Season 2 Update 34
Parul - Ishh...
Parul quickly got up and cleaned up the place to make breakfast. I asked her if she has some cream and she said yes. I told her that i will make cake with it and we can enjoy some nice cake. She didnt have any oven but I knew how to use pressure cooker to make one. She was impressed and while Kavya was in her room resting I started preparing for cake. Kavya was out of her room and to kitchen after some time. Parul has prepared everything while i was making cake. Kavya had taken bath and wearing her favorite pink shorts and top. Her wet hair made her look sexy. She came to the kitchen and started eating while Parul went for a bath.
Kavya - What are you doing here
Me - I am making cake with cream icing
Kavya - For what ?
Me - FOr you. You like cream na.
I took some cream on my finger and sucked it clean seductively.
Kavya looked at me with anger and she also took some cream on her finger. She then sucked it and bit her own finger indicating what she would do in such case. I held my penis and acted as if it pained a lot.
Kavya bursted into a laugh.
Kavya - Uncle its easy to excite you. I saw you today as well.
Me - It is beyond you. IT was because of Parul
Kavya - Huh Liar. and dont you dare try anything on Parul. You will hurt her
Me - How ?
Kavya - You are so huge.
Me - I am sure this is the biggest you have ever seen
Kavya - Hah. I have seen bigeer
Me - Liar.
Kavya - Get lost.
Me - Ok, did you buy the items i suggested.
Kavya - Why should i tell you
Me - Ok. as you wish. Can i ask you something honestly
Kavya - Hmm ok uncle
Me - What happened last night. You looked like you cried
Kavya - Why do you say that
Me - I feel you did. Is everything ok. I know you dont want to disturb Parul. I am old and can listen you know that.
Kavya - My father is at Alka's house.
Me - She lives here.
Kavya - Yes. And he is staying there. He didnt come to even check where i stay as i decided to stay in a normal flat and not expensive as he would want me to. Alka then kept telling my father that i can live with her till her marriage and afterwards anyways we all can live together. I got angry but said nothing. I then went to my date in evening and my father and Alka came to the same restaurant. My father scolded me in the restaurant for dating.
Me - Really ? why ? Because of what you were wearing
Kavya - No, i was in salwar suit.
Me - Ahemmm. Good choice. You look good in that. You need a nose ring.
Kavya - Offoh. Dont act smart.. I wore it because i had no time.
Me - As you say, then
Kavya - My father saw the guy flirting with me and i was already a bit upset so the guy kept bugging me and touched my hands and cheeks as if i was his gf. I was too upset to think anything and didnt knew my father was there. He saw me and then he made us eat with them.
Me - Ok. So next you must have spent the night at Alka's and you cried all night
Kavya - My life is ruined. I hate Alka. She is so sly and is using my father
Me - Its ok. He is a grown up man. Maybe she only wants something good for you
Kavya - I doubt that
Me - Look i dont know her but I am guessing. Give her the benefit of doubt
Kavya - no one else can be my mother
Me - Ok i get that. Anyways leave it. Think of your father's happiness
Kavya - Hmmm. Leave it.
Me - I have a gift for you
Kavya - For me ? why ?
Me - No reason
Kavya - Or you accept your defeat in challenge and paying up
Me - Haha you tried hard yesterday. But like i said. That day was purely due to circumstance and your body touching and rubbing. This way anyone can excite anyone
Kavya - We will see uncle. You are no different than other boys
Me - Hmm
Kavya - BUt only if you are honest. If you do get excited, you have to admit honestly
Me - Ok, I will. Trust me if you can.
Kavya - Hmmm
We heard Parul coming out and I continued to complete my cake while Kavya went out with her plate. We all finally sat down to cut the cake and I let Kavya do the honors. As soon as cake was cut, I applied lot of cream to her face and inserted my finger in her mouth with cream and made her eat it. She did the same and I let her as she needed some happiness. We all were covered in cream and i kept seductively eating cream looking at Kavya whenever i could and she kept biting her fingers. We went to clean ourselves and then Parul wanted to make lunch but I made her rest and I ordered food instead.
I gave the gift i bought for them. The night suits and Parul was a bit shocked. They were shorts and top but same color and design but different sizes. The short was bit shorter than what Kavya normally wore.
Parul - Thank you so much but how will i wear this
Me - Why not ?
Kavya - Yeah sweety we both can wear. Whats the harm. At night only
Parul - I would feel so exposed
Me - Haha. Just wear it. You will look cute i am sure
Kavya - And you can wear it when we are alone. Not infront of uncle
Me - Ohk. I thought I would see
Parul - I have not even tried the night suits we bought with Pajama. I can try that.
Me - No hurry. Try only after you feel comfortable. Its just a gift.
Parul - Thanks
Kavya - Yeah thanks. its cute and both top and shorts are cute.
Me - You are welcome
Kavya - Actually Parul, to be honest its nothing to be ashamed of. You can wear if you want and we both can.
Parul - No No, I feel shy
Kavya - You will look cute and your ass would look so cute
Parul - Kavya..shh
Kavya - No really. You are so petite and I think you have a cute ass
Parul - Ufff.
Me - I think she is sexy too. Not just cute
Kavya - Yeah Yeah, I dont mean to say she is not sexy. She can be anything. She is my friend
Me - Yes. I know that
Parul - Lets just eat and watch movie and no discussion on clothes
Me - Ok
We had our meals with movie and now it was time for me to leave. I dressed up and Kavya went to her room to relax.
Parul - You wont stay tonight ?
Me - Haha again ? Are you crazy. I am in same clothes.
Parul - Hmmm
Me - I will try later. Anyways you are not wearing my gift.
Parul - I feel so shy
Me - But you have Kavya to accompany you
Parul - Not now please
Me - Ok. Can I hug you
Parul - Hmmmmm.
Me - What ? Yes or No ?
