Part 08.1

"Hey, Hamilton! Tony and me are catching a beer -- why don't you come along?"

I was unlocking my truck in the company parking lot, heading home after a day's work. I turned at the invitation and shook my head as I replied to one of my co-workers, Willis, "Naw, man -- heading home. My lady's waiting for me." Willis and Tony worked in cubicles near my own -- like me, they were fresh out of college, but unlike me, they were still looking for Miss Right or even better as far as they were concerned, Miss Right Now.

Tony rolled his eyes and said, "C'mon, John! Man, you're not even married yet and you're pussy whipped!"

I just grinned and shook my head again. "With what's waiting for me at home, if that's pussy whipped, then Lord, beat me all you can!"

Both guys guffawed and while Willis climbed into his beater of a car, Tony got a far away look on his face and I knew he was calling up the picture of my Mom that sat on my work desk. It wasn't anything scandalous -- just a picture of Mom sitting on a rock, the hills above our home in the background -- she was wearing a short summer dress that showed off the heft and beauty of Mom's heavy breasts and her shapely legs. "Yeah, man -- I can dig that, I reckon." He grinned at me and waved goodbye. "John, you and your lady have a great weekend!"

Of that there was no doubt. As I drove home, I thought that truthfully, life couldn't get much better. It was now October and we'd been living on Mama Polly's old property for the better part of five months now. My first real job was going well -- my supervisor was pleased with the quality of my technical writing and although it was a little more than an hour's commute each way, I generally left the house each morning with a smile and the memory of Mom on her knees sucking my cock before I was allowed out the door and I drove home each night keenly anticipating taking my mother in my arms again.

Each day seemed to bring new discoveries as I realized how incredibly deep a relationship can become when you are sharing your life so intimately with another. It wasn't just the sex, although that became more intense as time passed, but also the simple things that make up everyday life. Holding hands as we strolled along the street, catching our reflections in a storefront window, marveling at seeing ourselves, hand in hand or arms around each other's waists -- just another couple in love out window shopping.

Reveling in the knowledge that this was my mother and soon to be my wife and that now, here in this time and place, I could kiss her like a man kisses his woman in public and that others saw us as only a couple -- as "John and Carrie" whether or not they knew our incestuous secret. Simple things like sitting at Mama Polly's kitchen table having supper and looking at my beautiful mother and knowing that we would be sharing thousands of suppers like this in the decades to come, filled me with wonder.

And of course, there was the sex. Everyone can debate whether the ever increasing pleasure of our lovemaking is because of us being mother and son -- or simply the end result of the joining of true soul mates. It is both and neither and it is something more, this thing that Mom and I share, and although I have tried so many times to put what we are on paper -- I, at best, can only create a pale echo of the love my mother and I have. Nevertheless, as Mom and I lie gasping in bed, naked and sweaty as we bask in the afterglow of our incestuous orgasms, we both agree that it just gets better and better each time we are joined -- cock and pussy.

Now we were preparing to marry -- to be joined as husband and wife under the eyes and blessing of God -- a joyous event that we had both been anticipating for a long time. A long time ago, atop a tall building in Chicago on New Year's Eve, I had promised Mom I would stand with her in front of a minister and before God and claim her as my wife and now that time was upon us.

As to who would perform the ceremony -- well, Mom and I agreed that there was only one possibility...Reverend Simmons, the now retired preacher from Mom's childhood church -- the church we were now attending. As I tooled down Interstate 75, I felt my cock stirring as I recalled the day we had finally asked Reverend Simmons to officiate at our nuptials.

It had been back in August, a few weeks after returning from Molly and Deb's wedding that we had invited Reverend Simmons and his daughter Melinda over for Sunday supper. Mom fixed a sumptuous pot roast and mountains of mashed potatoes and peach cobbler for dessert and I was amused to see that wiry little old man put away two heaping helpings of everything.

We all had a good time -- the reverend was a great story teller, never really crossing bawdy, but titillating us with his recollections and making us laugh till we were almost crying. The whole time he was talking, his eyes behind his thick lenses were roving over Mom's delicious body while his hands always seemed to wandering about Melinda's petite frame.

