Chapter 06

It had been about 3 months since the first time my little sister edged me for an hour and a half.

By then, I'd lost track of how many times I'd finished on my sweet little sister. I'd finished inside her ass a few times, but she usually wanted it all over her body, or on her face.

Our mom's Yoga classes were over, and we hadn't had a chance to be alone for about 3 weeks because of that. Rachel's acne had started coming back a little bit - nothing crazy, but a few zits here and there, mostly on her cheeks and some on her forehead. I was in my room on a Wednesday night, around 9 o'clock, when I got a text from Rachel, whose room was right next to mine.

"hey," her text began. "i need my treatment. i've got some pimpleys :("

Fuck. I wanted to give it to her. I'd been dying to play with her for weeks. But we weren't alone in the house. Our mom was still up and about, just starting her bedtime routine. But the risk of getting caught was interesting to me; or maybe that's just because of how horny I was.

"yeah i know but we can't," I texted back to her. "Mom is still up. we gotta wait" I said.

"i can't wait," she said back to me. "i'm too tired to stay up late or get up later. can't you just like get it ready and then tell me when to come to your room? then you can just cum on my face real quick it'll take like 30 seconds."

Damn. I was hoping we'd get some actual time together later that night. But I didn't want to disappoint her, and I know she's self-conscious about her face. I figured she could pop in here, get what she needs, and be back in her room in under a minute. Our mom's room was on the other side of the house, so the risk was pretty small.

Even though she wouldn't be getting me there, the thought of Rachel's face covered in my cum was already starting to make me hard. I had made up my mind: I was going to do it for her. I took my dick out of the hole in front of my boxers, and started to get a load ready for my little sister.

"allright," I texted back to her. "i'll let you know when i'm ready. and you better be ready to get in here fast lol"

She replied with no text, just a picture of her topless with her breasts held up over one arm, and her other arm up in the air to take the photo. It was the first dirty photo she had showed me. I kept masturbating, picking up the pace and staring at my phone.

After a minute or so, she sent another picture: this one of her fully naked in front of her mirror. Her pussy looked like it hadn't been shaved during the 3 weeks that we hadn't been able to be alone together. That made me feel good; could it mean that she was exclusive with me? It hadn't ever come up, though I'd wanted to ask her. But that seemed too relationshippy to bring up with my little sister. I kept jerking off, even faster now after the second picture.

A few minutes passed. I was jerking off with my right hand, and flipping back and forth between the two pictures with my left. I was finally almost ready to cum. I hadn't heard anything from the other side of the house, where our mom was presumably still getting ready for bed.

"get over here," I struggled to type to her, but I managed to do it and sent the message. I had slowed down, and was keeping myself right on the edge until she was in here and ready for it. A few seconds later, the door opened and Rachel came in, fully clothed and grinning at me, and quietly shut the door behind her.

"You ready?" she asked me softly, smiling at me as she got down on her knees. I stood up, still jerking off slowly and ready to finish.

"Just about," I said back to her quietly. She tilted her face up so it was pointed somewhere between mey eyes and the ceiling. I stepped a little bit closer to her to make her an easier target. I was about to finish on my little sister's face when the door opened.

"Hey David," our mom started to say as she opened the door, "I was wondering if..."

Rachel and I were both frozen in place, our faces turned towards the opening door, my dick still aimed at my sister's face. From where our mom was standing, she saw her son standing to the left, his hard dick in his hand. As her eyes moved to the right, she saw her daughter, knelt down in front of him, her face level with her brother's cock.

"What are..." she started, and cleared her throat. "What the fuck is going on in here?" she finally managed to say.

"Mom," I said, stuffing my dick back into my boxers and trying not to cum, "It's not what you think, it's-"

"And what the FUCK else could it be then, David?" she interrupted. "Because from where I'm standing, it looks like you're about to... to... have an orgasm on your sister?"

"It was my idea, Mom. Listen..." Rachel said to our mom.

Mom folded her arms over her chest. "I'm listening," she said.

"Okay," Rachel began, relaxing her knees so that she was sitting on top of her heels. "It's about my face. The acne on my face. I was fucking tired of it, Mom. It's so fucking embarrassing! The medications we tried never worked, and I know they were expensive. There's a reason I haven't needed a refill lately, there's a reason I haven't been breaking out so much in the last few months."

A look of realization began to dawn on our mom's face, but she wasn't ready to accept it yet. "But... but honey, I thought you were just clearing up naturally, as you got older..."

