I'm nobody special, but I felt the story of how my only son, Tommy, became my Master is a story worth telling. My name is Dorothea Samuels, born and raised in north England. After an unspectacular childhood I married fairly young after my boyfriend, who I was physically attracted to but never loved, got me pregnant. Both our parents insisted we got married, even though we'd only been dating for a few months. It was what you were expected to do in those days.
My hastily arranged husband, Stanley, treated me well during the pregnancy and I figured we just had to make the best of it. But when Tommy was born my husband struggled to cope with all the crying and sleepless nights and a distance grew between us. I felt like he blamed me for somehow luring him into fatherhood, when in fact it was him who had been cavalier about contraception.
So from the start, it felt like it was just me and my son. Stanley would spend as little time as possible with me, drinking at the bar when he wasn't working. As Tommy grew up my husband began having affairs. When I caught him red handed, when I found another woman's lingerie in his suitcase, he took a turn for the worse. Now that I'd spoilt his fun by finding out about his infidelities he hit the bottle much harder and became a mean, violent alcoholic.
My poor son would have to listen to the heated arguments late at night, sometimes hearing me scream as Stanley beat me. I would do my best to cover the bruises with make up, but Tommy knew exactly what was happening. If I'd only been stronger I would have left with Tommy and never looked back. But, at the time, I didn't feel I would cope on my own and felt Tommy needed his father in his life.
I stuck with Stanley as long as I could until one night he tried to strangle me and only let go at the last minute. Only the thought of life in prison held him back, I honestly believe. He just hated being a husband and a father, his nature was far too selfish for a family life.
After that, I told him I wanted a divorce and he mercifully agreed, on the grounds of irreconcilable differences. We got it over with as soon as we could and I moved into a house out in the country with Tommy. He was fourteen by then and I'd hoped he was old enough to handle his parents splitting up.
But, without a father figure in his life, Tommy began getting into trouble at his new school. Although Stanley had been a lousy dad, his propensity for violence and his hot temper had kept Tommy in line. Now he saw no reason to behave and he certainly wasn't scared of me. The calls from his school became daily and I worried he was going to get himself expelled. With plenty of pleading letters to the headmaster, I managed to avoid that at least and he passed most of his exams with the help of private tutors.
But he didn't have any interest in higher education and I became very concerned for his future. Even though he was unruly and unpredictable he was always very athletic and disciplined when it came to staying in shape. I suggested he join a gym and that provided a focus for all his energy and aggression. Building up muscles also got girls interested in him. With his jet black hair and brooding, moody good looks he was quite a catch and he spent a good while sowing his wild oats. But then he started stealing other people's girlfriends and getting into brutal fights with their boyfriends. He could never stay on the straight and narrow path for very long.
Things came to a head when an angry father turned up at our house, wanting to put Tommy in hospital for seducing his daughter, who was engaged to be married. Tommy heard his ranting and confronted him on the doorstep, which led to a scuffle and Tommy getting arrested for assault. After this, he agreed he didn't want to spend his life in and out of prison. With his naturally active and disciplined approach towards exercise and keeping fit, I suggested he would do well if he joined the Army.
Even though he wasn't known for obeying rules and orders, he had a respect for the Armed Forces and surprised me by agreeing to apply. I felt this could be a changing point in Tommy's life and I was over the moon and absolutely astonished when my troubled son was accepted after passing all the tests required. But then, with a name like Tommy, I realised that becoming a soldier suited him. I truly hoped that he would last the pace and the army would give him the stable career he so desperately needed.
When he left to stay at the army barracks I was surprised by how much I missed him, but he would write me letters every week informing me of his progress. He sent me glowing reports of his behaviour from his superiors and I could tell he was trying his hardest to make the grade. But, at the back of my mind, I always worried about the hot temper he'd inherited from his father.
Although Tommy was physically tough, he was still very emotionally troubled by all the drama with his father and the acrimonious divorce. This meant that he was thin skinned and quick to take offence. As anyone who knows what life in the army is like, the high ranking officers think nothing of tearing you apart with verbal abuse, which they justify as part of the training process. I suppose you can't have trained soldiers becoming upset by verbal insults.
