Part 06.1
One of the darkest places I think anyone can find themselves is inside an intensive care ward in the early morning hours watching someone die. So it was in late February, at three o'clock on a bitter cold morning that I found myself with my family. The room was silent except for the "fshhhing" sounds of machines hooked to my father. Mom was wide awake and watching from a chair across the room, my twin brothers dozing on each side of her while I sat next to my father watching as the numbers on his monitor crept slowly downward. Hooked up the ventilator and God knows how many tubes and wires, Dad looked small and frail, nothing like the large, fierce man I spent most of my life despising.
Somewhere over the Midwest, Aunt Debbie was flying in, but I knew she would never make it before her hated brother in law passed on. Molly, darling Molly was probably asleep in the ICU waiting room, exhausted from sharing our vigil and from the long, late night drive to bring me home to witness the passing of my father.
Dad had been out ice fishing with his buddies, sitting in their little shack, listening to the Bulls on the radio, occasionally pulling a trout out of the icy water and drinking and smoking with little restraint. His best buddy told me that my old man had requested a beer and that by the time he had retrieved one from the cooler that my father had slumped over, face distorted as he fell victim to a massive stroke.
That was almost two days ago. Another stroke had come rushing in on the coattails of the first and Dad had slipped into a coma. The doctors made sympathetic noises and didn't pull any punches when they said it was only a short matter of time.
I wasn't sure what to make of all the emotions churning inside me – perhaps most of all, the realization that for all the hard words over the years, for all the hatred I had inside me for the way he treated Mom and despite the pride I took in claiming his wife and my mother as my own woman, I was amazed to still realize that I loved the old bastard. I was still his son – something I think I had forgotten as the years passed by.
One look at Mom told me that she was struggling with the same feelings. On one hand, she looked at me with such devotion and love it almost burst my heart. On the other hand, I could see the pain in her eyes as she watched him fading away...pain and regret and yes, love.
The monitor began to beep and a nurse came into the room and checked it over, shaking her head as she watched his numbers sink lower by the minute. "It won't be long now," She said to Mom and me. She tried to smile sympathetically and failed miserably. "Probably just a few minutes." The nurse left us to watch the numbers drop and drop.
Dad began to gasp – the nurses had warned us this would be the final sign. Mom roused the twins from their fitful sleep and we gathered around the bed. The twins each had hold of one of our father's hands and tears began to flow. Mom and I stood at the end of the hospital bed, Mom easing against me as I put an arm around her waist. I was surprised to find myself wiping tears out of my eyes.
In a strong voice, Mom called out. "It's time, Frank – let go. Be at rest." My father's monitor numbers flatlined a few seconds later, he let out one last long breath and was silent. Mom sighed and whispered, "Oh, Frank." The twins turned towards Mom and rushed for her. She took them in her arms and let them cry out their pain while I stood behind her, hands on her shoulders, just wanting her to know I was there.
The nurse came back in and quietly shut off the monitors, made note of the time and whispered softly, "Take all the time you need to say your goodbyes." When the twins had cried themselves out, they each went to our father and kissed him on the forehead. Mom leaned over his body and gave him a kiss, lips barely brushing his. I went last, a shuddering sigh washing over me as I reached down and took his cooling hand and kissed it. I felt like I should say something, but in death, so much like life, my father and I had nothing to say to each other.
We were shown to a small room where Mom met with a funeral home worker and arranged for the Old Man to be transported. I took on the responsibility of calling my father's siblings and letting them know he'd passed away.
We then joined Molly outside the ICU. She looked at me, the question in her eyes and I nodded. "Oh, Sugar. I'm sorry." she whispered, embracing me and then Mom and then because they looked like they needed it, the twins. "Anything I can do, please just tell me," Molly whispered, taking my hand as we headed for the elevator.
I squeezed her hand and as we followed Mom, her arms around the boys, replied, "You already are, Molly."