I didn't blame him, Mom was wearing a halter top that left little to the imagination, tit flesh overflowing the top and sides and which the seams appeared to be on the verge of unleashing Mom's massive breasts. She also had on blue jean cutoffs, her ass cheeks jiggling enticingly as she moved around the kitchen and dining area bringing food to the table or bending over to check the cobbler in the oven.

And I confess to roaming an appreciative eye over his Melinda who, despite being at least fifteen years older than Mom, was a very attractive and sexy woman in her own right -- wearing a light blue spaghetti strap summer dress that drew attention to her bare shoulders and slim figure.

We had finished dinner and were in the living room enjoying Reverend Simmons's stories -- him finishing up one about Mom's daddy, Tom and how as a teenaged boy, he had dropped a skink (a salamander-like critter) down the front of the Reverend's mother's dress at a church picnic. "And Momma let out a yell to curl your hair and she was out of her dress in a flash and running across the field, her big ol boobs flopping this way and that and turns out she wasn't wearing knickers that day."

The old man smiled a bit sadly and said, "Now, Momma -- she didn't cotton to family loving like Daddy's side of the family did and it wasn't till that moment and I was in my late twenties, mind you, that I ever had my prayers answered and saw my mother naked as the day she was born, but I swear, I think about her fine body that God blessed her with every day of my life since...praise God. And I got your daddy, Carrie, to thank for that!"

Reverend Simmons was sitting in a big leather chair and Melinda was curled up next to him on the wide arm, her arm draped around her father's shoulders. She snorted and said, "That's true, but I doubt a day goes by that you don't think about every woman you've seen naked your entire life, Papa!" We all laughed at that and then a moment of awkward silence set in as we all looked at each other expectantly.

Finally, the old man stepped into the void. "Now, while I know y'all enjoy our company, I reckon you're wanting to ask me something, Carrie."

Mom's face reddened and she reached out and took my hand and said, "You always knew what was on my mind, Reverend Simmons. The fact of the matter is..." Mom paused and I understood why. True enough, we were reveling in our incestuous relationship and were unashamed that we were lovers, but it is still difficult to just say out loud...

"Reverend Simmons, Mom and I want to get married and we want you to perform the ceremony!" I blurted it out, both embarrassed and basking in Mom's sudden loving stare.

Quiet followed as the old man studied us both for a moment, his daughter smiling mysteriously at us, a slight flush spreading out from the low neckline of her dress. Reverend Simmons scooted forward to the edge of the sweet, his thin, angular frame almost swimming in his white dress shirt and black slacks and then he flashed us a toothy grin and said, "Well, boy, it's about time you made an honest woman out of your momma! It would be my pleasure to bind you to holy wedlock!"

We both jumped up and ran across the room, Mom hugging the reverend till I thought he might break while I accepted a congratulatory kiss on the corner of my mouth from Melinda. Then Reverend Simmons was shaking my hand in an iron grip while Mom and Melinda hugged and gave each other a less than quick kiss on the lips -- a spectacle erotic enough to stop the reverend from talking and which had us both watching eagerly.

I felt a stirring inside my blue jeans as Mom strolled by me and I followed her back to the couch across from the reverend and his daughter. We spent a few minutes working out details -- the reverend had Melinda use our phone and reserve the church for our chosen day in October, before we all settled in, expecting Reverend Simmons to resume his story-telling.

Instead, he fell silent for a few minutes, just studying Mom and me, his hand reaching out to rest on Melinda's bare knee. "I swear, John, you are one of the luckiest boys on the planet. I believe I said it the first time we met and I'll say it again, your mother is one of the finest cock suckers in the world!"

"Papa, behave yourself!" giggled Melinda, giving him a slap on the hand resting on your knees. I glanced at Mom to see her grinning devilishly, maybe embarrassed, maybe not.

"Well, its true, isn't it, Carrie?" He pointed a long, bony finger at Mom. "This here girl never met a cock she didn't like is the way I always heard it. I know she always sucked my cock like it was her favorite dick in the whole world!"

Mom laughed and sighed. "Yes, that's true, especially back then and Reverend Simmons, your cock was always one of my favorites!" She smacked her lips loudly and added, "I bet he still tastes delicious, doesn't he, Melinda?"

It was the fair-skinned Melinda's turn to blush -- her reddening face drawing attention to her still mostly sandy-blonde hair -- lightly shot through with gray. I reckoned that like us, she wasn't ashamed of the relationship she had with her father, but it's not something one gets to discuss with others on a regular basis. "Yes, Papa's spunk is tasty." She elbowed her father. "I reckon my little ol' mouth suits him well enough."

