Season 2 Update 27
I walked up to her to find Kavya sitting on the sofa and watching TV. Kavya was busy looking at the TV for a while till she turned her head to see us. She did not react at all or greet us but turned to watch TV. I was not sure if i should greet her or not but out of courtsey i said Hi. There was no reply. I was wondering what the heck just happened as i was hoping Parul would kiss me tonight.
Parul - Take a seat, i will get water
Me - Thanks.
Kavya - So where were you ? - She said shouting since Parul went to the kitchen
Parul - Just went to eat
Kavya - So you are dating now. Nice na - Her tone was condescending.
Parul replied nothing just asked if she wanted tea as well. Kavya said Yes thanks please. She did not like me and her reaction was obvious.
I thought it was better for me to try sort things out as i didnt want it to get ugly.
Me - I think we got off the wrong foot. I am sorry if something i said offended you. I think we can at least say Hi to each other
Kavya - Its ok. We dont need to talk to each other but I am sorry too. I dont have an upbringing that someone can call me rude
Me - Again I am sorry.
Kavya - Its ok. I think my parents taught me not to talk to someone you dont want to
Me - Its ok. As you wish.
Kavya was sitting in her hot pants and t shirt. Her thighs and legs were on display and her t shirt was tight around her boobs. She definitely apart from being chubby was well over the normal size. Since the t shirt was not tight enough, i could guess she was at least 38 D. Since she was also not tall, her boobs looked too big on her and that made her really stand out. Her boobs were also firm and stood vertically proud. I was glancing at her now and then and cheking her out.
Kavya - Why are you looking at me
Me - I thought you dont wanna talk to me
Kavya - But why are you looking at me
Me - MY eyes.
Kavya - I will gauge your eyes off. You are a pervert.
Me - Me ? I think your friend was. Your friends are and maybe you are too as you are friends with them
Kavya - How dare you accuse them
Me - Accuse ? Not at all mam. I saw them
Kavya - Liar. You just want to prove me wrong and somehow make me look bad. I wont tolerate that. YOu better get out
Me - Ask your roomie.
Kavya stormed to the kitchen and they spoke slowly for some time and then Kavya came out looking furious
Kavya - All men are dogs.
Me - Yeah all girls are angels.
Kavya - Shut up, i am not talking to you.
Me - I dont care.
Now i started staring her. She was also staring back at me and we spoke nothing.
Parul came in with tea and looked at us.
Parul - Staring contest. Good for you guys.
Kavya - My foot.
Me - My hands
Parul laughed hysterically as if i made a great joke, but Kavya was pissed. She was angry and yet could not help the thought of her friends playing around. I was not sure about Kavya or what type of girl she was.
We all sipped tea silently and i thought to start a conversation.
Me - The tea is superb
Parul - Thanks, but Kavya makes much better tea than me
Me - I doubt that. Anyways rich kids dont know their way around kitchen
Kavya said nothing but looked angrily at me.
Kavya - I am hungry and i guess you already ate
Parul - Yes. I thought you had plans with your friends.
Kavya - Yes, but the idiots pissed me off, so i came back
Parul - Is everything ok
Kavya - Yeah. Ravi has no sense. He made joke about me without realizing how it affects me.
Parul - Oh. Should i cook.
Kavya - I am too hungry. Maybe we can go out.
Parul - How ?
Kavya - We walk or take an auto.
Parul - At this hour ?
Me - I can drive you guys.
Kavya - Thanks but no thanks.
Me - Attitude. I like it. But unreasonable. Seems illogical. If you are as intelligent you claim to be, you should just come along.
Kavya - Why should i go into your car
Me - Well Parul is there so no fear for you
Kavya - I am not afraid of you
Me - You should be. I am old pervert uncle
Parul - Thats enough. Lets go
Kavya - No
Parul - Come and think of it as taxi
Kavya - I will pay then
Me - I will charge you then
Kavya - Ok. only if i pay i will go
Me - Fine madam. Let me put my driver cap on.
