Season 2 Update 05
Neha was pulling my leg and kept insisting that I hired her just because she was beautiful and I had bad intentions for her. She even said, the way she was talking to you, it seemed she is your wife. I laughed and said, are you nuts. She calls me bhaiya. Neha retorted, din me bhaiya raat me saiyya ( means brother in day, lover at night). I was really blushing at the thought, not intentionally. Sunita was a tease and would often talk double meaning, but i mostly ignored her. I never thought her like that. She would often talk to me about some maid having affair with her employer and some maid complaining to security officer about the employer molesting her. I was not sure if I wanted to get in all this. Abhishek was laughing and said, but bro she is really hot. Kanika was silent though and she barely looked at me throughout the morning. Everyone was laughing and I too joined them. I said, I wish, but she is already married with a baby, so i have no chance. Neha was really in the mood and said, so what, you have what she needs and she has what you need. Infact she fulfills all your needs and she winked. In addition you are paying her. I was really feeling shy but i changed the topic to whats the plan today, as i arranged for breakfast.
Neha said, I am too tired plus I have some work. I knew it meant she had another date maybe. Abhishek wanted to spend some alone time with Kanika. At breakfast, i brought butter for the parathas and unintentionally, I had put on some butter on my fingers. I looked at Kanika, and she was looking at my fingers, indicating me to clean them. I looked at the metled butter on my fingers and then licked it with my tongue and sucked my own finger looking at Kanika. Kanika said yukk, and Abhishek asked what happened. She said nothing, feels like vomiting. I was smiling and she looked at me with a disgusted look. After breakfast, I took them to their flat so they can change. Abhishek was packed and would leave directly. Kanika changed to salwar suit again and she asked me, without looking me in the eye, if i can drop them to the mall.
Neha stayed back as she wanted to rest. I dropped them at the mall and went back to my apartment. I arranged few things and then put the bed sheet and the shorts Neha and Kanika waere wearing to wash as well. I had no other plan, so i called Rahul and asked him how was his weekend. They were out shopping as well. We had a short call. I called Sunita and told her to come anytime in the evening as my plan has changed. I was resting in my shorts and baniyan watching TV when Sunita came around 6 PM. I let her in and went back to watching TV. Sunita was dressed in a Jeans and top today. It was for the first time that i really looked at her. I was eyeing her as she moved around the house and i admired her well toned body. Her beautiful face was really sexier with her nose ring which to my own surprise i noticed for the first time. She called me from the balcony and said, it seems the beautiful didi from morning is my bhabhi. She was holding the short which Neha was wearing and I was shocked at her comment. She was probably referring to the cum marks.
I was shocked and did not know what to say. I just said, no one is your bhabhi. She smiled at started to wash it. For the first time, i looked at her cleavage as she bent and washed her shorts. Her boobs looked heavy and big. I was staring at her milky boobs when she again looked at me and said, bhaiya is she your girlfriend and she found me staring at her boobs. I said no, not yet. She then blaberred about some guy and how many guys are after us, but she maintains a distance as she has to care for her daughter too. I was just listening and now i was kind of stuck. I did not want to stay there but as she was talking, i had to stay and she took no measures to cover her ever exposing cleavage. Luckily my phone rang and I excused myself, saving myself from an embarassing erection infront of my maid. It was Monika and I answered the phone.
Monika - Hi, How are you ?
Me - I am fine
Monika - Whats up and what are you doing ?
Me - Nothing much, just waiting for my due hugs and kisses
Monika - Haha. Do you ever stop. Are you alone or out ?
Me - I am at my home
Monika - Okk. How is everything with Kanika
Me - All is good. We are not dating now
Monika - I know, i called her and she was out somewhere.
Me - haha, so you thought she was with me
Monika - No no. I just called you as i felt sorry also, i thought you are alone
Me - Liar, you wanted to check
Monika - Haha. ok ok. I just wanted to check if she was lying again. I am sorry
Me - No issues, you owe me one more kiss and a hug
Monika - Oh my god, for what now ?
