Part 11.1

The Next Generation

It didn't take the sidelong glances and surreptitious stares of the other diners in the restaurant to cue me in that I was sharing a table with the sexiest and loveliest woman in the establishment. The fact that I had known the woman all my life didn't inure me of the fact either nor did the fact that the woman was my mother deter me from possessing such lustful desires for her. The truth is, I have always loved my mother more than anyone else and especially since puberty clued me in that love has many facets. I didn't only love Mom, I was in love with Mom.

Mom radiated such intense sexuality, it was a wonder that anyone could gaze at her long without going blind. Thankfully, instead of striking me sightless, her sheer carnality just fueled my longing for her. My heart beat wildly as I watched her sitting across from me, toying with her pasta, her brilliant green eyes seeming to peer into my soul as she coyly smiled at me.

For our evening out, Mom had chosen a strapless black dress with a plunging neckline that exposed much of her heavy, but still firm breasts and put her lovely shoulders on display. After years of wearing her black hair long, Mom had recently cut it much shorter, reminding me of that actress in "Ghost" from years ago. Out of sight underneath the table, but nevertheless on my mind was the short hem of her dress -- when standing, it ended at mid thigh showing off her lovely legs -- her outfit made complete by the three inch stilettos on her dainty feet. Mom was a voluptuous package in a skimpy dress and it thrilled me that she had chosen it for intimate dinner with her son.

Mom smiled at me and then said softly in her lilting Tennessee accent, "You're awfully quiet tonight, sugar. Penny for your thoughts?"

I shrugged my shoulders -- an expression I had often been informed was exactly like my dad's and replied, "Just amazed that I'm the one sitting here with such a beautiful woman, Mom." I paused and said, "I can't begin to imagine how I got so lucky."

Mom blushed a little and said, "Well, thank you,'re a silver tongued devil just like your daddy." It was hard to tell in the dim light of the Italian restaurant, but it seemed liked the blush was spreading down to her neck and exposed upper chest. There was a little wobble in her breasts as she seemed to breathe a little faster. "You know, could call me Molly now. You're eighteen...we're both grown-ups." Mom gave me a speculative look as she said the last few words."

I nodded and said, "Molly...I guess I could get used to that, but...even when I call you that, in my heart, I would always mean Mom. Whatever else may'll always be Mom to me."

That seemed to please my mother and she nodded. "I have my blessing to call me Molly whenever you want, but I like hearing you call me Mom. I'll be honest, sugar -- I like the way you say it...I always have." She reached out and took my hand and squeezed it gently. "Speaking of whatever else may be...I reckon there's a few things we really need to talk about, isn't there?"

"Yes," I replied in almost a whisper -- my mouth suddenly dry and my heart beating even faster.

Mom smiled at me and said, "Well, you're eighteen're no fool. You know how things are with me and your Dad and Mom-Carrie. How they were with Mom-Deb and Mom-Carrie and your Dad and me. We've talked many times over the years about what might happen when you became a man. You've never asked about the possibilities, but I know you have feelings for me...feelings beyond what's traditional between a mother and son."

My mother's face was definitely on fire now...for such a sexual woman, I was almost amazed that Mom seemed to be embarrassed. She plunged on, her fingers wrapped so tightly around mine that it was almost painful. "When...when you asked me out to dinner...asked me to go on a date with you, I knew that finally the time had come. You're eighteen, Tommy. You're a man now. You and I can finally talk about it."

I had a funny grin on my face and in a raspy voice said, "Talk about what, Mom?"

Mom barked a short laugh and said, "Don't you dare play coy with me, Matthew Thomas Hamilton. We're going to talk about us becoming lovers!" Mom's eyes were almost alit with green fire...denoting the carnal passion that I had only seen her have for Dad and Mom-Carrie and in my distant memory, Mom-Deb.

I shook my head slowly and said, "No, Mom...I didn't ask you here to talk about becoming lovers."

Mom's eyes went wide and she gasped. I felt her fingers loosen around mine and she began to sit back in her chair, but I tightened my grip on her hand even as she replied in a very quiet and shocked voice, "You...Tommy, you don't want to be my lover?"

Never letting go of her hand, I slipped out of my chair and moved to her side, dropping to one knee as I did so. With my free hand, I reached into my jacket pocket and removed a small box, flicking it open as I raised it and replied, "I don't want to just be your lover, Mom, I want to marry you."

