Update 01

Ajay saw his mother and father sitting at their table as he strolled across the room. Joining them, he grinned and sat down.

"I didn't think you were going to make it," his mother, Ekta, smiled back at him.

"Still have two minutes to go," he smarted back at her.

"That's my boy," his father said. "Always waits until the last minute."

"So have y'all been having fun?" he asked them.

"All kinds," his mother beamed back at him. "You?"

"Playing games. Glad I'm eighteen so I could have a couple of drinks."

Just then the DJ started the countdown.

"Ten-nine-eight-seven-six-five-four-three-two-one-HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE," he shouted as everyone was yelling and kissing.

His pretty Mom had grabbed his Dad, Prithvi, and planted a big, juicy kiss on his lips. Watching them kiss, Ajay felt a strange tickle of excitement course through his almost perpetually hard penis. Then, almost imperceptibly, he saw his mother slowly grind her groin into his father's groin. Another charge fired through his cock.

He could tell that his mother must have had quiet a few drinks by the way she was acting. She would never do anything so flagrant unless she was tipsy.

Finally, she broke their kiss and stepped back away from Prithvi. Turning toward Ajay, she gave him a tipsy little smile and leaned toward him. Then she gave him a soft, lingering kiss on the cheek.

"Happy New Year, Baby," she said softly.

"Uh, yeah, Happy New Year, Mom," he gulped as yet another jolt of electricity fired off through his cock.

With Auld Lang syne playing in the background, Ajay watched his father and mother hug again and then slowly dance away. Feeling a little lonely, and neglected, Ajay stuffed his hands into his pockets and slowly shuffled out of the ballroom.

Dejectedly, he took the elevator up to his room.

Inside, he took his clothes off and got into bed. Wondering if he should rent a dirty movie or not, he clicked the TV on and went to the erotic channel. Scanning through the selections, he didn't find anything that appealed to him so he flicked through the other channels and still didn't find anything he liked. Flicking the TV off, he lay in the dark feeling all alone and abandoned. A new year and here he was, lying in bed, alone while everyone else was partying the night away. Maybe he should get dressed and go back downstairs, he angrily thought. But to do what? Oh, to hell with it, just go to sleep, he muttered to himself.

The next thing he remembered was someone rattling the lock to his door.

What the hell, he groggily wondered, feeling a momentary rush of panic. Was someone breaking into his room? What would he do if they were? Then the door opened. There, standing in the doorway, silhouetted in the light from the hallway was his mother. What was she doing in his room, he wondered as he watched her weave into the room and slowly close the door behind her? She was obviously tipsy as she stood there in the darkness trying to get her bearings. He could just barely make her out in the darkness of the room as she groped her way toward the bed. What was she doing, he anxiously wondered?

Finally, she was standing by his bed.

Holding his breath, he watched on as she put her purse on the nightstand. He could hardly see anything except the faint outline of her body, but it looked like she was taking her dress off. Trying to focus on her, he suddenly saw her big, pretty tits spring into view, subtly highlighted in the darkness, as her dress dropped to the floor.

What the fuck, he frantically wondered as he watched her hook her thumbs under the waistband of her panties and bend over. Then she peeled her panties down her long, lovely legs.

Oh, my God, he cursed to himself as she stood back up. She was naked. His mother was naked, in his room, and standing by his bed. What was she doing? What was she going to do? He was in such a state of shock he couldn't breathe. He couldn't move.

Then, she slowly peeled the covers off him. Now what, he frantically thought as she slowly crawled onto the bed?

He felt the bed shudder as he watched his mother crawl over to him. The next thing he knew, she was between his legs. Then he felt her soft, hot hands on his already half hard prick.

"Mmmmmm," he heard her murmur as she lifted his penis off his belly.

He almost erupted right then and there as he felt his mother's full, hot lips close down around his cock.