Parul hugged me tightly and i hugged her back. I liked her hugging. She was not tall and she was completely engulfed by me. I wanted to neck her so i bent down and put my hands on her ass and lifted her up. She got really nervous as Kavya was in her room and she felt shy. I necked her and lifted her easily with my arms. She hugged me tight but her body was shaking with nervousness. Her heartbeat was rapid. I let go off her and she sat on the Sofa. I didnt squeeze her ass cheeks or something but her ass felt so soft that i loved it.
Just as i was about to leave, Kavya came running. Wait wait.
Me - Ok ?
Kavya - Drop me at metro
Me - Ok suddenly ?
Kavya - Yes.
Me - Ok
Kavya - Wait i need to change
Kavya wwent inside and was out in a minute. She was wearing hot pants and a top. She looked great. She had tied her hair neatly and her face looked beautiful in this style.
Parul - Where are you going ?
Kavya - I will be back at night. Need to see my papa again
Parul - Oh Ok. Why dont you invite uncle here
Kavya - Haha. He wont come. He doesnt like me living here. You know that
Parul - Hmmm Ok.
Kavya hugged Parul and looked at me to leave. Parul said byee sadly to me. Kavya - I will be back soon cute ass
Parul - Stop that
Kavya quickly moved her hand and squeezed Parul's ass with one hand. Parul jumped in surprise.
Kavya - haha cute ass. Thats a cute name for you now
Parul - I dont like it
Kavya - Well you can squeeze mine if you want
Parul - Offoh. Go
We left and sat in the car. I started driving
Me - So where is your father now ?
Kavya - At her place
Me - Should i drop you there instead ?
Kavya - Why ? you like to drive in Delhi ?
Me - No I think you can use some company till you meet them again.
kavya - No, its ok. No need to be nice
Me - I am not being nice. I just offered some nice ride for your fat ass
Kavya - Haha. You are impossible uncle. I dont know if i should hate you or not
Me - Hmmm. So tell me did you buy the lingerie i suggested
Kavya - Why ?
Me - Just curious. I thought i made lovely choices
Kavya - They were Ok
Me - I think both the lingerie were so sexy.
Kavya - Not at all
Me - Ok I thought sometimes you can be honest too
Kavya - Ohho sentimental uncle. Yes i bought them, happy ? Good choice is what you want me to say
Me - I am happy to be honest. I think the Thong is hard to pull of. But good buy
Kavya - Haha. If i wear that you will lose your bet and you will have to stop seeing Parul.
Me - Hmmm. If that looks so sexy on you then maybe i wont mind
Kavya - Ohho uncle gave up so easily. You can imagine me wearing that. You already know my figure so imagine. Thats enough to make you nuts and then you can leave Parul alone
Me - Hmmm. I know you are 36 D, but i think your waist is also 32 or 34 and hips is 36 or 38. I dont know exactly. But doesnt that make you fat. So not so sexy you know. I can imagine but all i see is fat
Kavya - In your dreams Mr. I am 36-32-36
Me - Haha but you are only 5 feet. So that makes your shape round like a ball
Kavya - Uff you are so mean. See. and you call me mean
Me - I am sorry. Kidding.
Kavya - I am not fat.
Me - No you are not.
Kavya - and you hit me really hard. You know your fingers have made marks on my hips
Me - Really ?
Kavya - and still not gone completely
Me - Thats because you are white. I am dark and see my marks are gone. You hit me really hard
Kavya - You started it
Me - But you have cute ass too.Soft and tender and fun to spank
Kavya - Ohho. You have ugly ass. Happy
Me - Need another spanking it seems
Kavya - Achha. This time i will show you
Me - Again challenge
Kavya - Yeah. I am not afraid of you uncle.
Me - Haha. You are cute.
Kavya - I am not. I am hot
Me - Haha. Never. You are not. Parul excites me more than you can even imagine
Kavya - Hah liar. I saw your erection that day
Me - But you also saw my erection in morning. That was due to Parul
Kavya - Yuck. Thats so yuck. You were nude. Why did you do that. I am sure it was you. I dont know why Parul saved you. Tell me honestly
Me - Honestly if you beleive me. It wasnt me. I think it was Parul maybe by accident or however.
Kavya - Hmmm. It was disgusting
Me - Really ?
Kavya - Ok not disgusting as such. You were so huge. I think you should not be flashing around like that. It would scare some people.
Me - Haha. So you liked it
Kavya - Whats to like. Its just a penis. Everybody has
Me - Hmmm. Liar
Kavya - Ok. What lie ?
Me - I think you have never seen any huge penis like this
Kavya - Ofcourse. Do you think i go around looking at penis. Your penis is huge and no one should see it.
Me - So did you like it
Kavya - Hah. Never.
Me - Ok. No issues.
Kavya - Aww dont be sad. You do look good and have a good body. But dont show that around. Please come with clothes.
Me - It was not planned. Parul asked me to stay.
Kavya - She is a fool. You should take care of these things
Me - hmm. Seems my body is disturbing you
Kavya - haha uncle. Your body is old. I have new young people to date
Me - And are they as huge as me
Kavya - Shut up and drive you uncle.
Me - Ok. One more thing. Dont worry. Your father is a grown man. He will do something good for you. Also Alka may not be that bad as you think.
Kavya- Hmm I hope so.
We chatted more about her father and Alka and soon reached her house.
Kavya - Thanks for dropping me and keeping me company. I needed this. I knew you kept my mind off from Alka and actually helped me.
Me - Its ok cutie. Nothing i did. I just like talking about lingerie
Kavya - Hmmm. Thank you so much
Kavya came near me and hugged me in the car and i patted her back. She got off at the gate of a huge bungalow. The house was definitely not of a poor person. If this was Alka's house, then Alka was a millionaire.
Kavya walked off to the house which had a security at the gate. I was impressed by the house. I was making a U turn when the guard signaled me to stop.
I rolled down the windows.
Guard - Madam is calling you inside
Me - who ? me ?
Guard - Yes. You can park the car inside
I was confused but I drove in. I parked my car and got off. The guard showed me to the gate. The gate was opened by a girl who I was not sure of but looked like either her daughter or relative.