I kissed Mom's hand and extended the engagement ring in the box. "Mom...Molly Cash Hamilton, will you please marry me?"

Mom was speechless, one hand clapped against her mouth, eyes wide open in stunned amazement. I let her hand slip free so that I could pluck the ring out of its container...the square cut diamond sparkling magically off the flickering light of the candle on our table. I took Mom's left hand and placed the ring at the tip of her ring finger and looked back up at my mother. "Marry me, Mom. Be my wife and make me your husband...lovers and husband and wife forever."

Tears were running down Mom's face and for a moment I thought she would refuse, but then she nodded furiously and replied, "Oh yes, sugar! I love you so much, son! Yes, Tommy, I'll marry you!"

As I slid the ring onto Mom's finger, applause spread from throughout the room -- some of the closest diners applauding with somewhat confused expressions over the mix of the words 'Mom' and 'son' amidst my proposal and Mom's acceptance. I really didn't care and paid little attention to the world around me as I rose back up and Mom stood up and flung herself against me, her arms flying around my neck as she almost climbed up my taller form and pressed her body against mine even as she pressed her lips against mine.

I was in heaven as for the first time in our lives, my mother kissed me as a man and not a child, her lips open as her tongue slipped into my mouth and sought out my own tongue! Mom tasted delicious, her mouth wet and electric as we kissed as only two people in love could kiss. The loving French kiss seemed to last forever and I felt dizzy and breathless when it ended and Mom whispered, "I can't believe you proposed to me, sugar!" She giggled and added, "And on our first date!"

I hugged Mom's body tight against my own, relishing the feel of her large breasts against my chest...even through her dress and my shirt and jacket, I could feel the aroused beating of her heart. "I want you, Mom...I want to love you and be with you forever and I don't want to waste a moment!"

Okay, I am sure that many of you reading this are rolling your eyes and thinking that this is just another "Wham-Bam, Hey Mom wanna fuck? Sure do, Son, fuck me blind," story and I suppose in a sense it is, but the truth is that there was always a sense of inevitability that Mom and I would become lovers. If you know the story of my Dad and his mother and my mom and the whole Hamilton clan, know I can honestly make the claim that incest is in my blood and that incest was always my destiny.

Call me is the name I great grandfather's name...or my grandfather's name depending on your point of view. I am the son of Molly, Deb and John Hamilton. Molly was my birth mother and for about eight glorious years was married to my Mom-Deb before she passed away. John was Deb's niece and Mom's lover going back to college. Well, Dad was Mom-Deb's lover too and Dad is married to Carrie Hamilton, his wife and mother. Yeah, it gets complicated. To add to the confusion, Dad and Mom-Carrie also have a half-sister, Polly.

Before we go any further, let's just drag out the controversial word...INCEST! You could say my family are experts in incest. Mom-Carrie says it just comes naturally to us -- that it's in our blood. See, Great-grandpa Tom and his mother, Polly were lovers. Mom-Deb and Mom-Carrie were lovers with Great-grandpa Tom and with each other when they were teenagers. Dad and Mom-Carrie resumed the family tradition when Dad was in college which was how Mom-Carrie and Mom-Molly met and became lovers and then through Dad and Mom-Carrie, Mom-Molly met Mom-Deb and they fell in love and got married. Mom-Carrie married her son, John (my Dad), a few months later. Within the year, I was born -- the son of Dad and Mom-Molly and Dad and his mom had a daughter, Polly, my half sister.

All my Moms and Dad set Polly and me down when we were twelve and explained our family...history and tendencies to us. It kinda amused me and I think it freaked Polly out a little until Dad and Mom-Carrie assured her that she wasn't obligated to carry on the family tradition. As for me, I wasn't freaked out one just sort of reaffirmed my feelings and desires. I knew even then as I dealt with the onslaught of puberty that I didn't just love my mother, I was in LOVE with her.

Maybe it was the fact that losing Mom-Deb when I was eight had driven us closer together...maybe it was my Hamilton blood rising to the surface, but even at twelve, I was already attracted to my mother and already wondered when I would be able to take my place alongside the adults in their lovemaking. Now, to be honest, neither Mom or Mom-Carrie or Dad ever even suggested such a fact they never brought it up. Nevertheless, I was thinking about it constantly and inadvertently or not, my parents (all three of them) helped fuel my fantasies and desires.

