Season 2 Update 33
Kavya sat seductively on the Sofa and start sipping tea.
Me - Any plans for today ?
Parul - No plans yet, how about you
Me - I have no plans as of now. But if you have no plans then we can go some shopping and then maybe lunch.
Parul - Good idea. I will love to join you
Kavya - And me ? I am here too.You should join me
Parul - Oh sorry. I thought you have other plans
Kavya - I have a date tonight but i am free. You come with me
Me - Ok, I dont mind. I will go home then. I can drop you guys if you need
Parul - No no, she doesnt mean that. We should all go together
Kavya - Parul..I meant only we
Parul - Its ok. Dont be childish.
It took time to prepare breakfast and everyone to get ready. It was already lunch time. Parul was dressed in her traditional salwar kameez and she looked cute as usual. Her glasses just added to her cuteness. I was sure Kavya would be wearing something crazy to tease me, but to my surprise she was wearing a salwar sameez too. But the dress was so tight that she looked sexy in that too. Her dress was pink and showed her figure clearly. Her chest protruding outwards and her sexy hips backwards. The salwar was tight and the kameez was also really tight around her chest and hips. This showed her curves beautifully. She was rocking the Indian dress. I was looking at her from top to bottom. She was so volutptuous that the dress was barely able to contain her. She knew how to tease.
Parul - Oh wow Kavya you look so cute in the indian dress. You should wear Indian more often
Kavya - Thanks sweety. I have to actually meet my father again so. But I will carry my date clothes in this backpack so no worries
Parul - Haha
Me - You can wear this to your date as well. This looks nice too i guess
Kavya - Its not an uncle i am dating.
Me - Well i think everyone will like you in this dress. there is nothing old about it but your wish.
Kavya - Thanks but no thanks.
We went to the mall and I offered to buy night suit for Parul. She completely refused but after a lot of pursuasion and almost begging i bought her two cute night suits. It was then Kavya mentioned to Parul to come long with her for some private shopping
Me - What private shopping ? I thought we are together
Kavya - Its girly stuff
Me - Ohhho so now you are being orthodox. What about being modern
Kavya - I am not being anything. I dont want to bore you.
Me - I wont be bored
Kavya - Ofcourse you wont. Whom am i talking to
Kavya reluctantly took me to the lingerie section and started looking for a lingerie. Parul also started looking around and i just stood in the section wondering what to do. Just then i thought of teasing Parul. I went to her
Me - So what are you looking for
Parul - Shhh. Go away.
Me - Tell me na please
Parul - You can see na. Please so many people are here
Me - No one is here in this section
Parul - Pleasee..You make me conscious
Me - Tell me your size, i will search for you
Parul - No no no. Please
Me - See you acting so shy. Kavya would have shouted her size by now
Parul - Then go ask her. If you dont go away from here i will go.
Me - Ok ok. Dont panic. Buy but show me later
Parul - I will shout now
I went to Kavya now.
Me - Hey
Kavya - What do you want
Me - Well i thought i will help.
Kavya - No need
Me - Come on you are also shy like Parul who wont let me help or the modern girl you claim to be
Kavya - I am not looking for white undergarments like aunties. So beyond your thoughts.
Me - Dont act smart. Tell me your size and if i find something nice you say thanks
Kavya - Hah. My size. No way
Me - Haha i knew. Modern ...
Kavya - Ok uncle, lets see. 36 D
Me - What ? haha. You and 36 ? You dont look like
Kavya - Shut up and look else go away.
I started looking and found a really sexy lingerie. I took that and looked for a thong. I always wondered how it would look on a girl. I had never seen anyone in a thong. I found one which was equal to wearing nothing. I was so excited by all the sexy lingerie. I took the liberty to pick one for Parul on my hunch. I gave the ones i selected to Kavya
Kavya - Uncle ji not bad
Me - Not bad ? These are awesome and i am not even sure if you can pull of the Thong. Its not for kids you know
Kavya - Just get going now. I will decide what to buy
Me - As you wish. I hope you do it honestly as i really did search honestly. And just before i go and you go away to your date and all. This dress suits you so much. You look sexy for the first time.
Kavya just stood there wondering what i said while i went away and searched for two more night suits and went to bill the lingerie and the night suits i selected. It was a great afternoon. I enjoyed shopping with them.
