Part 03

Author's note. This part is a bit heavy on sex and depictions are pretty graphic. You should look elsewhere if you want a slow build up to the point where the people actually have sex. All characters are above eighteen years of age.

When I returned from the US I realized that life in the corporate world was not the one for me. With a heavy heart and a lot of hesitation, I went into business with my father. Along the way I got married, one of those marriages that was more about bringing businesses together rather than families. My wife and I fulfilled our obligations by producing two boys in double-quick time. I settled the southern metropolis of Chennai.

Arun, meanwhile, moved to Delhi and joined his uncle's hardware business. Needless to say we grew apart as time went by. We did wish each other on our birthdays and kept abreast of the happenings in our lives as much as we could. But our calls and email exchanges became very sporadic at best and then we eventually stopped communicating.

In what seemed like the blink of an eye, about twenty years went by. We were in the middle of the social networking era when our families reconnected, thanks to our wives. One day I returned from one of my clients to find my wife beaming with expectation.

"Guess who is here!" she said as she opened the door,

I was in no mood, so I said, "I give up"

But I looked up and there was a familiar looking man sitting in my living room. It took me just a couple of seconds to realize who it was.

"Arun! Man, what the hell are you doing here? How are you?! You should have told me..."

We hugged and laughed and talked over each other in our excitement. Then I realized there was someone else with him.

"Hello," I said to the young girl, who was sitting and watching us with some amusement. I felt like someone had punched me softly in my stomach. I was looking at a splitting image of Madhu, Arun's wife! In an instant, I was transported back to my days in Bangalore. The young girl looked so much like Madhu. My Madhu. The face, the hair, the body ...

"Dey, Ramu, this is my daughter Shilpa. We came here for her summer project." And then turning to her, he said, "Shilpu, this is Ramu uncle. Mummy and I have ..."

Shilpa beamed and flashed a beautiful smile. "Yes, dad. I know! Ramu uncle, it seems like I have known you all my life. Mum and Dad keep talking about you all the time!"

We all sat down to chat. Arun had put on a lot of weight. I guessed he must have continued his drinking and smoking habits and had not paid much attention to his body. He was a very successful businessman, though, so what would I know. He was my friend and I did not want to judge him.

Turned out that they were here to see if they could get a project for Shilpa for the summer as she was in between her first and second year of college. Unknown to me, my wife had come to know about this trip and had planned to have them stay overnight at my house. It was a pleasant surprise!

I could not help noticing how young, innocent, beautiful, and I dare say sexy, Shilpa was. She looked to be a very healthy and confident girl. The way she spoke, her actions, her smile, laugh and exclamations - all brought back memories of Madhu to me.

+++++ Flashback ++++++

I looked down from my room and saw Madhu chatting with her grandma. They were getting ready to go out shopping this morning. Madhu had a great ass. She was wearing light colored pants, and not her usual salwar-kameez. Her pants stretched across her ass and even from where I was, her panty line was clearly visible. Her full back panty bit into her ass cheeks and the edges of her panty were outlined. Wait! It was one of the panties I had given her last week! She had started wearing them! I felt my cock rising in my shorts. I wanted to walk downstairs to her and cup her ass cheeks and feel her tight flesh and her panties. She bent down to tie her shoelaces and her shirt rolled up her back and her pant down her waist and a good portion of the striped black panties came into view. The panty fetishist that I was, I enjoyed this glorious view to the fullest. But for now, I burned the image of her ass, her panties, her thick thighs in my mind. I took out my turgid cock from my shorts and stroked it. If I was lucky, I would get the chance to meet her the next day in our usual place at the terrace.

The next day I saw Madhu at the gate talking to a fruit seller. Arun was out and I knew this was a good time. I rushed up to the terrace, fully excited and waited till Madhu turned and noticed me. I did not have to wait long. She too came up the stairs huffing and puffing, and whispered, "Hi Ramu!"

I pulled her to me, and we kissed. Just like our first time last week, electricity coursed through our bodies. She opened her mouth instantly and I sucked her tongue, and she, mine. Suddenly, both of us became aware of my cock growing thick, pressed between our bodies.

"Ramu!" she exclaimed as she pulled away.

I knew what I had to do. In one quick move, I pulled down my shorts and underwear, and my erect, veiny cock jerked up from my loins and stood thick, proud, smelly between us.

Madhu gawked at it, open-mouthed. "Wha.. no. aiyoo what are you doing? No.. I am. Imust go..." But I blocked her path.

"Madhu, come on. Touch it. I know you want to. Come on.. It won't."