The girl escorted me to another room and it was a huge hall with highly decorative items and a there was Kavya sitting on Sofa. There was someone sitting facing her but her back was towards me. Kavya looked at me and The lady then turned to see me. She stood up to shake hands with me. She was probably Alka. She was the kind of woman you read about. She was killing in style. She was beautiful but she had made herself more attractive by her makeup and her stylish dressing. She was wearing a Saree which was exposing all her midriff and navel. She had a toned body and backless blouse. She was sexy as hell and her richness was on her face.
Alka - hi I am Alka
Me - Hi I am Karan. Nice to meet you Mam
Alka - Call me Alka. No need to be formal. Pleasure to meet you.
Me - The pleasure is mine.Sorry but the guard said you wanted to meet me or something
Alka - Well, I had to meet Kavya's boyfriend after all. And i must say it was good to meet you. The pleasure is mine.
I was puzzled and i glanced at Kavya who folded her hands pleading me.
Me - Oh. Well we have just started dating
Alka - That is fine. As long you intend to be nice to her.
Me - Ofcourse Mam.
Alka - Not mam please. I am not that old.. am i ?
Me - Not at all. You are so beautiful. Kavya always talks about you.
Kavya looked angrily at me. She probably wanted me to leave quickly.
Alka - So what does my would be daughter say about me.
Me - Oh she said you are so stylish and so beautiful.
Alka - Interesting. So how did you guys meet
Me - Well we met at a party.
Alka - and how did you come into contact with her. Just chose to speak to this little angel
Me - Well, I was sitting alone minding my own business when my friends challenged me to ask the hottest girl out. I looked around and I found Kavya sitting with her friends. She looked really beautiful and hot. I had to talk to her and at first she blasted me off but finally we hit it off and we have been dating since then.
Alka - Hmmm. Hot. So you like hot girls
Me - Who doesnt.
Alka - And what do you do
Me - Well i work in IT in a MNC
Alka - Well you have a nice car. So must be senior enough i guess
Me - Well i worked in Japan for some years so can affor it
Alka - hmmm. Interesting. So what did you do in Japan
Me - Well not much, worked, traveled, enjoyed
Alka - So did you date in Japan
Me - Yes
Alka - But isnt Japan very forward and also women are more objectified there
Me - Yes in a way.
Alka - So did you like Japan dating or here
Me - Here girls are more beautiful. Japanese girls are beautiful and hav an amazing figure but they are a bit flat chested compared to our women
Alka - You seem to be much experienced and much senior for my sweety Kavya
Me - Yeah i think so too.But you know age is just a number
Alka - I know very well. And just to say out loud. I am not backwards. I am modern and I an not interrogating you. Sorry if it felt that way. Just wanted to know you better. Her father wants me to take care of her and bond with her more. I am Ok with you guys and you seem to be a very decent guy. Handsome, tall and surprisingly you chose Kavya as she is not so tall.
Me - To be honest she is really cute and i liked that
Alka - Yeah she is cute.
Me - You are really tall. If you dont mind, what do you do Alka
Alka - I make money.
Me - Interesting. How ?
Alka - Thats for me to know.
Me - Ok.
Alka - Do you smoke
Me - No
Alka - Do you mind if i smoke
Me - Not at all.
Alka - Please have dinner with us. I will prepare everything.
Alka called the girl who seemed to be her maid and asked her to prepare eveything. Alka was exciting and enticing. She was bold confident and definitely someone who knows how to trap men.
Alka started smoking and kept talking about my likes dislikes. She then told Kavya that her father wont come and he has left but he asked Alka to make sure thatshe meets her every week and they get along.
Dinner was great and Alka served food to me and Kavya. Her sexy body smelled so good i felt like an erection was always on. When she served food her cleavage was on display making it difficult for me to keep my eyes off. She was seductive as well as charming. I gulped food down and finally we were allowed to leave. As we were walking off, Alka asked me to give my phone number to her. I looked at Kavya puzzled. She was also confused but she didnt say anything and i handed my number to Alka.
We sat in the car and I drove off and was silent for sometime. Kavya finally broke the silence.
Kavya - I am sorry. I didnt mean to. She saw you an saw me hugging you from her window. She asked me at the door and I was a bit traumatized by yesterday so i said you are my boyfriend.
Me - Its ok. No need to be sorry. She is something. I felt a bit overpowered by her
Kavya - She is like that. Dad doesnt speak much when she is around. I am not able to speak to my Dad and now my Dad has left her after me. My independence will soon be over.
Me - Hmm. She was hot though
Kavya - You guys are crazy about bad girls na, thats why
Me - Parul is not a bad girl
Kavya - come on. dont act smart. I saw how you were oogling my mom
Me - Mom hahaha. Nice to hear that. Your Mom was hotter than you
Kavya - Hahaha. She is evil. be careful
Me - You got me into this mess. Whats this Bf. I am so old you say. Now you must have Daddy issues that you made me Bf na
Kavya - Offoh. It was to escape a situation
Me - Yeah Yeah. Use and throw
Kavya - Thank you for your help. Really I am glad you played along. I am scared of my Dad
Me -So why did you say bf.
Kavya - Well Alka is too proud and I just said that dad wont like this and she wanted to be close to me to so she is keeping it a secret. Hopefully i will change things later. I cant believe she is going to be my Step Mom
Me - She is the type of woman who gives erection without touching
Kavya - Ohho. You pervert. Turned on by your girlfriend's Mom. drop me at metro you bad man
Me - Haha. What can i do. Your father would have fallen for her in a moment. She is so electric. I still feel hardness
Kavya - Offoh. and you called me cute. I hate that
Me - Well Alka was Hot. Thats hot. You are cute. In your short pants and Top with cute ass you looked like a child. She was a lady. Wow. Your dad is so lucky
Kavya - I am hot. My figure is better than hers.