Reverend Simmons sighed and he idly ran his fingers over his daughter's leg above just above her knee. "Ain't nothing finer than your mouth on my old pecker, sweetie." She smiled and leaned over and gave him a quick kiss. "I reckon you're in a league with Carrie here." He sighed. "Lordy, I can still remember the first time with little Carrie there -- she was a fine figure of a young girl -- lean with those big, upstanding titties. We was in the sanctuary of the Church -- she was helping me with the cleaning a month or two after she lost her daddy." Mom nodded, a smile, both sad and pleased on her face.

"We were polishing the wood on the alter, me on the top step and her kneeling below me and doggone if that sweet girl just didn't reach out with her hand and start rubbing my crotch! And when I asked her what she thought she was doing, Carrie said to me, 'I miss my daddy, Reverend. I miss his cock something awful and I was thinking, if you don't mind, I'd love to suck your big peter for you!'"

"And I did, didn't I, Reverend," said Momma, her voice soft and breathless. "I fished your big peter out and on my knees gave you the best blowjob you'd ever had!" Mom sighed, her hand squeezing my hand a little tighter. "I was so surprised. I figured you'd taste just like Daddy, but you didn't. It was gooood, but different." Mom giggled. "And you were shocked that first time that I would swallow." She shook her head. "All these silly girls that refuse to let a man cum in their mouths -- all that good jizz going to waste!"

"Amen," breathed Melinda in response. Mom's and her father's reminiscing was getting her aroused. I could see her smallish breasts rising and falling under her light cotton dress. Hell, I was getting aroused. I could absolutely envision my mother -- young cock slut that she was, going down on the reverend and the image made me stiffening up. I squirmed a bit on the couch, trying to adjust for my growing erection.

"Yessir, your Mom sucking cock was quite a sight...a sight I'll never forget!" said Reverend Simmons in a voice I think was mostly used to praise awe inspiring miracles.

Mom looked over at me, winking and giving me that, "I want to be bad" grin of hers and then turned back to face the reverend and his daughter and said, "Well, if you and Melinda don't mind, I'm more than happy to put on a show and let you relive those good old days!" Mom's hand suddenly was on the bulge in my crotch, her fingers seeking out my zipper. She looked expectantly at the family Simmons across the room.

Melinda's hand went to her mouth and she said, "Oh my!" and fell silent.

Her father grinned, his furry eyebrows waggling and he produced a handkerchief and was busily cleaning his glasses. "Thanks be to God for his many blessings," he said aloud and then added under his breath. "Lord, don't strike me blind!"

"Melinda, do you mind? I don't want to offend you." Mom said softly.

Melinda was silent for a moment, her tongue peeking out and running slowly over her lower lip. Finally, she answered, "No, I don't mind at all. I gotta confess, I've been hearing about how good you suck cock for years, Carrie and I reckon I've also been wondering about the kinda of cock a son must have that would make his mother want to marry him."

Mom giggled and replied, "Well, let me show you!" The room was very still and quiet and the sound of my zipper being pulled down seemed so loud. Mom looked up at me, a naughty grin etched on her face and she raised an eyebrow as if to ask me, "Oh, do you mind, son, if Momma sucks your cock in front of these folks?" I reached out and stroked Mom's face and then entwined my fingers in her dark hair and said, "God, I love you, Mom!"

"I love you too, son," Mom said breathily. "And I love this big dick of yours," she added as she worked my erection out of my jeans. I was hard as I could be, swollen and large and as Mom slowly stroked my cock, she turned and said to Melinda, "Well, hon -- what do you think?"

Melinda was looking at me with definite interest -- studying my long, thick cock intensely. "That', that's real nice and big, Carrie." She licked her lips and continued, "Well, that explains a lot now, especially why you're always smiling, Carrie!" She shivered as her father continued to rub his palm against her thigh.

"Go ahead, Carrie," urged Reverend Simmons. "You don't need to make an old man wait...nor your son either! Get to sucking, girl!"

