Part 11.2

I sat and finished my beer, suddenly feeling tired and a bit overwhelmed by the evening myself. I couldn't even recall how I had hoped the evening would go. Finally, I got up and headed on inside. My cock had reduced itself to about half-erect, not quite willing to surrender the hope of more fun and games. As a concession to it, I didn't even bother to tuck it away, assuming I was the only one still up. I walked quietly upstairs, pausing for a moment outside Mom's door and wondering if I should go in. In the end, I decided not to push things and made my way down to my own bedroom.

I closed the door behind me and turned on the light only to jump two feet straight up as I heard, "So, what the hell, Thomas? Did you fuck both our moms tonight?"

I took a deep breath and turned around to find my sister sitting on the window ledge, looking as lovely as Mom and Mom-Carrie in a light blue jersey cloth nightshirt that ended somewhere around mid-thigh. Her long, blonde hair hung down her back, gleaming as if it had been brushed a thousand times. Blonde hair aside, Polly was a taller and slimmer version of her mother -- incredible tanned legs and huge, firm breasts that were proudly molded around her nightshirt. Not for the first time did I notice that her nipples looked just like her Mom's. "Jeezus, fucking scared me and no...I didn't fuck my Mom or yours."

Polly smirked at me and replied, "Well something happened, Tommy. I could hear you moaning from my room and Mom came up stairs humming happily like she'd just been fucked by Daddy." She paused and said, "Did you propose to Molly tonight?"

I gave her a broad smile and nodded. My sister gave me a funny look -- something akin to a mixture of fear and envy. "Well? What happened?" Polly growled, leaning forward and making her heavy breasts strain against her night shirt.

I let out a long sigh and said, "Mom said yes! We'll be lovers and husband and wife...I'm not sure when, but she said yes."

"And all the moaning a while ago?" My sister grinned and then did a passably imitation of my voice, "Oh God, Mom...I'm gonna cum, Mom!" Polly laughed and said, "What was up with that? I mean, someone's been busy tonight...or something." She looked down at my semi-erect cock with an amused look.

I felt both proud and embarrassed as I replied, "Um...Mom gave me my first blowjob." I thought about it for a moment. "It was freaking awesome!"

Polly stared at me for a time, her eyes filled again with both fear and envy, her large breasts heaving up and down under her night shirt. " You and your Mom, huh? Another Hamilton family incest love story."

My sister ran her hand through her hair and with a funny look on her face, added, "I'm happy for you, Tommy. You've always known what you wanted and now your dreams are coming true." Polly stood up and came over and gave me a hug, making her the third lovely and sexy woman tonight to press her luscious body against me. My penis, already at about half mast, twitched and rose up in response, pressing into Polly's lower stomach and attracting her attention.

Polly broke free of our embrace and stepped back. "Settle down there, tiger. Maybe you should holster that weapon!" she said as she again eyed my cock, now both amused and interested.

I sighed and reached down and tucked it away. "I can't help it...all you damn hot Hamilton women." Polly laughed and I looked at her and said, "Y'know, they say most cases of incest are between brothers and sisters."

Polly rolled her eyes and returned to her seat on the window sill. "Yeah, well even if I gave into the temptation, you want your first to be your Mom and Molly deserves that." She paused for a moment, a distant look in her eyes and said, "And so do you, brother. You've been in love with your mom since before your thing started getting hard."

Whatever sexual tension had been stirred up between my sister and myself dissipated in the silence that followed. Only about three months separated us in age and we had never kept secrets from each other. I had shared my feelings about Mom with Polly for what seemed nearly forever. We had never tried to explore the possibilities between us over the years...sure we had our 'show me yours and I'll show you mine' moments and I'll be honest and say that it was Polly who taught me how to French kiss a girl, but we both had always known that I wanted my mother and that Polly, well...

"And you, Polly...have you made up your mind about...?"

"Daddy and me?" Polly's face went beet red. "No...God, I think about it all the time and the thought of Daddy and me being lovers makes me wet and scared and pissed off, all at the same time."

I sighed and shook my head. Maybe it was the difference between being male and female. I had never had any reservations about wanting my mother and once I fully realized that I did want to be completely intimate with Mom, the only thing that had held me back was Polly's counsel to wait until I was adult.

