Season 2 Update 10
Neha took me to the floor and started dancing again. She kept my hands on her ass and smiled at me and then started smooching me. I went with the flow as I did not know what was her plan and kissed her back, squeezing her ass as I kissed her. Her huge ass was really soft and in the skirt, it felt even nicer. I kept sucking her lips and as we danced I kept squeezing her ass as well. Kanika came from the toilet and saw us. She was really upset as she just went and poured more wine. Neha continued smooching me and hugged me really tight. We kissed for few minutes when finally Neha let me go. She looked at Kanika, who was standing in the corner now and smiled at her licking her lips. She went to Kanika and pulled her for dance. She said Kanika, Karan gave me a gift, now your turn. She then tried to kiss her but Kanika moved away and said control Neha, are you mad. I said comeon, it is just a kiss. Kanika was angry at me and shouted for you everything is just a kiss, just a sex. You do whatever you want, leave me alone.
Neha - Darling, if you dont want to kiss me, then kiss him please
Kanika - No way Never
Neha - Comeon, you definitely like him
Kanika - I hate him. He is a playboy and I have a decent boyfriend. I dont let my bf kiss me, why would I let him.
Neha - Because it is clear that you like karan more than you ever liked Abhishek
Kanika was shocked at Neha's statement. She was very upset now
Kanika - He clearly likes you, so you two leave me out of this. Please drop me home and you two can have sex
Neha - Are you mad. Karan please order food and talk to this crazy girl
I took Kanika to the other room and said, why you so upset.
Kanika - You are such a moron. You expect me to be happy. I wore this dress for you.
Me - You said, you did not
Kanika - But you know na. I like you. You are kissing others infront of me
Me - So can I kiss you infront of Neha ? How about Abhishek ?
Kanika - Shut up. You dont need to kiss anyone
Me - Kanika we all are a bit drunk and plus it is her party.
Kanika - I did everything for you, I got crazy and let you make me dirty and now you are playing with her
Me - Kanika you have a boyfriend and thats not me
Kanika, was almost in tears. I hugged her and tears rolled down her eyes.
Me - Kanika, even if I kiss Neha or even if i fuck her, I will always like you and want to be with you. Neha is hot, and she looks so hot today. You look so beautiful and cute today that I cant stop thinking about you even when Neha is there.
Kanika - Liar, you want to fuck her. Just look at your eyes looking at her
Me - I want to fuck you, but you wont let me. Also, she is dressed so sexily and her boobs and ass look so hot, anybody will stare. Even you were staring.
Kanika - I was looking with anger.
Me - And how about your lips having mixed lipstick colorm same as Neha.
Kanika was shocked and her tears were gone now.
Kanika - She forcibly kissed my lips
Me - Yeah why not. You can kiss her but not me
Kanika - You want Neha, not me
Me - You wont let me do anything to you
Kanika - Why you have to have sex with me
Me - I dont, so I am trying with Neha
Kanika - You are weird
Me - You will only have sex after marriage and that too with Abhishek. What do i get ? I have just one life. Neha is not going to be with me. She is just having timepass. In the end I get nothing.
Kanika - Then go and fuck Neha
Me - I want to fuck you, right now, right here.
Kanika - Shut up, please dont say like this
Me - Kanika, I will fuck you only when you say
Kanika - I will never
Me - I know you will. YOu are already having goosebumps
Kanika - Shut up please
Me - Maybe you are thinking about you and Neha
Kanika - Please Karan
I hugged her tight and kissed her on her cheeks as I caressed her back. She tried to break the hug but she was acting and I looked at her. I then held her face and smooched her. She resisted by closing her lips, but she gave up soon letting me enter. I started sucking her and caressing her back. I moved my hands to her ass and squeezed it as I lifted her up holding her ass and smooched her deeper. I kept smooching her and took her to my bed and got on top of her as I smooched her. MY hands were still groping her ass and I kept kissing her. She was now kissing me back. I let go of her ass and tried to remove her dress from her shoulders to kiss her shoulders and her upper chest. I slid it to the side arms and started kissing her upper boobs cleavage and shoulder area. She was caressing my hair. Neha came in from behind and said, oh my god, what is going on here. Kanika pushed me and ran outside. Neha followed her, and I too went.
Neha - That was quick Kanika, straight to kissing on bed
Kanika - He forced me.
Neha - It is Ok. I dont mind. I wont tell Abhishek
Kanika - I am not feeling good. I am drunk maybe. Please leave Abhishek out of this.
Neha - It is Ok, I asked him to comfort you.
