Season 2 Update 37
Me - Hey how are you. Not sleepy
Kavya - Hi. Just wanted to talk a little bit if ok
Me - Sure no issues
Kavya - In my room maybe ?
Me - Ok
I followed her to her room and sat on the bed with her
Kavya - I dont know how to say this. BUt thank you so much for that day.
Me - You are welcome
Kavya - And just to add that what you did to me that day was not nice. you kissed me the other day. That was a mistake. You uncle why did you kiss me
Me - hah. That’s a surprise
Kavya - what surprise. You kissed me forcefully and did bad things to me
Me - what did I do ?
Kavya - I was thankful to you but that doesn’t mean you will take advantage of an innocent girl. I knew you would do this so I am worried about Parul
Me - hmm ok. So did you tell Parul
Kavya - no why should I disturb her
Me - hmm but you know I am not sorry
Kavya - I just hugged you and you pulled me in your lap. Why did you that
Me - to hug you better. But why exactly I don’t know
Kavya - you like me it’s ok but I don’t like you. Admit it uncle
Me - hahaha. Get lost. In your dreams
Kavya - yeah that’s why your hands were on my ass
Me - That was a mistake but you didnt stop me either. You enjoyed and after that you walked off
Kavya - I didnt enjoy. YOu molested a child
Me - YOu a child. Hmmm. Ok what should i do now
Kavya - First apologize and then we continue to be friends. I dont want you to fall for me
Me - I wont fall for you. Dont worry kiddo
Kavya - Huh. As iff. you were kissing me madly and your hands were all over me.
Me - You remember in so much detail. I just remember a gentle peck
Kavya - Oh my god. you liar
Me - Anyways you are not even a good kisser
Kavya - So rude uncle. Also i didnt kiss you. You are a bad kisser
Me - Ok. Now can i go
Kavya - No. I also said thanks for your help. All i need is to get out of this Alka mess.
Me - Hmmm. Ok kiddo. but then no hugs from now. You came looking for a kiss
Kavya - Not at all.
Me - And you tried to seduce an old man who likes your friend
Kavya - What a joke. I dont need to seduce you. I can make you hard with my looks
Me - haha. So far it hasnt worked. Has it. Only Parul and now your Mom makes me hard
Kavya - Chhhi pervert. So bad so bad.
Me - Haha
Kavya - Anyways you forced kissed me and then you used me. I was just hugging you. You are not even a good kisser. So from now just friends
Me - Ok as you wish. And you were a bad kisser not me
Kavya - Hmmmm. Liar
Me - Why liar
Kavya - You are a bad kisser not me
Me - Let me prove that again.
I held her suddenly by her head and smooched her. She tried to struggle but I kept kissing her. I then sucked her lips gently and slowly her resistance was gone. She let me suck her lower lips and then her upper lips. I sucked her softly now. I held her by her face and inserted my tongue inside her mouth sucking her gently and smoothly. She was enjoying the kiss and I kept sucking her gently for a while. Her face had turned into a completely satisfied look and she looked like she wanted more. I just left her lips and kissed her cheeks and walked out of the room. I had a huge erection now and I enjoyed every bit of the kiss. I think she was not sure what she wanted and she wanted to push me away. I was not sure what she wanted. She was a confused little girl who was head over heels in ego or maybe self obsession.
Next morning was good as i was happy. Parul woke me up with tea and her eyes were fixated on my morning boner. She called Kavya but there was no response.
Parul - Hey can i ask you something
Me - Yeah sure
Parul - Why are you always like this in morning
Me - Like what ?
Parul - I mean this. down there
Me - You mean my boner
Parul - Boner ?
Me - My erection you mean
Parul - mmmmm
Me - I dont know maybe you tease me in my dreams
Parul - Ishhhh.
Her face turned red with embarassment
Parul - Everyday ? Or it is Kanika or that other girl or so many girls or maybe even Kavya. She is always walking around in skimpy clothes
Me - Maybe. Who knows
Parul - Then why dont you take her on date.
She said angrily
Me - I will. Only if you say no then. Otherwise i keep trying
Parul - I already said No.
Me - Ok. Will try
Parul - Haha sure please do. I want to see
Me - Ok i will. Have patience
Kavya walked in finally looking sleepless
Parul - What happened ?
Kavya - Mosquito bit me
Parul - So ?