I do want to be clear. Mom and Dad and Mom-Carrie weren't intentionally screwing in front of me and my sister, but they were passionate, lustful people and throughout my childhood, there were accidents of walking in on two or more of them. I think I've lost count of the number of times I've strolled unexpectedly into the kitchen or pantry to find my mother going down on Mom-Carrie or vice-versa or Mom or Mom-Carrie sucking Dad's cock.

I don't know how many times I've walked into Mom's bedroom or Dad and Mom-Carrie's bedroom to discover two or more of them having sex. I remember once walking in and seeing Dad slipping it to Mom from behind while she licked Mom-Carrie's pussy. Once I walked in to see Mom-Carrie riding Dad's cock while Mom rode his face -- she and Mom-Carrie kissing each other and playing with each other's huge tits. Most nights growing up, I fell asleep to the sounds of orgasm coming from their was a lullaby putting me to sleep. Their moans and cries were as comforting to me as the sound of rain gently falling on the roof.

It was amidst all that that I knew that I wanted, that I was destined to become Mom's, I wanted to be her husband and lover. I would defy any red-blooded male who has a mother as sexy and beautiful as mine to feel differently. Mom as she entered her forties was drop dead gorgeous. Mom stands five-foot, two inches with a voluptuous figure: 38D-27-38 and legs to die for. She has green eyes and black hair with thin streaks of grey that arrived during the time Mom-Deb was sick, but which have never increased. She radiates sexuality and I've seen her turn the volume up on it and rendered both men and women speechless and near befuddled. When she smiles at you...I mean really smiles at you, your knees go weak and your cock gets instantly hard.

Mom and Mom-Carrie, besides looking like daughter and mother, both share a passion for sexy...sometimes sluttish looking clothes...neither being modest or ashamed to show off their good looks and luscious bodies! Trust me, growing up in our remote home in Eastern Kentucky was better than living in a penthouse with a dozen Victoria's Secret Angels!

Now, there is no doubt that I was sexually attracted to my mom, but it went deeper than that, even though I barely have the words to describe it. Mom and I were close emotionally...she was my best friend and closest confidant. It often seemed like I could read her moods...her mind almost and she mine, although if she noticed how much I lusted for her, she never let on until our dinner date a week after I turned eighteen. I loved Dad and Mom-Carrie, but Mom was my favorite person to spend time with and I think -- outside of the carnal world, I was her favorite person as well.

Now, I would have declared my love and lust for Mom when I was fifteen...hell, I was ready to propose at fifteen, but my sister Polly counseled me to wait. She had been going through her own struggles dealing with our family nature...both fearing and curious about engaging our parents sexually, but Dad and Mom-Carrie had already informed her that that was something they would only discuss with her when she was eighteen.

"You might as well wait, Tommy," Polly informed me late one night when we'd sneaked out onto the roof between our rooms with a couple of pilfered beers from Dad's supply. "I guess they think they're looking out for us...want us a little more mature before we decide."

I pouted and replied, "I don't see why. I know what I want and three more years won't make a difference."

Polly shrugged and looked down at her feet, her face in shadow beneath her long, blonde tresses. "I don't know either, but it's important to them." She lifted her head, her eyes glittering in the light of the full moon. "They do love us though and want what's best for us."

It's sort of funny to think about it, but even though we were two teenagers with hormones aplenty between us, we didn't fool around with each other. Polly walked her own way and I knew that she was interested in Dad, but unsure if she could or would ever act on it. Polly was a deep thinker...that was the biggest difference between us. My sister liked to examine every possible decision from every possible angle before she committed to anything. Me...I was always the plunger -- jumping in without a second thought. Patience wasn't my best virtue.

Waiting to turn eighteen was to say the least, frustrating, especially when you consider that in addition to Dad and myself, I lived with two very sexual women and a lovely teenaged girl. Mom and Mom-Carrie were as I said, like nearly identical mother and daughter -- both with lovely meaty breasts, voluptuous bodies and great legs. Both exuded raw sex and I think I spent most of my pubescent years with a constant erection. When you add in the sexual nature of my parents and the little accidents and the every night sounds of orgasmic passion echoing everywhere -- I was either erect, masturbating or recovering from my own climax constantly.