' I cannot. What will.."

I just waited. But I needn't have worried. Madhu put out her hand and gingerly touched the underside of my cock. Then she wrapped her fingers around it. Her fingers were cold on my warm cock. Still staring wide-eyed and open-mouthed, she started stroking my dick. Her first time touching and fisting a cock.

But just as she started, she stopped. "Aiyoh, enough. Put it away. I must go..."

"Wait! Let me finish.. Come on,, two minutes!" I pleaded.

"No. Let me go! And she wrenched herself free.

"Wait, take this," I said and handed her a small packet.

She did not wait to ask what it was. She just grabbed it and rushed past and left me standing with my hard dick in my hand.

The packet I gave her contained an illustrated book of sex positions and video CD.

+++++ End of Flashback ++++++

I found myself staring and gawking at and ogling Shilpa. My wife and Arun were chatting but I was not paying much attention as my eyes and senses were riveted on the sexy young being in the room. She wore a tight salwar-kameez that clung to her body and accentuated her curves. Her bra outlined her boobs clearly. You'd have been blind to not see how her narrow waist flowed easily down to her wide hips and thick thighs. Every man and every woman who passed her in the street would have noticed her sexy and alluring form. So why not me? She was right there in front of me!

My eyes followed her as she rose and walked around the room, looking at things. She was definitely a sportswoman. Her arms were toned and her face had the sharp and firm texture of someone who worked out regularly. Her tits were small, but firm under her dress. They hardly shook and held firm as she moved around. Her bra held them tight to her chest. Needless to say, just seeing her that way aroused me.

I must confess that I was not a faithful husband. I tried being monogamous for about a couple of years after marriage. But as the excitement of being married wore off, and the duties and responsibilities of having a family increased, I found it more and more easy to seek pleasure and satisfy my lust outside of marriage. I had many liaisons, but no serious affairs. All along I kept up my panty fetish, adding to my collection as time progressed. I took along a few favorites on my business trips and enjoyed multiple masturbatory sessions.

She must have sensed my interest in her, as once or twice she turned around to look at me but I was quick to look the other way. Once she walked to the kitchen to get something to drink and as she came out I instinctively looked up at her face, and surprisingly, her eyes sought mine out just as immediately. Our eyes locked for an instant before she abruptly looked away.

"When was the last time I fucked someone other than my wife" I asked myself. "Come to think of it, when was the last time I fucked? " Business was taking more and more of my time and recently, and I realized it was about three or four months since my wife and I had sex. Her sex drive had decreased and she was now paying more attention to social events that to those at home. I masturbated regularly. It had been a while since I had laid a pretty, young thing as Shilpa. What the fuck! She is just as young as your son," a voice whispered in my ear. "So what!" another voice responded. "She is a young, healthy, sexy girl, no close relation to you. What is wrong about fantasizing about her? Or fucking her?"

I faked interest in the conversation, but raked my eyes up and down Shilpa's body. Multiple times, from various positions and locations in the room. Man! I know what I would be doing tonight, I said to myself. I was looking at Shilpa, moving my eyes up her shapely legs to her thick thighs, to the area where her thighs met, fantasizing about the kind of panties she'd be wearing. I fervently hoped she'd be using white cotton fullback panties. I was imagining the gusset of her panties pressed against her hairy mound. I was getting aroused and my cock thickened inside my pants. I suddenly got the sense that she was looking at me! I quickly raised my eyes to hers, and yes, she was looking straight at me! I was caught! I immediately averted my eyes and joined the conversation. I was filled with guilt. A fifty something man, a lecher, ogling and voyering a girl young enough to be his daughter, fantasizing about her underwear, about fucking her! She knew I was looking at her. She was old enough to understand the effect she had on men. She knew what I was imagining, for sure! What would she think? Would she tell her dad, my best friend from my childhood?

I couldn't meet her eyes though I knew she was looking at me. We took a break and my wife went to prepare dinner and I showed Arun and Shilpa around our house, but I couldn't get myself to address her directly. I answered all her questions without making eye contact. I was damn certain she wanted me to look at her. I had the sense that she was willing me to look at her. And the only way I could know for sure if she was not offended by my lechery was to see it in her eyes.

We sat opposite each other at the dinner table. And involuntarily, our eyes met. I tried to avert it but something in her stare made me stop. She was almost smiling at me. Naughtily. She knew I had ogled her, that in my mind I had done things to her - cupped and sucked her tits, spread her legs and fucked her. But her look suggested that she was okay with it! Fuck! After that first look, we made longer eye contact, each of us getting bolder as we went along. We went long intervals without looking at each other, acting normal and making comments on the dinner conversation. But our eyes kept drawing to one another.