On the other hand, since Polly and I had been told the truth about our family, she had struggled with whether or not she wanted to become intimate with Dad. I knew she loved him and I knew that she was attracted to him...that she fantasized often about Dad and about Mom and Mom-Carrie, but there was a part of her that held back. I wasn't sure if it was some sort of hang-up over incest itself or if it was part of that stubborn streak that Polly had that argued that she didn't really have a choice about it. For the last few years, she'd confided in me often, detailing her feelings that had her ready to tear her clothes off and go fuck Dad blind or to never, ever contemplate the possibility of joining our family's sexual activities.

"I suppose that you and your Mom becoming lovers means you and my mom will become lovers too?" Polly said, snapping me out of my reverie.

I shrugged and replied, "I don't know...maybe. I think that Mom and I need to make that decision together. I know...I don't want to make Mom stop being intimate with Dad or your mom." I grinned, unable to resist the brotherly teasing opportunity and added, "Mom-Carrie told me she was very open to the possibility."

Polly rolled her eyes and gave an amused and yet bitter laugh. "God! Mom can be such a slut." She eyed my crotch where my still mostly erect cock bulged prominently. "Did she suck your cock tonight too!"

I shook my head and replied, "No, but she did tell me how much it resembled Dad's and Grandpa Tom's...and she gave it a little kiss."

Polly's jaw dropped and she had a look of exasperation even as she also seemed to become a little aroused, her prominent nipples swelling against the thin cotton of her night shirt. Finally, she just laughed and then swung her long shapely legs around to climb out the window. "Goodnight, big brother. Get some rest. With our nympho moms, I suppose you're going to need it."

She was out the window before I could tell her good night, but she returned, leaning her head in and accidentally allowing the neck of her night shirt to gape open and reveal most of her large tits as she said, "I am happy for you, Tommy and for what its worth, I think you and Molly will be as happy as Daddy and Mom! She blew me a kiss and said, "I love you, brother," and then was gone. I heard her bedroom window slide shut a few moments later.

I stood there for a moment, my mind in a whirl. Finally, I shucked off my clothes and dropped into bed, giving my erection a few sympathy strokes as I thought about Mom and Mom-Carrie and even my sister. In the end, I decided not to jack off. I had no idea of what tomorrow would bring, but I suspected that my masturbating days were at an end. It was with that thought that I drifted off to sleep, a slight smile on my face.

I came down to breakfast the next morning to find Dad examining Mom's new engagement ring, the two of them sitting at the old, scarred kitchen table that dated back to my great-great grandmother sister's namesake. Mom was grinning from ear to ear, her face a bit red from embarrassment as Dad looked up at me and after whistling, said, "That's quite a pretty rock. How the hell did you afford it?"

I flexed my arm, swelling the muscle up and said, "Hard work and sweat. That's the last three years of mowing yards and planting trees and bushes and all that other stuff." Mom's eyes grew wide and I knew the objection that she was about to voice and I rushed to her side and kissed her hard on the mouth, smothering whatever she had been about to say. To my delight, she acquiesced to my kiss, parting her lips and sucking my tongue into her mouth. When the kiss ended a minute or two later, I added breathlessly, "And I didn't touch a single drop of my college fund!"

Mom's eyes grew wider and seemed to moisten as she gasped, "I love you so much, son!" She threw her arms around me and hugged me tight to her and I felt my cock quickly harden as I realized that under her yellow and flowery sundress, she wasn't wearing a bra and from what my hand on her butt cheek could tell, at most, another thong bikini.

It took a few moments, but I finally remembered that there were other people in the room. Mom told me to take a seat and I did after accepting a handshake and hug from Dad who was looking at me expression that seemed proud and curious and even a little sad all at the same time.

"Everything okay, Dad?" I said, unsure of that strange expression.

Dad sighed and nodded. "Someday, you'll look at your own children, Tommy, and suddenly wonder, 'When the hell did they grow up and what the hell did we do that allowed them to turn out so right?'" He continued looking at me with the same odd expression and said softly, "I'm proud of you, son."

"We all are," Mom-Carrie said, suddenly at my side, still wearing that same tight fitting robe she'd had the night before and obviously as naked underneath it. She set down a plate loaded with eggs, sausage and grits. "Eat up, Tommy. I suspect you're going to need your strength today." She threw me a wink and then smiled wickedly at Mom.