But this character flaw turned out to be Tommy's downfall and one letter he sent informed me that he had been formally disciplined for aggressive behaviour towards a superior. He promised me that he'd been heavily provoked and that it wouldn't happen again, and I hoped for the best. Tommy obviously did try to conform as he stayed out of trouble for a few months.
But I sensed it wouldn't be long before his anger management deserted him and, knowing him well, I knew that his high sex drive was also not helping him contain his aggression. He was red blooded by nature and sexual relations between male and female soldiers are strongly discouraged. He sent me another letter one week saying he'd received another warning for inappropriate behaviour towards a female soldier and it just seemed a matter of time before something else would happen. As much as I'd hoped Tommy was mature enough to cope with the rigours of life in the Army, I sensed deep down that his belligerence would prove to be his Achilles heel.
I began to worry one week when I hadn't received a letter from him and no phone call either. Not hearing from him at all had me having sleepless nights, but I still remember a loud knock on the door during a Thursday night thunderstorm. My heart was in my mouth as I nervously opened the door but it was a relief to see Tommy stood in the doorway, soaked through from walking home from the train station with a heavy rucksack on his back.
"Tommy....what happened?"
"They threw me out of the Army. I've been avoiding telling you....".
I brought him in out of the rain and, after a hot shower, he came downstairs to tell me he'd been given a dishonourable discharge for assaulting a senior army officer. I couldn't help but cry, but that was mostly relief at knowing he was still ok. He took my tears as disappointment but I assured him I was still proud of him and loved him. I had just hoped army life would have been the making of him. Now he was back to square one.
"Oh Tommy, I know the high ranking officers love to belittle the soldiers, but they were trying to knock you down to build you up. I suppose you just couldn't stop the red mist forming this time. I hope you didn't get hit back."
Tommy looked at the floor and said, "I knocked him out. I shouldn't have done it. I've really let myself down this time. It was good in the army....I could have been a good soldier".
"You can be proud that you made the grade, Tommy. A lot of people wouldn't even pass all their tests and requirements. But you never could handle authority figures very well. Maybe you need to find a job where you're your own boss?"
Tommy didn't say anything but nodded slowly, taking this in. Little did I realise how seriously he would take my words, but at that moment I feared for his future, as there was only so long I could financially support him. And, besides, his ego would never accept his own mother having to bail him out financially in his adult life. Although he didn't realise it yet, he'd entered the army as a boy and returned as a man.
That wasn't immediately obvious in the weeks that followed. Although he went to the gym religiously every day he would stay in his room surfing the internet most nights. That surprised me, he'd never been one for the internet, he thought it was for incels and losers. But this was the beginnings of a career I could never have predicted in a million years.
After about six weeks of being a bedroom introvert one day he announced that he'd gotten a job as a barman working night shifts. I was pleased to see he was turning the corner after his army disappointment and said to him this could be the first step on the ladder to something better. He agreed and said he would try his hardest to make it work.
My only concern was that his temper might get the better of him when dealing with difficult customers, but I also knew his ability to look after himself was a definite bonus in that working environment. As the weeks passed, I noticed his shifts seemed to be rather erratic hours which I found a bit odd, but he always had some semi-convincing explanation.
I also noticed he was spending money on designer clothes, which seemed extravagant on a barman's wages. I was just pleased he was at least working and taking pride in his appearance. I reminded myself that he could have taken a nosedive after getting discharged from the army, he could have gotten himself hooked on drink and drugs.
So I was prepared to look the other way when the anomalies in what he told me became more and more apparent. He would come home very late, even on weekdays, and I'd stay up as I found it hard to sleep without his reassuring masculine presence in the house. But when he would come home at 2 or 3am reeking of women's perfume, I knew he was lying about where he'd been.
I kept up this pretence for months, but when I saw he'd bought a Maserati without even telling me, I knew I had to say something. There was simply no way he could afford a car like that working in a bar and I knew it was high time we got to the bottom of the matter. In his arrogance, he thought I knew so little about cars that I wouldn't suspect something amiss at a £20k car sat in our drive, looking magnificent compared to my rather more modest Dacia Duster.
I had to wait a while for him to be even in the house for longer than five minutes, but he had a strange look on his face when I told him we needed to talk.