Kavya got up from her seat and her t shirt just rose up due to her huge boobs exposing her navel. The t shirt was actually short too. Though she was chubby, she had flat stomach. I watched her midriff as she stretched her arms and Parul noticed me looking at Kavya with lustful eyes. I quickly turned back and walked out. Kavya was running around in my mind and she was not just rich, but she was fair and had milky white complexion. Parul on the other hand was fair but not as white as Kavya and Parul looked much more like a average Indian girl.
I took them to Noida sector 18 Atta market and we had lot of options to eat there. I just took some more tea and Kavya ate to her full. I was funny and made jokes throughout while Kavya sat quite or spoke indirectly through Parul. It was quite late when we reached back and Parul just said out of nowhere - Its too late. YOu can sleep on our couch if its ok
Me - Its not required. I can drive back, but thank you so much
Parul - No really. I am worried. Its so late and if you have no other plans then please stay.
Me - I am not sure if that is a good idea. plus you have a roommate too. I dont want to cause any inconvenince.
Parul - nOt at all. Kavya's friends have stayed here as well
Kavya - They were boys not uncles.
Parul - Kavya..please
Kavya - Anyways how much do i have to pay
Me - That i will collect later
Kavya - No tell me.
Me - I have to calculate.
Kavya - ok. but if you dont tell me by tomorrow i will pay some money on my own
Me - Ok madam
Kavya - Parul, i dont care if he stays in case you worried.
Parul - I know darling. You are a sweetheart
Kavya - No need to please me. He took me to dinner and you are right its too late. You always know the right thing to do
Me - Its ok
Kavya - She said already. Why are you being difficult.
Me - Ok if you insist. I thought you are not talking to me
Kavya - I am not
Me - ok. BUt thanks for your kindness tonight. You are not so mean
We all just walked up and i was the last behind Kavya. I liked her swaying ass and was staring at her ass the whole time. Her pants were too thin showing her panty line and she was definitely wearing a sexy panty and not granny panties or normal panties which i am pretty sure Parul was.
We got in and Parul wanted to change so she left us in the living room.
Kavya - Please do your calculation
Me - I will
Kavya - Now
Me - No. Whats your problem.
Kavya - My problem ? You are my problem. I know guys like you. You spoiled Parul and you took her up in the disc. I know guys like you. She is a fool to think you like her
Me - Hmm. Well i do like her but i am not looking for a relationship. She already met my friends and she knows more about me. On the other hand i am better than your friends. You think I took advantage of your friend but ask her if you want. Although she was drunk and maybe aroused, i didnt take advantage of her. I could have and she even asked me.
Kavya - You are lying.
Me - I think you are jealous. You think you are too beautiful and why would anyone pick Parul over you
Kavya - You thought she was an easy target. I know guys in discs.
Me - Of course you know. You seem like
Kavya - What do you mean. I am going around with guys in disc
Me - How do i know. You know better
Kavya - Even if i am its none of your business
Me - So its ok if you do it but not ok if i do it. And it seems you have been on the upper floor as well otherwise how do you know what it means.
Kavya was taken aback by my directness
Kavya - You are mean and liar
Me - I am old too
Kavya - Yeah that too
Me - Its ok. You still owe me and you are not more beautiful than Parul.
Kavya - You...
she just stomped off to her room. Parul came out dressed in her Nightie. She had removed her makeup and her lipstick was removed. She was all covered in a loose nightie and asked me if i needed something for sleeping other than pillow and a bedsheet.
Me - You will sleep now. Its weekend. Maybe we can play a game or talk
Parul - Where did KAvya go
Me - I showed her the mirror. She is jealous of you
Parul - Oh what did you say now. She is a really nice girl.
Me - Yeah i have thorns on my body
Parul - Maybe she doesnt like old guys
Parul laughed a lot at her own joke. She liked calling me old as fun which i liked. i laughed with her.
Kavya walked out and sat on the sofa to watch TV.
Parul and I sat as well and we chatted for a while. I kept whispering in between to tease Kavya. I then suggested to play a game.
Parul - What game can we play ?
Me - How about truth and dare ?
Parul - Whats that ?
Me - You have never played..Are you kidding or serious
Parul - I am not up at this hour normally to play such games
Me - Its a game where you choose truth or dare as a task. If truth, i can ask you a question and you must answer truthfully. If dare, then i dare you to do something and you have to do it.