Mom obliged him, lowering her head into my lap and taking me in her mouth. I sighed as only a man can when he feels his mother's satiny wet tongue flattening out and rolling over his sensitive cock head, the warmth of her mouth -- of her saliva making me shiver with delight. Mom's lips slid down my shaft, her dancing tongue accompanying them as she began to suck me. With little effort, Mom took me deep until her lips were brushing my wiry pubic hair. Then slowly, Mom moved back up the length of my cock, sucking fiercely as her tongue swirled and pleasured me as only she could do.

"Oh my Lord," gasped Melinda, her eyes wide as she watched Mom suck me. Her hand came down on her father's hand and squeezed as she watched Mom demonstrate the agility and inventiveness of her tongue, rolling and licking it around and over the head of my cock. Minutes began to pass as Mom sucked and licked me, her gaze traveling from my face to the reverend and his daughter and then back to me -- Mom's beautiful hazel eyes gleaming with pleased desire.

I know this was making Mom more excited by the moment -- allowed to take her exhibitionist streak to a new level -- moving way beyond her normal practice of wearing scanty and sexy clothes to actually sucking her son's cock in front of non family members. I began to catch whiffs of Mom's scents -- that unique jasmine scent mixed in with the aroma of her sweet cunt and felt myself swell even more in her mouth.

"Praise Jesus, Carrie!" cried out Reverend Simmons, fumbling with his own zipper. "Would you look at what Carrie has done inspired, Melinda!" The old man fished his own cock out of his pants and I was shocked to see that this eighty-five or six year old man was sprouting an erection to rival my own. Now, I don't imagine that Reverend Simmons weighed one hundred-twenty pounds soaking wet, but he was certainly well endowed. A snatch of memory came back to me -- Mom looking slyly at me after I first met the Reverend and saying, "Reverend Simmons -- that man had a nice cock on him!"

"Oh Papa, look at you!" Melinda cooed, staring down at her father's hard-on. Her hand quickly made its way down to his crotch and she urged his erection on, stroking and squeezing his dick gently. She leaned over and gave Reverend Simmons a long, loving kiss, her tongue spearing in and out of his mouth. Slowly she slid off the big, overstuffed chair, easing down on her knees, surprisingly nimble for a woman of fifty-seven. "Papa, you don't mind if I get a taste, do you?" she sighed as she took him in her mouth and began sucking him.

Minutes passed, the room silent except for the slurping wet sounds of Mom and Melinda sucking cocks and the steady groans that Reverend Simmons and I produced as a mother and a daughter pleased their men. My gaze moved back and forth, watching Mom suck me and watching the talented Melinda giving her father a lavish blowjob.

At one point, Melinda let her father's erect cock slip from her lips, a long blobby string of saliva connecting her mouth and his cock and she whispered, "Well, Papa, tell me -- who's better, Carrie or me?" Her voice was full of devilish glee as she teased her father.

"Well," gasped the old man. "It's hard to say -- daughter, you have the sweetest mouth I know, but I remember Carrie being quite the cocksucker -- albeit, its been a long time since I had that pleasure." Reverend Simmons was leaning back into the chair, breathing hard and enjoying both his daughter's efforts and the sight of my mother sucking hungrily on my dick.

Mom snorted around my dick and looked up at me, the question in her eyes easy to read. I knew that Mom would honor my decision, even if the answer was no, but I would never deny Mom her pleasures...never. "Go ahead, Mom -- its okay. He's like family anyway, isn't he?"

Mom's eyes glowed with pleasure and she whispered, "Thank you, John," as she let me slip from her lips, giving the head of my cock a gentle, loving kiss before she turned and walked on hands and knees to Reverend Simmons and his daughter. My cock throbbed at the sight of Mom crawling, the crotch of her cut-off shorts wetly dark with her arousal and breasts swaying hypnotically as she moved.

Melinda, busy with pleasuring her father, gave a little start as Mom reached her, placing a hand on the older woman's shoulder. Melinda let her father's cock slide from her mouth and she and Mom stared into each other's eyes for several seconds before Melinda began to grin and leaned over and kissed Mom, their tongues dancing briefly together before Mom ducked her head and began to suck on Reverend Simmon's cock.

"Oh yes, yes, yes -- I love this mouth!" groaned the old man, throwing his head back, an expression of extreme pleasure dominating his face. Mom, on her knees before the minister, was busy loving up his cock, her tongue working feverishly as she sucked him. I couldn't see Mom's face, but I knew that as she worshipped his cock with her mouth and tongue, she was worshipping Reverend Simmons with her eyes and I was impressed with his self control under her carnal gaze.