"Tommy....you need to stop lying to me. You say you're working in a bar, then you start walking round in designer shirts and expensive shoes. You say you're working late every night, but sometimes I can smell the perfume on you. And you're insulting my intelligence by buying that Maserati and not expecting me to ask questions. I think you've been lying to me for a long time now, Tommy. I think I deserve the honest truth. Are you involved in crime?"
That was my greatest fear, that he'd gotten himself involved in drug dealing, even though he looked after himself physically and didn't touch them himself.
Tommy sighed and sat on the sofa opposite me, putting his head in his hands.
"You're right, Mum. I've been lying like hell for months and I don't feel good about it. I've been gearing up to tell you, but you seemed happy to play along with what I've been saying."
"You don't think I know how much designer clothes cost? And a Maserati? What the hell am I supposed to think, other than you've become a coke dealer or even worse? I need the truth now, Tommy. I can't have you under my roof if you're involved in serious crime.....".
Tommy looked at me and realised I was deadly serious. He nodded slowly and said, "I know you're not stupid, Mum. I knew the awkward questions were coming. But it's not crime I'm involved in, I've earnt my money fair and square. You just might not like the truth, that's all....".
"Spit it out, Tommy....".
Tommy giggled at my comment and I got annoyed, feeling he was mocking me.
"Do you think this is funny? Tell me what's going on with you, I deserve to know".
"I didn't mean to laugh, Mum. It was just an unfortunate double entendre in the circumstances. When I got kicked out of the army I really didn't know what I was going to do with my life. There was no way I was going to get trapped in a dead end, minimum wage job. I thought about modelling, but standing around all day having my picture taken sounded too boring. I wanted to do something physical and where my body and looks would be an advantage. So....I answered an advert online looking for....adult film stars. I've become an adult film star, is what I'm trying to tell you....".
There was an awkward silence and you could have cut the tension in the room with a knife. It took me a minute just to process such unexpected information and I just looked at him without blinking.
"You've been....making porn films? That's how you've earned all this money?"
Tommy nodded, fully cognisant of how incredibly inappropriate it was to be telling his own mother this.
"I didn't know if there was money in it, so I gave it a try. Found out I was good at it and then got more offers and opportunities, and took them all. I found that if I worked my nuts off....so to speak....I was able to make 3 or 4 films a week. I developed a great reputation as a professional performer in the industry, started meeting the best directors. The money has been rolling in ever since....you can probably see why it's taken me so long to tell you....."
I took all this in and simply shook my head in disbelief.
"So all those nights you'd come home stinking of perfume....you'd been having sex with porn stars? Well, now it all makes sense, at least. I'm rarely lost for words, Tommy....but you've rendered me almost speechless this time. Don't you worry about....STD's?"
Tommy shook his head.
"No, the rules are very stringent. You can't turn up to a film shoot without a clean bill of health, I get tested all the time. It's probably safer than just having regular casual sex. I've found something I'm really good at, Mum. I'm not going to stop, so you better just accept it".
I was taken aback by his confidence and forceful tone, but I had to admit to myself he had the looks and physique for it, even if that was an awkward thought in my mind at the time.
"To be honest, Tommy....I really am just relieved you're doing something legal. I was prepared for the worst. And I can't stop you doing what you want....I can't say approve of it, but I'm not going to throw you out of the house either. Besides, I like having you at home, you make me feel safe. When you're here, that is....".
Tommy's relief was palpable, he was obviously concerned that I was going to freak out and tell him to pack his bags. Part of me felt like I should have reacted like that, having a porn star son was certainly not one of my ambitions.
But the more I thought about it, the more I felt pleased he was earning money legitimately and doing well for himself, just in a field I'd never be able to tell my friends about. To them, I kept up the pretense of him working in a bar, hoping they wouldn't see the Maserati in our driveway.
Once he'd told me his naughty secret, there was much more openness and honesty between us and I couldn't resist teasing him about his porn antics. I began asking the names of the films he was making, which would always make me giggle. Knowing he was going to be financially stable allowed us to have a much better mother and son relationship, and I saw a much more mature side to his character. He'd always been a confident young man but having his own income and independence seemed to help him get over the blow of being kicked out of the army.