I would have probably gone insane if I hadn't found a diversion in work. I was about thirteen when I discovered that I enjoyed and had a talent for yard work...something that expanded from mowing yards to actual landscaping by the time I was sixteen. I worked as much as I could -- sparing time only for sleep, school, homework and baseball. I worked so much that Mom-Carrie worried that I had inherited traits from Dad's late father who had helped push Mom-Carrie into her son's arms with his neglect of her needs in his own single-minded pursuit of work and his hunting and fishing.

I think Dad was a bit worried too, at least until one day when we were coming back from a major league game in Cincinnati when I was sixteen and he decided we had to have a heart to heart talk. "Tommy, your Moms and I are worried that you're working too much," he said after our post game dissection of the Reds' shitty performance had faded away.

"Why, Dad?" I replied. "I keep my grades up and I do my chores at home."

"Yeah," Dad said, nodding his head. "I...we have no complaints there, but son...we worry about you not...well, not getting out and having fun. You don't hang out much with the guys and you hardly ever date." He paused and added, "You don't even spend any of the money you earn. You do know you can cut loose once in a while?"

I shrugged and said, "I'm saving my money for something special, Dad."

My father looked at me curiously and replied, "Like what?"

I wasn't ready to tell him and instead tried to change the subject. "Dad, do you think Mom will ever marry again?"

Dad looked pole-axed and was quiet for a few minutes before he said, "I don't know, Tommy. Molly...your mother still feels married to your Mom-Deb." He waited a few more minutes before he added, "I asked her to join me and uh, at least take a vow of marriage. In some ways, we are married already, I guess." He actually seemed a bit embarrassed to discuss it. "But, she said no...that things are fine the way they are."

I plunged deeper, asking questions for the first time since my parents had revealed to me and Polly the true nature of everyone's relationship. " you ever regret marrying your mother, Dad?"

My father grunted and then laughed before his face became very serious and he replied, "Becoming Mom's lover and marrying her and making her my wife have been the greatest things I've done with the exception of being yours and Polly's father." When I didn't say anything, he realized that he hadn't quite answered my question. "No, regrets about marrying my mother at all...she is simply the great love of my life."

I nodded and said, "I know how you and Mom-Carrie and Mom are, but do you think there might ever be another woman or...." My voice cracked a little as I finished, "Another man in Mom's life?"

Dad looked at me a second and then he smiled as his eyes seemed to express a recognition of a kindred spirit before he said, "I don't know, son...I reckon it would have to be a special woman or a very special young man." He grinned at me and then reached out and squeezed my shoulder.

Nothing else was said for a while. We rode silently down the interstate and once past Lexington, had turned off onto the winding roads that an hour away would see us home. "Dad," I finally said. "Do you know what kind of diamonds Mom likes? You know, like for a ring."

Dad looked at me, surprised again by one of my questions. "Um...I believe she likes what's called a 'princess' cut. Why? You planning to buy your Mom a ring?"

I smiled slyly at Dad and said, "Someday...maybe." I suddenly realized that it was I that was blushing. "Don't tell Mom, please? I want it to be a surprise."

"I won't save a word, Tommy...I promise," replied my father. He then added, "You know, those can get quite expensive...if you need a little money...."

I shook my head and said, "No...I'm good, Dad. I've been saving my money for years."

Dad looked at me with a look of pride and astonishment before he began to laugh. I laughed along with him and never felt closer to him. If ever there was moment where we knew we were so alike, it was then.

Mom couldn't take her eyes off her ring all the long drive home, admiring the way it glittered in the greenish light of the dashboard. She was curled up beside me on the bench seat of her old station wagon, her right hand resting lightly on my upper leg, distractingly close to the bulge that seemed ever present in my pants.

"Tommy, darling...I can't get over this," Mom said softly. She looked up at me in the dim light of the car and as her fingers squeezed my leg, continued with, "I knew that there was something between us and I thought you might want to be your momma's lover, but...Lord, sugar, I never expected this! How long have you been planning this?"

I shrugged and replied, "Sometimes, it seems all my life, Mom, I've always loved you and it seems like forever that I've been in love with you."