And that was true. When Mom had called me at work to tell me Dad was dying, I'd asked Molly if she'd give me a lift to the Bus Station, knowing Mom would have be too busy with this crisis to come for me. Molly insisted on driving me home and we spent most of last night driving across Illinois in her old, beat up Chevy van. Since then, she'd stood by us, trying to help in any way she could.
When we arrived home, the twins trudged wearily down to their basement bedroom while Molly and I walked with Mom upstairs. We stopped in front of Mom's bedroom door and I asked her, "Mom, are you okay?"
Mom nodded and sighed. "I just feel tired. I can't seem to sleep since this all happened – it all seems surreal, like I sleep walking through some terrible dream." She looked into the bedroom and shook her head. "I can't stay in there tonight." She looked at Molly and me and continued, "I know your bed would be crowded, but can I just lie down with you two, for a while?"
Mom looked up at with such an odd and sad expression on her face and then she just buried her face against my chest and began to cry. Molly came up behind Mom and began rubbing her shoulders and whispered, "No bed is ever too crowded to have you in it, Carrie."
With Mom still crying softly, I led her to my room. When the door was closed, I eased her out of the clothes she was wearing, a sweat suit she'd had on for most of the last two days. I told Molly where to find a clean sweat shirt while I undid Mom's bra and then slid off her panties, leaving her naked and semi-awake and looking more beautiful than ever. Her long black hair was a bit tangled and awry, but just made her look all the more attractive, like a beautiful woman who'd tumbled out of bed after making love. Only the dark circles under her eyes betrayed the weariness I know she was feeling.
I felt a little guilty as my body responded to Mom's naked body. Just looking at her made me fall in love and lust with my mother all over again. Her luscious frame highlighted by her heavy, gourd shaped breasts, capped with thick, meaty nipples, her belly, looking even flatter than it had at Christmas and her long, shapely legs that ended in a jungle of dark hair which hid the gates of heaven. I felt myself harden despite the circumstances.
Mom smiled at me through sleepy eyes – her gaze traveling downwards towards my thickening penis. "I have missed you so much and I wish..."
"Me too, Mom," I replied. "There will be time enough later."
Mom nodded and I knew that like me, she was thinking about how things were about to dramatically change, and although she had planned to leave the Old Man, this way...well, neither of us felt good about it.
I tried to ignore the feelings of lust as Molly and I pulled the sweat shirt over her head to use as a nightshirt. I stripped down till I was naked as did Molly and we led Mom to my bed and cuddled her between us, Mom facing me, my hard-on nestled in her thick thatch of pubic hair and Molly spooning her from behind, her full breasts pressing against Mom's back.
Mom kept sighing, "I'm so tired, but I can't fall asleep." She stirred restlessly while I stroked her arms and gently kissed her. Behind Mom, Molly had an arm up under the oversized sweat shirt, rubbing her back. Despite our best efforts, Mom was too wound up to fall asleep.
Molly finally took matters in her own hands – literally. "Kiss your mother, John," she whispered. While I did so, pressing my lips against Mom's, our tongues gently caressing each other, Molly continued to rub Mom's back, slowly descending until she was gingerly massaging the small of her back. Mom gave a start as she suddenly felt Molly's fingers tracing down along the crack of her ass and then press between her thighs to massage the fleshy folds of her pussy.
Mom gave a little shiver and moved her thighs slightly apart, allowing Molly more access between her legs, sighing into my mouth as her tongue fluttered against mine. Molly rubbed fingers up and down Mom's labia until they began to part, revealing glistening and wet flesh underneath. Mom's arms wrapped around my shoulders and she pulled me tight against her as Molly slipped a finger inside her.
"Yesssss," Mom moaned against my lips as Molly began to touch her secret spots, adding another finger as she probed Mom's slick, wet flesh. Mom shivered and began to kiss me with more passion, her nipples plumping up and pressing against the cotton of the sweatshirt to poke against my chest.