When dinner was done and we sat down for dessert, Shilpa said, "Oh, Ramu uncle, dad used to say you had a great collection of books - rare ones, first editions and all that stuff. Can I take a look?"

It was an innocent question, but to me it was a loaded one. Would I take the bait and take the opportunity to spend some one-on-one time with her? My wife butted in, "Oh! He has sooo many books. He loves them more than he does me. He won't let anyone touch them or borrow them!"

We all laughed. I said, "Come on, I will show them to you. Hey Arun, you too. Come!"

Arun was not one to get off the couch. "No, no, da. I am happy here! Chitra and I will just chat..."

I walked to my study, my heart beating faster and faster. Shilpa followed a couple of steps behind me. Fuck! What to do? I reached the shelf where I kept my rare books and made a show of opening the glass door. And then I turned and looked at her. She was ready to return my look. We were adults, though there was about a thirty year difference between our ages. But both of us knew there was a connection being established here.

I started, wanting to apologize for so openly leering at her. "Look, Shilpa.. I .. I am ..," But she interrupted me. "Oh uncle, so many books. Wow! Must have spent ages collecting them. Must be expensive!"

"Uh.. yes... yeah..I am still know," I mumbled.

"Aunty said you never allowed anyone to borrow your books!"

"No, Yes,.. I mean, yeah..these are rare books," I explained. Then added, "But I think I can make an exception for you."

"Really? Will you do that?" She asked, turning towards me and staring directly into my eyes.

I stared back. And after about ten seconds, she asked in a whisper, "Do you .. have you.. ever.. given your books to any girl?"

Instinctively, I answered, also in a whisper, "Have you allowed anyone to give you a book? Have you borrowed a book from ..."

She cut me off. She smiled, sweetly, naughtily, slyly, and whispered, "No. Not someone like you."

"You mean, old like me?"

She stiffened. "What has age to do with ...a...a book?"

I wanted to play along. To see where it would lead me. "You know what? Why don't you come back another day.. Just you and me.. And I will pick a good one for you?"

"Oh no! I cannot. We are leaving tomorrow!"

"Really?" I shot back, disappointed.

"Yes, It has to be today!"

I didn't know what to say. The shelf was positioned in such a manner that it was not visible to people outside my room. One would have to enter the room and then turn left a few paces to get to the shelf. So both of us were hidden from view, not that anyone was coming. We could still hear Arun and Chitra. Arun was regaling her lougly with some story and we could hear her laughing. As I turned, Shilpa stepped directly in front of me. Still looking at me, she reached up to the shelf and pulled out a book. She did not look down at the book, but was staring into my eyes. "How about this one, uncle Ramu? Is this a good book?"

"Yes," I whispered. "It is a fine and rare book." I was afraid. I desperately wanted her to make the first move.

She did. She turned and opened the book. And stepped back into me. My crotch pressed against the small of her back, and instantly, both of us realized the hardness of my cock.

"Oh, uncle. This is a nice one!" she hissed.

"Shilpa, no..," I hissed.

"Why not?" she whispered back. "Come on, uncle. I know you want to!"

I couldn't take it anymore. I placed my hands on her hips, and felt the small roll of fat there. I crouched and softly pressed my cock, which was not straight against the fly of my pants, to her firm ass. "Ah!" she said, softly.

I moved from side to side until my cock was against her ass crack and I rubbed up and down. She gasped as I did that, and stifled a moan. I put my hand on the side of her thighs and felt the heat and thickness of it through the material of the cloth. I crouched some more and ran my hands down both her thighs. Oh! So thick and firm! I could feel the muscles and the roundness of her thighs above her knees. As I raised myself to my original position, I held her steady with one hand and moved the other to her crotch, to the area between her thighs. As my palm cupped her pussy, I could sense her hair and the soft, supple flesh of her mound through the dress and her panties.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" she whispered and gasped in tune with the rotation of my hand. She reached behind her and placed her hands on my crotch, trying to encircle my whole dick with her fingers. I let her feel the hardness, heat and thickness of my penis. I pushed her hand away and rammed my cock against her ass. My fingers were digging into her cunt, trying to assess the outer lips of her vagina, poking into her cunt hole. I could sense the moistness there.

With a sudden start I realized there was no noise coming from the living room. She realized that too, and as she started to mouth some words. But my wife entered the room! Fuck!