Mom nodded and grew silent for the rest of the trip, resting her head on my shoulder as I drove, still looking at her ring on her left hand while her right hand gently caressed my leg.

Once home, I got out and opened the door for Mom. In the light of a full moon, I got a heart-stopping glance at Mom's upper thighs as she swung her legs out of the car, offering a teasing glimpse at her black panties. Aside from the porch light, the house was dark and quiet, although the quiet was pierced once by a loud moan through an open upper window. I smiled as I helped Mom out of the car, knowing that Dad was pleasuring his mother, my Mom-Carrie.

Mom came right into my arms and as I closed the car door, maneuvered me back against it, laughing lightly as she said, "Kiss me, Tommy! Kiss your mother here under this beautiful lovers' moon!" I bent down a little even as she seemed to again crawl up my body, her leg wrapped around mine as her breasts slid upward against my shirt. Her lips tasted sweet against mine even as her tongue tasted of wicked promises yet to come, wet and firm as it curled and slid around my tongue.

We held each other tight and I took the liberty for the first time in my life to let my hands roam over her body, sliding over the slinky material of her little black dress to cup her toned butt cheeks, rubbing and spreading them slightly, gathering up the hem of her dress until her ass was exposed and I could touch her bare skin left bare by her g-string panties. As I caressed her butt, Mom purred approvingly into my mouth.

Her hands left my neck to rub my shoulders and then my upper arms, again purring her appreciation at my biceps, well defined by years of hard work. Then Mom was groping my buttocks, giggling as her tongue explored my mouth and then it was my turn to gasp as for the first time, Mom touched my privates, her hand palming the bulge in my slacks, trying to assess its length and girth. Mom broke the kiss for a moment as she murmured, "Oh my, sugar, oh my!"

Then we were kissing again. Somehow, one of my hands found it's way to her barely covered breast and with little effort, I freed it without even thinking, cupping Mom's meaty and still firm breast in my hand as my thumb flicked over her dime sized and elongated nipple, feeling rubbery and hard in her arousal.

We continued to kiss and although I don't really remember the journey, somehow we managed to walk from the car, up the steps and onto the front porch, finally reaching an old porch sofa. Mom was curled up against me, half in my lap as we continued to kiss and touch each other. We seemed to be lost in each other as our tongues danced merrily and our fingers slowly, almost cautiously explored each others body.

I confess not a lot of experience...oh, I had dated several girls in high school and had my share of make-out sessions, but this was much more intense...much more personal and most of all, felt utterly proper and correct. I've liked a lot of girls, but this was the girl...the woman I LOVED! I already knew in my heart that I would never tire of kissing and touching my mother even if we both lived forever.

My hand slid up her upper thigh, sliding down and suddenly I realized that one of us had already removed her panties as my fingers brushed soft, curly hair and then wetness...a lot of wetness. I ran my middle finger along Mom's flowered slit, marveling at how hot and slippery she was. Mom broke the kiss and her hand left my cloth covered cock to intercept my exploring hand as she exclaimed, "Whoa now, sugar! My Lord, Tommy, but you can sweep a girl off her feet."

I laughed and nuzzled Mom's face with my own, stealing a quick kiss before I replied, "Am I moving too fast for you, Mom?"

Mom took a deep breath and shook her head before saying, "I'm not sure. When we left the house this evening, we were just a regular mother and, we're engaged and kissing like soon to be lovers and my son just touched my wet puss for the first time!" She giggled and said, "I always thought I was the fast one, but...son, you have your mother's head just a spinning!"

I leaned in and kissed Mom again, her tongue playfully rolling over mine. I couldn't get over how sweet she seemed to taste. "I'm not sure we've ever been a regular mother and son...not in this family and I've had not so normal feelings for you, Mom, for longer than you might think."

"Yeah, I reckon we are the poster family for incest, aren't we?" Mom said. She pressed her body against mine, her fingers rolling up and down the now aching lump of cock in my slacks. "So, tell me, Tommy, just when did you fall in love with your mother?"

I gave out a long sigh and said, "Wow...I'm not sure, Mom." I considered for a moment and then said, "I was twelve-maybe thirteen and one day you and Mom-Carrie got caught out in the garden by a rainstorm. I watched you two come running up to the house from my bedroom window. I fetched some towels and came down here to the porch and you and Mom-Carrie were soaked to the skin and laughing and I remember you were wearing a red handkerchief top and jean shorts and your hair was plastered to your head and your top was like a second skin around your breasts and you were chilled and your nipples were hard..."