Mom-Carrie joined us at the table and the four of us talked casually about Mom's and my possible wedding plans. Mom said, "I'd like to get married on the Gulf somewhere...I here there's some nice, quiet places along the Alabama shore." She reached out and took my hand and continued, "Sugar...if it's all right with you, I'd like Reverend Steinbeck to marry us. He's getting up there in years, but I know he'd be thrilled to perform the ceremony."

Dad and his mom both smiled and nodded their heads and although I was a bit slow to pick up on it, it suddenly hit me that Steinbeck was the one who performed Mom's and Mom-Deb's ceremony in Florida so long ago. I brought Mom's hand to my lips and after kissing her fingers, replied, "I think Mom-Deb would approve!"

"When do you think you'd like to have your wedding, Molly?" Mom-Carrie asked.

I looked at Mom and she gave me a shrug and a smile. I grinned and said, "Well, both Polly and I graduate in three weeks. How's about we shoot for the first Saturday in June."

Mom gave a little squeal and suddenly was in my lap, kissing my face and giggling, "Yes, yes, yes!"

Dad laughed and said, "Y'all don't believe in long engagements I guess!" Then he seemed to sober up for a moment and said, "Uh, y'all do plan to go on living here, don't you?"

Mom-Carrie gave him a playful swat on the back of the head and said, "Of course they do...this is their home as much as it ours." Then her smile faded and she looked at Mom and me and asked, "Right?"

My mother looked at me with a questioning look and I grinned back and looked at Dad and Mom-Carrie and replied, "Absolutely, there is no where else that Mom and I want to live." It felt weird and yet sorta cool to be speaking for both Mom and be the dominant male...kinda sorta.

Dad began clapping while Mom-Carrie got up and came around and first kissed me, her tongue snaking sexily into my mouth and then kissed Mom with equal if not more passion. "Good," she said huskily. "I can't imagine our lives without the people we love the most."

Mom caressed Mom-Carrie's face and said softly, "I don't even want to think about such things, sugar. you and John so much."

There were tears in her eyes as she rose then and kissed Mom-Carrie and then my Dad passionately, finally returning to bend over and kiss me long and hard. "Tommy, it's such a beautiful day, I thought you and I might take a long walk after breakfast." Her eyes glowed with a lustful power through her tears.

"I'd love to, Mom!" I replied.

Mom-Carrie turned to Mom and said, "I left Mama-Polly's quilt out on the sofa in the living room, Molly...if you'd like it."

Mom reddened a little and then grinned mischievously and said, "I'd love it." She turned to me and said, "You finish up eating, sugar, while I go get a few things."

She started to leave the room when Mom-Carrie called out to her, "Molly, maybe later we can talk about fixing up Tommy's room after he moves in to your bedroom."

I looked up at Mom-Carrie with a look of confusion. "Fix it up...fix it up into what?"

I saw Mom turn around, looking a little puzzled even as Mom-Carrie gave us all an evil little grin and replied, "Oh, I don't know...a sewing room, or a guest room or maybe a nursery."

Mom's mouth gaped open for a moment while Dad chuckled next to me. Mom took several seconds to gather herself together, her hand going to her cheek, maybe to feel the heat of her blushing skin before she finally smiled back at us, her eyes focusing on me with such loving intensity that it took my breath away and said, "Oh my!"

It was a glorious of those that God offered us up in late April before the heat of summer rolled in. Mom and I walked hand in hand along one of the paths that ran in a circular fashion up the hill above the house. Songbirds serenaded us as we strolled along, a mild breeze ruffling Mom's short hair. For a while, we just walked silently, but finally I had to ask, "Are you okay, Mom? Are we okay?"

Mom released my hand, her fingers sliding up my arm as she brushed up against me, resting her head against my chest. "Oh yes, Tommy, I'm just fine. I guess last night...the enormity of what I...we had done just overwhelmed me." She looked up at me, her green eyes filled with passion. "Son, I hadn't felt like I did last night in a long time. As much as I love John and Carrie, I'd forgotten just how intense -- how beautiful true love can be."

We stopped and kissed, Mom's hand on my cheek as our tongues met and danced joyfully in our mouths. When we ended the kiss, I felt a little dizzy and as happy as a person could be. "Wow, I could spend the rest of my life kissing you, Mom," I murmured, holding her close to me. I was wearing a T-shirt and jeans and could feel Mom's heavy breasts under her thin, summer dress. I felt her heart beating powerfully and knew she could feel my heart pounding as well.

