Page 01

My First Jeep

I couldn't believe it! As I had walked toward the older house, past the TJ sitting in the driveway, the two inch lift caught my attention and I stretched out to look underneath. Christ, the thing had a Dana 44 rear axle. The no-picture ad on Craigslist had specified a TJ Sport, stock except for 31" all terrains, and was priced accordingly. Admittedly, the price was on the high side for a 2004 but the mileage was really low, barely 50K. I stood and rubbed my palms together, ostensibly to clean the gravel from my hands but also with barely contained glee, as I continued up to the house. I received another shock as I passed the front of the Jeep and saw that it was adorned with a Warn winch sitting on a custom bumper. Holy fuck, Batman, This is a steal!

I climbed the four cement steps to the front porch but before I could press the bell the door opened and an older, slight woman, about fortyish, quickly stepped outside and closed the door quietly but firmly behind her.

"Lance?" she asked.

"Yeah," I confirmed.

"Hi, I'm Jacqui," she offered her slender hand.

Her arm was skinny but her hand, which lay limp in mine, felt deceptively soft and feminine, matching her voice. We had spoken only an hour ago on the phone and, despite my questions, she hadn't given any indication that the Jeep had so many extras not mentioned in the ad. Remembering the call, it seemed as if I was talking to a different woman. Her voice then hadn't had this husky tone. In fact, she hadn't been very receptive to my queries and I'd had to convince her to let me come see it this morning.

'You sound kind of young,' she'd said. 'Are you bringing your father with you?'

'No,' I'd replied. 'I have my own money.' I thought it was an odd question but she explained herself.

'It's just that my husband works nights and he's just gone to bed. I don't want to disturb him.'

'I just want to take a look. I'm looking at another Jeep at noon but I wanted to see yours before buying it.'

'Oh. In that case, why don't you come right over and if you like it you can talk to my husband this afternoon when he gets up.'

'Fine,' I had replied.

After hanging up, I almost decided no to bother because the other Jeep looked pretty good. Now, I was thanking my lucky stars I had. This Jeep was way better than the other one even if it was almost a grand more. Turning back to the Jeep, I noted how much better it looked than the picture of the other one. Man, I had really lucked out.

Jacqui moved down two steps ahead of me toward the Jeep but turned half back toward me.

"Where's the damn keys," she muttered, then swore as she found them in the pocket of her black, track suit jacket.

As she pulled the keys out, the open jacket swung away with her hand and she had to grab the bottom corner with her other hand to get the keys out. Though she was as old as my mother, I caught myself checking out her front. Not that there was much there but, hey, I'm nineteen and I check out every pair of tits I come across.

Hers were small and weren't noticeable at all until halfway down her chest where they abruptly produced two small swells. The skimpy undershirt she was wearing couldn't conceal the long nipples topping her tiny breasts and, despite her age, my guy started swelling. She turned away and walked to the Jeep, her flat sandals slapping against the sidewalk until she hit the crushed gravel in the driveway. Unlocking the Jeep, she opened the door and held it wide for me to take a look. When I didn't move to look right away, she smiled and looked inside herself.

"It's in pretty good condition," she said.

I didn't notice right away because I was snagging another review of her little tits while her attention was directed inside. Nice. She may have an older face but she had a nice little body.

"My husband likes his things in tip top shape," she said. "Here, take a look in the back."

Jacqui bent to lift the seat, allowing me to appreciate the way the track pants tightened across her small butt. She was kind of skinny but definitely sported feminine parts. Her hair was long, down to the small of her back, a dark chocolate brown, full bodied and wavy, belying her age. I had the sense that she'd been a party girl in her youth, maybe a waitress in a bar. I noted again how soft and sexy her voice had been since she'd opened the door, quite unlike her brisk manner on the telephone.

"There," she said, holding the seat forward and leaning against the door, leaving room for me to look inside. "What do you think?"

I stepped forward and took a look in the back.

"Nice," I said. The thing was immaculate inside.

"Feel the seat," she said. "It's like new."

I leaned in further, putting my left hand on the front seat to brace myself. A zing shot through me as my upper arm brushed across Jacqui's front. I almost jumped away, ready to apologize, but instead I just stared at the back seat. The feel of her nipple on my arm scratched a path across my brain. I couldn't move.