Mom's face seemed to flush under the dim porch light. "Yeah?"

"You and Mom-Carrie were giggling and kissing and in each other's arms and I think you'd just kissed each other when I stepped out on the porch and, Mom, you looked at me and smiled at me with such an expression of love that it almost knocked me down. I remember...I remember that it was one of the first times I ever had a erection."

"And that's when you fell in love with me, son?" Mom asked.

I nodded and replied, "I think least in part." I paused and licked my lips and looked down into Mom's face, her eyes wide with interest and glowing with her love. "It was maybe a few months later and Coach Parker had dropped me off earlier than expected cause our practice got canceled and I walked into the house and you and Dad were on the sofa and you, naked and on top of Dad, facing me." I paused for a moment, recalling with perfect clarity, Mom riding Dad's cock, her body shiny with sweat, breasts bouncing as she slid up and down his erection, her eyes glazed with lust and pleasure.

I pulled Mom a little closer and continued, "You never stopped fucking Dad, even when you realized that I was in the room, but you gave me that same loving smile and it was like you were happy to see me...happy to see me seeing you like that and you managed to gasp, "I love you, Tommy!" and again, you just about knocked me down, Mom with everything that was just you..."

Mom reached up and kissed me long and hard, her tongue almost supernatural in its ability to arouse me as it whirled about in my mouth. "And then, sugar?"

I felt myself blushing. "I said 'I love you, too' and beat a retreat to my room and I...for the first time I masturbated and shot my first load of spunk...dreaming that it was me, not Dad making love..."

"Fucking me...fucking your mother," Mom said softly and huskily!

I nodded and finally said in barely a whisper. "Yeah, I dreamed that I was fucking you, Mom."

Mom let out a shuddering sigh. "I kinda recall getting caught in the rain with Carrie, but I absolutely remember you catching your father and I fucking that summer day." Mom looked down at where her hand was stroking the outline of my erect penis and then looked up at me and said, "I will always remember the look on your face...the desire...the want that was there. Tommy, that was the day I first realized that maybe...just maybe someday you and I could become what your daddy and his mother share what they have."

We both smiled at each other and then were kissing again, my hand returning to rest between her legs, tentatively stroking her blossoming pussy lips, her juices covering my exploring fingers. When we broke the kiss, I suddenly realized that my cock was now free in the cool night air, Mom's fingers stroking me gently and slowly. "Oh Mom!" I breathed softly.

Mom looked up at me and said, "Some would consider it in poor taste for a woman to leave her date in such a condition after such a wonderful date. I think my son needs some relief!" With practiced ease, Mom slid off my lap and onto the porch floor, squatting between my legs. "Tommy, is it okay if Momma sucks your big, lovely cock?"

I nodded slowly and then somehow managed to mutter, "Oh yes, please, Mom!" Mom gave me her patented sexy and sly grin and then opening her mouth wide, wrapped her lips around the head of my cock, eliciting a tremendous moan from me as her wet, warm mouth and tongue consumed my erection. Slowly and expertly, Mom slid her lips down my shaft, pausing mid-length and rising back up to suck sweetly on my cock head, her eyes never leaving mine.

I felt light-headed as one of my most dreamed about fantasies became true before my eyes. My mother was sucking my cock...the first woman to ever do so and it felt so perfect -- so natural -- so right! Mom again slid her lips down my shaft, this time not stopping until her lips brushed my pubic hairs...the tip of my cock buried deep in her throat. Mom made an approving "Mmmmmm," that sent ecstatic vibrations racing up my hard penis and into the rest of my body, making my muscles almost spasm as I stretched them reflexively.

"Omigod, Mom!" I moaned. "I love you, Mom! I love your mouth...your sweet, hot, cocksucking mouth!" Mom gave me that sly, sexy wink again and slowly retreated, sucking me fiercely as she did, her tongue busily rolling over my shaft before resuming it's wonderful teasing of my swollen knob. I suddenly had a clearer inkling of how precious Dad's love was with Mom-Carrie.