Kavya - I could not sleep all night. YOu know i cant manage very well
Parul - Did you use good knight ?
Kavya - Its not effective on this huge mosquito
I was smiling on this discussion.
Parul - Ok Ok. Take some tea
We sipped tea silently and I just wished good morning to Kavya but she didnt respond.
As soon as Parul went away to shower Kavya came near me and pinched me really hard.
Me - What the ...
Kavya - Shut up. How dare you ?
Me - what ?
Kavya - How are you kiss me again
Me - Ohho. Again. You didnt ask me yesterday. You were enjoying it yesterday and now you want more
Kavya - shut up. I will tell Parul
Me - Ok
Kavya - Ufff you moron.
Me - Hmmmm
Kavya - Dont talk to me
Me - Ok
Kavya walked off to her room. Parul came after shower and dressed in Salwar Suit as usual. She looked so hot with wet hair and her water droplets still on her shoulders. I wish i could just grab her. She was gorgeous without specs. She would look sexy with a bit stylish specs or with contacts. Parul saw me staring at her and she smiled wondering what.
Parul - What ?
Me - You look so beautiful
Parul blushed and her face turned red
Parul - Liar.
Me - Come on a date with me
Parul - Again ? why ?
Me - So I can kiss your lips once at least
Parul - Ishh. You are always in that zone
Me - You keep me hard all night.
Parul's face turned completely red
Parul - You dont think before you speak. You say anything. dont you
Me - Why ?
Parul - Nothing. You make me so conscious.
Me - I like you that way
Parul - You make me nervous
Me - We should go on a date today
Parul - hmmmmmmm. Kavya is here. How can we
Me - So it means you want to go
Parul - I didnt say that
Me - Ok sexy
Parul - I am not sexy
Me - Try the night dress i bought for you
Parul - Ok let me do that. I can do that
Me - Ok
Parul went in and changed into the night dress I brought her. She looked so cute in that. Her hips were cute and shaped perfectly round. I loved how the Pajamas hugged her body. I was oogling her from top to bottom. She was definitely uncomfortable but she eased out a little. Just then Kavya walked out and commented on how cute Parul looked.
Parul - This was gift from him
Kavya - Ohh. This is the night suit. It looks Ok
Parul - Ohho again. Comeon
Kavya - No really. His choice is ok
Me - Yeah she is right. I make wrong choices all the time
Kavya - What do you mean
Me - Nothing
Kavya - Huh. Anyways whats for lunch
Parul - Lets go out
Kavya - Not with him
Parul - Not again Kavya. Lets go
Kavya - only for you
We all got ready and Kavya was in sexy avatar. She was wearing a really sexy hot pants tight on her ass and a Top which would show lot of cleavage if she didnt care to adjust it or if she bent. She was such a tease. Parul was in her usual self and she looked cute. I took them to the mall where Pooja worked and to the Shop were I would find Pooja.
Pooja - Hey long time
Me - Yeah been busy
Pooja - And who are your friends
Me - This is Kavya and Parul.
Pooja - Hello
Kavya and Parul - Hello
Pooja - How can i help
Me - Just help them shop.
Pooja - So what do you need ? Anything special.
Kavya - Does this shop even have something nice
Pooja - Ofcourse Mam, come with me
Parul stood there wondering what to do.
Me - And Mam you with me
Parul laughed as i took her to the Jeans section. I asked her for her waist.
Parul - No no, I dont wear Jeans you see
Me - You should sometimes.
Parul - Please na. I dont look good in Jeans
Me - Tell me your waist
Parul - I dont know
Me - Uff you are impossible. Come with me
I asked Pooja to measure Parul and she was 28.
I searched for a tight fit Capri Jeans with a good t shirt and gave her to try. Parul reluctanty went in a trial room and I waited outside. Parul didnt come out and just said - It fits but i look odd. The mall was crowded so there was no chance for me.
Kavya too had a set of clothes to try and she was with Pooja. Parul didnt want to buy but i bought them separately anyway and Kavya bought her own clothes and soon we went from the mall to eat. We went back and I told them to go up as i look for some things in my car. I had the lingerie for Parul which was in car. I took the dress and lingerie and went up. Kavya was in her room resting when I gave the packet to Parul with Jeans, T shirt and lingerie. Parul was surprised and was really hesistant to take it. I asked her to try for me. Her face was blushed and she felt so shy looking at the lingerie.
