Chapter 09

I woke the next morning to an empty bed and the sounds of chaos coming from the kitchen and living room. Getting up and dressing in comfortable clothes, I went out to find both Moon and Thanh's luggage opened up as Hanh and Moon went through the clothing. Thanh sat on the couch with her phone in her hand, almost entirely focused on scrolling through it.

Hanh and Moon were babbling in Vietnamese back and forth, discarding clothes left and right into different piles.

"What's going on?" I asked. Hanh and Moon both looked up at me smiling, Moon's cheeks coloring slightly and she looked down as we met eyes in the light of day.

“We are going shopping,” Hanh said. I looked around at the mess of clothes piled up around the room and could only shake my head.

"Ok," I said and headed to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. I was sitting at the table reading the paper when Thanh came in and plopped herself down in the chair opposite, tucking her feet beneath herself and burying her nose in her phone. I glanced at the slender little form, feeling my pulse quicken at the thought of her pale and tight body, hidden beneath the loose nightshirt and pants. I schooled my features and went back to my paper.

Just as I finished my cup and was about to get up and pour myself another, Thanh got up quickly, setting down her phone and took the cup from my hand. Her slender soft fingers brushing mine gently for just an instant, the touch like fire upon my flesh.

How much of a lecherous bastard am I? I thought to myself as I watched her slender hips sway across the kitchen.

She hefted the pot and poured me another cup, walking back I felt my heart skip a beat as her adorable little face turned up and caught me looking at her, her green eyes searching my face, and I was pleased to see her smile grow into pleasure as she liked what she found. She stopped just before me, leaning back slightly, and looking down, she took a small sip of the cup before holding it out to me with a small smile. I reached out, taking the cup from her, letting my larger calloused fingers slide along her delicate soft flesh.

“Do you want a cup of your own?” I asked her as she continued to stand before me.

“I want to share,” Thanh said, and I realized it was the first thing I'd heard her say. Her English was excellent, and her voice was adorable.

"Honey," I heard Hanh say from the kitchen door, and I turned quickly gulping down my guilt, "Moon and I are heading to the outlets, "Could you get the grill fired up, we're having a few couples from the cultural center over later, ok? I thought we could do chicken and tri-tip, maybe make your famous cilantro-lime coleslaw?"

"Sounds great," I said. She gave me a significant look, but I couldn't quite get my meaning. Before I could ask, she spoke to Thanh, "We will have a conversation this evening, about… arrangements, ok?" Hanh glanced from the girl to me significantly when she paused. Thanh drew back, composing her features, and nodded politely to my wife. Hanh gave me a wink before she slipped out of the kitchen.

Thanh took her place across the table from me again, not bothering to hide her glances my way. Once or twice, I looked up from my paper and stared straight back at the girl, drinking in her innocent beauty, letting the air grow thick with tension. I loved the way her pale cheeks flushed in patches of red. Her slender lips moistening and parting as she gazed at me. The girl almost wiggled in her chair. Finally, I could take no more of my own game and stood abruptly, walking over to place my cup in the sink. When I turned back, the girl was gone, to my relief.

I went to my bathroom and hopped in the shower, resisting the urge to jack off. God, how I wanted to with the wild fantasies and actual memories rolling around in my brain, but with a will power I didn't know I had, I managed to resist. I got out of the shower and was drying off when I heard the door to the bedroom open and saw Mai's smiling face peeking into the bathroom.

I fair sagged in relief when I saw her, my eyes tracking her beautiful face and form with hunger and need and taking one look at my face, she smiled grateful to be wanted and needed, eager to be of service. Soon she was down on her knees at my feet, her top spread wide and massive tits swinging as she slid her thick lips up and down my pole.

"I fucked your sister last night," I said, watching her reaction to my words. Mai smiled around my cock, her eyes looking up at me in hungry delight.

“Shega whgorg,” she mumbled around my cock, not bothering to remove it as she spoke.

"Oh, fuck, I'm about to cum," I said, and Mai pulled back up off my cock, not touching it for a few seconds as I calmed down. She looked up at me with her mischievous expression.

"You want Thanh now." She said, and I could only nod as she smiled and leaned forward, hoovering me back into her sucking mouth. I didn't bother to warn her this time, I just reached down and held the back of her head, while my beautiful mother-in-law hummed around my cock head and began swallowing down my sperm as it gushed into her mouth. I leaned back against the sink, my knees shaking and toes tingling from the orgasm as Mai sat back, slowly buttoning her top back up and staring up at me. She stood and gave me a deep kiss; her tongue invading my mouth before she pulled back.