"Hey, Ramu, Shilpa.. Where are you? Wanted to see if you want anything..." Luckily it took her a second or two to see where we were. "Ah, there you are! Do you want hot cocoa or something before bed?"

Shilpa had flopped to the floor, making as if she was looking for a book on the lowest shelf. I had turned my back to the door and picked the first book that I could out of the shelf. I dropped my hands so the book covered my crotch as I turned to Chitra, and in as normal a voice as I could, said, "Ummm, no..Hey, Shilpa, do you want..." Shilpa did not get up and answered from where she was, "Oh no Aunty... I am fine!"

"Ok, then. We are ready to go to bed. Arun is tired, he says. Shilpa, you have the small room, sorry!"

"That's OK, aunty Chitra! That will do!!"

Shilpa stood up, and we looked at each other quietly. Then we made our way back to the main room. Chitra was giving them some directions about sleeping etc. I made a note of the room Shilpa would be sleeping in, and as I walked to our bedroom, I caught her eye. We just looked at each other for a few seconds, before she turned away.

As was usual, Chitra and I chatted in bed before we went to sleep. We would indulge in some touching and foreplay before we dozed off. I would squeeze her tits, feel her nipples, and then put my hand between her legs, feel the hair there and then draw my fingers on the line of her vagina. Sometimes, we would fall asleep as I rubbed my cock against her ass cheek, enjoying the feel of her flesh on the underside of my cock.

Today, though, I was only thinking of Shilpa. The feel of her body, her hips, thighs, pussy mound. I had a raging hard-on. I reached and pulled down Chitra's panties, and placed my warm, thick cock on her ass and started to rub. She reached back and grabbed my cock and fisted it. Then she turned around and faced me, and as she stroked my cock she asked, "Hey Ramu, do you remember the last time we did it?" I shook my head. She said, "It was when my uncle came to visit. You fucked me when we had a guest in the next room!" She giggled, and then said, "Do you want to do it? You seem ready! Come on, it will be fun!!"

Fuck! I wanted to have a long, jerk off session. Jerk-off thinking about Shilpa. Her mouth, lips, tits. ass, her cunt lips and hair. But now my wife wanted to have sex! Before I could say no, Chitra had pulled off the sheets and she rose, bent down, and took my cock in her mouth!! Fuck! Her mouth was cool against my warm cock. She started moaning, "Ummmm. Ummmmm, Ummmmm! Man, so good. It has been so long Ramu!" I was aroused too. But it was not my wife's mouth that was sucking my cock. It was someone else's.

My thick cock stretched Shilpa's mouth. She could hardly fit her lips around my cock. She struggled to get it in. I held her head with both my hands and rammed my penis into her mouth as far as it would go. I pummeled her mouth with my cock. I pushed her head into my crotch, making my cock touch the back of her throat. I thrust upwards. I was grunting and moaning "Ah! Ah! Ah! Fuck! Fuck!

Chitra raised her head from my cock and hurriedly lay down on the bed. She raised her ass and pulled her nightie under her and raised her legs and parted her thighs. "Come, Ramu! Fuck me!"

I raised myself and got ready to insert my cock into her cunt, when she stopped me. "Wait! Put your finger in. Make me wet! " I put my palm on her cunt and poked and pushed till I found her cunt hole and inserted it. I finger fucked her like this. She pulled the nightie off of her body and now both of us were naked. She grabbed my head and pushed it on her tit and I sucked her nipple like a baby. My hand was soaked with her juices. She stopped me again. This time she picked up her nightie and wiped herself between her legs. "Suck it, Ramu. You know I like it! Suck it!" She put her hands on her cunt, and even in the darkness I knew she was parting the outer lips of her vagina and exposing her clit for me to suck. I obliged. She guided my head and tongue on to the hard knub and the top of the line of her vagina, and I placed my lips on her clit and sucked. It was small, much smaller than the nipples on her tits. She held my head and rotated her torso. "Yes, Ramu, yes! Suck it!"

Suddenly an idea popped into my head. I would suck her clit, finger and tongue fuck her cunt till she got an orgasm. Maybe two times. Without having to fuck her. Then I can have my own me-time, fantasizing about Shilpa. Wow! that will be great!

I sucked my wife's clit with great vigor. I then ran my tongue down the line of her vagina and poked my tongue into her hole and lapped. I put my finger along with my tongue. And that did the trick. She climaxed suddenly. She wailed softly, "ooooh, Ramu!! "And then she shook like a tree branch for a while and flopped back on to the bed. "Aiyoo! Ramu! That was good. Oh god! Oh god!" she mumbled as she gasped for air. Then she said, "Come on, get on top.. What, no? Why?"