Melinda sat beside my mother, watching her father get pleasured by Mom. She glanced back at me from time to time, smiling at me as I slowly masturbated myself -- enjoying this rare and erotic spectacle. She whispered in Mom's ear and I watch Mom nod her head. Melinda turned and began to crawl towards me, almost like a big cat, approaching its prey. Her face and upper chest were flushed and her dress gaped open, showing me small, apple sized tits, marvelously firm with small, pebble hard nipples.

"One favor deserves another, huh, John?" Melinda whispered. "I've imagined doing this since we first met. Papa fucked me hard that night, listening to me fantasize about you and I came so hard, I damned near blacked out!" She crawled between my legs and without another word wrapped her lips around my cock, removing my hand from my shaft and replacing it with her small, delicate fingers and began to stroke me as she licked and sucked the head of my cock.

I ran my fingers through Melinda's sandy blonde-gray hair, mesmerized by her brilliant green eyes as she bobbed up and down on my hard, throbbing dick. Her tongue swirled delicately around my swollen and sensitive crown and she definitely was talented, making me grow dizzy as she made love to my erect penis. " I as good as your mother, John? Can I suck dick like your momma?" she burbled between mouthfuls of cock.

I would have been hard pressed to give her an honest answer, although I do believe I'd have to give Mom the benefit of a doubt. Still, I comprehended that this beautiful woman had several more years of experience on my mother which led me to the mind bogglingly exciting thought of how good Mom would be at sucking cock when she reached Melinda's age.

Finally, I felt cool air on my cock as Melinda released me. She looked up at me, her face flush with desire and said, "I'd love to see how you taste, but my Papa's as hard as I've seen him in a long time and well, I got to have Papa inside me now!"

Melinda stood up, kissed me on the mouth, her tongue sharing with me the taste of my own cock and then turned and hurried across the room -- panties falling to the floor on the way. She touched Mom on the head and said, "I'll trade you, Carrie!"

Mom looked up and saw the desire etched on the older woman's face and scooted out of the way. "Fuck me, Papa," Melinda groaned, straddling her aged father in the chair, lifting up her dress and giving Mom and me a glimpse of a shaved bare pussy, glistening with desire before she guided Reverend Simmons's cock into her wet cunt.

Father and daughter groaned as one as Melinda slowly sank on the reverend's cock, taking its considerable length completely inside her in one long motion. Reverend Simmons's hands came around to slip underneath her dress and cup her ass cheeks, accidentally or maybe on purpose, exposing her still pert and tight butt. Melinda began riding him slowly, murmuring words of love to her father while he kissed her and groaned his contentment.

Mom watched captivated for a moment and then hurried back to me, working her tight jean shorts off as she came. Finally, they fell to her feet and she deftly stepped out of them, her thick, hairy bush glistening with her wet desire, the dark hair split by her pink and juicy labia. We didn't bother to waste words as Mom climbed atop me and with easy knowledge dropped down onto me, her soaking wet and oh so slick cunt enveloping my stiff pole and like Melinda, sliding down and impaling herself on my erection in one movement. Mom leaned in and kissed me, her tits pillowing out against my chest -- her thick nipples trying to punch through the thin fabric of her halter top. Mom's tongue snaked into my mouth where I tried happily, but in vain to capture it with my tongue. Undaunted, I pursued only to have Mom's tongue surrender and we tasted each other, me marveling over how excited Mom could make me with just a kiss.

Reverend Simmons and I spared each other occasional glances as his daughter rode him and Mom fucked me masterfully, the room rapidly growing warm and beginning to smell of the oldest and sweetest aroma known to man -- wet pussy aroused by long, hard cock. Mom worked her pussy against my penis, massaging and squeezing it as she worked herself up and down my shaft.

When Mom flung back her head, her back arching as she began to cum, I spared a glance over at Reverend Simmons and his daughter and saw that she was already in the throes of orgasm, her hands scrabbling against her father's dress shirt as she quivered with pleasure. Reverend Simmons grinned fiercely at me and gave me a thumbs up. As Mom's sweet creams flooded over my cock, I surrendered and exploded inside her juicy cunt, spraying Mom's loving womb with my hot semen. All four of us cried out as one, giving praise to God for the familial love we were blessed to share.