Parul - What task ?
Me - Anything. It could also be like jump from this flat
Parul - Haha. I cant do that but lets try
Ok you start.
Parul - So what do you choose
Me - Truth
Parul - Tell me the name of your girlfriend
Me - I have no girlfriend
Parul - Liar.
Me - No really. I dont. I have friends but no girlfriend.
Parul - Ok then name your friends
Me - I think you mean female friends
Parul - Yes
Me - Kanika, Neha, Monika, Pooja, Isha, Swati, etc
Parul - neher had a girlfriend ?
Me - Too many questions. Now my turn.
Parul - ok..
Me - So you choose
Parul - Truth. I am truthful.
Me - Ok, so have you kissed anyone.
Parul - Oh my god thats a bad question. I dont want to answer
Me - You have to. Otherwise the game is no fun.
Parul - No no please.
Me - Then whats the game ? You have to do what you said.
Parul - Can i change the option
Me - No. But since this was your first, I will allow this.
Parul - Ok thank god. Dare
Me - Good. Dance to tip tip barsa pani
Parul - What ?? are you kidding me. In nightie and dance on this song.
Me - Thats the dare
Parul - No no, no this please.
Me - If you fail to do, then you will have to remove your clothes
Parul - Are you crazy. Kavya see he is saying bad things
Kavya looked at us but said nothing. She was listening but not reacting.
Me - Thats the rule. I have to punish you somehow
Parul - Ok ok. I will dance. Where is the song
Me - I have mp3 in my mobile. Dont worry.
I played the song and Parul dance sheepishly at first but then she opened up to some great moves. She was a really good dancer. I stopped the music after few minutes and she stopped. I clapped like a kid.
Me - Wow, what a dancer. You are awesome
Parul - Thanks. I learnt dancing and painting as a kid.
Me - Wow. You are great. best dancer i have seen.
Parul - Nothing like that. Kavya dances much better than me
Me - How do i know and she is not playing so why bother.
Parul - Dont start a fight. I just said about dance
Kavya - I dont want to fight. I am not even saying a word. Control your so called friend
Me - I dont wanna fight. Lets play
Parul - Ok now your turn.
Me - Truth
Parul - Hmm. How many girls have you dated
Kavya turned around to listen the answer as well. I just thought for a moment and then said.
Me - Should i count all including the ones i dated in Japan ?
Parul - Oh you have been to Japan ?
Me - Yes. Stayed there for 3 years.
Parul - Wow..But do tell
Me - I think around 15-20 girls in total.
Parul - Oh my god.. really. 15-20 is so many.
Me - Yes..why cant i date so many ? I am old too so.
Parul - You are handsome, you look so good. I am sure you can. I am just surprised. I think i have met some of your friends or girlfriends or whatever. I think you have done with all ?
Me - Done ? What done ? You mean sex
Parul - Yuck..dont say that word. Yes
Me - Yes why not. whats the problem ?
Parul - All guys are same na. Use the girls and then over
Me - Well you can think so but i think many times the girl used me. Also why is it ok if you girls have many boys roaming around you and god knows what.
Parul - Ok ok sorry. dont mean to hurt you
Me - I am not hurt. Now your turn
Parul - Truth.
Me - So have you kissed anyone
Parul said in a very low voice - Yes.
Me - Just one guy or more ?
Parul - Shut up.
Me - Please answer. I answered yours
Parul - two guys. Once i was drunk so maybe that doesnt count.
I knew she meant me and i laughed at her answer.
Kavya - Maybe that guy tricked you when you were drunk
Parul - Maybe
Kavya - Else who would kiss a guy when drunk
Me - Seems you have kissed many so you know
Kavya - Yeah many. I dont need to tell you. I keep boys under my shoes.
Me - Yeah i can see. I bet none of them want to kiss you.
Kavya - You...i dont have to tell you anything.
Me - Who asked you. So parul now my turn. Truth again.
Kavya - Parul you should ask what is his real intention with you
Parul - What do you mean Kavya. Thats rude. He is my friend.
