
It's been nearly a year since Mai, Thanh, and Moon moved in, and I have to say it's been the best year of my life. Hanh got a promotion at work and is home more often. Although trade-off, she is a bear to be around at work, always stressed out, and micro-managing her people. At home she is relaxed and happy, often singing some song or other with Moon. The two women are like twins, each connected at the hip once they get home from work. Moon got a job in a nail salon, and the funny thing is she makes more money than Hanh even with her promotion. Crazy amounts of cash streams through those nail salons I've learned.

Thanh just graduated from the local high school, and we are going to be celebrating her acceptance to UC Berkley soon. The girl has flourished here in the states, her adorable looks and excellent English, not to mention her razor-sharp wit kept her popular and involved in a lot of rewarding extracurriculars. Even with how popular she had become, we still always found time on the weekend to hang out as a family, going for a hike, bike ride, or playing tennis together.

The girl was voracious in bed too. I can't go more than a day without her demanding that 'daddy' crawl into her bed and fuck the living shit out of her. More than any of the other women, she loved to be watched as we fool around, and it's always a wild time with Hanh there. Thanh will go out of her way to make things extra kinky for my wife, dressing in a little schoolgirl uniform and age-playing, sneaking into our bed in the middle of the night and waking me with a blowjob, or even just as her tiny pussy swallowed my hard-on. My wife loved walking to the sight, and she would have her biggest orgasms as ravaged her little cousin.

Mai, too was flourishing. She had a small shop online where she sold her little crafts and beaded works. Thanh had built her the website, the girl showing a remarkable ability to write clean software. Mai was happiest in the house I found, preparing the meals and cleaning up. Often it was still her, and I left in the house in the mornings before I would go to work, and some of my happiest moments are when she is kneeling on her pillow, happily humming away as she sucks my dick into her wet hot mouth.

The sex never really slowed down in the house. Nightly Moon will sleep in bed with Hanh and me. My wife's aunt often acts more like my wife in the house than my wife does, giving me affectionate kisses and saying 'I love you' to one another around the house. In bed, the woman is a wildcat still, and I have found her endless exploration and excitement for our lovemaking a pure delight. I look forward to it every night. Hanh has been just overjoyed with the constant sights of sexiness around her.

The biggest news we got a few months earlier and the whole family had celebrated like crazy. Moon was three months pregnant now, and Hanh was so excited she could hardly contain herself. It was often Mai and Thanh, who was there to comfort and relieve my sexual frustration during the past few months. One fantastic weekend when Hanh and Moon had gone to reno for a girl's trip with their friends, I took both Mai and Thanh together.

They are both submissive deep in their souls, and I surprised them by tying them to the bed, cuffing the women together. Mai with her massive breasts and wide soft hips and ass, and sexy mature face tied beside Thanh, with her angelic little features, slender form, and innocent eagerness. The highlight of the evening was when I had Thanh and her aunt tied atop one another, and I stroked my cock in and out of one woman's pussy and down into the others — relishing in the sinful taboo of it all. That was one of the best threesomes I had with the women. The other was when I took Mai and her sister Moon together, each woman trying desperately to outdo the other in a quest for my greater affections. In the end, we all collapsed together happy and content; the women both reassured in my desire for them. My life has become one unending delight, and I have only my wife Hanh and both her generosity and wild kinks to thank for it.
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