I waited outside her room as she tried them On. She finally opened the door and i walked in her room. She stood in one corner looking down. She looked so sexy in that dress.
Me - Wow Parul you look so good. The dress fits you so well
Parul - It shows so much
Me - What does it show. It just hugs your body. You have beautiful curves and now they are visible
Parul - Ishhh..
Me - Did you try the lingerie
Parul - mmmmm
Me - Did it fit ?
Parul - mmmmm.
Me - Wow I am good. I measured you right
Parul was really shaking with nervousness.
Me - I wish i could see you in the lingerie
Parul - noooooooo
I went near her and held her by her chin and made her look up. Her eyes wandered here and there in fear. I kissed her cheeks and she closed her eyes. I hugged Parul and she hugged me. I caressed her back and my hands wandered to her ass. Her tight ass was so sexy in the tight Jeans. I placed my hands on her ass and lifted her up.
Parul - ummmmm. Kavya will come
Me - I dont care
Parul - Please
I lifted her up and hugged her as i pushed her to the wall. I looked at her and kissed her lips gently. Parul was shaking with nervousness. I sucked her lips gently and then gave her a full blown smooch sucking her tongue and her lips as my lips and tongue explored her. She had given into the smooch and was letting me smooch her and suck her. She was also sucking my lips and soon she inserted her tongue in my mouth and sucked my tongue. It felt so good. My hands pressed her hips.
We heard a sound and in quick reaction I let go off her and Parul just stood a bit away from me. Her heart was racing. Kavya walked in and looked at us.
Kavya - What is going on ?
Me - Nothing just checking how she looks in new dress
Kavya - Why are you forcing her
Parul - No no he didnt force. he bought them so i tried
Kavya - Hmmm. Something was going on i can tell. Anyway you look sexy Parul
Parul - haha. Stop it. He is saying same
Kavya - He is right sometimes.
Parul - You are looking sexy. But why didnt you change
Kavya - Will change for sleep once
Me - Yeah you look ok too
Kavya - I didnt ask you
Parul - Ok ok. Let me go and preparein kitchen.
Kavya and I stood in Parul's room as Parul went to kitchen in her Jeans and T shirt. She then came back and said she needed to change. We went out to living room.
Me - You look so desperate today. All your boobs are visible
Kavya - Dont drool uncle
Me - Why would i drool
Kavya - And if you have a hard on you lose
Me - I was drooling over Parul so maybe I am hard due to her
Kavya - Liar. I am making you hard
Me - Not at all
Kavya - Show me
Me - What ?
Kavya - Show me your dick uncle
Me - I cant
Kavya - I have seen it before
Me - So ?
Kavya - So if you lose you are out
Me - Haha Parul made me hard
Kavya - Hah liar show me
I quickly unzipped and asked her to feel it herself.
Kavya - You uncle. I am not afraid
Kavya came near me and put her hands in my undies and felt my semi hard Penis. As her hands grabbed my penis it started growing and Kavya let it go. She took her hand out looking disguted by it
Kavya - YOu lose
Me - No it was not hard. It was semi erect due to Parul and you just patted my penis to hardness.
Kavya - YOu moron. You lost. Accept it
Me - If you want me to say that even if its not right then I can say it.
Kavya - Ohho. Ok i will defeat you fair and square. I will show you.
Me - ok
Kavya - And you dont need to wear your shorts here. We all know what it is. Just be in your underwear so you cant cheat me again
Me - No way. Parul will not like it
Kavya - I will tell her that you feel uncomfortable. We have seen you walking around like that
Me - No no
Kavya - Hah chicken
Me - okk..Its on
I took my shorts off and sat in my undies.
Kavya walked off to her room. Parul came back and found me in my undies.
Parul - What is happening ?
me - I felt a bit uncomfortable
Parul - Now Kavya will make so much noise
Me - Hmmm
Then Kavya walked out and said No no its ok. I noticed that Kavya had now taken off her bra and her nipples were visible in her t shirt. Her pink shorts and sexy boobs with poky nipples were tough to handle now. I started looking elsewhere and thinking something else. Parul took Kavya away and whispered something to which Kavya said something and they both came back smiling. Parul was a bit uncomfortable as Kavya was really putting on a show.
