Page 03

Her hands returned and she began to sing.

The eensy weensy spider
Climbed up the maple tree
She slipped on some dew
And landed next to me
Out came the sun
And when the tree was dry
The eensy weensy spider
Gave it one more try

Josh barely heard the words because as soon as she finished saying 'eensy weensy spider' her right hand found and grasped the head of his cock. At the same time the left cupped and gripped hips balls. Her cheek nestled against his and she gently squeezed his balls and slid her fingers and palm over and around the head of his cock. Her hands were super slippery and Josh knew that she had pulled her hands out of the tub to fill them with jelly. He moaned softly, no longer able to contain himself.

"Relax, baby. We're not in a rush."

Julie rubbed and stroked, squeezed and massaged, and nuzzled and kissed the side of his neck. She cooed and purred and congratulated him when he moaned.

"That's it, baby. Relax and enjoy it. Julie will take care of you."

She was stroking harder now, squeezing harder at the bend as if trying to confirm its existence or to pull the upper segment away. On the down stroke, she squeezed hard, almost slamming into the bend, then firmly dragged the skin down to his root, twisted, and pulled up, whispering encouragement in his ear, kissing it, and asked him if he liked looking at her tits.

"Yes," he croaked.

"I like it when you look at them too," she whispered.

Josh moaned and she twisted her palm all around his head.

"Come for me, baby," she urged.

Earlier, it had been a struggle for Josh to stop himself from coming but now his swollen balls couldn't accede to her demand.

"Come for me," she urged.

He moaned again.

"Think about sucking my tits," she moaned in his ear, her hands twisting and stroking faster.

Josh squirmed in the tub, trying to maximize the sensations from her slick hands and fingers but, in truth, he simply couldn't help it. The quickness of her hands made him so excited he could hardly breathe but then slowed, only to speed up again. She squeezed hard on the shorter segment near his root and teased the shit out of the longer part of his shaft, barely tickling its timber before applying a sure grip around the head. She always whispered something in his ear at that point. He started to come and Julie started singing.

The eensy weensy spider
Climbed up without a stop
She spun a silky web
Right at the very top
She wove and she spun
And when her web was done
The eensy weensy spider
Rested in the sun

Josh kept coming throughout the final verse and as much as his hips jerked around her hands remained on his cock and balls. When the song was over, and he was spent, her hands slid up and her arms encircled his neck.

"I love you, too. I always have," she whispered, then kissed his cheek and stood up.

When Josh turned around, she was gone.
* * * *​

Julie didn't mention the bath at breakfast but did talk about the deterioration of his parents' marriage shortly before his mother left as if an explanation was required for her involvement. Apparently, in confirmation of Josh's suspicion, his mother thought her husband was having an affair with Julie. At the time, it wasn't true. Julie didn't expand on the point but defended Chuck by mentioning his mother's affair with a neighbor. Josh didn't remember Mr. Jenkins but Julie said soon after his mother left, he did too.

Evidently, his father spoke to Julie about his suspicions and his Bi-Polar mother, who witnessed one of their private conversations, interpreted it as something more than it was and flipped out. After she left, the falsely alleged affair became a self-fulfilling prophecy but not until Julie chanced upon Chuck playing with himself.

"He had high sexual needs," she explained, "and masturbated for two years before your mother left. In retrospect, he thought that's when her affair started."

Josh nodded often as he listened to the story about the destruction of his parents' marriage. He didn't know how to feel about it or about the eventual sexual liaison between his father and his former babysitter. Julie didn't describe their first time but Josh imagined that she was smitten upon first sight of his father's weird cock, given her current fascination with it.

"Did you suck it?" he blurted out, unable to contain his curiosity.

Julie was taken aback.

"Uh, um, yes," she stammered. "It was beautiful and, as you've seen, he has amazing stamina."

Josh was surprised that she described his father's cock as 'beautiful'. Did she find his mirror-image member equally attractive?

"He was desperate for affection, for a woman's touch," she explained. "I couldn't resist. He cried when he saw me watching him, he was so ashamed. I rushed to him, telling him it was okay, that I understood, and the next thing I knew I was touching it, and then it was in my mouth."

"Was it awkward?"