The improvement in our changed relationship became readily apparent when the day of my birthday arrived. Tommy said I deserved to be spoilt for once and I didn't object! He first took me out shopping and told me to pick any dress I wanted. After such a miserable marriage, I felt completely unused to being treated so nicely and loved all the attention Tommy was giving me. I picked out a beautiful black evening dress with a price tag that made me wince, but Tommy paid for it without hesitation. For a son who'd been nothing but trouble, he was showing what a good man he had now become.
I already felt swept off my feet by his generosity, but he insisted that we go out for a birthday meal at a restaurant of my choice. I wore the dress he'd bought me with a wonderful pearl necklace and felt like a queen as he held doors open for me all night. He was so charming and suave during the meal, looking very handsome in a tailored Armani suit he'd bought himself.
As we'd taken a cab it meant we could drink wine with the meal, and the waiter found himself bringing us several carafes of delicious red. Naturally, I was more than tipsy by the end of the meal and I remember feeling happier than I had for years. During dessert I told Tommy that I was so proud that he'd gotten his life back on track, putting my hand on his. He nodded with a smile, appreciating my belief in him.
He told me that it was also high time that I moved on with my life.
"Mum, you're still only 42 and you look amazing for your age. It's been long enough since the divorce now, I think you need to get a new man in your life. I know Dad was a wrong 'un, but not all men are bad. I try to be good even though I know I'm far from perfect....you deserve to be happy, Mum".
"So sweet of you to say, Tommy..." I said, still with my hand on his across the table. I can still remember the violinist in the corner playing a melody that made me feel romantic and I continued, "Up until now I just haven't felt up to the dating scene. It's rather daunting when you get to my age. But you've given me such a fabulous birthday and you've made me feel like an attractive and desirable woman again...".
"That's what I'm saying, Mum. You are attractive and desirable. I've seen men glancing over at you all night. And the waiter staring down your low-cut dress, the filthy bastard!"
I giggled, and blushed at his compliments. I suddenly felt rather self conscious about my rather prominent cleavage on display, especially as Tommy glanced down at my chest with a knowing grin. The wine had loosened our tongues and I replied, "Tommy, it's naughty to talk about your mother like that! But I'm glad you think I still have what it takes....think I'm a bit old for your industry though!"
My outrageous joke made Tommy laugh out loud and I shushed him out of amused embarrassment. He leant forward and lowered his voice to say, "Actually, you would be brilliant as a milf porn star if you wanted. You could be the next Magdalene St. Michaels...".
I couldn't believe we were talking about me being a porn star! But my natural inhibitions had dissipated with the flowing wine and I asked, "Ok, I'll take the bait. Who the hell is Magdalene St. Micheals?"
Tommy smiled and shook his head. "You really don't know anything about porn, do you, Mum? Magdalene is an English porn actress, she only got into porn in her forties. You're just as sexy as she is....".
"Well, I'm lucky I have you to educate me, Tommy. You'll have to show me some of her work....".
The words coming out of my mouth were purely instinctual, I was so carried away by the whole atmosphere, my mind in a swirl of drunken excitement. We both knew this was a deeply inappropriate conversation for a mother and son to be having but it was hugely enjoyable and liberating to talk so freely and, yes, flirtatiously. I was loving being to made to feel so attractive by my handsome son, not wanting the night to end.
There was a slight pause as Tommy looked like he wanted to say more, but he hailed the waiter over to give us the bill. After ordering a cab home, Tommy paid up and he walked me out of the restaurant, arm in arm. There was a real sexual tension in the air between us and I wondered where the rest of the night was leading.
As soon as we got back in the house Tommy said, "I could manage another bottle of wine, would you share one with me?"
"Don't you think we've had enough, Tommy? I've already had more than my usual limit....".
"Well, you know me, Mum. I love breaking limits and boundaries....".
It was another comment that I found exciting and arousing, realising my body was reacting to my son's flirting and natural potent masculinity. In his Armani suit, his black hair short and shaved at the sides, he looked like he could be an East End gangster. Tommy had an energy and aura about him that was dangerous and unpredictable and I realised that excited me.
I sat in the lounge feeling a thousand emotions, accepting another full glass of red with a smile.