Me - Its ok. I can answer that. I like you Parul. My real intention is to date you, maybe kiss you, seduce you and see how it goes. Nothing else in mind.
Parul - Oh my god.
Her cheeks turned red with embarassment as she hid her face with her hands.
Kavya - Very clever. You are just trying to get in her pants I know
Me - I think you are worried that i didnt try to get un your panties
Kavya - Excuse me. I dont date old guys and plus you are not my type
Me - Yeah i know your type. Its ok for you to have many boys and play them around. Maybe you dont let them kiss you and tease them.
Kavya - Shut up. i have a boyfriend. I am not like you.
Me - So tell me how many guys you have kissed. If you care to be truthful.
Kavya - None of your business.
Me - I knew you wont answer because you are far from truth.
Kavya - I am not like you. I kissed 5 boys.
Me - Hahah..and all 5 were your boyfriend
Kavya - No.
Me - So its ok for you to kiss 5 boys and maybe more who knows. But not ok for me. also you are much younger than me. SO maybe when you are my age, you have 50. Its easier for girls
Kavya - What do you want to say. I am that type of girl. How dare you.
She got up to come near me and stood right in my face.
Kavya - What do you mean
Me - Same as you mean for me
Kavya tried to slap me but i held her hand and pushed her. She tried again but this time i slapped her hard across her cheeks.
She just sat down there sobbing while Parul got really nervous.
Parul - Oh my god. WHat have you done.
Me - She was trying to slap me. I just tried to protect myself. She needed one. She was misbehaving. She is a spoiled brat.
Parul - Please look at her cheeks. They are red. Your fingers are on her cheeks.
I did hit her really hard. I could see that. I felt bad.
Me - I am sorry. really sorry. I didnt mean to. She just attacked me out of nowhere. I have never treated her with anything else but respect and she has never respected me. I am here just because i like you. Just to spend time with you. Thats it. I dont know whats her problem. Now i feel bad for her and myself as well
I went to the kitchen and borught some water for Kavya. I apologized and offered her to slap me. She was really angry at me but didnt slap me.
Kavya - Not even my father has ever hit me.
Me - maybe he needed to, else see someone else hitting you is not nice
Parul - You are joking. Are you mad
Me - No no really. Imagine her father had beaten her. She would have been a good girl. Then maybe in disc i was after her and not you. So instead of getting a slap she would be happy slapping me as rejection at the bar.
Kavya just laughed suddenly. She took the water and drank it. Tears were on her cheeks and i used my hands to wipe them off.
Me - Your tears are like molten gold. I am pretty sure you never cried before. So its precious
Kavya smiled again.
Kavya - I dont cry. No one makes me cry.
Me - I am sorry. I didnt mean to. you can hit me. if that helps you.
Kavya - Its better i dont talk to you at all
Me - Hmmm. Ok as you feel happy.
I got up and said to Parul
Me - Maybe i should leave
Parul - No,please sleep here. No games.
Parul helped Kavya up who went to her room. Parul bid me good night and apologized as well. I told her that it was my fault and i should have not done that. Parul was feeling guilty for the situation as well.She went to her room to sleep while i slept on the sofa wondering what happened.
I heard sobbing sounds after some time from Kavya's room. I was not sure if I should go in or not. She was a diva and i decided to give it a shot.
I knocked at her door and said may i come in
Kavya - Go away
Me - Just one second
Kavya said nothing. I opened the gate and it was not locked. I went inside and she was on her bed lying down. Tears were on her cheeks.
I sat on the bedside near her and wiped her tears.
Me - I am sorry. I didnt mean to hurt you
Kavya - Its ok. It was my fault. I should have controlled myself. I let the anger get better of me
Me - I am really sorry. I should have let you slap me. Maybe that would have lessened your anger towards me. I think you are either protecting Parul or you are somehow surprised to see me around her. She is not stylish like you, so maybe you are wondering how come someone like me who has had many girls in past is trying to spend time with Parul.
Kavya - I dont know what i am thinking
Me - I dont know that for sure. But you party with boys all the time. You have kissed 5 guys and i dont know what else. BUt I am sure Parul never stopped you
Kavya - Why would she. I can manage boys
Me - BUt maybe she needs to have her own experience ? Or not ?
