Page 01
Arlene arched her graceful spine, forcing her firm, DD tits to thrust forward and slightly to the sides while her long, slender legs fanned out wide. She was straddling the sides of the chaise she was lying on to deepen her tan. Her son, Bradley, was out on a weekly supply run to stock up on whatever they needed during this time of semi-quarantine. The forty year old blonde was thankful for a chance to lie out nude and keep her tan lines at bay. Since her twenty year old son had decided to ride out the pandemic with his mother at her late parents' old lake house, she didn't have the same freedom she was used to whenever she stayed there on her own in the past.
Bradley would be out for a couple of hours at least, giving his beautiful, sexy mother this welcome chance to spread her legs, run her hands sensuously up her smooth, slender thighs and rake her fingers over her shaven pussy. Until the lockdowns started, the striking blonde would get regular salon waxes, but she started performing that ritual on her own when having to spend most of her days in quarantine.
With the strong, late summer sun shining on her fully naked body, Arlene stroked her rapidly moistening sex lips with a deep sigh of relief. Before Bradley arrived, she could do this at least once a day, usually more. It was the main reason she had decided ride out the pandemic here instead of the large, suburban house she'd lived in the last fifteen years. At the lake house she could be much more open and free, not to mention enjoying the comfort of special memories.
At her main house, Arlene had too many neighbors to enjoy her long-standing love of being naked and indulging her sensuous pleasures outdoors. She also thought the lake house would be safer, being more isolated and the nearby town being small and not so densely populated. This was where the erotically hot blonde had discovered her love of being nude in the open air and sunshine. It was a bittersweet pleasure to think back on the days she spent long, sunny hours indulging all kinds of naked pleasures with her late father, the man who had loved her more than anyone before Bradley came along, and had revealed to her the delectable pleasures of nudism and fatherly love.
Soon after Arlene turned eighteen, her father started bringing her to spend weekends at the lake. By this time, it was always just the two of them while her mother stayed at home. And it was from her loving daddy that Arlene learned so much about pleasing a man, as well as how to expect a man to please her in return. She thought her mother probably knew about the amazing changes in her relationship with her father, but the woman had never said anything about it in Arlene's presence. It was mostly in the different looks her mother gave her. Back then, the young blonde wondered if the subject ever came up between her parents in private since her father never said anything about it one way or the other.
Now, Arlene circled the pad of one finger around her growing clit as she remembered the way her father's much longer and thicker fingers used to feel massaging her wet pussy. She rubbed her clit for a long time, first thinking about his fingers going inside her the first time, then his tongue, and then his long, thick cock as he fucked her with hot, sweeping thrusts that made her cum until she was breathless. Most of the time it was the way her dad would let himself go as he came inside that set her off the most. His grunts and groans would become so raw and guttural, and he would thrust his raging cock into her hole so hard and deep. No man had ever lost himself to the pleasure of filling her slick pussy with cum the way her father had.
Arlene slipped a pair of fingers into her slippery hole, daydreaming of those delicious days with daddy. She was tempted to run inside and go upstairs to retrieve one of her toys, but she was already well on her way to making herself cum. Her left hand came into play as she grasped and clutched at her outsized yet shapely tits. Her nipples were hard, swollen and so sensitive.
"Daddy, oh yes, Daddy, give it to me," she moaned passionately, reminiscing on the man she missed so deeply, imaging he was still there to give her the cock she had always craved more than any other. Ever since, other men were nothing more than temporary relief from boredom and the frustrating ache of desire in her glorious body. Oh, how she needed her father still. If only he hadn't been taken from her all too soon, Bradley would surely have a younger brother or sister now.
Arlene anxiously pulled and twisted on each of her nipples in turn while the other hand was alternating between battering her clit and shoving a pair of fingers deeply into her dripping hole. "Yes, yes, Daddy, fuck me!" the voluptuous mother cried, indulging in her privacy. A hot, powerful climax began to rip through her body, making her limbs shake with the pleasure. By the time she was nearing the end of her peak, she found herself crying, "Oh yessss, Bradley, fuck me like a good son. Give Mommy that hot cum, baby!"