Me - Haha are you nuts. She is probably 36-24-36. The hour glass figure people die for. She is epitome of sexiness
Kavya - So you were measuring her figure with your eyes. Pervert
Me - If i could, i would have used my hands to measure her up
Kavya - Shut up. She is my to be Mom. Show some respect
Me - Sorry. She just turns me On.
Kavya - huh. Anyone can turn you on.
Me - I will drop you home, and you cant turn me On
Kavya - No no its ok. Really. You did so much for me i dont want to be trouble.
Me - Its ok sweety
Kavya - dont be so nice to me. I may end up liking you
Me - Haha. You and like ?
Kavya - You being mean now. You mean i cant like anyone
Me - Sorry kidding.
Kavya - You were really nice to me
Me - Hmm So if you win your challenge you wont kick me out
Kavya - That i will do. Haha
Me - In your dreams.
Kavya - Yeah Yeah now you have seen Alka so you are mad about her
Me - Haha. Seriously. What a piece of ass. Even in her saree
Kavya - No way. I have better ass.
Kavya turned on her seat to the side to show me her ass. I took the opportunity and grabbed her ass with one hand and squeezed it. Kavya jumped due to this and turned away.
Kavya - You moron.
Me - Haha cute ass you see. Sexy ass would have just made me hard
Kavya - Liar. My ass is so sexy i know. All boys tell me
Me - They mean to say fat
Kavya - Nooooo
She remained upset the remaining journey cursing me and making faces. She was a tease. I finally reached her house. I was not sure if Parul would see.
Me - Should we tell Parul about this ?
Kavya - Oh no no. No please. I know its not nice but maybe later
Me - Ok as you wish.
Kavya - Thank you so much for today. It was great of you to help me and also divert my mind.
Me - You are welcome fatty
Kavya - Uncle stop it
Me - Ok byee good night
Kavya was about to get down but she turned and came back in. She then came across the seat and hugged me. I hugged her back and she hugged me tight around my neck. To make it easy, somehow i just pulled her over and she was now on my lap. I hugged her tight and she hugged me tightly. My hands caressed her back and she then placed her lips on mine and kissed me really hard for few seconds. - Thank you uncle she said.
I looked at her and smiled and pulled her back and sucked her lips and my hands moved to her hips and I kept smooching her lips for sometime. Finally she pushed me and opened the door on my side and walked out. She didnt turn to see me but ran into her building. She left me high and dry but what a kiss and what a day.
I was so turned on by the day that I felt like i needed to shag. I drove back home it was already late. I changed and relaxed and slept completely nude.
Next morning Sunita rang the bell and I opened the door completely nude with my erection flying high. Sunita was a welcome relief. I held her hand and took her to the living room and I sat on the sofa and hinted her to suck me. She immediately took my penis in her mouth and started sucking on my stiff penis. I held her head and I realized i was too aroused. I was thinking about Kavya kissing me and Alka's hot as hell body. I stood up and Sunita was on her knees sucking me. She held my butt and I started ramming my penis madly into her mouth. She was definitely experiencing pain as I was fucking her madly and soon i cummed into her mouth. I took my penis out and let more of my cum on her face and rubbed my penis on her face filling her with cum. I was too aroused. My cum was all over her face and she gulped the shot i had in her mouth. I pushed my penis again in her mouth. I somehow liked her face covered with cum and I pushed deeper as my semi erect penis started peeing in her mouth and although she tried to move away, I made her drink all the pee and then went to shower leaving her there in a state of shock.
I got ready and hurriedly left for work and had a great day relaxing as meetings were boring but not much to do. In the evening our boss announced a party at company's farm house for the new Project. I was excited about the party. It was planned on the Friday evening. It would be lot of food and booze and I was sure of some fun.
In the evening i messaged Monika.
Me - Hi
Monika - Ohho Hello Sir
Me - Hi Mam. Why Sir ?
Monika - Well you didnt message me
Me - Sorry was busy
Monika - I guess with someone
Me - Haha. You were busy with planning or not
Monika - Very good. You are busy with others and I should make plan
Me - Well what should i say
Monika - Listen Diwali is coming. I want to invite you.
Me - Hmmm. But our honeymoon
Monika - I am trying to plan it. Please be patient. I am married.
Me - And you blame me for being busy with others
Monika - Ok baba. I am sorry. I miss you
Me - I miss you too.
Monika - How can we meet
Me - Come to office
Monika - And to do what ? Rahul is there too
Me - You come to give him surprise and meet me
Monika - Isnt it dangerous
Me - You just come
Monika - I will try
Me - You only try and here i am shagging and fucking here and there
Monika - What do you mean here and there
Me - I meant my half wife. My sali
Monika - You mean Kanika. So bad of you. She is stupid and you are making her a fool
Me - Haha. See when it comes to your sister you took her side
Monika - No no. She is a fool. You are not a fool. Haha
Me - Yeah Yeah. Wait till i insert my penis in your ass
Monika - Oh shucks. No never. I am not that stupid. WHo does that. She is really gone insane. Just to tell you. This weekend i have invited Abhishek and Kanika.
Me - Ohh really ? why ?
Monika - I have to take some action
Me - Hmm as in ?
Monika - Marriage, what else.
Me - Ok. is Kanika ready
Monika - She has to be else I will tell my parents
Me - Ohh ok Thats insane by the way
Monika - You dont know Karan. You are a man. My parents are worried as hell.
Me - Hmmm
Monika - Anyway kiss me in your dreams
Me - I am kissing you everywhere in my dreams.
Monika - No just lips
Me - Yes they are lips too but your vagina's
Monika - Oh my god. You will make me nuts again
Me - I wish i could come over
Monika - I will come to office tomorrow at around 5. How can we meet then
Me - Why suddenly ?
Monika - I want you to kiss my lips
Me - Really ?
Monika - Yes. Kiss my lips where you want to
Me - mmmmmm. You just made me hard
Monika - And you made me wet
Me - I love you
Monika - Arrange something. I need you
Me - Ok.