Kanika - No no, it is not Ok. I let him kiss me. I feel embarassed now
Neha - It is Ok.
Neha hugged her and caressed her back. She comforted her while I stood back loking at them, touching each others sexy back.
Neha - Karan, please order food.
I ordered food and soon we all sat down to talk.
Neha - Kanika, please be normal now
Kanika - I am sorry
Me - I am sorry too. I was carried away by Kanika's beauty
Neha - It is ok, even i was carried away. She looks so hot today.
Neha came to me and sat near me. She drank more beer and looked weirdly at me.
Neha - You look really hot too. The way you were kissing her, was really hot.
Kanika - Please Neha.
Neha - It is ok sweety. Karan, please kiss me same way.
Me - Now ? Are you crazy
Neha - Yes now, if you did it to her, you have to do it to me
Kanika was really uncomfortable now.
Kanika - I should go. I will take a cab
Neha - Are you mad. As if you are a baby. Just sit down.
Neha climbed on me and sat over my laps. She looked at me and started smooching me. She was completely on top and in control as she kept smooching me. She pushed her hands inside my shirt and caressed my back. Kanika was looking at us and looked upset and aroused at the same time. Neha undid my shirt buttons and said, we are backless, so you should not have a shirt on. It looks odd. Neha took my shirt off and kept smooching me infront of Kanika. She was really drunk and so was Kanika. I was not sure if i could manage the situation. Neha started moving to my nipples and kissed my nipples and started sucking it. Kanika was really really upset now and said Shameless and went to the other room.
Neha got off me and smiled and said, she is jealous it seems and she followed her inside. I followed her to the door to see and listen.
Neha - Why you came inside
Kanika - You two are shameless
Neha - We are drunk and also you seem to be jealous
Kanika - Not at all. I can do better
Neha - You mean you can kiss him better
Kanika - I mean I can behave better and have better guy than him
Neha - Really ? show me
Kanika - Nothing to show
Neha pushed her to the bed and climbed on her. Kanika was struggling and Neha said - Let me see if you even can kiss well as you think.
Neha forced herself on Kanika and tried to smooch her. I was completely confused by what was happening. I was not sure who was trying what and who was supposed to fuck whom.Kanika was struggling and Neha shouted Karan, hold her. I went in and instead of holding Kanika, I held Neha and made her let go off Kanika. I said Neha you are too drunk. Please dont do this. Kanika was finally relieved that i was not drunk. Neha walked out of room stumbling and just mumbling. I knew she had lost it. Kanika was on the bed hiding her face.
Me - Dont worry, she is drunk, but i am here
Kanika - She is half crazy today. She tried to kiss me three times
Me - It is ok. I am sure you enjoy the attention, that too from a girl
Kanika - shut up. Thanks for helping me
Me - No issue
I went to the bed and kissed her forehead.
Me - You look really adorable today.
Kanika - Liar
Neha came back again and she laughed. She said Kanika I am kidding yaar. I am not drunk. Kanika was shocked.
Kanika - You are half mad
Neha - I was kidding. Seeing how you behaved
Me - You almost fooled me
Neha came and laid on the bed next to Kanika and hugged her. Neha said, She is my bestie and I love her. They hugged each other and Neha patted her ass as if it was normal.
Neha - Comeon now, kissing you is the most beautiful thing anyone can do. Forgive Karan and forgive me
Kanika - Shut up and dont scare me.
Neha - I kissed Karan infront of you to see that it really makes you jealous. You like him, I know. It is Ok.
Kanika - No no, nothing like that
Neha - It is ok. I think he likes you too. He likes me more because I am almost half nude.
Neha laughed as she said and looked at me and winked.
Me - Nothing like that. Neha you look sexy and Kanika looks really hot too.
Just then the bell rang and food was there. We had food and Neha asked me to setup some movie in the bedroom. I switched my TV on in the room and put on some movie. Neha asked me lie down in the middle and she asked Kanika to lie on one side and she lied on one side of me. Kanika was a but confused by the arrangement.
Kanika - Should we not go home now ? We have work tomorrow.
Neha - Comeon yaar, Karan will drop us tomorrow in the morning straight to work
Kanika - But I have no clothes here, also how can we lie down like this. You be next to him and I will be next to you.
Neha - Shut up and come here. One guy and two girls. And both girls like the guy, so this is perfect setting
Kanika - No no, I dont like him
Neha - It is ok, he likes you and Abhishek is not here.
After lot of argument, I finally got up,held Kanika by her hand and took her to my side.