"Oh! Chitra. I am tired.. Maybe tomorrow. We might wake Arun up!!" I giggled, sheepishly.

"Really? OK, then. Remember, I offered. It might be a while...I am going to take a valium.." She went to the bathroom and took her sleep aid medicine and came back and flopped on the bed. With that, and three of four deep breaths she dozed. She was a heavy sleeper. Each day, while I would get up at around five-thirty AM using my body-clock, it almost always took the loud alarm clock to wake her up at seven AM.

I fisted my cock and fantasized about Shilpa. She was only twenty years old. Was she a virgin? Maybe not. Not by the way she acted. So what? What if she is a virgin and wanted to lose her virginity to me. Here. In my house. Why would that matter?

I heard the sound of water running in the kitchen. I raised my head and looked at the bedside clock. It was around midnight. I must have dozed off. I turned to Chitra and saw that she was fast asleep, snoring a little. My first thought was that Chitra had forgotten to turn the water off. I got up to investigate. I passed the room next to ours where Arun was sleeping andI could hear his loud snores even through the door. I smiled to myself and walked into the kitchen.

Shilpa started and almost screamed in shock to see me. I too jerked back, not expecting anyone, least of all her to be in the kitchen in the middle of the night.

"OH! Sorry.. I ... I didn't know.." I managed to say.

"No... no. Sorry to have scared you. I ..just .. just .. wanted some ..some.. water..." she trailed off. I looked up and saw that she was staring at my body. I had walked straight from my bedroom to the kitchen, not realizing I was in my PJ shorts only, since that was how I usually slept. Her eyes locked on to my chest and then slowly, deliberately down to my abs and crotch.

Her nightie was a short one-piece sleeveless one that came down only to the middle of her thighs. From the corner of my eyes I could clearly see that she was braless. Her firm tits were pressed against the front of her dress and her nipples were prominently poking out. Her thighs were firm and kneed rounded.

I could only say, "Shilpa...I ..."

She did not say anything. She just turned into the hallway and walked to her room. She stopped at her door and turned towards me. Arun was sound asleep. My wife was knocked out for the rest of the night. What else was there for me to do? I walked up to her and placed my hands on her shoulders. She did not flinch. "Are you sure?" I asked. She simply nodded, looking straight at me. "Wait for me," I said, and went to my room. Without making a sound I took what I needed and walked out. Chitra was snoring more this time around, and Arun sounded like he was lost to the world.

Shilpa was standing next to her bed when I entered. The many streetlights outside our house provided enough illumination through the glass of the windows to show her in her glorious nudity. The dress she wore earlier in the evening belied the size of her boobs. They were huge and round and firm. I reached for one with one hand, and I sucked on the nipple of the other.

She sighed, "Ahhh! Uncle!!"

"Shilpa..are you .. are you OK to do this? You have done it.."

"Yes!" she hissed. I am not a virgin! I know ...Uncle., me how... I ...only two times..." She reached out and almost ripped my T-Shirt off. Then she yanked my shorts down and bent down to take them off of my feet. She did not rise. She knelt down and took my penis in her hand. It stood erect. It was as hard as a steel pipe. The scent of cum was all around us. She reached up and grabbed one of my ass cheeks with her hand and with the other, directed my cock into her mouth.

It was delicious! I was in seventh heaven! Her mouth was cool. She started moving her head up and down my cock slowly, getting used to the thickness, the warmth, the smell and taste. She was mumbling something, with my cock still in her mouth, "Ummmm, Ummmm, Ummmmmm!" Then she stopped her motions, and used her spit and made my cock wet and slippery, with it still in her mouth. She pulled my cock out of her mouth and lapped the sides, the tip, the thick vein under my cock with her tongue. She went at it for a long, long time. I was not even close to ejaculating. She took a few breaks, catching her breath between sessions of cock sucking. I grabbed my dick and raised it, and pushed her head below. She knew what she had to do. I sat on the edge of the bed and she took my balls in her mouth, one after the other. She went at this also for a long time, making my balls as wet as my dick.

When it was my turn, I lifted her and placed her ass on the edge of her bed. I bent down and raised her legs and parted them. As my tongue touched the hair on her pussy, she jerked back and cried out softly, "Oh.. uncle..ahhhhh!" And then she placed her hand on my head and pushed me into her crotch.