Kavya - Maybe. I dont know
Me - You are too protective of her
Kavya - Yes
Me - Maybe you like her.
Kavya smiled. I patted her cheeks.
Kavya - I am sorry. you are not a really bad guy as i thought.
Me - Maybe. who knows. Maybe i am here to do something to you
Kavya - You are funny too. But your hands are too strong
I turned her cheeks to see the red marks on her cheeks.
Kavya - After you slapped me, i did not cry because you slapped me but because my father never slapped me. I missed my family suddenly. My friends abandoned me tonight. Even Parul is spending time with you than with me.
Me - Hmmm. But you leave her alone every weekend i guess
Kavya - She doesnt want to come.
Me - See thats the problem baby doll
Kavya - You dont know anything. Go and let me cry.
Me - You still want to cry.
Kavya - I cant sleep easily at night. I normally spend time out
Me - Kissing boys i guess
Kavya - Shut up. At least not getting hit.
I suddenly bent down and kissed her cheeks where i hit her. Kavya looked surprisingly at me
Me - I am sorry and now i made it up to you. I am sorry i made you miss your family. I guess someone must have kissed your chubby cheeks.
Kavya - Yeah uncle thanks
Me - WHatever, you are a good kisser.
Kavya laughed - Arent you sleepy
Me - Not really. I heard you cry so couldnt sleep any way
Kavya - Parul cant stay up past 11. I am surprised she was up today. She likes you maybe. Dont hurt her
Me - How will i hurt her ? I could have hurt her in the disc, but only physically. Mentally she was ready
Kavya - Shut up. She is my friend. She is not like that
Me - So who is ?
Kavya - Shut up.
Me - She is a virgin and she offered me to take her virginity. But i didnt
Kavya - She was drunk. She is not like that
Me - I know. I seduced her but i am telling you this so you know if i wanted i could have been in her panties. And i would still be here.
Kavya - I dont know what to say.
Me - Nothing, i just want her to lose her virginity in sense and with someone she wants. Maybe that can be. I dont know
Kavya - You are shameless. You kissed me and now you talk to me about my friend.
Me - I thought you are a modern girl and you are open and also an adult.
Kavya - I am. Maybe Parul needs to be also modern. But she is also independent. I should not make her choices and you should not kiss me.
Me - I know exactly. I am sure she didnt stop you when you lost your virginity. and for the kiss, it was just for your marks.
Kavya - I feel like i want to really kill you sometimes. Why would you assume i am not virgin.
Me - Well i thought since you go out a lot and have so many pervert friends.
Kavya - You are a pervert too then
Me - Yeah ok i am. but not for you fatty
Kavya - How dare you call me fatty. You really are awful. get lost
Me - Haha kidding. Chubby ?
Kavya - Shut up.
Me - BUt tell me Virgin or not
Kavya - No
Me - I thought so
Kavya - No means i wont tell you idiot. Get lost.
Me - Ok. Then why virgin ? I thought you would have already done with your boyfriend
Kavya - Oh my god. You are really a pervert
Me - Who isnt ?
Kavya - you are right. You all are
Me - So tell me truth
Kavya - We are not playing a game.
Me - Maybe we should. Truth or dare
Kavya - So you can slap me again
Me - If you wont let it go then let me make it up.
I suddenly bent and kissed her cheeks few times more on the marks.
Kavya - Stop it you idiot
Me - Just making it up for the marks i made.
Kavya - I should tell this to Parul. Your pervert uncle tried to kiss me
Me - Tried ? no no. Say kissed you successfully.
Kavya - You are shameless as hell. You have lot of guts to come here and kiss me.
Me - I can kiss you infront of Parul as well
Kavya - Hah. Overconfidence
Me - If i do then what would you do ?
Kavya - Why should i do anything.
Me - Then lets do this, if i do kiss, we will play truth and dare with no bars.
Kavya - You are shameless and hopeless. I will have to take care of Parul.
Me - Because you love her i guess. You want her for yourself
Kavya - Haha. You are nuts.