"We will, sugar...kissing and so much more. She let me go and took my hand again and stepped forward, looking over her shoulder at me speculatively as she led me on. "C'mon, sugar," she said in a low, lusty tone.

We walked on and up. I knew these paths like the back of my hand and wasn't a bit surprised when we emerged into a bright sun-filled meadow that held our family cemetery. Mom's hand tightened on mine as we passed through the open wrought-iron gate and walked past Mama-Polly's grave and Grandpa Tom's stone, nestled side by side like the lovers they had been. I couldn't help but smile and nod to them as we passed, somehow feeling as if they were aware of us and that they approved.

"Oh, darling..." I heard Mom whisper as we came to Mom-Deb's grave. Tears trickled down her face as she reached out and stroked the smooth edge of the marble marker. I closed with Mom and put my arm around her shoulder. Mom's mouth moved silently as she sent a prayer up to her lover and partner and first great love. Finally, she wiped her face and looked up at me and said, "Your Mom-Deb would be so proud of see what a wonderful, loving young man you grew up to be." She slipped from my embrace and sat down on top of Mom-Deb's marker facing me.

"Deb and I never talked about the possibilities that you becoming a man might entail, Tommy, but I think she always knew that this might Hamiltons and your love for family. I wish she could be here for take part." Mom giggled and said, "Deb would have loved to have fucked your brains out!"

I looked around, feeling the mild breeze in my face, offering up fragrances that seemed both familiar and elusive...or perhaps they were just memories. "I think she's here now, Mom...I think maybe all the loving folk in our family that have passed are never far away from us. Maybe it's our love that draws them close to us.

Mom smiled and said, "Yes, love. I feel her around me almost always. I hope she's here right now, because I think there's something about to happen that worth witnessing." Never taking her eyes off me, I watched her slowly pull the hem of her dress up.

"Son, last night...I was the first woman to ever suck your cock, wasn't I?"

I nodded and gave Mom a big smile as I replied, "Yes, and it was wonderful, Mom!"

She smiled naughtily back at me and continued to raise her dress up until I gasped with delight when my mother revealed her pussy to me. Over the last several years, I had made a point whenever the opportunity had arisen to check out Mom's pussy and its appearance. When I had first made my observations, Mom had been completely shaven although later, I noticed that she had begun letting her bush grow, eventually becoming a wild and unruly thing that rivaled the bush of Dad's mother, but for the last year or so, Mom had begun trimming her pussy hair into a groomed 'V' shape pointing towards her beautiful cunt.

Mom spread her thighs, forcing her dress higher and exposing her pussy to the sun. "Mom, you are so beautiful!" I breathed as I instinctively came closer and dropped to my knees, a bit awkward as my cock, already semi-erect, now swelled at being so near the place of my birth. Her pussy lips...labia were swollen and almost a dark pink in their arousal, spread wide in sexual blossom and glistening with wetness.

"Your Mom-Deb always said to never have a man that can't or wont make you cum with his mouth," Mom said softly. "Have you ever licked a pussy before, Tommy?" When I dumbly shook my head no, Mom sighed and said, "Would you like to lick Mommy's pussy, son?"

"Oh yeah," I almost yelled. I moved forward on my knees a little and could smell Mom's juices...her wet and aroused cock -- her aroma making my cock throb in response, her pungent scent impacting me on all conscious and unconscious levels.

I eased forward, my hands coming to rest on Mom's thighs which I spread a little wider, marveling at how juicy and wet and lovely, her cunt was. The world seemed to grow silent except for Mom's increasingly heavy breaths and the sound of my pounding heart. "So beautiful, Mom," I said softly, my face scant inches from her pussy.

On impulse, I pursed my lips and blew air across her quivering flesh and Mom gasped and her thighs convulsed under my hands and her pussy seemed to spasm and a jet of hot liquid shot out and splattered across my face. Mom sobbed, "Oh God!" and before I could react, I was hit by another spray of hot juices.

I don't know how I knew, but I immediately comprehended that Mom had just doused me with her pussy juices. I let them run down my face and into my mouth while my cock nearly exploded as I tasted Mom's pussy. "S-sorry, son," Mom moaned. "I am turned on right now."