Finally it was time and Kavya wanted me to drop her to the metro before i drop Parul. We drove to the metro.
Me - So Kavya if your father lives here then why do you live with your friend
Kavya - Why is there a problem ?
Me - No no just wondering. Doesnt your father complain ? Also you are so rich as i understood. Why you dont have a car and all
Kavya - My father doesnt really live here. He is only here for work and he will go back
Me - Ohh Ok.
Kavya - And i dont like to drive or ask for money. I can manage on my own
Me - Respect mam. really thats great
Kavya - Hmmm Thanks. I am not like other girls even if you think so
Me - Hmm I dont think so but good to know.
I dropped Kavya and went to drop Parul.
Parul - What will you do after this ?
Me - Its Saturday night, but not much to do
Parul - What happened to your girlfriends
Me - All busy with their boyfriends or husband
Parul - Haha husbands ?
Me - Yeah who knows
Parul - You dont have a steady girlfriend
Me - Not that i can say
Parul - Hmm. Would you like to stay with me for dinner ?
Me - Date ?
Parul - Uff no date.
Me - Ya ya, i will ask Kavya out then
Parul - Haha sure. I dont mind
Me - Ok, just dinner
Parul - Good. I will make something nice.
I drove to her house and followed up to her apartment. I liked walking behind her and look at cute hips swaying. We went in and Parul asked me to get comfortable as she changed to cook. I took off my shirt and jeans and came in my underwear. I sat on sofa and waited for Parul to come out.
Parul - Oh my god, wear something. again ?
Me - Well you saw what happened and its same as Kavya's shorts infact longer. Whats the harm
Parul - Oh god please
Me - Only if you dont mind. Its hot
Parul - What should i say. I am going to cook
I walked into the kitchen and said how can i help. Parul insisted but i stayed to chop. Parul was nervous as hell. She remembered the morning episode probably
Me - Why so nervous.
Parul - Nothing
Me - Dont worry. I am sorry for morning. I got carried away. You looked so sexy and i was dreaming about you
Parul - No no. Dont say sorry
Me - Can i ask you one thing
Parul - Yes
Me - Were you offended when i placed your hand on my know what
Parul - no no
Me - Meaning ?
Parul - please change the topic
Me - At least tell me something. Did i bother you
Parul - No. I was not offended or bothered.
Me - Did you like it ?
Parul - Ishhh. You wont leave the topic na
Me - Just curious
Parul - I thought you came to help me
Me - Sorry
Parul - Hmmm
I helped her and finally we sat down for dinner. I couldnt help admiring her cooking. She was great. She was actually a good cook. She blushed everytime i said that. Finally we rested for a while and although at first she was uncomfortable with me being in undies she let me be. We decided to watch a movie and this time she insisted not on any adult content as according to her that ruined my thoughts. We saw a movie and didnt realize when it was 11.
Me - I should be going now
Parul - Hmmm. You have to go ?
Me - You mean stay again ?
Parul - If you want.
Me - Whats the point. YOu will sleep there, i will sleep here. You sleep early and its already late for you
Parul - Hmmm
Me - Only if we sleep together, it would be some sense
Parul - How can we sleep together. Its not safe
Me - Why ? You dont trust me or dont trust yourself
Parul - Both maybe. I dont know
Me - Ok no problem dear. I will get going.
Parul - Hmmm Stay please
Me - Ok, sleep with me. I promise i wont do anything
Parul - Ufff..You confuse me
Me - Parul, you said no date, i said ok. We can share the bed i guess. We are alone in house, did i do anything. Not even kissed your lips
Parul - Ishhh. What is Kavya comes
Me - Who cares
Parul - What will she think
Me - She spends so many nights out what do you thin of her
Parul - I am not her
Me - I know. Thats why. She knows you
Parul - Please stay na.
Me - Ok baba. As you wish
Parul - You are sweet.
Me - Anything for you sweety. I patted her cheeks and finally we went to sleep after some chit chat.
At around 12, Parul came to the living room.
Parul - Are you asleep ?
Me - Not yet.
Parul - Come with me
Me - Where
Parul - To my room and promise to behave
Me - Ok i promise
She put a pillow between the bed and we lied down on the bed.
Me - Parul tell me about your family
Parul - Well, I have two sisters. Both elder
Me - So you are youngest
Parul - Yes. My eldest sister is married and has a son. He is so sweet i love him. But she lives in Bangalore.