"Hanh will speak with Thanh," Mai said, shaking her head, "The girl too eager, but she will learn, be perfect for you.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

"Thanh want a baby now," Mai said, waving slightly as she went to leave, "thinks you send her back if she not get pregnant fast.”

“That’s crazy!” I said.

"I know, she young, though," Mai turned back and patted my crotch with one soft hand, "She don't want to lose this, our prize." I just laughed at her words.

"I'm the one who gets the prize," I said, drawing the woman into a deep kiss, feeling myself get hard once again. The older woman moaned into my mouth, delighted at how much I desired her.

"Not yet tiger," Mai said, pulling back from my embrace. "Hanh has plans for that tireless beast." Then smiling her mysterious smile, the woman slipped out of my bedroom.

I crashed on the couch in the living room and watched a couple hours of college football and fired up the grill, taking the meat out and letting it temper. Thanh slipping into the recliner across the room silently. Her ever watchful eyes tracking my movements and whatever it was that so enthralled her on her phone. I knew the girl was eighteen and had graduated from high school with excellent marks back in Vietnam, but Hanh planned to enroll the girl in the local High School for a year, so it would be possible for her to attend the community or state colleges.

"Did you want to watch something?" I asked her at one point, offering her the remote.

She looked at me, quizzically and said, "I am." Then she went back to watching her phone screen. I just shook my head and went back to watching football. Eventually, Hanh and Moon got back from shopping, each carrying a few bags and then gathering Thanh up they all went into the back bedroom to change. I went out and threw the tri-tip on the grill first and set it to begin searing and went in and started mixing sour cream, mayo, lime juice, and a bunch of chopped cilantro into a dressing and then sliced up a cabbage. I let the greens dry out to absorb the dressing better as I went out and turned the tri-tip, moving it to a cooler spot on the grill and then beginning to cook the chicken.

As I was cooking the chicken, guests began to arrive, and soon there was a small group chatting in the kitchen. Hanh came out with a beer for me, she was dressed in a beautiful blue and white dress, and as I looked inside, I saw that Mai, Moon, and Thanh were all dressed in matching dresses. They were beautiful and perfectly accentuated each woman's figure, while still being nearly traditional dresses and conservative wear acceptable in polite company.

"You look beautiful, Hanh," I said, taking a big sip of the cold beer and turning a drumstick.

"Thanks, handsome," she said, and hugging me close whispered, "I spoke with Thanh, and she understands how things are supposed to be."

"Well, glad that makes one of us," I said, "because I sure don't."

"Don't be silly," Hanh said, swatting my chest, "You can do whatever you want with any of them, whenever you want to." My breath caught as she said it finally plainly, looking up at me her grin deepened, "That's what I hope you'll do, at least, it's certainly what I'm hoping for buster."

"I still think it's crazy," I said, shaking my head and smiling at her with all the love I could muster flowing out of me. "What was the issue with Thanh anyway?"

“Hmph!” Hanh said with a little laugh, “The girl thought she was here to try and steal you away from me, for her mom.”

“What?” I asked, “Repeat that?”

"Never mind, it doesn't matter." She said, patting my chest again, "Once I told her my plan, the girl was even more excited than before."

“So, you mean…” I said, unable to finish the thought.

"Oh yes, tiger," Hanh said, kissing me on the lips, "Tonight you get to take that little girls virginity, and I get to watch!”

My wife’s excited tone left no doubt about what she felt to be the hotter fact out of that statement. I had to turn back into the grill and hide my boner as one of her church friends came over, complimenting their dresses.

The rest of the afternoon was a blur to me, as I struggled to keep my eyes to myself. Each glance from Moon, Thanh, and Mai was like fire as they raked across me. I was constantly struggling with my own desires as I fought to master my hardon throughout the bar-b-que. Finally, the couples began to head home, the beer running out, and the coleslaw all gone. I watched the last guests leave with a nervous energy in my breast, my arm around Hanh shoulders as we both waved.

“Go upstairs and take a shower tiger,” she said to me, “you smell like a fire pit.”

I gave her a smile and a kiss and then headed back to do her bidding. As I passed the kitchen, I saw the three women all cleaning and chatting with one another, each more beautiful than the next. Thanh caught my eyes, and I saw her face go beet red, and then her back stiffen as she smiled over my shoulder at my wife and then back to me, her grin growing hungry.​
Next page: Chapter 10
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