Season 2 Update 40

Me - No no say clear please
Kavya - Come on. She is too beautiful and you have hired her as you are a pervert
Me - Ohho. She was here and worked for the person before me. So how did i hire her exclusively. She is just someone woking for income. And cant a maid be beautiful ? You are so money minded
Kavya - Very clever. She can be beautiful and all i am saying is that you are interested in her as you are a pervert and who knows maybe you already have something with her
Me - Maybe. Why do you care
Kavya - hence my point
Me - I already said i had so many girlfriends if you call them so
Kavya - I knew it. See Parul. Look at your Mr NIce
Parul - Why are you always after him. We are not here to judge anyone.
Kavya - Hmmm. Ok sweety if you are Ok, why do i care. be careful of him though
Parul - Offoh. I know.
Me - I am surprised that she is talking to me. Last time i remember she was not talking to me
Kavya - Ohh yeah i forgot. I am too nice to hold grudges but thanks for reminding.

We sat down and had our dinner and chatted randomly. At around 9 PM Parul asked if I could drop them back.

Me - You can stay here if you want
Kavya - Why would we stay here
Me - I stay at your place so you two could also adjust
Parul - It would be odd and your maid will come
Me - So ?
Parul - What will she think
Me - Nothing. Why would she think anything
Kavya - Your house is nice but I prefer mine
Me - I know that. You can adjust for me.
Kavya - I cant
Parul - Hmmmm Ok if you say
Kavya - Parul.. Why ?
Parul - He will have to drive us and we can take a break from some house work
Kavya - Hmmm. ok if you think so. But you know that i stay here because of you
Me - Yes yes melodrama queen.
Kavya - Huhhh
Parul - Ok you two lets relax
Me - Let me set up for a movie. I can put mattress in the living room
Parul - I am scared of horror movies
Me - Whats there to be scared of. Its just a movie
Parul - I really feel scared.
Me - Dont worry
Kavya - I am not scared
Me - We will see

I set up the room and preapred for the movie
Kavya - What should we wear. I cant sleep like this
Parul - Hmmm i can manage one night
Me - I can give you my shorts. I guess it would fit
Kavya - Yeah Yeah i am so fat. Say directly
Me - Haha no no. I mean i have one which is small and tight on me
Kavya - Huh. Idiot
Me - You can sleep in your undergarments like i used to.
Kavya - Pervert
Me - Ohho if i sleep its ok and if you sleep its pervert
Parul - Ohho give her the shorts.
Me - I give two t shirts for you guys so it would be easy
Parul - Okk

I gave them the clothes and they changed. My tshirt was loose on them and went to their thighs. My shorts which Kavya wore were just a bit longer than the t shirt. She looked sexy in that. If she would have not worn shorts it would still be same.

Kavya - The shorts are a bit loose
Me - You can wear without shorts too. The t shirt is long enough
Parul - No. Its ok.
Me - You too Parul. No need to wear Salwar i guess
Parul - Shameless. Two girls at your house and you behave like this
Me - I am just kidding. As if i was going to take advantage
Kavya - Huh Uncle. You cant. We will beat you to pulp
Me - Haha ok ok. Do as you guys wish
Kavya - I think if i wear the shorts it will fall off anyways.
Me - Do as it pleases you guys. It was just an idea.

I set up the movie and placed pillows for us to lie down.
Me - Do you guys want some coffee
Parul - Its ok you can rest as well
Me - No no its ok. You rest i make today
Kavya - Ok. I dont want to be shameless. I will help
Me - I dont need help
Kavya - Uncle dont act smart. Just let me
Me - Ok yaar

Parul lied down tired from shopping probably as i went to kitchen with Kavya to make coffee
I poured milk to boil while I gave Kavya tha task to get cups sugar and mix coffee.
Kavya - You can fool parul but not me
Me - Sorry
Kavya - I know you and your maid must be doing it
Me - Yes thats true. What is there to fool
Kavya - Huh I knew it. Only if you were man enough to admit it
Me - If Parul asks i will tell her. Nothing to hide
Kavya - Saying numbers is easy but saying i slept with her and her is different
Me - I know and i dont want to hurt Parul by shouting all this all the time
Kavya - Only if you were man enough

Coffee was finally made and I put it in tray. Kavya turned to go back and at that time I held her hands, turned her around and smooched her lips really hard. I sucked her lips and she was in state of shock as i smooched her. I held her by her hair and kept sucking her lips. I finally let go of her.

