"
"I know. Your Mom's a good shit."
"It's okay."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Scott insisted on driving his TJ which meant the mothers had to follow in his Mom's Honda Pilot. He ignored Lenny's pleas to slow down on the back roads knowing the gravel might chip the paint if his old lady tried to keep up. Occasionally, when the dust settled, he saw her in the mirror, close behind, and was pissed because he hadn't lost her. Two hours of rough road later they arrived at the launch point.
"Lenny! Why were you guys driving so fast?" Rita demanded.
Lenny tried to cover for his friend.
"Sorry, Mom but if we start too late we won't get to the first campsite before dark."
Rita looked at her watch and asked, "How far is it?"
"A few miles," Lenny answered.
"We can do that easy. It's only just past noon."
Rita was about to ask Laura if they should have lunch because she was feeling kind of peckish but Scott's Mom was already pulling gear from the Pilot. Scott was busy taking the inflatable kayaks out of the Jeep and Lenny was helping him. With a shrug, she went to help her friend, resigning herself to a hungry afternoon. To be safe, she stuffed some protein bars into the pockets of her lifejacket.
Lenny helped his Mom inflate and load her Advanced Elements Expedition kayak after doing his but Scott didn't assist his mother. Although she was quite capable of doing it herself she enlisted the help of two young fathers whose kids were paddling plastic toys nearby. Scott gritted his teeth and launched as soon as his kayak was loaded. Laura left soon after and tried to keep up with her son but tired after half an hour and slowed down.
Lenny caught up and kept her company. He had been following close behind, admiring the lithe body of his friend's mother. He had always had a crush on Mrs. Bento and her skin tight kayak suit kept his mind busy while she chased her son. He looked back to check on his own mother and smiled, knowing she wouldn't catch up too soon.
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Scott had the tent pitched and a small fire going when the three of them caught up at the first campsite. Two other groups were already there; a guy with his girl friend and two other guys on their own. The couple seemed relieved to see the two women. Scott rolled his eyes when his mother dismounted her kayak with feigned awkwardness to draw the attention of the two men. She kicked at the kayak with pretend feminine clumsiness and then stretched, lifting her arms to smooth her hair down her arched back. Lenny was also captivated, staring at her legs and taut ass, while the girl friend jabbed her boyfriend in the ribs and the two guys jogged onto the beach to offer their services.
That night Laura got the group to join around a single campfire to sing songs. Everyone enjoyed themselves except Scott who went to bed early. When the flap of his tent opened later that night he got up on his elbow and spoke as he turned.
"Did you believe that? Did you see…What the hell are you doing here?"
"Rita and Lenny wanted to share a tent."
"Yeah, sure."
"They did. That's why Rita wanted to come. She and Lenny have some things to sort out."
"Yeah, right."
"And I think we do too."
"No, we don't."
Laura kept quiet while she unrolled her mat and sleeping bag. Scott had turned to face the wall of the tent and pulled his bag up around his neck even though it was hot.
"What were you going to say when I came in?"
"You were going to say something but you changed your mind when you saw it wasn't Lenny."
"No I wasn't.
"Tell me."
"Oh for Christ's sake. I was going to say something about the production you made getting out of your kayak."
"What production?"
"You know what I mean."
"No, I don't."
"Acting like a helpless little girl so those guys would fuss over you, just like you did with those two fathers where we launched."
"I did not."
"You did so. You always do. You're always showing off for men. No wonder Dad left."
"I do not, and that's not why your father left."
Scott rolled his eyes.
"We need to talk about that," his mother snapped.
"No we don't."
"We do, but we'll wait 'til tomorrow when you've settled down."
"You can talk all you want. It doesn't mean I'll listen."
"Don't turn around. I'm getting undressed."
"Who cares? If you haven't noticed, there's no audience here."
