Season 2 Update 32
I held her face and kissed her gently. I was not suer if i should push further as she was really nervous. I let go off her and said Good night and turned to go home. Parul was standing there in trans as if something as happened to her. I was about to leave when she said "Stop".
I turned and she looked at me lovingly.
Parul - Cant you stay ?
Me - What if i lose my control
Parul - I know you wont. I trust you
Me - hmm
Parul - please
Me - You know how difficult it is. You make me...
Parul - Please dont say. We are friends. We can talk
Me - Hmm Ok kiddo
Parul - Kiddo again.
Me - Ok princess. The kiss was great by the way. Your lips are like petals.
Parul - Shh..
I went back in and Parul offered to make tea. We sat on the sofa and sipped tea and decided to watch a movie.
Me - Have you ever watched an adult movie
Parul - No. Chhi
Me - How about we watch one
Parul - No. You are always thinking about that.
Me - Ok but you havent seen. I have seen many
Parul - Really ? but why ?
Me - I like them. Its great. Girn on girl, gangbang, hardcore, softcore and so on
Parul - What the heck. So many. What do you mean by girl on girl.
Me - Lesbian, threesome with two girls
Parul - Yuck.... Yuck..change topic
Me - Ok Sorry
Parul - normal movie
Me - How about some bgrade movie.
Parul - What is that ?
Me - Something with sleazy dialogues and cheap humor. Its good to make fun of but also some sexy content.
Parul - Again.
Me - No, really its not that bad. At least you can trust me
Parul - If there is something weird
Me - Nothing weird. We can see on youtube
Parul - Hmmm if i dont like it. i will change ok
Me - Ok
I searched on youtube and found this movie which i always liked. It was sleazy and bit funny - 'Ek baar aao na'. The actress in the movie was really hot whoever she was. We started the movie and sat on the Sofa to watch it.
The movie had a love making scene where the actress is in Saree and shown backless. She looked damn hot. Parul was watching the movie seriously and she was quiet. I guess she was turned on with the movie. Just then the bell rang. Parul got paranoid and immediately closed the lid of the laptop and ran to the gate. She was adjsuting herself as if we were making out. She was cute. She opened the door nervouslessly and I knew it must be Kavya. Kavya walked in, and she was looking wow. She was dressed in a short mini skirt and a top which releaved her navels. Her cleavage was not visible from this angle but i was curious now. She was chubby so she looked like a south indian actress and her thighs looked so sexy. I remember we used to call south indian actresses with thunder thighs and now Kavya was reminding me of that. She was hell voluptuous. She was confused when she looked at Parul and then looked at me.
Kavya - Hi.
Me - Hi
Kavya - Why are you so nervous. What were you guys doing
Parul - Nothing, nothing at all. No really. Nothing just talking
Kavya - Calm down. I dont care what you were doing with uncle ji
Me - We were watching movie. She is nervous as the movie was horror.
Kavya - Hahaha. Its ok. Why so nervous my cutie. We can see together
Kavya brought Parul and they both sat on Sofa. Kavya opened the laptop and the movie was paused on the love making scene of the movie.
Kavya - What type of horror is this
Me - This is actually a horrifying movie.Not really horror. We just watched it for fun
Kavya - Must be your idea. Pervert
Me - Yeah my idea brat. She can also enjoy sometimes and its not a bad movie. I am sure you have seen all
Kavya - She is innocent. Not like me. Dont ruin her
Me - What ?? You have seen all so you are perfect and if she sees she is being ruined.
Parul - Ok ok calm down. I thought you guys became friends. Its ok. I asked to see this. I have never seen such movies and this is actually funny
Kavya - Hmmm.. I will see then decide. Whats funny here
Parul - Just a question, you were with your father or on a date ? I am confused
Kavya - Dont ask dear. My life is a mess
Parul - What happened
Kavya - Nothing will tell later. Lets not ruin my mood
Parul - Ok ok.
Parul explained the story about how the guy just got married but unable to celebrate honeymoon. Kavya laughed at the story line.
Me - Why dont you change first mam
Kavya - Brat to mam. Why, cant i sit like this in my own house
Me - You can, but the dress is too good to sit in.