"Let me finish," Rachel said, speaking quickly as she stood up to face our mom. "A friend of mine told me about a certain treatment she'd been doing that was working pretty good to clear up her acne. Her boyfriend was helping her with it. But I don't have a steady boyfriend. The only guy who's consistently in my life and available for me is... David." She glanced over at me, then looked back at our mom. "If I was going to do this with anyone, you should be happy that it's him!"

Mom's eyes darted from mine, back to Rachel's, back to mine. "So it... it isn't sexual?" she asked as her eyes moved back to Rachel. We both shook our heads violently. "And you're breaking out again now because you... the two of you haven't had the house to yourselves for a while. Right?" Rachel nodded. I stayed still. "And it's not sexual," Mom stated this time, rather than asked. We both shook our heads again.

"That's why David was jacking off, Mom," Rachel said. "I don't help him with it. That's disgusting, he's my fucking brother. I don't touch his dick or anything, he just... I just need his... ugh... semen. It's gross but it helps so much..."

Mom pushed her brown hair back away from her face and behind her ear and took a step into the room. "Okay," she said. "So it's not sexual. Okay. Go ahead and finish then."

"Mom!" I immediately burst out. "I don't want you seeing that! It's not sexual but I guess it's still kind of private, right?" I looked at my sister. Her eyes were wide and staring at our mom. She said nothing.

"Why not? I've seen your penis before. Probably more than your sister has. If it's not sexual then it shouldn't be weird for your mom to see it. Were you close to... you know, were you close when I walked in?"

"Yeah," I said in reply. My mom looked down at my boxers, my dick still half erect and its outline easily visible. I watched her face as she got a good look at me. "I was just about there." She kept staring. Rachel was looking at her. She kept her eyes on our mom as she knelt back down. Then she looked up at me.

"Just finish, David," she said to me in the most nonchalant way she could. "She's right, it's not sexual so it's really not weird for someone to see it. Specially someone who's already seen you naked anyway." My dick started to get harder. Without thinking I took it back out of the hole in my boxers and started stroking it. Mom's eyes went from my cock, over to Rachel, and back to my cock.

Normally, Rachel would hungrily gaze at my dick whenever we were fooling around. She would stare extra hard at it whenever I was getting ready to finish. But this time she tried to look bored, like she couldn't care less, looking around the room and occasionally glancing at my dick as I continued jacking off. I was mostly hard again, but it would take me some time to finish in this bizarre situation that we had found ourselves in.

"Rachel, sweetie?" Mom said to Rachel, her eyes breaking away from my dick and looking over at her daughter.

"Yeah, Mom?"

"What if you took your shirt off? Would it help your brother finish? Just looking at you isn't really sexual, do you two ever do that?" Mom asked.

"Uh, well, uh, no, we haven't," Rachel said back to her, and then looked up at me. "Would that help?" she asked, as she smacked her tits up and down with her palms from underneath. "I do got some pretty big boobayyys..."

I had to play this right. I bullshitted hard. "Rachel, I can't think about you like that. You're my little sis-"

Mom interrupted. "Sweetie," she began, "Just take it off. You don't want any stains on that shirt anyway. Don't worry, it's nothing I haven't seen before."

Rachel slid her shirt up off over her head. Her huge tits got caught on the bottom of it and bounced back down as she finished pulling it off. Her pink nipples were hard. She backed up a little bit, still on her knees, and arched her back to give me a better view of herself. She kept up her act of being uninterested in the whole operation. I stared at her breasts as I kept jacking off with our mom watching us. And she was watching us closely. I was finally ready to give my sister what she needed.

"Rachel, I'm ready," I said. She scooted forward on her knees and tried to position her head to make it easy for me to aim. She tilted her face back up to where it was facing between me and the ceiling. She closed her eyes and mouth, and made sure all of her hair was out of her face. Mom took a couple steps closer to us. She eyes seemed to be locked to my penis, waiting anxiously to see it cover her daughter's face in cum.

Our mother watched my penis intently as the first spurt of cum landed in the center of Rachel's face, a pale streak starting between her eyebrows, going down across her nose and ending just over her closed lips. She tried to look a little grossed out - which I knew was an act; normally she'd always been totally thrilled to drink my cum, rub it on her face and body, or have it fill her ass.

