But that's all we do.

Okay, I don't mean that literally all my sister and I ever do together is have anal sex. We do normal stuff too - going to the mall, frisbee golf, smoking weed, etc.

And it's not a romantic thing either. At least I don't think it is. We haven't started acting differently towards each other or anything like that. We act like totally normal siblings, as far as I can tell - it's just that sometimes, when we get together... well, you know.

I should try to explain how it started.

When I was 22, I moved out of our dad's house into a crappy apartment closer to my new job downtown. My sister, Tina, was 19. She had recently graduated high school and was working as a waitress at a restaurant in a nice little shopping center near the house. She still lived at home with our dad. Mom had been out of the picture for a long time.

About a week after my move, Tina came by to visit. She dragged me out to the parking lot, down 3 flights of stairs, to show me her new car. It looked a little too nice to not have been at least partially subsidized by our dad, but I didn't say anything about that.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Tina exclaimed, opening the passenger door of her car and bending over to dig something out of the center console. The car's suspension sagged down on the right side from my sister's considerable weight. I averted my eyes; her gigantic ass looked like it was about to pop out of her shorts with her bent over like this. As her older brother, it was my sacred duty to look away from such things.

Tina stood back up, shoving herself up from the passenger seat. The car's suspension squeaked as it sagged farther and sprang back into position. She turned around to face me, and she held something in her hands.

"Housewarming aromatic herbs..." she whispered in a joking cryptic voice, holding a little baggie in her cupped hands.

"OooOOOooo..." I crowded close to her to see, our foreheads lightly touching as we both stared down into her hands. The weed looked dank, and I could clearly smell it even outside with the baggie still closed.

"It's fuggen awesome that we can just smoke out in the living room like this," Tina said, setting the bong down on the table in front of her. She was sitting on the couch, I was on a big padded chair that was in front of and to the side of the couch. It's the kind of chair that swivels around, but it's not a lazyboy. I'm not a lazy boy.

"I know, it's insane," I agreed, still coughing from my last big "reep" from the bong, as we sometimes call them. "I'm still getting used to it. Like... yesterday I started to make one of those little de-smokifier thingies, before I remembered I don't live with Dad anymore." De-smokifiers is what we called it when you took a toilet paper tube, stuffed a few of those fabric softener laundry sheets in there, and blew your bong hits into the tube so they don't smell as much.

We chatted and smoked for a while, then sort of transitioned to watching Family Guy while still chatting back and forth.

This is where things start to get a little weird.

Sometimes, when I'm with my sister and we get really high, she'll just lay down wherever she's sitting. She won't go to sleep though, she'll keep talking with me and doing whatever. She'll even keep playing Mario Kart with me sometimes. She usually does okay against me in Mario Kart, but once she lays down and relaxes, the annihilation begins, and she loses interest in the game pretty fast.

She laid down on the couch now, turning away from me, which was unusual. The couch creaked and groaned as she repositioned herself. She wiggled her butt several times as she settled in, which sent waves of jiggles up her back and down her thighs. Then she wiggled her butt some more, which I heard but didn't see, because once again I had looked away from my sister's gigantic ass.

Although she faced away, we continued to talk about various stuff, and she even responded to scenes happening in the show, which I now watched intently to keep my eyes away from places they should not be.

She continued to wiggle her body once or twice every few minutes while I purposefully kept my eyes away. At one point I looked over, and it was like her shorts were wedged into her ass at the bottom, basically exposing the entire bottom half of her ass, though not actually exposing any of the actual crack itself (Thank God? I guess?)

I looked away again, but I told Tina about the problem.

"Uh, Teen, your ass is kinda hanging out," I said as casually as I could.

"Oh, jeez," Tina said, sounding a little embarrassed. I was still looking away, but I heard her adjusting her shorts, the couch creaking under her as she moved around.

Tina sighed. "Better?" she asked, still facing away from me.

I turned back to look at her, but the problem was not better. Her shorts now covered the bottom half of her ass, but the top part of her ass crack was now exposed. There was only an inch or two of crack exposed, and I would have guessed that that only made up a very small portion of the overall length of her ass. I did mention that my sister has a absolutely massive ass, right...?

"Uh, it's still kinda hanging out..." I said awkwardly.