Me - Kanika, Please.
I looked at her and she finally gave in and lied down next to me. I was not sure if Neha was really not drunk because she sure smelled drunk. Kanika was a bit drunk too as she had too much wine. I was still shirtless and felt odd.
Me - Why am i the only one topless
Neha - I can join you but only if Kanika joins too
Kanika - No way. Are you crazy again
Me - Then dont look at my nipples
Kanika - You dont have nipples to look at. You are a man not a girl.
Me - So you think you have better nipples
Kanika - Each girl has better than you and no body will show you.
Me - I think I can imagine yours
Kanika really felt embarassed at this and said, no no please.
Me - I think you have really pink and round nipples
Kanika - Oh my god please
Me - Neha I think you have bigger nipples and more pointy.
Kanika - Shut up will you.
Me - If you show me I will
Kanika - Get lost. You think you are some hero.
Neha - I will show you, but what if you then want to see more.
Me - What if you want to see more and try to bang me
Neha - Hahaha. I wish
Kanika - No wish and never
Neha put her head on my shoulders and caressed my chest and nipples.
Neha - You have nice chest by the way.
Me - Thanks
Kanika - What is so nice in chest
Neha - You wont understand
Me - Ok ok, let us play a game, how about Truth or Dare ??
Neha said ok ok sure. Kanika was not sure and said ok.
Me - Ok first my chance as I proposed the game
Neha - Ok i will ask you first, Truth or Dare ?
Me - Dare
Neha - Take off your Jeans
Me - What ?? sure ?
Kanika - Are you mad.
Neha - We are almost naked in legs, only he has jeans
Me - Ok, here it goes.
I was only in my Undies now and was feeling awkward as I could not hude my hardness anymore.
Neha - Finally he is semi nude. Now my turn
Me - Ok Truth or Dare ?
Neha - Truth
Kanika - Wait, i will ask this time. Neha do you love Karan ?
Neha - Hahahaha. No, I dont think so. I like him. Love is far. Now your turn, Truth or Dare ?
Kanika - Truth
Neha - Do you love Karan or Abhishek ?
Kanika - No no, Dare
Neha - You cant change
Kanika - Please it is my first time
Neha - Ok then kiss Karan like i kissed
Kanika - No way
Neha - This is a game, and we agreed
Kanika - Can i choose truth again
Neha - think carefully ? i will change the question now.
Kanika - What is the question ?
Neha - haha, sweety. Ok for you, have you ever kissed Karan, since you spent so much time with him
Kanika - He kissed me you saw
Neha - I meant have you ever kissed before and when he was not forcing you and you too cooperated
Kanika - Please Neha, spare me
Neha - Its easy, kiss him now or say the truth.
Kanika waited for few seconds and then slowly got up and came on top of me. Her ass was on my penis and she felt it as she tried to control her shock. She looked at me and was not happy. I said, - You dont have to kiss me, you look upset already
Kanika - I am sorry
Me - Kanika, kiss me only if you want to
Kanika finally gathered herself, smiled and smooched me hard on my lips. She was sucking my lips and soon she inserted her tongue inside my mouth. Neha was caressing my chest and her hand was in between Kanika's cleavage and my chest. She was still caressing and her hands were touching Kanika as well. Kanika was really lost in the kiss now as I held her face and kissed her back, sucking her tongue and my hands caressing her bare back. My hands moved to her ass and i squeezed them gently. We were really into deep kissing when Neha cleared her throat with a ahemmm indicating it is too long.
Kanika shyly got off me and lied down next to me. My hard on was for display now.
Neha - Wow Kanika, you really kissed the hell out. Why were you so reluctant to kiss ABhishek, I dont understand
Kanika - Please Neha.
Neha - Ok ok, but see Karan's reaction. Now again Karan's turn
Neha pointed at my dick and Kanika just hid her face in shyness.
Me - Truth
Kanika - Do you love Neha ?
Me - I like her and I am not sure about love.
Neha - Ahemm..same answer. Dare for me
Me - Kiss Kanika
Kanika - No no, why kiss me
Me - Why not, let us see if you are bold only in dress or in attitude too
Kanika - I am bold and strong and I dont need you to prove it
Me - Then let her complete the dare if you are so strong.
Kanika - No no, it is weird
Neha - Really ?
Neha got up and looked at Kanika in her eyes. Kanika was a bit scared the way Neha looked and wodnered if Neha would tell me that they kissed before coming here.
Neha got up and lied down next to Kanika.