When Mom and Melinda slipped off our respective cocks, Reverend Simmons gave a quick prayer of thanks and then giggling like school girls, the two mature women staggered past each other to land at the other's man's feet. Mom eagerly began to lick Reverend Simmons's and Melinda's mixed juices off the elderly minister's rapidly fading cock while Melinda took my cock in hand and after licking her lips, quickly cleaned my penis of Mom's sweet sauce and my sperm.

By the time Mom finished cleaning Reverend Simmons, his head was tilted back and he was snoring softly, his glasses askew on his face and a broad smile on his lips. Mom turned back to us and said, "Is he okay?"

Melinda turned and beamed at Mom, replying, "Oh yes, honey, Papa's fine. He can't go as often as he'd like and it takes a bit out of him -- he usually takes a long nap afterwards, but he's fine, the dirty old man!" She laughed, the love she had for her father evident in her face.

Mom crawled back over to us and said in a soft voice, "Thank you. This was special and it means the world to me!"

Melinda leaned in and kissed Mom, licking a bit of the reverend's semen off Mom's cheek. "No, Carrie -- thank you! Papa still is hell on wheels when it comes to licking pussy -- he wakes me up every morning with his face buried in my honey pot, but it gets harder all the time for him to get erect. We both enjoyed what you started!" She pulled the hem of her dress up, revealing her pussy -- lips flowered open and her father's sperm leaking from her naked cunt. "There's nothing like feeling Papa's seed in me...nothing like it in all the world." She leaned into Mom and gave her another kiss -- a long and soulful kiss that had my semi-erect cock reviving quickly.

Mom offered to lick Melinda's pussy clean, but the older woman shook her head and said, "I bet it would feel heavenly, but...I'm enjoying just having Papa's hot cum in me again and I just want to enjoy it!"

Instead, we just sat there as the Reverend snored on -- Mom and Melinda talking about how wonderful the men in their lives were and about our plans for the wedding. As they talked, both women began to reach out and play with my cock, stroking and caressing me until I had a huge cock stand waving proudly in their faces. Mom and Melinda began to take turns sucking on my cock -- carrying on the conversation while the other sucked and licked my throbbing penis.

Reverend Simmons woke up just as I was lifting my hips off the couch while Mom and Melinda had somehow managed to close their mouths around the head of my cock while kissing at the same time, their tongues slithering over my glans while teasing each other. I let out a cry as the semen geysered out of my cock only to be deftly contained by their talented mouths.

When I came back to my senses, Mom and Melinda were kissing again, passing my seed back and forth in their mouths while the reverend grinned and shook his fingers at me, saying, "Shame on you, boy -- taking advantage of these two sweet things while I was napping. That's something I'd have expected from your grandfather -- he was quite the horndog too!"

As our guests were leaving us, on our front porch, Reverend Simmons turned around and beamed at me and said, "John -- it's the best thing in the world you're doing -- marrying your mother." His white, bushy eyebrows waggled at me ferociously as he continued speaking, holding up his hand intertwined with his daughter's. "As wonderful as things are now, when you and your mother have truly become united in God's eyes, things will be hundredfold better as HE showers you with his blessings." For the first time, I noticed that on his left hand ring finger, he had two wedding bands -- one plain and the other with a Celtic like pattern. A quick glance at Melinda's ring finger confirmed that she wore one identical to his.

The reverend noticed my attention to these small details and said, "You understand, don't you, boy?"

I grinned back at him and Melinda and replied, "Yes sir, I do. I can't wait -- I'm counting the days!"

And I have...I've been counting the days eagerly, savoring my life with Mom while keeping one eye on the calendar and dreaming of the day I made my mother my wife!

And then finally...the day has come. The last few days had been a blur. Despite the fact that Mom and I planned a simple ceremony, things had been crazy around the house. Molly and Aunt Deb were there, helping Mom with last minute details, shooing me out of the room whenever Deb was assisting Mom with her dress -- Molly cooking up a storm for the small reception planned for afterwards. And I was as horny as I could ever remember. I don't remember now who suggested it -- Mom, her sister or Molly, but someone came up with the idea that I should abstain from all sexual activity for several days to help our Honeymoon, "get started with a bigger bang," as I think Aunt Deb put. All these lovely women around, radiating sexual energy and me with a near constant erection and no release -- it had been a while since I had had to endure blue balls.