Me - I hope that is man enough.

I left her there standing in state of shock. She was speechless as i walked to the living room with tray. Kavya came back looking miffed but she didnt complain anything to Parul. She only looked at me angrily and finally we all had coffee as the horror movie started.
Coffee finished soon and Parul lied down on bed and was always holding my arms. I lied down next to her much to Kavya's anger but Parul was now lying on my shoulder burying her face in me with each scary scene. I liked it a lot and i wrapped my arms around her. Kavya was scared too but not always. She was hiding her face and she was next to Parul but Parul had buried her face in me and closed her eyes.

Me - Kavya, you can come this side
Kavya - No. I dont need
Me - NO need to be always stupid. I wont bite. Unless you are scared of me
Kavya - huh.

Kavya came to my side and soon she was lying next to me. As the scenes turned more and more horrifying, Kavya came up on my arms and buried her face in me. I wrapped my arms around her and smiled. I was in a perfect place. Parul put her legs on my legs and she was probably asleep now.

Kavya pinched me from side and whenever she wanted she would pinch me. She was probably expressing her anger. I realized PArul was asleep, so I kept still. Soon there was a really sexy scene with the girl showering nude followed by a sex scene. I was turned On and my shorts had a really visible bulge which Kavya must have noticed. I looked at Kavya, who turned her head to see me. I held her head again and kissed her lips quickly again. I whispered.

me - Thats man enough i guess
Kavya - I will kill you
Me - haha
Kavya pinched me and tried to hit me. She didnt realize that Parul was asleep. We stayed like this and watched till finally Kavya was asleep too. I put my hands on Kavya's waist and caressed her and patted her. I raised her T shirt slowly and my hands touched her waist. She didnt react. I assumed she was asleep. I caressed her waist and with my other hand i did same to Parul. I was now caressing both of them. I tried to insert my hands in Parul's Salwar but it was tight. I reached her navel to untie the knot and somehow made it loose. I inserted my hands in her Salwar and her panties to reach her ass and placed my hands on her ass. She adjusted a little bit but didnt wake up or was up and didnt say.

I now did same to Kavya and inserted my hands in her shorts through her panties to touch her sexy ass for the first time. She didnt move. I had on one hand Parul's cute ass and one hand Kavya's curvy ass. Both were soft. I was not sure if it was a good idea but i sure liked it a lot. I enjoyed touching them and gently sqeueezing them. I was soon asleep. I woke up in morning and carefully removed my hands from Kavya's ass. I turned around to Parul and inserted both my hands in her Salwar cupping her ass cheeks. I squeezed her ass cheeks and kissed her lips. Parul was half asleep and she could not ignore me anymore. She woke up and kissed me back for a moment before realizing it was not a dream and where she was. She moved her head away and whispered

Parul - Are you nuts. Kavya is next to us and you are doing this.
Me - I dont care.
Parul - Please
Me - She is sleeping
Parul - Your hands are inside my clothes
Me - No my hands are inside your panties.
Parul - mmmmmm. You are losing control.
Me - I am sorry. Should I remove my hands
Parul - mmmmm. You are always playing with me
Me - When did i ever play
Parul - You make me wild and I feel stupid. I dont do all this you know
Me - Hmmmmm

I kissed her lips and smooched her gently. She looked at me and kissed me back and smooched me back. I insrted my tongue inside her mouth and sucked her tongue. I heard some noise and then

Kavya - Whats going on

I was turned away from her so she could only assume what was going on and Parul got startled and hurriedly moved away. It took me some time to get my hands out and her salwar was lose by all this. I turned around