Neha - If i sit on top of you, you will be crushed
Kanika smiled and said, idiot. Just a small kiss
Neha held Kanika's hair and looked at her. She was not kissing her but kept caressing her bare back. Kanika's hands were on Neha's back and Neha made sure Kanika was caressing her. She did this for about a minute arousing Kanika. She was already aroused due to the kiss. She then went near her and kissed her lips slowly without sucking them. Kanika was waiting for the smooch but Neha was playing a game of gentle pecking on her lips. Kanika could not bear more and she held Neha's face and opened her lips sucking Neha's lips. Alcohol had a great effect on two and it surely did lower inhibitions from Kanika. Neha now hugged Kanika really tight and smooched her back. Kanika was caressing her and Neha was also caressing her now. Neha's hand had reached her ass now and she squeezed her ass as she smooched Kanika. Neha was kissing her very passionately and soon she turned to get on top of Kanika and pinned her down kissing her deeper. She held her hands and kept kissing her on her lips. I was just mesmerized at the view and my hardon was saluting them for an awesome display of kissing. My undies had stretched so far out due to my hardon that one could see my penis from top and balls from below. Neha finally got off Kanika and they both started breathing heavily. I kept looking at them and their boobs moving up and down as they breathed in and out. The cleavage was sweaty and it was shining in the light due to the wetness.
Neha - I am sorry Kanika, I did not mean to go on top
Kanika - You are not heavy. Worry not. You are too soft
Neha - No yaar, you are really soft. I know why Karan wants to kiss you and touch you.
Kanika - He is rough and will make us dirty
Neha - Haha, Look at his erection. He is going mad
Kanika got up and looked at my penis.
Kanika - Shameless. Wear something please
Neha - Are you mad. Take it off and show us please. I think we were able to make you crazy
Me - You two made me mad
Neha - Then off it goes
Neha quickly moved my undies a bit down revealig my completely erect penis with precum on it.
Neha - You are already having orgasm it seems
Me - Idiot, it is precum
Neha - Ohh okk okk. You penis is huge. I must admit
Kanika - Shit yaar. What the hell you are doing. This is weird. Karan please wear your undies. I cant look at it
Me - Why ? You dont like it ?
Kanika - I hate it and you
Me - Liar
Kanika - Shut up.
Me - Truth or Dare ?
Kanika - No more dares, truth only
Me - Ok, then be careful. Do you want to kiss my penis ? or rather have you ever sucked a penis and do you want to suck mine
Kanika - No way, idiot stupid. I wont answer that
Me - Then dare ?
Kanika - No no, no more games, please let me sleep, I have work
Neha - I want to suck you to be honest. It looks so good
Kanika - Are you crazy ?
Neha - No really. I mean if you dont want I can take this dare
Kanika - Do whatever you want. I am going out
I held her hand and said
Me - You cannot play a game at least you can see and stay here.
Kanika - Let me go. You are shameless
Me - No body is sucking anything here. Just all relax
Neha - Awww. I wanted to
Me - Let us do different dare.
Kanika - Ok then i will play
Me - Take off your dress and show your lingerie to us
Kanika - What ???
Me - I am nude. You guys are wearing clothes. I deserve so much respect.
Kanika - No no. Oh my god what is happening
Neha - Come on yaar. He is right.
Neha took off her skirt and top and was now in her lingerie. She looked absolutely sexy and amazing.
Neha - See now, I am already there first. So you have nothing to be ashamed off. We are good friends and we all like Karan
Kanika - Oh my god Neha. You are really crazy today. I want to ask, have you guys done it with each other ?
Me - No. Honestly no.
Neha - Not yet hahaha
Kanika - Shameless
Neha - now comeon
Me - Yes sweety
Kanika - Idiots
After lot of cheering and comments Kanika got out of her dress and she looks absolutely fantastic in her lingerie. She wore black lingerie and lookes stunnig. Neha was looking at her with awe.
Neha - I have bigger boobs and ass. But you look so so much sexier. I wish i was a guy
Kanika - Shut up and relax. YOu guys have made me so so crazy
Me - Kanika, you look absolutely amazing
We all lied down. Neha put her head on my shoulders and I put my arms under Kanika's head and pulled her to my shoulders. Both of them were on my shoulders now. Their bodies were touching my naked body throughout. I was on cloud 9. Neha kept her legs on my erection and her thighs played with my erection. We were all really silent. I was caressing Kanika and I kept looking at her. She was glacing now and then. I kissed Kanika on her forehead
Me - Let us sleep guys. It is hard for me to control. Two sexy women and I am a gentleman
Neha was playing with my penis using her legs and pinching and caressing my nipples with her hand. Kanika also joined in and started playing with my nipples but she was pinching me more and whispering Shameless.
