Page 02
Keeping the lens close to her body to avoid flashing her eyes, Scott trailed the flashlight across her abdomen, circling her tummy in concentric circles until it centered on her navel. He imagined his fingertips replacing the light. On a sudden impulse, he flicked the light up to her tits and circled them until the light held steady on her right nipple. He waved the light back and forth, flicking it with luminescence.
Her breathing had definitely changed! And the nipple was hardening! Score!
Her right nipple tightened and extended past half an inch. Scott moved the light to the left nipple which was still relaxed and repeated the light play. It took a couple of minutes but then that nipple began to visibly stiffen. Scott was thrilled.
He played the light up and down his mother's body, all the way to her toes and back to her breasts, swinging from one nipple to the other. He circled her navel and then brought the light to bear on the white panties again, on that gorgeous mound. He wiggled it from side to side, then moved it slowly up and down where the crevice between her lips should be, somewhere underneath. Her breathing softened and her thighs trembled, then quivered. She sighed deeply and Scott snapped the light off. She remained still and her breathing continued so he turned it back on and shone it on her mound again.
For five or ten minutes Scott was fixated on moving the light around and around on his mother's white panties. It was a while before he noticed the odor. He leaned close and sniffed. She was creaming!
Scott drew back and looked at the light. Sure enough, he could see the definite outline of her pubic lips beneath the white cotton panties. They had become damp and now outlined the pussy underneath, the cleft visibly defined whereas before it was muted by the thick gusset.
On another impulse, Scott moved the flashlight away and then closer, keeping the beam centered on his mother's damp cleft. He repeated this twenty or thirty times and was rewarded by almost imperceptible movements. Her thigh muscles tensed and relaxed which caused her hips to flex and that in turn moved the white panties up and down, all in time with the movement of the flashlight.
As Scott fucked her with the light her hips and thigh muscles responded, her mound thrusting to and fro in concert with the light. Her breathing quickened and the tent filled with the smell of her musky odor. Her upper lip, covered in beads of sweat, folded tensely over the lower one. She sighed and emitted soft moans. Occasionally her mound snapped up hard and the moans gave way to sharp grunts which started to happen more often. Shortly after her breathing became very ragged her hips jerked frantically and his mother's hands, which had been tucked behind her head, flew down to cup her mound. Scott snapped the light off.
"Ohhhh, my God. Ohhh, ohhh, uhhh, huh, huh, huh, ohhhhhhhh."
The sounds dwindled until the tent was blanketed by silence.
"Scott? Are you awake?"
Scott breathed as evenly as he could in the tense, musky air.
"Thank God. Jesus, Laura."
Scott heard his mother turn over but he remained still, breathing evenly until he heard his mother doing the same. He didn't have the courage to turn the light on again even though he knew the sweat-dampened panties would reveal much more of her luscious ass.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The next day, Rita ripped the hull of her kayak on the sharp, stubby branch of a sunken log. Fortunately, they were close to shore and the nice white sand beach that was their destination for a lunch break.
"How the hell did you hit that? The water's crystal clear," Lenny complained.
"I didn't see it," Rita answered.
"How could you miss it?"
"I just didn't see it," his mother snapped.
"Jesus, Mom."
"It's no problem," Laura said. "We'll patch it and move on after it dries. We can stay here tonight. It's nice."
"No," Rita objected. "You and Scott go on. Lenny and I will catch up."
Lenny looked disappointed.
"We'll wait for you and go on together," Scott said.
"No," Rita insisted. "Lenny will stay with me and you go on. We'll catch up."
Scott started to argue but his mother interjected. "Okay, Rita. That's what we'll do."
They had lunch and then Laura patched the kayak.
"Hold it here for at least fifteen minutes," she told Lenny. "It should be set well enough to use in a couple of hours." She looked at Rita. "Maybe more. We'll wait for you."
"Okay," Rita said. "We'll catch up."
Scott and Laura pushed off and paddled away.
"Why didn't we just wait?" he asked his mother.
"Because Rita obviously wants to be spend some time alone with Lenny."