Scott's nonchalance wasn't matched by his thoughts. He'd secretly watched his mother disrobe a few times and knew she'd leave the kerchief covering her tightly curled hair until last. Then, totally naked, she would tip her head and pull the hair down her back, raised arms lifting her small but still perky breasts. In his hiding place, Scott always started to come when he saw her nipples pointing skyward and had to cover his mouth leaving only one hand to massage his dick. Despite his current anger he pictured his mother undressing behind him in the darkness and his cock stiffened into a full erection.
Scott didn't answer.
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The next day, in defiance of her son, Laura did a full yoga routine in front of the two single men. They delayed their departure until she had finished and seemed reluctant to continue their journey.
Laura didn't try to keep up with her son that day, choosing instead to hang back to talk to Rita and Lenny. Lenny paddled behind the women so he could observe Laura discreetly. Twice, when his mother pulled ahead, Mrs. Bento stopped paddling to smooth her hair back and Lenny glided quietly off to the side to improve his view of the innocent but erotic act. When Rita turned to look her friend was paddling again.
Lenny was still sporting a huge erection when they stopped for lunch. Drifting offshore, he watched Laura get out of her kayak, focusing on the long legs that were so unlike his mother's. Not to say Rita wasn't attractive. She was short and petite with a narrow waist that made her hips and behind seem bigger than they were but she was attractive. If anything, she was prettier than Mrs. Bento but Laura had an innate ability to exploit what she had and that endowed her with a built-in sex appeal. Men had always been drawn to her and she used their expected attention to her advantage. Unable to leave his kayak, Lenny announced that he was going to explore downshore. He didn't return until his erection had subsided.
Later, after lunch, Rita held her son back.
"They have things to talk about, and so do we," she said.
Up ahead, Laura asked her son, "Why do you think your father left?"
"Because you're always flirting with other men."
"That's because your father likes to be with the woman other men want."
"You do more than flirt."
"What do you mean?"
"I saw you with Uncle Tony."
For once, Scott's mother was silent.
"You were kissing him."
"Tony kisses all the women, me included."
"You especially because you flirt with him so much."
"Tony has always been jealous of his younger brother even though he has the sports trophies and the business. Hell, he even married the prom queen."
"Yeah, well he got rid of her when she got too old. I liked Aunt Rose and now he's got that douchebag Rachel."
"Don't call her a douchebag."
"Slut then."
Laura laughed. "Okay, slut."
"Like you."
"Watch your mouth, mister."
"Why? Ever since she came along you've been letting Uncle Tony kiss you and touch your ass when Dad's not looking."
"You don't understand. Your father has worked for your uncle for years. He's paid very well and feels he owes him. A come-on from his older brother when he's had a few isn't a big deal."
"Yeah right. Dad thinks he owes his bigger brother so he turns a blind eye when he feels up his wife? Is that what you're trying to pass off?"
"Something like that. We're all adults and…"
"Bullshit! If that's true, then why did Dad leave?"
"Bullshit. It's because you're a slut and that's all there is to it."
Scott dug his paddle in deep and pulled away. Laura wanted to call him back but bit her lip. What he'd said was partly true but it wasn't the whole story. She hadn't realized he knew about Tony and that made things harder. Despite what he thought she loved her son and didn't want to lose him but was afraid to lose him if she told him the whole truth.
Farther behind, Rita was talking.
"Do you wish I looked more like Laura?"
"No, Mom. I like you just the way you are."
"I'm too short to have long legs like hers."
"Mom. You look fine the way you are."
"I think we should split up. They have things to sort out."
"About Scott's Dad."
"Yes. That's part of it."
"What else is there?"
"Never mind. It's none of our business."
"He's my best friend."
"Best friends don't have to know everything about each other."
"No, but…"
"Does he know everything about you?"
"I hope not."
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That night the four of them camped alone. It was hotter than the previous night and they stayed up to avoid the stuffiness of the tents but eventually Rita went to bed and dragged Lenny along. Scott thought his mother would start nattering at him again but she went to bed too. He finally succumbed and stretched out on top of his sleeping bag. It was so hot!
