Part 02

To say it was tense between me and my son, after we'd had incestuous sex in church just before his wedding, would be more than a mild understatement. I knew he would be struggling with his emotions after that but his way of dealing with it was to virtually ignore me at the wedding reception, where he even left me out of his wedding speech.

I was getting sympathetic looks from Tasmin's family, though not Tasmin of course. She was a cold bitch, through and through. I felt very hurt by the way he had just decided to give me the cold shoulder. But I managed to get him on his own in a corridor as he carried a tray of drinks to the table....

"Josh, why are you being like this with me? What happened between us before the wedding was not something I planned, how could I do that? We both wanted it at the time and we can't undo it. I thought you might at least try to be nice to me on your wedding day after the way I've supported you!"

I was fighting back the tears but kept my voice steady enough to say what I had to say.

"Mum...maybe you didn't consciously plan it, but to me it felt like you deliberately tried to seduce me so that I might change my mind about marrying Tasmin. I know you don't like her, you've been quite honest about that, I've heard you talking to your friends on the phone when you thought I wasn't listening. I know you hate her, Mum. And my seduction was just your last desperate attempt to sabotage the big day. Just admit it!"

I was taken aback by these awful allegations and attacks against my good nature and reacted in a very feisty fashion.

"How can you say such a dreadful thing, Josh! Ok yes it's true, I don't think much of Tasmin, I said you could do better and you can. What makes you think I intended to seduce you?"

"Oh come on Mum, you're dressed very sexily for a mother in her mid-forties. The cleavage, the black thigh highs and black heels. You were dressed sexually to seduce someone. And it was me....".

"Oh...such lies! You make me sound like I'd dressed as a street corner prostitute! It's a low cut dress showing a little cleavage, I was trying to look my best for your big day, how dare you make it sound like I hatched some evil plan to ruin everything!

Do you think I enjoyed having everyone looking at me as I walked back up the aisle to that side room? I had to find somewhere quiet to calm myself down, how did I know you would follow me in there?"

Josh made a gesture with his hands that I needed to keep my voice down, tongues were already wagging about what had happened before the wedding ceremony.

"Ok...ok....maybe I've got it all wrong, Mum. You're right, I followed you in to check if you were ok and what happened...happened. But I'm a married man now and....I don't know....I think we can move past what happened but it will take some time.

So my way of dealing with this has been to block it all out until I'm in the right head space to handle it all. I just need time and maybe some distance between us. I'll be away in Paris for a week on my honeymoon so perhaps that will be enough time to clear my head."

I nodded, with a sense of sadness that our incredibly intense moment of illicit passion was causing him so much inner turmoil, but I felt neither of us had done anything wrong.

If Josh had simply gone on his honeymoon I think it would have been a one-off incident that the passing of time would make insignificant. But Tasmin's parents, Terrance and Felicity, had other ideas.

After my unpleasant altercation with my son in the corridor I tried to put a smile on my face and wandered back into the reception where the wine was flowing freely. As I grabbed myself a glass of Merlot from the bar Terrance and Felicity took me to one side.

"Hasn't it been a wonderful day, Carol!? I must say, I love your dress!" said Tasmin's mother, trying to be nice, but she was as fake and phony as her daughter. Terrance was certainly generous with his money but there was an element of showing off too.

"Thank you, Felicity, I thought I better look my best for the big day! You look absolutely lovely also!" I said, lying through my teeth. Her hat was hideous!

"Carol, we want to discuss the honeymoon with you. Now, you know that Josh and Tasmin will be spending a week in Paris at the Hotel Castille, the best five star hotel in the whole city. Well, as we've already spent a fortune we've decided we're going to stay at the same hotel for the whole week.

We'll give them their space but I thought it could be a really good opportunity for us to get to know each other better now that we're family. We would really like you to come with us to Paris, Carol.....will you come?"

I was rendered speechless by this latest plot twist, it caught me completely off guard. I'd just had Josh telling me he needed to keep his distance from me to sort out his head, now I had his annoying new wife's parents pressuring me.