She let me escape from her mouth so that she could show off her dexterous tongue as it rolled over the turgid crown and whisper, "I love your cock, Tommy! I love how it tastes." Mom winked at me again before adding, "And I didn't realize how big you are, sugar! You might be longer and thicker than your daddy!"

Then Mom was gobbling me up again, taking me deep into her mouth, showing off her ease at deep-throating her son...sucking me furiously and making me squirm and moan on the porch sofa. Neither masturbation nor having a date stroke me prepared me for the intensity of the pleasure of my mother sucking my cock and I was stunned at how soon Mom brought me to the edge. One moment I was reveling in the sweet sensation of Mom's warm mouth and her liquid silk tongue and the next, I could feel my spunk rising from my balls and I gasped, "Mom...oh God, Mom, I'm gonna cum!"

I wasn't surprised when Mom refused to release me, but it still filled me with awe to see her look up into my eyes with excitement as she continued to suck me, her cheeks hollowing out and then I was cumming -- no, exploding in my mother's mouth, ejaculating semen so hard and fast that the sensation bordered both pleasure and pain with pleasure triumphing in the end, me whimpering as Mom made noises of appreciation as she gobbled up my hot seed for the first time.

Mom continued to suck my dick even as the flow of my semen tapered off to nothing, her tongue busy on the head of my cock and making me claw the sofa cushions as pleasure unlike anything I had ever experience pulsed through my penis. After an eternity of ecstasy, Mom let me slip from her lips and sat back on her heels, her face glowing with love and lust.

"Oh son!" Mom sighed, her voice thick with lust. "You tasted...oh, Tommy, I love the taste of your sperm. I love you, Tommy...I love you and I love your cock...Momma loves you so -- so..." Mom's eyes grew incredibly wide and she slapped her hand across her face as if the enormity of what she had done, sucking her son's cock for the first time had overwhelmed her.

I leaned forward and stroked her face with my hand. "Mom, are you okay."

Mom nodded, her hand still covering her mouth as tears ran down her cheeks. Finally in a hoarse whisper, she replied, "Oh god, yes! I love you, Tommy!" She stood up, looking wild and lovely with both of her formidable breasts escaped from the confines of her dress and I could smell her arousal...her wetness which filled me with powerful and primal desires.

I reached for her, but Mom shook her head. "I love you, son. We -- we'll talk in the morning!" She bent down and kissed me, her tongue thrusting into my mouth for a long, lovely moment, me mildly aware that I was tasting myself on my mother's mouth and tongue and then she broke the kiss and gave me one last loving look and whispered, "I love you, Tommy Hamilton!" and hurried inside, leaving me dazed and a bit confused.

I don't know how long I sat there on our front porch, reliving the evening and its strange and wonderful climax. Mom seemed to have loved what she'd done and hadn't acted like I'd done anything wrong, but still had seemed to flee at the last. I wasn't sure what I should do next...follow her up and confront her and make sure she was okay or wait to morning. Thankfully, my pondering of the dilemma was interrupted and resolved by someone else.

"Tommy...honey, are you okay?"

I looked up, half expecting to see Mom, but instead I found Mom-Carrie staring down at me, her face flushed from making love with her Dad. Mom and Mom-Carrie looked a lot alike, the biggest difference these days being Mom-Carrie's silver white hair that framed her face...a glorious mane that hung down below her shoulders and was at the moment tangled and wild, betraying the fact that she had recently risen from bed.

"Yeah,, I'm okay." I murmured, trying to look away, but still enough of a male that it was hard to look away from such a voluptuous and lovely woman.

Mom-Carrie eased out the door with two cans...beers from Dad's supply. She offered me one, saying, "Sounds like you could use a drink, honey," as she sat down beside me, her full, lush body wrapped tightly in a short silk bed robe. Mom-Carrie had just turned sixty-two, but except for her silver mane, could have passed for ten or fifteen years younger...maybe more. I felt my cock stir a little at the sight of her meaty breasts straining against her robe, nipples clearly outlined against the thin material. My penis jerked a little in response to her beauty and the scent of sex that rose off of her...her pussy smelling much like Mom's mixed with the aroma of Dad's semen.

Suddenly, I realized that my cock was just hanging out of my slacks and hardening up, rising up to as if studying Mom-Carrie itself. "Oh God, sorry, Mom!" I gasped as I reached down with my free hand to force my cock back into my pants.

