Chapter 03
As I climbed out of sleep and too groggy wakefulness, I couldn't help the memories from the night before that flooded into my mind. If felt like a dream, I had fantasized about seeing my stepmom naked, doing all sorts of sexy things with her for so long, and to have something finally occur had my head spinning. I lay there for a long time, thinking over everything that had happened. Each minute my mom didn't come in with breakfast, I grew more and more anxious. Finally, I started struggling to a sitting position and had just swung my legs over the side of the bed when I heard the door opening and saw my mom come in with the breakfast tray once more, full of food.
“You shouldn’t be getting up!” She said as she came in, all smiles and bustling help. She pushed me back down and began to spoon the food into my mouth, talking animatedly as she did so.
"I have to go to Diane's bridal shower this afternoon, and I'll be out in the morning for a few hours running errands. You should be asleep for most of it, but your aunt Lauren will be here while I'm gone, so if you need anything, she can help."
Lauren was my stepmom, Lisa's older sister. She's a registered nurse, and I'd been expecting her to come over and help at some point. Mom was acting a little odd; she was more chipper than usual and wouldn't meet my eyes. That was just fine by me because I was all too eager to act like nothing strange had happened. Not wanting to jinx it and praying it might happen again.
When she finished with the food, she forced me to drink a tall glass of milk and then take another pain killer. She put my favorite show, Rick & Morty, on the TV and then headed out to run her errands. Soon after, I heard the door downstairs open and close, but my eyelids were dragging down, and sleep stole through me.
A cool cloth on my brow woke me up, and a thermometer was removed from under my tongue, clicking harmlessly on my teeth. Blinking owlishly, I looked up to see the sweet face of Aunt Lauren looking down on me.
"Hello there, slugger," she said. Lauren was a huge baseball fan and always came to my games. She looked at my arms locked up in their casts, and her face took on a mock sadness, and she shook her head, "Poor guy, it will be a while before you get back on the ball field." There was a hint of teasing in her voice. Between the grogginess of the drugs and the pain in my arms, anger was upon me before I realized it.
"You think I don't know that?" I felt instant shame for the harshness of my tone, but I continued unable to calm myself immediately, "Senior year is ruined now!"
“You’re angry?” aunt Lauren asked, her voice mild and face calm.
Her quick change of expression kind of knocked the anger out of me, but I still replied, “Yes!”
"Good!" She said with a fierce smile, "You will heal just fine then. A man needs some rage in his soul to fight back after that kind of injury. I know you're a real fighter, and soon you'll be back to playing with your balls in no time."
I froze, not sure if she heard the words that had just come out of her mouth. Aunt Lauren was already moving away, though, and setting out a fresh bottle of water with a straw near my face. I drank deep, my mouth dried. Once I had drunk, she pulled the covers back and opened the window, letting fresh air in.
"Do you need to use the restroom?" She asked, and when I nodded, she came over to help me up and into the bathroom. Aunt Lauren is a beautiful woman similar in appearance to my mom, but with some marked differences. Instead of dark brown hair, hers is a golden blonde highlighted and hiding any grey. Her makeup is always done up, with bright red lipstick and heavily made-up eyes that ever hinted at flirtation. She didn't have the unnaturally slim body and massive breasts of my stepmom. Her body was more in proportion to her enormous bosom, with a full waist, slightly rounded belly and wide round hips. She usually wore loose flowing dresses that clung magnificently to her chest, with deep plunging necklines that broke men's necks as she walked by.
That soft body was pressed tight to me as we maneuvered through the door, aunt Lauren seeming to take great care in placing her hands on the flesh of my hard stomach and upper arm muscles.
"Well, you have certainly grown up to be a… Mmmm, big young man." I was painfully aware of her giant breasts pressed against my side; my arm nearly lost within them. I had just gotten to the toilet when I noticed her big brown eyes staring down at my crotch. My cock was thick and hard, pressing out against the fabric of my boxers.
Jesus! I thought to myself, Will this thing never calm down?!
"Your mom didn't say anything, but I took from her behavior on the phone," my aunt said conversationally as she stood beside me, holding me up with one arm, her body tight against my side, "That something happened last night. Something to make her awkward today." She must have sensed something in my body because she gave a low chuckle, and then I felt her hand slide along the waistband of my boxers.
"I think I can guess what the issue was," she said, "a certain young man had an issue, he couldn't deal with, and mommy saw it." She looked at me, and when I didn't say anything, she took it as confirmation. "Yes, I see." Her wandering hand slid into my boxers, and warm firm fingers drew my hardness out into the bathroom light. I stood over the toilet, my aunt at my side my cock in her hand as she hefted it in one hand.
“Aunt Lauren!” I breathed out.
"Hush darlin," she said, looking down as she tried to wrap her fingers around my girth, "we will have you better in a moment. My, my this a beautiful cock Jack has anyone ever told you that?" I just looked into her eyes. My voice gone as pleasure radiated out from her hand as it explored my stiff joint. How could I tell her the only other person to have seen it, let alone touched or praised it had been my stepmom the night before?
“Mmmm big and thick in just the right ways, you are going to make some young woman very happy with this.”
“Aunt Lauren, what’s are you doing?” I asked, not wanting her to stop but needing to say something with the taboo fear coursing through my veins.
Looking up from examining my cock, she smiled at me, and her eyes got fierce with lust and need for just one moment, then I saw the kindly aunt and nurse return.
"There is a procedure for an injury such as yours. Us nurses will often warn a wife or girlfriend of such needs when a man returns home." Her hand began to stroke my cock, causing pleasure to wash through my body. "You need help, or else you will get backed up, frustrated, and restless. You can't heal properly that way, Jack. You could hurt yourself worse in your sleep."