"Oh, that's a very kind and generous offer Terrance, but I don't travel well I'm afraid, terrified of flying! I really wouldn't want to spoil the happy mood and ruin the whole week!" I said, knowing it wasn't a very good excuse but the best I could come up with on the spot.

"Oh Carol, it's such a short flight to Paris! And if you really can't face it, I'll sort out a ferry to take you across the Channel. We want you there! You're part of the family now and we'd love to get to know you more now all the stress of the wedding arrangements is out of the way.

I hope....I hope that it's not really because of pride...I know that some people are very proud and don't like other people paying for things. But I've already booked your room and it's too late to get a refund. So you really may as well come with us!".

I knew he'd backed me into a corner with nowhere to go. "Oh, Terrance, you know me too well already! I was brought up to never accept someone's generosity without doing something for them first, I'm not used to such overwhelming kindness!

You're right...I need to let go of my pride and just enjoy such a fabulous offer! I'm sure my nerves could handle a short flight. It's tomorrow?"

"It's tonight! We fly at 9pm, arrive at 10pm. If you need to go get packed I'll get the Rolls Royce driver to take you home, I may as well get my money's worth!"

"Oh my goodness, well yes, I better get home and get packing! Thank you so much, both of you!" I said, feeling flustered and bemused by this latest turn of events.

Josh was still avoiding me so I didn't even bother telling him I was leaving. On the way home, in the same Rolls Royce that had brought me there, I decided that I was going to go. I wasn't going to let my son blame me for what had happened and shut me out of his life. I got home and threw my favourite holiday dresses into a suitcase and dug out my passport.

Terrance told me he'd sent everyone in a taxi to the airport but there wasn't enough room for him and me so he came and picked me up. I'd already suspected it but it became obvious that Terrance was a womaniser, like most rich men are, and I realised he'd happily have an affair with me behind his wife's back if he thought he could get away with it.

When we reached the gates of the airport terminal I saw my son's face turn white when he realised I was coming along for the honeymoon trip. Tasmin stood beside him with a face like thunder, clearly livid that I was coming with them on their honeymoon holiday.

"Mum! What...what are you doing here?"

"Well, your father in law kindly invited me, Josh. I hope that's ok with you....".

Terrance was stood right by him, enjoying the moment of surprise. Terrance was not the most sensitive man to ever exist and actually thought Josh was delighted to see me.

"It just didn't feel right that we were all going but not your mother, so I've paid for her to have a room at the hotel all week. We can all get to know each other better in luxurious surroundings. You're welcome..." he explained, patting Josh on the shoulder in a very father-in-law way.

Josh stood there, dumbstruck, and I have to admit I was taking enjoyment at seeing Josh and Tasmin's irritation at my presence, especially after the way Josh spoke to me at the wedding reception.

The flight was indeed mercifully short and French customs weren't as bad as I'd feared. The hotel, however, was genuinely spectacular and I knew it must have been costing Terrance a great deal of money.

I was glad to discover my room wasn't very near the honeymoon suite as I don't think I could've endured hearing the sounds of Josh and Tasmin having sex. The first few days were very awkward between me and Josh, predictably so. But what rapidly became obvious was that the real reason Terrance had invited me was so that he could flirt outrageously with me whenever his wife wasn't around.

Felicity was more than happy to go round Paris's incredible clothes shops to burn a hole in his credit card. I was certainly enjoying looking my glamorous best with the gorgeous clothes I'd brought with me, but looking sexy had its drawbacks, with Terrance hovering around to offer compliments like a fly around honey.

What I couldn't tell at first was whether he was just harmlessly flirting or whether he was actually trying to get me into bed.....but that was just a minor distraction and mild irritation. All I could really think about was my son and every meal time together was excruciatingly tense as he tried to act like everything was normal.

But even the insensitive bitch Tasmin could sense there was a noticeable atmosphere between us. Tasmin chose to interpret that as my haughtiness and arrogance and I know because she made a point of telling me so.

After one evening meal in a Michelin restaurant we found ourselves using the ladies at the same time and I tried to make small talk as we washed our hands at the sink.