Me - Oh ok
Parul - Jiju is a SOftware engineer.
Me - So why you didnt find job there
Parul - I tried but my bf was here and things got complicated. Plus NCR is closer to home
Me - hmmm and second sister
Parul - She is your age and she is working. She works in a MNC in Hyderabad.
Me - Interesting. Family all apart
Parul - We all want to stay in NCR if it will happen.
Me - Hmmm
Parul - MAybe i should set you with my sister
Me - Good idea. If she is like you, maybe it would be worth
Parul - Are you serious or kidding
Me - Why not ? then you can be my half girlfriend
Parul - Haha. Oh because she is my sister
Me - Yes..
Parul - Ok, i will give you her phone number
Me - Email id would be better
Parul - Are you serious or joking
Me - I dont know. If you were serious, i am serious else i am also joking
Parul - Hmmm Clever. I will think about it
I removed the pillow between us.
Me - Put your head on my shoulder
Parul - You promised
Me - Just do it and put your legs on me and sleep
Parul - No no its ok
Me - Come on.
Parul hesistantly came near me and put her heads on my shoulder. I touched her legs and gently placed them over my body. Her thighs were over my crotch and her leg over my other leg. Parul was a bit nervous and hesistant. She finally hugged me.
Me - Have you ever kissed someone ?
Parul - I think i told you.
Me - Tell me again
Parul - My bf on my cheeks
Me - Just that. I cant believe
Parul - I am not lying
Me - So why did you let me kiss you
Parul - I dont know
Me - And did you like it
Parul - I dont know
Me - Hmmm and do i excite you
Parul - Please no na please
Me - Tell me na please
Parul - Why ?
Me - Just to know
Parul - When we chatted and you started dirty talk. I was first not liking it. but you made me really excited
Me - Hmmm and did you get excited when i placed your hand on my hardness. The one we chatted so much about on phone
Parul - ummmm. no. no
Me - Ok. No problem. I somehow thought it would excite you
Parul - ufff. Yes it did. Happy
Me - Haha yeah happy. It was not wasted then
Parul What wasnt ?
Me - My small salute to you
Parul - You are one track na. Just sleep.
Me - Ok Sorry. But happy to know
Parul - You always excite me. I dont know why.
Me - Does movie scenes excite you
Parul - Sometimes maybe. The movie you showed that day was exciting. I was actually excited that day
Me - Hmmmm good
Parul - Its not good. Its not me. I am here sleeping with you. I cant believe myself
Me - Ok. Should i go away
Parul - Shut up and sleep now.
We slept finally and I was lost in dreams. It felt like someone was rubbing my penis. I slowly opened my eyes to see if i am dreaming but it was Parul whose thighs were rubbing my crotch. It was actually morning and some light was there. I didnt move and acted sleepy. After few minutes, my penis with its morning glory and Parul's thigh rubbing was poking my thin underwear. Parul was up and i felt her getting up. I remained in place and slowly peeked. She was sitting on the bed and looking at my erection. SOmething was going on in her mind. She turned her head to look at me and i immediately closed my eyes. She touched my stomach to see my reaction but i didnt react. She circled her hands over my stomach and checked for my reaction. When she was sure i am sleeping, she slid her hands in my underwear and felt my penis with her fingers.
I still didnt react. Her hands slid through my pelvic hair to grab my penis and she held it to feel for few seconds and removed her hand imemdiately. She moaned lightly as she enjoyed the touch. Something was going through her mind. She gently lifted my underwear and slid it down revealing my penis which was fully erect. It was long and huge. She probably wanted to see it but couldnt ask me. I waited for few seconds and then peeked again. She was looking at my erection and then she turned again towards me. I closed my eyes. She now was trying to put it back in but when she touched my underwear, she held my penis with one hand to put it back. This moment i took a turn away from her and she left both of them in fear. She then hurriedly took off from the bed. She went to her morning routine and i could hear her in kitchen.
I acted to sleep and after what felt like an eternity, felt Parul called for tea. I didnt respond to Parul's call but then i heard the door open and Parul talking to Kavya, I guessed. Kavya had returned in morning from her date. I was just wondering what she did all night. She was definitely banged i assumed. My penis grew harder thinking about that. I guess Parul was really nervous now as I was not in living room and neither Kavya knew that i stayed. I acted to sleep and remained in my undergarments with my erect penis hanging out and my undies pulled down.