OH, the smell of a young girl's cunt! It was intoxicating. I lapped the line of her lips like a puppy drinking milk from a saucer. She was jerking up and down as my tongue and mouth made contact with her cunt and clit! She did not let go until she had her orgasm, and I was happy to oblige. Her pussy and air were drenched with my spit and her juices. As she reached her end, she pushed up hard against my mouth and raised her ass off of the bed. "Aiyooooh! Aaah! Ahhh!" she cried out. We looked at each other in the darkness ans smiled. Her chest was heaving and she was panting and gasping.

I did not relent. I once again lifted her legs and put my head between them. "Ohh uncle.. Wait.. wait.." she said, but then screamed softly in surprise at what I was doing.

I lifted her legs and pushed them up and pressed her thighs down. I spread her ass cheeks, dipped my head and licked her asshole. I remembered exactly how many times I had done this and with who. Shilpa was the third girl I had done this to. Man, how nice it was to feel the puckered skin. Best of all, to do something unexpected like this and pleasure a woman!

Shilpa almost jumped out of her skin. "Ahhhhh! Ooooh! Uncle!! Ohhhhh! Ahhhh!! Fuck me! Fuck me!! Yes, lick my asshole!! Mothefucker!!" She hissed. "Ahhhh...Ahhhhh.. So gooood" I kept at it for a long while. And I rose up when I thought she had enough. She pushed me on the bed now, and I immediately raised my legs, moved my balls and cock out of the way and offered my ass to her.

I could tell this was the first time she was going to rim a man's asshole. She hesitated. And I helped her by gently pushing her head downwards. "Come on, Shilpa. Do it! Lick my ass!!" She gingerly moved her head down and I felt her cool tongue on my ass cheek, somewhere close to my hole. I moved my torso and simultaneously positioned her head in the right place. And then she was able to locate my asshole with her tongue. She started very slowly. I hissed, "Ahh! Ahh! Yes, that's it Shilpa. Do it! Yessss!"

After that, I fucked her in the missionary position. For a long time. She was not passive. She grabbed me by the shoulders and using that as leverage, rammed her torso up and met my thrusts. She was moaning, and groaning, "Fuck ... me .. unc cle... fuu uk meee, aaiii yooh!". I was surprised by her ferociousness. And when she stopped to catch her breath, she just watched me as I struggled above her, her chest rising and falling, spreading her legs even wider to give me more access to her pussy.

She put her hand between us, and began rubbing her clit. I stopped and looked down at her crotch. The head of my cock was still inside her and I could feel the walls of her cunt pulsating against it, alternatively grabbing and releasing it. Then she had another orgasm. A soft, low, primal scream left her lips as she jerked upwards, she yanked her face to either side as waves of pleasure raked her body. Then she flopped on the bed under me, still panting and gasping. "Oh god.. Oh god... fuck..fuck." she whispered. My breathing was labored too, and sweat poured off my body onto hers, making her tits, chest, belly and face wet and slimy.

I wanted to go further. Would she come along for the ride? Only one way to find out. I grabbed a pillow, and in one motion I lifted my cock out of her and turned her over so that her torso straddled the pillow. I then rose and parted her ass cheeks with one hand, and with the other I guided my cock into her asshole.

"What.. why.. Oh.. Aiyoo, uncle!! Wait.. no...okay .. okay!!" she said and she put her hand on her other ass cheek and moved it out of the way.

"I am going to fuck your ass, Shilpa.. Have you done it before, huh! Yeah?" I growled in her ear as I felt my cock head push against her hole.

"Noooo, no... I have never..ok slowly now.. You are too bi... Aaaaaaahhhh!" she let out a long drawn out, soft groan as I pushed my cock into her asshole. But I knew it was a mistake. I should have used some lubrication. As my cock entered, I felt the resistance from her as she moved to make the passage more easy. But suddenly this friction caused me to go over the edge. I was about to cum!!

"Oh no Shilpa! I am coming. .ahhh ahhh I am going to finish...," I screamed. I pulled up and yanked her and turned her over. I parted her legs and flopped between them, knowing that I had only about a few seconds before I spurted.

"Okay..Okay.. uncle. Come.. Come on me.. Yes. yes, " She gasped as she saw me stroking my cock between her legs.

She jerked back in surprise as my cum landed on her. I could feel long ropes of my ejaculate spewing out of my dick. I stroked my cock until the last drop landed on her. And then I slammed back on the bed, gasping for breath and catching air with my open mouth.

"Shilpa.. That ..that ...was,, great!"

She replied, "Uncle.. You are like an animal!" She punctuated her words by slamming her fist on my chest as she said, "You ... Are... incredible!!"