"The night is young, Mum....we should watch a film together...." he said.
"Fine....I'll let you choose...." I said, expecting him to pick a DVD from the cabinet by our huge TV.
He left the lounge and returned with a DVD in his hand. He put it on and turned off the lounge lights to give us a cinematic vibe.
As the film started I gasped as I realised he had put on a porn film.
"Starring Magdalene St. Michaels?" I said.
"Well, you did say you wanted to become familiar with her work, Mum...."
"Tommy....I was teasing! Oh my god, I can't watch porn with my son....".
"Oh, don't be prudish, Mum. You know what I do for a living....and besides, you might enjoy it....".
"You really do love to push boundaries, don't you Tommy?" I said, looking at him as he sat down next to me.
His cheeky grin was lit up by the glare of the screen and we began watching Seducing My Daughter's Boyfriend. I had already become somewhat stirred up before the film had even started and I had to admit to myself that watching porn on such a big screen was sexually exciting. When it got to the sex scene with Magdalene and the young man playing her daughter's boyfriend I felt both embarrassed and hugely turned on. The sex was hardcore and graphic, far harder than anything I'd seen before. Yes, I'd led a sheltered life till then....
We watched all the way to the end. Even the plot of the film was a turn on, a horny mother betraying her own daughter by having filthy sex with her boyfriend behind her back. The final scene was the most sexually graphic, a close up of his cock pounding her pussy then pulling out to cum all over her face. As his semen dripped off her chin I felt soaking wet between my legs, a feeling of deep arousal that I'd never known before. As the end credits rolled I sat there stunned and Tommy said, "What did you think?"
"Incredible...." I offered, all I could manage. After having my mind opened to the delights of hardcore cougar porn all I could think about was the knowledge that this was how my son earnt his living now.
An insatiable feeling of curiosity seemed to arise in me and, before I'd even properly collected my thoughts, I found myself turning to Tommy and saying, "Do you have a film that you've been in? I would love to see you on screen....".
I knew it was a game changing thing to say, his own mother asking to him performing sexually. But nothing phased Tommy and I knew he was showing me porn for a reason beyond drunken horniness.
"Wait here...." he said, then disappeared upstairs. I sat there with clammy hands and baited breath, feeling like I'd really thrown paraffin on the fire and now anything could happen. Tommy returned with another DVD in his hand and I felt my mouth go dry.
The intro credits of the film began, set to seedy sounding saxophone music and I felt such a thrill at seeing the name Tommy Samuels. My own son...a porn star! And he'd picked a film where he was the young stud seducing his mother's friend, another cougar movie. He had a naturally magnetic onscreen presence, looking very hot and handsome in a tight white T shirt and equally tight black denims.
The typically flimsy dialogue was soon dispensed with, but seeing my son acting and delivering his lines made me feel so proud. The cougar in the film was very sexy, though I thought to myself that my boobs were bigger. I was shocking myself at the thoughts I was having, but then got a real shock as she sank to her knees and began unzipping Tommy. I tensed up knowing I was about to see my son's erect cock for the first time on our huge wall mounted TV screen, with him sat right beside me.
Shivers ran all over my body as his first sex scene began, I couldn't believe what I was seeing but my eyes were glued to the screen. It felt so wrong to be watching my son in this way, but I knew he wanted me to see him in all his glory. First, he took off his shirt and I had tingles just seeing his well developed pecs and torso, his washboard, six-pack stomach. He was a fine specimen of virile masculinity, I had to admit.
But then the actress started undoing his button fly, his erection bulge already very noticeable. As she dragged down his jeans and briefs I caught sight of his stallion cock and audibly gasped. I glanced across at Tommy who had a knowing smirk on his face. I wasn't sure whether he was enjoying shocking his mother, or trying to turn me on, but he was succeeding in both. It was both long and thick with a delicious upward curve, hard as a diamond cutter. His cock and balls were completely hairless and closely shaven but he didn't look in any way boyish, far from it.
I didn't know where to look as the actress, who was about my age, sank to her knees and took my son's cock in her hand. She swirled her tongue around his cockhead, a bead of precum forming at the eye. I watched in silent, stunned awe as she wrapped her mouth around his meat and began sucking him off.