"Oh. How's this?" Tina asked before abruptly pulling her shorts down, exposing almost all of her gigantic ass to me.

I swallowed. I hoped my sister did not hear it. I tried, but I was not able to look away from her. It went against everything I knew and understood, but for some reason, the sight of my sister's bare ass was exciting me in my pants. I tried to stay calm, but at this point I could not look away.

"That's not really better, try again," I told her, trying to keep my voice as even as possible,

"Hmmmm" she made a thoughtful noise as she used her right arm to "try" to reach back and pull her shorts back up. But in the process, she grasped her right ass cheek, pulling it up and for a brief moment and exposing her asshole to me, which looked absolutely tiny in between her massive white ass cheeks.

She continued to "struggle", pulling her ass apart several more times before laughing and saying, "I can't reach, I'm too fat! Can you help?" She giggled a little more, and the motions of her laughter sent jiggling motions across her body, especially her ass.

"Do you REALLY need help dressing yourself? What are you, FIVE?" I teased her, but still I stared at her body. Her ass was bigger than any I had ever seen. I guess I already knew that before that day... I just hadn't ever thought about it, for obvious reasons:

She's my sister

She's a little overweight, or maybe a lot, not that that was ever a concern of mine because:

She's my sister


"I'm so tiiiired," Tina pouted, and again she pulled her right ass cheek up. But this time, she did not act as if she was trying to reach the waist of her shorts, and she held herself open for several seconds. "And I'm too high," she added as she released. Her ass cheek bounced boobily back into place. I was not able to see her vagina -- her shorts were covering it -- but I got the best view of her asshole that anyone could have hoped for.

I mean, I wouldn't have wanted to see her vagina anyway. Obviously.

I sighed as I stood up and slowly walked over to the couch, where my sister lay on her side facing the wall, with her whole entire ass way way out of her shorts. She wiggled her butt as I took the few short steps. I didn't look away from her. I couldn't look away from her. What was happening?

I knelt down in front of the couch. Tina's ass and thighs took up most of my field of view. Her shorts were scrunched into a relatively thin band around the base of her ass. Had her shorts not been there, I think her vagina would have been clearly visible.

"Okay. I am now pulling your shorts up. Up your smelly ass," I joked as I slowly pulled her shorts up. My thumbs sank into her flesh as I pulled them up over her ass. This was a really weird day.

"Welp, problem solved," I said as I stood back up and walked back over to my chair. "Crisis averted," Tina agreed.

But when I sat back down, I looked over and Tina had pulled her shorts back down again. What the hell?

"What the hell?" I asked her.

Again my little sister reached back and held her right ass cheek up.

"Oh, God, they came down again, didn't they?" she said quietly. She was giving me such a great view. She released her grip. I was sad that she did. Her ass jiggled back into place, an ocean of flesh settling back into position.

This was all extremely disturbing, insanely weird, and wildly exciting.

I stood up and began to slowly walk over to the couch. My sister's huge ass wiggled provocatively as I did.

"This is so ridiculous..." I sighed as I got down on my knees in front of the couch again, in front of my sister's giant naked ass.

"I know... I'm sorry..." Tina spread her ass open again in another "pretend" failed attempt at pulling her shorts back up. I was so close now. Why was she doing this? I no longer even thought about trying to look away. The Ass was So Phat. I love my little sister so much.

"It's okay, I can help you," I said in a strange voice as I pulled her shorts up again. She wiggled her ass and hips as I pulled up, concealing her big butt yet again.

This time I held the waistband of her shorts firmly against her body.

"Okay -- does that feel secure?" I asked her, sort of pressing her shorts against her body, making sure they were really secure...

"I think so!" Tina said. I slowly removed my hands from her and returned them to my sides. Just then, Tina lifted her ass and quickly pulled her shorts down again, right in front of me. The couch groaned when she planted her naked butt back down. She wiggled and jiggled her ass playfully at me.

"I really hope this whole pants problem isn't contagious," Tina groaned.

Still kneeling on the floor in front of the couch, I undid my belt and unbuttoned my jeans. Maybe the problem really was contagious? I began to unzip. For some reason, I did all of this loudly to be sure that the sounds of me undoing my pants would be heard by my partially naked little sister.

She giggled. "Are your pants coming off now too?" Tina asked playfully.