"The situation? Yes, we hadn't…"

"No, I mean was it hard to, you know, suck it because of its shape?"

"Yes, but that's what drew me to it. I think I thought, I just have to…"

Her voice trailed off.

"I better go. I've got a meeting with a realtor in a few minutes."

She was back for lunch. Josh got incredibly horny watching her and remembering the bath. During the supper feeding, Julie completely removed her bra and Josh marveled that he hadn't paid more attention to her breasts. They really were very nice. When his father released them near the end Josh got up and took over, massaging them more gently and rolling and flicking her nipples. She seemed to appreciate it and when his father started to come Josh tugged her nipples outward, pinched between thumb and forefingers, and held them away from her chest. For the first time, Julie moaned and her hips made small, involuntary movements.

She removed her blouse again for the goodnight session and wore a shorter skirt that displayed a lot of leg. Josh didn't wait for his father to release her breasts. He displaced his father's hands and began massaging her tits and teasing her nipples which grew under his ministrations. Her hips began moving when he leaned down to kiss one distended nipple. When his father began his final run she told him to go run the bath.

"Don't wait for me," she said. "Just get in the tub."

Josh didn't bother with the bubble bath. He had barely settled into the tub when she came in. He didn't turn around when her hands began soaping his shoulders. He thought she would take his cock into hand right away but he was wrong. If anything, she teased him longer, playing with the bend and twisting her greasy palm around the head while whispering in his ear how beautiful it was.

This time, her bare breasts squeezed around either side of his neck but she brushed his hands away when he reached back to touch them. However, when he was getting close he tried again and she didn't stop him. He pinched her nipples and hung on to them while she stroked his cock and whispered about how lovely it was to touch it.

"If it wasn't underwater I could kiss it," she husked.

Josh thrust his hips up from the tub and came hard. He was so excited he squirmed around even more than the night before but never let go of her nipples. Her moans were as loud as his and he expected her to still be there when he turned around, but she wasn't.
* * * *​

At the morning feeding his father was agitated and wouldn't eat anything no matter how hard Julie wheedled and coaxed. She stripped her blouse off in a fashion so erotic that Josh wanted to have at her right then but his father barely noticed.

Julie looked at Josh and said, "It won't be long now."

She pulled the covers down, twisted off the bed and leaned over his father, facing his feet with her hips near his head. She bent down, lifted his father's semi-hard dick, and pushed her mouth over its head while firmly grasping the lower segment. Immediately, her cheeks alternately bulged with the movement of her tongue and caved in as she sucked.

Julie worked on his father's cock for a long time but couldn't coax it into a full erection. In the end, she gave up. She tried again at lunch and dinner without success. After that, she cried and didn't bother removing her blouse for the goodnight session.

Josh left to run the bath without being asked and when she was done led her to it. She stood beside the tub, listless. Josh unbuttoned her blouse and after the first button she didn't object. He worked carefully, gently peeling the sleeves off her arms. He didn't fondle her breasts but proceeded immediately to remove her black stretchy pants. He had dreamed of doing this many times but didn't touch her in a sexual manner even while removing her panties though he felt an overwhelming urge to kiss her neatly trimmed bush. He helped her step into the tub and held her hand as her knees bent and she slowly settled into the thick bubbles.

Josh let her soak for a while before massaging her neck and shoulders. He caressed her arms but no more intimately than a professional would do. When she was completely relaxed, he soaped her body, everywhere, doing her arms and legs, feet and hands, her torso and breasts. He pulled her to her feet and rinsed her with fresh, warm water, helped her out and dried her off with a thick towel. He led her, naked, to the bedroom and helped her into bed. Then he lay on top of the covers and moved close to hug her. After she fell asleep he went to his own bed and didn't masturbate.
* * * *​

Josh woke up slowly. He felt like he was in heaven. His whole body tingled with joy, especially his cock which felt like it was ensconced in a warm, wet mouth. He opened his eyes and looked down at a mass of luxurious, dark chocolate brown hair bobbing up and down on his cock!

"Gud mrnnng," she mumbled.

"Good morning."

He wished he hadn't answered because as soon as he did Julie pulled her mouth off his cock and flipped onto her back.