Tommy put his arm along the top of the sofa behind me and made me feel like we were on the back row of a cinema. He leant towards me and whispered, "It turns you on, doesn't it?"
I felt a shiver up my spine yet replied, "Yes....but you shouldn't be showing me this, Tommy. I'm your mother....".
He let those words hang in the air but they obviously didn't bother his conscience, in fact he moved even closer to me on the sofa. At this point, I wondered where this was going but I had absolutely no idea how to act except to follow my instincts.
I realised then that he wasn't just playing his own porno to tease me or make me blush for his own amusement. He was trying to open my mind sexually, to get me to consider the previously unthinkable. It felt both incredibly arousing and deeply unsettling at the same time. We watched the scene unfold and I gulped as we saw Tommy bend the actress over a dining table, her dress over her back and her panties dragged down to her knees.
I felt myself getting so wet as I watched him insert his cock inside her from behind. She let out a low moan and I felt a strange twinge of jealousy, which amazed me. I was jealous that she was getting my son inside her and not me! That's when I realised Tommy had awakened something inside me that I hadn't even known was there. Of course I'd noticed he was a handsome and well built young man, but seeing him in his sexual prime like this was driving me absolutely wild.
When Tommy moved his hand to my knee, still covered by my long evening dress, I knew that seduction was his plan. He began slowly rubbing my knee and it felt deliciously erotic, yet I found myself saying, "Tommy, we can't. I'm your mother. It would be...incest....".
Just saying that word, that word which always sounds so dirty and forbidden, made my nipples throb. Tommy obviously sensed that my protestations were only flimsy, words I felt I should say as society had told me to think that way. Intuitively, he knew my defences were dissolving and he said, "I know...." then pulled up my dress up over my knees. I had decided on wearing black thigh-highs under my evening dress as I didn't even own stockings and suspenders at that point.
Tommy rubbed my knee again, then traced up my thigh with his thumb and forefinger until he reached the hem.
"You don't want me to stop, do you?" he said and I simply shook my head.
It felt incredible and I could feel an ache between my legs, a physical yearning to have my son inside me. On the screen Tommy had his hands on the actress's hips, thrusting into her with an earthy grunt. My son made for a magnificent porn star and I actually felt very fortunate at that moment that he desired me, even if we were on the verge of eating forbidden fruit.
When he reached the hem of my thigh-high I felt my clit starting to swell, my panties a sodden, soaking mess. He turned up the heat even more when he took my hand and moved it to his crotch. I felt my fingers on his bulge and felt him harden at my touch through his Armani suit trousers.
It felt unreal to be caressing the cock that I was watching destroy a porn star's pussy onscreen.
"That feels good....don't stop" he whispered and I had no intention of doing so. I wanted what she was getting and, looking at Tommy, I noticed he couldn't take my eyes off my cleavage. He looked at me then leant his head down to my breasts. As I caressed his cock as gently as I could he placed soft kisses on the visible parts of my breasts, which had always been my best feature. To have my own son kissing my boobs left me virtually breathless and even more stirred up.
In the film, the woman was now lying on her back on the hard wooden table, Tommy holding her ankles as he pounded her pussy relentlessly. The sight of it made my own pussy unbearably aroused and I found myself saying, "Tommy...would you lick me?".
He realised then that my resistance was over and that I wanted him sexually. He slid onto the plushly carpeted floor and I pulled my dress up to the top of my thighs. His strong hands reached up and dragged down my soaked black panties. As he pulled them off my feet, clad in black heels, he shocked me by bringing the panties to his mouth and hungrily, greedily, licking the gusset.
He was shameless in wanting to taste his own mother's cunt and it only turned me on further. But then it got really good as he pushed my legs apart with his hands and moved his head between them. He teased me by kissing the hems of my thigh highs, letting the tension build, knowing I was waiting for that first forbidden lick.
When I finally felt his large, strong tongue take a long lick of my cuntlips I moaned so much that it almost sounded like I was in pain. But it was quite the opposite; it was exquisitely pleasurable, all the more so for knowing what we were doing was so taboo. He repeatedly ran his tongue up my lips, then let the tip of his tongue flick my swollen clit. I had to grip the sofa with both hands to cope with the intensity of the sensation, all the while the room was filled with the sights and sounds of my son brutally fucking his porn partner.