Me - Nothing
Kavya - You guys woke me up.
Me - So wake up
Kavya - You were doing something to her. I can sense
Me - What wil i do to her
Kavya - Kissing for instance
Me - I would love to kiss her. She doesnt want me to. She wants to set me up with you.
Kavya - Huh. Dont lie. You drool over her like an idiot
Parul - No no he is right. I want him to take you out on a date
Kavya - Hahah why ? You want me to set up with an uncle. I thought you liked him
Parul - I like him but you know i dont date and all. I am not like all that. So its best you can date him.
Kavya - Haha so you are being generous to me as I cant get a date with someone my age
Parul - No no. I just meant he is smart, handsome and you are beautiful. So you two will make good date
Kavya - And you wont feel jealous
Parul - Why would I ?
Kavya - Haha come on. You like him its obvious. Him i doubt as i think he is not good for you
Parul - Uff.
Kavya - Anyways I cant date some uncle
Me - As if i am asking you out. Have you seen your face
Kavya - Huh unlce. You look like a monkey so stop it
Me - I dont want to ask you out
Kavya - I wont go out
Me - I wont ask
Kavya - I wont go out
Me - Cow
Kavya - See him. Rude man and when he is losing he is calling names
Me - Sorry. It was not Ok.
Parul - Yeah it was rude. I want you guys to date and you always fight
Kavya - And i think your uncle was touching me in night.
Me - Are you sure. Maybe i wanted to touch Parul
Kavya - Your hands were on my ass.
Me - Hmm Could be. Your ass is so huge or maybe you were dreaming because my hands were somewhere else.
Kavya - You are really impossible. Parul i am telling you he is a pervert
Me - Hmmmmm. True
Parul - Ok ok. Its all ok. Maybe he made a mistake but maybe you were asleep.
Kavya - You are too innocent baby.
Me - And you are not hence
Kavya - Uff. Its ok i dont care. I need to go anyways
Me - Really ?
Kavya - Yeah really.
Me - Ohh.
Kavya - As if you care
Me - I do.
Parul - I need to go to. Need to prepare for office
Me - Hmmmm. Ohhk. Breakfast ?
Parul - Yeah. I can make.
Me - No worries wait few minites

Soon Sunita was home and she found us sitting up and she was surprised as she expected us to be naked or something. She got to work quickly and soon we had our tea and breakfast. Sunita went home.
Parul got ready and Kavya waited with me in living room

Kavya - I was not asleep when you touched my ass
Me - I know. I could feel you were up
Kavya - So why did you do it
Me - My hands were up Parul's panties so I felt like i needed to have symmetry. So i touched yours. Your ass is cute
Kavya - Pervert. You just said i am fat.
Me - You know i am kidding
Kavya - And you didnt think i will slap you.
Me - No.
Kavya - You are a moron.
Me - Hmmm. I thought you will like it
Kavya - Why would i like it ? We are not talking if you remember
Me - I dont know. Felt like
Kavya - Huh. You could not control. Its ok admit it
Me - Haha ok ok. I couldnt. But you didnt give me a hard on even when my hands were on your ass
Kavya - You moron. You will die alone
Me - Hmmm. Thats sweet of you thanks
I walked away while Kavya sat there. Parul soon walked out and she sensed we were fighting.

Parul - Are you guys fighting again
Me - No no. Nothing like that
Kavya - Yeah all Ok.
Parul - Hmmm ok.
Kavya went in to get ready and I immediately grabbed Parul.

Me - You look so beautiful
Parul - You are really in mood today
Me - Hmmm Yeah
Parul - Your eyes are so lustful. I feel so intoxicated by your look. Please dont do this to me
Me - Kiss me

I smooched Parul again and hugged her really tight. She soon broke off the kiss as Kavya would be out anytime soon. Soon Kavya walked out and we all went to car to take them home. Kavya wanted to be dropped at a metro and I made it a point that I didnt talk to her at all. Kavya did try but gave up when i didnt respond at all. I dropped her at metro and dropped Parul home.

Parul - Do you want to come up
Me - If i come up, i wont be able to control myself.
Parul - You can. You know that
Me - Today i dont feel like. Its better i go home today
Parul - I really would love if you come
Me - I know but maybe i need to take some rest too.
Parul - Hmmm. I dont want to force you
Me - I will come next week maybe.
Parul - Please do come.
Me - Hmm will try
Parul - I will be off for Diwali then
Me - Ohh yeah you told me
Parul - Please come
Me - Ok

I drove off to my house and rested there. I was wondering what was up with Kanika.
I messaged her but she did not reply. Since it was weekend I did not message Monika as it was still a secret and I was eagerly waiting for Monday as I would be in Hotel making sure the room is ready and will probably spend the night there. Tuesday and Wednesday were to be my super days, so i was too excited about it. At around 2 PM i got a call from an unknown number. I picked up and it was Alka on the line.