Molly's touch was sure and precise. Resting her chin on Mom's shoulder, Molly smiled at me, giving me that knowing and sexy wink of hers as she fingered Mom. Mom's left leg was drawn up and I could see Molly's fingers working in and out of Mom's pussy, shiny in the dim light of the single lamp on the bedside table. I kept kissing Mom gently and lovingly as Mom's breathing quickened as Molly's fingers found her sweet spots. Molly added a third finger – two thrusting deeper inside Mom while her middle finger probed upward seeking out her G-spot.
Mom's hips began to move in time with Molly's fingers, little gasps escaping her lips as we kissed. I slid my hand downwards as well, the sweatshirt having worked its way upwards, exposing Mom's smooth belly. I could feel her muscles fluttering underneath my fingers, her skin growing warmer as Molly's loving touch brought her closer. I slipped fingers through her thick bush until I met wetness and heat and spread my fingers so as to surround her swollen clitoris and I began to softly tease it, feeling her pulse through the fleshy little nub.
Mom jerked and moaned, her body stiffening as an orgasm rippled through her weary body. "Oh God, I love you both!" she sobbed before her pleasure took her words away. She hunched against our hands until she couldn't handle anymore stimulation and then with a happy whimper, simply faded into unconsciousness and began to softly snore.
Molly sat up then and stared down at us both. "She really needed that, sugar." She whispered, conspicuously licking Mom's juices off her drenched fingers.
"I expect we could all use that right now. Thank you for everything, Molly." I replied, licking Mom's creamy cunt sauce off my own fingers. My cock throbbed for release – Mom's sweet taste, as always, sending me into a higher state of arousal.
"We'll get caught up, sugar – you, your Mom and me...later. Right now, you need your sleep as well – it's going to be a couple of hard days for y'all." Molly paused and gave me a loving smile, reaching over Mom's shoulder and stroking my face. "I'm sorry you lost your dad, John and I know you must be making your insides a messy tangle right now, but, sugar, whatever else – remember that what you and your mother share isn't part of that, so just let that crazy shit go. You love each other – you're in love with each other and you're going to spend the rest of your lives together."
I reached out and took Molly's hand and kissed it. "Thank you," I replied. I kissed her hand again and whispered, "Good night," Molly." She blew me a good night kiss and I reached over and turned out the light. Mom, in her sleep, snuggled up closer to me, making a contented sigh. She felt good in my arms. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.
I woke up several hours later. Mom was still asleep in my arms and she felt wonderful. Even though I couldn't see behind her, I was instantly certain that we were alone. As I came more awake, my opinion was confirmed by the sound of laughter and chatter from downstairs, soon followed by the smell of bacon cooking on the stove. No doubt, Molly was running interference with my brothers, who despite the circumstances of the last few days had been more than dazzled by my sexy fuck buddy. I'm sure I came up several notches in their estimation by returning home with a beautiful woman in hand.
I was hungry, but having Mom in my embrace more than compensated and I was content to just watch her sleep. I tried to study more on what my father's passing entailed, especially concerning Mom and me, but Molly's words kept interrupting and I did try and just let it go. More important was the happiness of the woman I was holding and I knew we were on the verge of making those last steps to sharing our lives totally and completely. I slipped back into sleep, dreaming of our future together.
I woke up to the sweet sensation of lips and tongue loving up my throbbing cock. Under the blankets a head bobbed repeatedly unseen, although I didn't need to look, knowing Mom's sweet mouth anywhere. I thrust upwards into her mouth, Mom deftly deep-throating me as I pulled the blankets aside. Mom had lost her sweatshirt and was naked between my legs. She looked up at me, saying, "Good morning" and "I love you" silently with her beautiful greenish brown eyes. The weariness and stress of the last few days was apparent, but I think for the moment, she had pushed all of that aside to get lost in pleasuring her son.