Kavya - I should worry about that
Me - Fine by me. Nice dress. Short enough to be interesting and long enough to hide the interest
Kavya - Shut up and stop commenting. You uncle you wont understand fashion
Me - No no, i actually like it. Maybe Parul can try it as well
Kavya - Offoh. Shut up. Can we see this movie quietly
Parul - Yes and no fighting.
Me - Yeah please play
Kavya sat on the sofa and her short skirt rose up a little. I was glancing at her legs and her huge boobs were just standing proud and if i looked from side her boobs were really far ahead and looked sexy. She looked like having peaks protruding from her chest and her cleavage was not so deep. Only little bit was visible. My only chance was if she bends. Parul was also a bit conscious of Kavya's dress and she was checking if i was looking at Kavya. She did catch me few times and looked at me angrily. FInally the movie played and the actress was backless and her bra hooks were undone. The hero was hugging her from side and kissing her lips and neck, shoulders as he caressed her back. She was in saree and saree was wrapped around her sexy hips. Parul was looking with seriousness as she was lost into the scene. Soon the scene ended as the hero could not continue and Kavya started laughing.
Kavya - What poor filmography. The scene is so poorly shot
Me - Ohh yeah, you must know. You are an expert it seems
Kavya - Yeah I am. Any problem
Me - None at all mam
Kavya - Better not. Anyone who has any knowledge will know its not done like this
Me - Its not a porn movie. It a B grade movie. What do you expect. Should we watch porn
Parul - No No . This is also enough. Time to sleep i guess
Kavya - And i guess your uncle will sleep here
Me - I wish i could punish you for your rudeness
Kavya - Oh yeah. What will you do uncle
Me - If Parul was not here i would see you
Kavya - I am not afraid
Me - You have forgotten
Kavya - Thats all you can do. You are old and strong so take advantage of that.
Me - Haha no no. Sorry. I didnt mean that
Parul - Not again. Lets go sleep
Me - I need some shorts and i have none.
Parul - Hmmm what can be done
Me - I dont know, maybe i can sleep in a towel ?
Parul - You can try Kavya's shorts if its ok
Me - I can try
Kavya - Are you guys mad. My shorts for him no, never
Parul - But poor him what can he wear ?
Kavya - So, and my shorts are girl shorts
Me - Its ok, i just have to sleep in and i think you are fat enough like me
Kavya - eeehhhhhh. You creep
Parul smiled at her reaction and walked into her room and brought a pink short. The short was actually too short like my underwear. I looked at it and laughed.
Kavya - What are you laughing at.
Me - Why did you come back early
Kavya - To stop you from ruining my innocent friend
Me - Haha. I am laughing at your shorts. It is same as my underwear. If i wear this, its same as i wear my underwear.
Kavya - Give it back. This is anyways my favorite
Parul - You have many of these.
Kavya - Parul...
Parul - Sorry. Please for me
Kavya - I will burn it later
Me - Rich brat speaks
Kavya - Ufff
Parul - Ok calm down all. How about some coffee
Kavya - No, you sit down, I will make.
Parul - Are you sure
Kavya - I know how to make coffee
Kavya walked off swaying her sexy ass. I was looking at her swinging ass as she went to kitchen. She was damn sexy. Her sexy swaying hips and also voluptuous figure definitely made her desirable. She was hot as hell. I was sure guys must be dancing around her on her fingers.
Parul was staring at me, but i was lost in Kavya's walk and when i looked at Parul, i realized my mistake. I smiled sheepishly.
Parul - Why dont you go and make coffee with her
Me - Well you dont want to date me and she looks like having lot of dates
Parul - I told you already. Go try
Me - But you wont date me
Parul - You just kissed me and said it is a date
Me - You said no ours is not a date
Parul - Then why you kissed me
Me - Ok then if today we are on date why are you afraid of her. Come hug me and kiss me again
Parul - Shhhhhh. I will go change
Me - Please one more
Parul - Better you look at Kavya and enjoy.
Me - Haha
Parul ran hurriedly to her room. She was afraid being alone with me. She was sure that she would lose all control and she didnt want that. She was sweet. Kavya was a tease and she must have been playing with so many. She was rich and she was spoiled. I was sure she was arrogant due to this. Parul was back in her traditional nightie.