"Touch it," she said.

What? Oh, yeah. The seat. I reached out and clumsily dragged my hand across the vinyl.

"My husband keeps his stuff nice, huh?"

"Yeah," I mumbled. "Nice."

"Take a look at the mileage," Jacqui said.

She released the seat and it sprang back, striking my head before I could get out of the way, but Jacqui didn't say she was sorry. She leaned inside the lifted Jeep, rising up on her toes to stretch across the front seat to reach around the steering wheel to insert the keys in the ignition so the mileage indicator would light up.

"Damn it," she cursed, fumbling with the keys, dropping them, picking them up and muttering while she got hold of the ignition key.

All this gave me time to check out Jacqui's backside. How can a woman this old have such a nice ass? I thought, admiring the meaty little buttocks topping her thin legs. My cock stiffened as I imagined sliding my meat up and down between those tasty cheeks, perfectly outlined under her tight stretchy pants.

"There, take a look at that," Jacqui nodded triumphantly at the instrument panel. "Just over fifty, like me."

Fifty? She had to be kidding. She couldn't possibly be over fifty. Not with a body like this. That was way older than my mom!

"It's ok, just lean in and take a look," she said, thinking I was waiting for her to get out of the way.

I leaned forward, hovering over her back, covered with that long hair that was far too luscious for a woman over forty, let alone fifty. I reached over her back to brace myself against the console but my hand slipped across it and I fell onto her. I freaked out in my mind but as I tried to push myself back my hand slipped on the console again. My crotch was pressed against Jacqui's tight butt but she ignored my efforts to get off her, evidently not bothered, and re-directed my attention to the mileage.

"Not bad for fifty, hey?" she said, emitting a low, throaty laugh.

"No... not... bad at... all," I stammered.

The rumbling laugh rolled forth again.

"Yeah," she said. "John takes care of his stuff. Not that he babies it. Sometimes, he's kind of rough."

She laughed that throaty growl again and I her butt nudged my crotch several times as it rumbled through her small body. I was fully hard now and, in my conceited nineteen year old mind, I knew there was no way she couldn't be aware of it. My cock was pressing into her ass and she wasn't even bitching about it. She had to know and either thought it best to ignore it or she was playing around while her husband slept in the house after a long night's work. The cockteasing little bitch.

I pushed my hips forward to let her know I wasn't just a kid that was going to freak out and run. Jacqui stopped chuckling and twisted her head back to look at me. She swept the hair out of her face with her left hand and spoke very softly.

"Do you want it?" she husked.

I was taken aback. Maybe this game was too advanced for me. I was about to speak, something witty like 'huh', when she spoke again.

"The Jeep."

"Oh. Yeah, I'm interested."

I was embarrassed about my lame response. The turn of the conversation back to reality had caught be off guard and now I was self-conscious about the press of my crotch against her bum; I was really off base here, way over the line. What had I been I thinking?

But Jacqui still didn't seem to be upset, and she certainly wasn't struggling to get up, or push me back. In fact, her skinny butt pulsed against my bulge every time she breathed.

"We should go inside and talk it over," she said.

"I'd like to take it for a drive first," I countered.

"Would you?" she laughed. Then, with a serious face, she said, "Why don't we settle on a price inside and then you can take if for a ride." She smiled and ran the tip of her tongue across her lips. "Then, if you like it, you already know what it's going to cost."

I nodded. That made sense.

"Ok, Tiger. Let me up."

Jacqui pushed her butt hard against my cock, and pushed herself upright, lifting me off her with surprising ease. I stepped back, at little sheepishly, to let her get out of the Jeep. She closed the door and turned to lead me to the house but not before glancing at the front of my jeans. A smile flitted across her face.

As Jacqui opened the door, I whispered, "Shouldn't I come back later when your husband's awake?"

Jacqui turned back to me, the door half open, one foot already inside. "Would you rather wait, or do you want to come inside now? It's your choice," she said, her lips forming a pouty smile. The look on my face must have given her my answer because she simply turned and stepped inside. I followed and Jacqui shut the door quietly behind us.

"Be quiet and follow me," she whispered.

Jacqui led the way from the dim entrance past a living room on the left, and a set of stairs leading away to the right, into a bright kitchen. It was a small, older house but everything was very clean, spic and span.