Alka - Hey Karan how are you
Me - I am fine how are you mam
Alka - Call me Alka dear
Me - Yeah sorry, Alka
Alka - So whats up with you and Kavya
Me - Nothing much. Just normal
Alka - Normal ? Are you sure
Me - Yeah Why ?
Alka - She just told me that you broke off with her
Me - What ? No no i didnt break off. She is not speaking to me. Normal fighting i guess
Alka - No no its not normal. I would like you to come over
Me - Now
Alka - Yes

I was confused now. WHat to do. I didnt have Kavya's number. I was not even sure what to say. It was a mess. I drove to her house, and was confused as hell. I was greeted by her maid who took me to the living room. Alka came out wearing tight Yoga Pants and a tight T shirt. Her yoga pants were so sexy that i could see her whole figure and it was of skin color which made her look hot as hell. I could make out her pussy lips so clearly that I was not able to react properly. Her tight T shirt showed her assets and curves and despite her age she was far sexy than anyone I know. I gulped my own spit down my throat as I got my control back. Her pussy lips poking through her yoga pants were making it difficult for me. Her tight sports t shirt was hugging her boobs so tightly. Kavya followed her wearing a Yoga pant as well but she looked more decent as she was wearing her panties. I could make her panty line and also see her sexy figure in the ight yoga pants. Her t shirt was also tight on her chest and showed her awesome boobs. She was definitely bigger than Alka but Alka was a sex goddess.

Alka - Hello
Me - Hi..Hi
Alka - Kavya tells me that you broke off but you said its nothing like that
Me - Well normal fighting i think
Kavya - You called me a cow. So i thought
Me - I was joking
Alka - I am confused.
Kavya - No confusion now. It was all a mistake. I think its clear now. You can go home and rest
Alka - Thats rude of you baby. He just came. And is this how you make up. Hug and kiss
Me - No its ok.
Alka - I am not that old fashioned that i will mind. Come on Kiss and hugs

I went to Kavya and hugged her and kissed her cheeks. Kavya kissed me on my cheeks. I whispered - Whats going on ?. Kavya - Sorry

Alka - Haha are you guys dating or not
Me - Yeah yeah we are
Alka - So is that how you kiss. Now be real and kiss properly

I looked at Kavya and then sucked her lips gently for few seconds and then let go off her.
Alka - Haha. Are you guys serious. Dont mind me. I am more like her sister than mother. Consider me your friend. I am not that old i guess
Me - Hmmm Ok Alka.

I hugged Kavya tight this time and sucked her lips passionately. I inserted my tongue inside her mouth and sucked her. I grabbed her ass with my hands and squeezed them and then lifted her up with her ass resting on my hands and my tongue sucking her tongue. I sucked her madly and squeezed her ass cheeks kissing her wildly. I kissed her for a long time and finally let go off her. Kavya's lips looked as if they were swollen and her face was stunned with the kiss. Alka smiled and said - Wow what a kiss. Young love.
Alka asked Kavya to change and be ready for dinner while she sat in her Yoga pants to talk to me. I noticed Alka's nipples were now visible and poking her tight t shirt. She was turned on.

Alka - That was good kiss. I liked it
Me - I am glad. You are sweet and really modern to let me kiss your daughter like that
Alka - I like to be entertained
Me - Hmm That was entertaining to you i guess. I can see
Alka - hmmm. So how many girls have you dated before
Me - A few i guess
Alka - And you broke off because ?
Me - Many reasons
Alka - But i guess mostly after you did your act with them
Me - What act ?
Alka - Ohho you are not that innocent. Sex i mean
Me - Hmmm. Maybe
Alka - I hope you dont plan that with my daughter
Me - Why not ?
Alka - I am open minded but you cant leave her after sex
Me - Did you marry everyone you had sex with
Alka - Haha. Good one. You are too bold. Try to be less bold
Me - Hmmm Sorry
Alka - I know you have needs. I said i like to be entertained. So i offer you this. Shanaya, Shanaya, ALka shouted.
A young girl in Sports bra and shorts came in and she looked super toned. She was probably a fitness trainer. She was stylish and sexy.
Alka - This is Shanaya. She is my trainer, my yoga guru, and many things. She is flexible and she can do splits. She can bend and do things you can only imagine. She can move back and forth even when she is bent on all fours and can move her body in any direction.

My head was imagining all this with Shanaya. I was super turned On
Alka - She is all yours whenever you need. But my daughter is off limits
Me - Hmmmm. Your daughter is really sexy and too hot. I think even with you and her together you cannot match that
Alka - Haha. You are really smart and really bold. Dont fly too high. I am someone who people kill for. You are not rich nor powerful. You have no say here. You are eyeing something which can get you killed.