"I hope you're enjoying your honeymoon with Josh! It's a lot nicer and more expensive than mine was!" I said, my friendly tone a bit forced.

She gave me a withering glance and said, "You don't have to pretend you like me, Carol. I can tell you don't think I'm good enough for your son...I'm not as stupid as you think I am. I didn't invite you....but as you're here, at least try to fake it when we're having meals as my parents are paying for all this. Show a bit of gratitude".

I felt like slapping this rude bitch who had made feel like a terrible person in a few sentences.

"I don't recall saying that you're not good enough for my son. I just want him to be happy. I'm extremely grateful that your parents kindly invited me, and I've already thanked them for their generosity several times.

I agree, we should make the effort to be civil at meal times....let's just leave it at that, Tasmin..." I said, then walked out of the ladies feeling like I had the upper hand.

We simply despised each other and that wasn't going to change anytime soon. But she'd riled me up so much with her bitchy little comments that now my mind was full of thoughts of revenge.

As I lay awake in bed that night I began to think the unthinkable....I'd already had sex with my son just before his wedding. It would be even naughtier, and even more satisfying, if I seduced him on his honeymoon with his newlywed completely unaware.

It wasn't a very nice thing to think, but Tasmin just seemed to bring out the inner bitch in me. Aside from that, I had not forgotten how incredibly erotic and pleasurable the sex had been with my son. I knew that he could be tempted again and this was the city of romance and sex, after all.

But, at first, even with the genuine intention of seduction in my mind, I just couldn't see how I was going to get Josh on his own long enough to use my feminine charms on him.

There was an interesting development when Felicity invited me clothes shopping with her so we could "bond". Although she was Tasmin's mother and had a similar vain and selfish personality I had to concede that she was making a real effort to be nice and to make me feel part of this new family.

We had a very enjoyable afternoon drinking wine and in our tipsy state we thought it would be fun to visit some of the sexier clothes shops. We had a ball and I bought several items of clothing that I thought might be useful in seducing my son.

The night after that was the fifth of the holiday, so I decided that I better turn up the heat if I was to have any chance of luring Josh back inside me, where he belongs. Terrance told me we were going to yet another top class restaurant and I decided to wear a black chiffon blouse with a tight black skirt that I knew I looked good in.

I'd already had a few glasses of wine that afternoon again and when it came to getting ready I was feeling a bit outrageous; I decided to wear a sheer black bra under the chiffon blouse, so that my nipples were a little visible through the fabric.

My 38D breasts were my best feature and so I felt it was time to put them on display to get my son's cock interested again. It felt very, very naughty but I have to say I was deeply enjoying this new found darker side to my character.

My chance came in a way I couldn't possibly have planned. We had got a taxi back to the hotel and I was just about to walk back inside when I realised I'd left my purse on the back seat of the taxi.

My son was right beside me as we were walking in and saw my predicament immediately. He saw the cab beginning to drive off and hailed it down by waving his arms. He had to run down the street to stop it but the cab driver must have seen him in his wing mirror and luckily stopped in time.

By the time he came back breathless with my purse everyone else had gone up in the lift.

"Oh, you're a hero, Josh! Thank you so much...." I said and I thought it finally broke the ice that had built up between us. But he was still frosty in the way he abruptly said, "It's fine".

It felt very tense as we got in the hotel lift up to our floor. He pressed the button and the doors closed. Suddenly, it was just us and you could hear a pin drop from the tension.

I kept staring at the big red emergency button, knowing it would temporary stop the lift. I felt that if I didn't press it I wouldn't be able to say what needed to be said, he would just slip away and start avoiding me again. I took a deep breath and pressed it, the lift coming to a shuddering halt.

"Mum....what the hell are you doing?" he said, anger and irritation on his face.

"Josh, I had to. We can't go on like this, you're tormenting me with the cold way you're treating me. I don't deserve it."

"You can't just stop a lift because we need to have a conversation, we can do that anywhere....".

"You've been avoiding me all week, you even avoid eye contact with me....there's things I need to say, Josh....".

He sighed, realising the quicker he heard me out, the faster this ordeal would be over.