Me - Can i ask you a question if you dont mind
Parul - Sure
Me - Why dont you wear night suits like Pajamas and Shirts. I think they are really cute
Parul - I dont have any. I only brought these. My mother gave me these
Me - Hmmmm. You should try. It would look great on you
Kavya walked in with coffee
Kavya - Stop flirting uncle. She is beautiful as she is
Me - and Here comes thunder thighs
Parul - Karan.....Sorry Kavya. He didnt mean that
Kavya - Its ok. I dont care for uncles. He calls me rude
Me - Sorry. It came out wrong. I meant fatty
Kavya made a teasing face at me and bent to serve coffee. I could see her awesome and sexy boobs now. Her t shirt just hung down and gave me an amazing peek at her sexy bra covering her nipples. The bra was really sexy and was showing more than it covered. Her short skirt and her sexy top was already too hot. She was bending down to serve coffee and this was just too much for me. I had an erection and million things crossed my mind in this moment. Her boobs were huge and her bra was so sexy. I was just imagining her in her bra. Parul also had the same view and when she realized that i was staring down Kavya's cleavage, she hmmmed to hint Kavya. Kavya realized what just happened and whispered pervert angrily as she sat down.
Parul stared at me as if i had committed a crime.
Kavya - Uncle never stops looking. He is a pervert
Me - And you put on a show but if i see i am a pervert. Maybe its you. Why do you wear such clothes
Kavya - Fashion is beyond you
Me - So why complain
Kavya - The way you looked was bad
Me - No, it was simple. I just saw something which is also available easily on internet
Kavya - You are mean
Me - I am sorry, but thats true. Anyways i dont want to fight you. I am thankful to you for the coffee. That was nice of you. And it was not nice of me to stare but it just caught my eye. Sorry
Kavya - Hmmmm. Decency after all. You are forgiven and welcome
Parul - Thank god. Its great to see you guys being mature
Me - Welcome cutie
Kavya - Yeahh. As iff..
We sipped coffee and Parul realized that it was better if Kavya changed to her clothes and slept. Parul also wanted to sleep as it was late for her. Kavya and Parul went to their rooma and it was Good night. I tried to change and took off my shirt. I was in my underwear and was wondering if i should wear the pink shorts or not. After much deliberation i thought to give it a try. It was really tight on me and so small that my underwear was longer than this. But i did wear it and sat on the sofa and started watching some videos on youtube. I laid down and relaxed when i heard the door open. It was Kavya's room and she walked out. The light was low but the light of laptop showed i was up. Kavya walked to the kitchen and then returned back to the living room. She switched on a small light and now i could see her and she could see me. She was wearing the same shorts as i was, only she was looking sexy while i looked weird. Her eyes rolled as she saw the state of her lovely shorts over my body.
She walked over to me and spoke whispering
Kavya - What the hell. You ruined my shorts. It doesnt even fit you
Me - Sorry. I just thought Parul gave so i should wear it. But its even shorter than my underwear
Kavya - Then you should have just slept in your underwear
Me - I thought you would feel bad if i did that
Kavya - Why would i feel bad. You do whatever, i am not your boss
Me - Ok thanks mam.
I stood up and started removing her shorts. I almost removed my underwear with the shorts and exposed lot of my butt and part of my crotch. I sheepishly said Sorry
Kavya - Why sorry its your body. Do whatever who cares
Me - You are mean. I am half naked
Kavya - You are horrible. See what you made of my shorts
Me - Sorry
Kavya - And you should not stay if you have to be half naked
Me - Hmm i didnt knew. Anyways its same as what you are wearing. You are also half naked. My baniyan is longer than your t shirt.
Kavya - Uncle ji, you have no sense of clothing
I was now in my underwear and baniyan infront of Kavya, but she seemed to not bother at all.
Me - You should really be punished for your behavior
Kavya - What will you do oldie
Me - If i could i would spank you right now
Kavya - You cannot. Its beyond you
Me - Its not beyond me. I dont want Parul to be disturbed else
Kavya - Oh is it so. Imagine if Parul was not here
Me - Then, i would spank you but you would scream and cry. Thats the only worry
Kavya - How dare you. You think i will let you. I will spank you
Me - Haha. In your dreams
Kavya - Ok you oldie
Kavya then jumped on me and started pushing me on the sofa.