In the middle of the night he got up to take a leak. He re-entered the tent with his flashlight still on. It flickered across his mother but he managed to shut it off before she woke up. He settled down on his sleeping bag and faced the wall of the tent. A few seconds later he got up on his elbow and twisted around. He turned the flashlight on.
His mother was lying on top of her sleeping bag wearing nothing but a pair of white panties. She was lying on her back with arms stretched up behind her head, as if to smooth her hair back. Scott kept the light away from her face to avoid waking her but close enough so he could see her tits. It was much better than those times, long ago, when he used to spy on her. She was so close!
Her nipples were a dark, reddish brown and even while sleeping they stood up almost half an inch. Scott turned the light lower, revealing her tummy and navel, and lighting up the white panties. Her prominent mound protruded beneath the slight pout of her belly like a firm mole hill. Her legs were slightly parted and that produced a hint of a cleft running down the lower center of the panties. Scott leaned closer for a better look, his free hand automatically covering the bulge in his shorts.
"Scott. Turn out the light and go to sleep."
Scott was startled but too mesmerized to immediately comply. Oblivious, Laura turned onto her side and twisted halfway onto her stomach without opening her eyes. The light now shone directly on her ass, only half covered by the white panties. Scott gawked at the crack emerging from the waistband and the intriguing meeting of bulging cheeks and thighs. He loved the way the panties stretched tightly across the divide between her buttocks.
"Scott," his mother repeated. "Go to sleep."
Scott clicked the flashlight off but continued to stare into the darkness at his mother's ass. He hadn't realized how perfect her ass was, rising up to form two over-ripe pears and then diving down into the dark gap between the thighs that hid her pussy. He stayed up on his elbow until it trembled, unable to hold his weight any longer, and slumped down onto his side. His hand clutched his cock which had somehow fallen out of his shorts. He could still visualize the twin pears and that drove his hand to lazily stroke his cock. No wonder men always turned to look when she walked by.
Scott sighed and turned onto his back. He had always thought his mother took Uncle Tony's constant flirting in stride but he couldn't deny what he'd seen two months ago.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Scott had descended the stairs unannounced. Obviously his mother didn't know he was home because she was on her knees in front of Uncle Tony giving him head in the kitchen. He was so shocked he stopped breathing. They were too caught up in what they were doing to see him. His fat uncle's cock was bigger than Scott's own meat. He felt sick watching it slide in and out of his mother's mouth, a big left hand resting on top of her head urging it on and preventing it from slipping off when she pulled back to gasp for air.
"That's it, baby. Take it all. Rachel can't but that big smile of yours makes it a snap, doesn't it?"
Uncle Tony threw his head back and laughed. Scott's mother gurgled something unintelligible and that made him laugh again.
"That raise for Nick was worth every penny. You got some mouth, babe. Too bad he doesn't know how to use it but then I guess he'd be kind of lost in a big mouth like yours."
Uncle Tony laughed loudly and Laura gurgled angrily. She tried to pull off but he put his other big mitt behind her head to stop her.
"I was just kidding. Come on, now. You know I love Nick. He's my favorite little brother. Hell, if you take it all I'll give him another raise to boot. Another ten grand. Shit, with that you can get Scott started in med school."
Another gurgle from his mother.
"Hell yeah I mean it. Give it a shot. Just relax your throat and push it on. I'll hold still for you."
Uncle Tony dropped the hand holding the back of Laura's head to hold the root of his prick and she pushed forward, gulped, drew back, sucked in air, and pushed back onto his meat, her head quivering as her lips nibbled their way down his shaft.
"Oh God, Laura, that's great. Don't stop, hold still. Ahhh, Jeez."
Scott gawked and his jaw dropped. His mother's nose was buried in his uncle's thick pubic hair and her head shook on his throbbing dick until he let it go. She sprang back and gasped for breath, drool seeping over her lips.