Molly looked radiant by the way, as only a mother to be can. She literally glowed -- happier than I've ever known her to be. At about three months along now, she gleefully showed me the small baby bump in her belly that was our child and just running my hand over her softly rounded stomach sent a thrill through me. Already I felt that there was now a deeper connection between Molly and me and the little guy or gal that was growing in her womb. I loved the feeling of knowing I was going to be a father and the intensity of that happiness stunned me and not for the last time in my life was I to be in awe of the wondrous law of nature that love only produces more love! If I felt any regrets at that time -- it was that Mom and I had not been able to make a baby.

Finally though, on a beautiful Saturday in October, I was standing in that old white, clapboard church in front of the alter with Molly at my side, looking radiant in a red halter dress, short as could be without actually showing her crotch, her breasts already beginning to swell, rising prominently over her neckline. She gave me that searing smile of hers, overjoyed for me that I was about to experience the wedded bliss that she and Aunt Deb had known these last few months.

Reverend Simmons stood before us, his weathered Bible in hand and in his best suit. Despite his eighty-five or so years, he positively beamed with vitality and life. The source of that vitality was sitting in the third row -- Melinda looking radiant herself, pleased and happy for Mom and I. Emma Johnson was there, Mom's old childhood friend and her husband and brother Bill. Both were smiling at us, Bill throwing me a knowing wink. Beside them were two of their children, a teenage boy and girl. The brother periodically would lean over and whisper something in her ear and she would blush and give her brother an evil grin. I wondered what they were talking about. Mom and me? Their own parents? Perhaps they had secrets of their own.

There were a few other people, mostly old friends of Moms or members of the church who were aware and obviously approved of the match of my mother and me. One very old lady introduced herself as Miz Bess and told me how she had been Mama Polly's best friend and hoped that Mom and I would be as blessed and happy as Polly and Tom had been many years ago.

Abruptly, the organ sounded and began playing. My attention went to the back of the church where at the top of the center aisle, Aunt Deb was slowly walking towards us. She shared Molly's look of radiant joy and looked lovely, her tall, lithe body sheathed in a red halter dress that matched her wife's outfit. My aunt, with her large, buoyant breasts trying to break free from the halter top, radiated sexual power and every male in the sanctuary followed her progress down the aisle (and several of the women as well).

She joined our little gathering at the altar, pausing to give me a kiss on the lips, her tongue swirling around mine, that had my cock pulsing with desire. Aunt Deb proceeded to lay a similar kiss on Molly -- one that her mate returned enthusiastically. Everyone in attendance chuckled, amused by the passion that the two women obviously shared with each other. Deb finished by turning to Reverend Simmons and whispering, "Still sexy as ever, Reverend!" and giving him an equally carnal kiss.

The music stopped and then resumed with the traditional bridal march. I turned to look up the aisle and felt my breath just get taken away. Mom stood there looking lovelier than I could ever recall. Mom was wearing some sort of corset like white bustier that left her shoulders bare and lifted and exposed her breasts almost to the aureoles -- in truth I couldn't figure out how Mom's huge breasts weren't literally falling out of her wedding dress. The bustier seemed to flow into a long dress that appeared to cover Mom's legs, but as she walked, you realized that there were high slits cut into it, exposing her shapely legs almost to the thigh as she slowly strode towards me, her feet encased in three inch high heels.

Mom's black hair, shot through with faint lines of silver, brushed her naked shoulders, framing her lovely face, eyes glowing with love for me and her smile -- her lovely, sensuous smile that promised so many things both innocent and naughty. I felt so much love for my mother welling up inside me at that moment, I thought my heart might explode. As she came towards me, a fall bouquet of flowers in her hands, time seemed to slow down and my whole universe became Mom.

"Last chance to run for it, sugar," Molly whispered into my ear, breaking my reverie. I spared her a glance and she gave me a wink and added, "You better marry her, John Hamilton, 'cause if you don't, I will!"

I laughed and then turned back to Mom who had finally reached us. She handed Deb her bouquet and as we stepped in front of Reverend Simmons, I realized I was now sporting a huge boner in my trousers. Mom and I brushed shoulders and I caught a whiff of her -- jasmine and pussy mixed together and knew that Mom was as turned on as I was. We joined hands and I felt that wonderful spark of incestuous energy that always seemed to grow when we touched.