Parul quickly got up and cleaned up the place to make breakfast. I asked her if she has some cream and she said yes. I told her that i will make cake with it and we can enjoy some nice cake. She didnt have any oven but I knew how to use pressure cooker to make one. She was impressed and while Kavya was in her room resting I started preparing for cake. Kavya was out of her room and to kitchen after some time. Parul has prepared everything while i was making cake. Kavya had taken bath and wearing her favorite pink shorts and top. Her wet hair made her look sexy. She came to the kitchen and started eating while Parul went for a bath.
Kavya - What are you doing here
Me - I am making cake with cream icing
Kavya - For what ?
Me - FOr you. You like cream na.
I took some cream on my finger and sucked it clean seductively.
Kavya looked at me with anger and she also took some cream on her finger. She then sucked it and bit her own finger indicating what she would do in such case. I held my penis and acted as if it pained a lot.
Kavya bursted into a laugh.
Kavya - Uncle its easy to excite you. I saw you today as well.
Me - It is beyond you. IT was because of Parul
Kavya - Huh Liar. and dont you dare try anything on Parul. You will hurt her
Me - How ?
Kavya - You are so huge.
Me - I am sure this is the biggest you have ever seen
Kavya - Hah. I have seen bigeer
Me - Liar.
Kavya - Get lost.
Me - Ok, did you buy the items i suggested.
Kavya - Why should i tell you
Me - Ok. as you wish. Can i ask you something honestly
Kavya - Hmm ok uncle
Me - What happened last night. You looked like you cried
Kavya - Why do you say that
Me - I feel you did. Is everything ok. I know you dont want to disturb Parul. I am old and can listen you know that.
Kavya - My father is at Alka's house.
Me - She lives here.
Kavya - Yes. And he is staying there. He didnt come to even check where i stay as i decided to stay in a normal flat and not expensive as he would want me to. Alka then kept telling my father that i can live with her till her marriage and afterwards anyways we all can live together. I got angry but said nothing. I then went to my date in evening and my father and Alka came to the same restaurant. My father scolded me in the restaurant for dating.
Me - Really ? why ? Because of what you were wearing
Kavya - No, i was in salwar suit.
Me - Ahemmm. Good choice. You look good in that. You need a nose ring.
Kavya - Offoh. Dont act smart.. I wore it because i had no time.
Me - As you say, then
Kavya - My father saw the guy flirting with me and i was already a bit upset so the guy kept bugging me and touched my hands and cheeks as if i was his gf. I was too upset to think anything and didnt knew my father was there. He saw me and then he made us eat with them.
Me - Ok. So next you must have spent the night at Alka's and you cried all night
Kavya - My life is ruined. I hate Alka. She is so sly and is using my father
Me - Its ok. He is a grown up man. Maybe she only wants something good for you
Kavya - I doubt that
Me - Look i dont know her but I am guessing. Give her the benefit of doubt
Kavya - no one else can be my mother
Me - Ok i get that. Anyways leave it. Think of your father's happiness
Kavya - Hmmm. Leave it.
Me - I have a gift for you
Kavya - For me ? why ?
Me - No reason
Kavya - Or you accept your defeat in challenge and paying up
Me - Haha you tried hard yesterday. But like i said. That day was purely due to circumstance and your body touching and rubbing. This way anyone can excite anyone
Kavya - We will see uncle. You are no different than other boys
Me - Hmm
Kavya - BUt only if you are honest. If you do get excited, you have to admit honestly
Me - Ok, I will. Trust me if you can.
Kavya - Hmmm
We heard Parul coming out and I continued to complete my cake while Kavya went out with her plate. We all finally sat down to cut the cake and I let Kavya do the honors. As soon as cake was cut, I applied lot of cream to her face and inserted my finger in her mouth with cream and made her eat it. She did the same and I let her as she needed some happiness. We all were covered in cream and i kept seductively eating cream looking at Kavya whenever i could and she kept biting her fingers. We went to clean ourselves and then Parul wanted to make lunch but I made her rest and I ordered food instead.
I gave the gift i bought for them. The night suits and Parul was a bit shocked. They were shorts and top but same color and design but different sizes. The short was bit shorter than what Kavya normally wore.
Parul - Thank you so much but how will i wear this
Me - Why not ?
Kavya - Yeah sweety we both can wear. Whats the harm. At night only
Parul - I would feel so exposed
Me - Haha. Just wear it. You will look cute i am sure
Kavya - And you can wear it when we are alone. Not infront of uncle
Me - Ohk. I thought I would see
Parul - I have not even tried the night suits we bought with Pajama. I can try that.
Me - No hurry. Try only after you feel comfortable. Its just a gift.
Parul - Thanks
Kavya - Yeah thanks. its cute and both top and shorts are cute.
Me - You are welcome
Kavya - Actually Parul, to be honest its nothing to be ashamed of. You can wear if you want and we both can.
Parul - No No, I feel shy
Kavya - You will look cute and your ass would look so cute
Parul - Kavya..shh
Kavya - No really. You are so petite and I think you have a cute ass
Parul - Ufff.
Me - I think she is sexy too. Not just cute
Kavya - Yeah Yeah, I dont mean to say she is not sexy. She can be anything. She is my friend
Me - Yes. I know that
Parul - Lets just eat and watch movie and no discussion on clothes
Me - Ok
We had our meals with movie and now it was time for me to leave. I dressed up and Kavya went to her room to relax.
Parul - You wont stay tonight ?
Me - Haha again ? Are you crazy. I am in same clothes.
Parul - Hmmm
Me - I will try later. Anyways you are not wearing my gift.
Parul - I feel so shy
Me - But you have Kavya to accompany you
Parul - Not now please
Me - Ok. Can I hug you
Parul - Hmmmmm.
Me - What ? Yes or No ?