His mother was sucking on his cock; he floundered in amazement. How could this be happening? He must be having a dream, he thought to himself as he reached down and pinched his arm. Ouch, he said to himself as a spark of pain shot up from his arm. It wasn't a dream. His mother was in his room, in his bed, lying on her belly between his legs, and sucking on his cock.

Happy, fucking New Year, he screamed to himself. He couldn't make out the features of mother's face in the dark, but he could feel her hot, wet mouth sliding up and down on his now, fully erect penis. What faint light there was glistened ethereally on her long, blond hair. Her long hair, soft and blond was about the only thing he could see as she hungrily sucked on his cock.

Finally, Ajay couldn't resist the urge to touch her. Reaching out in the dark, he dug his fingers down into her long, blond hair. Gripping her head, he gently pushed and pulled her head up and down as he lovingly fucked his mother's hot, sucking lips.

His eight-inch cock was now fully ripe and about to explode. He strained to hold back the impending eruption, wanting the wonderful thing that was happening to last as long as it could. Then, suddenly he felt his mother lift her luscious lips up off his jutting cock. Now what, he wondered in an ecstatic daze. He could barely see her, but as the bed shuddered and shook, he stared into the darkness and made out that she was now standing on her knees, straddling him with her pussy hovering just above his cock.

Oh, God, he feverishly thought, she was going to fuck him.

Trying to see, he concentrated totally and watched her slowly lower herself down. Then he felt her hand on his cock, lifting it and holding it up as her hot, meaty pussy descended down onto his cock. He almost shot his wad again as he felt the hot, sucking hole devour his cock, sliding down it all the way to its hairy hilt.

"Ummmmm," she murmured, wiggling her ass and twirling his big cock around inside her hot, clutching cunt.

Growing braver by the moment, Ajay slowly reached out and grabbed hold over her big, pert breasts.

"Uh-huh," his mother sighed as he began to squeeze and knead the soft, pliant flesh.

Then as he rubbed her tits, she began to work her hips back and forth fucking his cock with her fiery hole.

I've died and gone to heaven, he thought to himself as he savored the feel of his mother's tight, hot pussy sliding up and down his love-muscle. God, she so fucking tight, he groaned to himself as she busily worked her hips back and forth.

He could hear the bedsprings creaking and groaning as she fucked him faster and faster.

Then, all at once, she shoved herself down onto him, impaling herself all the way to the hilt on his fleshy harpoon.

"OH...God...oh...oh..." she groaned out, her body quivering as she ground her pussy down onto his jutting cock.

Ajay could feel her come as her cunt imploded down around his cock, sucking and clutching it furiously. Again and again, he felt the hot socket clench his cock and squeeze it as the contractions of her orgasm undulated through it.

His mother was coming. His mother was coming down around his cock, he deliriously thought. His cock had made her come. It was all just too fucking awesome, he told himself.

It took every ounce of will power he had to keep from firing off inside the fiery, clutching hole. But he wanted to save it for his turn.

At last, after twenty or thirty seconds, he felt his mother's cunt stop convulsing

Then with a grunt, she heaved herself up, jerking her pussy off his rock-hard prick. Crawling off him, she flopped down onto her back and threw her legs apart.

Scrambling up to his knees, he shuffled up between her long, shapely legs. Then he grabbed hold of his wet cock, and aimed it down between his mother's outstretched legs as she stared down at it.

Slowly, his giant prick head eased down into her waiting pussy.

"Mmmmmmmm" she mewed out, closing her eyes, and dropping her head back on the pillow.

As he pushed his cock deeper and deeper into her hot, sucking cunt-hole, she threw out her arms as if she were being nailed to a cross.

Finally, he let go of his cock, leaned forward and shoved his cock the rest of the way in. As his mother lay below him with her eyes closed, he kept his arms straight, hoping to keep his face as far away from her as he could and began to hump his cock into her hot pussy with a passion. He knew that he couldn't last long, but he was going to make the most of the incredulous opportunity to fuck his beautiful mother.