I glanced upwards and was enchanted by my mother's face, her lower lip quivering and her eyes wild with excitement and arousal. "I love it, Mom," I said enthusiastically. "I love how you taste!" And to prove it, I abruptly mashed my face against her pussy, marveling at the sudden sensation of wet, silky heat and the intensity of her taste as I slathered my tongue wildly up and down Mom's cunt.

Mom's entire body seemed to galvanize, her legs becoming spastic and then rising up and dropping down over my shoulders as her thighs clamped down against my ears, soft and slick not quite muffling her cries of pleasure. I felt her hands drop onto my head, fingers twisting into my hair and pulling and holding on for support. For a moment, Mom's entire body seemed to waver back and forth atop Mom-Deb's stone and then contracted around my head and face, hanging on to me as if for dear life. As I licked and sucked at Mom's delicious pussy, I reached around her and cupped her ass cheeks, stabilizing her and giving me leverage to press my face more firmly between her thighs!

I was like a little kid given leave to just bury his face into his birthday cake and I ate Mom's cunt with the delight and enthusiasm of such an child, rolling my tongue up and down her pussy lips and then spearing it inside her, gobbling her copious juices until their gushing flow threatened to drown me with my mouth and nose buried in the folds of her flesh.

I eased back for a moment, only a few inches, but still drawing a wail from Mom as I gasped for air. I paused only long enough to orientate myself and plunged back in, again, licking and sucking Mom's cunt as she clung to me, but with more of a game plan than initially. I rolled my tongue up Mom's gaping open slit, slathering back and forth over her lips and then at the apex, slowed my licks until I felt my tongue roll over a small swollen protuberance and heard and felt Mom's reaction -- her body convulsing as she squealed in such a way that nearly had me cumming in my jeans. In my mind, I was smiling like the cat that had just eaten the canary. I had found Mom's clitoris.

"OH FUCK YES....TOMMYBABYSONSUGAR...YESSSS!" Mom crooned, as I rolled my tongue gently around and over her clit. I felt another spray of her juices against my lower lip and chin as I lightly and slowly ran my tongue over her swollen penis-like appendage. I repeated the action and felt her roll her pelvis against my face. I withdrew my tongue and as careful as I could, pursed my lips around her clitoris and just held it in place and Mom stiffened as if hit by a bolt of electricity, baying like a bitch hound maddened by lust. I was fairly sure Dad and Mom-Carrie could hear her back at the house.

I felt Mom's hands drop away from my head only to begin clawing at my shoulders while her heels drummed helplessly against my back as she plunged into an intense orgasm. Leaving one hand cupping her butt, I worked my other hand back in close and ran my middle finger along her slit, slightly tilting my head down to give it room to work. After a short reconnaissance, I plunged my finger into my mother and turned my wrist, a memory of advice for fingering a girl that Polly had offered a while back fixed in my mind.

"Gently stir your finger around, rotate your wrist and then carefully probe the front upper wall of the girl's pussy until you find her special spot," Polly had instructed me as matter of factly as if she'd been giving me instructions on baking a cake.

I recalled listening to her eagerly and asking, "How will I know when I've found her special spot?"

My sister had grinned at me and replied, "Trust me,'ll know."

Polly, gold bless her, had been right. Inside Mom's oven hot pussy, I had turned my wrist over and my finger was gently stroking and probing when suddenly Mom began to scream and bark hysterically, trying to buck against my face and finger and then as I massaged her G-spot, I began to softly suck on her clit, she went insane with pleasure.

"FUCKFUCKFUCK! LOVE YES, LOVE FINGERS AND SUCK ME MAKE ME CUMMMMMM, TOMMMMMYYYY" Mom shrieked as I felt her juices gushing everywhere as she began to orgasm. I again glanced up and her face was a painting of pure lust and ecstasy, drooling as her eyes rolled madly and she screamed, "LOVE ME FUCK ME SUGARSON! MAKE ME CUMMM CUMMM LIKE FUCK LIKE DEB USED TOOOOO!"

Mom suddenly went limp as if she'd passed out and she pitched forward into my arms, her weight driving us down and I kicked out so we landed stretched out, me flat on my back and Mom on top of me. For a few seconds, I thought something might be wrong with my mother, but then her eyes focused and she let out a cry of, "I love you, son!" and she was clinging to me and kissing me, not minding her own juices and the kisses themselves became a mixture of kisses, licks and nuzzles until both our faces were smeared and sticky with Mom's pussy cream. I discovered that tasting Mom's own juices from her mouth was an incredibly arousing experience.