Parul hugged me tightly and i hugged her back. I liked her hugging. She was not tall and she was completely engulfed by me. I wanted to neck her so i bent down and put my hands on her ass and lifted her up. She got really nervous as Kavya was in her room and she felt shy. I necked her and lifted her easily with my arms. She hugged me tight but her body was shaking with nervousness. Her heartbeat was rapid. I let go off her and she sat on the Sofa. I didnt squeeze her ass cheeks or something but her ass felt so soft that i loved it.
Just as i was about to leave, Kavya came running. Wait wait.
Me - Ok ?
Kavya - Drop me at metro
Me - Ok suddenly ?
Kavya - Yes.
Me - Ok
Kavya - Wait i need to change
Kavya wwent inside and was out in a minute. She was wearing hot pants and a top. She looked great. She had tied her hair neatly and her face looked beautiful in this style.
Parul - Where are you going ?
Kavya - I will be back at night. Need to see my papa again
Parul - Oh Ok. Why dont you invite uncle here
Kavya - Haha. He wont come. He doesnt like me living here. You know that
Parul - Hmmm Ok.
Kavya hugged Parul and looked at me to leave. Parul said byee sadly to me. Kavya - I will be back soon cute ass
Parul - Stop that
Kavya quickly moved her hand and squeezed Parul's ass with one hand. Parul jumped in surprise.
Kavya - haha cute ass. Thats a cute name for you now
Parul - I dont like it
Kavya - Well you can squeeze mine if you want
Parul - Offoh. Go
We left and sat in the car. I started driving
Me - So where is your father now ?
Kavya - At her place
Me - Should i drop you there instead ?
Kavya - Why ? you like to drive in Delhi ?
Me - No I think you can use some company till you meet them again.
kavya - No, its ok. No need to be nice
Me - I am not being nice. I just offered some nice ride for your fat ass
Kavya - Haha. You are impossible uncle. I dont know if i should hate you or not
Me - Hmmm. So tell me did you buy the lingerie i suggested
Kavya - Why ?
Me - Just curious. I thought i made lovely choices
Kavya - They were Ok
Me - I think both the lingerie were so sexy.
Kavya - Not at all
Me - Ok I thought sometimes you can be honest too
Kavya - Ohho sentimental uncle. Yes i bought them, happy ? Good choice is what you want me to say
Me - I am happy to be honest. I think the Thong is hard to pull of. But good buy
Kavya - Haha. If i wear that you will lose your bet and you will have to stop seeing Parul.
Me - Hmmm. If that looks so sexy on you then maybe i wont mind
Kavya - Ohho uncle gave up so easily. You can imagine me wearing that. You already know my figure so imagine. Thats enough to make you nuts and then you can leave Parul alone
Me - Hmmm. I know you are 36 D, but i think your waist is also 32 or 34 and hips is 36 or 38. I dont know exactly. But doesnt that make you fat. So not so sexy you know. I can imagine but all i see is fat
Kavya - In your dreams Mr. I am 36-32-36
Me - Haha but you are only 5 feet. So that makes your shape round like a ball
Kavya - Uff you are so mean. See. and you call me mean
Me - I am sorry. Kidding.
Kavya - I am not fat.
Me - No you are not.
Kavya - and you hit me really hard. You know your fingers have made marks on my hips
Me - Really ?
Kavya - and still not gone completely
Me - Thats because you are white. I am dark and see my marks are gone. You hit me really hard
Kavya - You started it
Me - But you have cute ass too.Soft and tender and fun to spank
Kavya - Ohho. You have ugly ass. Happy
Me - Need another spanking it seems
Kavya - Achha. This time i will show you
Me - Again challenge
Kavya - Yeah. I am not afraid of you uncle.
Me - Haha. You are cute.
Kavya - I am not. I am hot
Me - Haha. Never. You are not. Parul excites me more than you can even imagine
Kavya - Hah liar. I saw your erection that day
Me - But you also saw my erection in morning. That was due to Parul
Kavya - Yuck. Thats so yuck. You were nude. Why did you do that. I am sure it was you. I dont know why Parul saved you. Tell me honestly
Me - Honestly if you beleive me. It wasnt me. I think it was Parul maybe by accident or however.
Kavya - Hmmm. It was disgusting
Me - Really ?
Kavya - Ok not disgusting as such. You were so huge. I think you should not be flashing around like that. It would scare some people.
Me - Haha. So you liked it
Kavya - Whats to like. Its just a penis. Everybody has
Me - Hmmm. Liar
Kavya - Ok. What lie ?
Me - I think you have never seen any huge penis like this
Kavya - Ofcourse. Do you think i go around looking at penis. Your penis is huge and no one should see it.
Me - So did you like it
Kavya - Hah. Never.
Me - Ok. No issues.
Kavya - Aww dont be sad. You do look good and have a good body. But dont show that around. Please come with clothes.
Me - It was not planned. Parul asked me to stay.
Kavya - She is a fool. You should take care of these things
Me - hmm. Seems my body is disturbing you
Kavya - haha uncle. Your body is old. I have new young people to date
Me - And are they as huge as me
Kavya - Shut up and drive you uncle.
Me - Ok. One more thing. Dont worry. Your father is a grown man. He will do something good for you. Also Alka may not be that bad as you think.
Kavya- Hmm I hope so.
We chatted more about her father and Alka and soon reached her house.
Kavya - Thanks for dropping me and keeping me company. I needed this. I knew you kept my mind off from Alka and actually helped me.
Me - Its ok cutie. Nothing i did. I just like talking about lingerie
Kavya - Hmmm. Thank you so much
Kavya came near me and hugged me in the car and i patted her back. She got off at the gate of a huge bungalow. The house was definitely not of a poor person. If this was Alka's house, then Alka was a millionaire.
Kavya walked off to the house which had a security at the gate. I was impressed by the house. I was making a U turn when the guard signaled me to stop.
I rolled down the windows.
Guard - Madam is calling you inside
Me - who ? me ?
Guard - Yes. You can park the car inside
I was confused but I drove in. I parked my car and got off. The guard showed me to the gate. The gate was opened by a girl who I was not sure of but looked like either her daughter or relative.