"I never had any plan to seduce you. It's true that I had my reservations about Tasmin, but if she makes you happy then I'm happy.

What happened, it happened because....I think there's been a sexual tension between us for years that neither of us have dared to confront and we've just let it build and build, slowly simmering inside us....until that moment where all our passion came out.

You can say you regret it now but at the time I could tell how much you loved it....if I'm wrong then look me in the eye and tell me I'm wrong".

Josh was looking anywhere but in my eyes, shifting uncomfortably on his feet. I'd really gone for the jugular with what I'd said and this time there was nowhere for him to run.

I suddenly realised we were now in a hot and humid lift together with me wearing a sheer black blouse and bra. I'd already had sex with my son before his wedding but that was when he wasn't expecting my sexual advances. He'd put up barriers between us since then and I couldn't get him to open up to me with how he really felt about it all.

But then he finally got the courage to look me straight in the eye. I really thought he was going to say that I actually was wrong and he did regret having sex with me.

Yet the tension of being in such close proximity to my son had made my nipples hard and they were visibly poking through the fabric of my sheer bra and chiffon blouse.

As our eyes met, he couldn't help but to glance down and notice my hardened, throbbing nipples. I knew at that moment that he was caught in my web of taboo lust once more. He looked up from my breasts back to my adoring eyes. He slowly moved his mouth to mine for another forbidden kiss.

It felt incredible, just as good as the first time, especially when his tongue entered my mouth and I felt his hand move down to my breasts. I felt my nipples throbbing and hardening at his touch and I realised something sexual was going to happen right now, in this lift.

Our mutual desire was too strong to worry about the consequences and I felt him unbuttoning my blouse, then placed both his hands inside, rubbing my nipples through my sheer black bra. I was so glad I'd bought it from the lingerie store, designed to lure my son back into motherly love.

It was working a treat and he took the lead, opening my blouse and uncupping my bra, revealing my firm bare breasts. He hungrily devoured them with his mouth and I was quickly reduced to a mess of moans and sighs.

There is something so deeply erotically satisfying about letting your own son gorge on your bare breasts, feeling each nipple throb and pulsate as he gave suck with unrelenting passion.

I then felt his hands start hitching up my short black skirt and this time he found I really was dressed for sex, in black stockings and suspenders. He hurriedly unclasped my garter hooks and slid down the sheer black panties I'd bought to go with the bra. He rubbed my wet cunt lips then, to my delight, began finger fucking me with one, then two, fingers as we continued our feral French kissing.

He pushed his two fingers knuckle deep then curled them slightly, hitting my G spot perfectly. I moaned inside his mouth and felt my pussy getting even wetter. I hoped I was going to get more of a fingering though and began rubbing his crotch with my hand. He was already hard but reached his full glory as I gently traced the length of his expanding cock with the tips of my fingers.

Then it got really exciting as he pushed me up against the metal wall of the lift, took his fingers out of my cunt, then let me suck on them so I could taste myself. We kissed hard again to share the taste, then he impatiently unbelted and yanked his Levi's down to his lower thighs, his wonderful wang leaping out in front of me, ready for action.

His strong arms then lifted up my legs and spread them. I reached down and, with no hesitation, guided my son back inside me. That divine feeling as he pushed all the way inside his mother made me melt. I let out a long sigh then closed my eyes to enjoy him as he began fucking me up against the wall.

It got even better as he slow pumped me while licking my bare breasts then French kissing me, our tongues delving deep in each other's mouths.

"Mmm fuck Mummy, that's a good boy. Back where you belong" I purred and that made him start to fuck me harder.

"Oh my god....don't stop! That feels so good. You're such a good son to Mummy!" I said, wrapping my stocking-clad legs round his back. It hurt my back as he rammed into me with mounting aggression but I couldn't have cared less, almost any pain was worth it to receive this illicit, incestuous pleasure, an intense sensation incomparable to anything I've ever known.

After this it was just pure fucking, my nails digging into his shoulders. I finally begged him, "Cum in me....cum in your slut mother! Shoot your son spunk in Mummy!". Such filth had never passed my lips before I started this taboo affair but I was desperate to feel his loving seed once again.