Me - For spying on me and for the apologies.
Monika - haha, should i send Rahul to pay you
Me - You can make the payment to Kanika or Neha, even that is acceptable
Monika - I am not that type
Me - YOu mean lesbian ? I think every girl is somewhat lesbian
Monika - No way, how can you say that
Me - Have you ever seen a guy admiring a guy ? But girls are always like, ohh she is so hot, she is sexy, she has good figure. Even you like Neha
Monika - No no. it is just being nice
Me - I have seen you looking at nude girls in Game of thrones with lust
Monika - Haha. stupid you. Your logic is weird.
Me - Anyway, you can pay by kissing your sister or Neha as well, but infront of me
Monika - Shut up. You and your ideas.
Me - Are you afraid ?
Monika - I am married and experienced. I have no fear
Me - Haha marriage does not mean experience. What have you done
Monika - Many things, and cant tell you
Me - So your experience is nothing
Monika - More than you I am sure
Me - I had threesome with the sisters. Have you ?
Monika - Yukkk..OMG, You are such a mood spoiler.
Me - Haha, sorry, just saying
Monika - YOu are joking na. I cant believe
Me - No yaar, really.
Monika - Oh My GODDDD !! I cant imagine.
Me - I am sure you are some degree of lesbian too
Monika - No no, not at all
Me - If i tell you how it happened and if it excites you , it would mean you are
Monika - No no, dont tell me
Me - Why, you are afraid now
Monika - Yes, and no.
Me - Whatever that means
Monika - Just thinking about it makes me a bit excited. I cant afford to take the risk to listen to the story.
Me - haha. so you are what i thought
Monika - No no.
Me - It is Ok. I am not going to argue over a fact
Monika - What is for dinner
Me - Haha clever
Monika - I am not and no
Me - Ok, I send you a link and you send me your feedback
Monika - No no. I have lot of work. I will talk to you later
Me - take care byee. I miss you
Monika - Really ? Why miss me ?
Me - No idea. Just missed you.
Monika - I missed you too. You come next weekend for sure.
Me - Ok, will try
Monika - No please come.
Me - Ok but be ready for payment
Monika - Good night and relax.
Me - Good night and hugs
After i kept my phone, i realized Sunita was gone. It was a major relief for me as i was scared about this.
I had my dinner and was thinking about Monika. I took my phone and it was around 10 PM. I messaged Kanika, as normally she would message me.
Me - Hi Kanika
Kanika - Hi Karan, I thought you are sleeping
Me - How come ? You did not even message me
Kanika - I was waiting for your message
Me - Really ? why ?
Kanika - No reason. How are you, what are you doing ? Did you eat ?
Me - too many questions. I am fine, had my dinner and resting. How about you ? How was meeting with Abhishek ? Did he get to the airport easily
Kanika - He took the train and everything was ok. He was sorry and everything is ok
Me - Ok, that is great
Kanika - Can i ask you something ?
Me - Yes
Kanika - Why you made me so dirty ? You even licked the butter and I still feel yukk thinking
Me - How come dirty ? Your thoughts are dirty ? You dont know what it is
Kanika - It was so messy.
Me - Why you did it ? You could have gone and slept
Kanika - I dont mean dirty as in dirty. Cant explain. I did because I blamed you and then I made you uncomfortable
Me - Just that ? I thought there was more reason
Kanika - You are the first person who kissed me and it was my first real kiss. I felt really good. I wanted to do it
Me - How did it feel ?
Kanika - I have never touched that thing in my life. I felt really uneasy. As if something was happening to me
Me - Did you like it or dislike it
Kanika - I did not dislike it.
Me - Hmmm..I wish you licked it
Kanika - OMG. Yukk. How can you say this.
Me - It is normal.
Kanika - No no. Please dont say. I cant imagine this. Yukkk
Me - Haha...How about me kissing you there ?