"I think it would be easier if you got on top," she said.

She shifted lower in the bed and Josh stared, slow to get her meaning. Then he understood and she laughed as she saw the comprehension in his eyes. He scrambled onto all fours, straddling her body and crawled up, dragging his hook-nosed cock up her chest, between her tits, and onto her chin. It skidded across her lips, then wobbled from side to side. Julie opened wide and he sunk his meat into her mouth.

"Ahhhh, Goddd," he wailed.

"Ummmm hmmmm," she mumbled.

It felt so fantastic Josh started flexing his hips right away, hooking his cock in and out of her mouth, his natural bend leading it to her throat like a train following a track. Julie did something with her throat and his tip was sucked inside. Josh groaned and sank onto his elbows to better control his hip movements. Julie's hands were on his hips, guiding him up and down, up and down, showing him how to fuck her mouth, how to fuck her face.

It was so exquisite! He tried hard to be careful. He didn't want to hurt her. His breathing was ragged and that made control difficult but he always managed to keep his cock moving inside her mouth and through to her throat. Oh, God. It was unbelievably fantastic, absolutely incredible!

He was coming already. He pulled up, afraid of choking her. His spunk filled her mouth and spilled out the sides and onto her cheeks and chin. He pushed his cock back in, unable to stop himself, needing to feel the warmth of her mouth surrounding it. He had no control!

Her hands pulled, keeping him down, plugged into her mouth. He started moving again, flexing his hips, fucking her mouth again. Did she really want him to continue? Her hands said 'yes'.

Josh concentrated on fucking her mouth, now wet and gooey with his cum and making gurgling sounds. His shaft wobbled and he feared being unable to achieve a full erection, needing to use a hand to feed it in. As he slipped back and forth through her full lips the fear subsided and confidence grew with every stroke. His cock soon hardened to the max and tingled all over from the sensations of her lips, tongue and the soft, inner flesh of her cheeks, none of which were passive recipients.

His hips moved faster, faster than he thought could possibly be comfortable for her, but she kept urging him on, pulling on his hips to hurry his strokes. He pummeled her face, losing all semblance of control, and cried out, strange, unintelligible, animal-like sounds. He was too excited to breathe and just as he thought he might suffocate from over-exertion he exploded in her mouth. This time he didn't worry about pulling back. He let it all go and was proud that the volume surpassed his father's best load.

Afterward, he collapsed upon her and barely noticed when she deftly shifted him to the side and pulled her mouth off his softening cock, abandoning it to embrace the comparatively cold air on its own. She skidded up and pushed him onto his side, then snuggled in and hugged him, whispering words his brain was too over-active to decipher except to register that they were among the sweetest sounds he'd ever heard.

They lay in bed for some time, quite still. Then Julie got up and left. Josh watched her walk away, her ass wobbling atop her long legs, causing her buttocks to bulge and relax wonderfully with each step. She was so incredibly beautiful!
* * * *​

In the morning they discovered that his father had passed away in the night. There were no tears, and though it was a relief that his suffering was finally over there was a deep sadness that he was gone. As Julie stepped back from the bed her hand withdrew from his face and her fingers trailed across his chest, lingering.

"He was the only man who could make me come, I mean, really, truly come."

The fingers withdrew and her hand fell to her side.

"Thank you, Chuck, for all the…memories.

"You loved him," Josh said.

"Yes, I did."

"Was he really the only man…"

"Yes. It started by accident but once he was inside me I was hooked. He was the only one that hit that special spot and I couldn't leave him alone. He threatened to tell my mother if I didn't stay away so we made a deal. I agreed to apply to the state college and he agreed to have sex until I left. I cried when I got my acceptance letter."

Josh put his arm around her and they went downstairs. There was lots to be done. The rest of the day was lost in waiting for the doctor to declare that his father was deceased, then arrangements had to be made with the funeral home to pick up the body. It didn't seem like much but the end of the day that seemed like it would never end arrived sooner than expected.

They went out for dinner. It wasn't by plan but they ended up in a romantic, waterfront restaurant. Over after dinner coffees, occasionally gazing out the window into the darkness to watch the lights of passing boats, Julie told Josh about her teenaged kids and failing marriage.