My son was in a frenzy of desire and lust, his cock like a piston engine, ramming harder and harder. "You sexy dirty, filthy slut can have all your son's cum..." he said in my ear and he pushed up even tighter against me.

Then he let out a primal, guttural grunt and I felt that wonderful surge of seed, several jets of his thick, creamy semen shooting deep into my womb which set off my orgasm. I still remember feeling my cuntjuices pouring onto the lift of the floor and having to stifle a scream of delight.

We kissed deeply as the embers of our climaxes died down, then the reality of the situation hit home. We quickly made ourselves look respectable and I had to giggle as Josh mopped my pleasure off the floor of the lift with a white handkerchief from his pocket. We tried to make sure our hair was back in place and I hit the button to make the lift move again.

Naturally, when we reached our floor there were several people waiting to use it, but, right in the middle of them, was Terrance with an intrigued expression on his face. He noticed how flustered we both looked and glanced down at Josh's crotch.

Josh had forgotten to zip up and the tail of his white shirt was even sticking out of the zip. I gave Terrance a bland smile but he looked bemused and said, "I was just coming to look for you two, what the hell happened? You both look like you've run a marathon...".

Josh and I looked at each other with a slight sense of panic then I intervened: "My fault! Silly me left my purse on the back of the taxi and it began driving off! We both ended up having to run down the road to stop it!!"

I think Terrance would have bought this half-truth had Josh been able to zip up properly, and I could see from his knowing expression and slow nodding that his mind had guessed the real reason. I felt myself blushing a deep shade of crimson and we got out of the lift, Josh leaving me to rejoin Tasmin.

The last couple of days in Paris were increasingly tense as cracks began to show already between Josh and Tasmin. He was learning what a selfish bitch she was a little too late but I had to resist the urge to say "I told you so".

Instead, I wanted to let him know that I was available for him. After a very awkward meal together in the hotel, where Tasmin lapsed into a sulky silence like a teenager, I whispered to Josh that my door would be open for him all night, Room 436.

With that, I made my excuses and left the horrible atmosphere behind, retiring to my room early. I really didn't know if Josh would take the bait, but I changed into a very sexy black silk negligee and waited in my king size bed. I spent a wonderful couple of hours reliving the amazing sex I'd enjoyed with him so far, by far the most extreme and taboo thing I'd ever done in my entire life.

I remember lying there, rubbing myself to orgasm after orgasm as I relived every second and every detail in my mind. After cumming yet again I also remember glancing at the alarm code, 1.36AM glaring at me in neon red light.

I decided that Josh had declined my offer to join me in my bed and turned on my side to fall asleep....but within a couple of minutes I heard a noise, a very faint knocking on the door.

I listened intently then there was another feather light knock and I just had to find out what the hell was going on. I tip toed to the door and whispered, "Who is it?"

"It's me....Josh" he whispered and I immediately let him in, opening the door for him then looking up and down the corridor in a bit of a paranoid way.

I did see another door across the corridor shutting quickly so I didn't think my caution was that much of an overreaction. I ushered my son into the room and softly said, "Why did you knock? I told you my door would be left unlocked for you tonight...,".

"I hadn't forgotten...but I'd left it so late, half past one in the morning...I was scared you would be asleep then scream the hotel down when I walked in your room...I couldn't risk it!" he replied, and I could understand to an extent.

"Well...fair enough darling, but by knocking on the door you have risked awakening people and seeing you outside my room instead...."

"I was conflicted about it, I didn't know what was for the best...but I knew I wanted to be with you tonight, somehow..." he said and the sexual desire between us blossomed forth once again.

"I'm very glad you've come, Josh....I can't stop thinking about our time in the lift was incredible sex..."

"It was, you think Terrance suspects us after that? I could see he wasn't too convinced by our alibi...".

"There's no way to know. I'm just glad you're here...." I responded then caressed his cheek before we shared a deep French kiss, both romantic and lustful.