Scott didn't argue. Yesterday he hated the idea of being alone with is mother but after last night he had warmed up to it. He trailed behind her, watching, as Lenny had done. When she stopped to take a drink, she lifted her arms to squeeze her hair back and Scott appreciated the lift it imparted to her breasts. He remembered how her nipples had stiffened under the light and could hardly wait to get to the next campsite and into the tent. He was eager for another light show.
They had been paddling for about an hour when Laura suddenly stopped and leaned forward in her kayak. When Scott came up beside her he saw she was crying.
"What's wrong?"
Instead of answering, she sniffled. Normally, Scott would have paddled on but now he wanted to make up for being such a prick. He put his arm around her and asked again what was wrong. He liked holding her.
"It looks like something's bothering you."
"No, it's just that, well…Do you really think I'm a slut?"
"What? No. I was just mad and wanted to hurt your feelings, that's all."
There was a pause in the sniffling.
"Cause I would really hate it if you thought…"
"Don't even think about it, Mom. I didn't mean it."
"I know I flirt and show off but your father really does encourage it. He always has, too much, and that's why we've split up for a while."
"I understand."
"No, you don't, but if you knew the truth you might hate me even more."
Laura straightened up and shook Scott's arm off. She pushed her kayak away from his and paddled away, leaving Scott staring after her, confused.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
They reached the end of the lake and threaded through the grassy banks of the narrow channel leading to the next lake. Scott was glad they didn't have to portage. An hour later they reached the small island which had two campsites, one on each side. They made for the one on the right.
His mother must have still been upset because she floundered getting out of her kayak and fell in the water but got up on her own. Scott climbed to the ridge dividing the islet and, looking over the rail fence dividing two campsites, was pleased to see the other side was empty. He returned to inform his mother.
"Should we leave one of our kayaks on the other side so they'll know we're here in case they go the other way?" Scott asked.
"Why not?"
"Because they know this is where we'll be."
They set up camp in silence. Afterward, Laura changed into an old one-piece bathing suit she only wore around the house for tanning. The material was worn and thin with a tiny hole near the bottom of the left buttock, unsuitable for public use but good enough for camping. The back was open to the small of her back and clung to her buttocks, doing more to advertise than disguise their alluring shape.
Scott watched his mother. Even here, alone on the island, her movements were languid and seductive. She lifted her arms to pull her hair down her back and walked with an extra kick to her hips despite the fact he was the only male present. He decided that he had been unfair to her. She wasn't a hopeless flirt after all. Her movements were natural; it was just the way she was.
When she began eating protein bars instead of preparing dinner, Scott did the same. She climbed up to the ridge and hung her kayak suit on the rail to dry and then continued on to sit on the shore of the other campsite to watch for Rita and Lenny. Scott followed her, wanting to continue their earlier conversation, consumed by the way the flesh of each buttock alternately bulged out of the bathing suit with each step.
It was a beautiful and peaceful evening and the sun was beginning to set when they sat on a log near the water. Scott didn't know how to renew the conversation they had started in the afternoon so he just blurted out what was on his mind.
"I wouldn't hate you," Scott broke the silence.
Laura knew what he was talking about even though several hours had passed since the topic had been dropped.
"You would."
"No I wouldn't."
"Yes, you would."
"This is silly. Look, you'll never know unless you tell me. I'm a grown up now, so tell me, even if I might hate you."
Laura sighed.
"I guess I've opened the can of worms, haven't I?"
Laura sighed.
"Okay. There's more to your father leaving than meets the eye."
"Yeah. You know your father has always encouraged me to look good and to flirt with other men?"
"So you say."
"Well, he has, from the beginning. It made him feel good to be the one going home with the woman getting all the attention."
"You never seemed to mind."
Laura nodded. "No, I didn't. We're both at fault but I'm not the one who pushed it too far."
Scott couldn't believe this. Was she really going to blame his father for her affair with Uncle Tony? Of course, she didn't know he knew about it and he wasn't sure he would admit knowing just to call her bullshit. But, wait a minute. Was she working up to confessing? Scott began to feel distinctly uncomfortable.
"Your father used to fantasize about letting some of the more eager suitors come home with us to party, and for us to have, you know, a threesome."