The girl escorted me to another room and it was a huge hall with highly decorative items and a there was Kavya sitting on Sofa. There was someone sitting facing her but her back was towards me. Kavya looked at me and The lady then turned to see me. She stood up to shake hands with me. She was probably Alka. She was the kind of woman you read about. She was killing in style. She was beautiful but she had made herself more attractive by her makeup and her stylish dressing. She was wearing a Saree which was exposing all her midriff and navel. She had a toned body and backless blouse. She was sexy as hell and her richness was on her face.
Alka - hi I am Alka
Me - Hi I am Karan. Nice to meet you Mam
Alka - Call me Alka. No need to be formal. Pleasure to meet you.
Me - The pleasure is mine.Sorry but the guard said you wanted to meet me or something
Alka - Well, I had to meet Kavya's boyfriend after all. And i must say it was good to meet you. The pleasure is mine.
I was puzzled and i glanced at Kavya who folded her hands pleading me.
Me - Oh. Well we have just started dating
Alka - That is fine. As long you intend to be nice to her.
Me - Ofcourse Mam.
Alka - Not mam please. I am not that old.. am i ?
Me - Not at all. You are so beautiful. Kavya always talks about you.
Kavya looked angrily at me. She probably wanted me to leave quickly.
Alka - So what does my would be daughter say about me.
Me - Oh she said you are so stylish and so beautiful.
Alka - Interesting. So how did you guys meet
Me - Well we met at a party.
Alka - and how did you come into contact with her. Just chose to speak to this little angel
Me - Well, I was sitting alone minding my own business when my friends challenged me to ask the hottest girl out. I looked around and I found Kavya sitting with her friends. She looked really beautiful and hot. I had to talk to her and at first she blasted me off but finally we hit it off and we have been dating since then.
Alka - Hmmm. Hot. So you like hot girls
Me - Who doesnt.
Alka - And what do you do
Me - Well i work in IT in a MNC
Alka - Well you have a nice car. So must be senior enough i guess
Me - Well i worked in Japan for some years so can affor it
Alka - hmmm. Interesting. So what did you do in Japan
Me - Well not much, worked, traveled, enjoyed
Alka - So did you date in Japan
Me - Yes
Alka - But isnt Japan very forward and also women are more objectified there
Me - Yes in a way.
Alka - So did you like Japan dating or here
Me - Here girls are more beautiful. Japanese girls are beautiful and hav an amazing figure but they are a bit flat chested compared to our women
Alka - You seem to be much experienced and much senior for my sweety Kavya
Me - Yeah i think so too.But you know age is just a number
Alka - I know very well. And just to say out loud. I am not backwards. I am modern and I an not interrogating you. Sorry if it felt that way. Just wanted to know you better. Her father wants me to take care of her and bond with her more. I am Ok with you guys and you seem to be a very decent guy. Handsome, tall and surprisingly you chose Kavya as she is not so tall.
Me - To be honest she is really cute and i liked that
Alka - Yeah she is cute.
Me - You are really tall. If you dont mind, what do you do Alka
Alka - I make money.
Me - Interesting. How ?
Alka - Thats for me to know.
Me - Ok.
Alka - Do you smoke
Me - No
Alka - Do you mind if i smoke
Me - Not at all.
Alka - Please have dinner with us. I will prepare everything.
Alka called the girl who seemed to be her maid and asked her to prepare eveything. Alka was exciting and enticing. She was bold confident and definitely someone who knows how to trap men.
Alka started smoking and kept talking about my likes dislikes. She then told Kavya that her father wont come and he has left but he asked Alka to make sure thatshe meets her every week and they get along.
Dinner was great and Alka served food to me and Kavya. Her sexy body smelled so good i felt like an erection was always on. When she served food her cleavage was on display making it difficult for me to keep my eyes off. She was seductive as well as charming. I gulped food down and finally we were allowed to leave. As we were walking off, Alka asked me to give my phone number to her. I looked at Kavya puzzled. She was also confused but she didnt say anything and i handed my number to Alka.
We sat in the car and I drove off and was silent for sometime. Kavya finally broke the silence.
Kavya - I am sorry. I didnt mean to. She saw you an saw me hugging you from her window. She asked me at the door and I was a bit traumatized by yesterday so i said you are my boyfriend.
Me - Its ok. No need to be sorry. She is something. I felt a bit overpowered by her
Kavya - She is like that. Dad doesnt speak much when she is around. I am not able to speak to my Dad and now my Dad has left her after me. My independence will soon be over.
Me - Hmm. She was hot though
Kavya - You guys are crazy about bad girls na, thats why
Me - Parul is not a bad girl
Kavya - come on. dont act smart. I saw how you were oogling my mom
Me - Mom hahaha. Nice to hear that. Your Mom was hotter than you
Kavya - Hahaha. She is evil. be careful
Me - You got me into this mess. Whats this Bf. I am so old you say. Now you must have Daddy issues that you made me Bf na
Kavya - Offoh. It was to escape a situation
Me - Yeah Yeah. Use and throw
Kavya - Thank you for your help. Really I am glad you played along. I am scared of my Dad
Me -So why did you say bf.
Kavya - Well Alka is too proud and I just said that dad wont like this and she wanted to be close to me to so she is keeping it a secret. Hopefully i will change things later. I cant believe she is going to be my Step Mom
Me - She is the type of woman who gives erection without touching
Kavya - Ohho. You pervert. Turned on by your girlfriend's Mom. drop me at metro you bad man
Me - Haha. What can i do. Your father would have fallen for her in a moment. She is so electric. I still feel hardness
Kavya - Offoh. and you called me cute. I hate that
Me - Well Alka was Hot. Thats hot. You are cute. In your short pants and Top with cute ass you looked like a child. She was a lady. Wow. Your dad is so lucky
Kavya - I am hot. My figure is better than hers.
