Page 04
She knew! Julie knew. She wiggled her ass in anticipation and Josh grabbed his cock and leaned toward her, for once in his life unafraid. His knob grazed her cheeks and he rubbed it through her crack, across her pucker and pressed into her pubic lips. He pushed and she raised her ass up even higher, arching her back. Josh grasped her left hipbone and pulled to help his cock slip into and through her slit. It was heaven inside.
"Fuck!" he cried.
"Mmmmmm," she responded.
Josh shoved and his cock naturally curved down as it pushed through her tunnel until, above and behind her clit, it found the magic spot. Julie moaned and Josh grinned in glee, flexing his hips to give an extra push, and she moaned again. He started fucking but made a point of pausing to rub the underside of his knob on the spot, each time jerking a gasp or moan from Julie's lips. He giggled as he rocked his cock back and forth and from side to side, developing a magic-spot-teasing rhythm.
For the first time with a woman he knew exactly what to do. It felt like his father was inside him, showing him how to please her, awarding years of accumulated experience with this one woman. It was their first time yet he was perfectly tuned to her. Above it all, he felt an overwhelming sense of love for Julie. He didn't just fuck her, he made love to her and conscientiously teased, rubbed and caressed her spot to show it.
Eventually, Julie couldn't keep her ass raised any longer and slid down until she was prone on the mattress. It caught Josh by surprise but her cunt, having securely hooked his bent cock, dragged him down with her. He thought the angle would be too sharp, that it would hurt her, but Julie went wild with lust, frantically banging her ass up against his loins. For a moment, he had difficulty staying on top of her and might fall to the side, interrupting her pleasure, which would have happened if he'd had a normal cock. For the second time in his life, he was proud of his equipment.
Josh slid his hands under Julie to grasp her breasts and to keep his weight from being too oppressive. He kissed her shoulder blades, the valley between, and stretched up to put his lips on the nape of her neck. He kissed her hair. He kissed her everywhere he could reach without interrupting his rhythm. He pushed her feet out wide, changed his mind minutes later and pulled them back together, several times.
Julie let out a stream of moans that sounded like a wail except it was occasionally broken by ones that were louder or deeper and triggered similar responses from Josh. Soon they were like animals rutting in the bush. Nothing else existed for either of them. Josh reared up onto outstretched arms, shoved his cock in hard, and raised his closed eyes skyward. His mouth opened and his throat throbbed but his scream was silent. Beneath him, Julie humped her ass higher to drive him even deeper and droplets of sweat flung off their vibrating bodies. Groaning, they collapsed on the bed, chests heaving, gasping, their hunger finally sated.
* * * *
In the morning, they had sex in the missionary position. Despite the awkwardness Josh liked it better because he could see her face. Her eyes teased and urged him on, one moment raising doubts about his prowess and the next making him confident in his manliness. It was nice but not up to the heights they reached the night before and, in the end, Julie got of the bed and walked to the dresser. Leaning on it with her hands, she looked at him through the mirror. Josh leapt out of bed and joined her, his cock slipping easily inside. The spot was found and, this time, he could see her face.
It was a long, drawn out swirl of ebbs and surges, her hips rotating around and dragging his along. The finished over the edge of the bed, her face turned to the side so she could look back, knowing how much he loved to look at her. His final, short, frantic thrusts were equally matched by her churning hips and her lust was painted vividly on her face.
Later, Josh had to go to the funeral home to sort out a problem and Julie met with the real estate agent to discuss an offer on her mother's house. She was gone when Josh got home but he didn't worry until after dinner. It wasn't until then that he saw the envelope on the table. There was a card with a note inside. He ignored the card and read the note.
"Josh, you lovely, lovely boy. Strike that—I mean my lovely, lovely MAN! You're only the second man who has done it for me but if I stay I will be lost. Though our youngest has left home I think Bill and I owe it to the kids to give it another chance but I'll always remember you and cherish our special time together."
"Love Julie"
An emptiness overwhelmed Josh and forced him to sit down. He half missed the chair and almost fell. Clutching the table, he hung his head and sobbed. A minute later, he raised his head and threw the letter away, onto the card. He stared at it, then picked it up and opened it without reading the inscription, skipping to the handwritten note beneath.
"Just teasing. Do you think I'm crazy? I'm not taking him back!"
Signed, "Lonely in Minneapolis."
Josh's head snapped up. He stared at the card. Minneapolis. Minneapolis! He lived in Minneapolis. How had it never come up where she, or he for that matter, lived?
Josh grinned. Boy, was she in for a surprise. He looked at the letter again. Yep. Minneapolis. What was her married name? He couldn't remember but was sure she told him that first day. But he knew she was a nurse and the people that bought her mother's house would know. They should be moving in soon and he had to fix up and sell Dad's house anyway.
He looked at the card again and sighed. He knew there would soon be two fewer lonely people in Minneapolis.