Me - I am glad you are laughing and able to talk to me.
Kavya stopped for a while and then just held my hands and said
Kavya - Thanks for coming in and sorting things out. I know i am tough but i am happy to maintain calm when you guys come in. I will learn to be better. I judged you wrong. maybe. I dont know but its her life and to be honest with you i was not sure why would someone go after Parul.
Me - I guess thats because you always overshadow her and you think you look wow compared to her but thats not true for me at least
Kavya - I am beyond your reach you pervert. now go sleep.
Me - Maybe i am a pervert then give me a good night kiss.
Kavya - See i knew. YOu are bad
Me - I am honestly bad
Kavya - Now get lost
Me - My kiss ?
Kavya - Your kiss ? nuts
Me - Well i stopped you from crying. Kissed where i slapped you. BUt you never kissed me for coming in and talking to you and not keeping my ego althought you atatcked me. As friends we can kiss on cheeks
Kavya - Enough. Good try to make me feel guilty. No kiss from me
Me - Ok no issues. I will imagine them in my sleep.
Kavya - Not even in your dreams.
Me - You cant stop that
Kavya - You are for Parul not me.
Me - Yeah but this kiss i deserve.
I closed my eyes and pouted my lips acting being kissed and got up.
Kavya - Shamelsss. Get lost you
Me - Good night selfish chubby girl
Kavya - Yeah good night pervert uncle
I acted of kissing all my way out and slept on the sofa thinking 1000 things in my mind. It somehow also made me wonder about Monika.
Next morning when i woke up, Parul was already up and cooking in the kitchen. I was lying on the sofa and just relaxing with closed eyes. I just said Good Morning from there to which Parul replied Good Morning too and offered me tea. I was on the sofa and tea was served to me. Parul was still in her nightie and Kavya was asleep maybe. I had my morning boner and I made no effort to hide it and maybe Parul did notice it.
Me - How about my kiss which was dee yesterday
Parul - What kiss ? and why kiss you ? you have 15-20 girls for that
Me - I need your kiss.
Parul - You dont give up. morning and still thats on your mind. No doubt you have something going on
She laughed at her own joke. She was funny in a cute way.
I held her hand and she felt so shy that she just closed her eyes and said - oyieee.
I held her hand and caressed her palms.
Me - I want my kiss
Parul - Please
Me - I told you yesterday truthfully, i want to kiss you. But you already removed your lipstick
Parul - please. no leave me
I pulled her and she fell in my laps. Her ass must have felt my erection as i put my arms around her waist.
Parul was nervous as hell
Parul - Please. Kavya is there
Me - I dont care
Parul - I will die
Me - You wont.
I moved forward and kissed her cheeks from behind. My penis was growing bigger in size and was poking her through her nightie for sure.
Parul - Oh my god. Oh my god
I let her go and she ran to the kitchen. She was panting and breathing heavy the whole time. She was like an untouched flower. I liked her innocent reactions. Kavya also woke up and walked out of her room. Her pant was stuck in her ass crack and her pant was tightly wrapped around her legs. Her thighs were visible more than yesterday and as she stretched, her navel was again on display. Parul again noticed me looking at Kavya.
Me - Good Morning
Kavya - Good morning
Parul - Ok. So is everything all right ?
Kavya - Yeah, we did speak later that night and maybe it better to stay out of each other's way.
Parul - Hmmm. WHen did you talk
Kavya - I was crying and he came to apologize. I apologized too. He is your friend. You decide how to manage
Parul - Thanks. I am glad you two are not fighting. It was getting tough for me.
Kavya - Tea ?
Parul - Ohh yes.
Me - She still has marks on her cheeks. I feel sorry for that.
Parul - Yeah you hit really hard. You should have not. I didnt say much yesterday. But not nice
Me - I am sorry. I apologize again. I have never hit anyone. But i think i can only offer to kiss her cheeks to make her feel better as a friend
Kavya - No need
Parul - Haha. Kiss and make up. Do it.
Me - Ok.