Now I wanted to be his partner in crime and I'd never been wetter in my entire life. My son was a wonderful cuntlicker from the very start, splaying my cuntlips and tonguing my labial folds with effortless expertise. I looked down and saw my wetness was sticking to his face, his mouth and cheeks all glistening and shiny from my pussy dew. Watching my son eat me out while I saw him so magnificently debauching a woman on screen is a memory I'll never forget, indelibly ingrained into my sexual psyche.
He was like a stallion and I wanted my stallion of a son inside me soon. Without any prompt from Tommy I pulled my evening dress up over my head, my full 40D breasts bursting out of my black silk bra. As he looked up to see my now abounding cleavage on display he licked me even more frenetically, gorging on my cunt as if his life depended on it. The intensity of his tongue drove me to my first orgasm, my body shuddering as I gripped the sofa. A gush of my cunthoney covered his already wet face and he lapped up as much as he could, like a thirsty dog at his water bowl.
My juices were literally dripping off his chin onto the carpet, as well as coating the edge of the sofa. With his face still covered in my cum he moved his head up and said in quite a forceful voice, "Show me your breasts". It was the first time he'd directly told me what to do and it made me feel all shivery with excitement. The way he looked at me as he said it made me realise I wanted nothing more than to completely submit to him, an innate primal reaction beyond my control.
He watched as I unhooked my bra and revealed my finest assets, my still very firm and pert 40D breasts. The moment he saw them bared he moved up my body and latched his mouth on to my right nipple. I moaned as the nipple throbbed and swelled inside his mouth, his hand caressing my other breast, teasing the nipple with his fingertips. I placed my hand on his head and closed my eyes to savour the heavenly sensation. He began to suck on each breast, interspersed with his swirling tongue circling each nipple until they were as hard as they get. Feeling his mouth giving suck on the breasts he once drank milk from felt deliciously taboo and felt even sexier when he clutched both breasts with his strong hands, moving his mouth from one to the other until he'd had his fill.
His sex scene on the film had finished and I realised that now we were the sex scene. I could feel his hard cock straining inside his trousers, pressing against my thigh. Tommy began loosening his tie and unbuttoning his shirt whilst licking my tits and keeping my nipples hard, then pulled off his suit jacket and shirt, revealing his Adonis body underneath. I'd already seen it on screen but it looked even better in the flesh and I felt such lust for my own son that it felt wonderfully sinful.
He then leant forward and we kissed like lovers for the first time, my mouth opening and letting his thick tongue invade and explore. Our tongues entwined and it felt like the most sexual French kiss of my entire life. The desire reached fever pitch and between kisses I murmured, "Put it in me, Tommy. Put that huge cock in me...in your mother".
Just saying those words made his cock twitch and he impatiently pulled down his trousers and briefs. I caught sight of his imposing nine inches and gasped, wondering if I could take him all. I was about to find out fast, he lined up his length and together we crossed the line of incest, me laying back on the sofa and spreading my legs as wide as I could for my horny son.
The feeling of his thick cock stretching and invading my cunt is impossible to describe, a particularly intense pleasure that only other incestuous mothers can truly understand. It felt both very wrong and very right, a Molotov cocktail of forbidden repressed desires and taboo delight. I looked down and could barely breathe as I watched him feed his whole length in me inch by inch, then began fucking me. I knew that he must have magnificent self control to be a porn star so I wasn't worried about him cumming too soon.
He built up a steady rhythm of pumping into me, then slowed down at times to share another sordid French kiss or suck on my tits once again. As he gorged his hungry mouth on my grateful teats once more he looked up at me and said, "You love having my cock inside you, don't you?"
"Oh god yes, Tommy....your cock feels so good in Mummy....you can fuck Mummy anytime you want...." I moaned, and meant every word.
"You're damn right I'll fuck you whenever I want....you're my bitch now".
"Yessss....I'll be your whore, I want to be. Make me your whore, Tommy...".