She turned and got up and wiped herself with a towel. She put on her nightie and went our the door, presumably to the bathroom. I let myself out. I went back to my bedroom, where Chitra was still fast asleep, lost to the world. I wondered if even an earthquake would have roused her from her slumber.

I was a light sleeper and very early the next morning, I heard the bedroom door squeak open. I turned in my bed to see what was making the noise, when I saw Shilpa's silhouette framed there. I quickly looked at Chitra to make sure she was not woken by the noise. I jumped up and went to the door, by which time Shilpa was already in her room. I joined her there.

As I lay on the bed, she started talking. "Uncle, I could not think of anything else all night. What we did was awesome. You are...mmm, uncle, you are as old as daddy, no? But you seem.. I ..I don't think daddy.. You know. Can do what..."

"Shut up!" I said, and laughed softly.

She giggled and said, "I wish Amit, my boyfriend, was like you!! He wants to do it .. you know.. Stay for a long time.. But he still hasn't learnt to control himself."

"He is still young. He will learn."

Then she said confidently, "I think I should have a lot of boyfriends. I want to fuck.. A lot..That will be fun." Then she turned to me and asked, "Uncle, you had many.. You have done it with many... right? Not just aunty?"

"Shut up!" I said, again, and laughed softly. "Wouldn't you like to know!"

She whispered softly, "Uncle, what you wanted to do, you know, doing it from behind? Do you want to? I mean, I'm okay, if...have you done it before? Does it hurt, I mean, for the girl? I have seen it being done in porn, so..."

I didn't know what to say. Incredibly, I felt my cock rising. It was snug between our thighs and she felt it too. And without a word she fisted it and started stroking it. Within a minute, my dick was hard and straight, and throbbing in her hand. She lifted her face and looked at me. She rose and took my turgid member in her mouth. I placed my hand on her ass cheeks, moved it down between her legs and inserted my finger in her cunt hole.

I stacked a couple of pillows against the headboard and pulled her up to it. I straddled her face and mouth-fucked her. I supported myself with my palms on the wall and pumped my cock into her mouth. She was holding my thighs for dear life. My dick made sloshing sounds as I pulled in and out of her mouth. I did not relent even when I knew I was about to ejaculate. She did not seem to complain. She just placed her palms on the sides of my thighs and waited for me to finish. She was mumbling. "Yeeeessss, Yesssss,, Yeessssss, Yesss sirr, sirrrr"

I could not recall the last time I ejacuated in a girl's mouth. It surely must have been a whore or prostitute in some shitty town I visited on my numerous travels. But I was going to do this with Shilpa. Yes, Fuck! Fuck!

I pulled my cock out of her mouth. She opened her eyes and looked up. "What? Why?"

"I want to fuck your mouth and come in it," I growled.

"Ok.. ok... yes.. uncle.. fuck my mouth..fuck it... put your cock in my...," she gasped

I did not let her finish. I rammed my thick dick in her mouth and pummeled her.

++++ Flashback ++++++

"No!! Ramu..don't put it in!! Get up .. get off me... aiyoohh," Madhu almost shouted. I raised myself and rolled off her, saying, "Ok, ok, calm down. Don't scream. People will hear! I was not going to put it in..just wanted you to get the feeling!"

"'s too dangerous!" Then she looked at me and said, "Sorry! Please understand!"

I said, "Ok, no no, We won't do it ...unless you are ready"

"No. I want to be a virgin. I have to be...until my marriage."

We lay like that for a while. Then she raised herself and fisted my cock, which was still thick, heavy, warm and smelly. She had refused oral sex, even after I had gone down on her several times and got her to orgasm. She cried every time I asked her to suck my cock. "No! Ramu! I don't .. it's dirty.. You don't have to do it to me also.. no.."

But today was a special day. I was leaving for the US the next day for a period of six months, maybe more. We wouldn't be seeing each other for god knew how long. Maybe never! Fuck!! Maybe she would at least suck my cock!

To be fair, her hand jobs were glorious and excruciatingly pleasurable. Taking me to the edge and back numerous times. She knew, as I had told her, that edging will enhance the pleasure of the climax, increasing the amount of cum. She delighted in seeing cum exploding from my cock. Somedays, we would masturbate together, goading each other. Her hands made squelching sounds as she rubbed her pussy, her juices trailing to the floor. Some days she would lose control and not be able to stop in time. She would have her orgasm once more with me. On other days she would keep her hand on my cock, stroking it as I came, as ropes of white, creamy cum erupted from it.