I was more than primed and it didn't take too much of her loving and naughty touch to bring my balls to a boil and even though I wished it could have lasted for hours, I didn't even attempt to resist, instead I softly moaned, "Oh, Mom, I'm cumming!" Mom grunted in reply as I began to pump a heavy load of semen into her warm, wet mouth, her tongue probing and licking, urging my cock to feed her more and more of my seed.
When finally I was empty, Mom licked me clean, not having spilt a drop. She crawled up my naked body, her breasts dragging heavily along my suddenly sweaty skin and gave me a kiss, sharing my own taste with me.
"That, sweetheart, was for last night. You wouldn't believe how good that felt!" Mom murmured in my ear before kissing me again."
When our kiss ended, I replied, "Well, I love you for it, but really it was Molly you should thank." I waggled my eyebrows at her. "Perhaps I can provide you some more personal attention right now?" My hand wandered down Mom's back, stopping to squeeze her voluptuous ass cheek.
Mom sighed and shook her head. "I wish, lover, I really do wish we had time." Mom kissed me again, her tongue dancing one more time with mine before she scooted off me and stood beside the bed naked, beautiful and motherly at the same time. "We both need to grab a shower and get cleaned up. The boys will be back shortly."
I frowned and said, "The twins? Where are they?"
"Molly gave them a shopping list and sent them off to the grocery. I think that little minx had taken over my kitchen and is planning to cook up a storm, what with your father's..." Mom choked over the word, swallowed and continued, "With your father's relatives coming in. You and I need to get cleaned up so we and the boys can go to the funeral home and make all the arrangements."
Mom pulled my sweatshirt back on and headed for the door, stopping when I called to her. "Mom? About the Old Man, I, we..."
Mom waved her hand in the air. "Not now, John. This changes nothing between us. I love you with all my heart, but I can't talk about this right now, okay?"
I nodded and said, "I understand, Mom. Sorry. I love you too."
Mom gave me that smile that makes me feel so complete and said, "I know, son. It's what keeps me going." She blew me a kiss and continued, "Now, get a move on. It's going to be a crazy, bad day."
And she was right. From the moment I came down the stairs, freshly showered and dressed in clean clothes, things were insane. The phone rang off the hook with family, friends and Dad's coworkers and drinking/fishing/hunting/bowling buddies offering condolences.
Molly was the calm at the center of the storm. She had indeed taken over the kitchen and was busily pulling together food for all the people she knew were coming and while frying chicken, baking pies and doing a half a dozen other essential things, manned the phone, being sweet and polite and concise all at the same time.
Mom and I took the twins over to the funeral home and chose a coffin and made the other arrangements, letting the twins take the lead in picking out particular details as we sensed that this meant more to them than to us. There were more tears, but the funeral director was a pro and we left feeling a little better about Dad's final disposition.
We got back home to find Molly chatting animatedly at the table with Aunt Debbie. Mom immediately flew into her sister's arms and there were more tears, but I knew that Debbie being here would help bring Mom a lot more comfort. Debbie, like the force of nature she was, swept around the room, hugging me and then the twins, oohing and aahing over them extravagantly, squeezing muscles and showering them with hugs and kisses. I watched with amusement as the boys gaped at their Aunt Debbie, enjoying their ogling the gorgeous woman. Not that I could blame them.
Aunt Debbie was quite an eyeful. At almost forty-six years old, not quite three years older than Mom, she was a lean five foot, nine inches tall woman with a finely sculpted body – her large breasts still firm and perky thanks to her plastic surgeon. Her bleached blonde hair suited her – giving her an air of elegance and the look of a trailer park whore all rolled into one. Her brilliant blue eyes seem to pierce your soul and make promises to make your every fantasy come true. The twins didn't quite know what to make of her, but they did like what they saw.
As they helped her carry her bags upstairs to Mom's room with Mom and Debbie leading the way, Molly came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek and whispered, "Omigod, John! Your aunt is something else." She smiled at me with that knowing look of hers and said, "Tell me the truth – is she as hot as she looks."