We lay there for a long time, not saying anything, but simply looking into each other's eyes, whether we were kissing or not. When I finally began to speak, Mom placed her fingers over my mouth and shook her head.

Another minute or two passed and Mom said in a very quiet and subdued voice. "I've known and experienced a lot of pleasure in my life, son...done so many things with so many people, especially Deb and Carrie and your daddy. I can't tell you how many times I've watched John and his mother make love or fuck like demons and I always wondered if the pleasure, the sheer ecstasy that they experienced was greater than my own because they were mother and son. I thought that I'd never know anything greater than your Mom's Deb's tongue and touch or maybe your daddy's cock, but..."

Mom began to cry softly and I wasn't sure what to do, but I hugged her tight until she finally said, "Tommy, I haven't even felt you and that big cock inside me yet, but just having you in my mouth and feeling your mouth and fingers on was like something..." Mom's eyes grew wide with wonder. "Like touching God."

Her voice quavered and faded and I lifted my head and kissed her gently. "Oh, Mom...I love you!"

She nodded vigorously and kissed me back. "I love you, Tommy...more than anything." She stroked my cheek and then dropped her hand down to slide it under my T-shirt so she was touching my chest. "I get it now, special and rare this is. Your flesh and my flesh, being the same flesh...sharing life and love and in becoming one again, becoming something...divine and precious." She paused and smiled at me. "Sorry, preacher's habit of sermonizing, but what I'm saying, son, is I love you and I thank you for opening up this world for me...for us and that I will pray everyday that it never ends."

She kissed me again, a slow, languorous kiss, our tongues merging to move as one, tasting and savoring each other. When it ended, Mom's face was flushed again and she grinned evilly at me and said, "And we haven't even fucked each other yet...I'm not sure my heart will take it!"

My cock throbbed beneath her at her teasing words and I whispered, "I'm willing to chance it if you are, Mom!"

Mom purred and sat up atop me and with a quick, violent motion, flung her dress up and over her head, leaving her naked. "I think I've been waiting all my life for this moment, son!" she said, standing up now, her legs straddling me and her pussy wet and dripping above me. "Get yourself naked, it now!"

Mom stepped away from me and retrieved the quilt Mom-Carrie had left for her. She unfurled it and laid it out on the grass in front of Mom-Deb's grave. Her eyes were on me and I stripped off my pussy soaked T-shirt and undid my jeans, making a small, plaintive noise that made my blood race as my cock sprang free, purplish and angry with need.

Tearing her eyes away from my now naked body, Mom turned around in a circle, saying loudly, "Listen up all you Hamilton ghosts and spirits. A Hamilton son is about to lose his virginity to his mother...gather round and enjoy and give us your blessing that we might be the happiest incestuous couple in our family's history!"

The breeze picked up and ruffled Mom's short locks and the surrounding trees rustled as if letting us know our ancestors' reply and affirmation of their presence. Mom seemed to sense this as I did and got a slightly funny look on her face as she went to her knees and looked at Mom-Deb's final resting place. She held out her hand and said in a voice brimming with lust, "Fuck me son. Lay down with me here and made love to your mother!"

As I took Mom's hand, she lay back and pulling me to her, spreading her legs wide until I was lying between her thighs, me pausing as the head of my cock seemed to find her pussy naturally and I felt her wet, hot flesh clasping it. "Mom..." I whispered as it was my turn to be overwhelmed by the enormity of the moment. My entire existence seemed to funnel down to this moment and I felt the sure rightness...the absolute correctness of the moment like destiny would have it no other way.

"Mom..." I began again. "Are you ready for me, Mom?"

My mother lay beneath me, her entire body seeming to vibrate in anticipation. A thin sheen of sweat seemed to break out all across her body even as it appeared on me. I felt hot and anxious and Mom scarcely murmured, "I'm your's, son...I've waited all my life for this moment, now fuck me, Tommy!" before I was dropping onto her and into her, feeling for the first time the sweet heat of a woman's cunt sheathing my cock in her steaming wet and silky embrace.

The moment was electric and I immediately understood what Mom had meant about the holiness of the moment. I felt embraced by God...all perceptions seared by the incredible rightness and carnality of the moment. I knew that Mom and I had no choice but to become become man and wife. Our incestuous union was...perfect and utter sexual and spiritual bliss!

