Chapter 02
Later I sat in the living room sipping my tea and listened to my stepdaughter and her husband begin to makeup, their voices quieting into hushed desperate whispers. My feet moved on their own and I felt panic rush through me in waves, but still, I slipped out into the backyard and snuck quickly over to their bedroom window. I cursed myself for a fool, even as I stood up peeking into their moonlit bedroom. What I saw sent a physical shock through my body and I pressed a hand against my pants covered crotch, pressing my thighs together.
Mason knelt on the bed. That quiet brooding of his face changed into a bright eye stare of need. I guided my daughter as she ran her tongue up the shaft of the longest and thickest cock I had ever seen in my life. The image of it burned itself into my brain, and my mouth filled with saliva as I imagined how one might fit it into one’s mouth.
My daughter gave a halfhearted attempt at a blowjob and I saw Mason’s face fall in disappointment when Emily spun around a few seconds later, having barely tasted his cock. She shook her butt, and he moved up behind her. The beast within him slowly being unleashed as he reached out with large hands and pulled her back onto him. Emily cried out, and I felt shame at witnessing my stepdaughter in such a scene, but the sight of Mason’s muscled torso and beast of a cock driving into her held me like a lodestone.
He fucked into her with powerful thrusts, his body desperate with need. In moments I saw my daughter tense up and cry out softly as she orgasmed, my embarrassment doubling. But the look of total disappointment on Mason’s face nearly broke my heart, especially after he wiped it away and put on a smile of pleasure when Emily looked up at him. I ducked down, cursing myself for being a fool again.
“Are you… satisfied?” Emily asked, and I could hear the fragile hope in her voice. I knew Mason couldn’t have been, that massive beast of his was been fairly vibrating with need.
“I am, that was perfect babe,” he said reassuring her. Then I could hear their soft kisses as I moved off.
I sat in the dark in the living room, my breathing heavy and my body on fire. But my mind was working and spinning. I couldn’t tell you all of what I was thinking at that moment. My thoughts were a jumble. It was the height of irony that my daughter had what I had always dreamed of, and she didn’t seem to appreciate it one bit. In fact, just the opposite.
I was sitting there in the darkness with my thoughts when the sliding glass door opened and closed. Then I heard heavy steps come into the living room from the kitchen and suddenly Mason was there, stepping softly across the carpet, his laptop in hand as he sat in a big stuffed chair. He didn’t see me sitting there in the dark and I froze, not knowing what to do. Then he opened the laptop and pulled the cock out of his shorts.
“Mason,” I said, speaking up before my tongue became frozen to the roof of my mouth. The young man jumped about three feet in the air, his laptop landing sideways as he whipped his hand away from his pants.
“Sofia!” He said in shock, looking into the dark corner and seeing me for the first time, “Oh god, I didn’t see you there, I’m so sorry.” He stood with his shoulders slumped, embarrassed and defeated. "I'll go now, please forget you saw me if Emily knew… I'm sorry again," he moved towards the kitchen quickly and I felt as if I was pulled to my feet after him.
“Wait!” I said struggling to keep the desperation out of my voice, “Please Mason.”
He stopped there near the couch and turned back to me, and in the pale moonlight, I could see the struggle on his face. SO many warring emotions and shame overriding all of them. My heart went out to him and I came to a decision in an instant that was born from both love and desire. I could see the crack in my daughter’s marriage, widening before my eyes, and there may be a way I could help them both. I ignored the small voice screaming in the back of my mind that I was masking my own desires with the logic.
I walked over and sat on the couch and patted the spot beside me. He glanced behind himself into the kitchen and I could see him desperately looking for a way to get out of the situation. He was a polite young man though, and so he sat stiffly, clutching the laptop to his crotch as he did.
“How are you doing? With the move and newly married an all?” I asked him, turning to face him in the darkroom. His handsome features were troubled as he glanced down.
“Things have been ok,” he mumbled.
“But you have been fighting every night since you moved in,” I pushed.