I grinned at her and shrugged my shoulders in reply. "Now, how would I know?"
"John Hamilton, you incestuous motherfucker," Molly hissed in a low voice, poking me in the ribs with her finger, "Now you can't tell me that a horndog like yourself who fucks his own mother is going to pass up a hot, sexy, thang like that!"
"Well, like mother, like son," I said in reply, enjoying the look of shock on Molly's face as my words sank in.
Her face flushed with excitement as she leaned into me and kissed me again. "Oh God, sugar! I do love your family!" A timer went off on the oven and she left me go to go check on a casserole. "I want to hear about this!"
I began to tell her about last year's spring break, but was interrupted by a knock at the front door. It was the first of Dad's relatives and once they began to arrive, a steady trickle of them came in all afternoon. Much to Mom's dismay, several announced their need to stay with us and by nightfall, every available space was filled with relatives.
You could tell they were related to the Old Man – their attitudes and expectations of treating everyone else like servants, expecting to be fed and waited upon. Several times, rude comments, mostly aimed at Mom or Molly sent me into a rage and I began to descend upon one, prepared to kick their asses out, but Molly, interceded, whispering time and again, "Not right now, sugar," and steering me away.
Only Aunt Debbie seemed to intimidate anyone, a few seconds of a withering stare of hers sent one scurrying for cover. The twins were oblivious to the tension that settled in over the house, being happy for the support that that side of the family seemed to offer them. I guess it couldn't be helped. My brothers did, after all, definitely take after the Old Man's side of the family.
With no outlet for my frustrations, I occupied myself with trying to be by Mom's side as much as possible and between Debbie's glare, Molly's southern hospitality and my restrained anger, the Old Man's family got in very little picking at Mom as to the funeral arrangements and the disposition of certain belongings of the Old Man's.
The only really ugly moment of the stay was when one of the Old Man's sisters, Aunt Willa threatened to remove a so called family heirloom from the house whether Mom gave permission or not. The moment was quickly resolved when Debbie stepped between Mom and the Aunt Willa and informed her that should she attempt it without – "Carrie's say so, Frank's funeral won't be the only one we'd have in two days."
Molly stepped in with a plate of cookies and smiling sweetly said, "Cookie?" Mom who was biting her lip in frustration and trying not to smack her sister in law, smiled as the offensive woman beat a hasty retreat while I sat back and laughed my ass off. Debbie spent much of the rest of the evening in Molly's company and in my eyes appeared to be appraising her like a fine piece of jewelry she was considering buying.
After that, there was a lot of tension, but very little conversation between Mom and the Old Man's family. Any remaining criticism was left unspoken...although they did seem happy to keep eating the food Molly kept setting on the table.
Mom and I had virtually no time to ourselves over the next couple of days, the best we could manage was a few quiet minutes at bedtime when she came in my room to say goodnight to Molly and me. Molly discreetly gave us alone time, going back downstairs to finish up some cooking project in the kitchen – often in the company of Aunt Debbie who seemed to be fascinated by the younger version of her sister.
The next day was what we call a 'visitation" day. My father's body was prepared and put on display at the funeral home and we stood along side him from noon till nine that night, receiving condolences from friends and family. If you've ever done it, it is a very surreal experience – hearing stories and remembrances of your lost ones, crying and shaking hands and meeting complete strangers until your head spins.
The day after, we had Dad's funeral service and buried him in a quiet cemetery just outside town. We picked it for its rural scenery, there was a large stand of woods nearby where he had hunted squirrel and rabbit and from his gravesite you could see a pond where he had often drowned worms for hours on end. Mom and I had picked it out and I felt a little strange knowing this was probably one of the few things I had ever done that the Old Man would have probably liked.
Call me a strange, sick fuck if you will, but Mom looked beautiful in widow's weeds – wearing a simple black dress that was in no way sexually suggestive, but somehow seemed to emphasize her sexuality. Aunt Debbie on the other hand, true to her nature, wore a sexy red dress that had everyone's eyes drawn to her. The service was quick and simple – in truth, the Old Man had little tolerance for religion and probably would have hated listening to our minister's comments.