The blonde tensed and shivered all the way to the end of a breathtaking climax. As she sucked the tangy juices from her fingers and relaxed on her chaise, she only then realized how she started to cum calling out for her sorely missed father, only to end up calling out for her handsome, beautifully built son. It had given her a climax that left her dazed, but she wasn't too surprised. Bradley bore a striking resemblance to his grandfather.
After that first summer of taking their father/daughter love to a whole new level, Arlene had gone to college in the fall. She went back home as many weekends as she could to be in her loving father's arms, but in her second year, her need for hard cock had overpowered her resolve to wait until she could see him again. Consequently, she had a brief relationship with a senior on campus. She had liked him well enough, but he was no match for the mature man she loved with all her heart. They'd had sex several times over a period of a few weeks, and she later discovered she was pregnant. She finished that semester but then took a year-long leave of absence from college.
Arlene's parents helped her with Bradley in the beginning, allowing her to go back to college and finish, and then later as she worked to establish herself in her career. Arlene's father had never expressed any kind of jealousy or anger over the pregnancy, although he had told her a number of times that he wished he could have been not only her father, but the father of her baby. That only made the loving blonde wish the same thing, and she hoped that one day it would happen. But by the time Bradley was eight, both of her parents were taken from her in a terrible car accident.
Now it was Bradley in college, yet he was staying with his mother at the lake house as he kept up with his courses online. Even though Arlene missed the freedom to go nude without thinking twice about it, or being able to finger her pussy whenever and wherever she pleased, she was happy to have Bradley with her. She didn't have to worry about where he was or if he was being safe, and he kept her from feeling lonely.
Another thing Arlene had to be more cautious about was her video chat sessions with the few men she bothered keeping up with after the quarantine started. Before Bradley came, she could be as loud and open as she pleased as she watched the men masturbate and cum while she spread her legs for them and fingered herself. Yet the longer her son was in the house, the more she found herself losing interest in her online fuckbuddies. It was like having a young version of her father in the house, and she couldn't resist the warm tingles she felt seeing her son around the house and yard in nothing but a pair of shorts.
Arlene reached for the towel beside her chaise and carefully wiped up the excess juice left in the wake of her climax. It had been such a strong one, yet she could feel that she'd be yearning for another one before long. When Bradley got home the feeling would only get worse. That's just the way it had been going for weeks now, since the day he arrived.
The blonde spent another half hour lying in the sun, taking a few nude selfies before picking up the bikini she had on when Bradley left and going inside. With a few agile thumb swipes on her phone, she sent her selfies to a couple of the men in her contact list. She then went upstairs to her room and took the rubber cock she sometimes fucked herself with out of her vanity drawer and held it up to her mouth. She propped her phone against the mirror, and with her big, bare tits in the frame, she licked and sucked the realistic looking toy.
She thought of the days gone by in that very room with her father and all the times she had sucked his cock with passion and hunger. She missed him so badly, and she missed his cock just as much. Her pussy began to moisten with arousal all over again, and after she stopped the video, she leaned back in her seat and fingered her pussy again. She started out thinking of her son, but by the time her climax came on it was Bradley once again in her mind.
Arlene put her dildo away and thought about whether or not to send the video to her men friends after the pictures she'd sent. She knew they'd like it and respond with a small flood of cock pictures and stroking videos, but these wouldn't satisfy her. She hadn't seen any of them in person since the lockdown started, and she hadn't realized how bored she'd been growing with them until the past few weeks. She sent the video to two of them anyway. She just wanted someone to know how badly she was aching. It wasn't like she could express these things to Bradley, even though every day that passed she wanted him to know more and more. Besides, if things kept going the way they were, she didn't know how she would ever be able to hide the strong feelings of love and desire brewing inside her.