We decided to watch a movie after dinner. We were sitting side by side and I could not help but kept glancing at Kavya's nipples tearing through her T shirt. I so wanted to grab them. She was giving me a hard on. Whenever she laughed or moved her boobs bounced giving me a hard time. I needed to focus elsewhere. I decide it was best to do something. I asked for a mattress and put it on the floor infront of Sofa and I lied down on it. This way i was not looking at Kavya's bouncing boobs with nipples. I was watching movie laying down but I couldnt help but notice Kavya's boobs be seeing up from time to time. Kavya knew what she was doing and she was such a tease. Just then Kavya said
Kavya - I also feel like lying down. Uncle shift
I was shocked but i made space. Parul was also shocked but she couldnt say anything.
Kavya stood infront of the bed first then brought a pillow and placed it next to me. In process she bent down giving me an awesome view of her boobs. I probably even saw her nipples. Parul definitely saw everything and she just murmured..ahemmm. But Kavya was in her own space. She lied down next to me and now even if i didnt want her huge boobs were catching my eye. Her nipples seem to be erect. She was herself excited. Parul caught me many times looking at Kavya's boobs but she said nothing. After some time, I decided its best to sleep and I closed my eyes as if i was sleeping and soon Parul too went to sleep.
Parul - I am sleeping. You to sleep Kavya
Kavya - I will finish this and then sleep
Parul - It seems Karan has slept
Kavya - Let him sleep, i am not disturbing him
Parul put a sheet on me and i kept my eyes closed. I turned to the other side away from Kavya. Parul went in. As soon as Parul went in to sleep Kavya pinched my ass under the sheet over my undies.
Kavya - Dont act. I saw your hard on so dont lie and admit now
Me - There is no hardon. Check
Kayva - Not the same trick twice. Remove your undies
Me - No. YOu do
Kavya held my undies and slid them down with her hands rubbing my butt. She then removed the bedsheet but my penis was not hard and she made a sad sound.
Kavya - I hope its not because you are old.
Me - Shut up or spank you again
Kavya - Get lost and wear your undies. Kavya got up and left.
After some time Parul came and found me on the floor with movie still running. It seems she was not asleep or wanted to check on Kavya. Parul patted me.
Me - Haan. What happened ?
Parul - Sleep on Sofa
Me - Its ok. its better
Parul - So you had a good view today
Me - Well what to do, if there is display
Parul - Bad boy. but what can you do
Me - Sleep with me
Parul - No, Kavya is here
Me - Should i come with you
Parul - No
Me - Please
Parul - Its risky
Me - You are afraid so its ok
Parul - Very clever.
I followed Parul to her room. She let me sleep next to her and as previously placed her legs on me and slept on my shoulders.
Parul - Can i ask you something
Me - Ofcourse
Parul - You are always hard in morning. What do you do then
Me - Sometimes i masturbate
Parul - Whats that ?
Me -Have you never masturbated
Parul - Noo
Me - Rub my penis with hands to reach orgasm or you can rub your pussy
Parul - Chhi. Thats so yuck
Me - It feels great. Also safe as no sex. Nothing to lose
Parul - Hmmmm. Do you masturbate regularly
Me - Depends. mostly i try to get fucked
Parul - Yuck boy.
Me - Ok. but i am trying not to lie
Parul - Kanika ?
Me - Yeah and some more
Parul - Hmmm. You like it so much
Me - Everyone likes it
Parul - I doubt. I dont know. Lets just sleep
I slept with Parul's thighs on me and in morning as usual I had my erection. I felt Parul got up and she went out to kitchen maybe. I was still sleepy so kept my eyes closed and rested. Parul came back and lied down again. This time she tried to check if i was up by saing good morning but i didnt reply. She slipped her hands down to my undies and slowly touched my hard penis. She waited for my reaction and when there was none, she got more bold and grabbed it with her hands. She pressed my penis gently and started rubbing it gently. I was enjoying this and I didnt react but my penis grew harder and longer. She could feel that she shifted my undies down to bring my penis up. It sprang up and Parul kept rubbing it gently and in between she would pause to check on me.