Me - Haha are you nuts. She is probably 36-24-36. The hour glass figure people die for. She is epitome of sexiness
Kavya - So you were measuring her figure with your eyes. Pervert
Me - If i could, i would have used my hands to measure her up
Kavya - Shut up. She is my to be Mom. Show some respect
Me - Sorry. She just turns me On.
Kavya - huh. Anyone can turn you on.
Me - I will drop you home, and you cant turn me On
Kavya - No no its ok. Really. You did so much for me i dont want to be trouble.
Me - Its ok sweety
Kavya - dont be so nice to me. I may end up liking you
Me - Haha. You and like ?
Kavya - You being mean now. You mean i cant like anyone
Me - Sorry kidding.
Kavya - You were really nice to me
Me - Hmm So if you win your challenge you wont kick me out
Kavya - That i will do. Haha
Me - In your dreams.
Kavya - Yeah Yeah now you have seen Alka so you are mad about her
Me - Haha. Seriously. What a piece of ass. Even in her saree
Kavya - No way. I have better ass.
Kavya turned on her seat to the side to show me her ass. I took the opportunity and grabbed her ass with one hand and squeezed it. Kavya jumped due to this and turned away.
Kavya - You moron.
Me - Haha cute ass you see. Sexy ass would have just made me hard
Kavya - Liar. My ass is so sexy i know. All boys tell me
Me - They mean to say fat
Kavya - Nooooo
She remained upset the remaining journey cursing me and making faces. She was a tease. I finally reached her house. I was not sure if Parul would see.
Me - Should we tell Parul about this ?
Kavya - Oh no no. No please. I know its not nice but maybe later
Me - Ok as you wish.
Kavya - Thank you so much for today. It was great of you to help me and also divert my mind.
Me - You are welcome fatty
Kavya - Uncle stop it
Me - Ok byee good night
Kavya was about to get down but she turned and came back in. She then came across the seat and hugged me. I hugged her back and she hugged me tight around my neck. To make it easy, somehow i just pulled her over and she was now on my lap. I hugged her tight and she hugged me tightly. My hands caressed her back and she then placed her lips on mine and kissed me really hard for few seconds. - Thank you uncle she said.
I looked at her and smiled and pulled her back and sucked her lips and my hands moved to her hips and I kept smooching her lips for sometime. Finally she pushed me and opened the door on my side and walked out. She didnt turn to see me but ran into her building. She left me high and dry but what a kiss and what a day.
I was so turned on by the day that I felt like i needed to shag. I drove back home it was already late. I changed and relaxed and slept completely nude.
Next morning Sunita rang the bell and I opened the door completely nude with my erection flying high. Sunita was a welcome relief. I held her hand and took her to the living room and I sat on the sofa and hinted her to suck me. She immediately took my penis in her mouth and started sucking on my stiff penis. I held her head and I realized i was too aroused. I was thinking about Kavya kissing me and Alka's hot as hell body. I stood up and Sunita was on her knees sucking me. She held my butt and I started ramming my penis madly into her mouth. She was definitely experiencing pain as I was fucking her madly and soon i cummed into her mouth. I took my penis out and let more of my cum on her face and rubbed my penis on her face filling her with cum. I was too aroused. My cum was all over her face and she gulped the shot i had in her mouth. I pushed my penis again in her mouth. I somehow liked her face covered with cum and I pushed deeper as my semi erect penis started peeing in her mouth and although she tried to move away, I made her drink all the pee and then went to shower leaving her there in a state of shock.
I got ready and hurriedly left for work and had a great day relaxing as meetings were boring but not much to do. In the evening our boss announced a party at company's farm house for the new Project. I was excited about the party. It was planned on the Friday evening. It would be lot of food and booze and I was sure of some fun.
In the evening i messaged Monika.
Me - Hi
Monika - Ohho Hello Sir
Me - Hi Mam. Why Sir ?
Monika - Well you didnt message me
Me - Sorry was busy
Monika - I guess with someone
Me - Haha. You were busy with planning or not
Monika - Very good. You are busy with others and I should make plan
Me - Well what should i say
Monika - Listen Diwali is coming. I want to invite you.
Me - Hmmm. But our honeymoon
Monika - I am trying to plan it. Please be patient. I am married.
Me - And you blame me for being busy with others
Monika - Ok baba. I am sorry. I miss you
Me - I miss you too.
Monika - How can we meet
Me - Come to office
Monika - And to do what ? Rahul is there too
Me - You come to give him surprise and meet me
Monika - Isnt it dangerous
Me - You just come
Monika - I will try
Me - You only try and here i am shagging and fucking here and there
Monika - What do you mean here and there
Me - I meant my half wife. My sali
Monika - You mean Kanika. So bad of you. She is stupid and you are making her a fool
Me - Haha. See when it comes to your sister you took her side
Monika - No no. She is a fool. You are not a fool. Haha
Me - Yeah Yeah. Wait till i insert my penis in your ass
Monika - Oh shucks. No never. I am not that stupid. WHo does that. She is really gone insane. Just to tell you. This weekend i have invited Abhishek and Kanika.
Me - Ohh really ? why ?
Monika - I have to take some action
Me - Hmm as in ?
Monika - Marriage, what else.
Me - Ok. is Kanika ready
Monika - She has to be else I will tell my parents
Me - Ohh ok Thats insane by the way
Monika - You dont know Karan. You are a man. My parents are worried as hell.
Me - Hmmm
Monika - Anyway kiss me in your dreams
Me - I am kissing you everywhere in my dreams.
Monika - No just lips
Me - Yes they are lips too but your vagina's
Monika - Oh my god. You will make me nuts again
Me - I wish i could come over
Monika - I will come to office tomorrow at around 5. How can we meet then
Me - Why suddenly ?
Monika - I want you to kiss my lips
Me - Really ?
Monika - Yes. Kiss my lips where you want to
Me - mmmmmm. You just made me hard
Monika - And you made me wet
Me - I love you
Monika - Arrange something. I need you
Me - Ok.