In the meantime, she put the same bikini back on that she was wearing when her son left and went downstairs to make a couple of sandwiches for lunch. It always made Bradley happy when he came home to find that his mother had thought enough to have something waiting for him. Arlene smiled to herself, knowing her son appreciated it even more when she made him something to eat while wearing something far skimpier than any of his friends' mothers would ever dare to be seen in. But then most of them didn't maintain their bodies well enough to pull off wearing a thong at their ages. Arlene was a striking exception and she knew it.
Bradley pulled up to the house in his mother's minivan at long last. He had to make three trips back and forth to carry everything inside, but he wouldn't allow Arlene to lift a finger to help.
The sight of the sandwich and lemonade waiting for him on the kitchen table made him smile. She had another glass and plate for herself set on the other side of the table, and once the new stash of groceries and supplies were put away they sat down to eat together. Bradley was obviously very hungry, but there was another kind of hunger in his eyes whenever he stole a look at his mother's barely covered tits hovering just at the edge of the table. His eager gaze had only been growing more and more intense over the past few weeks, and he was doing less and less to hide his interest in her body.
The more attention Arlene got from Bradley the more she craved. Watching him from across the table only made her think of how she'd already made herself cum while thinking about him twice that day. But now it seemed so different to have him sitting right there while she wondered how his virile, young cock would taste and feel. And from the way he couldn't stop gazing at his mother's big, full tits, she knew he must be thinking the same kinds of things. Before she knew it, her nipples were hard and swollen, making prominent bumps in the well stretched material of her bikini.
Arlene wondered what Bradley would think if he knew that his grandfather had been the love of his mother's life, or that there had never been a man who could make her cum as hard. For that matter, only Bradley could make his mother's pussy drip as hard as her father had, and he hadn't even touched her.
But would her son be willing to go as far in loving Arlene as her father had? Fantasies were one thing, but acting on them was another. She wanted so much to confess everything about her relationship with her father to her son, but she would probably never be able to tell him that much. What would he think of his happily incestuous mother?
On the other hand, it probably wouldn't be so bad to diplomatically let him know how much she preferred being able to sunbathe naked. That shouldn't shock him too much. Besides, he would probably jump at the chance to see his sexy MILF of a mother going nude around the house and yard. Maybe he would even join her. After all, just being naked together wasn't incest. Plenty of families enjoyed nudism together.
Bradley's admiration felt like a reward for the effort Arlene put into keeping her tall, slender body in such good shape. Her legs were long and thin but still shapely, while her ass was as small and spherically curved as it had been ten years ago. Her skin was tanned a flawless golden brown, and spending so much time in the sun she was careful to hydrate frequently and keep her flesh supple by moisturizing with lotion at least twice a day.
She was wondering how to broach the subject of nudity when Bradley suddenly made it easier.
"So, Mom, I guess you're planning to go out and do some more sunbathing instead of work this afternoon, right?" he asked.
Arlene snickered and squared off her shoulders, pushing her scantily clad tits out. "I guess you could tell."
"Actually, I was just guessing," her son said with his eyes directed at the bulging orbs of tit flesh threatening to burst free of her bikini top. "I mean, since you work in a bikini half the time anyway."
"Oh my, sweetie, I didn't think you noticed."
"Mom, who wouldn't notice you in the bikinis you wear? Even I notice and I'm your son so I'm not supposed to."
Arlene felt her face flush with pleasure at her son's compliment, also at his inadvertent confession of looking at her in her daring choice of swimwear. The woman already knew she was red hot, but she'd never received a compliment she didn't totally enjoy. But coming from her son it meant so much more to her. She was used to getting them from other men, but her gorgeous son was the first man since her father who could make her actually blush like a little girl.
"Well, um, you're a handsome, virile young man," she pointed out. "It's only natural you'd notice, I guess. Sometimes nature doesn't care if two attractive people are related."
This time, it was Bradley's turn to blush. The sight pleased his mother immensely. It proved he was looking at her as more than just a son looks at a mother. Now she could only wonder if his thoughts of her were as vividly erotic as hers were of him.