My dad's mother reached out with a hand and stopped me. "Oh, Tommy, it's alright. It's not the first time I've seen it." She grinned evilly at me and added, "And to be perfectly honest, there's a nearly identical one upstairs and..." Mom-Carrie squinted down at it, studying it for a moment before continuing, "It looks a lot like your Grandpa Tom's cock too!"

I sort of gawped at Mom-Carrie as she tightened her grip on my arm and pulled it back to reveal my now prominent erection, her fingers lithely sliding down my arm until they were intertwining with my own. "And," she casually announced, "I never object to seeing such a thing of beauty." She raised her beer to me in a sort of salute and like a struck stupid idiot, I followed her example and we both took a gulping nearly half of mine down.

Silence followed as I looked at her and she looked at me...all of me before she finally said, "Tommy, you should know that you've made your mother happy...very happy."

I gave a shrug and replied, "I don't know. Mom seemed awfully upset after she...she, um, went down on me!"

Mom-Carrie nodded and said, "I think maybe the better word is 'overwhelmed,' honey. It's been a long time since Molly...your mother felt this much love for another person."

At my puzzled look, Mom-Carrie squeezed my hand and said, "Molly loves John and me the lovers we all are. In a way, we are all three married, but, Tommy, your mother's great love was always your Mom-Deb." Her voice cracked a little at the mention of my other mother's name...her sister's name. She smiled at me and continued, "Your mother lost a piece of herself when Deb died. What you did tonight brought it back to her. Most people are lucky if they meet their soul-mate. It's incredibly rare to discover that you have another soul-mate...someone who loves you so intimately and so strongly."

I understood that and said hurriedly, "I do love Mom like I love no-one else in the world." I hesitated and then plunged on, "I love Mom like Dad loves you, Mom-Carrie!"

She gave out a strong sigh and grinned at me, lovingly. "I know you do, honey. I could see it in your mother's eyes when she came upstairs a bit ago. Don't worry -- nothing will change, but right now, she just needs a little time to deal with it." Mom-Carrie leaned over, her heavy breasts pressing against my chest and brushing the tip of my now very erect cock, and kissed me chastely on the lips.

She leaned back and studied me. Again, she asked, "Are you okay, Tommy?"

I smiled at my lovely Mom-Carrie and said, "Yeah, I think so."

She smiled back at me and said, "Good, I guess I better get back to bed before this lovely thing of yours leads me into temptation." I groaned as she quickly let go of my hand and wrapped her fingers around my erection. She ducked her head and gave me a little kiss right along the slit of my cock-head, her tongue flicking out to lap up a little of my already pooling precum.

"Oh, God, Mom!" I moaned, my cock still sensitive from my mother's loving attention.

Mom-Carrie giggled and stood up. Grinning like a child caught with her hand in the cookie jar, she said, "Sorry....being a good girl has never been my strong suit. I better scoot along before I piss your mother off something terrible."

It took a moment for me to say anything as I was focusing on not cumming again on the spot. "Wow...does this and you and Mom and Dad?"

I didn't think I'd made any sense at all, but Mom-Carrie seemed to understand the gist of my question. She shrugged her shoulders, making her heavy breasts roll underneath her robe and replied, "Well, that's really up to you and your mother, Tommy." She wrinkled her nose at me and then winked sexily. "But I sure hope so. I bet your cock would feel wonderful inside me and I'm already wondering what having you and John at the same time would be like!"

She headed for the door, but paused after opening it. Mom-Carrie looked back at me with a more serious expression and said, "I'm happy that you and your mother are ready to take this step now. My only regret in becoming my son's lover and wife is that I waited as long as I did." Dad's mom licked her lips and added, "If I had known exactly how wonderful it was going to be, I'd have fucked my son the second he turned eighteen instead of losing three years of the greatest love a woman could ever know."

She moved into the doorway, but stopped and came back. "One more thing, Tommy. I'm proud of you. You've grown up to be a fine, loving man and our family is all the richer for having you become a greater part of it. I love you, son." She stopped and giggled. "Maybe I should said, 'I love you, grandson!' Damn, this does get complicated, doesn't it?" She laughed and disappeared into the house while I sat there feeling more stunned than before.
Next page: Part 11.2
Previous page: Part 10