"I know. Old people having sex. Yuk! You think we're so square but we were young once. Anyway, we never did anything but the thought spiced up our sex life in our thirties when we needed a boost."
"Mom, I don't…"
"If you want to know the truth, just listen."
Scott shrugged, folded his arms over his bent knees, and stared at the lake.
"By the time we turned forty the fantasies had pretty much been forgotten, along with our sex life, but after your father turned forty-five he started in on me again. He was more serious this time. He wanted me to really do it with someone so he could watch."
Laura paused, as if expecting Scott to say something but he remained silent.
"I don't know if it was because I was doing yoga and looking better than I had for years or what. Anyway, he always needed me to prove my love and I thought that was what it was about so I played along. I suggested different guys, some we knew and others we just happened across when we were out for dinner or the bar or even going to a show. I was sure it was just a game we would play up once we got home but we didn't and our lovemaking as boring as usual which was disappointing because I was really worked up. All the talk about doing it with strangers had been put me on edge and I started getting urges to do it with strange men I saw in stores, on the street, even in the bank. I even started having thoughts about guys we knew."
Laura stopped, out of breath, and peered at her son but his gaze remained fixed on the horizon.
"Anyway, your father kept talking about it and when I said it would bother me to do it with someone else in front of him he said he didn't have to actually be there, we could make a video. I asked if he wouldn't be jealous and he said hell no, it was his idea. I said I really didn't want to do it but he pleaded with me. Life is passing us by, he said, and he was tired of being a boring accountant. Of course, I said he wasn't boring and I loved him and he said if I really loved him I would do this little thing for him. I said it wasn't a little thing and we argued about that but in the end I said I'd do it. To be honest, talking about it so much made it seem like not such a big deal and I was starting to get excited about doing something different, something—bad."
"Whew, that was a mouthful. Do you want me to go on or is this too yucky for you?"
Scott didn't answer.
"So I tossed out some names, thinking it would make your Dad angry and jealous and that would be the end of it. I didn't think he would really go through with it anyway but he took it seriously and considered each one. Still, he came up with reasons why they wouldn't do and that convinced me it was just a game. So I asked him who hell he thought it should be. Some stranger? And that got me thinking about the urges I'd been having. That's when I starting thinking for real that maybe it wasn't such a bad idea. Your father had started an itch and I needed to scratch it."
"Anyway, he said no. Well then, who, I said. And then he said it."
Laura paused, gave Scott a hard look, and then followed his gaze out to the horizon.
"He said, how about my brother?"
"I said, What, Ricky? He'd have a heart attack. He could never go through with it. No, he said. Not Ricardo, Tony."
"Tony! I said. Why Tony? Did he put you up to this?"
"He said no, it was his idea. Tony hadn't said a thing."
Scott was dubious. He remembered his uncle asking her to work part time for him on Fridays and three weeks ago his mother had started working Fridays to help clean up the sales records.
"So Dad left because you refused to do it with Uncle Tony?"
Laura's reply was muted.
"So why'd he leave."
"I said I would never do it with your uncle but your father insisted, said that Tony had always wanted me, and that he owed him."
"Because he got some big raises lately?"
"Partly. How'd you know about that?"
"Dad mentioned it," Scott lied.
"Oh. Well that and all the years he's been paid better than he should have been, along with the new cars and other perks. So, anyway, I said I'd give it a shot and see what happened but I wouldn't do a video. If it happened I would tell him about it and that would have to do."
"So you did it with Uncle Tony?"
"No, I thought we could pretend it happened to make Nick happy so I took a job Friday nights helping Tony at the office. That would set the stage for something to happen in a location under Tony's control. I talked to Tony and he agreed to go along with the pretense."
"Uh huh. I still don't see why Dad left."
"It seems there was more to it."
"Like what?"
"Rachel has been trying to get out of her pre-nuptial agreement with Tony. He's suspicious about her motives and so got her to help your Dad with some of the bookkeeping on Thursday nights."
"Thursdays?" Scott asked.
"Yes, Thursdays."
Scott nodded. Things were becoming clearer.
"So why'd he do that?"