She rubbed gently till my penis grew really hard and precum flew out. She touched it and thought i was done. She immediately got up and rushed to wash her hands. My penis was still hard as rock and now also without undies. I let it be like that. Parul came back and found my penis still hard which got her confused. She was trying to put it back and in process she rubbed me again and checked and found it to be really hard. She rubbed my penis a bit more and now her hands were laced with my precum. She was not sure what to do. She kept rubbing and soon I cummed shooting my cum high up in air which fell down back on my body and her bedsheet. Her hands were covered in my cum. She was confused and shocked. She immediately tried to clean herself up and came back hurriedly and cleaned the bedsheet but was afraid to clean me. She finally took some tissues and started cleaning cum off my body. I opened my eyes
Me - What happened
Parul was shocked and blushed. her face looked so afraid.
Parul - I spilled something by mistake
Me - On my penis ?
Parul - Please please dont say anythig. Dont be angry.
Me - No I am not angry
Parul - I rubbed your penis to see what happens and this happened
Me - Ohh wow. You are so good. You made me cum by your hands
Parul - Hmmm you not angry
Me - Not at all. I feel so good.
Parul - Let me clean you
Me - Ok
Parul cleaned me and went out blushing. Her soft hands on my penis were so good. That was hell of an orgasm in morning. I got ready and had to leave for work now. Parul barely spoke to me and she was in kitchen preparing. Kavya came out soon still without bra. Her boobs were still erect as ever. I liked her boldness.
Kavya - So uncle how did you sleep
Me - Really well
Kavya - Oh I know
Me - What do you mean
Kavya - You are really a pervert. You made Parul sleep with you.
Me - No.
Kavya - I saw you guys last night. I came to living room and you were not there
Me - Why did you come
Kavya - To drink water
Me - Liar
Kavya - Hah
Me - And who are you kidding with those braless wonders
Kavya - See you were looking. I knew you pervert
Me - Haha how come ? You are showing..So i am seeing
Kavya - Hmmmm. You were turned on admit it
Me - Not at all. Its beyond you.
Kavya - Ufffff. You. I will show you
Me - What these. These are Ok i guess.
I pressed one of her boobs and ran out and shouted goodbye as i went to my car. Kavya stood their stunned while Parul just shouted byee.
I had an awesome morning. This week was my week to plan. I went home first and then to office. The office was uneventful and whole day was boring. I was about to leave when Kriti stepped into my office.
Kriti - Hello
Kriti was dressed in her usual self.
Me - Hey How are you
Kriti - I am good. Just wanted to thank you
Me - WHy ?
Kriti - For dropping us that day and taking care of us
Me - Its no problem. It was my mistake too
Kriti - No no. Also Aparna is also thankful but too shy to come say.
Me - Haha its ok
Kriti - I wanted to ask you something if its ok
Me - Sure
Kriti - Would you come with me to the gym
Me - Now ?
Kriti - Yeah. Its evening.
Me - Hmm i dont have my clothes with me.
Kriti - Ohh
Me - But no issue lets go
I went with Kriti to our gym on the top floor. Some people were in the gym. Kriti went to change and i just took off my shirt. Kriti came back wearing a spandex type dress which was sticking to her body. It was two piece and the top covered upto her hips. the lower was upto her knees. Although it covered her body really well, it showed her curvaceous body really well. She was so well shaped, except her belly which she wanted to improve, as we saw once. However in this dress the belly was pressed and it didnt seem to be more than it was. It was probably the dress but I was seeing her for the first time in this awesome avatar. I was so impressed by her curves. She was a real beauty with cute smile, beautiful face and well maintained medium hair. Not so long and not so short. She was also really decent in all ways. She was not too shy and not too bold. She was probably the most balanced girl I had seen so far. The only thing i was not sure of was as to why she was doing this with me. As my eyes wandered over her body I realized i was staring more than i should.
Me - Sorry but i cannot resist from saying something
Kriti - Yes please.
Me - You look so wow it seems you dont need to do any workout. Even your belly looks flat and your figure is so good
Kriti blushed and said Thanks smiling.
Kriti - My belly is visible mostly as you saw that day.
Me - Hmmm i think you need to change your dress so your belly is free and maybe we should measure your figure
Kriti - How should i dress then ? Measurement is a good idea
Me - I think you should wear a short top, upto here.
I put my hands just under her boobs almost touching the base of her boobs. I moved my hands a bit sideways on her body to show the line of top end i intended. Kriti just nodded and i got a feel of her tight boobs in her spandex like top.