Mom met my thrust with an upward movement of her own and though her pussy felt tight around my cock, I slipped effortlessly into her until my cock bumped into something fleshy and solid even as my pubic hair ground against her outer folds. The moment was electric as we both seemed to convulse from bolts of intense sexual power, grinding us into each other even more. Mom's legs wrapped around my lower back and she was clawing my shoulders again, pulling me into her even as her mouth found mine to muffle her cries of ecstasy and my moans of carnal pleasure, which exploded into a volcano of exquisite joy as I found myself unable to stop from cumming!

As I flooded my mother's pussy with hot semen, it seemed to trigger her orgasm, easily more powerful than the one I had given her with my mouth and tongue and for a few short moments, we merged into one pure being composed of incestuous love, fused together with passion and lust. I had nothing comparable to understand the beauty of the moment. Masturbation and a few hurried hand-jobs from high school sweethearts were not even on the same plane of existence of fucking and cumming inside my mother.

In the aftermath of our mutual orgasm, we were both reduced to tears and breathy exclamations of "I love you," between gasps for precious air and kisses that helped rekindle those delicious, almost indescribable moments of incestuous ecstasy!

We lay there together for I don't know how long, our bodies slick with sweat, faces wet with tears, not sure whether we should laugh or cry, but both desiring to savor the moment for as long as possible. When finally, I had the strength and sensibility, I began to move, but Mom moaned plaintively and as she tightened both arms and legs around me, whimpered, "No...don't."

I smiled at Mom and kissed her again. "I'm not leaving you, Mom," I said in a husky voice. "I'm still hard and I'm going to fuck you, Mom!"

Mom gave a little half cry-half laugh and said, "Yessssss! Fuck me, son. Fuck your mother like she needs to be fucked!" She tightened her grip on me, creating tension that my body used to move just enough to slide my cock perhaps half way out of her molten pussy and then drive forward hard and fast, making my mother cry out with pleasure.

Mom's pussy seemed to tighten around my cock like a velvety vise, squeezing me even as I slowly withdrew halfway out of her and then plunged forward again, this time, making Mom gasp as if I had driven the air from her body. Her entire body seemed to flex and roll under me, burying my cock a bit more minutely inside her. Mom's arms were around my neck and she pulled me in for a kiss as I slid partly out of her again and then as our tongues curled around each other, she cried out in her passion into my mouth, her eyes widening with intense pleasure.

I continued to withdraw slowly and then thrust quickly into Mom's pussy, almost subconsciously monitoring her reactions as I would shift my hips slightly, changing the angle of my thrusts to seem what seemed to offer Mom the most pleasure. Gradually both withdrawals and thrusts became quicker and then I heard our bodies slapping together wetly as we both became sweaty with our efforts, punctuated by Mom's grunts and groans as I began to fuck her frantically.

I was in heaven, totally lost in the feel of my hard and aching cock in my mother's tight and so wet and slick cunt, loving how it felt as it pulsated around my erection, kissing and massaging it of its own volition even as Mom and I kissed. Mom broke the kiss to offer up brief barks of screaming pleasure as I sort of lost control and began fucking her wildly, feeling pleased at how expertly I was making love to my mother until suddenly I slipped out of her, my cock sliding up along her lower belly, leaving a trail of semen and pussy juice over her pale, flawless skin.

Mom laughed and said, "Careful there, son! Momma doesn't want a moment to go by when her son's hard cock ain't buried inside her!" She flexed her body and twisted her hips and then somehow, her pussy had me in its grasp again and I was again deep inside her fiery hot vagina. She felt even slicker and tighter than before and again, I was fucking my mother like a madman as she wailed and writhed underneath me.

We kissed and touched each other -- Mom's feet feeling so delicious as they slid back and forth over my butt cheeks or over my bulging calf muscles while her thighs seemed locked like soft vises against my hips. Mom's hard, rubbery nipples slid back and forth against my sweat-slick chest -- so swollen were the blood engorged nobs, I could feel her pulse racing through them.

Each kiss brought her tongue to mine -- both intertwining like small serpents making love, conveying her taste and her arousal through her saliva...between dances of our tongues, we would suck each other's tongue as her motherly pussy accepted her son's cock.