"I guess Tony knew his brother was restless. He asked him to try to get Rachel in a compromising position so he'd have the goods on her for a divorce if he ever needed it. Your father leapt at the chance to be with a big-busted, younger blonde like Rachel. He asked her if she was happy and she said she was but the pre-nup bothered her. She said if Tony really loved her he would nullify it and asked Nick to help her convince Tony it was the right thing to do. But Nick held back and the next thing you know Rachel was showing him her plastic tits. They had been drinking and things got out of hand. To make a long story short, he and Rachel did it, just as Tony had planned."
"How do you know? Did Dad tell you?"
"No, Tony did."
"And you believed him?"
"He had a video. Several of them, in fact."
"So Dad left because he got caught doing Rachel?"
"Not quite."
"Mom, this is way too complicated."
Laura laughed and said, "The worst is yet to come."
"Go on."
"I got mad. Nick and I played games but we had never cheated on each other, at least, to my knowledge. Your father talked about getting someone to do me so he could watch and here he was doing his brother's wife. I was pissed, jealous, and hurt."
Scott thought she was playing it a little thick given she had been giving Uncle Tony blowjobs and probably before any of this had happened but he said nothing.
"So what did you do?" he asked.
His mother didn't mince words.
"I fucked your uncle. I actually did it."
Laura's voice caught and she hung her head, then lifted it and gazed at the lake.
"I let him fuck me," she repeated, more accurately. "One night we were working and Tony put this video on in his office. It was Nick and Rachel. I couldn't believe it. Clearly, they had been doing it for weeks and your father was absolutely fascinated with her big tits. I wish my wife had a set like these, he said. If you lick me, I'll let you fuck them, she answered. It was like a cheap porno flick. Every week, your father fucked her tits and she let him come on her face. Nick was ecstatic. Laura would never let me to anything like this, he said."
"Asshole!" Laura exclaimed.
"Asshole," Scott agreed.
Laura looked at her son and smiled but he didn't meet her eyes. Encouraged, she went on.
"Anyway, before I knew it Tony had his big thing inside me and I have to admit I liked it. I didn't want to. I've never liked him but he knows what he's doing and he's got the equipment and, of course, I wanted to get back at your Dad so I really gave him a wild ride."
"And I did. I did it any way he wanted it, again and again. He was insatiable and, God forgive me, so was I. I was so loud. It's so embarrassing, the things I said, the sounds I made. Oh, God."
Laura hung her head and put a hand to her forehead.
"Did Uncle Tony tell Dad?"
"Worse. He had a video."
"A video?"
"Yes. Your uncle recorded the whole thing. I should have realized, the way he kept positioning me, and especially after he showed me the ones of Rachel and Nick, but I thought it was just the way he liked to do it. He arranged me to get good shots for the camera, grabbed my hair to hold my head up from the desk to show my face. He showed it to Nick and, oh God, he could see how much I liked having Tony's big dick in me. That's why your father left. He could never make me come like that, could never get a look on my face like that, and the jealousy broke him. He ran away."
"Of course, it all worked out for Tony. He's got the evidence to divorce Rachel cheaply and he knew the video would break his brother. In his mind, I was left for the taking. He admitted he always wanted me but never knew what a good fuck I was, even better than Rachel. He said I'm the best he'd ever had and he wants me every night, not just on Fridays. Can you imagine, talking to a woman like that?"
Scott shook his head.
"So now you know the whole sordid story. Your father's a philanderer, I'm a slut, and we're both fools. We've ruined our marriage and should be ashamed of ourselves."
Laura looked at Scott as if realizing for the first time who she was spilling her guts to.
"And now I'm a shitty parent too for talking to you like this."
"So why did you tell me? So I wouldn't hate you?
"No. I'm sure will if you don't already. Tony said if I won't be with him he'll show you the video. I'm not going to do that so I wanted you to hear the truth from me, and I don't want you to watch that fucking video!"
Disgusted with the whole thing and knowing Scott now had good reason to hate her, Laura got up.
"I'm going to bed," she said.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Scott stayed up for another hour trying to digest what he'd heard. He believed her. Sure, she hadn't told him about sucking Uncle Tony's cock but she hadn't spared herself any blame. Furthermore, she had sucked Uncle Tony to benefit him and his father, not herself.