As she swayed ahead of me in a more seductive gait than outside, Jacqui removed her track suit jacket. My cock stiffened enough to make walking difficult. It didn't help when she tossed the jacket onto a kitchen chair and turned to look at me, hands on hips with elbows back, small tits jutting against the flimsy undershirt, forcing it to stretch tightly across her prominent nipples. She emitted that throaty laugh and I blushed, thinking it was probably because I couldn't stop my eyes from dropping to admire her perky tits. She stepped back toward the counter and leaned against it, resting her elbows on top.

"So, you like the old girl, do you?"

I looked up at her face, blushing even more. My mouth was dry, and my tongue, tied.

"How much do you think she's worth?" she asked, seeing I wasn't going to answer.

My mind was a jumble. Was she asking me about the Jeep or something else? Jeez, Lance. Get a grip. She's looking for your offer for the Jeep.

"About ten grand," I offered, a thousand below the asking price but several below its true value.

"Ten grand. That much?" she chuckled teasingly.

I wasn't sure exactly what Jacqui was making fun of but she definitely was. Did she know the Jeep was worth much more or had she read my horny mind and decided to make a teasing reference to what I really wanted to pay for. I hoped it was the latter. I really wanted that Jeep and I didn't have enough money to pay what it was worth. And, if she was really teasing me sexually, I didn't know how to handle that anyway. She was way out of my banter league. I put on the most casually mature face I could muster.

"Yeah," I tossed off, focusing intently on her still pretty face that was once probably beautiful. I think it's worth all of that."

My eyes couldn't hold and slipped down to her breasts, so captivating despite their diminutive size. I sensed rather than saw Jacqui's smile deepen. Her hands, dangling over the edge of the counter, moved to her waist and pushed her hips away from the counter, forcing the stretchy pants more tightly across her pelvis and revealing a tantalizing structure underneath.

"Don't you think should take her out before you offer that much," she said in that husky voice. Continuing, she lowered to voice to a whisper, "Don't you want to see how she wheels?"

I nodded in agreement and Jacqui's smiled grew more pleased, almost smug.

She kicked her sandals off, one by one, and my eyes dropped to the floor to watch her feet execute that ordinary but highly erotic act. Her toenails were painted black, unlike the pink adorning her fingers. Jacqui's hands slid down her waist and the fingers of each slipped under the waistband of the stretchy pants at the back of each hip. My brain registered the fact that her fingers must be stretched over that supple little behind.

"Come here," she husked, the smile almost gone.

I stepped toward her, hesitantly, unsure of myself.

"I won't bite," Jacqui said, noting my reluctance.

I stopped in front of her, trying to keep my eyes on her face though my mind assured me there was no longer any need to pretend. Jacqui arched her back, swelling her chest and thrusting her little tits up, the nipples literally poking through the shirt. My eyes fastened upon them.

"Do you want to take the old girl for a drive," she whispered, "before hubby gets up?"

Numbly, I nodded my head, my eyes remaining fixed on their anchor points just a over a foot away.

"I don't know about that," she whispered. "We'll see what we can do."

Jacqui's hands pushed down and the stretchy pants began sliding over her hips. I watched, stunned, as they dropped. I could see the inside of her hands now, bending away from her body, forcing the pants down until they were stretched across the top of her thighs. I was staring at Jacqui's meticulously trimmed bush, a lighter brown than her hair but streaked with grey. She wasn't wearing panties. No wonder her cheeks had separated so easily around my bulge when I had leaned against her behind in the Jeep.

"Well, ok then. If you really can't wait," she whispered.

Jacqui stooped to push the waistband of her pants lower until they were over her knees. Standing upright, she put her delicate hands on my forearms to steady herself and, raising one foot, used it to push her pants down to the floor. She stepped out of them and kicked them away, then looked up at me with a lopsided grin on her face.

"Well, are you going to start wheeling?"

I turned and looked over my shoulder but her hand pulled my face back to her.

"You just need to be quiet. Can you do that?"

I had visions of a giant gorilla dozing fitfully upstairs but I nodded anyway. Jacqui pulled my face down to hers and my tongue sank into her open mouth. It was like sinking into a warm, wet, pulsing mass in constant movement, continually sucking. I had never been kissed like this in my whole life.

