Chapter 01
I walked through the airport with my wife, and my heart filled with dread. The day had finally come when my Mother-in-law would be moving in with us. I had never even met the woman, but now she would be living in my house for the rest of our lives.
Let me back up and explain. My wife is a Vietnamese immigrant who came over when she was a teenager and lived with family here. She is a genius, certified in Vietnam apparently, and excelled in school, all while having to teach herself the language. She put herself through college and got her master's in engineering and then a job as a design engineer for a small start-up. That's where I met her.
I was hired at the firm as a system engineer, and on my first project, Hahn was my design engineer. For me, it was love at first sight, for Hahn I was just one more white guy flirting with the cute Asian girl. She is ten years younger than me and much as you might imagine a young Asian woman. She is 5' 4'' and very slim, with decent b-cup breasts, but her best feature is her ass. It is perfect. Every man who sees her agrees, there are few Asian girls with as perfect an ass.
It took me a few months to win her over, but eventually, we went out on a date. Hahn is reserved and shy, so it took a long time for her to open up. It turned out that she wasn't very experienced in bed. Our sex was good in the beginning, but she was never willing to try anything other than missionary sex, and she had a very low libido. Despite this, we both fell madly in love and got married two years later.
Hahn and her mom have a great relationship, but her mom was in Vietnam for most of her life. It took many years for the paperwork to be approved, but finally, she was able to move over here to the states, and since we had just bought our first home, a little four-bedroom house in northern California, the timing was perfect. Except for the fact that I was about to be living with a woman I didn't know who spoke a language, I could only understand a few words in, and most of those swear words.
So, I stood waiting at the bottom of an escalator, anxious as hell, as I watched people stream down. I had seen photos of Mai, but most were old and grainy. We noticed her step onto the escalator at the same time, but I suspect we both had different reactions. Hahn gripped my arm and jumped up in excitement, but I just stood there a bit stunned.
Her face was an older version of Hahn, thought her skin was beautiful still, but that's where the similarity ended. Where Hahn is slim of hip and bust, Mai is rounded. My mouth went dry as I saw her massive cleavage, hidden beneath a conservative sweater and jacket. That instantly made me think of Hitomi Tanaka, the Japanese porn star.
Then she was at the base of the escalator and Hahn, and she was hugging and crying, speaking over each other in Vietnamese. When Mai turned to me, her eyes lit up and took me in, pausing at my broad shoulders and bearded face as her smile widened. I tried to shake her hand, but she just pulled me into a tight embrace.
We got her luggage, which required several carts to get to the car and then headed home to a surprise party. Hahn had invited a lot of her friends from church and the local community to welcome her mom. Hoping she would make a friend or two to help her fit in. Everyone had brought dishes, and I'd made a pot of pulled pork with coleslaw and toasted buns.
I think Mai just wanted to go to bed and sleep after her long trip, but she put on a smile when she saw the party and was very gracious to everyone there. Hahn loves to entertain, so she was in her element bouncing from one group to another and keeping everyone entertained. I love to see her like that, so happy and flower-like, spinning around the room, all bright colors, and sweet smells.
The party was a great success, and I was quite proud of the food I had served, so I had a couple of glasses of wine. I didn't realize I was drunk until I walked to the bathroom and stumbled in the hallway wall. Before I knew it, Mai was at my side, helping me up and down to the bathroom. She was speaking, but I couldn't understand her words, I kept looking at her trying to puzzle out the meaning my mind and eyes kept wandering down to that expanse of marvelous cleavage that had been threatening to draw my gaze all day.
I suddenly realized that we were in the bathroom standing still and had been for quite some time. Somehow my hands had encircled Mai's slim waist, and she was pressed up close against my crotch, my hardness pressing itself against her.
As I realized our situation, my hands sprang from her hips, and I tried to step away, but her hands which had circled around me grabbed my ass in two handfuls, and she pulled me close to her, her eyes were closed, and she breathed heavily. For several awkward seconds, we stood like that, and just as I was about to say something, Mai began to shudder slightly against me, and her face flushed red, then she sagged. Her eyes opened and looked up at me. I thought to see fear or shame, but all she showed me was pure happiness and gratitude.
My drunken mind was still in a haze trying to process what had happened as she let me go, and quickly slipped from the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. But not before looking back in and giving me one final smile and a wink.
Once my raging hardon had died down, I pissed and then went about cleaning up after the party. Hahn said her mom had gone to bed early a combination of wine and too much jet lag. When we finally got into bed, I tried once again to get Hahn into the mood.
“Jesus Dave isn’t once a month enough for you?!” Hahn complained loudly when I pulled her close and let her know how excited I was.
“Just take care of it yourself and not in the bed like last time. You woke me up.”
I got out of bed, deciding I'd have a glass of wine and watch a little Sports Center to calm down. When I got to the kitchen, I found Mai sitting at the table, having a cup of tea. She looked up and smiled as I came in and stood to wave me to a chair, saying something in Vietnamese. Then she went to the liquor cabinet and pulled out my bottle of Jameson and poured a double shot worth into a glass, and brought it to me neat.
All I could do was smile at her in gratitude as I took a sip, Mai didn't move back to her seat, however, she rested her hand on my shoulders and began to give me a massage. Her small hands were sure and strong, and soon my stress was melting away. Combined with the whiskey, I promptly forgot the troubles with my wife and just enjoyed the moment. Soon I began to enjoy it a little too much, perhaps it was my frustrations from earlier, or maybe it was the feel of Mai's large breasts pressed against my back, but my body began to respond, and my shorts were so loose I didn't really notice. What drew my attention was Mai's sharp intake of breath and her hands stopping their ministrations on my shoulders. I opened my eyes to see the flagpole that had risen at my waist, and I looked up at Mai with embarrassment, only to find her eyes wide and mouth open as she stared openly at my hard-on.
I stood and turned from her, apologizing as I took my glass to the sink, downing the last of it. When I turned back, Mai's expression was back to her sweet and gentle smile as she bustled around the table, cleaning up her tea and honey.
I went to move out of the kitchen, muttering a goodnight to her, but she stopped me with a hand on my arm, and her arms encircled me in another tight hug, this was almost too much for me as I felt her amazingly rounded body pressed close. She pressed her cheek into my chest and muttered something in Vietnamese before looking up to me and cupping my cheek in one warm hand.
"You a good man David," She said in a thick accent, "Hahn is lucky woman."
"Uhm, thank you," I said awkwardly. Standing there, I felt myself getting hard again.
“Hahn may be cold, but she loves you, you know?" She asked, haltingly looking at me with a questioning frown.
I didn't trust myself to speak, so I just nodded and gave her a tight smile.
"I know problems, she tells me," Hahn said as she pressed herself to me tightly, one hand sliding down my back to gently cup my butt cheek. "I'm here to help…" That last was almost a whisper, she said it so gently and quietly.
Then she released her grip on me and was moving back and down the hall but not before giving me one last secretive smile as she slipped into her bedroom.
There I stood even harder than I had been in my bedroom and utterly confused. I went to bed frustrated that night, my mind turning over her words again and again.