Reverend Simmons cleared his throat and began, "Friends and family of Carrie and John -- we are all gathered here on this joyful day to bear witness to their joining in the blessed bonds of holy wedlock. We are called here to bear witness to the Lord's blessing to their eternal love for each other." I felt Mom's hand tighten around mine.

"We are here in this house of the Lord's to celebrate his greatest gift of all -- the gift of love. We believe that when two people discover that special love that is theirs and theirs alone, that it would be a sin to not hold on to it and nurture it and by doing so bring even more love into an old, cold world. John and Carrie -- mother and son, have always shared love but now in this place and time, they have discovered that they are more than mother and son, that they are as the Lord has surely intended, soul mates -- that they held within them, a purer, deeper love that most folk are never blessed to know. Here today, with y'all bearing witness, they take that next step to more fully embrace and celebrate that love by becoming for all time, husband and wife."

The minister's tone grew stern and baleful as he said, "I must ask if there is anyone present who can give us a reason that this marriage should not take place." He scowled at the few people present and then relaxed and chuckled, "I didn't think so!"

He looked at me and said, "John Hamilton, do you vow to love, honor and cherish your mother as your beloved wife, now and forevermore?"

I'd heard the words before when we'd had a practice run-through the previous night, but now, with Mom looking more beautiful than ever, her hand in mine in front of our friends and family, the rightness, the appropriateness of the moment almost overwhelmed me. My eyes burned with tears as I had to work to control myself as I said, "I do."

Reverend Simmons turned to Mom and said, "Carrie Hamilton, do you vow to love, honor and cherish your son as your beloved husband, now and forevermore?"

Mom let out a happy, little sigh and with her eyes never leaving mine, replied, "I do."

The minister beamed at us and said, "Do you wish to exchange more personal vows?"

We both nodded and joined hands, the world disappearing as our world centered in on each other's faces. "John, I never knew what love was until I was in your arms. I love you as my son and I will love you as my husband till the end of time." Mom's voice wasn't quavering a bit, but was husky with the love and lust that I knew she had for me.

"Carrie," I began, but then shook my head. I know Mom had time and again told me that she preferred not her given name, but Mom. I began again, "Mom, I love you as my mother and I will love you as my wife until the end of my life. It's only when I'm with you that I know what true love is."

Together, we said, "I love you," and started to kiss until Reverend Simmons loudly cleared his throat and gravely shook his head.

"The rings, please," he prompted and Molly and Deb stepped forward. Molly held the antique ring that I'd given Mom our first New Year's together. I'd offered to replace it with a new one, but Mom had flatly refused insisting that in some ways, she'd become my wife on that wonderful night. Aunt Deb passed to Mom a new ring that was an exact duplicate of the antique ring, right down to the minute scrollwork. Mom had found a goldsmith in Lexington that created a ring for me that matched hers.

"With this ring, I wed thee, Mom," I said, returning her ring to its rightful place.

"With this ring, I wed thee, son," Mom replied, sliding my ring onto my finger were it has remained to this day.

"Here and now and forevermore, in the eyes of these witnesses and God, I do pronounce you, husband and wife," intoned Reverend Simmons. With a great deal of satisfied glee, he continued, "You may kiss your mama, the bride, John!"

And kiss we did, coming together, bodies pressed together, feeling each other's hearts beating as our lips met and tongues greeted each other and my mother and I kissed for the first time as husband and wife. We savored the kiss, not wanting to let it end, passionately kissing each other as if we hadn't kissed each other in days or weeks. There was love in the kiss and lust and hunger and joy. It was as if by finally taking this last step we two lovers had become one entity. We were complete. We kissed and it went on and on. We dimly heard chuckling in the background and then some scattered applause and still we kissed, our tongues intertwined and coiling around each other until finally I heard Reverend Simmons clearing his throat.

With a mournful sigh, Mom and I ended the wet kiss, both of us licking our lips as we did so, tasting each other's saliva and grinning wickedly at each other. We were both trembling with desire. The reverend stepped forward and turned us to face the congregation. "Friends and family, may I present Mister and Missus Hamilton!" and we glowed happily as our friends and neighbors and relatives loudly cheered us.​
Next page: Part 08.2
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