"Yeah, I think so," I said dumbly as I awkwardly lifted my knees up to push my pants and boxers down and off. Tina held herself open the entire time. I could not look away.

"I guess it really is contagious..." Tina said thoughtfully.

Now she scooted closer to the back of the couch, giving me room to get onto the couch behind her. So I did. I settled into a kneeling position behind my sister. Tina seemed to pull herself apart even further.

God forgive me: there was no where else for my erect penis to go, so I guided it in between my sister's open ass cheeks. As soon as she could, she adjusted her body so that the tip of my penis was pressed directly against her asshole. Then she released her grip on her right asscheek, allowing her plump ass cheeks to swallow up about half of my entire penis. It was incredibly warm in between.

"Hm-hm-hmmmm," Tina innocently hummed an little song as she gently squeezed her ass around my throbbing dick.

"Ewww, is that your peee-nis?" she whispered, still repeatedly squeezing me gently in between her massive ass cheeks.

"Ewww, is that your big smelly butt?" I teased her. She giggled.

Instinctually --- not consciously --- I tried moving forward and back, but there was no lubrication, and Tina's ass held me tightly enough that my penis could not move.

Tina opened her ass yet again. I moved my penis away from her anus. For a brief moment, a tiny string of moisture connected the tip of my penis to the center of my sister's anus, visible for only a second or two as my weiner disconnected from my voluptuous sister's butthole.

Precum. I had done a precum on my little sister's anus. I'm a terrible big brother. Oh well...

We needed lube. "Wait here a sec, okay?" I said as I stood up.

"Ooookayyy..." Tina sang as I zipped over to my bedroom to grab a small bottle of lube, which was mostly used up. But it would be enough.

"What are you doing, step-brother?" Tina joked as I settled back onto my knees behind her and popped open the bottle of lube. It was a pretty weird joke, me being her actual full-blooded brother and all. She opened herself back up again.

"Don't forget meee..." Tina sang as I lubed up the forward portion of my weiner. Tina quickly opened and closed her ass several times with her fingers, indicating the place I should not forget. Oh boy.

I spread some lube over my middle finger and rubbed it all around my sister's asshole. She puckered it several times. She breathed in a sharp gasp of air when I want directly over her anus. It felt so tight, I pressed lightly against the opening but it was like there was no "give" at all. Lastly, I spread some more lube all around the general area: since I was to be enveloped by my sister's tremendous ass cheeks, it was a good idea to have some extra lube spread around.

Tina opened and closed her ass repeatedly as I got back into position on my knees behind her.

"You're such a fucking weirdo," I teased her, and she responded by fipping her asshole open and closed even faster. Her butt cheeks made a wet slimy noise from the sticky lube separating each time she pulled her asshole back open.

After a moment Tina stopped and just held herself wide open for me. I repositioned my penis in between her butt cheeks, the tip pressed up against her slippery anus. I pushed gently, but no entry was permitted. I pushed a little harder, but still, nothing. I didn't push any more -- I was worried it might slip and go into her vagina. Her vagina was covered by her shorts, but I still worried that my erect penis could push them out of the way and jam itself in and ♫ BREAK ON THROUGH, TO THE OTHER SIDE! BREAK ON THROUGH, TO THE OTHER SIDE! ♫

Which would of course be very weird, to be inside my sister's vagina. Luckily her anus was not technically a sexual organ, so our current little game wasn't TOO outlandish. Sure, we had never done this before, but it's not like we were having real, actual sex. That would be insanely inappropriate for two siblings to do together. Unthinkable.

Anyway, Tina released her gigantic right ass cheek, holding my penis in place with my urethra pressed firmly against her butthole.

"I think if I move it kinda in and out, that'll help with our whole pants problem," I suggested.

"Yeah, do that," Tina said casually. As I pulled myself out of her butt cheeks, she clenched my penis in between them. Not incredibly hard, but it provided some friction and resistance as I pulled away.

Going back in between her massive ass cheeks, that resistance was almost completely gone. I slid back in between effortlessly, parking my weiner again, the tip pressed against her anus once more. The entryway still seemed closed. That was okay --- Tina had more than enough ass cheeks. It was kind of like a boob job, but with my little sister's ass.