For the first time i felt intimidated by Alka so much that i felt fear.
Alka - But dont fear. I like entertainment. Maybe if you entertain me enough, you can enjoy your relation with my daughter
Me - And with her mother, i guess
Alka - haha. Wow. You dont give up. I like your nerves. But be careful. Curiosity kills the cat. Shanaya show him our gym room while i change and arrange with Kavya. and Shanaya show him what yoga can help you with

Shanaya - Come this way
Me - Hmmm. Ok

I followed Shanaya to a huge room where there was gym equipment and beyond that was a swimming pool which was indoor. There was a glass wall between the pool and the gym. She was hell rich. I think I was scared for the first time in my life. What if she was really too pwoerful. Shanaya showed me around and then she took me near the pool and showed me the pool. She asked me if i can swim and i nodded.

Shanaya - Can your boys swim ?
Me - What boys
Shanya - The one in your pants
Me - Hmmmm
Shanaya sat on her knees and unzipped my Jeans. I stood there silently as she lowered my Jeans and took my hard penis out
Shanya - You are already hard.
Me - Thinking about you.
Shanaya - Hmmmmm. Mam will like it
Shanaya started sucking my penis and she was not a normal girl. She took my whole penis in her mouth down her throat with ease and twirled her tongue around my penis shaft. She was swallowing the whole length as if i was not huge. She gagged herself and continued sucking me till i exploded in her mouth. She awallowed my cum and winked at me as She sucked my penis clean. I finally dressed back and started walking towards exit and Shanaya followed.

Me - WHy did you do that ?
Shanaya - Mam likes it
ME - What ?
Shanaya - Whatever i did was recorded in her camera. She will see it later maybe. She likes to be entertained. She likes to toy with people
Me - Hmmm is this wht she is doing with Kavya and her father
Shanaya - I dont know. She fucks her father, that i know
Me -What do you mean
Shanaya - She wears a strap on and fucks her father in the ass. Maybe she wants to fuck Kavya. She lieks to play i told you
Me - Does she fuck you too
Shanaya - Yeah. I love her
Me - Hmmm. You are quite a girl. Sexy and smart and yet slave to her
Shanaya - Haha. I like it. She fucks me so good
Me - Hmmm.

I was wondering if i was dreaming all this. What was happening. Kavya and Alka were now on dining table with food. ALka was dressed in a Saree and a blouse which was like a bra and showing lot of her curves. Kayva was in Jeans and her top now. Alka has a huge packet of clothes on the Sofa which she probably bought for Kavya. Alka served us food seductively and I enjoyed her boobs on display and her navel. Shanaya spoke something to Alka and then disappeared. After dinner Alka asked me to safely drop Kavya and hugged Kavya. She came near me and hugged me. I hugged her tight wrapping my hands around her naked waist.

Alka whispered in my ears
Alka - So how was Shanaya
Me - She has great lips and tongue
Alka - Hope you liked it
Me - I am more interested in seeing your lips wrapped around my shaft
Alka - hehe. You are cute

Finally Alka and I broke off and Kavya and I sat in my car to go back. I drove off with Kavya. Kavya was silent for sometime and then she said

Kavya - Sorry, I didnt know she had called you. I was angry and when she asked i said you broke off with me
Me - Its ok
Kavya - You are nice. But why did you kiss me so wildly
Me - Your mom asked me
Kavya - She is not my mom..
Me - Why didnt you say anything
Kavya - Hmmmm. You got chance to kiss me and you took full advantage
Me - Hmm and that too without date. Haha
Kavya - Haha. Very funny. Now drive
Me - Well you kissed me back too
Kavya - No I didnt
Me - Hmmm ok
Kavya - Liar
Me - Well lips dont lie
Kavya - Hips dont lie idiot
Me - I know your hips too didnt lie. I could feel it
Kavya - Hmmmmm. You are really bad
Me - Hmmm sorry

We finally reached her house and I had to drop her down so to avoid Parul.
Kavya - Would you like to come up
Me - No no Parul will kill me
Kavya - Ohh yeah. I forgot
Me - Hmm so byee and good night
Kavya - Come till the door
Me - Why
Kavya - Carry the bag
Me - Ohho ok
I follwed Kavya to her gate and kept the bag there. Kavya held my hand and took me further upstairs till we reached the top. There was a set of steps over the top floor which led to the terrace but terrace was closed. This area was not visible from the floor below unless someone climbed up.
Me - What ?
Kavya - You want to take me on a date ?
Me - No, Parul wants
Kavya - Uff. Say yes or no
Me - Ok baba..Yes
Kavya - I will go on a date with you
Me - So why bring me here ?
Kavya - I want to thank you
Me - Ok