The warm sun beat down on us, adding its heat to our own carnal fires until I thought that our incestuous love and lust for each other would cause us to simply burst into flame...our mortal bodies unable to contain such intense desires. I fucked Mom through orgasm and then another, marveling at the heat and wetness that existed between her legs...a testimony to her own incestuous desires and then as Mom gasped and moaned under my never ceasing motherfucking, I felt at last my own climax approaching.

My earlier orgasm had been born of the sheer wonder and amazement of finally returning to my mother's womb, but now, my need to cum was fueled by many needs -- perhaps the most overwhelming of all was that of offering my baby-making seed to my mother. I fucked Mom all the harder, relishing her cries of carnal delight as I thrust deep and hard again and again. "C-cummming, Mom!" I growled. "I want to fuck you and cum in you and make you cum and fill you up and make babies with you!" I howled as I fucked Mom more furiously than I would have ever thought possible.

Mom's eyes were fiery with a wild and supernatural lust and she gave me a sneering grin as she flung her hips upwards to meet my thrusts into her pussy, her legs sliding up to wrap more tightly around me. "FUCK MOM! FUCK MOM HARD! KNOCK ME UP, SON! FEEL ME WITH YOUR HOT JIZZ AND MAKE ME...OH GODDDDDDD! FUCK ME, TOMMY! FUCK MOMMMMMMMYYYY FOREVERRRRRR!"

And I drove deep into Mom's pussy, grinding myself against her crotch as I felt the dams break and a flood of hot semen barreled out of my cock to drown Mom's womb with hot, incestuous sperm and we were both howling and screaming our love and lust for each other as we both began to orgasm!

We were lost in each other's bodies and in each other's souls -- the material world seemed to fade away, leaving us and our incestuous love for each other as the only things that existed...we became the universe and it was lovely and carnal and a thing of ecstasy that would never burn out...never that was eternal and immortal.

It seemed forever before the world gradually materialized around us...the gradual recognition of the gentle breeze cooling our sweat soaked bodies...the songbirds serenading our great love for each other and for a fleeting moment, the murmurs of approval as if our long gone family members were offering their affirmation of our joining. Mom's eyes grew wide as I am sure mine did as I felt more than heard Mom-Deb's voice whisper in my ear, "Sooo beautiful!"

As our orgasm slowly waned, Mom began to sob, hugging me tight. I joined her, overwhelmed by such intense love that I had never thought could exist, but now wrapped in my mother's embrace I realized that we'd just begun to explore the depths of such a great and powerful love that could exist between a mother and son.

Finally, we regained control of ourselves, happily kissing each other's tears away between passionate kisses. "Well, sugar," Mom finally began in a breathy voice. "I think we've gotten the family seal of approval."

I nodded and replied, "I don't think there was ever any doubt that we would. I just can feel it in my heart...this is what's meant to be."

Mom smiled and kissed me, still holding me tight in her grip, my cock slowly softening inside her pulsating pussy. "I imagine we never had a choice. It's family tradition." She dropped a hand to the quilt, damp with our passion. "Just like this quilt is a family tradition."

I glanced down at the old quilt with it's patchwork flowery pattern. "Really?"

Mom grinned and replied, "Your grandfather and his momma, Polly were the first to fuck on this quilt. He took Carrie's virginity on this blanket and she fucked her son...your daddy on this love quilt and lost your virginity to your mother on this lovely old thing."

Once again, I was nearly overwhelmed by my emotions -- thinking of the tradition and power of family love that had existed in this place for so long and of the love that my family had raised me in and now the great culmination of all that love in what I felt for my mother...the love that only a mother and son could incestuous love that could only grow more powerful day by day and year by year as Mom and I devoted ourselves to each other.

I felt as if family were watching over us as Mom and I embraced, naked and joined cock and pussy. I could feel the presence of Mom-Deb, her spirit aroused and rejoicing at the sight of her great love and their son joined in holy incest at last. I sensed the presence of Grandpa Tom and Great, great grandma Polly and their approval of our continuation of their tradition of family love and although I knew that Dad and Mom-Carrie were not present physically, I could feel their loving spirits hovering over us.

I was proud to be my mother's lover...her man...her husband already by every definition except the legal one. Mom groaned as I began to harden inside of her again and even as she whispered, "Love me, son, make love to your mother," I was already thrusting into her as I said softly into her ear, "Forever, Mom...forever.​
Previous page: Part 11.1