"Do it again, babe."
Scott couldn't believe it when his mother pushed her head back onto his slippery, gooey dick.
"Oh yeah, that's great. See it's easier now. Once you've done it…Oh sweet Jesus, mother fucking Christ that's good."
"Ohhh, ahhh, mother fucker, uh, uh, Jesus. Yeah baby, you got it. Another ten grand for Nick, just don't stop, don't stop."
For a minute the room was filled with loud slurping sounds and then his uncle yelled.
"Oh GOD!"
Scott jerked back, out of sight, but stayed within earshot.
"Sorry, babe. I didn't mean to do that." He laughed. "But you brought a huge load on. I couldn't help it. You're the best, the absolute best! I can hardly wait 'til next time."
Scott's mother said something he couldn't make out because it was drowned out by water splashing in the sink.
"No way. A deal's a deal. Five times and that's only twice. Nick will get the full twenty grand but I get three more times and it's down the throat from now on baby."
Laura mumbled something that sounded like assent.
"Don't take it like that baby. Admit it, you liked it, I could tell."
Another unintelligible, more aggressive mumble.
"Bullshit. You can't suck cock like that if you like it. And I'll tell you something else. The last time I'm putting the full load on your face.
This time the answer was clear.
"No fucking way!"
"Hey baby, this time was an accident but you tried to renege on the deal and for that you gotta pay. On the face or Nick doesn't get the twenty."
Back to mumbling again.
"What's that? Speak up."
"I said OKAY!"
"That's better. Hell baby, if you let me into that little honey pot of yours I'll pay for Scott's entire tuition. You'll like getting some real meat into you for a change. I'll make your toes curl, you can bet on that."
"No way!"
"Just think about it. Scott could be a doctor instead of a mousy accountant like his Dad."
"Get the fuck out, Tony!"
"Okay, okay. I'll see ya next Thursday. Hey, you really ought to think about working for me on Fridays."
"Just go, Tony."
"Okay. Thursday. Hoo yeah!"
Scott had withdrawn to the top of the stairs just in time because Uncle Tony exited the kitchen and whisked out the door, whistling. His mother came upstairs right after and the shower started within a minute.
Shit! His mother wasn't just a cheat or a slut. She was a whore!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Scott's eyes snapped open and he shook his head. He had fallen asleep remembering that first time when he caught his mom and his uncle. He didn't know why he hadn't told his mother what he'd actually seen instead of saying he only saw them kissing. Though it was still pitch black his mother's breathing indicated she was asleep. He fumbled for the flashlight and turned it on, being careful to hold the lens in his hand so it wouldn't spill too much light.
She was on her back. Carefully, Scott let enough light spill to reveal her tits. He pointed the flashlight lower and removed his hand, watching her face for reaction. Her breathing remained even. He had to agree with his uncle about her full, pouty lips and big smile. He pictured his cock slipping between those lips and his hands holding her head until her nose smashed into his pubic hair instead of his uncle's. He groaned and grabbed his cock, dropping the flashlight.
He had missed the Thursday meeting for his uncle's next scheduled blowjob and therefore didn't know when the next one was. So he waited upstairs, quietly, every night for a week until his uncle finally came. As promised, he unloaded his thick creamy jism all over his mother's face.
It made Scott sick to his stomach. He hated her guts! To do that to his Dad, and herself. But, sick as he was, his cock hardened, harder than it had ever been. He couldn't sleep for two nights for thinking about shoving his cock into her mouth and he hated her for it. What a slut she was!
Now he shone the light on the white panties, holding steady on her mound. Just like her ass, tits and legs it was eye-catching. If her face was as pretty as her body she could have been a movie star.
Scott held the flashlight close and ran it up and down her legs, slowing to execute a U-turn on her panties. He repeated this six or seven times, turning slower and slower at her panties, until he simply stopped there. It had to be his imagination but he was sure her breathing had changed, becoming slower but shallower too.