Kavya came near me and kissed me on my lips. She sucked my lips as i leaned in to let her smooch me. I hugged her and my hands caressed her back. She guided my hands to her ass cheeks which i pressed over her Jeans. She kept smooching me and with her hands, unbuttoned her Jeans and let me slide my hands in her panties to her ass cheeks. I grabbed her by her ass cheeks and squeezed her really hard as i kissed her and pushed her against the wall. I took my hands off her ass cheeks and moved them up her body to her boobs. I smooched her against the wall and with both my hands cupped her awesome boobs over her t shirt and pressed her really hard. I squeezed her boobs really hard over her t shirt and bra as i smooched her. She finally broke off and i moved my hands away realizing i was carried away. Kavya quickly dressed up and walked down without saying anything. I stood there for a while and then i walked down to my car and drove off.

I was occupied with thoughts of Alka all the way although Kavya kissed me so passionately and I had a great luck grabbing her boobs and squeezing them. I was actually terrified of Alka. She was gorgeous and a great tease, but she was dangerous. I acted brave and bold but I was really wondering if i should avoid meeting her at all in future. I had to be careful now. She was not someone to mess with. I drove home and relaxed in bed wondering about Alka and Shanaya. How about that camera she mentioned and what has just happened ? I was curious. I was worried and honestly I was scared.

I got a text from Alka

Alka - Hey Hero, whats your email id
Me - Hi...Its xxxx@xxx
Alka - Ok baby check email
Me - Ok

I checked my email and found a link from Alka's id. The link was for me to download a file and this was a video file. I opened it and played it. It was from the gym showing Shanaya giving me head and the video was well captured in her camera. I was not only shocked but also aroused looking at the way Shanaya was taking my whole shaft in and still manage to suck me.

Alka - Shanaya tells me that you were really huge. Thats not very clear in the video but good show.
Me - Thanks a lot. I hoped it was your lips on my shaft. YOu could have then felt its length and girth
Alka - mmmmm. You are always beyond limits. You want your could be mother in law to suck your penis while you also want to fuck my daughter. Is that your plan ?
Me - Well mother daughter together could also be a good game. I have done that in past
Alka - Hmmmmm You are evil. I see what are you getting at. Even i am not that bad. Glad I know your intentions now.
Me - Hmmm Yeah good for you
Alka - You are talking about fucking your girlfriends mom with your girlfriend
Me - I didnt think it through i guess but now you say it like that, it sounds more kinky than i thought
Alka - Well you put on a good show. I will see how to manage you. Dont worry son, you will be taken care of. Good night
Me - Good night.

I was now worried if i made another mistake. I was like a moth attracted to flame. I had to be careful but on the other hand her overpowering sexuality and her seduction was too much to handle.

I slept imaging about Alka and eagerly waiting for my honeymoon suite. Next morning I was woken up by Sunita's usual ringing and she prepared tea for me. I was happy and ofcourse need not go to work. I relaxed and hugged Sunita happily. She was amused. I told Sunita that I will be away till Thursday. I also gave a key of my flat to Sunita and told her to clean and prepare things Thursday morning. I went in to shower and asked Sunita to help me in shower. Sunita immediately undressed and joined me in shower. I asked her to soap my back and rub me clean. She rubbed my back and rubbed her boobs and nipples on my back. She was really arousing. She cleaned my crotch area and applied soap in my butt crack and gently massaged my balls. She caressed my balls and moved her fingers from my balls to my asshole and gently rubbed around. With Soaps in her hand she was able to put her finger in my asshole and I let her play as I my penis grew with her playfulness.

She washed my body with water and in the end she started sucking water off my penis and sucked me gently. She had already aroused me so much that her gentle sucking was making me wild. Sunita took my whole length deep in her throat and sucked me and moved her lips all the way out to penis tip and she did slowly and seductively. She did this few more times and I was on verge of my orgasm. She knew I was about to come and instead of sucking me, she moved her lips from my penis and let me cum on her face covering her in warm cum. Her face was filled with my cum and she enjoyed this as she licked cum off her lips and finally washed her face. I liked this a lot. She cleaned my penis with water finally and even dried me with toilet. Sunita left after satisfying me and I rested till afternoon. Finally i reached the hotel at around 2 PM to check for my room.​
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