Me - Haha..You are tickling me and it will disturb Parul.
Kavya - Ok old man. I leave you as it would create noise.
Kavya walked off to her room without switching off the light. I got up to switch off but an idea came to me. I followed her to her room.
She was shocked to see me follow her inside
Kavya - You dont have manners. You have to knock
Me - Well i think it wont be noisy here and if you promise not to scream and i will also not scream
Kavya - Huh. You are a kid or what
I quickly grabbed kavya by her waist and pushed her to bed. I then quickly held her hands with my hand and sat on her bed. I made her bend over my knees as i held her hand and her hips were now under me. Her boobs pressed against my thighs and rubbed through as i made her bend. Kavya was strong and she did not scream but she was whispering angrily
Kavya - You uncle. Leave me and i will show you
Me - Haha. So now say sorry or else i will spank you.
Kavya - If you dare. I will kill you
Me - Hmmm
I slapped her ass gently. She struggled and this made her underboobs brush against my thighs. The underwear was so thin that i could feel her belly on my penis. My penis was semi erect and i was sure she could sense that.
Kavya - Leave me you moron
I slapped her harder this time. Kavya was a fighter and vicious. She didnt scream.
Me - Say sorry and you can go free
Kavya - Never
I slapped her ass cheeks harder and harder. She quenched her ass and her sexy hips looked so inviting. My penis was growing harder and harder with each slap. She was definitely feeling my penis on her belly. Her ass quenching made me realize that she was actually enjoying it. I slapped her harder and harder till i realized, it was too much. I let go off her.
Kavya didnt move from me. She stayed there and then suddenly tried to push me down. She got on top of me and was about to slap me but i held her and then turned her over. Kavya struggled but now i was on top of her and my penis was poking her. Tears rolled down her cheeks. I relaized i had taken it a bit far. I let go off her and wiped her tears. I held my ears and apologized immediately. My erection was so visible now. I didnt know what to do.
Me - Please dont cry. You can hit me if you want
Kavya was acting or really crying i dont know but she immediately got up and pushed me down. I turned myself so she could hit me. She staretd hitting my butt rapidly and hard. It pained so much but i enjoyed her hands on me. I quenched my butt cheeks and my hard on was intense by now.
Kavya hit me for a while and finally when she stopped i turned to look at her. She looked angry and a bit sad at the same time. My penis on the other hand was exploding out of my underwear.
Me - Are you ok.
Kavya said nothing. I turned around and my erection was pushing my underwear making my bulge apparent. I tapped her shoulders but she was looking away and her eyes were tearful. I got up and put my hands on her shoulders. I knew something was wrong. I pulled her in and hugged her tight. She started crying.
Me - Its ok. All is well. I didnt beat you. I was just teasing you. Dont cry. I know I am strong but i thought you are like a small elephant. What damage i could do.
Kavya just bursted into laugh as she cried.
Kavya - Idiot. I am not crying because of this. I hit you so hard because i was tensed
Me - I could sense that. You made me tense as well
Kavya - Pervert uncle. I saw that
Me - Tell me what happened
Kavya - Its ok
Me - Come on. I am old. I can listen. I am not like your other friends.
Kavya kept hugging me and gathered herself to tell me her problem.
Kavya - My mother died when i was 10 years and my father took so much care of me. Since last few years he is dating Alka who is probably after his money. Today he told me he is going to marry Alka. So i stormed off and went to a club.
Me - Hmm. Dont worry it ok. He has the right to it
Kavya - She is horrible. She is a slut. She dresses like one too and she behaves so cheap. My father is blind.
Me - Maybe your father likes that
Kavya - She is using her body
Me - haha is it
Kavya - Its no laughing matter. She is 30s i guess and after my father. What does that mean
Me - Hmmm. But why do you care if your father is happy
Kavya - Hmmmm.. Never thought that way
Me - Now think that way and dont worry. Becase of that you hit me so hard that its paining
Kavya - You hit me hard too
Me - You were enjoying it. I saw
Kavya - Huh. You were enjoying it. I saw and can still see
Me - You have seen enough of these i guess
Kavya - Uff uncle. Go now
I patted her back and got off her bed. As i stood my erection was poking through like crazy. I didnt bother to hide it anymore.