His hips were flying back and forth as they drove his cock in and out of his mother's gluttonous cunt.

Then suddenly, without warning, he felt his mother's body tense and her cunt began to furiously clutch and squeeze down around his pistoning cock.

"Oh...oh...oh...God, oh...again..." she gasped out.

Oh, Fuck, he groaned to himself, as he felt his cock explode down inside the sucking hole.

He was coming. He was coming in his mother's pussy. He couldn't fucking believe it, he feverishly thought as his monster spewed out its noxious load into his mother's hot, sucking cunt. Again and again, it bucked and spurted out gush after gush of thick, hot cum into her hungry pussy.

Finally, after what seemed to be hours, he felt his cock stop firing off inside her hot cunt. But, he didn't want to stop. He wanted to fuck her all night long. Slowly, lovingly, he slid his cock in and out of the cum-drenched socket of her pussy.

Strangely, his cock wasn't getting soft, he thought, as he lazily fucked her.

"God...duh...Ed...cock...idn't...getting' soft," his mother drunkenly groaned, squeezing it with her cunt.

She thought he was his father, he groaned to himself as he began driving his cock into her harder and faster.

"Yeah...fuck me...fuck me again..." she grunted, hunching herself back up at him. "Fuck me hard."

He did, pounding his cock into her with a vengeance. In and out, in and out it pistoned, churning cum inside her to a frothy broth. Five minutes later, he felt his mother rocket off into another orgasm, then again ten minutes later. Finally after fifteen minutes flew by he felt her blasting off for the fifth time as he furiously fucked her.

At last, he couldn't hold it back and the fireball inside his balls exploded into a million shards of pleasure as he emptied another load of syrupy, hot cum into her spasming cunt. He was coming in his mother's juicy, hot cunt. Again. Un-fucking-believable. Every time he felt his cock jerk and spew out another gob of his fiery cum, she clamped down on his cock with her cunt. Over and over again, he erupted, deep in the very core of her femininity, until he had no sperm-rich semen left to give her.

"Oh, Prithvi, that, that was wonderful," she cooed. "Never had that many 'fore. You takin' Viagra er somethin. It was hard so long. Wonderful"

After all the exercise, Ajay felt himself drifting off to sleep. But just as he was about to drop off, he felt the bed jiggle and shake as his mother got up. He could barely see her as she weaved her way over to the bathroom. Then he heard the door close. After a few seconds, he heard his mother peeing. When the lewd sound stopped, he saw the light come on through the crack under the door.

"OH LORD, WHAT IN THE..." he heard his mother groan loudly.

The light suddenly blinked out and he heard the door open.

"Why...why didn't say somethin'?" she cried out, hurrying across the room to the bed.

"I don't know," he muttered as heard her struggling with her dress.

"Horrible," she sobbed. "Just horrible."

"But, but you said..."

"Never mind what I said," she interrupted him, "Before...before I knew was you...don't...don't...ever...ever tell anyone bout this. Promise."

"I can't," he said. "I can't promise that now."

"Oh, God...please," she wept.

"We can talk about it tomorrow, or rather, later today," he said.

"Oh, Christ," she muttered. "Horrible, just horrible."

Bending down, she slipped her high-heeled pumps on.

"I don't know what to do," she whined, grabbing up her purse and groping her way over to the door. "It was just a terrible mistake..."

Throwing the door open, she stepped out into the hallway, but stopped. With her hand holding the door open she looked back at him, as he sat staring back at her. Neither of them spoke. Then after a few seconds, she slowly closed the door.

In a fuck-happy stupor, Ajay melted down onto his back with his arms behind his head. He had just fucked his mother, he smirked to himself. Fucked her and made her come five times. She had said it was wonderful. And it was, he laughed to himself. But, it was just the beginning. That was why he had not promised her that he would never tell anyone. He would use that as his hole card, pardon the pun, he laughed to himself. She would have to pay for his promise. Pay with her pussy, he snickered.