I couldn't believe I was begging my son to debase and debauch me but my words really stirred up his lust and aggression. He grabbed hold of my ankles and began fucking me relentlessly hard, just like he had with the slut in the porn film. I knew I had him really fired up, this was wilder sex than anything he'd done on camera and I enjoyed knowing I offered him something sexual that he couldn't get with anyone else. But even more, I enjoyed the power he had over me.
He then put my legs over his shoulders, which allowed for a deeper penetration angle. Suddenly, I felt his cock ramming against my cervix wall, something I'd never experienced before. The pain mixed in with the pleasure, his ballsack swinging against my bum as he rutted me like a dog on heat. The more rough he got with me, the more I loved it.
He started slapping my face as he fucked me, calling me "slut", "whore", "bitch"....every derogatory name he could think of. My cheeks stung from his hard slaps yet it only seemed to intensify my sexual pleasure and I felt a strange thrill at being so demeaned and treated like trash. It was only our first time committing incest but the line had already been drawn in the sand; my son was dominant by nature and he expected me to fully submit to him. I was only too happy to do so, he'd awakened the whore within me.
He abruptly pulled out and told me sternly to get on all fours on the carpet. By this time, the final sex scene between Tommy and his onscreen milf was just beginning. As I got on my hands and knees, I looked up at the wall mounted screen and felt Tommy enter me from behind.
"Oh my god yes, Tommy....take me hard, I need it."
"You're damn right you're getting it hard, whore" he said in his gruff, deep voice, brimming with masculine potency. As he began banging me doggy style I felt his hand smacking my bum cheeks brutally hard, making them sting even more than my face cheeks. I felt my huge breasts swinging underneath as he took me in just my thigh highs and heels, seeing him enter the slut on screen as he fucked me. It was like all there was in the room was Tommy, taking me from behind, all I could see in front of me.
I hadn't even thought about the fact my son was inside me bareback and I hadn't been on birth control since my divorce. As I felt my knees getting carpet burns while he ploughed into my sopping wet cunt, I realised that if Tommy came in me there was a chance I could get pregnant by my own son. It should have made me panic, it should have made me tell him to stop. I'd been so overwhelmed by knowing we were committing incest that the thought hadn't even crossed my mind that he had the potential to seed me and breed me.
But in that state of sexual elation and primitive desire, the idea of having his baby seemed to arouse me even more. I knew that it would be the ultimate taboo, something he couldn't have with any other woman except me, his mother. The sounds of sex filled the room, both my moans and sighs and Tommy's guttural grunts combining with the filthy fucking noises and dirty talk coming from the TV speakers.
Feeling his balls swinging against my thighs reminded me those balls were full of virile cum and that thought sent me over the edge. My second climax took hold and I suddenly found myself screaming, "Seed me, Tommy! Cum in your mother!", almost delirious and barely in control of what was coming out of my mouth.
"You fucking nasty whore....you want your own son's semen inside you, don't you? Want me to knock you up, Mummy?"
"Oh fuck yesssss!!! Knock me up, Tommy...coat my womb in your cum....where it belongs!!!"
"Yes, bitch....who owns your cunt now?" he said, grabbing my long, flame-red hair and making my back arch.
"You do, Tommy! YOU DO!!!!" I shrieked then felt my cunt twinge hard, tightening around his cock, gripping it. Tommy let go at last, letting my devouring snatch milk all the seed from his full balls. Just as my climax was peaking I felt warm torrents of thick, creamy cum surging deep within me, painting my pussy walls white and coating my still fertile womb. It was the most exhilarating moment of my life up to that point, I still remember how I shook and shuddered from the sheer intensity of my orgasm, feeling like my legs might buckle under me. Tommy jerked his hips against me as he shot his final drops of spunk inside, my copious cunthoney pouring down my thighs and all over the carpet.
I remember still trying to catch my breath when Tommy pulled out of me, flipped me on to my back, and leant down over me so that his face was right in front of mine. He pinned my arms to the floor by grabbing my wrists and I felt completely overwhelmed by his physical strength. With me completely at his mercy he looked me in the eyes and said, "Who owns your cunt now? Say it again".
I was only too happy to say it again.
"You do, Tommy. I'm your property now. You're my Master...." I replied and that's exactly how I felt.
Tommy nodded slowly and I knew this was just the start of my journey into depraved incestuous submission..