Two more spurts landed in almost exactly the same spot on her face - right down the middle. "Hey," she said with her eyes still closed, and continuing to act like she wasn't particularly enjoying this, "try to get it on my cheeks, that's where I need it most." She closed her mouth again, which is not something that she's normally careful to do, but she didn't want our mom to think that she'd want to risk getting any of her older brother's cum in her mouth.

I moved closer to her to get a better shot at her cheeks. She turned her right cheek towards me, and got two spurts there. She turned and gave me her left cheek, and I finished cumming there in two more solid spurts, followed by a few weaker ones as my orgasm was winding down.

It was over. I put my hard dick back into my boxers as it was starting to calm down. With not much left to look at on her son, our mom turned her attention to Rachel's face and asked, "So, do you rub that in? You do, right?"

Rachel nodded in reply as she started that process. She templed her fingers over her nose to get the excess amount there scraped down to her cheeks. She used her fingers to start rubbing my cum into her cheeks, while her palms worked on her chin and lower jaw. She moved her hands up her face until her fingers were on her forehead, and her palms were rubbing her cheeks. She made sure to leave no area uncovered, except for her lips, which she made a special point to wipe clean with her hand. Normally she'd lick my cum from around her lips, but she didn't want our mom to see her do that. I didn't either.

"Ta-daa!" Rachel said to our mom as she removed her hands from her face. "Any questions?"

Mom's nipples were visible through her night shirt. I wasn't sure if that was the case when she first came in here. She was visibly dumbfounded by what she had just witnessed, but she did ask a few questions.

"So what now? I've never done anything quite like this, but I know it'll get dry and flaky before too long. You don't just leave it on you, do you?"

"No! Of course I don't," Rachel said as she stood back up, the overhead light glittering off of her glistening face. "I'll normally leave it for ten minutes or so, then go take a shower."

"Okay," Mom said back to her. "How often do you two normally do this?"

I decided to take this one. "We had been doing it once a week, when you were away at yoga class on Fridays. But we haven't done it since your classes were over, until just now."

"Yeah," Rachel continued for me, "I was starting to break out again so I needed it tonight."

"So will this clear you up for a while?" Mom asked.

"Maybe," Rachel replied. "I can't really remember how long it took at first to make a difference. But we'd been doing it once a week on Fridays and that was keeping me looking pretty good."

"Baby," Mom said, "you always look good. Even with a few zits. But if this helps you, and helps you to feel good about yourself, then I don't want to try and stop you. I love you both. David, are you okay with this? You don't feel weird about... cumming on your little sister?"

"I did at first, but I got over it when I saw how much it was helping. And I'm not the one getting semen on my face, all I'm doing is jacking off, which is..." I remembered I was talking to my mom. I looked down at the floor before continuing, "normal, for me..."

"Rachel? You don't feel weird about it either? At all? I mean it's your brother."

"That's why it's not weird for me, Mom. He's always kept me safe. Helped me with whatever. I love him." She put her hand around my shoulder and did a side hug thing. I felt her right breast touch my torso on the left side. "Plus," she continued, "I know David's a total virgin so it's not like I'm gonna get parasites from his jizz or anything."

I gave her a soft brotherly slug on the arm and we all had a good laugh at my expense. Little did our mom know, I wasn't a virgin. I'd been inside my sister's warm, soft vagina and done basically everything else with her too. But only with Rachel, so I guess the virgin comment wasn't too far from the truth in a way.

"Well, all right, guys," Mom started, "you're old enough to make your own decisions. I can't say it's something I'd have ever wanted to do with my brother, but I didn't really have your problem, Rachel. I guess it comes from your dad's side, or maybe you're just unlucky. If it helps it helps, so whatever. Thanks for letting me see. I'm gonna go finish getting ready for bed. I guess I'll knock from now on if you guys feel awkward about me busting in on you."

Mom walked away and shut the door behind her. Rachel put her hand in front of her forehead with her palm facing out and waved it up and away in a sort of a PHEW! gesture. "Yeah, I know," I said to her. "Can't believe she bought it."

"I'm not even so sure that she did," Rachel said, "but it's whatevz. She doesn't seem upset. I mean, hopefully she did buy it, but she's gotta be wondering why you wouldn't just cum in some container and then bring it to me."

"Yeah... good point," I said back to her.

We hung out in my room for about 15 minutes, my cum soaking into my sister's face until she was ready to go take a shower and clean herself up. I got in the shower after her and we all went to bed around 10:30.