With happy thoughts about their future, Ajay drifted off into blissful sleep...

The next morning, he woke with a monstrous hard on. Happily, he remembered what had happened between him and his mother earlier that morning. Grinning, he reached down and wrapped his hand around the monster jutting up out of his groin. Jerking his hand up and down his cock, he reran the riotous chain of events through his head. He still couldn't believe it had happened.

Rolling over, he sat on the edge of the bed. Then, starting to get up, he looked down. Oh, my, goodness, he laughed to himself as he saw his mother's panties lying on the carpet by the bed. Smiling, he reached down and plucked the wisp of sheer, filmy cloth. His mother's panties, he smirked. She had left her panties in his room in her haste to leave. Now, now he told himself, he had the evidence if she tried to deny it had ever happened.

Now he could set his plan into action, he thought and lifted the dainty lace-edged panties up to his nose. Inhaling, he savored the rich aroma of his mother's pussy juices that still lingered on the sheer material.

At nine o'clock, he went strolling into the coffee shop where he was supposed to meet his parents. Seeing them sitting in a booth across the room, he jauntily sauntered over to their table.

"Happy New Year," he said, stopping and sliding in next to his mother.

"Happy New Year," his father smiled back at him.

"Uh, Happy New Year," his mother muttered back at him.

"What's wrong, Mom? Hangover?" he laughed.

"Yeah," she groaned.

"So, what did you do after you left us last night?" his father asked him sipping on a cup of coffee.

"Oh, I met a girl and we played some games," he smiled, rubbing his thigh up against his mother's under the table.

"Oh, and how did it go?" his father winked at him.

"Well, I won two games," he smirked, "but she won five. She said she really had a good time, so maybe I'll see her again. She lives here in town and I've got her number."

Looking over at his mother, he saw that she was as white as a sheet.

"Jeez, Mom, you look terrible," he grinned.

"I don't feel well," she complained.

"Do you want to go home?" his father asked.

"Yeah, if you don't mind," she whimpered.

"It's okay with me," he said, sliding out of the booth. "I'll go pay and meet you two at the car."

"Okay," she muttered as Ajay slid out of the booth and reached back to help her out.

Reluctantly, she reached out and took hold of his hand and let him pull her up to her feet.

Walking out to the car, Ajay reached over and tried to hold his mother's hand.

"You little smart ass," she sneered, jerking her hand away from his. "What are trying to do?"

"What?" he smiled coolly. "You're the one who started it."

"All you had to do was say something," she said accusingly.

"But I didn't," he said. "So that's all water under the bridge now. We did it. And I'm not ashamed of it. I thought it was awesome."

"Oh, God," she groaned. "I seduced my son and he thought it was awesome. What a fucking mess."

Stopping at their car, Ajay reached in his pocket and pulled out his keys. Unlocking the car, he opened the door for his mother. Then as she slid into the car, her dress rode up on her thigh revealing a brief flash of skin almost all the way up to her panties.

"Great legs, Mom," he said, closing the door before she had a chance to retort.

Popping the back door open, he slid in and plopped himself down on the seat.

"Remember that I'm still your mother," Ekta said, turning and looking at him over her shoulder. "And you're not to old for me to discipline."

"Huh," he snorted, digging into his pocket and pulling out her panties and waving them in the air, "I don't think so, Mom."

"You, you little ass," she sneered. "Give me those."

"They're mine," he smirked, wadding up the little fluff of cloth and shoving them back into his pocket. "They're my souvenir of an awesome night with a beautiful lady."

"Damn you," she cursed, jerking back around and staring straight ahead.

Just then, Prithvi came strolling up to the car. Opening the door, he slid in and started the car.

"I think I'm going to the Sport's Bar and watch the games this afternoon. Want to come along, Ajay?"

"Naw, I don't think so, Dad. But thanks for the offer."
Next page: Update 02