I stood, back arched and cock hard as rock in my aunts fisting hand. Her massive breasts and soft body pressed to my side, my mind delirious with the desire to grab and caress her, but I was utterly at her mercy. My orgasm was about to hit me, and I felt her fingers go slack, all but her index finger and thumb releasing their grip as I hovered on the edge and she backed me off gently, agonizingly.
"Tell me, Jack, do you think your mom is beautiful?" My breath caught at her question, and her eyes had been staring straight into mine when she asked it. She smiled broadly, her hand closing on my dick again stroking me back up to bliss.
"You have no idea how much she loves you, Jack," she whispered and pressed her body even more tightly to mine. I looked down, staring between the big breasts I had spent so many nights dreaming of, and now her thick sexy body was pressed against me, I could feel her legs spread and crotch rubbing my thigh. She kissed my neck once, lightly, "How much we both love you… what we are willing to do for you, slugger."
My cock throbbed in her hand, and just as my orgasm was taking me, aunt Lauren squatted at my feet, her dress parting as she spread her knees. My mind lost in lust, and I could see hers was too as eyes hungry and mouth wicked, as she stroked me just in front of her face, the cum boiled out of my cock and for one terrifyingly beautiful second I thought aunt Lauren was going to take my cock into her mouth. She had her lips parted and was leaning forward, eyes hungry, then I saw her give a start and snatching a bit of tissue stood, just as the cum was pulsing down my shaft and into her waiting hand. She jerked my pulsing cock, milking the last of it into her the tissue.
She dropped the tissue into the toilet as I swayed on weak knees.
"Oh my god, aunt Lauren that was amazing," I said, not knowing what else to say.
"Just you wait, Jack," she said with a kiss to my cheek. Her gentle hand on my cock soon had me sighing in relief as I pissed, finally.
“I know you are worried your senior year will be awful, but I plan on making sure it’s the best senior year a boy ever had.” Aunt Lauren had the wicked grin on her face again.
“What do you mean?” I asked as she put me away and helped me back to bed.
"Just you wait, let it be my surprise to you," she said as she settled me in the newly fluffed pillows, "as thanks for being such a great nephew and ballplayer."
"Um, ok?" I said, but I couldn't contain the smile on my face. I looked at her then, and I guess it was everything that had happened over the last twenty-four hours that gave me the courage. Lauren saw the look on my face, and she paused, standing beside my bed.
"What is it, Jack?" She asked with a curious little smile.
"Um, it's just I don't know when I might get another chance, and it's something I've been dreaming of for years, and I just wanted to know, if maybe this once, for just a minute or something…" I heard myself rambling and tried to just get to the question but felt myself freeze.
“Jack?” aunt Lauren asked, a little concerned.
"It's just," I picked my head up and my eyes locked on the top of her dress and the enormous breasts within, "Could I see your boobs?"
It rushed out so fast I didn't know if she even understood. I saw aunt Laurens face light up in delight, and she leaned forward, planting a big kiss on my surprised lips. Then she stood up and turned to the mirror and fluffed up her hair. I saw her touch at her make-up, clearing an invisible smudge before she finally turned back to me with a smoldering look in her eyes.
"Your mother can never learn about today, Jack," she said, her voice deadly serious. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak, disbelieving my great luck. Then with a smile, she pulled the drawstring on the back of her dress. My cock throbbed as the dress slid down her body, revealing her rounded mature form. She flicked the front clasp on her big white bra and cupping the bra with her hands; she sauntered forward to the bed. My eyes were feasting on her, anticipation sizzling in me as I felt on the edge of my seat as she smiled down at me, sitting there helpless before her, my cock standing up straight.
"It makes me feel so beautiful to see the way you look at me, Jack." She dropped the bra, and I saw her big soft pink nipples for the first time. They swayed and swung with her movements as she sat on the bed, in nearly the identical spot my mom had been the night before. She reached out with her hand and took my cock once more.
"You are so sexy, Lauren," I said, "oh god, and that feels so good!"
"Please call me aunt Lauren," she said with a naughty smile, "I have always found taboo so deliciously naughty. Besides, we aren't blood-related."
"If you keep that up," I said, my eyes taking in her panty clad nakedness, "I'm going to cum."
"Not yet young man," and her hand backed off its ministrations. Delicate fingers were dancing along my hardness, teasing me back down. "You have no idea Jack, how beautiful your cock is, your mom and I are going to love teaching you how to please women with this big thing."
“My mom?” I gasped.
"Oh yes, darling," she said, looking up and smiling at me, her hand once more stroking with steady rhythm, "Your mom has been trapped in this house alone for years, just dreaming of a young hard cock like this of her own." She leaned down, kissing my neck gently, and I felt her tits drag across my chest and stomach.
"I am cumming!" I cried, feeling the orgasm hit me quickly once she resumed her stroking.
Aunt Lauren looked up at me with lust-filled eyes and a fierce smile then she bent down quickly and trapped the head of my cock into her burning hot mouth. If felt like she was sucking the soul out of my body as she drained every last drop of cum, sucking it straight from the source. My legs were trembling, and my mind burning with the thought that my dick had just been in my aunt's mouth, however briefly. She held my cum in her mouth sitting there her eyes closed, and I saw her savoring it as she swallowed, before she bent down to lick my cock clean, taking her time, body pressed to mine. She was making mewling noises, and I could smell the musky scent of her wet sex on the air. Without a word and growling in desire, she sucked my cock back into her mouth and knelt on the bed, wide ass up I the air. I saw a hand disappear between her legs and then heard the steady sloshing sounds of her fingers rubbing.
Just then, the sound of my mom's car pulling into the driveway below sounded, and the garage door began to open. My aunt lurched back off my dick, her massive breasts swaying, with an audible pop and a look of surprise on her face.