Kanika - Please no. This is so yukk. Dont say please
Me - Ok ok
Kanika - You always talk about these things ? Boys have no other thing to talk
Me - Kanika, its not the only thing. But when you do it with someone you like, you really feel it.
Kanika - Dont know what to say
Me - Did you feel closer to me when you kissed me
Kanika - Yes
Me - Did you feel closer to me when you touched me there
Kanika - Yes, but i got carried away
Me - So what ?
Kanika - Please change the topic. It makes me uneasy.
Me - You not angry at me today ? for Neha
Kanika - Haha. not today
Me - Why ? I kissed Neha and hugged her
Kanika - So, I am not your girlfriend. Do whatever you want. Why dont you ask her to touch you there
Me - She already did.
Kanika - What ? You are such a bad person. I know she did not
Me - She did and it was nice too
Kanika - You are such a moron. Why dont you ask her to kiss and lick you
Me - I will, but not sure when
Kanika - Dont talk to me
Me - Why ? You are not my girlfriend.
Kanika - Hmm..True, I dont care
Me - So it is Ok If i make out with Neha
Kanika - Yes, why not. You two are made for each other. And she is right, this is why you hired that sexy maid
Me - haha. You are cute. I like you
Kanika - And i hate you. Always you ruin my moments
Me - babu, I miss kissing you tonight
Kanika - ....
Me - ... :X :X
Kanika - Haha. Idiot. I am sorry. I Know Neha likes you. It is ok. I am always crazy you know.
Me - You are a sweetheart. Kiss Neha for me tonight
Kanika - You are impossible
Me - I am not impossible. I am just not plausible.
Kanika - Show off. I know you are well read.
Me - Hugs then
Kanika - No.
Me - Ok, so only kisses from now
Kanika - It just happened once and will not happen again
Me - Ok mam
Kanika - Say more na. I will sleep soon
Me - What to say.
Kanika - tell me how you felt
Me - I felt really great. It was not easy for me to come with a touch. You made me cum easily
Kanika - I am asking about your feeling
Me - I felt nice and loved.
Kanika - Thanks for being so nice to me
Me - I am just saying truth.
Kanika - Ok, i have to go now. Abhishek will call me he said.
Me - Ok listen, Monika called to check if you were with me
Kanika - I told her i am shopping.
Me - Ok, no problem. Just telling you. I also told her, the date was nice but we are not sure if things will work out.
Kanika - Thanks for saving me again and again.
Me - Ok, Good night sweet heart
Kanika - Good night
I was about to message Neha after this as she is usually up late, but she messaged me first.
Neha - Hey Karan. How are you
Me - I am fine. How ybout you
Neha - I am ok. Had a good weekend with you
Me - So you decided to ditch me on Sunday
Neha - Haha. no no. I had a prior commitment
Me - It is ok, I am kidding
Neha - Also, you had so much fun. You did what no one has been done to me
Me - What ?
Neha - You dumped your cum inside my panties almost near my special place
Me - Haha. You made me horny
Neha - No one has ever been so close to me
Me - Really ? Are you a virgin ?
Neha - You think because i go out with so many guys, i must not be a virgin
Me - No no, i am asking because I dont know
Neha - Hmm..what do you think ?
Me - I have no idea. Sometimes when you describe your lifestyle, I think you are not
Neha - I will leave that question
Me - Okk. It means you are virgin as i was closest
Neha - Haha. You took advantage of the situation and the fact that i like you
Me - Why you like me. I did not buy stuff for you

Neha - Haha. Stupid. Am i that shallow ?
Me - I am kidding.
Neha - I really like you. I liked the way you treated me and you were not mad about fucking me like everyone else
Me - Haha. How you know. Maybe I am mad about fucking you
Neha - I know. I am surprised by your bold move yesterday
Me - haha. me too.
Neha - You know, when you told me how Abhishek was on top forcing Kanika, it really excited me.
Me - You like it rough it seems
Neha - Haha, I dont know. Maybe
Me - You know, this is why i got bold
Neha - Haha. Liar. You needed an excuse
Me - Didnt you like it
Neha - To be honest, I had an orgasm myself
Me - WHat ? really ?