Kavya - Are you all nuts
I just jumped out of Sofa and before Kavya could react, i kissed her cheeks. She trid to push me away but i held her and kissed her few more times on her cheeks and then went back
Parul - Haha. Look at her reaction
Kavya - You are stupid. He fooled you and kissed me. See i told you his intentions are not good
Me - I think she likes you
Parul - What do you mean
Me - I think she is lesbian
Kavya - Oh my god. you are so clever
Parul - Yuck. How can you say that. She is my friend
Me - Thats how it starts
Kavya - He is very good and clever.
Me - Thank you.
Kavya - That was not a compliment but a warning for my friend. You also kissed me last night.
Parul - What ?
Me - Yes on her cheeks when she was crying and missing her family
Parul - Ohh. Crying again at night. Why missing family. Come on yaar
Parul hugged Kavya and she hugged her back. They stayed like hat for some time.
Me - Hmm. I knew it. She likes you
Parul - Offoh. Breakfast.
Me - Thanks. I need to get going.
Parul - After the breakfast
Me - Ok.
We had our breakfast and although Kavya warned Parul, Parul took it lightly. I guess Parul knew about my intentions from the day we met in the club. I guess she saw me staring at Kavya twice and maybe the idea of me kissing Kavya would backfire on me but i was not sure how it would play out.
I drove to my place and Sunita texted me if i will be home. I told her to come in the evening and cook something nice. It has been a week since i had sex. I was missing it. I am pretty sure Kanika was horny as well and maybe she screwed Rahul. Monika must have forgiven them as they were family. I was the outsider and it felt sad to me.
Sunita came in the evening and cooked for me and I asked her to massage me as i felt tensed. I lied down on the bed and she came to my room. I was already nude and asked her to massage me nude. It was Sunday evening and Monika had disturbed me the whole week mentally. The only relaxation was Parul. As i wandered in thoughts Sunita massaged me really well and touched my body with her nipples and gave me an awesome massage. She then turned me over to massage my penis which was already erect and I wanted her to give me a relaxing orgasm as i was in no mood to move. As she moved her fingers on my erect penis and gently squeezed it my phone rang. I picked up and it was Kanika.
Kanika - How are you
Me - I am good. I was hoping wou wopuld call
Kanika - I know. Didi was a mess. She asked about you. I think she is feeling bad but doesnt want to show it. She wants to somehow act as if she did right
Me - Ok. Weird but ok
Kanika - I think you are missing her
Me - I dont know. I have Sunita relaxing me now
Kanika - You and your sex
Sunita started sucking me and stroking me gently from my asshole to the penis. I was moaning and also talking on phone and Kanika could make out what was happening.
Me - I missed you
Kanika - You ? You liar. You gave me that thing which is fucking crazy. I was so horny hoping to meet you
Me - So what did you do
Kanika - I didnt do anything. Jiju did.
Me - How ? I thought Monika was angry on all this
Kanika - When didi was in shower, he and I did it
Me - I am glad you said he and I and not like he did to you.
Kanika - Shut up
Me - YOu make him happy it seems
Kanika - He did not make me happy though. He was done quickly and i was not done so well
Me - Come over. Your sex talk is making me harder. Sunita's job is getting easier.
I moaned as Sunita deep throated me.
Kanika - Ohh yeah. I have to work tomorrow and this week was horrible. You have your fun
Me - Tell me more
Kanika - As soon as didi was in shower, he pounced on me and smooched me. He undid my Jeans and in a flash he inserted his penis in my pussy and fucked me rapidly till he emptied inside me.
I moaned and ejaculated in Sunita's mouth and let her suck me dry. I emptied loads of cum inside Sunita's mouth. It felt so great. I just disconnected the call and let Sunita clean me up.
I rested nude on my bed and asked Sunita to leave. She got dressed showing off her sexy curves to me. I called Abhishek and asked him to come over some day as I had planned something awesome for him and Kanika. I told him to keept it a secret and planned for two weeks later. I texted Kanika and told her that i have a suprise for her two weeks later. I then texted Rahul and invited him to my house two weeks later for some fun.
I had set in motion my plan for three in one. I was still waiting for Monika to message me.
At night i got a text from Parul.