It felt so wonderfully decadent; here we were, mother and son about to have sex once again in Paris, the city of sin, my son's new wife in the same hotel.

We fell onto my bed kissing, our hands mutually exploring. Within a minute Josh had dragged off my panties and was eating me out as I lay spread eagled on the bed, my hands on his head. He really did know how to eat out his mother's cunt and I felt a grateful recipient.

But I didn't want to have sex in the missionary position that night, I was craving to be taken in the most sexual and submissive manner.

"I want you to fuck Mummy from behind tonight" I whispered, gently running my fingers through his hair. He looked up at me with a wet face after a long licking and nodded. It felt magnificently debauched to then get on all fours for my son and then feel my negligee being lifted over my back.

I felt the cool night air seeping through the slightly open window and could see the dizzying, magical array of Paris night lights through it as Josh lined up and entered me.

I let out a soft moan and felt him enter me deeply, the perfect angle for deep penetration. Once fully inside he placed his hands on my hips and we fucked doggy style for about half an hour, his hand grabbing hold of my hair and yanking it hard at times, which I loved.

It felt such a satisfying victory that my son had chosen to spend the last night of his honeymoon holiday in Paris fucking his own mother rather than his newlywed wife.

But our enjoyment was curtailed by a plot twist that I could never have predicted. It turned out Josh's little performance outside the door had been noticed because Josh suddenly stopped fucking me. As I turned my head to see what the hell was happening, I saw Terrance stood in the shadows in the corner of the room.

"Don't stop. I want to watch you together. I'd had my suspicions about you two on the wedding day and seeing you come out of that lift confirmed it. When I heard the knock on your door I knew it must be Josh. We can keep this our little secret. Carry on...."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing and I could make out that Terrance was already masturbating. There was no other option but to continue and I faced my head back towards the headboard of my bed as Josh resumed fucking me.

I wondered if the shock of seeing his father-in-law stood there watching us might make him lose his erection but, to my surprise, his cock seemed to get even harder inside me and so did the force of his thrusts.

I felt my nipples throbbing at the thought that my son was actually turned on by his father in law seeing him fuck his own mother while his newlywed bride, Terrance's daughter, was sleeping down the corridor.

We could hear Terrance furiously masturbating and then he began saying things under his breath.

"Harder....faster.....yes, fuck her good". It was definitely adding to the sexual energy and I could sense both Josh and myself were close to orgasm.

But then Terrance did something else I couldn't have predicted. While Josh was yanking my hair and pounding into me, Terrance got on the bed at my end and suddenly I had his erection in my face.

He grabbed a bit of my hair as well and fed his cock into my mouth, which I opened wide for him. It felt unbelievably kinky and debauched to now have Tasmin's father in my mouth with my own son still deep in my cunt.

Rather than me sucking Terrance, he kept hold of my hair and fucked my slackened mouth with his thick meat, then he started muttering in a low grunt, "Cum in her...cum in her now".

Josh was ready to unload and didn't need much persuasion. Just hearing those sordid, seedy words from Terrance made my orgasm begin. My cunt twinged hard and a shudder ran through me, the walls of my pussy gripping Josh's babymaker and milking his balls dry once again.

That now familiar surge made my climax feel like an earthquake and Josh's primal grunting let Terrance know he'd shot his load. With Josh's warm seed filling my womb I suddenly felt a torrent of Terrance's thick spunk spurt straight down my throat and I'd never felt such a slut in my entire life.

The sensation of two loads entering me at once sent me into another instant climax and I could feel the pussy nectar streaming down my bare thighs once more. I swallowed everything Terrance gave me then cleaned up his cock with my tongue before he abruptly pulled out, zipped himself up and said, "This stays between us. Our little secret...".

He left the room quickly and I just hoped his wife Felicity had stayed asleep through the whole thing. Josh pulled out too and gave me a kiss on the cheek on the way out.

I fell asleep feeling so satisfied, knowing my son was going back to his sleeping bitch of a wife with me having turned his supposedly romantic honeymoon into a horny honeymoon of sin....​
Next page: Part 03
Previous page: Part 01