“Well yes,” he said shrugging, “but that should stop. It took me a while to realize that marriage isn’t exactly what I dreamed it would be, that it takes compromises.”
“Compromise is a good thing,” I said, “just so long as you both are still getting what you need to be happy. Emily can be harsh sometimes, but I know she loves you deeply. Perhaps… perhaps you were asking her for too much… in the bedroom?” I was shocked at my own audacity, and I had to control my rapid breathing as nervousness raced through me.
“She told you?” He hung his head, setting the laptop on the coffee table and dropped his face into his open hands, “That’s so embarrassing to have my greatest weakness laid bare!”
“She didn’t tell me,” I said soothing, “I… happened to overhear something one night and then things became clear.”
"It's my problem like Emily says," he said, his voice so morose, my heart ached, "I've always been like this but before marriage, I could take care of it myself. Emily liked it in the beginning, said I made her feel wanted, but now… now she says I’m just greedy. Maybe I am…”
“We each have our own levels of desire,” I said, not quite keeping the heat from my voice as I pressed my thighs together, “in time hers may increase but it’s good that you respect her wishes now. Tell me,” I felt my cheeks flush even hotter, “can’t you… handle it yourself still?”
“I’ve tried,” he said, “but Emily made me promise not to take care of myself that way… she says its gross and husband shouldn’t have to.”
“That’s unreasonable,” I said feeling annoyed at my daughter for her hidden prudish streak, “I can talk to her about it.”
“Please don’t!” Mason said imploring me, “she would be so mad if she found out we talked about this. It’s ok, my doctor said, there are pills I can take to reduce my… desires.” He moved to stand, reaching out to take his computer, and I leaned forward, placing a hand on his powerful forearm. Once more surprising myself at my forwardness.
“Drugs aren’t the answer. Perhaps… perhaps I can help relieve you,” my voice was soft and fragile even to my own ears, “when Emily isn’t up for it.”
I felt Mason’s arm tense and panic set in. What in the hell was I doing?! What if he told Emily? What if he laughed at me? Why would I think he might want this? All of these thoughts and more raced through my head and I pulled back, shame and embarrassment warring within me.
“You would do that?” He said and I don’t know if it was my imagination or not, but his voice sounded hopeful as well as surprised.
“It must stay our secret,” my voice was calm but breathless and I felt my nipples harden beneath my bra, “Emily can’t know.” He nodded once, his eyes searching mine, “And this is just to help you manage your… needs, until you and Emily work out a solution.” I glanced at the laptop and up into his face, “Is that what you came in here to do?” He nodded, and I looked down, smiling.
“Sit back down," I said, "and let me help you." He settled back on the couch, his face still showing disbelieve and hope as I moved up beside him.
I could feel the hardness of his muscles as I pressed my body close to his turning to him as I reached out with a shaking hand. As my hand moved to the waistband of his tight pants, my breath heaving in my chest, I saw his mighty cock twitch, then begin to thicken and harden. In a second, his pants were tented up obscenely. I glanced up, looking into his eyes, knowing I must be showing the shock I felt.
“Sorry,” he said embarrassed, “I got… really excited.”
"So, I can see," I purred, "it's very flattering Mason." I hooked my thumbs beneath the waistband of his pants and dragged them down his thighs, feeling the thrill of wrongness as his massive cock flopped into view.
“Oh, my…” I whispered, sitting there and staring down at the beast between his legs, watching it twitched with his heartbeat.
“It’s too big,” he said sadly, “I know.”
"Too big?" I said in shock looking at him again, "Oh no Mason! It's gorgeous!" I looked down and let my fingers slide under its heavyweight. The hot flesh felt like a burning rod in my hand as I hefted it, "You will learn in time that there are certain hurts a woman longs for. I never imagined a cock could be this perfect.” I felt his dick throb when I said ‘cock’ and I tucked that fact away in the back of my mind.
I sat in the dark, fully dressed and pressed against my young, handsome son-in-law’s side as I stroked his might penis. I let my finger and thumb twist as they came up over the crown of his cock head, the soft spongy glands so delicate beneath my fingers.