Kriti - Hmm maybe you are right, else my belly is under this top and pressed. But i would feel shy here. There are so many people here
Me - Haha yeah. But not many here. Maybe you can start a bit late
Kriti - Hmmm that could work
Me - But i will still be here. So ..
Kriti - Haha. It was your idea so maybe its ok if you are here
Me - Hmmmm. I am happy you like it
Kriti - How to take measurement
Me - There is a tape here, let me bring it
I brought the tape and showed her. She was a bit conscious so we went to one corner. There were hardly few people now and no one was noticing us and no one could hear us as well. I asked her to spread her hands up.
Me - So what all should we measure
Kriti - I dont know. Belly maybe ?
Me - In this dress maybe no. But we can measure other parts to get an idea if you want to reduce them or just keep them
Kriti - How would we know what to keep
Me - I can tell you
Kriti - Hmmm
Me - Should i start with your waist maybe
Kriti - Hmmmm
I took the tape and placed around her waist. i held it tight and kept my hands on her pelvis in an attempt to measure her waist. 30 i said out loud.
Me - You should maybe reduce it or even keep it.
Kriti - 28 would be better
Me - Maybe but this would make you little curvy i guess
Kriti - Fat you mean
me - No no. Curves. Who wants a flat figure. Should have some flesh to feel
Kriti - Oh my god. Naughty
Me - Sorry
I slid the tapes a bit down to measure her hips. As i was not sure of the position of the tape behind her I moved my hands and placed the tape by pressing her ass and ensuring that i was keeping at the end of the curve. Kriti was a bit uncomfortable but she managed to stay clam as I placed the tape on her ass and read out 36.
Kriti - Hmmm
Me - You can keep this. This is ideal.
Kriti - Haha. Ok
Me - Should i measure your bust
Kriti - Do we need to measure it
Me - I dont think so
Kriti - Hmmm then lets leave it
Me - Sure.
I was a bit disappointed as the thought of measuring her boobs was already making me hard. We decided to do some exercises and the one for belly was the one where i held her legs and she did push ups. Her crotch was visible from my angle and her curvy boobs as peaks on flat body gave me an amazing view. I enjoyed helping her with the exercises. In some time Aparna came to the gym and called Kriti
Aparna - Shall we go
Kriti - Yeah I am almost done
Kriti then went to change
Me - Hey Aparna how are you
Aparna - I am fine sir
Me - Karan
Aparna - Yeah sorry. Also thank you so much for your help that day. Sorry you had to carry me
Me - Well you are light as a feather. It was no issue
Aparna - No no. I am not really light
Me - Well i carried you so i know
Aparna - hmmm
Me - Its ok no need to feel bad. I enjoyed carrying you
Aparna - How come enjoyed
Me - Well you are a girl i am a boy. So enjoyed
Aparna - hmmmm. You are being kind. I know you took really good care of me. I am thankful. If there was other guy who knows
Me - Haha. worry not. Nothing like that would happen.
Aparna - hmmm. You are nice. Thanks.
Me - You are too introvert. open up
Aparna - I am shy
Me - Hmm I see that
Aparna - My roommates told me some handsome man brought me up. So they think something happened with you
Me - haha. I wish
Aparna - What do you wish ?
Me - That something happened
Aparna - Why ?
me - Joke its a joke
Aparna - Oh ok.
Me - Dont overthink. Tell them nothing happened and i just made sure you reached home without any happenings
Aparna - Yeah i told them.
Me - Do you want to gym as well
Aparna - Haha no no.
Me - Yeah you need to gain weight
Aparna - haha
Kriti - What happened ?
Aparna - He asked me if i will join gym
Kriti - Hmm
Aparna - Then he said i need to gain weight
Kriti - Haha.
Me - Just kidding
Kriti - No no you are right
Me - Ok jokes apart i should get my shirt on
Kriti - By the way i must say you dont go to gym but have a nice built
Me - Thanks
Kriti and Aparna - Byee
Kriti - hey can i message you sometime later
me - Yeah sure. You have my number i guess
Kriti - Yeah
Later that evening i called up the hotel and booked a room for 2 days. I asked the Hotel manager to set the room for honeymoon and I wanted Miss Falak to organize this for me as she has already worked for us before. The manager assured me of the best services but he cannot guarantee that Miss Falak will be incharge. I said Ok and booked for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I told him that Monday I will come to inspect and I expect the guests to be there on Tuesday. I was excited on two fronts. Monika and Falak.