She sobbed, "Ramu! Will you remember me? I don't think we will meet each other again! You will meet other people. Other girls! will remember me, won't you?"

"Yes. Yes! Madhu, I will never.. I can never forget you!"

This was a rare occasion when she entered the apartment I shared with Arun. Arun was out visiting Neeta, his sister. And I didn't know what excuse she gave her grandparents, but here we were, just the two of us. Then quite suddenly she stopped stroking my cock, and said, "Get up, Ramu". I stood, my cock jutting out at an angle from my belly. I watched dumbstruck as she too got up and took off her clothes one by one. Then she had me take mine off as well.

Then she knelt down and opened her mouth, and looked up. "Is this how?" And before I could say anything, she leaned forward and took my cock into her mouth. I was dumbstruck, and froze for a moment. But she moved her head up and down my cock. She must have seen the many video CDs I had given her. Watched and learnt. Practiced in her mind. And now she was sucking her first cock!! I held her head in my hands and I fucked her mouth.

She was moaning, "Ummm, Ummm. Ummmm! So good, Ramu! Why did I wait! Fuck my mouth Ramu!!

She pulled my cock out of her mouth and ran it all over her face. She licked the sides, poked my pee hole, wrapped her tongue on the pink head. "Aaah...Aaah... Aaaah!" She hissed.

I yanked my cocked from her grasp, and jammed it in her mouth. She took it without complaints. I took myself till the edge and as I was about to come, I pulled out of her mouth. I fisted my cock and stroked it, turning away from her to show her my ejaculation.

But incredulously, she grabbed my cock and directed in on her face while stroking it. Her hand was flying on my cock. I screamed, "Oh! Madhu.. I am coming... ah!! Ahh!! Let me come on your face.. Oooooh! Here it isssssssss!" I screamed.

Madhu opened her mouth!! My cock exploded. Cum rocketed out of it, and I saw the first rope land on her cheek. She tried to move, but I held on as I saw the second rope ejected and went right into her mouth, landing on her teeth, tongue and inside of her cheek. I rose on tiptoes, howling, screaming, as creamy, white, thick cum splattered the inside of her mouth. She had enough, and she closed her mouth and let the last ropes land on her face, covering her lips and nose and forehead. "Ooohhh Madhu! Ahhhh! Fuck!! You are incredible!! Fuck me!!" I shouted. She looked at me, and then she grimaced and almost gagged as I realized she swallowed my cum.

Fuuuuk! What a feeling! Ejaculating into a girl's mouth, man! This was my first time. Arun's mom and sister never allowed this though I had tried convincing them. But Madhu took it like a champ! This was her first blow job and she had let me finish in her mouth! Motherfucker!!

++++ End of flashback ++++

I stared down at Shilpa. She had her eyes closed, and her mouth stretched around my thick cock as it flew in and out of it. Then she looked up at me. At that instant, my dam broke.

"Aaaaahhhhh, I am coming!!" I yelled, and grabbed onto her hair. With a mighty heave I thrust into her mouth and I rose on my toes in anticipation of my climax. My cum spewed out of my cock. I felt myself jerking my hips into Shilpa's mouth as each spurt escaped the confines of my balls and into her warm, inviting, wet, slimy mouth. I did not let go of her head even as my orgasm subsided and my cock became flaccid in her mouth. We were like that for a while, and as I looked down at her I could see that she had swallowed my offering.

"Oh Shilpa! Sorry... sorry .. if I ..."

"Uhhmm, Uhhmm, uncle. Thank you! Fuck! That was awesome!" she said as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

As we lay down back, I looked at her, and confessed my obsession with ladies underwear. I didn't know why, but I had a feeling we wouldn't be seeing each other again. I wanted something concrete to remind me of her. I asked for hers.

"What, uncle? You want ... my.. my panties.. my used ones?" she asked, wide-eyed.

"Yes. Is that so wrong? I want something .. to .. make me think of you."

"That's strange, but.. okay," she did not sound convinced. "Do you do this with all .. you know.. all the women you ..?"

I just shrugged. Then something dawned on her. "What do you do with them?" she asked. I said nothing, and shrugged once more.

"Oh .. I think I know," she said, and she made a fist and used it to mimic a jerking-off motion, and giggled. I joined in. She then bent down, picked up her panties and made a show of rubbing it on her cunt and asshole. Then she handed it to me. "I can give you more, tomorrow."

I grabbed it from her and placed it on my nose and took a deep, deep sniff.

Next page: Part 04.1
Previous page: Part 02