Apparently her husband had been fooling around on her for some time but she hadn't acknowledged she knew because she felt partially to blame. He had never been able to satisfy her sexually and that affected her response to him in bed. Their love-making was uninspired and she found it a relief when he had his first affair. She knew right away, of course, without knowing the details. He was happier and they got along better. He only became miserable when the flings soured and Julie found she could hardly wait until he started another. But then, she became depressed as she neared forty. Things came to a head after her mother died.

"Are you going to get back together?"

"I don't know. Bill wants to. It's perfect for him because he always has an excuse for why he can't move in with his latest girlfriend. And it worked for me but now I know I want, need, something better."

"Someone like Dad?" Josh suggested.

He hadn't meant to imply anything. It was an innocent comment.

Julie smiled. "Yes, someone like your father."

Josh blushed.

"I didn't mean…"

"I know." The smile broadened. "Let's go home."

In the car, she sang, "Always look on the bright side of life, dee doo, dee doo, dee doo, dee doo, dee doo."

Julie told him to run a bath as soon as they got in the house. She came into the bathroom wearing a big, fluffy white robe.

"Get undressed," she said.

Josh hesitated for only a moment before starting to undress. When he pushed his underwear down his cock sprang out and for the first time in his life he wasn't embarrassed. He was proud of its girth and reasonable length and, because of the way she looked at it, its special shape. He pushed his shorts down and off and straightened up. Julie was staring at his cock the same way she had ogled his father's.

"Beautiful," she whispered. "The same, but different."

Josh stood still, patiently letting her get her fill. Suddenly, she crouched before him, head low to the ground, and looked up, her hair spilling away from her face. She rose, like a panther moving in for the kill and swallowed his cock down to the bend. Her face shook and wiggled its way past, negotiating the turn with a little difficulty, then plunged to his root. Her throat constricted around his head, gobbling it for several long seconds before her head pulled completely away. She leaned back and wiped her mouth wih the back of her hand, her gazed fixed on his throbbing, saliva-slickened cock.

"Get in the tub," she said.

Obediently, Josh stepped into the deep water and sat down. He leaned back and waited for her hands to begin massaging his shoulders.

"Look at it," Julie giggled.

Josh opened his eyes and looked at his cock, swaying about in the clear water.

"It looks like it's searching for something."

Josh nodded, leaned back, and closed his eyes. It is, he thought, and it can hardly wait.

"It's so cute."

Julie started the massage. Much later, Josh was beside himself. She had been teasing him mercilessly for ages—stroking, tickling, whispering in his ear—but every time he started down the road to salvation she pulled away or, twice, squeezed his balls so hard he lost his way. Finally, he was far down the road and thought he had escaped her entrapment but then realized she was letting him get away. And then, she stopped.

Shocked, Josh opened his eyes. He swiveled his head. She wasn't there. He turned around in the tub. She was gone! The fluffy white robe was on the mat, empty.

He stood up.


He stepped out of the tub.


There was no response. He listened but couldn't hear a sound. The house was dead quiet and, outside the bathroom, dark. He walked into the hall, stark naked.


He wandered down the hall.


There was a soft glow emanating from her room. He peeked inside.

She was lying on the bed, naked…on her tummy, face turned to the side and facing away, arms circled above her head but legs and feet together. As he approached the bed her feet slid apart. He got on the bed and her feet parted further. Her ass rose up as she brought her knees closer to her hips.

Her ass was so sexy. Like her tits, there was a little sag in her cheeks, but not much. Just enough to add flavor. He moved closer and they lifted toward him. He was afraid. She was expecting him to be like her father, to be capable of touching that special spot she said no other man had been able to reach. But he wasn't like his father. He had a different bend, one that wasn't so easily accommodated.

He looked down at Julie, her shoulders pressed into the mattress, her waist looking extra narrow as her hips flared out and her ass lifted, her crack opening to show her pucker and the healthy slabs of her pubic lips.

Where is that spot? Inside her and up, just behind her clit, close to the front. Perfectly position for a dick like his father's which, with its upward bend, would naturally seek it out but only if they were doing it face-to-face. Women had always found Josh too awkward but he had never had one from behind before. He had never done it doggy style.​
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