Kriti and I were regularly going to gym. It was great fun. We touched each other a lot in due process. Slowly we increased the exercises and Kriti and I started talking more openly on figure and measurements. Soon it was Friday and time was flying. I was in office when Parul messaged me
PArul - Hey bad boy
Me - Bad boy ??
Parul - Yes. You are. You make me bad too.
Me - Ohho. What did i do now ?
Parul - Nothing. Foolish. Are you coming today ?
Me - Should i ?
Parul - Yes
Me - Date ?
Parul - No date else you go crazy
Me - Me ?
Parul - Yes
Me - It wasnt me who rubbed it
Parul - Stop it please. I was just doing it to ease your pain. I knew you were looking at Kavya and drooling. I was just trying to help you
Me - Ohho. Very clever. You had all the fun
Parul - Me ? You had the fun. You were just waiting to explode that yukcy liquid on me. Yuck
Me - That liquid is gold. Many girls die to drink it
Parul - Oh my god so yuck so yuck. CHange topic change
Me - True story
Parul - Dinner confirm or not ?
Me - Date confirm or not ?
Parul - No.
Me - Then no
Parul - You are so mean.
Me - Hmmm. Ok I am mean
Parul - Please. I will wait for you. I dont know
Me - Dont wait i wont come
Parul - I dont know. I will wait byee
I liked teasing her. She was so cute.
I was about to leave but Kriti came for gym.
Me - Today too ?
Kriti - Why ? what is today ?
me - Its Friday
Kriti - Ohh. Do you have some plans
Me - Yeah I do, but later tonight
Kriti - Okk. We can skip if you want
Me - No its ok lets do a bit
We went up to the gym and Kriti changed to her dress.
After some exercises, Kriti decided to do some ab crunches and she lied down on a mat. I held her legs by her knees and she pushed her body up to her knees. I then told her there is also another one she should try. I kept my hands on her knees and bent her legs from her hips upto her chest. In due process my hands pressed her under boobs and her knees were on her boobs. Her crotch was exposed up and i was in position as if i was going to fuck her. It turned me On so much that I did this move 2-3 times and each time pressing more of her boobs. Kriti didnt react. As i bent her legs upwards, i looked at her thighs and said.
Me - You should focus also on your thighs maybe.
Kriti - Is it fat
Me - No, from this angle it looks it can be reduced
Kriti - You mean if someone is looking from behind.
Me - Oh haan. This is your back thighs.
Kriti - But good suggestion. Now maybe we should measure it
Me - Yeah we should.
I let go of her legs and she finally stood up. I got the tape and she spread her legs. I placed the tape between her legs and brushed her inner thighs as i measured. I measured both her thighs and then without asking move the tape up to her crotch. I measured her thigh just under her crotch and moved my hand between her crotch to adjust the tape. I acted as if it was not a big issue.
Kriti - mmmmm. I will work on it
Me - Yeah dont reduce everything.
Kriti - Hmm means ?
Me - I mean some of your figure is good in size.
Kriti - Karan, You want to measure it ?
Me - Measure what ?
Kriti - My bust ?
Me - Hmmmmm.
Kriti - Measure it. I hope i dont reduce it
Me - hmmmm
The thought of measuring her bust was so hot that I already felt like i was going to tear my pants.
I just stood there with the tape in my hands.
Kriti - I know you wanted to measure that day. I saw your face sad that day. Dont be sad. Measure it.
I smiled and put the tape around her boobs. I placed the tape on the tip of her boobs. Kriti closed her eyes and bit her lips. I pressed her boobs tip, probably the nipples in die process and finally measured her boobs. 34 I said
Me - This probably you need to increase
Kriti - Hahah how ?
Me - Haha. Just kidding
Kriti and I laughed. I looked like a child who had never touched boobs before.
Kriti - I wanted to text you but couldnt. Can i ask you ?
me - Yeah
Kriti - Will you come with me to buy the top you suggested for gym
Me - Hmmm. Yeah Sure
Kriti - I hope i am not disturbing you a lot.
Me - Not at all.
Kriti - Are you sure. YOu had plans
Me - Hmmm No issues its later in evening
Kriti - Hmmm. Let me change