Her long, skinny fingers covered the front of my jeans and squeezed my cock. I barely noticed her deftly unsnapping my jeans and dragging the zipper down with her other hand. She pulled her face away and looked down as she pulled my cock out.

"It's been so long since I've had a young one," she cried, jacking her hand up and down my length, pausing at the top to screw her hand around, almost painfully.

Jacqui's hand grabbed a handful of hair at the back of my head and pulled it down to her chest.

"Suck my tits," she ordered.

I had no time to lift her shirt, she was already pressing my mouth onto her right nipple. I sucked it inside, shirt and all.

"That's it, that's it," she cried. "Suck it hard."

As if to emphasize the seriousness of her command, she pulled hard on my cock, yanking my hips close. I sucked and sucked, harder each time, as she mutilated my raging boner.

"The other one, too," she begged. "Suck it too."

I moved my head across her chest, urged on by the hand holding my hair. I finally managed to get my hands into action and pushed the undershirt up and over her head, forcing her to release my cock for a brief moment. Quickly, she grabbed her prize again and as I pulled her toward me, one hand in the small of her back and the other under her left cheek, she laughed and used her hand to guide my cock between her legs. My tip felt her wetness and slipped easily inside. She wasn't tight so she must be getting lots from her hubby, or someone else. Jacqui's mouth enveloped my ear in a sloppy, wet kiss.

"You don't have to be gentle," she whispered hoarsely.

I rammed my cock into her love tunnel, forcing it up as far as I could, feeling pride when I saw her feet stretch right up on her tippy toes. I thrust hard a half dozen times before she lifted her legs and curled them around my back, resting them above my hips, my back still covered by my shirt.

"Keep sucking my tits," Jacqui cried, grabbing my head and forcing it onto her engorged and incredibly long nipples. "No sucking, no fucking," she warned.

I gobbled her entire tit into my mouth and started sucking hard again. I had to hunch over to keep my mouth on her tits and my cock inside her. Our frantic movements made me seek the counter to help keep my balance but we had turned away from it and I shuffled forward, hunched over, hips jamming my cock in and out, and my face locked on her tits. I must have looked ridiculous, shuffling and grunting around the kitchen, hips bucking madly, feet still trapped in the legs of my jeans up to my ankles, dragging along on the floor.

Her cunt was amazing. It was more mobile than her mouth, always squeezing, pulling, pushing, clinging and pulsing, wetter and so much hotter. She was a furnace, a cauldron of pussy. My cock didn't have a chance. She was mashing it on the crucible of her womb, making incredible noises interspersed with flicks of her tongue in my ear.

I struggled to handle her. She was too fucking wild, hotter than any girl I'd ever been with. I'd trade ten of them for a single fuck like this. I pulled my mouth off her tits and bent my head back, grimacing at the ceiling, jackhammering her pussy as hard as I could. Ah, God. I bit my lip, struggling to keep quiet as my cock rocketed my hot jiz inside her. Lunging, my hips couldn't stop bucking and I kept fucking at her long after my balls were empty. She was wailing, her cunt gripping me tight, coming. I tried to cover her mouth to keep her quiet but couldn't.

At long last, we stopped, swaying gently, her legs locked around me, my hands wrapped around her back. She laughed quietly, joyous, and I joined in, in equal exultation. This fifty year old ex-hippie, barmaid, or whatever she was, had just given me the best fuck of my life. I never wanted to let her go. I could tell she knew that and was pleased by it, but eventually she opened her legs and dropped them to the floor, forcing my cock out of her treasured sanctuary.

My cock felt suddenly cold. I worked my feet out of my underwear and jeans, then looked up at Jacqui. I looked at the kitchen door and the stairs, then back at her. She smiled, looking down at my half hard cock sticking out through my shirt, then laughed as I hardened under her gaze.

"Don't worry, he sleeps like a rock until two."

I started unbuttoning my shirt and Jacqui laughed again, a low, throaty growl. She turned toward the counter and stepped up to the sink, her hands reaching out to grasp the tap handles on either side of the faucet. I thought she was going to get a drink but she looked coyly back at me through her tussled hair.

"Hurry," she whispered, working her feet back a foot and planting them about two feet apart. Her eyes dropped to my cock and she called to be again, "Hurry."
Next page: Page 02