After some chit chat which i could not make out, I heard someone coming to the room. I kept my eyes closed. I was turned away from the door so I could not see who was coming in, but i guessed it must be Parul. I acted to be sleeping. I felt someone nudge me on my shoulder but I didnt get up. Then i heard - Get up Uncle. I knew it was Kavya instead of Parul. I was confused now. I was just thinking but before i could come up with my action plan, Kavya turned me around. My erection sprang up and my penis was on display in full glory. Kavya screamed - Oh my god you pervert.
I opened my eyes rubbing it and looked at her. She was still in her Salwar Suit but her face was a bit puffy and so were her eyes.
Kavya - What the hell. Why is your penis out ? what were you doing here
Me - I dont know. When i was sleeping it was still in
Kavya - You slept here with Parul and did something to her ? What did you do. What were you doing
Me - Calm Down
Parul probably heard all this but she did not come as she was afraid herself.
Kavya - First get that away.
I covered my hardness in my undies and sat down
Kavya walked out to talk to Parul and she told her as if i was doing something on her bed. I also followed her.
Parul - No no Kavya it must be a mistake. He just came to my room as i was scared and when i got up it was all normal. Maybe by mistake. Nothing like that i promise
Kavya - Why do you promise ? He is the one who should be apologizing and stop staying here like this
Me - I am sorry, really sorry. I didnt mean this to happen
Kavya - Normally i dont care what you do. But in Parul's room. she is not for all this
Parul - Kavya calm down. he did nothing. It was actually my mistake
Kavya - Yours ?
Parul - I think when i got up, my bangles were stuck in his garment and i pulled it down to get up. I didnt check then but this must have happened then. He is not what you think. He didnt even try to touch me or anything. He took care of me and trust me nothing happened
Kavya - Hmmm still
Parul - No Yaar. I am sorry. I should have taken care.
Me - Its ok. No one's mistake but why did you come inside to wake me up
Kavya - For tea uncle. Because Parul told me to speak slowly as you are sleeping here. I told her that i will get you up as she already made tea and I could also use some tea. she was already shouting you to get up. I didnt knew that you were inside her room till she told me. She was so nervous so i thought you did something
Me - She was nervouse because you make her nervous. You just came back from date in morning. Shouldnt you be nervous
Kavya - None of your business
Me - Well true but you were all night there. So what did you do all night
Kavya - Ufff. why should i telll you
Me - No need to tell. We know
I said winking at her. Kavya got agitated and sat on Sofa angrily.
I was still sporting my semi erection which create a very visible bulge in my underwear
Kavya - hehehe very funny. Wear something
Me - After tea
I sat on Sofa next to her and adjusted my penis.
Kavya - Manners
Me - You said you dont care yesterday
Kavya - Uf i am not in mood for all this
Me - Ok sorry. Is everything Ok
Kavya - Hmmm. Long night
Me - Did you eat something
Kavya - Yes. thanks for asking
Me - So did you have some cream with dinner or just dinner
Kavya - Cream ??
I rubbed my penis over my underwear again slowly and said
Me - Yes Cream...
Kavya - Oh my god. You....uff horrible pervert. I wonder how she bears you.
Parul was with tea and some snacks.
Parul - Bear as in ?
Me - Nothing
Kavya - How you bear this man. He is seriously sick
Me - hmm thanks sweety
Parul - Be nice Kavya. He is so nice to you
Kavya - He and nice ? You know what he did
Parul - What ?
Kavya - Leave it. I will see him later. I am too tired now.
Me - Ofcourse you are.
Kavya made an angry face at me.
We sipped tea and finally Kavya went to her room. She needed rest probably. She was also distraught which made me wonder what would have happened. Kavya went to her room after some time swaying her ass while Parul came near me and whispered.
Parul - I am sorry
Me - Why ?
Parul - I got you into trouble but i didnt think like that
Me - You did nothing. It was circumstantial.
Parul - No. I should have woken you up
Me - Its ok. You would have been surprised too and maybe angry since i promised not to do anything but still
Parul - No no. You were so gentle and really did nothing. It was my mistake
Me - How ? I dont think it was your mistake.
Parul - hmm. I am sorry.
Me - You made me hard thats your only mistake
Parul's face turned red in shame.