"Yeah, I guess," he agreed with her.
Arlene could tell her handsome, well-built son was anything but shy with females, but he was obviously choosing his words much more carefully with his own mother.
"But the thing I'm curious about," he went on, "is why you always wear a bikini, but you obviously don't have any tan lines."
His eyes drifted over his mother's nearly naked body in a way that gave her chills. Being seated at the table, her tits were all he could see in the scant strips of material covering her nipples. Then Arlene's nipples started to throb as she thought of how to respond. He was a strapping young man now, so there was no reason to keep her personal habits a secret anymore. At least not all of them. She was dying to see his reaction to the fact that his mother was an avid nudist.
"I don't have any tan lines, darling, because I sunbathe nude when you're not here," she told him, trying to sound as calm as she would if she were offering him a cup of coffee.
"Oh, well that definitely makes sense."
He was smiling just a little bit wickedly as his eyes took another good trip over his mother's buttery bronze skin. Her father used to get the same look in his eye when he was thinking about fucking his busty little girl. Back then, when she was eighteen, that look brought on an automatic response between her legs. Her pussy would begin to flush with heat as she realized her father's special look meant she would have his beautiful cock pumping her tight hole the second they were alone. Now, Arlene was feeling the same response to the way her son was looking at her. He had the same hungry gleam in his eyes that his grandfather had.
"Back when your grandfather took me here we were nudists the whole time until we had to go home," she explained, curious to see Bradley's reaction. He was visibly surprised.
"Really, Mom? You and Grandpa were nudists? Was Grandma a nudist too?"
"Oh my, no," Arlene laughed. "She would've had a heart attack. That was only a fun little secret just between Daddy and me."
She thought about telling him about the other, dirtier secrets she shared with her father but decided he probably wasn't ready to hear about that. She needed to know much more about what was going through Bradley's mind before admitting to anything more scandalous than sharing a taste for nudism with her father.
"So if you went nude here with Grandpa, then why not with me? Why only when I'm out?"
"Well, your grandfather was nude, too, of course. It was all his idea. And I didn't know if you'd feel comfortable with your mother going around naked."
"Mom, the bikinis you wear leave you practically naked already," he pointed out with a sly smile. "Besides, I bet you look amazing naked."
A lot of men had told the lusciously built blonde the same thing, but hearing it from her son was completely different. Arlene's skin felt hot and tingly as she imagined finally stripping down to absolutely nothing for her beautiful son. "Awww, that's so sweet, baby. But I have to admit it's not the same unless you're nude, too, just like Daddy was. It's just nicer that way. And much more comfortable for both of us. Being naked together always made me feel so close to him."
"Sounds good to me, Mom," he replied confidently. Now it was Arlene's turn to be surprised. "I've been to nude beaches before," he continued. "I love going nude. And with all the privacy we have here, why not? Maybe you'll feel closer to me like you did with Grandpa."
"That does sound logical, doesn't it, sweetheart?" The blonde was smiling, but still trying to hold in her excitement at the prospect of seeing her luscious son completely naked. And equally exciting was the anticipation of seeing his reaction to her. She had to admit she hadn't felt this excited about showing off her body to a man since her father was still alive. If anything, Arlene's son was even more exciting. She knew it probably made her a wicked person and a bad mother, but she didn't care. If it was what they both wanted then it was no one else's business.
"There's something else I'm curious about, Mom," said Bradley. "If you and Grandpa were naked together all the time you were here, he must have gotten, umm, excited once in a while, right?"
Arlene's smooth pussy quivered with delicious memories of her father proudly walking outside with his big, glorious boner swaggering before him. It made her smile to remember the way she always took good care of his needs, eagerly letting the man satisfy his need to cum in any of her holes he desired at the moment. When Arlene saw the way Bradley was now grinning back at her she realized her expression was giving her away.
"So he did," her son exclaimed. "I'm not surprised, though."
"Oh really," Arlene said skeptically. "And what makes you so sure?"