That was followed by a long reception back at the house for friends and family. Molly, who had skipped the funeral to prepare, had mountains of fried chicken and mashed potatoes and rolls and sandwich meats and desserts prepared as well as lots of beer and soda and people came and went all afternoon and evening. By the end of the day, Mom and I and my brothers were dead on our feet. I barely remember kissing Mom goodnight inside my bedroom before Aunt Debbie led her away and Molly tucked me in.
Mom again looked exhausted – Aunt Debbie had already told me she still wasn't sleeping well, despite Debbie's personal ministrations – the sheer crush of meeting and talking with so many folks had her worn out. The next morning, the house still seemed packed with people as friends and neighbors brought by food and stayed to chat and the Old Man's family almost seemed to ready to put down permanent roots. Mom seemed to be swaying on her feet, ready to collapse.
Around midmorning, Aunt Debbie took me aside and said, "Honey, your mother needs a break. You're going to take her on a long drive and get her away from all this."
"I am?" I said, maybe a little more eagerly than I should have.
"Yes, John. You two hop in the car and drive awhile, maybe over to the next town. Take a long walk, go see a movie or maybe find a motel and take a nap or something."
"Or something?" I repeated, grinning.
Aunt Debbie playfully slapped me on the side of the head. "Or something. Get going...your Mom needs some quality time with her son. And don't worry about things here. Molly and I can hold the fort." She glanced at the kitchen table where some of the Old Man's relative's were devouring food. "Maybe we can get rid of some of the riff-raff too."
I went and found Mom and I saw a ghost of her smile flit across her faith when I told her of Debbie's marching orders. "Give me twenty minutes," she whispered to me. Twenty minutes later, Mom, looking fine in a red turtleneck sweater that clung to her heavy breasts like a second skin and blue jeans was ready to go. We worked the mom mobile out of the maze of cars around the house and I headed for the outskirts of town.
As we left our town and everything else behind us, Mom let out a long, drawn out sigh and quickly scooted over next to me, laying her head on my shoulder and softly saying, "I love you, son." Her hand came down and rested on my thigh.
I took one hand off the steering wheel and placed it on top of Mom's hand and said, "I love you, Mom." We drove in silence for a long while, just content to be by ourselves and enjoying the wintry landscape of Western Illinois – the fields covered with snow, everything looking like an old fashioned Currier & Ives print.
We drove close to thirty miles and were reaching the city limits of a neighboring town when we saw a sign for a motel ahead – one that mostly catered to visitors to a nearby lake during summer. "There, John – lets stop there," Mom said with a hint of urgency in her voice.
I pulled in and got us registered as Mister and Mrs. John Hamilton and drove us around to our room, the place nearly empty. Inside, Mom paused and looked around. It was your standard motel room – I'd asked for a room with a king sized bed and that's what we got. It was clean and Mom nodded her approval as we shed our coats.
Mom and I stared at each other silently for a moment and then we rushed into each other's arms, kissing passionately as we embraced. It was a different kind of kiss than I was used to – passion and love and need like normal, but more – I sensed impatience and anger in it as our tongues danced and dueled.
When it ended, I looked at Mom and with the concern evident in my voice I asked, "Mom, are you okay!"
To my surprise, Mom exploded. "No, I am not fucking okay! I'm pissed off – I'm angry as hell. That stupid son of a bitch – pissing his life away – wasting the love that was always his for the taking! I loved your father for so long and it meant nothing to him. NOTHING!"
My expression must have been one of shock or horror because Mom pulled me tight and as tears ran down her face, said, "I don't regret what has happened. I know this is how its meant to be – I love you, I've always loved you – it just pisses me off to know your father was such an idiot, that if not with me, with someone else he could have felt the way I feel about you, John, that he could have loved and been loved in return."