Parul - Hi
Me - Hey beautiful
Parul - Stop it
Me - Yeah i should. Whats the use. You dont even kiss me
Parul - You are kissing everyone. What do you need from me. You even kissed Kavya
Me - So ? On cheeks. thats not a kiss. That i did out of pity
Parul - And the staring was also out of pity
Me - So you are jealous ?
Parul - WHy would i ?
Me - Yeah. You told me you are not dating me nor you want to. SO i can check out your friends at least
Parul - Shameless. YOu said you like me and you are there for me.
Me - I also said i want to seduce you. But it seems to be not working.
parul - Very clever
Me - You didnt kiss me
Parul - and you did kiss me
Me - On cheeks ? I mean on your beautiful lips.
Parul - Kiss is kiss. How does it matter. You cheated and took it forcefully
Me - Forcefully ? Trust me if i force, you would feel it all over your body
Parul - In your dreams.
Me - I would hold you really hard and close and will suck your lips with mine.
Parul - No, i wont let you
Me - I am powerful. I will hold your hands as i smooch you and then i will caress your back moving my hands slowly down
Parul - Stop. please stop
Me - You will try to stop me, but my hands will continue down from your back to your hips and i will squeeze your hips and then your cute shapely ass.
Parul - please stop. pleaseeeee
Me - You will beg me to stop. I will move my hands to your wet area and will touch it.
Parul - Please stop. Please no
Me- I will then use one hand to touch your boobs and press them as i touch your wet
Parul - Noooo please please stop. You are making me crazy
Me - Are you wet ?
Parul - please
Me - Tell me
Parul - Yeah
Me - I want you to touch yourself
Parul - I cant. I wont
Me - You have to.
Parul - No please
Me - I am hard as rock.
Parul - You make me so wet. I am dripping
Me - I am glad you said it. You make me hard. I want your hands on my penis
Parul - Oh my god. Oh my god. I am going nuts. i cant take this.
Me - Touch yourself gently.
Parul - I am going to shower myself. I cant.
Me - Touch your pussy and press your boobs.
Parul - Stop it.
Me - Rub your clitoris
Parul - Stop.
I was hard as rock and i was stroking my penis as I chatted with Parul. She was much more easy in chat than in real. I liked it.
Me - Now i am licking your pussy
Parul - Nooooooooo. I feel weird. Something is happening.
Me - You are having an orgasm maybe
Parul - Ohhhhhhh yesss. I am going. I need to shower
Me - Gn babes
Parul stopped replying and i stroked my penis to orgasm. I slept like a baby.
The following week was going to be tough as i was pretty much alone. I needed something to keep my mind off Monika. I was in office when boss called me for a meeting. He told me that he wanted me to work on a project but Saloni will be the lead. It seemed many people refused to work on the project considering Saloni as lead and how she got her promotions. I didnt care much and i immediately said yes. He asked me to go meet her. I went to Saloni's office which was now on another floor. I was happy to see her. She was surprised as she didnt expect me to say yes for the Project. Her office was nice and had lot of space. The glass doors were opaque in some places but visible overall. Saloni looked hot in a business suit and i complimented her on her look.
Me - No wonder boss spends so much time with you
Saloni - Are you jealous
Me - No, i just hope i spend some time too.
Saloni - Yeah now we are on the same project.
Me - I can fuck you every day
Saloni - Shut up. I am your boss
Me - Even better.
Saloni - Maybe it was not a good decision to have you on board.
Me - Good for me.
Saloni - I think we should set up a meeting later
Me - Why later. Lets do it now
Saloni - It will take some time.
Me -I have time. Its just 3 PM. Comeon lady
Saloni - Eager to work. Ok then
We started talking details of the project and i kept staring at her business suit and her curvy body. I kept discussing for a long time and soon it was 8 PM. I asked her if she would like to order dinner then we can continue for some more time and go home. She normally worked late and i was sure she wont mind. I asked her to take the fresher Kriti in our team as well. She was same as Parul, Kavya age group. We ordered some food and ate in the office.Soon her floor was practically empty. I waited for some more minutes and at aroun 9, it was all the way i wanted. Time for me to make my move and stop the business nonsense.