Each time I pulled away, Tina clenched her ass around my penis. And each time I went back in, she released, allowing me to push back in effortlessly. This went on for several minutes. I held onto my sister's right hip with my left hand, and I held onto her right thigh with my right hand. Her body was so very soft - my fingertips sank into her. I don't normally touch my sister's body like this --- but given the current circumstances, I was pretty sure it was okay.

Eventually Tina began to thrust her ass back into my crotch each time I went back in. After a few dozen times, it finally happened: after pushing myself back in between my sister's voluptuous cheeks, she thrust herself back a little harder, and the head of my penis entered her ass. I couldn't see this happen, but I could feel it for sure. Tina hissed in a sharp gasp of air: she could feel it too. I hoped it wasn't hurting her.

I gently ran my right hand along Tina's massive thigh. The fingers of my left hand dug slightly into her round hip. Even though only the tip of my penis had entered my sister, it still felt so good that it was difficult to speak:

"Are, are you okay?" I asked her awkwardly.

Tina cleared her throat, and responded: "Is that your penis? Gross... It's all hard..." she said dreamily, even though she was teasing me. Of course, since she was my sister, she had to pretend that she was grossed out, even though we were technically having sex at that point.

"I think it's just hard because of the whole weird pants problem we're having," I suggested.

"Ohhhh-- yeahhhh..." Tina groaned as I pushed the next few inches into her ass. My little sister's ass. "That must be why," she added.

"I think this is gonna help," I suggested. I stared down at the point where my penis disappeared inside my sister's ass.

"I hope so..." Tina whispered as I pushed the rest of myself into her. Even though the ass was unbelievably phat, I could feel that my entire weiner had made it beyond the phatness, and was fully engulfed within her. Her anus tightly gripped my shaft as I slowly pulled back out of her.

Over the next several minutes, I gradually fucked my little sister faster and faster. Eventually I reached a pace fast enough that our bodies slapped together each time we made contact.

Tina still pushed back against me each time I went fully in. I held her right ass cheek up so I could more clearly see the action. Tina's shorts had ridden down a little bit, so I hitched them back up for her to conceal her vagina. I shouldn't be seeing, hearing, or thinking about my little sister's vagina. That was extremely inappropriate. However, what we were doing was technically okay since it didn't involve both of our genitals.

But I had caught a glimpse of the lower part of her vagina. It looked like she shaved. I pushed these thoughts out of my mind and focused on the task at hand.

I know I said earlier that we were technically having sex, but... were we really? I mean, if my finger was exploring my little sister's ass, would that be considered sex? I don't think so. So why would it be sex just because we're using my penis instead of my finger? I mean, my sister's ass isn't a sex organ.

Tina began to grunt loudly each time she pushed back against me with her massive ass, each time I was fully inside of her. And every time, the impact of our bodies sent waves across her ass, lower back, and thighs.

Her asshole was so tight. Tighter than any other girl I had been with. When the time finally came, I could not find the words to tell my sister what was happening.

"Teen... Teener..." was all I could say as I began unloading deep inside of her.

"Ewwww, are you cumming?" She teased me, but she pressed her ass hard against me.

"It's... involuntary... it's not like I wanted to..." I lied. I wanted to.

"Uh huh, sure, whatever. Just make sure you're totally done before you take that thing out. I don't want your nasty jizz to get all over me." she told me.

That gave me a fun idea for a playful and totally innocent way to antagonize my little sister:

"Oh... you mean like this!?" I said as I pulled out of her and stroked the last few spurts of semen out directly onto her ass. They landed on her right ass cheek and slowly dripped down, approaching her buttcrack.

"Eeewwwwww!!!" she squealed. Then I laughed at her. Then she started giggling. Then I got her a towel and we both got cleaned up.

So, that's how it started.

It's been a few months since then. I hang out with my sister all the time, and once or twice a week we find ourselves alone over at my place. And, from time to time, Tina's pants start falling off again and we have to "fix it" in the same way.

Her pants never come down far enough to expose her vagina. I try to tell myself that's a good thing - fucking my little sister in the ass is one thing, but even seeing her vagina would be far too inappropriate. Just crazy. Completely out of the question.

I said before that nothing's changed between us since this began, and that's mostly true. But one thing that did change is that now, whenever Tina bends over in such a way that I might have looked away before... well, I don't really look away anymore, unless Dad's around.​