“Oh god Sofia,” he breathed turning his head slightly and breathing out his moan into my hair, I felt his cock throb, “I’m going to cum.” He said and I felt a rush of excitement and pride as the thick white sperm shot forth across my hand, coating his stomach and shirt. I was panting as my hand slowed its stroking.
“That was… unbelievable,” Mason panted out. The look of relief and pleasure on his face faded fast, and I felt his cock throb in my hand. The beast had never even softened.
“Again?” I asked him in disbelief as my slender hand slid up his steely cock.
“Oh, it’s ok,” he said slightly embarrassed, “I can take care of it…”
“How many times,” I whispered, turning to look into his beautiful eyes, my hand gliding up and down his dick, “would you have relieved yourself if I hadn’t been here?”
“Four or five times,” he said, embarrassed. I didn’t bother to hide the smile of surprised joy that lit my face as my hand continued to work him. The sight of his massive tool standing out so long and proud was driving me crazy, but I still told myself this was for their marriage, not my own pleasure.
“Then sit back and relax,” I said, “let me take care of you.”
Mason was in utter shock as I jacked him off to a second big orgasm. His grunt of pleasure sent a spike of joy through my crotch. I'd never felt so good giving my husband a hand job, not that I had given him many, and the air was charged with sexual energy. His cock stayed rock hard, and I bit my lip to stifle my own moan.
“Can I…” he spoke for the first time in a while and I saw his shy glance down to my shirt, “Can I see your boobs?”
“I can’t imagine they will do you much good,” I said, feeling embarrassment at my sagging breasts. Once they had been my greatest asset, large and heavy they had kept their shape through most of my thirties, now they sagged with their own weight. But Mason’s eyes were glued to my chest as my hand slowly unbuttoned the blouse.
“I’ve dreamed of seeing your breasts since I first met you,” he confessed, his eyes glancing up at me shyly.
I felt flattered as I pulled the blouse back and unhooked my bra, feeling the cool air on my tits as they swung free. I watched his face closely and relieved to see no disappointment in his eyes, only lust as he watched me cup one breast in my left hand and pinch the nipple, pulling it slightly. Emily has small breasts and so I felt a bit better about myself as I reached back down and wrapped my hand around his dick.
“Wait,” Mason said, and I felt a moment of worry as he stood in front of me, his long thick cock hanging down between us.
I glanced up into his eyes and saw the powerful man he was slipping free of the embarrassment. He nodded to me and I reached out and resumed my hand-job. His eyes drank in my face and tits as I sat before him. I could feel them shake with each pull of my arm and he began to thrust his hips gently. Long minutes passed with the sound of my ragged breathing and the sliding sound of my hand on his cock. Then I saw his heavy balls tighten and his dick throbbed in my hand. Looking up, I saw a gleam in my son-in-law’s eyes.
I said nothing as I pulled his thighs closer to me, sliding my other hand up the back of his leg as I felt his cock throbbing and then his hips shudder. I was looking into his beautiful eyes and so saw the pleasure and relief wash through him, feeling a connection I never remembered feeling with my husband. My pussy shivered in joy, a small orgasm warming my body as I felt thick jets of his cum splash onto my breasts, again and again.
I was panting and shaking as I leaned back and looked down at the mess he had made on me. Looking up, I saw his entire body relax and the beast between his legs finally begin to soften. He looked down and saw my cum covered torso and went to apologize but I shook my head, smiling as I massaged the cum into my soft breasts.
“If you need relief tomorrow,” I breathed, “you know where to find me. Now you should probably get back to bed.”
“Sofia,” he said, at a loss for words, “thank you,” he managed finally.
“Anytime,” I said.
Mason picked up his computer and with one final embarrassed glance at my naked breasts, he strode from of the room and out the sliding doors, back to his place. I grabbed my shirt and rushed up to my room. I collapsed into my bed and dragged the thick comforter over my head, stifling my cries of pleasure as I touched my aching sex. I have no idea how many orgasms I had, imagining all the devilish things I wanted to do with the beast I’d had my hands on.