I woke up around 2AM that night. I tried to get back to sleep but couldn't. I felt like someone who had not had their lover alone for far too long. After 20 minutes of tossing and turning, I decided to give Rachel a visit. I crept out into the hallway, opened the door to Rachel's bedroom, and closed it silently behind me as I let myself in.

Rachel was still fast asleep. She had kicked her covers partially off of herself, and the lower half of her body was exposed. Pale moonlight crept in through the blinds of her window and danced over the curves of her thighs and the mound of her vagina, distorted by the trees outside her window which were blowing in the cold wind that was kept at safely outside our little house. I slowly walked towards her, focused on the slightly fuzzy area where her legs met her body, thirsting for the taste of her and wondering again if the growth of hair meant that she hadn't been with other guys. Hoping, as always, that she hadn't.

I approached the side of her bed. I bent over and began to kiss softly the area above her vagina, the fuzzy mound that was visible in the moonlight. Her legs spread slightly open; I don't know if by conscious waking action or sleeping instinct. I kept kissing her skin, using my tongue to lick at her each time I did. Her legs opened a little bit further. I kissed slowly, moving down, until I reached the slit of her delicious vagina.

I extended my tongue down and slowly licked her clit one time. I felt her body shudder and stir. She let out a soft breath. I moved the rest of my mouth down and kissed her over her clit, exploring her with my tongue. I heard another soft breath, this one louder than before. I started to lick in slow circles around her clit, and heard her moan. I felt her fingertips on my head and knew that she was awake, but she said nothing.

I kissed her more, moving down until I reached the bottom of her vagina. I put my tongue inside of her just a little bit, and licked her slowly all the way up until I reached her clit. She tasted salty and a little bit like lemons. I locked my mouth onto her and licked her clit in slow circles. She breathed my name. I kept licking, enjoying the flavors of her body. She stiffened and shook. I made sure that my mouth made a good seal around as much of her vagina as I could manage. I kept licking her as I felt and tasted her warm juices leave her body and enter my mouth. I swallowed every drop, and went back to kissing her, but now only around her vagina and on her fuzzy outer labia.

I felt my sister hook her hand around my arm and tug me up towards her. I broke away from her soaking vagina and moved my face and body up until I was facing her. She kissed me deeply. "I love tasting myself on you," she told me as she kissed and licked around my mouth, where my face was covered in her wetness. She kissed me again as I started to gently rub my erection on her vagina, feeling her warmth and moisture through my boxers.

"Take your boxers off," she told me between kisses.

I pulled them off and got back on top of her. I rubbed the tip and underside of my hard penis up her soaking vagina, broke away, and positioned it outside of her opening. I kissed my little sister. I told her I loved her. She told me she loved me, too. I slowly entered her delicious body. I could feel her soft pubic hair grinding against my shaft as I slowly entered and exited her vagina. I placed my right hand firmly on her side, digging my fingers into her soft body, pushing her down into me with each gentle thrust into her. I placed my left hand behind her head and wove my fingers into her hair.

We made love for maybe 10 minutes with the pale moonlight from the cold outside invading in rows through the blinds and cascading over our bodies. I felt her tighten and become very wet about halfway through. My pubes were soaked in her juices. I tried to hold on as long as I could, but I could not contain my orgasm much longer.

"Rachel, I think I'm gonna cum soon," I told her as I slowed down.

"Lay down," she told me. "I wanna drink it." I slowly pulled out of her, laid down on her left side as she got up onto her hands and knees. As she did this, I positioned myself around the center of her bed. She grabbed my dick in her right hand and placed the tip into her mouth. She sucked slowly, her mouth moving up and down along with her hand. She ran her tongue along the underside of my shaft. This went on for around 30 seconds until I had to finish.

"I'm gonna cum," I whispered to my sister. She moved her mouth up so that only the head was behind her lips, with her hand gently holding me below her mouth. She kept me there, flicking her tongue up and down on the tip of my penis as I started to unload in her mouth. She was tasting every drop as her mouth was filling up with her big brother's cum. Her slippery tongue was being fully coated as she flicked it up and down my erupting urethra.

Finally I had no more left to give her. She broke away, keeping her mouth closed as she laid down next to me. I heard her swallow my load in one gulp. "Mmm," she moaned as she put her right arm and leg over me. She rubbed my chest with her finger tips. I turned my head and kissed her lips. I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have Rachel for a sister.

We laid like that for a few minutes, until I realized that Rachel had fallen asleep. Worried that I might do the same, I got up and left, careful not to wake her up.​
Next page: Chapter 07
Previous page: Chapter 05