Neha - I cant believe I am saying this to you
Me - It is ok.
Neha - I know, I am a girl, but i dont care.
Me - You should not. You have every right
Neha - I do, I even masturbate
Me - Do you see porn ?
Neha - haha.. all guys ask this. Yes. I do and I even showed your Kanika. I still think she likes you
Me - Do you like her ?
Neha - Ofcourse
Me - Then you should kiss her
Neha - Haha
Me - Have you seen girl on girl
Neha - Yes, I have
Me - Then try with Kanika na
Neha - haha. You know my phone was won in a bet
Me - What bet
Neha - The bet was to smooch a girl and I did. The guys gave me this high end phone
Me - Then you should kiss Kanika. I will gift you an awesome gift.
Neha - haha. Ok. But how will you know
Me - Simple, switch on the webcam and i will see
Neha - Should I come on yahoo now ?
Me - Why not
Neha - Haha.. I will, but not today. Kanika is up and I came in late. We will eat and we always talk before we sleep. It is already late and we have work tomorrow
Me - Ok, Then it is a deal.
Neha - I need time.
Me - You have to it by Friday, else you pay me
Neha - Haha. No. If i win, you pay me, else no payment.
Me - Ok Done
Neha - I really like you Karan. I know we are not a couple. I dont want to be tied down, but i do like you
Me - Same here. I am not always looking to fuck you. Kissing you was the best thing i did over the weekend
Neha - Oh my god. You are your one kiss. Will it ever end
Me - never. I will always kiss you.
Neha - Haha..You horny man.
Me - Send me a sexy pic na
Neha - You have seen me in my sexiest dress.
Me - Ok, I will buy you a new one
Neha - I will send you the pic then
Me - Tell me your real size
Neha - Cant you guess by now
Me - 38-30-36
Neha - OMG, you are so close
Me - Tell me
Neha - It is 36 D and not 38. It is close though.
Me - Neha you are really huge with your bazookas. Just knowing your size makes me hard
Neha - Haha--Idiot.

Me - Send me a pic to masturbate
Neha - No way
Me - Please
Neha - When you send me the dress.
Me -
Neha - Hugs and kisses. Good night hottie
Me - I am not hottie. I am smarty
Neha - Haha. Ok baba. Gn and hugs
Me - Hugs.
Neha - Why dont you ask your maid for pics
Me - Are you nuts
Neha - No really, she is hot
Me - Haha.. you are crazy
Neha - If it was me, i would have fucked her already
Me - Haha. Come and try na.
Neha - Haha. She is not my employee
Me - Why not you try. We can have another bet
Neha - want to bet on me fucking girls. Shouldnt you be fucking girls
Me - If i ask you to fuck a guy, it would be a 5 minute challenge as any guy would kill to fuck you. Fucking a girl is real challeneg
Neha - Haha..Why dont you fuck her and I kiss Kanika. Challenge
Me - Haha. A guy fucking his maid is risky.
Neha - Thats the challenge
Me - She is a mom yaar
Neha - So ? She has boobs and that too big ones. She has a pussy.
Me - Do i get to fuck you then ?
Neha - Hahah..too eager. YOu know you could have fucked me at your home, if Kanika and Abhishek were not there
Me - Haha..but they were there na
Neha - If you fuck her, I will see what to give you
Me - Ok you are On.You have to seduce Kanika and give her orgasm then.
Neha - Oh my god. No no. Just the kiss
Me - Why ? You have to fuck the innocent Kanika now
Neha - In one week ? I cant. It is not realistic
Me - How about a month ?
Neha - How will you or I know about our progress.
Me - We need to meet for that discussion
Neha - How about on Wednesday
Me - How about my house ?
Neha - haha.. no no. You will fuck me
Me - I wont fuck you. Promise
Neha - I am kidding. I will come.
Me - See you.
Neha - Gn and byee then
Me - Ok byee.