Kavya - At least hide it
Me - Why ? You said my body so i can do whatever
Kavya - You are really a pervert.
Me - You did this to me
Kavya - I did ?
Me - Yes you came in wearing such a sexy number. What do you expect and now your hips are so that it gave me this
Kavya - What do you mean. My hips are what
Me - Fat
Kavya - You are fat. Your whole family is fat
Me - Haha i mean sexy
Kavya - I am sexy i cant help it uncle
Me - I doubt thats true but i think its due to your body rubbing against mine else i dont think you can give anyone an erection
Kavya - You are shameless. FIrst you hit me, poke me with your penis and now you say that i cant give anyone an erection
Me - I mean without touching
Kavya - Haha uncle. I make men dance around me like puppets.
Me - They must be weak. See i have an erection but did i try anything
Kavya - Dont you dare challenge me.
Me - Challenge.
Kavya - Get lost
Me - Ok baby
Kavya - I will make you hard without touching you
Me - We will see
Kavya - You will beg me and i will kick your face
Me - Hmmm. In your dreams
Kavya - In your dreams
Me - I excited you by hitting you. If i come to making love you will dance on my tunes
Kavya - Hahaha. Men are like chewing gum. I chew them and throw later
Me - Ok challenge accepted
Kavya - Go to sleep uncle
Me - You too sleep sweety and worry not your father is fine. Alka sounds fun and also thanks for sharing. It was a pleasure that you trusted me to share this. I will keep this with me and to be honest I admire you more and more each day.
Kavya was actually shocked that i admired her and before she could say something i went out to the sofa. I continued to watch videos on youtube but i has changed to hot and sexy videos and was looking at some sexy songs. My penis was still hard as rock. All i could think of was her huge boobs and her boobs brishing my body. Her soft hips and i could only imagine her ass being red. My butt cheek was also feeling painful but also felt hot imagining her hands hitting me. I slept after sometime and only realized it was morning when Parul was making tea and calling Kavya and Me from the kitchen to get up. I got up with a huge boner and walked somehow to the kitchen. I said good morning to Parul who turned around to see me
Parul - Oh my god.
She turned her head in shame.
Parul - What are you wearing only this
Me - Kavya took the shorts
Parul - that girl will make me mad
Me - and you will make me
Parul was not looking at me as my boner was poking my undies
Parul - What do you mean
I walked and went behind her. I held her by her waist and poked my hard penis in her body. Parul was murmuring and closed her eyes. I held her hand and took it behind her and placed it on my penis. I pressed her hand on my penis over my underwear
Me - See what you did
Parul - ummmmmmmmmmmmm. Nooooooo.
Me - You came to my dream and made me high and dry
Parul - pleaseee
Me - Just touch it once
Parul - Pleasee noo
Parul was not removing her hand but just saying No. I slid my underwear down and took my penis out. I placed her hand over my naked penis. She pressed it really hard and moaned. Oh my god oh my god was all she whispered and moaned. She was so nervous that i felt she would drop fall off. I finally let go off her. She held my penis for a while making it harder till she gained her senses
Parul - Please wear something. Kavya will be up soon
I left her and went back to wear my Jeans. I somehow pushed my penis inside and chained up. I enjoyed the touch so much. I would have cummed if she would have held and rubbed it a little. Parul was nervous as ever as she came with tea.
Parul was so shy that she did not even speak about it or anything. She continued to serve tea and called Kavya till she came out. Kavya was looking sexy as usual exposing her midriff as she stretched herself. She then came near the table and stretched more showing her navel and further up. Parul was looking at her confused as it looked so fake. Kavya then bent down to pick her cup giving us an amazing peak of her cleavage. She remained like this long enough to let me peek. Parul was confused and she looked nervously at me and Kavya. Parul hmmed but Kavya acted as if she didnt hear. I understood the act, she was on her challenge. I liked it. She was damn sexy.