It seemed like forever, but we slept soon. Neha and Kanika shifted to their sides giving me some space. I turned to my left and my hands were over Neha. I pulled her close to me and hugged her. My hard on was on her ass crack and it seemed it woke her up. I was still asleep and just enjoying the feel of her sexy ass. Neha got up and removed her panties. She got on top of me and placed my penis over her pussy. I was half asleep and half up, as she guided my penis into her wet pussy. I was not sure if i was dreaming or not, but soon she started riding my cock and she was moving really up and down my entire shaft length.
I realized my penis had penetrated her deep and her pussy was really tight. It felt as if her pussy was holding my penis really tight as she fucked me. She took off her bra and bent down, touching her boobs to my nipples and smooched me as she fucked me. I was completely up now and my body was thursting upwards to meet her thrusts. This ruckus woke up Kanika and as she woke up turning to see what was going on, Neha now moved with rapid force. She was on the verge of her orgasm, and she got up, and arched her body backwards taking more of my penis in and screamed to orgasm. Her movements had triggered my own orgasm and we came together as Kanika opened her eyes in a state of shock and in complete dissmay. Kanika said nothing, but she was upset as she walked out with her clothes and it seemed she left us to fuck. Neha was in a state of joy and she had closed her eyes feeling her orgasm. She stayed like this while my penis pumped everything into her pussy. We were done now and I said, Neha what the hell happened ?
Neha - I am sorry Karan, I had to fuck you. I was too excited and I tried but could not control it. You made me so excited that i was left with no option than to fuck your brains off.
Me - You made Kanika upset
Neha shouted Kanika, please come
Kanika - (shouting) I am sleeping in living room. You guys do whatever you want
Neha - I am sorry, I got carried away
Kanika - No no you two enjoy.
Kanika was crying it seemed
Neha went out and pushed her to the room.
Neha - Why are you crying.
Kanika - Nothing I am not crying. Please you guys continue
Neha - Yaar, I was too excited, I had to do this else i could not sleep
Kanika - and the stud Karan had to do it too na
Neha - Dont blame him, her was sleeping. I am not lying. I got on top of him and you can say bangd him
Kanika - Shut up. He was up
Neha - Promise and you can ask him
Me - I am sorry, but I was really sleeping
Kanika - How can you guys do this. When I am here.
Me - We are sorry
Neha - Yaar, it is just sex. I did not marry him or something. He cums using his hand, I cum using my hand. Today we cummed together using our bodies which god gave us . What is there to be sorry. You can marry him still. Anyway he was no virgin
Kanika - Shut up
Neha - I mean, it is not a big deal yaar
Kanika - For you virginity is not big, for me it is
Neha - So you mean, you will never lose it ?
Kanika - After marriage
Neha - Ohh and what will that help in ? Marriage is just a ceremony. It wont make your pussy holy or something
Kanika - Please shutup
Neha - Think about it and sleep. No drama please.
Kanika - I will sleep outside
Me - Are you mad. SLeep here
Kanika - Go clean yourself and wear clothes. And no need to advise me.
I got up and picked her in my arms. My penis laced with Neha's juices and my own cum touched her body. She shouted but I kept her on bed and said, Idiot, dont be so.
I whispered in her ear, I will tell Neha you sucked me
Kanika was shocked and she gave up resistance and lied down. She was upset. I kissed her cheeks and said, Kanika babu, I love your ways and your cuteness. You look sexy tonight and you know i wanted to fuck you badly. I controlled myself. You cannot even imagine the control i showed today.
Neha - It is true. If there was some other guy, you would have already been bangd and I would not have stopped him too. He is really nice and decent. He did not start this. I was also too excited and could not sleep. I already told him, I dont fuck guys. You must think I am having sex all around. But I lost my virginity some years back and since then, I had never had sex. Karan and you excited me so much that I had to break my own promise and had to fuck him. He did not start any of this. I know you hold viriginity etc to character. But tell me honestly, were you not aroused tonight. Did you not get wet down there. Didnt you feel like fucking ?
Kanika - I am sorry, I dont mean to disrespect you guys. I feel awkward
neha - I am sorry too. I shoud not have done this. But you know I feel too great right now. It feels I am in heaven.
Kanika - I am sorry, let us sleep again. Karan you go that side, let Neha be in between
I shifted making space for the besties to hug each other and sleep.